Don’t fool yourself into believing that one party or ideology represents Jesus more than another.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Maybe you have had an incident in your life that has dwelt with abortion or something I don’t know. I don’t suggest it’s a good thing to tell anyone to go and just do that. Of course when I was young and foolish believe I would make jokes about these types of things. Something to be thankful for is God who renews the mind and heart and gives the hilt spirit to live by, @Truth7t7


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
You are foolish to insist on answers as if that would give you a black and white answer about something that ultimately is God's business and mine.

I should with Jesus give you only the sign of Jonah! But... it is not that important

1) In most cases I would oppose abortion.

2) For unbelievers, what difference would a same sex marriage make? They are dead in the eyes of God anyway until and if they become believers.

In the case of people calling themselves believers wanting to marry a same sex partner serious questions/doubts might come to my mind. But, I am not their judge.

3) I do not believe in defunding the police.
Thanks for the response, Its my observation and opinion that you openly support same sex marriage and do not oppose it, you are at odds with Gods words below that is the judge, and you remain silent on this truth "Sad" your open support and condining of this evil would put you in the "Liberal Camp" and that's my opinion

Silence Is Support, Its That Simple

2 Peter 2:6KJV
6 And turning the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha into ashes condemned them with an overthrow, making them an ensample unto those that after should live ungodly;

Romans 1:26-32KJV
26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly,
and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
28 And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
29 Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
30 Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
31 Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
32 Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2021
United States
The poster supports and defends Abortion and Same Sex Marriage, attacking the message which is pure Evil!

Again you are ignoring his point and attacking him instead.

This is kind of exactly his point.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Where was the massive Resistance to Fraudster Biden from the Republicans, especially after the Left harassed Trump for 4 years with absolutely no reason -- pure evil hatred? The Left began their Resistance campaign the day Trump took office and never quit.

Therefore the Republicans had a duty to (1) totally boycott both houses of representatives, (2)totally boycott the inauguration of Fraudsters Biden and Harris, (3) organize massive and peaceful protests outside the Supreme Court day after day after day (along with their constituents) so that the Supreme Court would be forced to investigate the massive election fraud which took place throughout America. Where was the Resistance? Where were the massive boycotts? Where were the daily press conferences exposing the crimes of the Democrats?

They can all forget about 2022 or 2024 since the election machinery nationwide has NOT been cleaned and purged of fraudulent activity. There has been election fraud just recently in some of the elections which were held. And no one has been locked up or executed for treason.
The voting rolls are being cleaned up in many states (Judicial Watch) like 5 million invalid voters in Calif removed and election laws are being changed in many states, what do you think the Texas Democrats were doing for 1 month in DC, running from the quorum on election laws

The big win in Virginia is a big sign, a blue state went red overnight, love it

Appears you need to drop the apathy and get on board


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2014
United States
Again you are ignoring his point and attacking him instead.

This is kind of exactly his point.
I disagree with your claim of "Attack", we are in a thread discussing religious and political opinions, it's that simple

The poster mentioned is liberal, and supports the liberal position, that's my opinion

I'm 100% a conservative that opposes Abortion and Same Sex Marriage, the shoe fits and I wear it

It's my opinion that Gods Holy Spirit dosent dwell within any person that supports Abortion or Same Sex Marriage, that's my opinion
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2021
In perhaps our bloodiest war, the Civil War between the North and the South, the leadership on both sides pledged allegiance to God claiming that He was on their side. Which side was right, the South where black slaves had no human rights, or the North, where free blacks were at best second class citizens?

Some might say, "At least the North did not own people." Hmmm? Makes a person wonder. When was it that the United States was supposed to be a Christian nation?

No nation can be a Christian nation, that’s just patriotic propaganda used to divide and conquer. When I read back in Danish history I am also baffled what people have done in the name of Jesus..


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Very early on and for a very short time when the Pilgrims and the Puritans arrived. But the Constitution was based upon Christian principles and now it has been trashed. By no less than the Supreme Court. Everything that the Founding Fathers had instituted has been destroyed.
Mostly I know only what I have read in the books of men so how much do I really know? Who among them can we believe?

They say it was a great experiment in spite of many of the early leaders strongly opposing any real democracy . They did not trust the common people! The finished product of Constitution and the first 10 Amendments may have been good under the circumstances, but seeing what is happening today, their distrust of the common people seems to have had a lot of merit. As to the leaders, I wouldn't put any hope in them either.

The safeguards built into the Constitution to prevent the thing from coming apart at the seams have been bypassed, eroded and done away with to the point that it seems that little more than a shell remains. If it is beyond repair, is it not the selfishness of men in general that has made it so?

Common people or leadership, the problem really comes down to selfishness in people, which is very different than what is seen in Jesus as I have come to know him. Where are the real Christians... the ones who are striving to be like Jesus? Forget the polls and census records. Our society is probably a whole lot more like Sodom than those records would reflect.

Joseph Stalin and Joseph Biden are blood brothers.
Trampling on the rights of citizens and literally killing them. So where are the targeted drones meant for tyrants?
Laying so much of the blame on Biden, no matter how bad he may be only scratches the surface. We were on the way down as a nation for ourselves and for God, I believe, a long time before anyone ever heard of the major players in the political news today.

The only solution I see for the individual is in Jesus. For the nation, I see no solution. We are so far into the fall that only God could stop the downward spin toward hell. But...there are not even 10 righteous here so God will not stop it!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Correct. Here is another good example:

Biden ramps up attack on religious freedoms under First Amendment
Biden ramps up attack on religious freedoms under First Amendment

Well sad as it is we are seeing human nature. It is normal to take all that is good for granted. The fathers and sons that died in the Revolutionary war...World War 1 and 2...all those lives that fought against the kind that is running our country now. They have taken freedom and liberty for granted. The Chinese and the Cubans will tell ya what is going to happen. The price? They are not smart enough to know what is coming. It will not be long before Bibles will be illegal. Look at communist countries....first they will be outlawed in public places and government building and schools. Of course the propaganda machine has taken over the news and shows and commercials. The news this morning called the invasion of illegal aliens....asylum seekers.....the blacks that take over cities and burn and destroy and loot and assault and murder....civil rights activists. Murdering babies...freedom of choice. Changing the American language to support the movement to communism and atheism.

The campaign against fossil fuels to force you to drive the cars they want you to drive. Look up the history of the Volkswagen and Adolph Hitler. The communist countries that disarmed the public....the reason that our fore fathers made the right to bear arms part of our constitution.....the reason that democrats hate the constitution.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Thanks for the response, Its my observation and opinion that you openly support same sex marriage and do not oppose it, you are at odds with Gods words below that is the judge, and you remain silent on this truth "Sad" your open support and condining of this evil would put you in the "Liberal Camp" and that's my opinion

Silence Is Support, Its That Simple
We cannot legislate adherence to God's will.
We cannot by force of arms make people holy and righteous like God.
We cannot by eloquent words and debate convince people to live for God.

"To every thing there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
... a time to keep silence, and a time to speak;" Ecc 3:1,7

"Then said Pilate unto him, Hearest thou not how many things they witness against thee?
And he answered him to never a word; insomuch that the governor marvelled greatly." Matt 27:13-14

"Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers by whom ye believed, even as the Lord gave to every man?
I have planted, Apollos watered; but God gave the increase.
So then neither is he that planteth any thing, neither he that watereth; but God that giveth the increase." I Cor 3:5-7

"He must increase, but I must decrease." John 3:30



Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
Opinion: In many ways we should view political parties and ideology’s as a false idols not to worship.
Jesus surely wasn’t a conservative, his lifestyle looks more like communism but he doesn’t force anyone to be a part of it, so it isn’t communism. Just as one wouldn’t consider it communism to share with friends, family and loved ones.
I believe that all ideologies are flawed because they don’t center around the spirit of God. Non of them are based on love, but on creating a stable system - regardless of right and wrong. I’m from Denmark, my dad always told me how lucky I was to grow up in a rich Protestant Christian country with a healthcare system and very low crime rates. It was as if someone equated Denmark’s will with God’s will. I was told that we are better than most other countries because we are blessed by God, because of our good and true policy that match Christian values. Slave keepers probably told themselves the exact same thing.
In todays political sphere it seems as if parts of the Christian community has fallen into worship of manmade ideologies.
No matter who you vote for, you are giving mandate to someone who won’t do the will of God.

I believe that many Christians in especially western societies have been fooled to take the eye off the ball.
We should change the world with our love and kindness not with our votes and debating which idealogical direction to follow. Voting and focusing on politics easily becomes an excuse for not changing the world ourselves. We should focus on becoming Christlike, have the same indifference to government and politics as Jesus had.

If you have a different view, please let me know why/where I’m wrong.
Agreed, and I think this is precisely why I have had no take on the Rittenhouse trial. Like absolutely none. Neither side.

The whole thing has made me very uncomfortable, not scared, just aware of it and not wanting to participate emotionally or get involved.

I think the answer is to pray for peace.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Mostly I know only what I have read in the books of men so how much do I really know? Who among them can we believe?

They say it was a great experiment in spite of many of the early leaders strongly opposing any real democracy . They did not trust the common people! The finished product of Constitution and the first 10 Amendments may have been good under the circumstances, but seeing what is happening today, their distrust of the common people seems to have had a lot of merit. As to the leaders, I wouldn't put any hope in them either.

The safeguards built into the Constitution to prevent the thing from coming apart at the seams have been bypassed, eroded and done away with to the point that it seems that little more than a shell remains. If it is beyond repair, is it not the selfishness of men in general that has made it so?

Common people or leadership, the problem really comes down to selfishness in people, which is very different than what is seen in Jesus as I have come to know him. Where are the real Christians... the ones who are striving to be like Jesus? Forget the polls and census records. Our society is probably a whole lot more like Sodom than those records would reflect.

Laying so much of the blame on Biden, no matter how bad he may be only scratches the surface. We were on the way down as a nation for ourselves and for God, I believe, a long time before anyone ever heard of the major players in the political news today.

The only solution I see for the individual is in Jesus. For the nation, I see no solution. We are so far into the fall that only God could stop the downward spin toward hell. But...there are not even 10 righteous here so God will not stop it!

It’s so great to know that God through Christ has already reconciled the world unto himself already now today because Jesus took and paid the price for sin.

The world is still in a fallen state, however the ability to have connection is there freely handed to anyone seeking who God is, and seeking the son.

A Bible is there for us to learn from and to have a transformed mind and heart not confirmed to the world and it’s ways; which we all have been in with our flesh itself. The new creation, is the born again Christian who grows up and matured into a son or daughter of God learning how to live by the spirit.

Being built up on truth and in faith on the foundation laid by the Son of God and increasing in their knowledge of God if they freely do desire to do that.

The world and the flesh always stays the same. Sin being paid for allows people to move from unbelief to belief and have relationship.

God is good. God is spirit. God is love.


Active Member
Nov 16, 2021
Killing the innocent unborn (Abortiin) is at the top of Gods list, dont you forget it buddy

Where is that list?
Agreed, and I think this is precisely why I have had no take on the Rittenhouse trial. Like absolutely none. Neither side.

The whole thing has made me very uncomfortable, not scared, just aware of it and not wanting to participate emotionally or get involved.

I think the answer is to pray for peace.

Regarding the Rittenhouse trial:
It shouldn’t be political, his guilt or innocence is important, but only to the extend the law is followed.
I think he will be acquitted on all counts, to me it looks as self defense a 17 year old with a gun scared when attacked by adults. And they’ve realized that it wasn’t even illegal for him to carry an AR, however stupid that decision was.
But let’s see, just because I believe him to be not guilty doesn’t mean that I have sympathy with his idea, but I do have sympathy for the stupid 17 year old boy that will live with this decision and possibly go to prison.

Desire Of All Nations

Well-Known Member
Jun 23, 2021
United States
Jesus was not a Communist, nor was Communism ever a part of His teachings in any way. While Jesus encouraged His followers to be generous with their possessions like the Father is, He also made it very clear throughout His ministry that He believed in private ownership.
Paul lived in a unique time. He knew that his country was doomed to be destroyed by a malicious empire during his lifetime.

We, on the other hand, have a vote as to what will ensue, and we would be fools to not take advantage of that.
Christians are either convinced that Orange Hitler only APPEARS to be a pussy grabbing, POW disrespecting, disabled mocking FREAK OF NATURE, and is actually Christ reborn, OR, they are convinced that they are not to vote. NEITHER IS BIBLICAL. Vote as if our democracy depends on it, because it does.


But you know that your vote is a sacred duty, so get to it.
Voting is not a sacred duty, and it's not going to make God overlook the abominations America is proudly practicing. God told His people to come out of Babylon because it's all going to be erased soon. A person would actually have to be a fool to believe their vote is going to change God's plans for the future. Everything in this world is temporary, including America's democracy.

It's funny how "Christians" talk about how sacred a duty voting is while completely ignoring what Paul says in Colossians about how a Christian's mind should be on heavenly things, what he said in Heb. 11 about the people of faith considering themselves to be sojourners in this world, and John saying in his epistles that whoever is fixated on the things of this world doesn't have the love of God in them. If adherents of Orthodox Christianity believe what the Bible says like they claim, why do they put so much effort into trying to preserve things that have no permanent value or worth compared to God offering eternal life and ruling the universe with Him? Is preserving American democracy really supposed to be more important to a Christian than that?
Democrats serve evil a lot. Republicans don't with the exception of some selfishness.
"Christians" who buy into the "Republicans are the good guys" narrative seem to overlook Rev. 12:9 where it says Satan deceives the whole world and 2 Cor. 4:4 saying he is the god of this world. It doesn't say he just deceives some people or that he is some people's god. Every last aspect of this world's politics was fundamentally built on shutting God out of human affairs and disregarding God's laws. Republicans are just as much about the Rom. 1 life as Democrats are. Look at how proud they are of their LGBT base and how much they proudly talk about celebrating or defending the same festivals God condemned in the Bible.
Your response in my opinion is we all have sin, murder isnt a priority, let's just sit and watch and not oppose killing the innocent unborn, after all everybody has sin, and murdering the innocent unborn isnt Gods priority?

In my opinion unbelievable coming from a person professing the name of Jesus Christ
Christ didn't oppose Pilate murdering the people in the temple and mixing their blood with the sacrifices they made. Instead, He said "unless you repent, you will likewise perish". There is a difference between acknowledging something is a sin while letting God be the judge and actively doing something outside God's will in a misguided sense of zeal like Paul did prior to his conversion. Engaging in politics isn't going to change what is a spiritual problem. Spiritual problems can only be fixed by living according to God's laws. Religious and non-religious voters in America can't see that, which is why they keep getting disappointed by both parties.
Very early on and for a very short time when the Pilgrims and the Puritans arrived. But the Constitution was based upon Christian principles and now it has been trashed. By no less than the Supreme Court. Everything that the Founding Fathers had instituted has been destroyed. Joseph Stalin and Joseph Biden are blood brothers. Trampling on the rights of citizens and literally killing them. So where are the targeted drones meant for tyrants?
The fact that everything the founders instituted is being trashed only proves it was not built on biblical Christianity, even though they borrowed some Christian principles from the Bible. In Matt. 7:26-27, Jesus made a particularly interesting statement that is certainly applicable to the Constitution:

“But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand: “and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.”

Jesus said whatever isn't built on His instructions are like a house that was built on sand. America is crumbling under attack because it wasn't built on the solid rock of biblical Christianity. As Christ said in verses 24-25, that is the only way anything can last against any attack. The Constitution may have Christian principles in it, but the thing religious conservatives never want to mention is that it is consists a lot more of human reasoning than it does God's reasoning. And as Christ succinctly pointed out in the above passage, anything that is built on human reasoning will experience a "great fall".


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2021
United States
I disagree with your claim of "Attack", we are in a thread discussing religious and political opinions, it's that simple

The poster mentioned is liberal, and supports the liberal position, that's my opinion

I'm 100% a conservative that opposes Abortion and Same Sex Marriage, the shoe fits and I wear it

It's my opinion that Gods Holy Spirit dosent dwell within any person that supports Abortion or Same Sex Marriage, that's my opinion

if nothing else i am informing you that you look like an absolute brainwashed idiot to @McFearless & he is not without-a-case in this regard.

we are not only commanded to be harmless as doves but also wise as serpents. Matthew 10:16. it is as your brother i'm telling you i don't think you are taking the path of wisdom on this topic.

Sodom's sin according to God ((not according to man -- Ezekiel 16:49)) is arrogance, excessive wealth and disregard for the poor and needy. what party does that describe?
the answer is 500% evident.

but you make the R your god if you deny this.
that is the point of the OP.
but 700% clear to anyone reading this objectively, you make yourself an apologist for R.
you do not address the OP's 10,000% relevant accusation; instead you attack the person who brings up the topic.
i will not deny the truth: what is the indication of your behavior?

brother on topics of theology i much agree with you. i hate abortion but it isn't my place to coerce the world to whitewash its tomb. let the wicked become all the more wicked - Revelation 22:11

in glory you are welcome at my mansion - i am throwing a party; do come
but on this secular political partisan nationalism point i perceive you are in error.
the OP post is valid, no matter who said it.
Donald Trump is evil and the american R party is evil.

the RNC ≠ the Church
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
If it is beyond repair, is it not the selfishness of men in general that has made it so?
Correct. But the total list is at least this:

But there is a corrective in the Bible which is not being applied -- EXECUTIONS OF ALL HEINOUS CRIMINALS.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2021
United States
Killing the innocent unborn (Abortiin) is at the top of Gods list, dont you forget it buddy

what is the sin of Sodom according to God?

Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom:
pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters,
neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy.

(Ezekiel 16:49)​

and what is the sin of Sodom according to men?

which is correct?
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Active Member
Oct 8, 2021
United States
I've no doubt Jesus full comprehensive message has been lost to the machinations of men, politics, and agendas that feel compelled and all powerful thinking themselves the announced voice of God, as they ask for our first ascent to the faith of believing they had no thing to do with what is in the bible. But that it was wholly inspired by the voice of God in their head.

It's an amazing bit of power to speak as God.
To then slaughter those who resisted that message, claim, and it's world dominion intent, in my view shows whom those claimants we're actually listening to

While God finds a way to reach his own, no matter what. Even in the bible that never boasted in it's title, "God's words".

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Killing the innocent unborn (Abortiin) is at the top of Gods list, dont you forget it buddy
And those who shed INNOCENT BLOOD . You bet it is my friend .
As christains we ought to be dead set against those murderous places . Never supporting it in any way .
Always pointing to Christ . And letting all know that GOD is quick to forgive and to come to the saving knowledge of Christ .
But oh yes abortion is MURDER . Let none who name the name o JESUS say otherwise nor support it .
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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2021
United States
Where is that list?

Regarding the Rittenhouse trial:
It shouldn’t be political, his guilt or innocence is important, but only to the extend the law is followed.
I think he will be acquitted on all counts, to me it looks as self defense a 17 year old with a gun scared when attacked by adults. And they’ve realized that it wasn’t even illegal for him to carry an AR, however stupid that decision was.
But let’s see, just because I believe him to be not guilty doesn’t mean that I have sympathy with his idea, but I do have sympathy for the stupid 17 year old boy that will live with this decision and possibly go to prison.
It is not the boy that concerns me... It is what it is being turned into, a tool for evil.
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