Difference between Catholic and Protestant.

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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
There is this really dumb commercial on the computer
a man enters into his kitchen
and then the nesquick bunny jumps down . He asks it for a strawberry
it shows he a chocolate , then a vanilla , HE says quit playing around
and then it hands him a strawberry one . He then says BUNNYS UP
WELL i say BIBLES UP , and do so before its too late .
Cause too many churches are too busy handing out the wrong flavor of drink to its converts .


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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
The pope represents Jesus on earth.

Yes, According to the Catholic Doctrine, of Gentile Catholic men.

However, According to God, Abraham was made, father of many Nations, not the Apostles, not a pope.

Gen. 17:
[5] Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.
[18] Who against hope believed in hope, that he might become the father of many nations; according to that which was spoken, So shall thy seed be.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
MOI??? I think you have it all WRONG, as you say! We are NOT against the people in the pews of your church but to those who are leaders in authority who teach falsehood!

What does this have to do with the PROTESTANT scholarship I presented that supports with the Catholic position on Matt. 16:18?
For example, they teach that the church (catholic) is the pillar and ground of truth. Yet Jesus specifically claimed that He is the WAY, the TRUTH, and the LIFE. Can you say with all honesty that YOU R church is correct?

I urge you to read Revelation Chapters 2 and 3 to get the perspective of the churches, including yours.
Jesus and His Apostles built ONE Church – not tens of thousands of disjointed and perpetually-splintering factions that ALL teach different doctrines yet ALL claim to be part of the “ONE” Church.
Jesus is NOT divided (1 Cor. 1:13) – and neither can His Church be divided.
Consensus, does not mean a thing is true. Lol
That’s what we intellectuals refer to as “utter denial” . . .
It’s not just consensus of context – it’s intellectual agreement on the sentence structure, grammar AND context of the passage.

You’re intellectually OUT-GUNNED here . . ..
These passages is speaking concerning about the "unforgivable sin." Read Matthew 12:31-32
To God Be The Glory
Their “unforgiveable” sin was refusal to heed the Holy Spirit –for, final impenitence.
This is the very HEIGHT of Spiritual pride . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
WOW! Finally someone has figured it out. Yes, it is true that the cross is related to the resurrection and death of Christ, like all scriptures do. Still, although armed with this knowledge, I will wager that YOU don't have any clue at all as to it's full conclusion! Care to wager YOU who thinks who have the full understanding of Scripture, that tells people they are WRONG? It will be good to see YOU FALL on YOU R face!!! And, what great fall that would be that will reverberate throughout the Catholic Church, as if to say, Babylon the great has fallen!
To God Be The Glory
It’s precisely this kind of hate-filled vomit that makes it necessary for me to be here. The idea that you find pleasure in the damnation of others shows the depth of your spiritual perversion.

That was a despicable rant – but I’m not surprised.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Just cause i cant pin point the exact moment in history it happend dont mean i cannot discern between truth and falsehood .

Look whenever it happened matters not , THE FACT IT DID HAPPEN is what matters
and why i refuse to sit under it .
Your reponse is a lot like this . You tell me to go wash and get clean and yet the water hole
you send me to go bathe in is full of feces , puke and debris . THEN i tell you , That water is filthy
now i dont know when it started to get filthy , BUT rest assured Just cause i dont know the exact date
that water hole became infected
, DONT THEN mean i am gonna go ahead and go bathe in it .
As with the CC , idont exactly know when the place tanked , I JUST KNOW IT DID . thus , YOu wont see me entering into
convenant with it .

So if I say publicly that I “KNOW” that YOU are a child molester and an atheist because I “just know it” – that’s okay with you? I don’t need to prove my claim??
This is exactly how idiotic YOU sound when you make these stupid accusations about the Catholic Church without ANY proof.

And then, you double-down by saying that it’s a “FACT” that it DID happen – that Constantine “destroyed” the Church.

I’ve been asking you for WEEKS now WHY you hold to the CATHOLIC Tradition of the New Testament if you reject the Catholic Church as “evil” and “apostate”.
The NT Canon was NOT declared by the Church until more than 100 years AFTER Constantine.

You have a LOT of explaining to do here . .
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Why herein is a common factor you have with many . Most folks see me as the most ignorant and faithless person ever
and many have called me names much , much worse than this . Like anti christ , son of perdition .
And it dont seem to matter what denomination it is , most folks see me as this .
But remember this . By grace i stayed in one book , THE BIBLE and learned THAT JESUS , HIS DOCRINE
the apostels doctrine and was not lulled to sleep by some mans denomination .
Marvel not if the world h ates the fundamental JESUS FOLLOWING BIBLE READING christain . And i say that to all denonminations .
THAT is one of the things that the denominations all have in common . THEY CANT STAND the ONES WHO STAYED THEYIN THOSE BIBLES
and wont budge from that doctrine . YET they all seem to say the BIBLE was inspired by GOD ,
rather odd , HOW COME THEY DONT JUST RETURN TO IT and TEACH that , but rather always seem to teach
the doctrines of men that twisted the bible in order to , HAVE CONVERTS who sat under them . Rather odd .
But then it aint so odd if we would just learn the JESUS of the bible FOR OURSELVES . The bible might
have been the number one selling book of all time , BUT IT SURE aint the most loved and read book of all time .
TOO many use it as most to support their own denominationalteachings . At best they know some truths
just not THE TRUTH . and that IS A SERIOUS PROBLEM for them , specially on the DAY OF THE LORD .
To answer your questions – just look at your text above in RED.
You think that just because you read the Bible – you have ALL the answers? If that were true – we wouldn’t have tens of thousands of perpetually-splintering Protestant sects that ALL teach different doctrines based oin the Biblical interpretations of their founders – and they ALL think that THEY are right. They cannot ALL be right.

Do me a favor – show me where the BIBLE says that Jesus and the Apostles told us to “Stay in those Bibles”.
You won’t find it because it’s NOT there.

What IS in the Bible is Jesus and the Apostles telling us to listen to the CHURCH (Luke 10:16) and do what the CHURCH teaches (Matt. 16:15-18, 2 Thess. 2L15) because –
- the CHURCH is led by the Holy Spirit to ALL truth (John 16:112-16).
- the CHURCH is the pillar and foundation of the Truth (1 Tom. 3:15)
- the CHURCH is the fullness of Christ (Eph. 1:22-23)
- Jesus identifies His very SELF with His CHURCH (Acts 9:4-5)
- the CHURCH is out final earthly Authority (Matt. 16:18-19, Matt. 18:15-18, Luke 10:16, John 20:21-24)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
You mean your too willfully ignorant read the evidence that squashes your phony misrepresentations, and are too lazy to post the full context, not even a link to it.
Debate: The Anti-Catholic “Pope as God” Argument [1-1-99]
Popes Claimed to be God? / Pope as Antichrist (vs. Calvin #23) [6-30-09]
What Year Did Popes Become Antichrist? (vs. John Calvin) [3-11-10]
Pope St. Pius V Claimed to be God (Say Anti-Catholics) [2-11-11]

Did a Bishop Say Pope St. John Paul II was God? [2-11-11]

“Pope is God”? Similar Rhetoric from Luther & Bullinger [2-24-11]

Pretending I have no evidence to expose your "few simple keystrokes" might fool some people, but it won't fool everybody. Links are useful because it avoids flooding the thread with walls of text. Your empty-headed snotty remarks shows you are afraid of my evidence. @Wrangler shows the same fear with a stupid zinger ("the power of indoctrinated idolatry"). That's not discussion, it's stupid insulting persecution.

"We hold upon this Earth the place of God almighty." - Pope Leo XIII

But if the above citation is accurate, this would, of course, not be an equation of the pope with Jesus (which is absurd and blasphemous and which has never been taught by the Catholic Church), but a reference to the notion of alter Christus or little Christ — which means that the pope acts as a representative of Christ in his priestly function (as all priests do). The pope is also referred to as Peter sometimes; again, not literally, but in the sense of “successor.”

Each priest at Mass is re-creating the scene at the Last Supper, of Jesus offering the first Holy Communion and saying, this is My body. But in no sense is that any sort of equality with Christ.

1) The symbolic equation of Christ and His disciples (even all of mankind) is a most biblical concept:

John 13:20 (NRSV) . . . whoever receives one whom I send receives me; and whoever receives me receives him who sent me. (cf. Lk 9:48, Mk 9:37, Mt 18:5)

Matthew 25:35, 40 for I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink [etc.] . . . just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.

2) Also, the disciples speak and act in Jesus’ name (the very name Christian implies that): Mk 10:39, 41; Lk 10:17-20; Jn 14:13-14; 16:23-24; Acts 4:10, 18; 5:28, 40-41; 9:15; 1 Cor 1:10; 2 Thess 3:6; many more).

3) Furthermore, the disciples were given the power to bind and loose in Jesus’ name (impose penance and offer absolution of sins, from God): Mt 16:19; 18:18; Jn 20:23. This is the priestly function.

4) In Scripture there is often taught a mystical (but almost literal) identification of the Body of Christ (the Church: 1 Cor 12:27; Eph 1:22-23; 5:30; Col 1:24) with Christ Himself. Jesus equated Paul’s persecution of the Church with persecution of Him (Acts 9:5; cf. 8:1, 3; 9:1-2). This is incarnational theology, and poorly understood by many evangelicals.

2 Corinthians 4:10 (cf. 2 Cor 1:5-7)

Philippians 3:10 (cf. Gal 2:20)

Colossians 1:24 (cf. 2 Cor 11:23-30; Gal 6:17)

5) The prophets spoke in God’s name, in the first person (read the prophetic books of the OT for numerous examples). This might appear to an outsider as an equation with God, but as we all know, they were merely speaking for God.

6) The same would hold for the NT writers in certain instances. If men can write God’s own “God-breathed” words, then certainly they can speak for God, not as directly (in the case of the pope), but as His representative. The President’s press secretary is not the President, but he speaks for him. Papal legates speak for popes. Ambassadors speak for the countries they represent. Again, context is crucial. (phoneman and wranger's #1 enemy)

7) Note that in Scripture the Angel of the Lord is oftentimes seemingly equated with God Himself (e.g., Gen 16:7 ff.; 21:17 ff.; 22:11 ff.; 31:13; Ex 3:2; Judges 6:11 ff.; Zech 3:1-2). Yet in other passages, the Angel of the Lord is distinguished from God (2 Sam 24:16; Zech 1:12-13). So this is a clear example of a creature being described as “God,” yet we know that it is not God, from other passages. So, either this is a contradiction, and the Bible contradicts itself, or the equation is only symbolic and representative.

Since I have shown that Pope Leo XIII clearly distinguishes himself from God, his strong language at one point can only logically be interpreted as symbolic and representative — which is totally in accord with Scripture, as I have just demonstrated.
Nope, I don't submit to your typical papal tactic - taking a generous scoop of unrelated "proof" from the top of the "Roman dunghill of decretals" and slinging it all over the singular topic at hand. We can deal with that other stuff after we're done with this one:

Now, what in blue blazes do you mean "if" the citation is accurate?

"We hold upon this Earth the place of God almighty." - pope Leo XIII Encyclical Letter, June 20, 1894

The man said it, deal with it. As for your explanation of it, it's bulldookey. "We hold the place of God" and "Another Christ" and "creator of his Creator" are the pinnacle of heretically blasphemous statements which have no place anywhere in Christianity.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Here is a list of Pope Leo XIII encyclicals:
Encyclicals | LEO XIII

There is none for June 20 1894. Do you have more info? Or is this another bogus citation?

Pax et Bonum
From a pro-Catholic webpage which was awarded the "Triple Excellence Gold Award" from CatholicCulture.org for Excellence in Fidelity, Resources & Usability:

Praeclara Gratulationis Publicae - Papal Encyclicals paragraph 5, first sentence:
"But, because we hold upon this Earth the place of God almighty..."

Now, I have a question: Are you intent on following a bogus, blasphemous Pedophile in Chief and his fraternity of child rapists who suffer from a collective God-complex, or will you turn and join what your church deems "the only consistent Protestant" faith, the faith which embodies the true Christ of Scripture? We'd love to have you with us!


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
From a pro-Catholic webpage which was awarded the "Triple Excellence Gold Award" from CatholicCulture.org for Excellence in Fidelity, Resources & Usability:

Praeclara Gratulationis Publicae - Papal Encyclicals paragraph 5, first sentence:
"But, because we hold upon this Earth the place of God almighty..."

Now, I have a question: Are you intent on following a bogus, blasphemous Pedophile in Chief and his fraternity of child rapists who suffer from a collective God-complex, or will you turn and join what your church deems "the only consistent Protestant" faith, the faith which embodies the true Christ of Scripture? We'd love to have you with us!
FIRST of all, Phoney – the PARTIAL quote you posted (in RED) in completely OUT of context.

When read IN Context – you see that it echoes the very words of Christ:
Luke 10:16

“The one who hears YOU hears ME, and the one who rejects YOU rejects ME, and the ONE who rejects ME rejects HIM who sent me.”

Jesus also identifies His very SELF with His Church (Acts 9:4-5).

Paul wrote of the Church that it is the FULLNESS of Christ (Eph. 1:22-23) and the pillar and foundation of Truth (1 Tim. 3:15).
So, when the Pope wrote this encyclical – he was speaking the TRUTH, according to Scripture.

As for your calling the Pope the, “Pedophile in Chief – why don’t you clean out the filth from your OWN SDA backyard before you go pointing fingers at the Catholic Church . . .

Adventist Women's Ministries | Statement on Child Sexual Abuse

Healing the wounds of childhood sexual abuse - Adventist Record

Seventh-day Adventist Church Retaliates against Abuse Victim and her family.

Sex Abuse Cases: New Allegations | Adventist Today

Moncton woman sues Seventh-day Adventist Church over alleged sex abuse ...

Seventh-Day Adventist Child Molestation Lawsuit |

SDA Sex Abuse Lawyer

Child sexual abuse - Adventist Record
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
From a pro-Catholic webpage which was awarded the "Triple Excellence Gold Award" from CatholicCulture.org for Excellence in Fidelity, Resources & Usability:

Praeclara Gratulationis Publicae - Papal Encyclicals paragraph 5, first sentence:
"But, because we hold upon this Earth the place of God almighty..."

Now, I have a question: Are you intent on following a bogus, blasphemous Pedophile in Chief and his fraternity of child rapists who suffer from a collective God-complex, or will you turn and join what your church deems "the only consistent Protestant" faith, the faith which embodies the true Christ of Scripture? We'd love to have you with us!
But since We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty, Who will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the Truth, and now that Our advanced age and the bitterness of anxious cares urge Us on towards the end common to every mortal, We feel drawn to follow the example of Our Redeemer and Master, Jesus Christ, Who, when about to return to Heaven, implored of God, His Father, in earnest Prayer, that His Disciples and followers should be of one mind and of one heart: I pray . . . that they all may be one, as Thou Father in Me, and I in Thee: that they also may be one in Us. And as this Divine Prayer and Supplication does not include only the souls who then believed in Jesus Christ, but also every one of those who were henceforth to believe in Him, this Prayer holds out to Us no indifferent reason for confidently expressing Our hopes, and for making all possible endeavors in order that the men of every race and clime should be called and moved to embrace the Unity of Divine Faith.​
Praeclara Gratulationis Publicae full context of paragraph 5 that Phoneyman doesn't want you to see.

Phoneyman lies by omission.

2 Corinthians 5:18–20 — King James Version (KJV 1900)
18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. 20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.

Phoneyman's empty drum pounding has been exposed. Sadly, he cannot stop repeating the same lie over and over again, and refuses to understand what an ambassador means or what a representative means.

"Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels.

The Pope Says he is God on earth!!!

The Holocaust Archives reveal the roundup of every religious minority in Nazi Germany, along with 3,000,000 Catholics and 1000 Bible Students. Not a single SDA was sent to the concentration camps because their demonizing the Pope was compatible with Third Reich propaganda.

Phoneyman doesn't plot to kill the pope as Hitler did, but repeatedly tries to assassinate his office with lies by omission.

It is a policy, by Vatican directive, that all bishops report suspected or accused priests of sex abuse to the police, and the priest is automatically suspended until a legal investigation is carried out.

It is a Seventh Day Adventist policy to keep sexual abuse allegations quiet and dealt with only by its leaders, and consulting a lawyer is forbidden.

Phoneman 777 will be ignored for his Nazi-like attacks on the papal office.
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Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
We'd love to have you with us!

Dear Phoneman,

Thanks for the invite, but I must respectfully decline.
If ever I was convinced that the Catholic Church has ivalid sacraments, my only other choices would be the Church in Alexandria, or the Church in Constantinople.
I will not join a community founded by men on then own authority and thereby abandon the banquet of the Lord.

Are you intent on following a bogus, blasphemous Pedophile in Chief and his fraternity of child rapists who suffer from a collective God-complex,

Really? You smear many good and holy men by charging them with the sins of their brethren. Shall we call all the apostles traitors because of Judas?
As one who claims to follow the commandments, perhaps you should reflect on 'bearing false witness'

Praeclara Gratulationis Publicae - Papal Encyclicals paragraph 5, first sentence:
"But, because we hold upon this Earth the place of God almighty..

Ah, I have found it. It is not an encyclical but an apotolic letter which is significantly different.

I would point out that he was not claiming to BE God Almighty, but rather was referring to his office as Vicar of Christ, Who IS God Almighty. That may not seem to be much of a difference to you, but I assure you it is.
Compare with this, written by St. Ignatius circa 100 AD:

For when ye are obedient to the bishop as to Jesus Christ, it is evident to me that ye are living not after men but after Jesus Christ, who died for us, that believing on His death ye might escape death. 2:2 It is therefore necessary, even as your wont is, that ye should do nothing without the bishop; but be ye obedient also to the presbytery, as to the Apostles of Jesus Christ our hope; for if we live in Him, we shall also be found in Him.

St. Ignatius of Antioch to the Trallians (Lightfoot translation)

Pax et Bonum
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
@Dropship said:
Nah mate, I'm not a Protestant, I'm non-denominational and am therefore strictly neutral and can discuss all religions and criticise them if I think they need straightening out..:)
Russia is right to oppress perverts, wrong in their methods. Ukraine is right to defend itself against a diabolical horde. If they didn't, Ukraine would be annihilated. Your GLBT pervert argument is a red herring to the issue of genocide and war crimes.
@Dropsmith said:
Which of these quotes are a "lie"?
If they're wrong please tell us why..:)-

1- Catholics pray to Jesus's mum and to dead "saints" even though Jesus said- "This is how you should pray- 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be thy name'", so catholic prayers are like blank cartridges.
2- The catholic hierarchy ban women outright from being priests, perhaps they don't like girls.
3- They have a "confessional box" where any sinner can confess his crimes to a priest and be "forgiven".
4- They believe in 'purgatory' and think that if they find themselves in hell they'll be let out after serving their time, as if hell is fitted with a swing door..

They are all insulting misrepresentations. The mark of any civilized society is the existence of good manners. Your claim to be neutral is a lie. You are not interested in "why" because your "neutral" mind is made up. You can key in any topic in the question box at CatholicAnswers.com and get a variety of easy to read articles, videos and talk shows. But your "neutral" mind won't allow it. Your shot gun tactic proves my point. Trying to tell you "why" is a waste of time because you really don't want to know "why". When you are ready for answers instead of throwing accusations, it will be the doing of the Holy Spirit, not the result of arguing in forums.



Matthew 27:5
then went out and hanged himself

Luke 10:25-37
Go and do likewise.
Ad nauseam is a Latin term for an argument or other discussion that has continued to the point of nausea.[1][2] For example, "this has been discussed ad nauseam" indicates that the topic has been discussed extensively and those involved have grown sick of it. The fallacy of dragging the conversation to an ad nauseam state in order to then assert one's position as correct due to it not having been contradicted is also called argumentum ad infinitum (to infinity) and argument from repetition.[3]
You were saying something about gross misrepresentation?
Legal Definition of misrepresentation
: an intentionally or sometimes negligently false representation made verbally, by conduct, or sometimes by nondisclosure or concealment and often for the purpose of deceiving, defrauding, or causing another to rely on it detrimentally also : an act or instance of making such a representation
? Now the RCC equate the Pope as being Christ on Earth! Such blasphemy!
Yes, that would be blasphemous. Scroll up to post #251.​
@Phoneman 777 can run but he can't hide.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
I will not join a community founded by men on then own authority
No other organization in human history fits the description of founded by men on their own authority than the 12th century RCC acting on their own authority, heretically altering the Nicene Creed.

Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
No other organization in human history fits the description of founded by men on their own authority than the 12th century RCC acting on their own authority, heretically altering the Nicene Creed.

Are you Orthodox? If you're not there's really not much point in discussing it is there?

Pax et Bonum

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States

So if I say publicly that I “KNOW” that YOU are a child molester and an atheist because I “just know it” – that’s okay with you? I don’t need to prove my claim??
This is exactly how idiotic YOU sound when you make these stupid accusations about the Catholic Church without ANY proof.

And then, you double-down by saying that it’s a “FACT” that it DID happen – that Constantine “destroyed” the Church.

I’ve been asking you for WEEKS now WHY you hold to the CATHOLIC Tradition of the New Testament if you reject the Catholic Church as “evil” and “apostate”.
The NT Canon was NOT declared by the Church until more than 100 years AFTER Constantine.

You have a LOT of explaining to do here . .
To anyone with eyes to see and ears to see i have easily shown the errors of that place .
But just like with the mormons or jw , those who cling to their own traditions can never see the problems within their own chambers .
To them their leaders are as GOD . Thus sayeth the watch tower , or thus sayeth the mormon elders
same with the CC . I once listened to a lady from the JW say a solid truth about how the CC does blindly follows and trusts in its men .
Rather odd she could not see the JW does the very same thing they accuse the CC of doing . THEY trust in that watchtower .
I was talking to a lady and showed her first timothy chapter three verse sixteen . SHE was stumped
and then her next response was , OH , well if GOD wants this to be revealed HE will reveal to the watch tower .
TALK about a delusion . She knew and was shown and yet her only response , her only rebuttal , OH IF GOD wants us to know this
HE will reveal it to our watchtower . Talk about being glued to traditions of men . THEY can see the errors in the CC
but cannot see they blindly trust in their own organization . Mormons are just as bad .
Truth is many within the protestant realm are guilty of this very thing . YOu can show them solid proof
but they will still cling to their traditoins , acryonms and you name it . TIME TO RETURN TO BIBLES and LEARN
or at their end many will BURN . sorry for the rhyme but its true . TOO many versions of JESUS are getting preached
ONLY they contradict the biblical Christ . TOO many trying to claim their church as THE ONE TRUE CHURCH
and yet upon examination their doctrines can easily be seen as contrary TO THE ORIGINAL JESUS and ORIGINAL APOSTLES .
Folks OPEN BIBLES and be a learning for many men have foul doctrines churning who if believed at their end will be burning .
ITs not looking good . BUT if folks would actually learn THAT bible for themselves , WELL two things , A LOT COULD be cleared up
and many folks would be in a much safer and better place by which they could grow wise unto salvation through faith in Christ .
Instead too many are being made wise unto slavation and bondage through wrongful traditions of twisted men and doctrines .
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Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
To anyone with eyes to see and ears to see i have easily shown the errors of that place .

Dear amigo,
I have yet to see you 'easily show' any erroneous Catholic doctrine.
Lot's of strawmen and accusations of things we don't teach or practice. Repeated refusals to be corrected as to what we actually teach and belive.
Lots of fingerpointing and condemning of brothers and sisters from many faith traditions and little of substance or substantiation of your arguments..

It pains me a little to do this, because I know your motives are good dspite your enormous amount of hubris in your own understanding, but.. Welcome to the ignore list..

'lean not on your own understanding'

Pax et Bonum

Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
How long have you been Black?

It's so odd to suppose only one side of a conflict has the authority to discuss the conflict legitimately. Ad Hom much?!


The Church most certainly DOES have the authority to amend the Creed so as to clarify it further in the face of heretical teaching that one can recieve the Holy Spirit apart from Christ,
Your 'idea' that doing so somehow negates the founding of the Church in Rome ny Christ through the apostles is ludicrous on its face.

Pax et Bonum

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Dear amigo,
I have yet to see you 'easily show' any erroneous Catholic doctrine.
Lot's of strawmen and accusations of things we don't teach or practice. Repeated refusals to be corrected as to what we actually teach and belive.
Lots of fingerpointing and condemning of brothers and sisters from many faith traditions and little of substance or substantiation of your arguments..

It pains me a little to do this, because I know your motives are good dspite your enormous amount of hubris in your own understanding, but.. Welcome to the ignore list..

'lean not on your own understanding'

Pax et Bonum
But you are stuck in it . I said those with eyes to see and ears to hear . I desire only good for you . I am not the enemy
thus i must do all out of love for the peoples . You must put down all prayers unto saints , to angels and etc
pray to GOD in JESUS name . There are other things too . Pray TO GOD , trusting in HE alone
and perhaps yours eyes would see clearly . GOD is merciful and desires not the death of any but rather they repent .
So hurry , be zealous and repent and begin afresh in CHRIST .
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