Should I use someone’s preferred pronouns if it is not their gender?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2023
United States
United States
There is a choice everyone makes, whether knowingly or unknowingly. We either accept that there is such a thing as objective truth outside of ourselves, or we buy into the false belief that we are the sole, arbitrary authors of truth ourselves. This, I think, is at the root of a lot of the lunacy and mental illness going on in our society.

The Truth, strictly speaking, is not a viewpoint, an opinion, etc. It is Someone, namely Jesus, Who said, "I am the way, the TRUTH, and the life." If we do not acknowledge that there is an objective, unchanging TRUTH outside of ourselves, then we have lost touch with reality and will most surely end up in the mental ditch that we see so many poor unfortunate souls in.

With regard to emotions, yes, every human being has emotions (assuming they're normal). But our emotions must be subjugated to our intellect, not the other way around! We must make decisions in our intellect, otherwise, we're skating on really thin ice!

The morality of our country has been purposely undermined by those wishing to destroy our country and way of life. They have gotten control over our education system, our media, and much of our government. We are at a tipping point, I think. If this is not reversed, we will end up with tyranny, losing our freedom and our way of life. Pray, pray, pray.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Sure I can. Thank you for asking. Now I ask you: Can you imagine putting yourself in a trans person's shoes like a mature and objective human being?

No I can not. They are so far gone that I find them to be scary. As a seriously mentally ill person who should be institutionalized, why should I play checkers with them? Who knows how cantagious they are? It might get on me and that would be an eww moment. I must solidly plant my feet on the side of the Lord Jesus with not even the appearance of evil being present.

Are they seeking the Lord and help to save them from these spirits of Lust? I would talk to them then, but as soon as the talk turned pro trans they are out the door.

You ask me to put myself in their shoes, which means you want me to empathize with them. No sir, I wont do that. That's too close to acceptance and I don't care if the entire world is turning trans, there comes a time in the madness where Christians must learn to say I wont throw in with them. That would not be pleasing to my Lord.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2023
No I can not. They are so far gone that I find them to be scary. As a seriously mentally ill person who should be institutionalized, why should I play checkers with them? Who knows how cantagious they are? It might get on me and that would be an eww moment. I must solidly plant my feet on the side of the Lord Jesus with not even the appearance of evil being present.

Are they seeking the Lord and help to save them from these spirits of Lust? I would talk to them then, but as soon as the talk turned pro trans they are out the door.

You ask me to put myself in their shoes, which means you want me to empathize with them. No sir, I wont do that. That's too close to acceptance and I don't care if the entire world is turning trans, there comes a time in the madness where Christians must learn to say I wont throw in with them. That would not be pleasing to my Lord.
Thanks for the honest answer, brother :)
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Right. Now, for the sake of communication with the other person, can you choose to empathize, i.e., putting yourself in their shoes, seeing things from their perspective, and understanding their emotions?

Emotions?! Absolutely not. WHo wants to understand a mentally ill persons idea that even though they were born a male that they declare themselves to be female. I would like to be precise also so I suppose it is "possible" that I could choose to empathize with the ill person, however that could never happen. It makes no sense. It is lunacy. I would not.

You ask if I would want to talk to these people about Jesus? Maybe maybe not. Are they genuinely seeking the Lord and deliverance from their trans condition? (Then yes), Or are they merely seeking validation and acceptance from the church people? In which case it is an instant no, get out.

But Christians are supposed to Love everyone.
Smoke and mirrors, lies.

What would make a man want to be a woman anyway? They like how women get treated and get money handed to them? What is that? A juvenile scam? They wont even say what defines a woman, so they are all liars which have ulterior motives.


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2023
WHo wants to understand a mentally ill persons idea that even though they were born a male that they declare themselves to be female.
Do you have any scholarly reference that states that trans people are mentally ill?


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Do you have any scholarly reference that states that trans people are mentally ill?

I have been pretty much a scholar all my life. I just keep learning. But I don't have letters after my name so I guess not on the official smart guy of earth that are so prevalent nowadays, lol.

But I tell you what, if it isn't an actual mental illness then it would make sense to have to be Demonic Possession. Doesn't that make sense?

A spirit of lust? A spirit of confusion? A spirit of Infirmity? Who knows it's actual name but if it's demonic it can be cast out of the person. Jesus delegated this to the church in scripture and gave us the authority to cast the evil spirits out.

So playing checkers with them is not the answer Brother. Empathizing with them is not the answer. Casting out the demons is the answer. Are the Trans people that you asked if I want to communicate with wanting to play checkers or have a evil spirit cast out and find freedom in the Lord?

Or if it does turn out to be a mental illness, was it caused by a spirit initially and then grew on his mind over time and became an illness?

Us Christians have to stand up and be the mature Christians that the Lord can be proud of. No babes in Christ anymore. Say no to evil and it will flee! Resist evil on every front. Cleanse the lepers, cast out demons, raise the dead...walk in faith. Act out in faith. Lay hands on that Trans soul and cast that spirit out. It don't matter if it is illness or evil spirits, both have to obey the name which is above all names!

Have you ever tried to cast a spirit out of a Trans person?


Well-Known Member
Sep 13, 2023
I have been pretty much a scholar all my life.

Do you have any published and recognized scholarly reference that states that trans people are mentally ill?

This is the 2nd time I have asked.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
I suppose it really depends on if you care about the individual. Some people tend to hate on transexual people. No different than a man hating a woman. Hate is a big thing in the world.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Do you have any scholarly reference that states that trans people are mentally ill?

Do you have any scholarly refrence that Trans people are not mentally ill?

I mean, come on man, it isn't Rocket Science! There's something unmistakeably correct about Boys and Girls. You are Married I think you said. So you know this. I was Married for 26 years, so I know it too. I already knew it, lol.

Long ago I thought about boys and girls and I thought wow, I'm glad I wasn't born a girl. Girls have the short end of the stick in life, God bless them for that.

If it isnt mental illness, then it's the younger people trying to be rebellious and shocking to their parents or whatever. Which makes it calculated and evil. So they are still wrong no matter how you try to slice it.

I can prove by scripture that Transpeople are liars. Want to walk through that?


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Do you have any published and recognized scholarly reference that states that trans people are mentally ill?

This is the 2nd time I have asked.
I have been pretty much a scholar all my life. I just keep learning. But I don't have letters after my name so I guess not on the official smart guy of earth that are so prevalent nowadays, lol.

I did answer it with I guess not. Sorry if I was unclear. No. The answer is no I do not have any scholarly refrence that says Trans people have a mental illness. (I figured it out for myself!). However is it ok if I lean on the word of God to help substantiate my claims? Thank you:

Proverbs 3:5
5 Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding.../KJV

1 John 2:27
27 But the anointing which ye have received of him abideth in you, and ye need not that any man teach you: but as the same anointing teacheth you of all things, and is truth, and is no lie, and even as it hath taught you, ye shall abide in him.../KJV

So there goes your scholarly refrence's credibility according to scripture. We must speak on the very real and spiritual side of all of this because God is truth. Not a truth. The Truth.

It might not be politically correct but the truth is, that Trans people have something wrong with them. And the Name of Jesus is greater than the affliction of Trans-confusion. So we can't walk with the Trans people. Learn how to say no.'s fairly easy to know boys from girls. When the Lord said, it is not good for the man to be alone I will make a woman for him...He really knew what He was doing!
And the Lord God looked upon all that He had made, and Behold, it was very good.
This was Adam & Eve.

There was no Adam & Steve or else it would be in scripture!

I'll accept scriptures from you as to help you substantiate your case for the Trans. This is interesting. And scripture, the Word of clearly against it. To play checkers with them or another game of their choosing, or walk with them to the corner store would be coming into agreement with them and rebelling against God. Do you agree with that or no?


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States

I'm sorry Brother, I don't need to do research on sinful behaviors that have to do with homosexual acts and whichever sub catagories they are coming out with to determine if they are sinful because I already know that they are sinful. What's with all the sub catagories anyway? tzbtfa or something like that. I think they do that in an effort to try to show that their personal type of queer is the good gay guys, let them in! Not the bad ones keep those out but let in the good ones....

Can you not see how absurd that is? They are all gay as far as I am concerned and all I could hope to do for them is to point them to the Lord. If gays get their foot in the door of the church, anything goes. Well you accepte them so now accept us. Give 'em an inch they take a mile.

And that's not being mean. It is the truth. If I am to try to Love my neighboor as myself then I should speak the truth to them that they may have eyes to see the error of their ways. So I speak the truth in Love.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I suppose it really depends on if you care about the individual. Some people tend to hate on transexual people. No different than a man hating a woman. Hate is a big thing in the world.

Are Christians who say no to trans sexuals hating the people? If they speak the truth in love then it is not hating on them. Right?

Should we speak the truth, or should we be politicallly correct? because we can't have it both ways


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States

I thought I told you how I'd do it. The first thing I would do is to try to cast the spirit out of them, whether it be a spirit of infirmity or a spirit of lust. It'd be nice to start there rather than intellectualize with him about is it sinful or not.

If he said ok, then I would speak difrectly to the spirit and not to the man.

Then he needs to hear the Gospel of Christ and accept Christ as his Lord and Savior.

Good plan? How would you do it?


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Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Have you done it? I am more interested in your actual practice and operation. Can you tell me your testimony and experience?

Why? You are not listening.

The Word of God is not secret.
Hearing the Word of God is a choice.
Reading the Word of God is a choice.
Having a MIND like Christ Jesus is a choice.
Walking WITH Christ Jesus is a choice.
Standing IN Christ Jesus is a choice.

Some Trust, Believe, Christ Jesus IS the Way….the Truth…the Life…and other’s CHOOSE their way, their truth, their life….

Your promoting of Considerations to delve into and walk in an other’s shoes, is called being a Tempter, and being Rejected. Accept it.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Have you done it? I am more interested in your actual practice and operation. Can you tell me your testimony and experience?

No, I've never casted any demons out of Trans people or healed any of them. I don't hang out with them or know any, nor are they welcome in my home. If the Lord wants me to help a Trans then He would send them to me. So what is my testimony and operational approach? Simple. The Word of God. I read it. I study it. I try to live my life by what it says. It's just a choice I have made.

But there is a lot of yeaching out there about how to recognize spiritual possession and how to cast them out. Derek Prince ha a lot of them. Do a search on youyube for Demonology and you'll get a lot of teaching videos about it. Good luck with your Ministry!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2022
Michigan/Sterling Heights
United States
You should follow truth wherever it leads. If using preferred pronouns is other than the truth, stick to truth, otherwise you're propagating a lie.
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