Jesus never said he was God Almighty

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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
I do not know how I did it but, when you click to expand his reply is there in green! sheesh, lol

It must happen after you have quoted someone. You do it quite a often.
The last word after a persons quote is [/QUOTE]
You are maybe starting your post within the word [/QUOTE] like= [/QUOTE and starting writing here, within the last ]
And that way your post gets hidden with the persons quoting.
That is my guess...

And actually when I clicked on your posts #546 I clicked the 'expand' at the bottom of the page of Amadeus's post...therefore even your green writing did not show for me.

Anyway, that is what my guess is that is happening. LOL

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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
It must happen after you have quoted someone. You do it quite a often.
The last word after a persons quote is
You are maybe starting your post within the word [/QUOTE] like= [/QUOTE and starting writing here, within the last ]
And that way your post gets hidden with the persons quoting.
That is my guess...

And actually when I clicked on your posts #546 I clicked the 'expand' at the bottom of the page of Amadeus's post...therefore even your green writing did not show for me.

Anyway, that is what my guess is that is happening. LOL

View attachment 2921[/QUOTE]

Yes...Mark BBryd? just explained that to me...I will do my best to not screw up again! I will find that reply, copy/paste it so it can be seen, lol. Thank you Helen.


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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
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My reply to @amadeus

This is the reply @ByGrace

"The Greek word translated as “breathed out” in 2 Timothy 3:16 istheopneustos, and Scripture is the only thing described as such by the Apostles. Thus, Scripture has a unique character as the voice and words of the Lord. It uniquely serves as God’s special revelation, as His inspired and revealed will for His people. Nothing else today is theopneustos, so we can point to nothing but Scripture as the Word of God."

I looked up theopneustos in Strongs, Vines and Helps concordances/expository and HELPS Word-studies...all say the same...see? You got me to studying! lol. Just my nickel :)
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Jan 26, 2008
United States
Seeing how you will be arguing against the plainness of scripture in proof that you are misapplying His words elsewhere, I can see why you will not be arguing the "point" that the Holy Spirit cannot pray from Himself in uttering His own intercessions as per John 16:13 in ALL Bible versions.

I know that the reproofs is not sticking to you because you do not want to believe that special thing you have that sets you apart from the average believer that do not pray in tongues as not of Him.

It does make me wonder how you can ever use scripture to prove anything or reprove anything when you do avoid it when it comes to reproofs towards tongues being used as a prayer language.

God wants you to pray. God does not need the Holy Spirit to pray through you to utter His own intercessions because they are unspeakable and unutterable for why Jesus knows the mind of the Spirit to give His unspoken intercessions to God the Father. That is why the Father already knows about everything going on BEFORE you ask Him in Matthew 6:7-8.
You must have the last word it would seem.
At the moment my last words are:

Give God the glory!
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
ah, i hope you understand that it's not that i am against the idea, but that i learned it is simply not true

i don't see how you can speak for others there, Word requires breath just like your word, and you cannot Quote "The Bible is Holy" for i guess the same reason.

Again, seems like those would be true to me, too; but obv "Easter" then becomes "Word" and "Holy" i guess
believe me i feel the same, but that does not negate the fact that scribes will scribe It up to suit the buyers. Or that Word requires Breath.

It's perfectly ok with me if you want to believe the Bible is the Word ok, but then what will you call Word when you hear it?
You are looking at it from the point of people idolising a Book.

Without the Bible Satan will have a field day on Man.

Have you not received the Word from the Bible, it's does nothing for you ? that's sad.


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Feb 4, 2018
United States



Yes. He came forth out from God.





Would be okay with discussing point by point, each thing I disagree with you, and why.

God Bless,
Taken. Start just with one area..

Quite straight forward…

(Mat 1:20) But as he thought on these things, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream, saying: Joseph you son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for that which is conceived in her is of the Holy Spirit. (NEV)

Now as I said the spirit of God conceived Jesus as in Matthew 1:20. The Holy Spirit = God’s spirit. There is no extra spirit wandering around. Of course, if you believe there is an extra-spirit of God you most probably are a trinitarian. And that is not scripturally sound.

Bless you,



Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
ah, i hope you understand that it's not that i am against the idea, but that i learned it is simply not true

i don't see how you can speak for others there, Word requires breath just like your word, and you cannot Quote "The Bible is Holy" for i guess the same reason.

Again, seems like those would be true to me, too; but obv "Easter" then becomes "Word" and "Holy" i guess
believe me i feel the same, but that does not negate the fact that scribes will scribe It up to suit the buyers. Or that Word requires Breath.

It's perfectly ok with me if you want to believe the Bible is the Word ok, but then what will you call Word when you hear it?
When someone unanointed, an real unbeliever, possibly even an atheist, simply quotes verbatim from the written text of the Bible with his lack of anointing and unbelief, it is certainly not the Word of God. Another person in the Spirit, that is anointed in the moment by God to open his mouth and say precisely the same words and lo the words are indeed the Word of God.

Any words spoken in the wrong spirit, even read from a Bible text are dead until brought to Life in someone by the Holy Spirit. Sometimes a person may speak words which are not verbatim from the Bible, but because of his direction by the Holy Spirit they most certainly are the Word of God.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Lately, I have been feeling a bit distant from God. I know it is my attitude of late...I am and have been stuck in my bedroom for 4 weeks and have 3 more to weight bearing on left foot. That's neither here nor there prayers have turned weak and IMO ineffective as am having very hard time being fervent and I KNOW that is the kind He hears. I also am aware that satan is having ball with me right now, I know this yet, still find it hard to get back to fervent God willed prayer! I have always (well, not ALWAYS lol) prayed for His wisdom to make proper choices in this life, to be a better steward of His money, time, belongings etc. Sorry, went off topic a bit here, lol.

He doesn't care about all that -you being a better steward of all the trappings of the world. Its almost legalism. All He wants is to be close to you. Now thank Him that He has you in a situation where He has your undivided attention! Its a honeymoon if you let it be. Just bathe in His love for you. He is jealous for your whole being. He craves you.

Last Sunday, during communion as I sat alone with the elements, I prayed, "Let me be a sponge. Teach me YOUR meaning for every scripture you alone Authored. Reveal your wisdom and truth."

These are the kind of prayers He answers immediately. And by the next day He gave me a simple truth about glorification, that rocketed my joy into the stratosphere! He will do it for you too. "From glory, to glory."


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
He doesn't care about all that -you being a better steward of all the trappings of the world. Its almost legalism. All He wants is to be close to you. Now thank Him that He has you in a situation where He has your undivided attention! Its a honeymoon if you let it be. Just bathe in His love for you. He is jealous for your whole being. He craves you.

Last Sunday, during communion as I sat alone with the elements, I prayed, "Let me be a sponge. Teach me YOUR meaning for every scripture you alone Authored. Reveal your wisdom and truth."

These are the kind of prayers He answers immediately. And by the next day He gave me a simple truth about glorification, that rocketed my joy into the stratosphere! He will do it for you too. "From glory, to glory."

Amen to that! Very powerful prayer and I also believe He does answer those ones right away!
Thank for the encouragement 1stCenturyLady. Will keep you updated with a soon to come praise report!
In His Name,


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
You are looking at it from the point of people idolising a Book.
well lots of ppl do that too i guess, but i would say that i am recognizing scribes
"How can you claim, 'We are wise; the law of the LORD is with us? In fact, the lying pen of scribes has produced falsehood.

Without the Bible Satan will have a field day on Man.
talk about idolizing a Book lol. One v immediately comes to mind that refutes this imo, so wadr i'll allow you to post your Ref first and we will go from there
Have you not received the Word from the Bible, it's does nothing for you ? that's sad.
it might be, yes, if it is true, but see what you have done is change the subject rather than answer the question. Now we could go to the Bible and i could Quote where Word requires Breath, you never see the two separated, or regardless of what else i have "received" from the Bible i could point out that God did not Breathe "Easter" into It yet many still have no probs calling that "Word," or we could discuss how your conviction is now showing.

Which way you wanna go here? Bc i am now convicted to just agree with you Reggie, the Bible is Word, ok. Anyone can read the Bible and get Word from It i guess, and nevermind that you cannot Quote either concept, not a single time. From the "Word" right. Or maybe you believe you can, i dunno
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
there are a few other angles we could reflect on this from, for instance Word is Truth, so if the Bible is Word, then the Bible is the Book of Truth, right?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Lately, I have been feeling a bit distant from God. I know it is my attitude of late...I am and have been stuck in my bedroom for 4 weeks and have 3 more to weight bearing on left foot. That's neither here nor there prayers have turned weak and IMO ineffective as am having very hard time being fervent and I KNOW that is the kind He hears. I also am aware that satan is having ball with me right now, I know this yet, still find it hard to get back to fervent God willed prayer! I have always (well, not ALWAYS lol) prayed for His wisdom to make proper choices in this life, to be a better steward of His money, time, belongings etc. Sorry, went off topic a bit here, lol.
Yes, God hears especially the fervent prayers, but if we are simply faithful to pray, I believe that He stills hears us. We may not hear an immediate or clear answer but that does not mean that there is none. Sometimes the apparent lack of an answer is the answer that God wants us to deal with...

Words from deep in our heart to God are certainly something to speak to God, but sometimes we have to go with what we have. God understands all of our frailties. He certainly understands it when while our hearts seem to be so empty, we continue to speak to Him because we remember how much He has done for us. Don't quit no matter what.

For me every morning, first thing when I get up is my special time for and with God. I've been doing it daily for so long if anything interferes with it I cannot even do the routines of the day comfortably until I have taken the time... even if I am running very late.

I can recall times when I have messed up badly with God and was ashamed to come before Him. Ashamed, yes, but long ago I learned to deal with those times and those feelings: Never quit no matter what it is or why it is. Talk to God anyway. Our God does understand and in the worst of times He still loves us. To quit is to surrender to the enemy of God who is always hanging around wanting to regain his lost dominion in you or in me.

Give God the glory!
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
"The Greek word translated as “breathed out” in 2 Timothy 3:16 istheopneustos, and Scripture is the only thing described as such by the Apostles. Thus, Scripture has a unique character as the voice and words of the Lord. It uniquely serves as God’s special revelation, as His inspired and revealed will for His people. Nothing else today is theopneustos, so we can point to nothing but Scripture as the Word of God."

I looked up theopneustos in Strongs, Vines and Helps concordances/expository and HELPS Word-studies...all say the same...see? You got me to studying! lol. Just my nickel :)

@amadeus so you're agreeing with this?


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Thus, Scripture has a unique character as the voice and words of the Lord. It uniquely serves as God’s special revelation, as His inspired and revealed will for His people. Nothing else today is theopneustos, so we can point to nothing but Scripture as the Word of God."

I just caught @bbyrd009 question above to @amadeus

So it caused me to go back to the original quote.
Obviously I cannot agree..

"ONLY scripture is the Word?!!" No way.

I know for truth because once in my lifetime I have heard the audible voice of the Lord. He did not speak a scripture. Just one line, but it was not scripture. It shook the house, the bedroom, and the bed.

Many of us speak of " the Lord speaking to us, showing us things etc"
It is not always "in scripture" ...often it is, but often it is not. Yet it is the word of the Lord.

And the biggest argument is the there is One Word...and He is alive and well.
He spoke the worlds into being...and He is called The Word Of God. :)

Agree? x
I confess, I did not read the whole article.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
"The Greek word translated as “breathed out” in 2 Timothy 3:16 istheopneustos, and Scripture is the only thing described as such by the Apostles. Thus, Scripture has a unique character as the voice and words of the Lord. It uniquely serves as God’s special revelation, as His inspired and revealed will for His people. Nothing else today is theopneustos, so we can point to nothing but Scripture as the Word of God."

I looked up theopneustos in Strongs, Vines and Helps concordances/expository and HELPS Word-studies...all say the same...see? You got me to studying! lol. Just my nickel :)

@amadeus so you're agreeing with this?
I did not look to the Greek as I seldom do that. I had not intended to get into this, but it seems that God has other ideas...
What does the verse say in English?

"All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:" II Tim 3:16

Yes I agree that the scripture is given by God, but the key is in the inspiration. When the first men by inspiration wrote it down it was directly from God, but compare it to Jesus when he was walking around for those 3½ years of his ministry versus the dead body of Jesus hanging on the cross before it was resurrected.

The written scripture, all of it, as I see it, is a dead carcass. It has no Life in it until quickened. It is never quickened while it remains on the pages unread. The quickening, if it occurs, occurs in the person who reads it or hears with the "eyes to see" or the "ears to hear" of which Jesus spoke. The quickening is by the Holy Spirit. The "eyes to see" and the "ears to hear" are the Holy Spirit.

Without the Holy Spirit we are all dead [blind and dead spiritually to the things of God] and so also is the dead body of Jesus. Jesus, the physical man, was dead on the cross until quickened by the Holy Spirit.

So it must be with the scriptures. So it must be with us. Why did Jesus come?

"The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." John 10:10

So again the key is in the inspiration. Consider what the Apostle Paul wrote here:

" [God] Who also hath made us able ministers of the new testament; not of the letter, but of the spirit: for the letter killeth, but the spirit giveth life." II Cor 3:6

The "spirit" or "Spirit" or "Holy Spirit" is the source of the inspiration. It is that which quickens. It is that which brings to Life. Jesus was the first Comforter, the first Living Man since the death of Adam and Eve. He was to send to another Comforter so that the dead words of his body could be quickened in us to become the Body of Christ. He is the Head but to be complete as per the plan of the God a body that is Alive is required. That Body is those who have the Word Alive in them. This why Jesus said:

"Then Jesus said unto them, Verily, verily, I say unto you, Except ye eat the flesh of the Son of man, and drink his blood, ye have no life in you.
Whoso eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, hath eternal life; and I will raise him up at the last day.
For my flesh is meat indeed, and my blood is drink indeed.
He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him." John 6:53-56

The flesh of Jesus is the scriptures, but without the Blood, the Holy Spirit, the scriptures we have consumed are dead in us. Thus we are able to see the need for both the dead carcass and the quickening Spirit, that is the Holy Spirit. We are eat his Flesh and to drink his Blood [the Holy Spirit]. This is what so many men have named as "communion".


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
The written scripture, all of it, as I see it, is a dead carcass. It has no Life in it until quickened. It is never quickened while it remains on the pages unread. The quickening, if it occurs, occurs in the person who reads it or hears with the "eyes to see" or the "ears to hear" of which Jesus spoke. The quickening is by the Holy Spirit.

. . . . happy-yes-smiley-emoticon.gif
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