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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011

But hell does exist. ;-)

Where?? LOL
There will be darkness, there will be many stripes, there will be punishment.. but "everlasting burning forever torment..."
Who is THAT God...not any God that I know.

Oh whoops...this is an "America" thread. :oops:
Our bad.


Well-Known Member
May 31, 2017
AZ, Quartzsite
United States
Even typing scripture involves your opinion - you have to decide on which to use and which not to use in your post

Well said I think in Proverbs there is a verse that states. A fool in his Heart, says there is no God, So we can use it to say there is no God, used with other script to twist our opinion to try to verify our own Agenda. There is another Soul on this Forum that when asked a direct question, would answer with choice verses that , out of context would verify their stance, and rely never answering the Question! As I have stated I am not Highly Educated, but I do understand Context!


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2016
Motor City
United States
Well said I think in Proverbs there is a verse that states. A fool in his Heart, says there is no God, So we can use it to say there is no God, used with other script to twist our opinion to try to verify our own Agenda. There is another Soul on this Forum that when asked a direct question, would answer with choice verses that , out of context would verify their stance, and rely never answering the Question! As I have stated I am not Highly Educated, but I do understand Context!

Quoting scripture out of context is something I see done on here in droves and its really the only way the Bible can even begin to fit with their own private interpretations. Really, I just can't stand it.


Well-Known Member
May 22, 2016
Motor City
United States
Even as we speak, I am in Arizona and It is a place that can try your mind, because of the Heat, we are looking at 116 this next week, and My wife and I have endured 127 in the shade. We have been tested, and we look forward to the next! LOL

:eek: 116 degrees? Well hell, to any air freight company trying to dispatch a plane out of there carrying 30,000-40,000 pounds of cargo, good luck to you. Trying to dispatch a plane out of super hot places like Laredo Texas for instance with a heavy load was always a pain in the anus. The hotter the air, the less dense it becomes, which puts an extra strain on the engines, effectively reducing the maximum takeoff & landing weight allowable. We've had to delay flights due to hot weather alone because the plane wouldn't even be able to get enough lift.
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Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I do not deny that far left liberals fail to self critique - Jon Stewart proved it for me when he chastised Fox news commentators and MSN commentators; Chris Wallace was more willing to entertain Stewart than Rachel Maddow - she was completely blind to his pov.
I did not vote for Hillary. Yet, Hillary is a competent politician - Trump is not. He is not the lesser of two evils - he is lawless. However, this is not my problem with Trumpsters - it is their diehard willness to make excuse after excuse for Trump’s incompetence and lawlessness - no matter what happens. I voted for Bill Clinton, but I didn’t defend his immorality or try and excuse it by blaming Obama or Hillary or the media.

So far, i have seen nothing from Trump that matches up with Christian teachings, neither in his policies or his personal life. Yet, this thread is filled with denials, excuses, blame, and featly.

I am so with you on this Aspen, too many Christians are concerned about "the concerns of this world" raher than fixing their eyes on Jesus...we pray for our leaders like them or not. IMO
I would say he was put in office to try and stave off the end-times a little longer, LoL. But that's just my opinion. :)

Could very well be as, He wants none to perish but ALL men to come to Him. And only He knows when that time will come...dunno.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Did he have a secret meeting without anyone but translators. And i already mention obama’s trip to the middle east
What "secret meeting"? A "secret meeting" is a meeting which existence is known by only the participants. It was not a "secret meeting", it was a "closed door" meeting between two heads of state, which is perfectly normal...but the pathetic leftist, liberal-lapdog media has decided to call it "secret meeting" in order to whip up leftist snowflakes into a hyperventilating frenzy, while these sad excuses for journalists wholly ignored the meeting between Slick Willie and Attorney General Loretta Lynch on her plane while it was sitting on the tarmac, immediately after which Barry O's Justice Dept. decided not to charge Mrs. Clinton with the numerous felonies she committed while putting our National Security at risk.

There's simply no excuse for anyone to be a liberal in America anymore, seeing that the entire mainstream fake news media cartel has been exposed for what it is: a pro-communist, anti-Conservatism fake news industry.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
I would say he was put in office to try and stave off the end-times a little longer, LoL. But that's just my opinion. :)
Absolutely! It looks to be a good opinion, whether he is really godly or not. It certainly would not be the first time God has used an ungodly man before to accomplish His purpose.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
He didn't give them any money,he just released theirs
We owed them NOTHING. The U.S. has a significant counter-claim over the same arms deal, which the Muslim in Chief decided to ignore in order to support Jihad by the 400 million payment. \

Also, the U.S. has FOUR HUNDRED SIXTY FIVE MILLION in claims against Iran which stem from the "Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act" for harm against Americans by Iran which is a state sponsor of terrorism.

Barry O's admin was repeatedly asked to disclose their methods for validating their claims that they saved the U.S. "billions" in money that Iran "could have pursued and obtained" by a Hague decision, but by their refusal to come clean, Barry O's promise that his would be the "most transparent WH administration to ever exist" was shown to be, like most of his promises, empty.

Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Barry O's admin was repeatedly asked to disclose their methods for validating their claims that they saved the U.S. "billions" in money that Iran "could have pursued and obtained" by a Hague decision,

Ugh our Prime Minister Trudeau used much the same excuse for paying a terrorist 10 million dollars to ward off a lawsuit for how he was treated at Guantanamo...

They think these payoffs will appease Jihad.... Not likely
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Ugh our Prime Minister Trudeau used much the same excuse for paying a terrorist 10 million dollars to ward off a lawsuit for how he was treated at Guantanamo...

They think these payoffs will appease Jihad.... Not likely
Terrorists are only emboldened by concessions...they can spot and exploit weak heads of state such as Barry O like a lion can spot a limp.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
That is incorrect. The money had come from the Shah of Iran and belonged to the people of Iran (and some of it came from the American taxpayers). It did not belong to the demonic and Satanic ayatollahs and mullahs (who hated the Shah) and who are presently controlling Iran, and preventing the people from having any say in the government, while they fund worldwide terrorism, and work on nuclear weapons to destroy Israel. The wealth of Iran is being squandered on evil deeds bu very evil men.

What people need to understand is that Obama was always a Muslim at heart, and he was supporting Jihad and ISIS while pretending to fight them. Not once did he ever use the term "Radical Islamic terrorism" to properly identify who was engaging in terrorism (which from their perspective is Jihad).

Who the heck is Isis?Another name for the talaban,same people we were in bed with long before Obama


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
That is incorrect. The money had come from the Shah of Iran and belonged to the people of Iran (and some of it came from the American taxpayers). It did not belong to the demonic and Satanic ayatollahs and mullahs (who hated the Shah) and who are presently controlling Iran, and preventing the people from having any say in the government, while they fund worldwide terrorism, and work on nuclear weapons to destroy Israel. The wealth of Iran is being squandered on evil deeds bu very evil men.

What people need to understand is that Obama was always a Muslim at heart, and he was supporting Jihad and ISIS while pretending to fight them. Not once did he ever use the term "Radical Islamic terrorism" to properly identify who was engaging in terrorism (which from their perspective is Jihad).

The 2015 agreement freed up Iranian assets that had been frozen under sanctions. Called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, the deal included Iran and the United States, China, France, Germany, Russia, the United Kingdom and the European Union.

The agreement only affected sanctions imposed to punish Iran for its nuclear program. Iran has other assets that remain frozen.

Some conservatives have put the amount released after lifted sanctions as high as $150 billion, which is the highest of estimates we have seen. Another estimate from Iran’s Central Bank topped out at about $29 billion in readily available funds, with another $45 billion tied up in Chinese investment projects and the foreign assets of the Iran’s Oil Ministry.

After talking with officials at Iran’s Central Bank, Nader Habibi, professor of economics of the Middle East at Brandeis University, believes the actual total is between $25 billion and $50 billion.

In July 2015, U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew told lawmakers Iran would gain access to $56 billion.

It’s important to know that little of that money was under the control of the United States or any U.S. bank. Most of it, Habibi said, was in central and commercial banks overseas. Furthermore, it was Iran’s money to begin with, not a payment from any government to buy Iran’s cooperation.

The $1.8 billion
The Congressional Research Service, the nonpartisan analytic arm of Congress, reviewed this cash transfer in a 2018 report. It gave a total of $1.7 billion.

That was the amount that U.S. and Iranian negotiators settled on to resolve an arms contract between the United States and Iran that predated the Iranian revolution in 1979. Iran had paid for military equipment, and it was never delivered.

As of 1990, there were $400 million in that account. Negotiators agreed that accrued interest would add $1.3 billion to the amount, which is a lot of money — but 25 years is a long time for interest to build up the balance.

The United States sent the money to Iran in euros, Swiss francs and other currencies. Trump embellished when he mentioned barrels and boxes. Reports at the time said the money was packed and loaded onto pallets, similar to how other bulk goods are shipped.

Our ruling
Trump said that the nuclear deal with Iran gave the country $150 billion, including $1.8 billion from the United States in cash.

The $150 billion is the highest estimate we've seen, and the one with the least evidence to support it. The high-end estimate from the U.S. Treasury Department in 2015 was $56 billion, and outside analysts believe the number could be lower.

The $1.8 billion is reasonably accurate. The official amount is $1.7 billion. However, there’s no evidence that barrels and boxes were involved.

We rate this claim Half True.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
Gonna leave this and go

"Colonized Mind"

Upload: the evolution principal
U c a rock on the shore and say
"it's always been there"
Download: no responsibility
Do what you want nobody cares
Upload: the master race idea
Genetically disposed 2 rule the world
Download: a future full of isolated
Full of isolated boys and girls

Upload: a 2-party system
The lesser of 2 dangers
Illusion of choice
Download: a veiled form of fascism
Nothing really ever changes
U never had a voice

If you look, ur sure gonna find
Thruout mankind's history
A colonized mind
The one in power makes law
Under which the colonized fall
But without God it's just the blind leading the blind

Upload: a joint venture record deal
It's just another way 4 the man 2 steal
While he's sticking you with the bill
Download: the temporary acquisition of fleeting fame and fortune
Nothing 2 leave in ur will

Upload: a child with no father
Download: no respect 4 authority
Upload: a child with no mother
Download: a hard time showing love

If you look, ur sure gonna find
Thruout mankind's history
A colonized mind
The one in power makes laws
Under which the colonized fall
But without God
It's just the blind leading the blind


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
If you could, please provide the passage (or passages) you are basing this on.

Ezekiel 38:1 "And the word of the Lord came unto me, saying,"

God is letting us know that this prophecy is directly from Him.

Ezekiel 38:2 "Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the land of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him"

We are directed to set our face, or minds and attitudes against "Gog, Magog and Tubal". These people are the Russian people; however, it seems today that it is popular to buy, sell and trade with the very people God has warned us against. The "Land of Magog" in the Hebrew manuscript, is "Rosh", which is the "Chief Prince. It is from the Hebrew "Rosh" that we derive "Russia" in the English; that we see in Smith's Bible dictionary, and also Strong's Hebrew dictionary, #7218.

In Genesis 4:22; "And Zillah, she also bare Tubal-cain, and instructor of every artificer in brass and iron: and the sister of Tubal-cain was Naamah." The people of Tubal are the offspring of Cain, which the Bible calls "Kenites". Tubal is the physical offspring of Satan through the sexual union between Eve and Satan in the Garden of Eden. This is also the race of people that is in control of the United Nations, and is moving the nations of the world under their One World System. The "Kenites" are a hidden people, for they conduct all of their activity is secrecy and deception. Their treaties are broken, because the intent of their agreements are to fulfill their agenda of world domination.

Ezekiel 38:3 "And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee, O Gog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tubal:

Not only does God tell us to set our minds [face] against Russia, and the Kenites, but He says; "I am against thee". We know that there are thousands of people being saved in Russia today, as God is drawing out His own before the Antichrist arrives on earth, however, it is the system that God is against. That Godless system of Communism is not dead, and the only reason it seems dead, is the fact that the rest of the world has swung so far to the left. The two systems appear to be similar and equal. Their system is the same system that killed millions of Christians in their takeover in 1917 and later to current times.

Ezekiel 38:4 "And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth, and all thime army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords:"

There will be no army that fights and defeats them, but our Heavenly Father said; "I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws..." It is God that will round up their army, and lead them right into their utter defeat. Now let's look at the nations that will side with Russia in this army of the latter days.

Ezekiel 38:5 "Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet;"

Ezekiel 38:6 "Gomer, and all his bands; the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands; and many people with thee."

This is a new forming of friendships between old Communistic neighboring nations. This also draws up the sides of the battle of the "end times". We know there will be no army to go against them on the face of the earth. The Kenites at the control of the United Nations, and also our nation, will have disarmed us and dismantled our armed forces into a small police force. This is being done in massive scale today, as the Kenites are preparing, America and the rest of the Christian World, for for the acceptance of their father Satan, the Antichrist.

After we have disarmed ourselves for the preparation of the "New World Order", the entire world will be asleep in a false sense of security, and no nation will be in a position to block this massive army that the Russian and their allies have built. The Kenites are involved through their control of the world wide system, and it's agencies.

God will allow the Christians to sleep, and be deceived into believing all of the "Kenites" [Tubal's] lies and deceptions.

Ezekiel 38:7 "Be thou prepared, and prepare for thyself, thou, and thy company that are assembled unto thee, and be thou a guard unto them."

This is a message from God to Russia and all the nations and peoples that support her. "Be thou prepared", get ready, for it is God that will teach them a lesson that will never be forgotten.

Ezekiel 38:8 "After many days thou shalt be visited: in the latter years thou shalt come into the land that is brought back from the sword, and is gathered out of many people, against the mountains of Israel, which have been always waste: but it is brought forth out of the nations, and they shall dwell safely all of them."

the United States paid seven million dollars for the land that these mighty armies of Russia and her allies will be killed. I'm talking about Seward's Folly, and the purchase of Alaska for the United States. We are the House of Israel mentioned here, and the "mountains" are the nations and peoples of today which are the offspring from that old "House of Israel". We are referring to the Christian nations of today.

Ezekiel 38:9 "Thou shalt ascend and come like a storm, thou shalt be like a cloud to cover the land, thou, and all thy bands, and many people with thee."

This force will be so big and massive in force, that no earthly force anywhere could offer any resistance to it; for America, England and all Christians will have followed the Kenites instructions to disarm.

Ezekiel 38:10 "Thus saith the Lord God; It shall also come to pass, that at the same time shall things come into thy mind, and thou shalt think an evil thought:"

Ezekiel 38:11 "And thou shalt say, I will go up to the land of unwalled villages; I will go to them that are at rest, that dwell safely, all of them dwelling without walls, and having neither bars nor gates,"

Where ever you tour in the world you will find the walls of the olden times. In fact even today the borders between most nations are very closely guarded. However, amongst the Christian nations of Western Europe and the Americas, the people dwell in safety, and enjoy the free flow of traffic and trade. This is a period of one worldism, and America is becoming totally unprepared for what is about to happen. However the elect of God will be prepared, for that knowledge will be sealed in their minds.

Ezekiel 38:12 "To take a spoil, and to take a prey; to turn thine hand upon the desolate places that are now inhabited, and upon the People that are gathered out of the nations, which have gotten cattle and goods, that dwell in the midst of the land."

This verse is directed only to America, and it could not be any part of that tiny nation of Israel, in the Middle East. That nation of Arab, Jew and Kenites. America's prosperity is not an accident, it is a blessing of God to His people. It is the fulfillment of His promises to father Abraham over 4000 years ago. Russia is planning to steal the land that God gave His people.


Well-Known Member
Dec 24, 2006
Ezekiel 38:13 "Sheba, and Dedan, and the merchants of Tarshish, with all the young lions thereof, shall say unto thee, Art thou come to take a spoil? hast thou gathered thy company to take a prey? to carry away silver and gold, to take away cattle and goods, to take a great spoil?"

These "merchants of Tarshish" are the Kenites. They buy low and sell high, for they are the young ruthless lions. They follow all wars and battles, to profit from the spoils of them. These offspring of Satan deal with anyone, and it is they that are compromising with the Communistic world to divide up the properties that God has bless us with. The Kenites are assuming that Russia can be trusted, and that she will win. They are playing both sides of the fence.

Ezekiel 38:14 "Therefore, son of man, prophesy and say unto Gog, Thus saith the Lord God; In that day when My People of Israel dwelleth safely, shalt thou not know it?"

This is not Judah that God is referring to; that small nation in the Middle East bound up in strife and confusion. The true "Israel is now dwelling safely in their streets of the United States, England, Canada, and everywhere those Christian nations exist in these end times. While the United States lives in peace, the Jews strive for peace under the protective shield of the United States. It is the Christian nations that is being referred to here.

Ezekiel 38:15 "And thou shalt come from thy place out of the north parts, thou, and many people with thee, all of them riding upon horses, and great company, and a mighty army."

"Thou" in this verse, is Russia. It is Russia that will come against "Israel" [the U.S.A., England and all Christian nations], for all of these Christian nations are trying to seek peace, and by it, they have compromised their security. They seek it through agreements, and trade and tariff treaties, which have no possibility of working, for they are created in lies and deception in secrecy. While we disarm, Russia and her allies are arming.

Yet in our blind faith, and with our foolish leaders, we continue to flaunt our strengths, destroy our treasures, and burn our arms. This foolishness was foretold some 2600 years ago by Ezekiel, as well as Joel, Jesus, and also in many other places in our Bible. We seem to be no smarter then our forefathers were at Sinai, when Aaron made the Golden calf, or in the House of Israel, following Solomon's death; when Jeroboam made the two golden calves to worship "Balos".

This attack upon us by Russia will be form the extreme Northern parts. It will not only be Russia, but a "company" of many nations with her. Though we believe many of the eastern block of nations favor binding ties with the Western world, "Gomer and her hoard" will not. Nor will Iran, and the Eastern Moslem nations; nor will much of northern Africa, and I also feel that many of the oriental nations.

Though English and other Christian nations have ruled the high seas and fed the world for centuries; many nations on the receiving end are envious and jealous of the blessings and prosperity God has given to us.

Ezekiel 38:16 "And thou shalt come up against My People of Israel, as a cloud to cover the land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against My land,"

When this enormous army of Russia and her allies attack "Israel" [America] from the north, God will utterly destroy them. That is right; it will not be by the U.S., the United Nations forces, or any other earthly army. The entire free world, will be under the siege of one worldism, with all the deceptions it presents, and in weakened state of mind. They will actually believe that Russia, [Edom, Esau, Rosh or any other name they go by] will not harm us, and believe their lies.

Why should a loving God allow those untold millions of armed forces, men and women, be killed instantly? God said, that the heathen [nations] will know me when I shall be sanctified in thee. "Sanctified" means to be made known. The mountains of dead Russian [Gog] soldiers, sailors, and airmen, with all their dead comrades with them, will surely allow the world to see that God keeps His prophetic Word.

Look around us friend, the Jews have returned back to their homeland, and the false peace is now here. The United Nations has established it's world governing body; and in fact the United States forces have fought in six major conflicts carrying the political beast's flag. Do you think we can confront the Russian army in the future, when we simply cannot keep the peace in the back woods of Somalia. The world will see that God is in control when He destroys the Russian army.

Ezekiel 38:17 "Thus saith the Lord God; Art thou he of whom I have spoken in old time by My servents the prophets of Israel, which prophesied in those days many years that I would bring thee against them?"

There is nothing new about what God will do with Russia [Esau]. Before Jacob and esau were even born, God revealed His plan to their mother, Rebekah. Read Genesis 25:21-34 and you will see how God hated Esau from before He was even born. God hated Esau from the time of the first earth age. God told Rebekah that " two nations are in thy womb, and two manner of people shall be separated from thy bowels." [verse 25:23]

The Russians are the offspring of the children of Esau; while the children of Jacob are the offspring of the tribes of Israel, both the true house of Judah, and the Christian nations of today.

Ezekiel 38:18 "And it shall come to pass at the same time when Gog shall come against the land of Israel, saith the Lord God, that My fury shall come up in My face."

When Gog [Russia] comes against the United States, it will not be the forces of any nation that stops her, but all the world will see, and know that their salvation is from God.

Ezekiel 38:19 "For in My jealousy and in fire of My wrath have I spoken, Surely in that day there shall be a great shaking in the land of Israel;"

In Deuteronomy 32, and Revelation 15, we read of God's extreme jealousy for His children. It is important to know this, for it gives us peace of mind in these end times. We will sing the "song of Moses", in the Millennium age, over the victory that God has given us. God says in Romans 12:19; "Vengeance is mine, I will repay saith the Lord." God also records this response in Deuteronomy 32:25, Proverbs 24:29, and Hebrews 10:30.

Ezekiel 38:20 "So that the fishes of the sea, and the fowls of the heaven, and the beasts of the field, and all creeping things that creep upon the face of the earth, shall shake at My presence, and the mountains shall be thrown down, and the steep places shall fall, and every wall shall fall to the ground."

This is the sounding of the seventh trumpet, and the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. The time of Satan's deceptive tribulation is over, that time of the false peace, when all the world will live in their dream world. This time of deception is where the whole world destroys their weapons, and the Russians are allowed to keep their. At this time every man and women on the face of the earth will know who Jesus Christ is, and bow their knee to Him, or they just will not exist on earth. Their will be no doubts, or handicaps to hinder anyone's understanding, for all mankind will be changed in the wink of an eye, into their incorruptible bodies.

The world will have a new King, and that King will be our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Friend, forget about the environment, for when these event conclude, we will be in a new age. The new age is called the Millennium, and it is the time of Jesus Christ's kingdom here on earth; not on some far away star system. When this final battle takes place, it will be over in a matter of minutes or hours, and not days. There will be no nations, or boundaries, no walls, or even fish, animals and birds that will escape God's wrath, as He pours it out upon the earth.

This is also the time of the Battle of "Armageddon", and God will show His fury, to set an example to all the heathen nations of the world. This wrath is to show the heathen forever, that He meant it when He told the heathen nations, "touch not mine anointed". God will also show them that they can be part of God's anointed.