Behold, a New Heavens and a New Earth!

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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
Masculine was used to indicate one in authority. Cultural, not biological.

Matthew 22:30 New International Version (NIV)
30 At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.

Luke 20:35-36 New International Version (NIV)
35 But those who are considered worthy of taking part in the age to come and in the resurrection from the dead will neither marry nor be given in marriage, 36 and they can no longer die; for they are like the angels. They are God’s children, since they are children of the resurrection.

Galatians 3:28 New International Version (NIV)
28 There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus.

Angel and God is always masculine neither are males or female.

The Greek word for "angel" in the New Testament, angelos, is in the masculine form. In fact, a feminine form of angelos does not exist.

Male and female is for reproduction.

He was male until glorified.

So those in the Lake will be male and female.

I will not miss shaving.
Gal 3:28 is not talking about that, your taking it way out of context. WAY. Ditto the verse about being like the angels. Check out my answer to Treckson on the same, so I don't have to re-type it.
And sure. Genders aren't a big deal. Who needs genders. It's not like they play a part in who we are. We can just wish them away...our society says. And all those things that make me a woman...make me me, will just not matter in eternity, because none of those things will be there anymore.
Hey. I wonder if the disciples didn't recognize Jesus after his resurrection 'cause he didn't have his rabbi's beard and his voice was higher. If he didn't have any dude hormones anymore, those things wouldn't have been there, right?
You see how ridiculous this line of reasoning is? You see how none of this is in scripture?


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
Gal 3:28 is not talking about that, your taking it way out of context. WAY. Ditto the verse about being like the angels. Check out my answer to Treckson on the same, so I don't have to re-type it.
And sure. Genders aren't a big deal. Who needs genders. It's not like they play a part in who we are. We can just wish them away...our society says. And all those things that make me a woman...make me me, will just not matter in eternity, because none of those things will be there anymore.
Hey. I wonder if the disciples didn't recognize Jesus after his resurrection 'cause he didn't have his rabbi's beard and his voice was higher. If he didn't have any dude hormones anymore, those things wouldn't have been there, right?
You see how ridiculous this line of reasoning is? You see how none of this is in scripture?

Regardless of the context it is used in what it says is clear and literal.

Of course literal is not your thing.

None of us will be the same in eternity and not because of being genderless. But because of being sinless.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
The body of Adam is made from dust and then God breathed his spirit into him. He wasn't alive until his spirit was created.

Yes, Christ was resurrected in his physical earthly body. But when he ascended to heaven it was glorified, no longer an earthly body.
Wait....Christ was resurrected in his physical earthly body?
I think you are ignoring all the things we see Christ do in his resurrected body. The things Paul points to and tells us that Christ is the firstfruits that we can look to.
Granted the Holy Spirit could have allowed Christ to do many wondrous things, but the point is, if that had been the case, then why would Paul point us to it as an example of what is coming for ourselves? I think we must allow that his body, at this point, was his new resurrection body, able to be physical, but also equally able to do things far beyond our reasoning.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
Wait....Christ was resurrected in his physical earthly body?
I think you are ignoring all the things we see Christ do in his resurrected body. The things Paul points to and tells us that Christ is the firstfruits that we can look to.
Granted the Holy Spirit could have allowed Christ to do many wondrous things, but the point is, if that had been the case, then why would Paul point us to it as an example of what is coming for ourselves? I think we must allow that his body, at this point, was his new resurrection body, able to be physical, but also equally able to do things far beyond our reasoning.

And I think your failing to remember, if you ever knew, Christ ascended to present his sacrificial body and blood to the father and then was glorified and then came it back to the earth then ascended to heaven until the second coming.

He look like a dirty gardener and told Mary not to touch him because he had not ascended yet.

When he came back he told Thomas to put his finger in the holes in his wrist to prove he was physical.

When we resurrect it is in our earthly bodies, then we ascend to heaven with Christ and are glorified.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Well, true, it doesn't specifically say 'angelic beings'. But, well...angels do dwell in the heavens. Unless we are to believe that he is talking about the sort of 'body' we have in the intermediate state, which he could well be doing, I still think the category of 'heaven', in the present tense, it differentiating between what we are now and what we will be later, after the second coming. But...I'm not throwing down and being dogmatic about it!

It's sort of hard to put a finger on Jesus, really.

inanutshell...I believe thee Invisible God purposes in Himself and dictates in what manner He shall teach a man what God wants mankind to know.

Clearly he is the firstfruits of what we will be, because the bible tells us that. But, he is still God, which clearly we are not! So, his divinity will set him apart in many ways that will probably not be clear to us until we reach eternity and have a better understanding of the nature of God.

But yes...I suppose we could say that he has a spiritual body,

Gen 1
[26] And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness:

God has a BODY, SOUL, SPIRIT....

So does man...

God Created man, and from out of the man, God brought Forth a woman, and Named "THEM" "ADAM".

(And we find God comes forth out from God and is called by different names and titles).

But somehow, God having a Body, Soul, Spirit, gets lost in the Understanding.

God Bless,


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
I think we definitely need to depend of what the Lord says to us revealed in His Word.
In regards to doctrine and things that the bible definitely reveals, yeah, sure. But, I don't know that it hurts to speculate a little about what it doesn't talk about in regards to eternity. As long as our speculations don't run towards sinful things and realise that our hopes and dreams for it need to revolve around Christ, I'm not sure how it can be harmful. Indeed, how can we long for it without a little speculation, without wondering what it might be like?

Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
Yeah it's beyond amazing what some gifted people are capable of. Like photorealistic paintings for instance. I think I would probably need an eternity to ever be so skilled in art. Yet, there are children creating masterpieces before even entering their teens. Same thing with music. I wish I knew what it felt like to be so talented.
The style I paint in is called Impressionism

Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
Did you do this? it's great; reminds me of Renoir; slightly fuzzy lines and colours. Maybe Cézanne also...
Yes just playing around I try not to get too serious about it. Wife says I should pursue it as a career. But that’s scary
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
It says like the Angels not getting married. Cannot dismiss gender from that issue.

We are his bride in the context of a relationship and a joining. Not sexually.

Being neither male nor female means exactly that, literally.

We will have no gender and no race.

The New Jerusalem is described as a bride. Most assuredly that does not include gender or sex,
Look, if you want to take a verse way out of context and apply to eternity, go right ahead. But you are, undoubtably, wrong about what Gal 3:28 means, sorry. Jesus is not talking about eternity, he is talking about breaking down the barriers of sex, education, race, career, whatever else you can think of, when we become one in him. And being like the angels? That is simply saying that we serve God before we consider our needs. That's all. Angels were created to serve God, not to have relationships with one another. And that's what we'll be like. It says nothing about their gender or ours. It's pure speculation that we shall become "genderless".
But what I know for sure? The bible says gender matters. It matters because of reasons beyond just procreation, even though that may have been the reason for the initial creation of male and female. That's why as Christians we stand against the gender fluid craziness that is infecting our culture. You see, God did make us that way; male and female. He created, in the beginning, when things were still "good", male and female. Before there was sin. That tells us that there is nothing inheritantly sinful in being male or female.
We also know thanks to Paul that it is a blessing to remain single, if we are able. That tells us that it is qutie possible to be male or female...retaining our identity as that gender, as God made us, but give our whole attention to God, not to the angels do.

We can't know much, with certainty, about eternity, because the bible doesn't tell us. All we can do is put things together based on what the bible does tell us. And one thing we can see from scripture: gender is important. How God has made us; male or female, is important. It effects how we interact with God, how we interact with friends and family and within our church. Most of effects how we think. I think like I do, because I am a woman. And while I won't be subject to sinful thoughts in eternity, I expect I will still be me. And I am a woman. I can see no biblical reason to believe otherwise.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
Regardless of the context it is used in what it says is clear and literal.

Of course literal is not your thing.

None of us will be the same in eternity and not because of being genderless. But because of being sinless.
Context doesn't matter? Riiight. o_O Look! There's an open window! Let's throw all proper biblical interpretation out of it!


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Look, if you want to take a verse way out of context and apply to eternity, go right ahead. But you are, undoubtably, wrong about what Gal 3:28 means, sorry. Jesus is not talking about eternity, he is talking about breaking down the barriers of sex, education, race, career, whatever else you can think of, when we become one in him. And being like the angels? That is simply saying that we serve God before we consider our needs. That's all. Angels were created to serve God, not to have relationships with one another. And that's what we'll be like. It says nothing about their gender or ours. It's pure speculation that we shall become "genderless".
But what I know for sure? The bible says gender matters. It matters because of reasons beyond just procreation, even though that may have been the reason for the initial creation of male and female. That's why as Christians we stand against the gender fluid craziness that is infecting our culture. You see, God did make us that way; male and female. He created, in the beginning, when things were still "good", male and female. Before there was sin. That tells us that there is nothing inheritantly sinful in being male or female.
We also know thanks to Paul that it is a blessing to remain single, if we are able. That tells us that it is qutie possible to be male or female...retaining our identity as that gender, as God made us, but give our whole attention to God, not to the angels do.

We can't know much, with certainty, about eternity, because the bible doesn't tell us. All we can do is put things together based on what the bible does tell us. And one thing we can see from scripture: gender is important. How God has made us; male or female, is important. It effects how we interact with God, how we interact with friends and family and within our church. Most of effects how we think. I think like I do, because I am a woman. And while I won't be subject to sinful thoughts in eternity, I expect I will still be me. And I am a woman. I can see no biblical reason to believe otherwise.
1 Corinthians 11 also speaks of gender within Biblical headship, although gender is only one part among many in the topic of the Lord Jesus as head over all things.

Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
1 Corinthians 11 also speaks of gender within Biblical headship, although gender is only one part among many in the topic of the Lord Jesus as head over all things.
I think he gave me mrs waiting to encourage me too conform to his image.


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2016
And I think your failing to remember, if you ever knew, Christ ascended to present his sacrificial body and blood to the father and then was glorified and then came it back to the earth then ascended to heaven until the second coming.

He look like a dirty gardener and told Mary not to touch him because he had not ascended yet.

When he came back he told Thomas to put his finger in the holes in his wrist to prove he was physical.

When we resurrect it is in our earthly bodies, then we ascend to heaven with Christ and are glorified.

You're not making much sense, I'm afraid. Yes, clearly Christ was still physical when he told Thomas to touch him, but this was after he told Mary not to. I've never implied he was not either of these points, actually. But att the time he was talking to Thomas he was doing all those cool things like disappearing, going through walls etc, while being physical. So...even if there IS a difference between him talking to Mary and afterwards, it still doesn't change the facts of what his form was like or what he was doing...