Defending Homosexuality

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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
but we have to get them through the front doors i was lost no good foul mouthed told dirty jokes smoked pot drank some beer..they accepted me just as i was in the church. a sign read fishers of men e catch em God cleans them
I'm sure they didn't change the sermon or the scripture's message to please you though. :) truth with love. Everyone was a sinner who was hell bound to Jesus.

Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
I don't see too many Christians walking about that even did what Jesus said about plucking out the eye and chopping off the hand...I never met one yet.

Yet the Love commands Jesus left us covers all the old Law and the added laws...
Yet strangely I don't hear many contending on here , that those commands must be kept... o_O

Well, none of us are arguing that gay people should be executed, BG.:rolleyes: But, we are citing the prohibitions against sexual sin being practiced within the church. The teaching is affirmed by the Risen Lord Himself in His admonition to the church at Thyatira in Revelation 2.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
@Pearl One day we will have all the answers. :)

I feel it is easy for us to judge others , not only on the subject of Homosexuality but other things too, ....... but we perfect, holy, loving, overcoming, giving, righteous Christians who have not had to walk in their shoes or live through their life, find it so easy to condemn others.

I'll leave that to the Lord on that Day. ✟
I'll tell you that reading that chapter in my book has made me look at what I had previously thought about the subject of homosexuality. And I can't understand why, if it's true that a person's sexuality is determined as a six to eight week old foetus, does God call it the way he does. I now think that the church has to think carefully about the whole subject but am nowhere near finding answers for myself as I have always believed it to be totally wrong way of life. But it you're born like that . . . . . . ? Made me think.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
I'll tell you that reading that chapter in my book has made me look at what I had previously thought about the subject of homosexuality. And I can't understand why, if it's true that a person's sexuality is determined as a six to eight week old foetus, does God call it the way he does. I now think that the church has to think carefully about the whole subject but am nowhere near finding answers for myself as I have always believed it to be totally wrong way of life. But it you're born like that . . . . . . ? Made me think.

I find it hard to wrap my head around it all.
I understand the feminine side of it...have known two dear young men who were very feminine in their ways and actions.

What I cannot understand is the actions of their same sex relationship in the bedrooms. Biblically "seed begat seed"...
Plus the picture God gives us of the 'Man and His Bride.'

I wont judge because I haven't been challenged as they have been /are.

I have not met one, or heard a true story of one who has been delivered from it. Which is sad, as many want and pray for deliverance from it.

I can only say if someone is afflicted with it, they must stay celibate to be a follower of Christ.

Tough subject. :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
Paul was. He had no faith. No repentance.
Jesus just appeared to him and told him to change his ways......
just like it worked for all of us?
The above is Not a Christian belief about Apostle Paul.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
@Pearl One day we will have all the answers. :)

I feel it is easy for us to judge others , not only on the subject of Homosexuality but other things too, ....... but we perfect, holy, loving, overcoming, giving, righteous Christians who have not had to walk in their shoes or live through their life, find it so easy to condemn others.

I'll leave that to the Lord on that Day. ✟
Who is judging pray tell? sin is a sin, is a sin
I expect when we are in heaven it will be consistent with God's teachings that HE has given us in His Word.
I don't have to walk in the shoes of a murderer to know that murder is immoral and against God's law, I just read God's word. I also know that salvation is available to a murderer if they sincerely repent of their sins and have faith in Jesus Christ.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Whoopty doo...I am happy for you!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
I have to admit that I get kind of exasperated at listening to some of you "Holier Than Thou" Self-Righteous people who I feel are lying through your teeth, possibly thinking that will make God less able to see you for who and what you are.

I hate (absolutely do despise) the organized Homosexual agenda, as a whole. And, I have been fortunate not to have any queers in my family. BUT, I can tell you, 100%, that I would not turn my back on a beloved family member (my baby sister, for instance) who came out of the closet, just because of that admission.

Some of you say, "Well, neither would I... as long as they immediately denied any feelings, and never again looked at someone of the same sex.

Well, life doesn't work that way. And it may take years — decades — of struggling with them through their battle. (I said "struggling WITH" them not AGAINST them) And, you know what, they may go to their deathbed, never having beaten that demon.

I feel so sad for, not you people who so rigidly resist any compassion for these people—even your own family members—who have this particular monkey on their backs, but for those you say you would ostracize. We really should be able to muster some of that kind of concern for even the most painted-up flaming faggot wearing diapers on a Gay Pride float.

My own brother has been in prison five times for drugs. He can't seem to quit. But, as much as it hurts, I will be holding his hand till the end. (And I am pretty sure you already know I do not just accept the crap he does... and he knows it all too well.) I believe I can say the same about any homosexuals who may also need the same kind of support and help from me.
Where has anyone said they have or would turn their backs on anyone?
Seems like you are projecting your own biases onto others.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
@Pearl One day we will have all the answers. :)

I feel it is easy for us to judge others , not only on the subject of Homosexuality but other things too, ....... but we perfect, holy, loving, overcoming, giving, righteous Christians who have not had to walk in their shoes or live through their life, find it so easy to condemn others.

I'll leave that to the Lord on that Day. ✟
On certain issues the Bible makes pronouncements that remove all doubt On the truth.

The Bible speaks of those who once were homosexuals but are no longer. They were accepted as Christians.

It says clearly that those who continue willingly and that practice will never see heaven.

In the Old Testament it says God so hates that practice he vomits it out and it was a death penalty.

It is not a death penalty today but it is still formally rejected by God.

There are just some things you cannot be to willingly and become a Christian. They are signs of non repentance.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
I can only say if someone is afflicted with it, they must stay celibate to be a follower of Christ.
Yes, that is my take too, just you would expect an unmarried hetero couple to be celibate if they were Christians. I have only known one Christian who was gay but he stayed single and I have know other men who were not Christian but had partners.
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Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
Like when eve sinned first, so no woman can speak in church or be a leader.

That was clearly not the case in Paul's day. Priscilla was a leader in the church. Women were also prophets. I will give you the Scripture references if you like.
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Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
I can only say if someone is afflicted with it, they must stay celibate to be a follower of Christ.

Just like the unmarried teens, widows/widowers, divorced, abandoned, etc. John Wesley was technically married for many years, but was abandoned by his wife after living together for only seven years (she was independently wealthy). They lived apart for the rest of their lives--presumably celibate. He lived a very productive life for God, in spite of his personal problems. The Apostle Paul recommended being single so that one could devote his/her entire life to God. But, he said that it was "better to marry than to burn with passion". My grandmother used to joke that almost everyone becomes celibate if one lives long enough. ;)
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
A homosexual can not enter into the Kingdom of God and that's a Biblical fact !

Anyone who looks to a Homosexual as an equal is condemned by God.

Homosexuals are degenerates and not to be trusted at all, they are depraved, so more than others. they can come across as all nice and all but fact is they try to corrupt all around them.
Just like a little goody two shoes one may think that they are above Sin but hey can be the worst offenders to God, but as to mans works they see themselves as above others and that is not a fact as to God.

The New Age Political Correct gods peddle licence to sin and worldly dribble bastardising the comprehension of that Sin truly is, sure all Sin but they work to make all equal in Sin, then Sin is not truly Sin ? Sin becomes licenced under mans works with them. so then the comprehension of Sin drowns in the sewer that they peddle.

We all want to love all around us but we must have a handle on identifying a subject for what it truly is.

So with a society that has healthy values one knows where the line is drawn, so one does not enter a male into the roll of a woman etc because if you truly value a woman for her being you must respect her for what she truly is.

Now the working of Satan works to muddy the waters between all in fact as it's his calling card, so we see his working nowadays all the more powerful than ever giving power to depravity not to mention straight out lies being forced on people nowadays as acceptable lies, what is a man is a man and woman is woman, regardless in fact but the new age Satanic powers try's to cloud to mind, into pushing that a man can become a woman etc or claim that uncle Bob is now macerating as a woman, not to mention that the media play this garbage in magazines and I see this bold face lie being perpetrated openly and swallowed by fools and I see it as an insult to the dignity of women, I will call it out for what it is in fact, as the devil is in the detail, it's a Lie and a fraud.


Active Member
May 19, 2019
United States
That was clearly not the case in Paul's day. Priscilla was a leader in the church. Women were also prophets. I will give you the Scripture references if you like.

My reference was to scripture, not reality.

12 I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet. 13 For Adam was formed first, then Eve.
14 And Adam was not the one deceived; it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner. 14 and Adam was not deceived, but the woman was deceived and became a transgressor. 15 But women will be saved through childbearing--if they continue in faith, love and holiness with propriety.


Active Member
May 19, 2019
United States
A homosexual can not enter into the Kingdom of God and that's a Biblical fact !

The original language uses other words that mean fornication and promiscuity.
There was no term for a homosexual but the crime of fornication or promiscuity
was no different for gays or straights.

But for the sake of your argument, lets lump gays in with the rest of the list:


Elton John age 71

Neil Patrick Harris age 45


Ian McKellen age 79

Then the argument is that these men are
verbal abusers
and or swindlers.

Killers of father or mother,
slave traders
liars and/or perjurers.

Is it that gays will be filling these groups?
Is the logical assumption that all these groups are likely to be gay?
What connection have you found?

My neighbor of 20 years is gay. I've never seen him touch anyone.
The police handcuff his neighbors...but not him.

So do the three men above fit these categories of crime because they are gay?
And when we find people in these categories of crime, can we assume they are gay?
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Problem is that the worldly are under great delusions and love such delusions, when the truth is cast out for a lie and a lie should always be pointed out for what it truly is or Sin abounds all the more.

So when one looks at history, one can see that the devil is in the detail, or one who looks at why a child has run off the tracks, one should pay attention to why and you will find that one is living a Lie, kidding ones self to the temptations of the world, now one who understands Jesus Christ and being born again, one knows the works of such and are not to be tempted by such nonsense, it's only because they are outside of the kingdom of God, that they will swallow such and are led astray to such foolishness.

What's wrong with a man being a man, one should always encourage one to be the best that he can be and it's the same with a woman to be a woman and encourage her to be all that she can be.

We had a moron in the top leadership of the Australia Defence Force that did not know what he was, now he has made himself out to be a woman and demands all to take him seriously, the poor bugger is under great delusions, now if he thought that he did not cut it as a man and now thinks that he can cut it as a woman, he has no hope ! he won't even make it to the first hurdle, the poor deranged bastard and I find it insulting that the Government embrace such delusions.


Active Member
May 19, 2019
United States
A homosexual can not enter into the Kingdom of God and that's a Biblical fact !Anyone who looks to a Homosexual as an equal is condemned by God.Homosexuals are degenerates and not to be trusted at all, they are depraved, so more than others. they can come across as all nice and all but fact is they try to corrupt all around them.
Just like a little goody two shoes one may think that they are above Sin but hey can be the worst offenders to God, but as to mans works they see themselves as above others and that is not a fact as to God.The New Age Political Correct gods peddle licence to sin and worldly dribble bastardising the comprehension of that Sin truly is, sure all Sin but they work to make all equal in Sin, then Sin is not truly Sin ? Sin becomes licenced under mans works with them. so then the comprehension of Sin drowns in the sewer that they peddle.We all want to love all around us but we must have a handle on identifying a subject for what it truly is.So with a society that has healthy values one knows where the line is drawn, so one does not enter a male into the roll of a woman etc because if you truly value a woman for her being you must respect her for what she truly is.Now the working of Satan works to muddy the waters between all in fact as it's his calling card, so we see his working nowadays all the more powerful than ever giving power to depravity not to mention straight out lies being forced on people nowadays as acceptable lies, what is a man is a man and woman is woman, regardless in fact but the new age Satanic powers try's to cloud to mind, into pushing that a man can become a woman etc or claim that uncle Bob is now macerating as a woman, not to mention that the media play this garbage in magazines and I see this bold face lie being perpetrated openly and swallowed by fools and I see it as an insult to the dignity of women, I will call it out for what it is in fact, as the devil is in the detail, it's a Lie and a fraud

We are not to judge unbelievers. Your mistake is forgiven.
I highly suggest you leave the judgment of believers till Jesus returns as well.

Galatians 5:14
For the whole law is fulfilled in one word:
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
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Active Member
May 19, 2019
United States
Problem is that the worldly are under great delusions and love such delusions, when the truth is cast out for a lie and a lie should always be pointed out for what it truly is or Sin abounds all the more.So when one looks at history, one can see that the devil is in the detail, or one who looks at why a child has run off the tracks, one should pay attention to why and you will find that one is living a Lie, kidding ones self to the temptations of the world, now one who understands Jesus Christ and being born again, one knows the works of such and are not to be tempted by such nonsense, it's only because they are outside of the kingdom of God, that they will swallow such and are led astray to such foolishness. What's wrong with a man being a man, one should always encourage one to be the best that he can be and it's the same with a woman to be a woman and encourage her to be all that she can be.We had a moron in the top leadership of the Australia Defence Force that did not know what he was, now he has made himself out to be a woman and demands all to take him seriously, the poor bugger is under great delusions, now if he thought that he did not cut it as a man and now thinks that he can cut it as a woman, he has no hope ! he won't even make it to the first hurdle, the poor deranged bastard and I find it insulting that the Government embrace such delusions.

James 2:8
If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well.

Mark 12:31
The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

Romans 15:2
Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up.

Galatians 5:14
For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
We are not to judge unbelievers. Your mistake is forgiven.
I highly suggest you leave the judgment of believers till Jesus returns as well.
James 2:8
If you really fulfill the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbor as yourself,” you are doing well.

Mark 12:31
The second is this: ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”

Romans 15:2
Let each of us please his neighbor for his good, to build him up.

Galatians 5:14
For the whole law is fulfilled in one word: “You shall love your neighbor as yourself.”
You seem to forget that while God loves everyone, he still sends people to the lake of fire for eternity.

Homosexuality is high on the condemned list.
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