entire sanctification is an obtainable goal.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
Why is it when people accuse others and they are continually asked the same question they never answer?
It is not for the Ekklesia to bring accusations, the kind you claim so often.
Even Jesus says it is not and will not be Jesus who judges, but His Word that Judges ,
it is God's Word that is judge, and perhaps God's Gift that the conscience 'feels' accused, so as to bring one to repentance from sin?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
It's exactly what people are saying! It is not that they are grasping onto the promises, believing them, and accepting that it is true! Their first reaction is to argue against the facts and to justify sin.
I don't think that's what's happening here.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Have you heard of a one way conversation?
It seems this thread seems to have quite a few, a shot off statement, then left hanging, as if the other party to whom the statement was made are not party to it.

It does not matter, because each party contribute as they see fit. But it does break up the sense of a coherent discussion or even a position of any sort. I suppose like in a debate, whether you believe the point being proposed or defended at least the best arguments can be put forward. When you know there are valid reasons for causing issues or questions I like to hear them.

One simple one would be if we talk about purity, some interactions between individuals can have a real chemistry, and emotions can run away with the parties involved. Some would say this is impurity, while others that this is biological interaction. Where impurity steps in is when things become real between both parties, rather than just a nice pleasant appreciation. I share this because I get on well with a lot of people, and in church most are female. And some have lots of emotional needs, which means boundaries and understanding needs to be very clear. In our church a couple went totally too far, and got too involved. Purity does not mean temptation is not there, but recognising ones limits and behaving appropriately.

On another issue, wealth and lifestyle. An american pastor came to the UK and was preaching to a poor congregation who got by with just enough food. He shared of having time with his kids in the jacuzzie, like this was normal. But just this divide shocked some people, and can lead to envy, jealousy, anger etc. Again these are understandable reactions, but in the Lord we can work them through in holiness and purity. God bless you
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
If this was a name I used elsewhere, how is this relevant here?
It is like going, ahah, this is your little bit of knowledge I have ......

What is this love you have for me, my friend? Is it sacrificial agape love, of service and suffering for others? I know this love, because Jesus had it for me and planted it in my heart, and that is what I have for you. So if you know Jesus, you know of that which I speak.

If I can never understand love, or your love, you must be a very unusual human being, or I am incapable of love myself, which maybe what you are implying? I am fishing here, because I think this is actually like a dead end point, point scoring for no particular reason lol. And that is the feeling I get, but who am I to know, I can only share how it comes across .... God bless you

I like this expression of what is love in our hearts. Now if I was speaking to a believer they would echo amen dear brother, my love for Christs echoes your words also. I have had that kind of interaction with others before, and it is truly encouraging. What is disappointing is when someone comes authoritative and commanding, starts talking about love in a mysterious kind of a way and then goes silent.

There is no deeper subject in creation than love because God is love. And in love we know we love God if we love our fellow believers in Christ. It is our life blood, and Jesus declared that we would be known as His people because of this love we have one for another. In our house group on tuesday, via zoom, a sister shared she had noticed Jesus prayed that we might know the love Jesus and the Father share in us and through us. What a glorious thing this is to know, thank you Jesus, Amen.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Why is it when people accuse others and they are continually asked the same question they never answer?

This statement is like a song or a piece of poetry.
It has neither context or content. Questions like who am I, can be asked, but sometimes there is never an answer because it is expressing a feeling, a need to contemplate and revisit our foundations, and see a new aspect each time.

Questioning of others, can be an enquiry, while the person being questioned could feel it implies a negative accusation of something they regard as wrong. It could also be just for information, or to encourage or to help provide the right details to meet a need. There are so many combinations of all these things, that it becomes poetry like Bob Dylans song, "How many roads"

Why is a hard hearted man blind to his own hard heartedness? Because that is what hard heartedness does, you lose all sensitivity to the effects or implications of what is being done or said.

If you want to know what a hard hearted society is like, watch their entertainment. It will be so extreme, because only that registers as something funny or entertaining. So the romans had the games, people being ripped to shreds. They were truly hard hearted.

Look at our society and how violent and horrific films and entertainment have become, and how there are few boundaries that are not crossed. If more people had gone to war, and saw how close this is to real horror, such things would not be so common. But they have become so dull, so empty, so complacent, it does not matter.

But in Christ we are sensitive, we know suffering, we feel the pain and the horror, we desire that there might be resolution, love and healing. God bless you.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
See, Here you go again preaching works.

The apostles did tell them (CHILDREN OF GOD WHO WERE SAVED ALREADY) to put on the whole armor

Its like your mountain climbing example

They were dead because of sin, God raised them from the dead (spiritually) (and you, he made alive, who were dead in trespasses and sin Eph 2: 1) After which he gave them their mountain climbing tools (in your words, Being given ropes, helmet, harness, nuts, supports etc.) which is representative of the whole armor of God, and told to climb the mountain (work toward being Christlike Becoming like him, Being a light in the world. And drawing people to God) and you will be rewarded for what you accomplish (gold silver precious stone, wood hay and straw)

You have this all as working to earn salvation.. As I said, only the strong will be saved, the weak will have no hope. And the passage I showed you proves this, Jesus did not come for the strong, but for the weak.

Jesus did not come for people who are strong (think they can make it to the top of the mountain on their own)

But the weak (those who have become poor in spirit because they realize they are DEAD. and need saved

I wish I understood what you think you are contributing here.
You suggest I have to do things to earn salvation. No I have to do these things to express life in Christ, to be a rejoicing disciple, to let love flow, to show the wonder of Christ in me and have my being in Him. I am a slave to righteousness, I want to the depths of my soul to know more of Jesus my Lord, to learn every last bit of His ways, and His path, He is my first love, He is my Lord, I worship at His feet, each step I want to know and to follow in.

I mean like an artist paints because they are an artist, it is their creative drive that brings about their creative desires, to bring beauty on the canvas, to show what is wonderful in life in paint. So in Christ we wish to express the fullness of what He has placed in our hearts, a song that rises in the morning and continues through the day to evening. It is our passion, it is our being, it is our day and our night.

I think this must be totally alien to you, as if you have never been passionate about anything, which maybe you have not been.
But I invite you to invite Jesus to bring passion and life to your walk, so you rejoice along His way and just want to share this with others, rather than trying to find fault and correct and put people right about some issue here or there. If they find Jesus and let Him flow, these things will sort themselves out in Him. God bless you


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
The Law of Love, compared to the Law of Conscience, compared to the Law of Moses and the Prophets.

Romans 7:6 tells us of yet another perspective, the law of the letter versus the spirit of the law.

The spirit of the law is the only thing that we can be perfectly obedient to. The letter is impossible to keep, Galatians 3:22, Galatians 6:13.

But imo eating the hidden manna like that is really the most important part!

It seems that there is poison hidden in your manna.

One prophet said by just praying give me a new spirit to God, you became an eternal being, and were eternally saved, which they did on a TV show. It was for me very odd,

Ezekiel 36:25-27 does speak of receiving a new heart and a new spirit and this being salvation resulting in walking according to God's statutes and judgements.

it is all just a gift.

Now it is fine that if this is your position, then I can continue to describe what I am saying God says, when He clearly says, obey and be blessed, disobey and be condemned.

The bible speaks of the gift of righteousness (Romans 5:17) which John tells us is always practical (1 John 3:7; see also Romans 5:19 and Matthew 5:6).

To me it comes down to this.

Are we working towards salvation? Or are we working out salvation?

Is our eternal salvation something we work towards, hoping to attain? Or is our eternal salvation given to us now, and from that we go on to do works?

IF we are working towards salvation, and salvation may be won or lost from our works, then our works are what determines our salvation, and justfication is meaningless.

If we are working out our salvation, then God is working in us, having justified us, and salvation is from faith and not works.

Much love!

Salvation is by faith alone unto the changing of the heart so that one is inclined toward doing good works.

jesus did not come to call the righteous to climb the mountain

he came to raise the dead (sick) so they can have life

Yes; and this life is the righteousness of the Lord within them; which is normally practical in nature (1 John 3:7, Romans 5:19, Matthew 5:6).

you say you do not preach works, but every time you post it is about works, and deeds and climbing mountains?

There is a race to be run in the Christian life (see Hebrews 12:1-4). We enter the race through the grace of the Lord; and we win it by the grace of God; which is not to say that there is no effort involved on our part. In 1 John 5:18 it is written that we keep ourselves.

Paul never considered himself to have "arrived" at some supreme state of achievement:

"Brethren, I count not myself to have apprehended: but this one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before,

I press toward the mark for the prize of the high calling of God in Christ Jesus." (Philippians 3.14-15)

Of course, it is written that as many as are perfect ought to have this attitude, that we have room to grow (Philippians 3:15).


You say here the elect will always stand

So if this is true

How can the elect ever lose salvation?

The elect are those who abide in Christ for ever (1 John 2:17). And to abide means that the committing of sin is pretty much absent on a regular basis (1 John 3:6).

But we do not know who the elect are,

But the Lord does:

2Ti 2:19, Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

And we can pretty much determine who they are by judging their behaviour, whether it is sanctified or not.

osas doctrines

There is the nominal, shallow or lukewarm believer (Luke 8:13) who we cannot say has eternal security; and then there is the believer whose faith is unto righteousness and enduring to the end (Romans 10:10, Hebrews 3:14) who we can say has eternal security (John 6:47). Two different kinds of faith, two different kinds of outcomes.

Again, are you saying that God is impotent to do what He claims, demands, and says that He will do?

God is most certainly able to accomplish entire sanctification in a believer's life (Jude 1:24 is just one example of scriptural affirmation for this).

The wages of sin is death...

But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (not our works). This is not to say that a living faith does not produce works. It is to say that I cannot obtain salvation by, for example, giving $1,000,000 to the poor. That will not regenerate me, only faith in Jesus will do that. If I am regenerated I might give that kind of money to the poor if I have that kind of excess. But works do not regenerate a man; no, it is an invisible work of the Holy Ghost that is brought about through faith.

Is someone tying up heavy burdens for others and not carrying such a load themself?

The law is a schoolmaster to lead men to Christ. When they realize they cannot keep it, they will come to the end of themselves and trust Jesus alone for their salvation. He is also able, once you are saved, to produce the virtue in your life that might be identified as being sanctified wholly. It is a work that is accomplished from the inside out. Without an inward change, none of the outward efforts to obtain salvation will avail; and it will be too heavy of a load. But once you operate in the newness of the spirit rather than the oldness of the letter, you are now saved through the grace of God and this grace produces all the holiness you could not accomplish when you were trying to obtain it on your own.

If one wants to claim, no this is not true, such a walk is impossible, it is just in Gods eyes they are blameless but they are still sinners,

Yes, it is in God's eyes, Ephesians 1:4, that we are blameless. But consider that there is nothing hidden from His eyes, Hebrews 4:13, He is not looking at you through rose-colored glasses when He determines your practical holiness before Him.

Or saying a believer cannot walk away from God after they have seen everything.

A believer who has the fear of the LORD cannot walk away from Him (Jeremiah 32:38-40, Psalms 19:9).

If God makes us holy when we were his enemy and every action we did 24/7 for our whole lives up to that point was sin,

Then how can we make ourselves unholy?


Ecc 3:14, I know that, whatsoever God doeth, it shall be for ever: nothing can be put to it, nor any thing taken from it: and God doeth it, that men should fear before him.

And this holiness could be broken, at which point, cleansing again had to take place.

The whole principle of sacrifice for sin,

Heb 10:11, And every priest standeth daily ministering and offering oftentimes the same sacrifices, which can never take away sins:
Heb 10:12, But this man, after he had offered one sacrifice for sins for ever, sat down on the right hand of God;
Heb 10:13, From henceforth expecting till his enemies be made his footstool.
Heb 10:14, For by one offering he hath perfected for ever them that are sanctified.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2020
United States
But the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord (not our works). This is not to say that a living faith does not produce works. It is to say that I cannot obtain salvation by, for example, giving $1,000,000 to the poor. That will not regenerate me, only faith in Jesus will do that. If I am regenerated I might give that kind of money to the poor if I have that kind of excess. But works do not regenerate a man; no, it is an invisible work of the Holy Ghost that is brought about through faith.

No disagreement with what you say here, but the statement does not change the nature of sin. It still brings death. God never amends the principle from Genesis through Revelation.

If I tried to respond to that many people in one post... I GUARANTEE that something would happen and I would lose the post in cyberspace before it got posted!:)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
No disagreement with what you say here, but the statement does not change the nature of sin. It still brings death. God never amends the principle from Genesis through Revelation.

If I tried to respond to that many people in one post... I GUARANTEE that something would happen and I would lose the post in cyberspace before it got posted!:)
We're not in disagreement here.

I would say however that the Bible is clear that Jesus died for our sins (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) and that this means He died taking the penalty for us.

When someone truly receives this, it will produce a change of character. A man who loves Jesus will hate sin.

And we cannot help but fall in love with Jesus if we realize the price that He paid to obtain forgiveness for us.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Exactly. In the NT the covenant is spiritual...so then without giving up your life there is no "aphesis"...freedom. (not forgiveness)
hmm i would argue that "giving up your life" is a flowery way to say "forgiveness," i mean how are we "dying" if not spiritually, words like "surrender" and "yielding" are often used? But i havent been following this thread today either
Blood represents life..and this idea of forgiveness isn't right....it's about freedom from sin...not just a pass on sins.
ah well i guess little children get a pass, huh? But im not sure what you ref @ "this idea of forgiveness," sorry. ill backtrack

oh, the idea of forgiveness via blood, yeh. Yah wanting a human sacrifice, i mean pls. So, we feed our children to Molech--right now, today--and then assume that Yah is just a hypocrite too @ I desire mercy, not sacrifice and you just cannot mix life, more abundantly with Death, More Abundantly imo, no matter how hard you try.

As the lesson of Edom shows, i guess; Edom does not let Israel pass through
denial of the Spirit even comes to mind
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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2020
United States
I would say however that the Bible is clear that Jesus died for our sins (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) and that this means He died taking the penalty for us.
The wages of sin is death.... eternal separation from God in Hell.
When someone claims a "penalty" has been taken for us, retributive justice demands that a Substitute actually takes on that penalty which is due. Is Jesus eternally suffering separation from God in Hell for your penalty as we speak? As far as the penalty theory is concerned, it is actually a claim that Jesus failed.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
We're not in disagreement here.

I would say however that the Bible is clear that Jesus died for our sins (1 Corinthians 15:1-4) and that this means He died taking the penalty for us.

When someone truly receives this, it will produce a change of character. A man who loves Jesus will hate sin.

And we cannot help but fall in love with Jesus if we realize the price that He paid to obtain forgiveness for us.
Language and intent are dangerous things. I can live my life as if everything is a transaction with me at the centre of events outside.

The language of payment carries this feeling, and shy, private people love the idea of safety, things sorted, nothing more to do. You hear the louder versions shout adding to Christ's work, works salvation etc.

The answer to our lostness had to be walked, so a cost paid, but it involves us dying to the world. We must give up everything, like Christ did, to find Him.

If this is lost, salvation is not found, and the door closed. As God's people we have to share death to self, life to God because that is our walk.

Many in the Christian world hate this, and will want to destroy anyone who shares it. In this war, our enemy will not change because their heart is closed and hard, and love does not dwell there. They have the words of Jesus but say facts predominate not the heart which is wicked and lost and can never be resolved.

They speak of their faith and their reality. God's people love Him from the heart, forgive from the heart, walk from the heart. It is a faith of the heart. To be defeated here is to not know Jesus.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
To be harsh is to say without Jesus in our cleansed purified hearts we are not saved is brutal to those with the form of faith, but life and breadth to those who know Him.

In love we must be this brutal. Jesus said to follow Him we must eat His flesh and drink His blood. He lost many disciples over this.

I have heard many say if God was so demanding they would leave Him, but they have put their fears and loss above knowing the King. Thankfully in God's grace He shows us why and how
In Jesus we gain all we desire but in the right context. We think our context in the world must be safe, not seeing it is our fears that bind us, not the thing, and we must lay these at Jesus's feet. God bless you


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
The spirit of the law is the only thing that we can be perfectly obedient to. The letter is impossible to keep
oh, hello officer..... how can I help you ?
..... you ran thru that red light back there.....
oh, did I ? how about that - don't worry officer, no one can keep the law you know....
..... step out of the car ..... let's see you license and registration....
oh, no, I don't think so, after all, no one can keep the law, officer.... so I don't have to do what you say, bye .....

(resulting in being brought before the judge, with a considerable penalty)


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Blood represents life..and this idea of forgiveness isn't right....it's about freedom from sin...not just a pass on sins.
The key is understanding justification, both forgiveness of sin and freedom from sin being dead to the line of Adam, and born the spirit child of God. A new creation, righteous and holy.

Much love!

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Justification is a legal term.

It is given is a person who has been charged with a crime who has been declared innocent (justified) or has paid their debt in full (justified)

We have been justified, means we have been declare innocent, or that our debt was paid in full

according to scripture. Blood is the agent by which a guilty sinner could be redeemed. and as such, Justified