I've just had my first dose of Covid vaccine!

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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Yep. Things like losing limbs, being on Oxygen for the rest of their life, possible mental problems (a few cases here) even though you had never one before, and the kicker death because of the cytokine storm in your lungs making it impossible to breathe. These are the great things anti-vax people get to look forward to. Yay!

Well, it's not like they will be able to procreate...the endocrine system that this virus especially attacks will assure us of this.
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Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
Just 75 for most Doctors and if you go to the hospital they still treat you if you don't have money. I don't pay anything to go to the Doctor or Hospital.

Perhaps things have changed I was watching a video of an American living in the UK, and talking about the differences, the healthcare costs being one of them differences.

I would like to see what @aspen has to say, and I have heard the neighbour around the corner his dad I think he had to pay over a hundred thousand for the hospital..


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
Perhaps things have changed I was watching a video of an American living in the UK, and talking about the differences, the healthcare costs being one of them differences.

If it is a guy I watch him too. :) Yes it does cost for some but Hospital will still treat if you have no money, my wife had to go to hospital and we had no money. They still treated her and later the billing setup very small payments. Me, I am on Med-i-cal and Medicare. I get free glasses, free healthcare, free dental though of course others pay for it with taxes and for that I am very grateful. My wife gets insurance through her work which is care-giving for me she has to pay a 20 dollar co-pay for the Doctor and such
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Sep 14, 2020
United States
United States
Christian Debate Forum: I've just had my first dose of Covid vaccine!

What are we supposed to debate here?

Perhaps whether or not Deborah has had her first dose of Covid vaccine?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Not to mention the legal statement in every hospital that they cannot refuse treatment. You have to be stable.
True. Can a Hospital Refuse to Treat or Admit? - Drake, Hileman & Davis, PC.

Then there is the whole vaccine thing...what is it not? It is not a anti-viral. Never before produced in this manner for a Covid type virus. This is more like a antidote...and like antidotes they are dangerous. Antidotes are produced for bio-logical weapons. It will be years before we know the effects of this antidote.
Agreed. What seems to be consistently overlooked is the data linked in this discussion as pertains to mRNA vaccine method being in research since the 80's. But, and this should give anyone pause today, has NEVER been approved for release to the public!
Now, we have Covid-19 and there it is! This seemingly new, due to the publicity the vaccine push has received, vaccine delivery system known as mRNA. Messenger RNA. Now, when for near 40 years an mRNA vaccine can be released upon the public? Now?
What's changed in these near last 40 years? Not the advent of Covid-19, that's for sure.

This whole thing smack as the largest conspiracies ever! On one side of the coin you have people yelling into the camera with mouths wide open and spitting....Hydroxychloroquine will kill you!!! It will kill you!!! It is the biggest lie ever. It is a desperate attempt to continue the pandemic. People just do not pay attention. Hydroquinone is one of the safest drugs on the market.... proven by over 60 years of use....very effective against Covid...proven worldwide. There has never been a campaign to prevent the use of a safe medication like this before.
I'm just guessing here but, could it be a monetary thing? ;) A few dollars to boost an individual's immune system vs. the millions of dollars any lab producing the Covid-19 vaccine stands to be awarded as they release their vaccine version upon the public in what can only be seen as a, wait and see, in the next level of human trials of the Covid-19 mRNA vaccine that was never before allowed to be released upon the public.
And guess who has the benefit and monetary reward from all labs involved? Faucci and Bill Gates.

This was available in January of 2020, they did everything they could to prevent people from trying it. Which proves they intend for this pandemic to happen...They intended to kill people in large numbers so they could control them with fear.
History proves, and to be frank, nah, that's old hat, lets change it. To be Steve, fear is the great communicator and manipulator. Even in our faith. How many come to Jesus because they're in fear of eternal hell?
And yes, I agree this is a weapon, this Covid-19 virus and the resultant pandemic measures put in place over peoples liberty. We've been lied to from the start. And that isn't going to change any time soon.

And with regard to Hydroxychloroquine, which is effective against this virus, the video I posted prior informs us of how deep a threat it really is to those in charge of the fear paradigm. Two laboratories that made the base properties for HCQ burned to the ground. Imagine that!

This makes me suspicious of the so called "vaccine" that does not address the virus, but rather modifies the genetics of the person.
They are still not going to allow you to have access to Hydroxychloroquine because they are still working the death rate of this and they do not want it to stop. Then on the other hand this antidote is being shove down our throats with little time to see its effects. Hydroxychloroquine has been used safely for over 60 years...this antidote, how long has it been around....are they screaming be careful in the camera? No. I am not going to take the word of people that were willing to intentionally kill hundreds of thousands of people....This antidote is probably going to show some serious side effects very quickly.
It already has. One has but to search that out.
I think we know the population control, Eugenics agenda, is underway in our respective countries, all who debate this matter here, when/if their government mandates the vaccine!
And with respect to the American population, make it not only mandated but rescind religious exemption. Therein making it compulsory for absolutely everyone no matter what.
And then, in concert with such a directive, the laws for which already stand and therein can be employed with regard to Covid-19 vaccine, we're told in order to be ID's as having the vaccine, and this old tactic will be enlisted I have no doubt, "so that we know who is safe to be around....", we'll have some kind of identification attached to our personal file, and person.
I remember that member here who reworked the Covid-19 virus name to be what turns out to be a perfect acronym if the aforementioned mandate does happen. COVID (Certificate Of Vaccination ID)-19.

Your best bet is health a good diet and lots of vitamins....A and D and zinc.
If you are not in good health, let someone else go to the store.
I am running food all over the place here for the elderly, as well as dinners.
Bless you for your service. :)
Indeed, the body is able to protect itself from virus with the medicine chest that is a healthy diet, fresh water, exercise, vitamin D as in getting outside in the sun, and the supplement form also, vitamin D3 being ideal.
As well as this, and also from the above posted video as recommended by Dr. Merrit, as she has this in her Covid-19 medicine cabinet.
Hydroxychloroquin, Zinc, vitamin D, NAC, vitamin C, selenium, Quercetin .

The other thing to be aware of per the aforementioned beneficiaries of this vaccine, is that those medical universities researching Covid-19
vaccine are being paid by NIC & Faucci.
Who are the NIC? Olathe-based NIC Inc - Google Search

July 30, 2020
Eurofins, NIC create ways to combat Covid-19 testing delay, shortage

If I'm wrong about the good doctor meaning that NIC in her presentation (video), then maybe it is the NIC= National Intelligence Committee.
However, I think it has to be the NIC referred to in the article.
Scary thought. What if it's both?


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
These vaccines are immoral, unethical, unlawful and criminal in so many ways.
How can anyone still be trying to defend such abhorrent acts?
Remember in 2016 when it was found out the DNC and other special interests had hired people to slander and manifest false rumors about Trump in order to swing the election away from him?
That tactic can very easily be being employed to push the Covid-19 vaccine. The millions labs stand to make would be cause to commit to such an tactic. Or, those who stand to benefit could enlist such people as well.
Then there's the chance of the Contrarian factor. Contrary. People are against the vaccine due to the warning data, the Contrary position is to praise and support the vaccine.

It's suspect either way when someone is claiming the experimental phase is over as far as scientists are concerned. And yes, I know what you mean. None of that is true.
The FDA gave these vaccines an EU go ahead. Emergency Use. It doesn't mean they're the godsend and safe for all people.
As was already discussed, mRNA vaccine, researched since the 80's, has never before been allowed to be released to the public.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
In general my view of conspiracy theories has been in realm of entertainment and campfire scary stories....maybe a few fishing trips. Now we are living in the age of actual conspiracies, media domination, and propaganda. To get to the truth it is a matter of connecting the dots. Communism has always been a pipe dream. Hypothetically works on paper but never in the real world. Total power corrupts and all that good junk. After all this time they have come to the conclusion that it could work if the whole world was communist. The big picture, this is what this is all about.

The first step is to destroy the world economy and bring everything up dependent on governments. ie communism. With the United States, Russia, and China more or less communist...you are looking at the three most powerful militaries. The rest of the world will not stand a chance. Covid is just a catalyst for disrupting society and the economy while pushing control of the people.

Besides anchoring the facts, as always you can trace the money...it will lead to those that plan to be at the top of the heap when the dust settles and communism is the rule. History tracks and repeats....Good people are way to accommodating and allow things to go to far. But then get enough of it and it is to the guillotines for these people. People do not pay attention, the rat race and family nucleus keeps them distracted. Then one day they wake up and everything has went to hell.

As I said before...it does not matter if there is a civil war or we peaceful allow our country to convert to communism, either way it is going to be nasty. Washington DC is pretty much fully communist now...our government is communist. Now they have to push that out to the states, which is going to be a conflict of some sort. We are starting to see that now and they are moving fast on it before people wake up to the fact that they have been fooled. The facts are there if people would just pay attention.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
No, it is the same question. First you didn't know who produced the vaccine you received, and now you do. OK.
Serum and vaccine with regard to Covid-19 vaccine are both relevant and applicable.
Perhaps the confusion arose over slight differences between American and British English? Because my state of knowledge hasn't changed - I really thought you were asking me a different question. "Serum" and "vaccine" are not interchangeable terms to me.

UK Covid vaccines still in experimental stage - Google Search

I've checked the first few articles - in all of them the description "experimental" is applied only to vaccines not yet approved by the regulatory authorities for general use. So they kinda prove my point.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
Christian Debate Forum: I've just had my first dose of Covid vaccine!

What are we supposed to debate here?

Perhaps whether or not Deborah has had her first dose of Covid vaccine?

I do get the impression that some people think I imagined the whole thing. ;)


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Perhaps the confusion arose over slight differences between American and British English? Because my state of knowledge hasn't changed - I really thought you were asking me a different question. "Serum" and "vaccine" are not interchangeable terms to me.
I understand.

I've checked the first few articles - in all of them the description "experimental" is applied only to vaccines not yet approved by the regulatory authorities for general use. So they kinda prove my point.
They would if you were hoping to claim some vaccines are not experimental.
Coronavirus vaccine: UK signs deals for 90 million virus vaccine doses
covid vaccine experimental - Google Search


Active Member
Sep 14, 2020
United States
United States
"Other vaccines" (from way back) were not bogus vaccines. Therefore those who have been vaccinated recently are still required to behave as though they are contagious. WHAT AN ABSOLUTE FARCE!

Here’s Why Vaccinated People Still Need to Wear a Mask
"The new vaccines will probably prevent you from getting sick with Covid. No one knows yet whether they will keep you from spreading the virus to others — but that information is coming."
Here’s Why Vaccinated People Still Need to Wear a Mask

In other words there is ZERO protection from these bogus vaccines. How can you spread "the virus" when you were not even injected with it?

No Enoch, the vaccine is to help me and Deborah to tackle covid if we get it. Just like the flu vaccine.
You know, the ‘ real ‘ virus that is all around us in the U.K.
The one that I am witnessing at work and within the local community,in our real worlds, not the one that you can’t see because you are not here. You want to believe what you want to believe go right ahead and let’s hope that God doesn’t decide to bring the new strain, which is more contagious, closer to you.
Many who didn’t believe this was real are beginning to see a different picture now because they are also seeing it first hand, with many it’s too late and they have paid with their own lives.
Take your assumptions and go and annoy someone else because your sounding,like many others, like a warped record on the wrong speed ! You don’t have to have the vaccine, so just don’t, but stop whining about it. We have had the vaccine, so give it a rest !

Take your assumptions and go

Enoch responded contrariwise to a pro vaccination post, and in response was told to "stop whining" and to take his assumptions elsewhere. The afformentioned response against him was supported by many, and what puzzles me most is that all of this is happening in a debate forum.

This entire thread began without even hinting at organized argumentation. As a community member here, I am puzzled as to why this issue hasn't yet been organized. I kindly suggest to staff that this thread should be moved to another forum, so that members like myself and Enoch might not be so easily mislead. Implementing my idea should be great for this board as a whole. This is a general discussion topic at heart and it's sitting in a debate forum. It's clearly stirring up issues.

Why do we have categories again?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I understand.

They would if you were hoping to claim some vaccines are not experimental.
Coronavirus vaccine: UK signs deals for 90 million virus vaccine doses
covid vaccine experimental - Google Search

If you remember when this all started, there was Chinese doctor or scientist that was trying to warn the world about the Covid virus. The Chinese napped him up and we never heard from him again.

Now if you look this stuff up....as you probably know....you cannot kill a virus....because it is not living to begin with. Its not like bacteria or germs.

Viruses are more or less message bundles....
They talk to RNA which communicates to DNA to change cells. Some cancers work the same way.
Well this so called vaccine uses the same process to change cells....mRNA....genetics.
Now whether this change will be beneficial or not, time will tell. But since it is more or less from the same people that brought us the Covid plague, I would not trust it. It could just as easily make people more susceptible to Covid 2.0 or 3.0 or even cause more problems and disabilities as well as genetic issues that could show up in their offspring.

There are already people that think they have proven that Covid is a biological weapon and as time goes on maybe that will be further proven.


Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
If you remember when this all started, there was Chinese doctor or scientist that was trying to warn the world about the Covid virus. The Chinese napped him up and we never heard from him again.
I do remember that. Her name was Ai Fen. Coronavirus & China: Doctor Who Warned about COVID-19 Threat Disappears | National Review

Another whistle blower there, Dr. Li Wenliang, reportedly died of a new strain of the virus. At least 5 people in China have disappeared, gotten arrested, or been silenced after speaking out about the coronavirus — here's what we know about them

Now if you look this stuff up....as you probably know....you cannot kill a virus....because it is not living to begin with. Its not like bacteria or germs.
Virus aren't dead as we understand the term. Rather, they're inactive or what we'd call dormant. Virus need a host to survive. They enter a victim and then hijack their cells and then replicate.
Fascinating stuff really.

Viruses are more or less message bundles....
They talk to RNA which communicates to DNA to change cells. Some cancers work the same way.
Well this so called vaccine uses the same process to change cells....mRNA....genetics.
Now whether this change will be beneficial or not, time will tell. But since it is more or less from the same people that brought us the Covid plague, I would not trust it. It could just as easily make people more susceptible to Covid 2.0 or 3.0 or even cause more problems and disabilities as well as genetic issues that could show up in their offspring.

There are already people that think they have proven that Covid is a biological weapon and as time goes on maybe that will be further proven.
It wouldn't be the first time virology has been a method for creating a new weapon.

Biological Weapons, Bioterrorism, and Vaccines | History of Vaccines

Smallpox and biological warfare: a disease revisited



Well-Known Member
Nov 9, 2020
Kansas City
United States
Enoch responded contrariwise to a pro vaccination post, and in response was told to "stop whining" and to take his assumptions elsewhere. The afformentioned response against him was supported by many, and what puzzles me most is that all of this is happening in a debate forum.

This entire thread began without even hinting at organized argumentation. As a community member here, I am puzzled as to why this issue hasn't yet been organized. I kindly suggest to staff that this thread should be moved to another forum, so that members like myself and Enoch might not be so easily mislead. Implementing my idea should be great for this board as a whole. This is a general discussion topic at heart and it's sitting in a debate forum. It's clearly stirring up issues.

Why do we have categories again?
Maybe it was put here for that precise reason. To stir up the community. Someone telling a member to take their assumptions and go, is indicative of a predisposition to bias and which seemingly, judging by that post you linked, is a bias that is pro-covid-vaccine.
The tenor in other threads on different boards with regard to this vaccine forewarns the conflict views there would arrive here.
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
Enoch responded contrariwise to a pro vaccination post, and in response was told to "stop whining" and to take his assumptions elsewhere. The afformentioned response against him was supported by many, and what puzzles me most is that all of this is happening in a debate forum.

This entire thread began without even hinting at organized argumentation. As a community member here, I am puzzled as to why this issue hasn't yet been organized. I kindly suggest to staff that this thread should be moved to another forum, so that members like myself and Enoch might not be so easily mislead. Implementing my idea should be great for this board as a whole. This is a general discussion topic at heart and it's sitting in a debate forum. It's clearly stirring up issues.

Why do we have categories again?
I don’ t look at where a post is posted, as far as I was concerned Deborah was praising the Lord for being able to receive the vaccine in the OP , it was a positive post. My comments were addressed to Enoch and in context to that and what he said.
I do see your point, but as I said I just read the opening post.
It would appear the people have been free to continue to post their assumptions, and debate the issue and certain members have been able to draw conclusions about my views without actually knowing them completely. So regardless of what I said, it didn’t get in the way. I am pretty sure that Enoch would continue to add his assumptions if he wanted to.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
I do remember that. Her name was Ai Fen. Coronavirus & China: Doctor Who Warned about COVID-19 Threat Disappears | National Review

Another whistle blower there, Dr. Li Wenliang, reportedly died of a new strain of the virus. At least 5 people in China have disappeared, gotten arrested, or been silenced after speaking out about the coronavirus — here's what we know about them

Virus aren't dead as we understand the term. Rather, they're inactive or what we'd call dormant. Virus need a host to survive. They enter a victim and then hijack their cells and then replicate.
Fascinating stuff really.

It wouldn't be the first time virology has been a method for creating a new weapon.

Biological Weapons, Bioterrorism, and Vaccines | History of Vaccines

Smallpox and biological warfare: a disease revisited
The relationship between RNA and DNA and cellular modification is important because this is how all of this works.
One of the reasons that doctors do not give antibiotics for viruses is because, you cannot kill a virus because it is not a living organism. And you have probably heard the phrase that viruses have to run their course...what they are saying is that the body, the immune system has to recognize the virus as a threat and deal with it by absorpion...it eats it.

So in the past the influenza vaccines were incubated in eggs, the T cell type environment allows them to replicate. And the intent was to educate the immune system about the threat of the virus. Now its effectiveness I think was mostly successful. I do not do flu shots but I have had dozens of vaccinations. I have walked between six men with "air injection guns" and get shots in the shoulders. But not no more.

This so called vaccine uses a different process...it uses more or less the same process as the virus itself. Now there is no reason for this. The immune system can be educated for the Covid virus....just like influenza. As we can see most young children are immune to it and herd immunity is happening all the time. Have you ever heard that kids are germ bags...lol...sniffle noses... There immune systems are developing and you would think that this would make them more vulnerable to the Covid virus, but it does not, as is well known. Their immune systems are different, alertness and active, designed to be self educated. Kids pass stuff back and forth all the time....even Covid type viruses ....snot...snot is an acid / salt goo that encapsulates and neutralizes the viruses ability to communicate and carries it out of the body.

[Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that are known to cause illnesses ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).]

So anyway, their choice to mess with genetics instead of educating the immune system is suspicious. It drives genetic change at the cellular level. It is a very dangerous way to address the virus. Military antidotes to biological weapons are designed to act swiftly against super strains of modified viruses, but are dangerous. Also the practice of double vaccinations is also suspicious. They want to be sure of something. And that something will become apparent eventually. Vaccines do come in different forms but this one is different than all the rest.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
I keep hearing more about people having unpleasant side effects from the vaccine. My sister in law told me that her coworker recently had the shot and 9 days later broke out in blisters on various parts of her body, was in pain and had to miss a few days of work to recover. My wife works with a guy who lives next door to a nurse who just had the shot and that night the guy noticed at around 9 pm his next door neighbor's garage door was open. He called his next door neighbor and told her that her garage door was open. She answered the phone and sounded really out of it but told him she would shut the door. Well, by the next morning her garage door was still open. My neighbor talked with her the next day and she said that the shot made her feel sick and really out of it and she doesn't even remember talking with him on the phone the night before.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Any proof?

No, we used to get vaccines at school, vaccines have done the world a lot of good, it's only a needle, a prick and then it is out, and we got to have a lolly after the jab at school.

Ever heard of doctor/patient sanctity, or the Nuremberg code, or inform consent, or the Geneva convention, or the law???
Forcing vaccines is unlawful. It's a violation of those laws and they're easily found

The tactics being used to force the vaccines are criminal.
Coercion, blackmail, threatening, forcing... These are all criminal offenses that would land you in prison. Its too easy to confirm

An immoral act is a conscious one that does harm or damage. They know that some people will die and get disabled from this vaccine.
Yet they are still selling the vaccine and keeping that hidden behind the veil of secrecy along with other info such as ingredients....
That is, by Christian and secular definition, immoral...

If someone does get hurt by the vaccine the responsible thing to do would be to take care of them. Except these vaccine companies have made a corrupt deal that exemplifies them from any liability. This is unheard of in any other industry because its so unethical.

There is a jar with 1,000 pieces of candy. U know that one of them will kill someone. Is it moral to sell that candy?
What about when someone does eat that candy and dies? Is it just bad luck? Should I be prosecuted?

Then u have the fact that they don't even know if it creates immunity or stops transmission... Yet they want to vaccinate everyone claiming herd immunity... They don't even know if it works or if its safe yet all you hear is "its effective and safe"
This is underhanded, dishonest and wicked...

And despite all of that, they want to Force the experimental vaccines... FORCE...
I don't have the adjective to describe it ATM. Nor do i have the adjective to describe how cold people have become. They cannot discern morality anymore.

They're starting to turn a blind eye to some really atrocious stuff now...
Next, they'll be cheering on the persecution and prosecution of us...:(

From "two weeks to flatten the curve", they have lied to us time and time again... And this is the ultimate lie of all... "The vaccine will get us back to normal"... The vaccines came with an increase in lockdowns and silly totalitarian restrictions and ideas such as wearing multiple mask layers...

Yet the deceived keep on following the deceiver. Spewing their anger and hate all over the truth. No one here has proof of a pandemic. In fact, the data available shows there is no pandemic. Lower total deaths than average in the USA, UK, Aus and NZ
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