A Witch Hunt Exposed?

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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I just don't think he has ever run up against an entire city [country?] (all the federal government higher-ups, Senate, House of Representatives, FBI. and most of the courts, etc. — both Republican and Democrat) who are all on one side with only one mutual goal.... protecting from non-politicians, the swampy snake pit they have cultivated over the decades. I believe he is used to finding differing groups of people he can play against one another, to his advantage. This solid, unified stone wall of resistance has to be daunting.

Let's face it, we have let our government get as bad as the ancient Roman Senate. They are immovable! An honest man, working and striving for the people of America doesn't stand a chance against them.

Only with the Lord's help. I try to tell @Soverign Grace not to assume everyone in politics is part of the conspiracy, but in all honestly I would have never believed Trump could happen until I saw it with my own two eyes. I still don't believe it, but it just goes to show all things are possible with God.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Wow. Yeah, again like I said, something doesn't feel quite right at present. This is the way the campaigning Trump would have reacted. Time will tell, but he doesn't seem to be quite the counter-puncher he used to be. Maybe he's just worn out or something.
It would appear that way, with no one standing up for Trump. But he now has a golden opportunity to go after the real bad boys (and gals).

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
This WILL land at Obama's feet, and Obama WILL be driven into bankruptcy due to his legal bills.*

Hmmmmm, almost exactly what the Democrats tried to do to all of Trumps campaign supporters by demanding that even the most obscure supporters must testify before the Senate Committee and multiple House Committees at the lawyer expense of ~$35K PER TESTIMONY.

... and Obama WILL die at relatively young age*.

* Per J.R. Church premise as provided in his book "Hidden Prophecies In The Psalms"

Bobby Jo

Mike Dwight

Mar 15, 2019
United States
Yes! A Dead Obama! NO one will suspect like myself and Nicole Simpson!... yes... I bought a sugar-high to the cops at the donut shop then called the Cops on Rodney King. Everybody Else wanted to call slavery an "Affirmative Action Apprenticeship".

Wow! Do you ever read your own crap later? Let's Delete my post that was 4 above and check for grammar.

Wait so the Democrats Created the investigation? Their participation sounded more like " hey I don't understand whats happening over there", and the Justice blah blah blah, can be charged for "investigation" .get the story straight, thanks.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
It would appear that way, with no one standing up for Trump. But he now has a golden opportunity to go after the real bad boys (and gals).
View attachment 5760

I truly wouldn't mind seeing him go after "Barry" and "Crooked" at least, LoL.
Boy, would it be fun seeing those two on the hot seat for once in their lives.
(Won't happen, though, at least not without divine intervention. That's another one of those "only with the Lord's help" sort of deals).
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
And there was no humiliation when Obama legalized gay marriage.. right.
There was no humiliation when they waved their flag in front of the usa flag during the olympics and trashed who sent them there... right. It was sickening and I had to stop watching.. our Father showed His displeasure, as 1 by 1 they crashed and burned. That was Glorious!

Agreed our POTUS could shut up on social media.




Mr. Trump should have shut down this Witch Hunt as soon as the facts about the FISA warrant came to light. Once again, he sabotaged himself.

"Yes". Trump DOES need to learn for himself, something he keeps on saying to the media. "Let's see what happens."

Wow. Yeah, again like I said, something doesn't feel quite right at present. This is the way the campaigning Trump would have reacted. Time will tell, but he doesn't seem to be quite the counter-puncher he used to be. Maybe he's just worn out or something.
Can I offer another perspective? Similar to the reasons God Himself allowed Satan to continue his evil work among us rather than squashing him in the beginning. Just as Satan began an "idea", and a false philosophical misunderstanding of the nature of God, so also did the Democrats do the same with Trump. Once an idea is started, killing or destroying the instigator doesn't get rid of the idea, but contrarywise, affirms it. "Oh look " say the remaining 2/3 angels, "God just obliterated Lucifer...maybe Lucifer had something to say after all and God was running scared that maybe we would find out"....
…"Oh look", say the democrats. " Trump has passed legislation blocking all and any attempt to investigate him...what's he hiding????"

Better to let time and circumstance to vindicate the innocent rather than the innocent attempt to vindicate themselves.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Oh, just more of that conspiracy theory copy/paste stuff? I thought you might actually know something about the Guatemala land situation.

You're a doubting Thomas. You must have had a difficult salvation believing in Christ whom you can't see if you can't see the earmarks of what is happening worldwide. I did explain what happened in Guatemala: The Dulles brothers, who were in Dubya's administration had monetary interests in Guatemala that effectually put a number of poor Guatemalans out of business leaving them destitute. It was terrible for them to do that and explains why many are immigrating here. I added the illuminati goals as an addition to see how it fits into the overall plan.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
The last generation raised a lot of spoiled brats. This is them in society as government, media, and all walks of life.

They now need what they needed then and didn't get.

It's evident that the schools are dumbing them down. I've dealt with some millennials who couldn't think or reason. Very alarming that some are in positions of authority.

Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
Well, when our own Congress won't allow our President to control immigration into our own country, what do you expect?

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I don't believe that President Trump is trying to stop the influx of mass migration here but for the doubting Thomases, here is an article I just received this morning:

Trump is letting THOUSANDS of migrants a day into America. I again warn everyone that they're being released and some are coming here with antibiotic-resistant TB. A family member works in a hospital where they're sent and they leave the hospital with TB against medical advice. Isn't anyone else concerned about this? We drove through several towns where we they must be being dropped off and we saw bars on all the windows. I understand why they're coming here - some for work, others for welfare; some are really nice - others not so nice - but it's really unsafe what is happening. They're importing MS-13. Many are fleeing their own countries because of gangs but gangs are coming here. Isn't anyone here contacting their legislators? You will when MS-13 comes to your town.

The Trump Wall Has Turned Into the Globalist Trojan Horse- Why Trump Cannot Win In 2020 (Pt 2) - Dave Hodges - The Common Sense Show


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
Yeh. I lost an online friend over this political nonsense too. Over 10 years. It is the dissention from this that is a shame.

I definitely think the Democratic party has dug themselves a hole for the 2020 election. I am already for Republican views. But I'd reelect President Trump before voting for someone fighting for abortion rights and no borders. And then to top it off...this investigation costed millions more then a border wall. I wonder if it is still 50/50 regarding President Trump's approval rating.

But yes, I'm realizing the importance of being educated and the importance of voting now. We are not only to pray for our country, but fight for it and what we believe in. If we don't voice it, and voting voices it, then we are laying down and giving up. Socialist America. I applaud President Trump standing up for what he believes in.
People can get really worked up about politics. Whereas the believer should look above and keep 'looking unto Jesus' (Hebrews 12.2).
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Post #63

This WILL land at Obama's feet, and Obama WILL be driven into bankruptcy due to his legal bills.*

Hmmmmm, almost exactly what the Democrats tried to do to all of Trumps campaign supporters by demanding that even the most obscure supporters must testify before the Senate Committee and multiple House Committees at the lawyer expense of ~$35K PER TESTIMONY.

... and Obama WILL die at relatively young age*.

* Per J.R. Church premise as provided in his book "Hidden Prophecies In The Psalms"

Bobby Jo

Keep watching the news, reading the newspapers, and witnessing BIBLE PROPHECY at work.

Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
It's evident that the schools are dumbing them down. I've dealt with some millennials who couldn't think or reason. Very alarming that some are in positions of authority.
Yes, and they are so devilishly crafty. Those same dumbed down people have also gained an air of would-be superiority in the process, without even knowing how they have become useful idiots for the machine, and propaganda lemmings lured into a type of slavery.

I remember a family dinner early in the "global warming" campaign, when one member of the family confirmed all the misguided speculations of most at the table, saying, "Well...of course, it's true, right?" assuming that it was, based only on all the propaganda.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
I don't believe that President Trump is trying to stop the influx of mass migration...
This has been one of the most disturbing things during the Trump administration. After everything he has said about illegal immigration and national security being jeopardized at the southern border, the actual results have been pathetic -- disastrous. If his officials were undermining him, why did he not simply fire them all and hire the right people? Now the ICE officers have concluded that Mr. Trump is not really serious, and they have even presented their views publicly. And he has done absolutely nothing about the illegal sanctuary cities and states which have cropped up during his administration.

I believe that if Mr. Trump had been totally serious about the border wall, he would have (1) made a proper televised address to all Americans from the Oval Office at the start of his administration, and provided the facts and figures relating to this very serious problem (not random tweets), (2) he would have found the money for its construction out of the defense budget (and other wasteful projects), rather than going to Congress, and failing to veto bills which opposed him (3) he would have kept the construction details of the border wall a classified military secret, since it involved national security, (4) he would not have talked about "fences" or "partial walls" as though this whole thing was a joke, (5) he would have ensured that the border wall went 50 ft above grade and 50 ft below grade (after searching for and destroying all the tunnels along the border, (6) he would have placed the National Guard all long the border with serious intent (while it was being constructed), since he declared this a national emergency, and (7) he would have had drones patrolling that border 24/7, with warning leaflets dropped into Mexico and Central America, that illegals breaching the border would draw lethal fire from the drones. If necessary he could even have shut down the southern border temporarily to show his seriousness.

Since billions of dollars are still flowing to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and Central America (and other hostile nations), all that money could have been shut off and diverted to the initial cost of the border wall, while the troops were brought home to beef up national security within the borders of the USA. Furthermore, when a trade deal was made with Mexico, the cost of the border wall and the issue of illegal immigration through Mexico should have all been part of the package. To the best of my knowledge, that was not the case. Thus all the expenditures for the wall would have been recovered from Mexico (which Trump publicly proclaimed at the start).

Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
22 months of investigation, dozens of witnesses subpoenaed, several given prison terms, 24 hour round-the-clock reporting on the obvious criminality of the President, and after all that bluster Mueller has now just admitted he found no evidence of Trump's collision with Russia...

Not wanting to start a Pro-Trump/Anti-Trump divisive thread. Just curious what everyone supposes was going on. I personally thought there was at least some substance to their case, but maybe what they thought they had fell through.

What do you think happened? Was there ever any real case, but the church prayed for protection over Trump? Or was there likely nothing to it to begin with, and it was just a big fishing expedition from the start?

Whatever it was, unless they have more up their sleeve, I think the Democrats just totally screwed their chances in 2020. Nobody's gonna believe anything they say now.

Your thoughts?

It was all a fabrication of the DNC/Hillary Clinton campaign. She paid for the bogus report through one of her many teams of lawyers--Perkins Coie. It was wicked and all who took part in it, deserve to be prosecuted (but I doubt that they will be). The mainstream media (with the exception of much of Fox) were complicit. Ever hear of "Project Mockingbird"? That will tell you who are the Deep State assets in the media who colluded with the DNC/Hillary Clinton campaign to try to get their girl elected--and they still failed! Praise God.

Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
22 months of investigation, dozens of witnesses subpoenaed, (actually, there were 2,700 subpoenas issued) several given prison terms, 24 hour round-the-clock reporting on the obvious criminality of the President, and after all that bluster Mueller has now just admitted he found no evidence of Trump's collision with Russia...

Not wanting to start a Pro-Trump/Anti-Trump divisive thread. Just curious what everyone supposes was going on. I personally thought there was at least some substance to their case, but maybe what they thought they had fell through.

What do you think happened? Was there ever any real case, but the church prayed for protection over Trump? Or was there likely nothing to it to begin with, and it was just a big fishing expedition from the start?

Whatever it was, unless they have more up their sleeve, I think the Democrats just totally screwed their chances in 2020. Nobody's gonna believe anything they say now.

Your thoughts?

Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
This has been one of the most disturbing things during the Trump administration. After everything he has said about illegal immigration and national security being jeopardized at the southern border, the actual results have been pathetic -- disastrous. If his officials were undermining him, why did he not simply fire them all and hire the right people? Now the ICE officers have concluded that Mr. Trump is not really serious, and they have even presented their views publicly. And he has done absolutely nothing about the illegal sanctuary cities and states which have cropped up during his administration.
He's just one man, Enoch--he can't run the government by himself. He has struggled mightily against a bureaucracy (including the Senior Executive Service people who head all of the branches of the bureaucracy--Obama increased the SES from about 2,000 to 10,000) which hates him (as they hate every Republican who attempts to reduce the size of government). The SES cannot be fired, one can't even find out who they are! You can just surmise who they are when you see them hopping from one executive bureaucracy to another. Over 95% of the Washington bureaucracy voted for Hillary Clinton. Some have been caught on secret cameras by Project Veritas laughing about doing things to mess up the work.

Since billions of dollars are still flowing to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and Central America (and other hostile nations), all that money could have been shut off and diverted to the initial cost of the border wall, while the troops were brought home to beef up national security within the borders of the USA. Furthermore, when a trade deal was made with Mexico, the cost of the border wall and the issue of illegal immigration through Mexico should have all been part of the package. To the best of my knowledge, that was not the case. Thus all the expenditures for the wall would have been recovered from Mexico (which Trump publicly proclaimed at the start).

It is Congress who appropriates. Trump has no choice in the matter--all he can do is veto an entire spending bill. Reagan begged Congress to give him a "line item veto" but they would not because all their pet "pork" projects would have been eliminated. Many do not understand just how corrupt and complicated-to-govern, all of Washington has become.