A Witch Hunt Exposed?

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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Do you really think that they favor socialism/communism when it means that all their riches would be taxed into oblivion or, when the Bolsheviks take over (like Ocasio-Cortez) they would be totally confiscated?

By the way, JFK was totally furious with the CIA in his day for withholding vital information from him about The Bay of Pigs and Vietnam. Shortly before he was assassinated, he fired Alan Dulles, as head of the CIA, for daring to tell the President of the United States that he "didn't have a need to know" some information that the CIA was withholding. Harry Truman created the CIA from the old war-time OAS and was known to privately lament having allowed it to form. Eisenhower warned about the "Military-Industrial-Complex" and the CIA is right at the center of that complex. Robert Kennedy always believed the CIA was responsible for his brother's death. Even Dem Senator, Chuck Schumer has said that if you dared to come against the intelligence service (he was speaking mainly of the CIA) they have many ways to get back at you. That was quite startling that he actually said that--he has been very quiet since then. Pray for the nation and pray for those American patriots who are fighting the Swamp that is Washington.

Yes. I remember watching a taped speech of JFK talking to the Cuban people on a national broadcast, and he outright told them in front of the entire country that they were not to blame for the missile crisis but that the situation was being foisted on them by an "international conspiracy," and he used those words very pointedly. The Kennedys knew who the enemy really was, and it's why they had to be killed.

Your posts are a blessing. If you can, please help Soverign Grace out when you can. She is very deep into this stuff, but I think she's still a little unbalanced on some things. You sound like you know what you're talking about.

Blessings to you, sister, and thanks again.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
It sad that this thread has indeed gone where the OP post hoped it wouldnt

Quote OP

LoL. I don't even remember the Op at this point, and I wrote it.


Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Are you serious!?!?!? How is one man walking on the street beside the car (a wide-open convertible) ever going to keep JFK from being shot? And, did the shot even come from the direction where he had been walking? Does he have an iron umbrella he was holding 4 inches above JFK's head?

Truly.... instead of just emotionally reacting all the time, THINK a little when you read all this fantasy you seem drawn to.

Willie I like intelligent discourse but not when it devolves into a sharpened tongue shooting disrespectful arrows into another. I've met a lot of Christians on here and you can almost perceive the condition of one's heart by their posts. You shoot barbs sometimes and I don't appreciate it. Joking, ribbing I can handle, but I don't like disrespect. I don't disrespect you and I don't expect any less. Keep it civil.

Doesn't it strike you as odd that Emory Roberts called the agents away from their positions on the sides of the President? Didn't you see the quizzical motions of Henry Rybka? At a time when security should be high - driving amongst the public, out of nowhere one agent orders the other agents to move out of position. It doesn't make sense; unless there is a reason for it.

Yes a shot was fired from the book repository but it's also been speculated that there was another shooter - either on the grassy knoll or from behind in the motorcade:

John F. Kennedy assassination: Did the Secret Service agent do it?

Here is an overview:

upload_2019-3-28_9-9-39.jpegFinancial Armageddon

While many are familiar with the Zapruder film, the footage below is less well known. It shows the Secret Service agent nearest to JFK apparently being told to stand down moments before Kennedy’s assassination in Dealey Plaza 50 years ago today.

The clip appears to show Secret Service agent Emory Roberts standing up and ordering Donald Lawton and Clint Hill, the two Secret Service bodyguards on either side of the presidential vehicle, to stand down, therefore preventing them from doing their job as human shields to the president.

The instruction appears to cause confusion inside the follow up car and most noticeably with Lawton himself, who seems perplexed that he has been called off the vehicle.

Analysis suggests that the absence of the bodyguards ensured that whoever was firing at Kennedy was not obstructed and had a clear shot. During a visit to Tampa four days earlier, Lawton was pictured riding on the right rear bumper of the limousine.

During an October 2013 C-Span interview (28:50), Clint Hill, the Secret Service agent seen on the left hand side of JFK’s car (and the one who subsequently ran after the car and reached out to Jackie Kennedy), claimed that Donald Lawton was actually just going off-duty to eat his lunch, and that he told the other agents, “OK you guys, I am going to lunch, have a good trip.”

This explanation hardly seems plausible given the nature of the situation in addition to Lawton’s body language. He clearly shrugs his shoulders and outstretches his arms three times as if baffled at something and asking for answers.

Secret Service agents claimed that it was Kennedy himself who had given an order four days earlier to call off the bodyguards because he wanted to be more accessible to the people, describing the Secret Service agents as “Ivy League Charlatans”.

However, Congressman Sam Gibbons, who often rode alongside Kennedy, stated, “I rode with Kennedy every time he rode. I heard no such order.”

JFK Assassination Conspiracy. The Secret Service Stand Down Order. Was This Pre-Planned? | From the Trenches World Report


“The function of PROPAGANDA is not to make an objective study
of the truth…it must confine itself to a few points and
repeat those points over and over…only after the simplest
ideas are repeated thousands of times will the masses finally
remember them and accept them as the TRUTH. It is not truth
that matters, but VICTORY.”
Adolf Hitler

“But nobody reads. Don’t believe that people read in this country…”
There will be few professors that will read the record. The
public will read very little.”
alleged statement of CIA Director Allen Dulles

Here is another treatise on the topic. We have to read with discernment, and exercise discernment. There are too many irregularities.

Secret Service Complicity in the Assassination of JFK.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Willie - There is another online PDF that Brakelite had shared about how the Vatican/ Jesuits had 3 American Presidents killed. I'll post it when I find it but my internet is acting up. I read so much when I was researching this topic that I could never re-trace my steps that led me to the conclusions I reached. Every person has to look for the truth with their own eyes. The one thing that does concern me is that many believers don't use discernment as Christ warned. "Believe not every spirit" and other warnings are replete through Scripture. Satan is a deceiver. If you've ever dealt with highly manipulative people you would know that they don't think normally; they think like a chess player - many moves in advance. They are masters of illusion and disinformation and the fool a lot of people. When someone gets wise to them they switch tactics to try to discredit them. These are tactics that Satan himself uses because he hates the truth.

I'll post that about the Vatican later if I find it.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I still feel that President Trump opposes the Vatican, just as did Catholic JFK. Who would better know what the Vatican is all about than those who have been exposed to them? There were those who insisted that JFK would be "controlled by the Vatican". Jesuits are extremely skilled propagandists--they have a diabolically intricate system of disinformation that amazes intelligence professionals.

Yes I read that although Catholic, JFK opposed them. I think he may have been our last legitimate President. Of course he had his own ways - cheating on his wife and such - but as a President I think he was excellent. It was such a time of hope. They were a young power couple that brought such freshness and hope to the country. It's just sad that evil people were permitted to destroy that. It's a mystery why God allowed it.

There is more information about how JFK opposed the Vatican - you can find it online. My internet is acting up and can't post it.

Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
Are you serious!?!?!? How is one man walking on the street beside the car (a wide-open convertible) ever going to keep JFK from being shot? And, did the shot even come from the direction where he had been walking? Does he have an iron umbrella he was holding 4 inches above JFK's head?

Truly.... instead of just emotionally reacting all the time, THINK a little when you read all this fantasy you seem drawn to.
That's not "disrespect." That is incredulousness that you seem to just believe anything you read.... without thinking about the validity of it.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
Yes I read that although Catholic, JFK opposed them. I think he may have been our last legitimate President. Of course he had his own ways - cheating on his wife and such - but as a President I think he was excellent. It was such a time of hope. They were a young power couple that brought such freshness and hope to the country. It's just sad that evil people were permitted to destroy that. It's a mystery why God allowed it.

There is more information about how JFK opposed the Vatican - you can find it online. My internet is acting up and can't post it.

JFK was far better than Obama or Clinton.

Knowing more about the Cuban missile crisis, he actually caved to Russia by withdrawing defensive missiles in certain parts of Europe.

To me the last best president we had was Reagan. Second Trump and then they go rapidly downhill.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2018
United States
If you believed what was being dished up by the illuminati-owned news stations. The fact that so many people aren't questioning shows that their propaganda is working. Americans aren't using discernment. The news stations aren't going to serve the truth up to us, we have to follow the truth wherever it leads us. How many times is Trump going to lie to you before you're willing to admit that he's pulling a fast one? Only about 2% still holds out hope that Trump really is a nationalist, but the greater part of me has come to the sickening conclusion that it's all theatre.
you get this by divine revelation or i y o
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2018
United States
He has already built, I believe it is, a couple of hundred miles of wall, DESPITE the fact that the Democrats refuse him one thin dime, and have filed hundreds of court cases against him..... all in an effort to keep his hands tied.

He is NOT a dictator, and by law, he cannot just wave his hand and have all this done.

When he campaigned on building a wall, almost all Democrats had ALREADY voted in favor of a wall. He had no reason not to believe they would be true to their word and help him get that very necessary barrior built.

Instead, they, like a bunch of disappointed babies who didn't get Mommy elected, have reversed their positions to keep him from following through with exactly what they also said they wanted just as short a time ago as a few months before he was elected.
bill clintion state of the Union
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Yeh. I lost an online friend over this political nonsense too. Over 10 years. It is the dissention from this that is a shame.

I definitely think the Democratic party has dug themselves a hole for the 2020 election. I am already for Republican views. But I'd reelect President Trump before voting for someone fighting for abortion rights and no borders. And then to top it off...this investigation costed millions more then a border wall. I wonder if it is still 50/50 regarding President Trump's approval rating.

But yes, I'm realizing the importance of being educated and the importance of voting now. We are not only to pray for our country, but fight for it and what we believe in. If we don't voice it, and voting voices it, then we are laying down and giving up. Socialist America. I applaud President Trump standing up for what he believes in.
I see it as a preamble of the seperation of wheat and tares....conservatives vs liberals. ...followers of His truth vs Non followers.


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
I see it as a preamble of the seperation of wheat and tares....conservatives vs liberals. ...followers of His truth vs Non followers.

I really dont think it is that simple. I have a couple friends who are democratic. They definitely think differently. But they show love and kindness too. Political beliefs doesn't show true Christianity. The fruits of the spirit do.
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Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
I really dont think it is that simple. I have a couple friends who are democratic. They definitely think differently. But they show love and kindness too. Political beliefs doesn't show true Christianity. The fruits of the spirit do.

Agreed, but Dem leaders seem peculiarly delusional. Probably because of their stance on abortion. The story of how the Democratic Party became "the party of abortion" is actually sickening. Bill Clinton, desperate to raise funds for the Democratic Party, envied the Republican easy access to the really big money. There were relatively few big-money donors for the Democrats. Averill Harriman and his wife Pamela had always been big donors to the Dems and Clinton went to see Pamela (who was by then a widow) and asked her to try to get her well-heeled friends to switch their funding to the Democrats. Pamela said she would on one condition--that "abortion rights" would become a permanent plank in the Dem platform. The Clinton deal with the devil was done and a grateful Bill Clinton appointed Pamela Harriman to the plummy job of U.S. Ambassador to France. He even sent Air Force One to fetch her body when she died of a stroke in Paris in 1997.

It seems that the Harrimans had always been avid eugenicists (as are a large number of the super-wealthy) and followers of racist eugenicist, Margaret Sanger. Sanger felt that "black and brown" people were inferior (she called them "human weeds") and hoped that some quasi-governmental body would provide a way to keep them from procreating. Planned Parenthood came out of that notion. It is no accident that a majority of their clinics are in poor, African-American and Hispanic neighborhoods. In some cities, there are now more African-American children lost to abortion than are born alive. It is a national tragedy and disgrace--in fact, it is genocide. And what is maybe even worse, it broke the bond of many, many African-Americans with their churches. It is heart-breaking that the intense Christian spirituality that had brought them through the days of slavery and Jim Crow discrimination was, in many ways, discarded in a haze of drugs and alcohol--self-medication for the desperate devastation that follows abortion--for both the fathers and the mothers.

The Dems are responsible for the epidemic of fatherless homes in the African-American communities as well. African-Americans had begun to inch their way out of poverty before President Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" legislation took effect. Up to that point, over 85% of African-American homes were headed by working fathers. When the Johnson administration made the decision to only fund single mothers instead of poor black families, it led to the destruction of many, many black families. Then, when the abortion and drug epidemic hit the African-American communities, the destruction was complete. We need so much to pray for our black brothers and sisters who are seeking to rebuild the faith of the African-American communities.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
I really dont think it is that simple. I have a couple friends who are democratic. They definitely think differently. But they show love and kindness too. Political beliefs doesn't show true Christianity. The fruits of the spirit do.

All I can say is the Democrat party has no love for Christians, God or conservatives. The party is pro-abortion, pro-gay, pro-drugs, pro-illegals, anti-capital punishment, pro-prostitution and more.

Many do not even have a clue what their Elected are doing.

Sorry but a pet peeve of mine is it is that it is not the Democratic party, it is the democrat party.

Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
Agreed, but Dem leaders seem peculiarly delusional. Probably because of their stance on abortion. The story of how the Democratic Party became "the party of abortion" is actually sickening. Bill Clinton, desperate to raise funds for the Democratic Party, envied the Republican easy access to the really big money. There were relatively few big-money donors for the Democrats. Averill Harriman and his wife Pamela had always been big donors to the Dems and Clinton went to see Pamela (who was by then a widow) and asked her to try to get her well-heeled friends to switch their funding to the Democrats. Pamela said she would on one condition--that "abortion rights" would become a permanent plank in the Dem platform. The Clinton deal with the devil was done and a grateful Bill Clinton appointed Pamela Harriman to the plummy job of U.S. Ambassador to France. He even sent Air Force One to fetch her body when she died of a stroke in Paris in 1997.

It seems that the Harrimans had always been avid eugenicists (as are a large number of the super-wealthy) and followers of racist eugenicist, Margaret Sanger. Sanger felt that "black and brown" people were inferior (she called them "human weeds") and hoped that some quasi-governmental body would provide a way to keep them from procreating. Planned Parenthood came out of that notion. It is no accident that a majority of their clinics are in poor, African-American and Hispanic neighborhoods. In some cities, there are now more African-American children lost to abortion than are born alive. It is a national tragedy and disgrace--in fact, it is genocide. And what is maybe even worse, it broke the bond of many, many African-Americans with their churches. It is heart-breaking that the intense Christian spirituality that had brought them through the days of slavery and Jim Crow discrimination was, in many ways, discarded in a haze of drugs and alcohol--self-medication for the desperate devastation that follows abortion--for both the fathers and the mothers.

The Dems are responsible for the epidemic of fatherless homes in the African-American communities as well. African-Americans had begun to inch their way out of poverty before President Lyndon Johnson's "Great Society" legislation took effect. Up to that point, over 85% of African-American homes were headed by working fathers. When the Johnson administration made the decision to only fund single mothers instead of poor black families, it led to the destruction of many, many black families. Then, when the abortion and drug epidemic hit the African-American communities, the destruction was complete. We need so much to pray for our black brothers and sisters who are seeking to rebuild the faith of the African-American communities.
That was fascinating.
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