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Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2012
United States
Vet, As you've been shown several times, the wrath of the Lamb and the wrath of God are separate events within the context of the 70th week as well as the wrath of satan, which is the great trib is also a separate short-term event. Also, Rev. 16:15 is NOT a warning to the church! We will continue to disagree on our timings so for now I'm putting this discussion on the back burner of my mind.


New Member
Aug 25, 2010
There is no rapture event written of in those 6th Seal events, NOR in the Rev.7 events. You're adding that. A simple look at 'trumpet' and 'vial' events shows how you are wrong...
Well that is a fallacy in prophetic interpretation - to insist that every event be listed in its exact order. Like the child who wants it all spelled out for them, is the Christian who insists that if a fact or event is omitted from a particular linear narrative - that it never happened!

This is where we as modern Americans fail. To us, an omission of a fact is a commision of a crime. We have had it drummed into our heads that it must be the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth - and don't leave anything out! However, with God, an omission of a fact is not a commission of an error. Nowhere in the major linear narratives which cover the end-times will you find everything laid out as we'd like to see it so that there is no disagreement.

So the fact that the word gathering, or taking up (receiving), isn't in the text - still doesn't mean the Great Multitude isn't the direct result of the Rapture.

Fact: the Great Multitude come out of the Great Tribulation. Rev 7:14
Fact: the Great Multitude are cleansed of sin just like the Church - through Jesus. Rev 7:14 again.
Fact: the Great Tribulation is a specific and unique time because it is unequaled. Mt 24:21
Fact: Immediately after the Great Tribulation, the sun/moon/star event heralding the Day of the Lord happens. Mt 24:29
Fact: This same specific and unique signature event of God heralding the Day of the Lord happens coincidentally with the breaking of the sixth Seal. Rev 6:12-13
Fact: The Elect are taken up by Angels to Jesus on the clouds: Mt 24:31, 1Th 4:17, and Rev 14:14-16
Fact: The Harvest "Wheat" is taken to the barn of Heaven. Mt 13:30
Which has goes right back to the Great Multitude being Harvested from ALL over the earth out of the Great Tribulation and suddenly showing up in the third Heaven of God the Father's presence IN the Temple of God in Heaven.

So just because John does not write that the Great Multitude are the result of the Rapture, doesn't mean they aren't the result of the Rapture. Indeed, the proof is in the Bible which says the Great Multitude ARE the very same Elect - believing Christians on the earth who are still alive and are left after the Great Tribulation and that great host of people who are resurrected from the grave from the time of Adam to that time who died normal deaths believing in a Messiah who would save them just as Job believed and just as Daniel was promised.


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
The original Pre-Wrath position is that Christ's coming and gathering of His Church is for after... the tribulation, which is written. But the 'leaven' they add to The Scriptures is a time delay between the saints being "caught up" (changed at the twinkling of an eye) and the time of God's wrath upon the wicked.

In reality per God's Word, Christ's coming and gathering of His Church in Heaven and on earth occurs at the 'same' time as God's cup of wrath upon the wicked poured out on earth. The reason a rapture is not meant regarding the 'great multitude of Rev.7 is because the idea is not written in the first place there. Because their having made their robes white in the Blood of The Lamb is directly related to the Daniel 11:33-35 and Daniel 12:10 events, it is DURING the tribulation when they are purged and made white in The Lamb. That's why the Rev.7 Scripture of their having come out of tribulation is not pointing to a 'rapture'. It's pointing instead to their having been cleansed BY going through tribulation...

Acts 14:22
22 Confirming the souls of the disciples, and exhorting them to continue in the faith, and that we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God.


New Member
Jul 9, 2011
Lehigh Acres, Florida
Teliosis wroe: " The woman "Israel" (see Genesis 37:9-10 - this woman symbolizes all of Israel) is differentiated from her "offspring". "

Interesting point... Though it does not turn my thoughts... at least yet... it does however, give me reason to re-consider it.
I have no issue with a re-incarnate Mary, or other significant woman giving re-birth in the physical form all the same, but, as I stated it does give reason to re-consider. Also, your understanding that the remnant of her seed must be Jews could be skewed and it could simply mean she had children before she gave birth to the second coming of Jesus. In this manner of a non-virgin second coming of Jesus would also give credance to grafted unto the vine or that ability of God to realize and display the validity of im-perfect people to become perfected through Jesus and all the while hiding from people the child that will reign for 1000 years as King of King and Lord of Lords. I should give this more thought.

Then for me at least, you've destroyed any credibility you might have had! "
And so I wrote: I do not take away and validity from you except in areas where I disagree, please explain why I should
Allow me to then elabroate on this...I considered that since you think you found a flaw that MY credibility is nil, so why when I see a flaw by you should I not consider your credibility nil.... I noticed you you did not respond to this and so... I will help.. yor answer shouid simpllyu be " touche' " if so then our open lines of debates and comunications can become stronger rather than weaker. Since NONE of us have perfect understanding we sould either grow ith our joint efforts - such is the reason for the forum or simply have everyone throw out everyone's elses ideas becasue NONE are perfect and close the forum, for in that the forum would have no use. Please opt for touche' that we can continueit is not a "i'm sorry, but rather a "valid point"


New Member
Aug 25, 2010
The original Pre-Wrath position is that Christ's coming and gathering of His Church is for after... the tribulation, which is written. But the 'leaven' they add to The Scriptures is a time delay between the saints being "caught up" (changed at the twinkling of an eye) and the time of God's wrath upon the wicked.

Yeah, and Mitt Romney has a 5 trillion dollar tax cut as Obama lied.

My take on Pre-Wrath does not add "leaven" to Scripture. The Rapture comes on the Day of the Lord. The Wrath of God comes on the Day of the Lord. They both come on the same day. Scripture records only half an hour between the opening of the seventh Seal and the presentation of the Trumpets. At this critical time there is silence in Heaven for half an hour.

The Hebrew day begins at sunset. The Elect are taken up at night: "In the evening, it will be light" as Isaiah wrote and that comes with the Sign of the Son of Man - the scrolling of the (night) sky. As one of my friends remarked: it is the opening of our world by God's. It is a dimensional rift in the language of science.

The coming on the clouds happens at the same time (at night) for each time zone as Jesus comes from East to West to gather up the few remaining Elect who are still alive and remain after the Great Tribulation - now shortened - has taken its toll. Jesus comes with all those whom He has liberated from death. This would be a Great Multitude of Saints.

With the coming of dawn, the world finds bodies scattered all around and now God's Wrath is about to descend upon the remaining wicked - burning them in the field of this world with fire. Mountains will smoke. And an avenging Angel will decimate the armies gathered in Israel. God will protect the fleeing remnant of Jews too. There are two battles said to be on the Day of the Lord: one around Jerusalem, and the other to the south in the Valley of Decision near Bethlehem.

In reality per God's Word, Christ's coming and gathering of His Church in Heaven and on earth occurs at the 'same' time as God's cup of wrath upon the wicked poured out on earth.

Negative again. Jesus said it would be like Noah and Lot.

In each case, we see rescue and then wrath. Noah did not swim through the water to climb up the ark, but entered its safety, provided by God by His Instruction, before the rain came down and the waters from the depths rose up. Likewise, Lot was taken out of the city before the sulphur came raining down on fire. He was not sheltered by an umbrella and had to step over burning coals!

The “protection clause” of Rev 3:10 does not mean Christians can be sheltered through God’s Wrath. We are not destined for Wrath Paul wrote. We are saved from the coming Wrath he wrote too.

We do go through the Great Tribulation. That time is cut off abruptly. It is shortened by the arrival of the Day of the Lord which is written to be coincidental with the sixth Seal. This can be proved by the signature sign of God with the sun/moon/star event which Jesus says happens between the Great Tribulation and His arrival and the subsequent gathering of the Elect.

The Wrath of God follows the Rapture. It does so on the same day. But we are not here for that. The calamities which await the wicked are payback for the tribulation they caused us. We do not have to suffer through them: we are not deserving of that judgment by faith.

The Rapture does not have to be written in Rev 7 for it to be there. An omission of a fact is not the commission of an error. The Great Multitude come out of the Great Tribulation when it is shortened by the sudden arrival of the Day of the Lord. That happens with the sixth Seal. We are rescued from evil and then God’s Wrath comes down on them. That is the example of Noah and Lot.


New Member
Jul 9, 2011
Lehigh Acres, Florida
Teleiosis wrote:
" The “protection clause” of Rev 3:10 does not mean Christians can be sheltered through God’s Wrath. We are not destined for Wrath Paul wrote. We are saved from the coming Wrath he wrote too. "
This is beacuse not all Christians go in te Rapture.

" The “protection clause” of Rev 3:10 does not mean Christians can be sheltered through God’s Wrath. We are not destined for Wrath Paul wrote. We are saved from the coming Wrath he wrote too. "
It is Christians that are beheaded because they will not deny Jesus. So then consider for what Christians the Rapture is intended.

" The Rapture does not have to be written in Rev 7 for it to be there. An omission of a fact is not the commission of an error. The Great Multitude come out of the Great Tribulation when it is shortened by the sudden arrival of the Day of the Lord. "
That is correct, but Tribulation is shortened... shortened to 7 years.

" An omission of a fact is not the commission of an error. "

BTW... The Two Witnesses will have low to no credibility. But that is due to errors made by man, not by the Two witnesses.


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
Yeah, and Mitt Romney has a 5 trillion dollar tax cut as Obama lied.

My take on Pre-Wrath does not add "leaven" to Scripture. The Rapture comes on the Day of the Lord. The Wrath of God comes on the Day of the Lord. They both come on the same day. Scripture records only half an hour between the opening of the seventh Seal and the presentation of the Trumpets. At this critical time there is silence in Heaven for half an hour.

The Hebrew day begins at sunset. The Elect are taken up at night: "In the evening, it will be light" as Isaiah wrote and that comes with the Sign of the Son of Man - the scrolling of the (night) sky. As one of my friends remarked: it is the opening of our world by God's. It is a dimensional rift in the language of science.

The coming on the clouds happens at the same time (at night) for each time zone as Jesus comes from East to West to gather up the few remaining Elect who are still alive and remain after the Great Tribulation - now shortened - has taken its toll. Jesus comes with all those whom He has liberated from death. This would be a Great Multitude of Saints.

With the coming of dawn, the world finds bodies scattered all around and now God's Wrath is about to descend upon the remaining wicked - burning them in the field of this world with fire. Mountains will smoke. And an avenging Angel will decimate the armies gathered in Israel. God will protect the fleeing remnant of Jews too. There are two battles said to be on the Day of the Lord: one around Jerusalem, and the other to the south in the Valley of Decision near Bethlehem.

Negative again. Jesus said it would be like Noah and Lot.

In each case, we see rescue and then wrath. Noah did not swim through the water to climb up the ark, but entered its safety, provided by God by His Instruction, before the rain came down and the waters from the depths rose up. Likewise, Lot was taken out of the city before the sulphur came raining down on fire. He was not sheltered by an umbrella and had to step over burning coals!

The “protection clause” of Rev 3:10 does not mean Christians can be sheltered through God’s Wrath. We are not destined for Wrath Paul wrote. We are saved from the coming Wrath he wrote too.

We do go through the Great Tribulation. That time is cut off abruptly. It is shortened by the arrival of the Day of the Lord which is written to be coincidental with the sixth Seal. This can be proved by the signature sign of God with the sun/moon/star event which Jesus says happens between the Great Tribulation and His arrival and the subsequent gathering of the Elect.

The Wrath of God follows the Rapture. It does so on the same day. But we are not here for that. The calamities which await the wicked are payback for the tribulation they caused us. We do not have to suffer through them: we are not deserving of that judgment by faith.

The Rapture does not have to be written in Rev 7 for it to be there. An omission of a fact is not the commission of an error. The Great Multitude come out of the Great Tribulation when it is shortened by the sudden arrival of the Day of the Lord. That happens with the sixth Seal. We are rescued from evil and then God’s Wrath comes down on them. That is the example of Noah and Lot.

You STILL haven't figured it out yet, because when the saints still alive on earth are changed at the "twinkling of an eye" like Paul said, that means the wicked on earth are 'changed' at that moment too! And that's what the Isaiah 25 Scripture reveals where Paul was pulling that idea from, along with other OT Scripture about the "day of the Lord" events of Christ's coming.

And once ALL on earth are 'changed', what does that mean? It means it's all over. Christ showed this too in John 5:28-29 which references the idea of an 'hour', which is really just a time expression. Doesn't mean it's going take a literal hour for all those events; more like a few minutes at most, but most likely it will be like God said through His OT prophets, at an instant, suddenly. Per the 6th Seal events, those who are seeking to hide from Christ's wrath because Christ is REVEALED to them, which would mean what? That 'they' at that moment have been 'changed' too, the Heavenly revealed to them also.

But the various doctrines of men come up with all sorts of ideas instead, like the saints are changed to resurrection bodies while the wicked are still in flesh bodies, etc. Some even think it's like that during Christ's Milennium reign for a thousand years too, flesh people and resurrection body people together on earth. It's crazy, and those ideas are not written. Nor is the idea that one group of people are changed suddenly, and the other group is not.


New Member
Feb 26, 2011
New Hampshire's North Woods
The Rapture does not have to be written in Rev 7 for it to be there. An omission of a fact is not the commission of an error.

I have a hard time to believe that a Christian would believe such a thing. That puts our bibles in about the same catergory as a fictitious childrens book. With that type of hermeneutic you can make up and believe anything you want since you completely disregard the inspiration of God's Holy Word.
Sad to see that you believe such a thing and makes your discernment of the holy scriptures completely bogus and useless. You need help.


New Member
Jul 9, 2011
Lehigh Acres, Florida
Kaoticprofit Wrote: " I have a hard time to believe that a Christian would believe such a thing. That puts our bibles in about the same catergory as a fictitious childrens book. "

I do not see your understanding here... Are you claiming that anything not written here cannot take place here? Or just things you do not agree with?


New Member
Aug 25, 2010
veteran said:
You STILL haven't figured it out yet, because when the saints still alive on earth are changed at the "twinkling of an eye" like Paul said, that means the wicked on earth are 'changed' at that moment too! And that's what the Isaiah 25 Scripture reveals where Paul was pulling that idea from, along with other OT Scripture about the "day of the Lord" events of Christ's coming.

And once ALL on earth are 'changed', what does that mean? It means it's all over. Christ showed this too in John 5:28-29 which references the idea of an 'hour', which is really just a time expression. Doesn't mean it's going take a literal hour for all those events; more like a few minutes at most, but most likely it will be like God said through His OT prophets, at an instant, suddenly. Per the 6th Seal events, those who are seeking to hide from Christ's wrath because Christ is REVEALED to them, which would mean what? That 'they' at that moment have been 'changed' too, the Heavenly revealed to them also.

But the various doctrines of men come up with all sorts of ideas instead, like the saints are changed to resurrection bodies while the wicked are still in flesh bodies, etc. Some even think it's like that during Christ's Milennium reign for a thousand years too, flesh people and resurrection body people together on earth. It's crazy, and those ideas are not written. Nor is the idea that one group of people are changed suddenly, and the other group is not.
You have a lot of assumptions here.

1. When Paul describes how the Saints (Elect, Harvest wheat) are changed, or exchange mortal for immortal (as he goes on so long to explain) - does not mean that the wicked are changed too. Paul does not address God's Wrath in Thessalonians or Corinthians to detail it; just that we don't suffer it and that it ultimately destroys the Man of Lawlessness. Isaiah 25 sets the sequence of Wrath, Ingathering, Millennial peace. Isaiah 25 does not have the separation of Sheep and Goats happening as you do before the Millennium for your "heaven on earth" scenario whereby the Saints do all the heavy lifting in defeating the wicked. That is an ego-pumping proposition.

2. John 5:28-29 follows John 5:24-25 and is one of five times in the Bible that Jesus describes two resurrections of the dead. The first is only for the Living, the righteous. The second (after the Millennium) gathers both Living and Dead and then sorts the righteous from the wicked. There is no evidence in the Bible for the wicked to be changed when the Day of the Lord comes and they're hiding in their liars.

3. Your "man" idea that somehow both are changed is also a "doctrine of man." The few Elect, who are still alive and remain after the shortened Great Tribulation (which only begins at the midpoint and does NOT last seven years - or even the remaining three and a half) - are changed instantaneously, or alternately as allowed by the underlying Greek verb, exchange their mortal bodies for immortal ones (which also explains how bodies could be flung around and there would be carcasses coincidental with the Rapture) - are the exception and not the rule. Most people, even the Elect, do not go through this process. Only a few out of hundreds of millions... perhaps just a few million world-wide. The Dead in Christ, the Living, righteous souls from Paradise, have no mortal body anymore and are translated directly into immortal and imperishable bodies. Nothing in Revelation chapters 19-22, Isaiah's Millennium passages or Ezekiel's later chapters, suggests that the immortal Elect live alongside mortal people.

kaoticprofit said:
I have a hard time to believe that a Christian would believe such a thing. That puts our bibles in about the same catergory as a fictitious childrens book. With that type of hermeneutic you can make up and believe anything you want since you completely disregard the inspiration of God's Holy Word.
Sad to see that you believe such a thing and makes your discernment of the holy scriptures completely bogus and useless. You need help.
I do not like your methods. You change Scripture in your signature and come to a faulty conclusion which you then teach as truth, and even broadcast on your avatar. You also cannot discuss ideas, but instead resort to attacking the man when you say I "disregard" Scripture, or that "I" need help. I suggest you take a long hard look at yourself before attempting to fix me into your image because I do not want to be like you.

No end-time linear narrative describes every possible event which happens at the end. I can compile a complete outline of events from the sequence of events and I've done that. But rather than talk about the methodology, or the eschatology it points to - everyone did their best to tear it down because it went against the grain of their own thinking.


Tribulation is shortened... shortened to 7 years.

According to Jesus, in Mt 24:15-21 He says the Great Tribulation does not start until after describing the abomination that causes desolation and He references Daniel. The reference has three possible sources; I can distill that to Daniel 9:27 by the original language in the book of Daniel. Thus, the Great Tribulation does not start until the midpoint of the one 'seven.'

The parallel narrative to the Olivet Discourse at this point is Rev 13:14-17. The talking image of the anti-Christ is the abomination and the two laws that go into effect make the Great Tribulation so terrible for ONLY the Elect. We are then told explicitly in John's narrative by God not to take the mark of the beast or worship his image. Such an act undoes all the faith one previously expressed for Jesus - ever. Once saved always saved? Nope, not if you take the mark or worship the image.

The Great Tribulation is shortened by the sudden arrival of the Day of the Lord which comes on an "unknown" day. The Great Tribulation is not seven years long. It is not even three and a half years long. It lasts some time, weeks and maybe months - only God the Father knows (Jesus doesn't even know!).


New Member
Oct 17, 2012
Kingman AZ
  1. A statement that denies something, esp. responsibility.
  2. An act of repudiating another's claim or renouncing one's own.

I can't help but wonder If some of them ignoring the warning " Rev 22:18-19 " have become the victims of there own obsession.
18 For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

It doesn't appear to me that Rev is some kind of board game to be played by rolling dice and advancing your avatar in hope of winning a game.
Sadly --->>> that is exactly what it looks like.


New Member
Aug 25, 2010
That's your view Rex. Your eschatology involves tilting at windmills to destroy the "prophets" who still watch and await the coming events in the end-times.


New Member
Oct 17, 2012
Kingman AZ
teleiosis said:
That's your view Rex. Your eschatology involves tilting at windmills to destroy the "prophets" who still watch and await the coming events in the end-times.
If your referring to 9:27 then yes, the common misconception is it applies to antichrist and something called the 70thweek which most don't recognize as being the 70th sequential week.

If your referring to my post above and below then your doing a fine job all by yourself.
Your problem is your not WATCHING and WAITING, watching and waiting doesn't involve speculation and convincing others to agree.
All many of you do is argue with each other about who is right or wrong. because I chose to comment on a single verse I have to put up with bad mouthing mainly from you, so I thought I would remind you all Rev is not a child's board game it comes with a warning and a blessing.

Rex said:
  1. A statement that denies something, esp. responsibility.
  2. An act of repudiating another's claim or renouncing one's own.

I can't help but wonder If some of them ignoring the warning " Rev 22:18-19 " have become the victims of there own obsession.
18 For I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds to these things, God will add to him the plagues that are written in this book; 19 and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God shall take away his part from the Book of Life, from the holy city, and from the things which are written in this book.

It doesn't appear to me that Rev is some kind of board game to be played by rolling dice and advancing your avatar in hope of winning a game.
Sadly --->>> that is exactly what it looks like.
teleiosis said:
That's your view Rex.
To correct you again it not my view it's Johns and the Lords


New Member
Aug 25, 2010
Rex: Daniel 9:27 describes the end of the seventy 'sevens.' So does the last part of Daniel 9:26. They match at that point.

The end hasn't come yet. Jesus did not "force" any limited-time, seven-year covenant with many. He "cut a deal" with everyone for all time.

Your view involves destroying other people's eschatologies. That presumes you're right. You're not. I've looked over your work and there are serious holes in it.

Now you want to use the Bible as a club and beat your enemies with it, again on the false presumption that you're right. A teacher who uses a paddle is what you want to be? First teach right, and then you'll know how to discipline your pupils.

And it's not a board game at all; it's serious business. I suggest you get your theology right before you tell me how to do my eschatology.

P.S. It's "Your problem is that you're not..." and not "Your problem is that your not..."


New Member
Oct 17, 2012
Kingman AZ
yep all of that because I reminded everyone about Rev 22:18-19
well excuse me and thank you for making my point


New Member
Aug 25, 2010
Your point is to beat people up with a Bible verse... that's not much of a point.

The book of Revelation reveals through a series of parallel accounts. Parallel accounts can be discerned when a specific and unique action is repeated. There are five mentions of one-half of the one 'seven' in chapters 11, 12, and 13. The two in chapter 12 reference the same time. There are four "ends" in the book of Revelation; three with an earth-changing earthquake: Rev 11:13, Rev 11:19, and Rev 16:18. In addition, in chapter 19 covers the end of the one 'seven' when Jesus goes out with shouts from the Great Multitude with His Army (which includes the 144,000) to Armageddon - the last battle of the one 'seven,' and then covers the time afterward including when the anti-Christ is ultimately destroyed in the Lake of Fire (which repeats Rev 11:18).

Parallel accounts can be separated whenever there is a change of both scene and focus.


New Member
Aug 25, 2010
Please, please tell me teacher what covenant it was that Jesus made with His Strong Arm that only lasted seven years?


New Member
Aug 25, 2010
Insults? All you have to offer on this very important theological study are insults?

You claim Jesus "confirmed" a limited-time, seven-year covenant - yet you cannot say when He did it at the beginning of His Ministry, with whom He did it, and you cannot say what kind of covenant this was or its terms!

And you say others are throwing mud?

You come in with a new theology and can't back it up with one iota of Scripture aside from the very verse in question, and you insult people saying they're stupid and label me as one who thinks he's smart... and you cannot answer a simple question - and we're the stupid ones?