Covid 19... Not the main concern.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
Maybe we should be thankful Falwell isn't shooting reporters for trespassing. . . .

Liberty President Jerry Falwell Jr. 'pretty sure’ he’ll call for civil disobedience in response to Virginia Democrats’ gun control measures

"You don’t mess with people’s guns in this part of the state. They [Democrats] don’t know what they’ve gotten into, and they’re going to find out the hard way, I’m afraid.”
Every time I think he's reached peak stupidity, he manages to take it to another level. No wonder he hates the media so much. They expose his actions to the world.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Also, your method of preaching and attempts to persuade are pretty much the exact opposite of what usually works. I'm not sure why you think constantly telling everyone how awful and deserving of wrath they are is a good way to convert people, but you might want to think on it some.

From my perspective you come across as, well.....kind of a jerk. Try lightening up a bit. Talk to people like they're a real person rather than as if they're nothing more than a potential notch on your "converted" tally. I bet you can do it. Don't be afraid to let your guard down a little. You might be surprised at what happens.

Oh you noticed it too then...hahaha!
He used to annoy me with his piousness , now I truly feel sorry for him.
It must be lonely being so perfect , and my bible tells me that - 'Pride comes before a fall. ' Sad.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
Oh you noticed it too then...hahaha!
I'd say "well spotted" but some things are just plain to see. ;)

He used to annoy me with his piousness , now I truly feel sorry for him.
It must be lonely being so perfect , and my bible tells me that - 'Pride comes before a fall. ' Sad.
That's amazing, because I've kind of come to the same place. What's it like to go around condemning everyone? What deep emotional issues drive a person to do that?

That much constant negativity has to take a toll (which I suspect only further feeds the need to put everyone else down). It's quite sad.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
The self-described "very stable genius", who claimed the CDC scientists were all amazed at how much he knew about their work:

Aaron Rupar on Twitter

"The germ has gotten so brilliant that the antibiotic can't keep up with it ... there's a whole genius to it ... not only is it hidden, but it's very smart."



Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
Pastor Dies of COVID-19 After Telling Crowded Church God Would Defeat COVID-19

The last time Bishop Gerald O. Glenn delivered a sermon at Richmond, Virginia’s New Deliverance Evangelistic Church, which he founded, he proudly proclaimed how full the church was despite the threat of COVID-19.

On Sunday, the church announced that Glenn had died of COVID-19.

Their daughter, Mar-Gerie Crawley, told WTVR that her father initially dismissed his symptoms because he has a condition that often leads to fevers and infections.

She is now urging everyone to stay home.

“It becomes very real to you,” she told WTVR after her parents’ diagnoses.

“I just beg people to understand the severity and the seriousness of this, because people are saying it’s not just about us, it’s about everyone around us.”​

It’s too bad it took the death of Glenn — and the current sickness of his wife — for the family and the congregation to take this virus seriously. Had they listened to medical experts instead of the voices in their head, perhaps Glenn would still be around today. Instead, he believed his religious standing gave him immunity against the virus.

“I am essential,” he said of remaining open, adding, “I’m a preacher — I talk to God!”​

The church has removed his final sermon from YouTube.​

Very sad. :(


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
Student Files Class-Action Lawsuit Against Jerry Falwell Jr. and Liberty University

LYNCHBURG, Va.--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Apr 14, 2020--

In the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, Liberty University and its president, Jerry Falwell Jr., placed their students at severe physical risk and refused to refund thousands of dollars in fees owed to them for the Spring 2020 semester, according to a class-action lawsuit filed today. The suit, filed in Virginia federal court, claims that though the school suspended most services and moved classes online as COVID-19 spread, it purported to remain open to avoid returning student fees for room and board and other activities. At the same time, Falwell Jr. recklessly downplayed the significance of the pandemic, claiming in an interview that people are “overreacting,” comparing COVID-19 to the seasonal flu, insinuating that the reaction was an attempt to harm President Trump, and even suggesting the virus may have been a “Christmas present” from North Korea and China. The plaintiffs are represented by DiCello Levitt Gutzler, Matthew S. Miller LLC, and MichieHamlett PLLC.

“Liberty’s attempt to profit from the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic is reprehensible and incredibly hypocritical in light of the values upon which the University says that it’s based,” said Adam Levitt, co-counsel for the plaintiffs and a partner at DiCello Levitt Gutzler LLP in Chicago. “This pandemic has already placed tremendous financial strain on many of Liberty’s students and their families, and the fact that Mr. Falwell would disingenuously keep the campus open as a pretext for holding onto student fees while putting their finances and health at risk is a stark illustration of where his true priorities lie.”​

Amazing how often it comes back to money.


Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
Words escape me...

Trumpists Urging People to Leave Their Homes to Own the Libs

A protest movement is taking hold targeting states that have extended social-distancing rules, closed schools, and restricted access to large religious gatherings. And it’s being fed by loyalists and political allies of President Donald Trump.

At issue are seemingly contradictory directives from Trump—who said on Tuesday that his team was in the process of drafting new guidelines that would allow some states to bring critical industries back to work, possibly this month—and public health officials and many governors, who have urged people to stay home as the number of coronavirus-related deaths continue to rise.

The tension has prompted Republican lawmakers and supporters of the president to publicly call for Americans to defy their local orders, claiming they infringe on constitutional rights. On Monday, Richard Grenell, acting director of the Office of National Intelligence and the U.S. ambassador to Germany, posted a photo of the Bill of Rights on Instagram with a title “Signed Permission Slip to Leave Your House.”​

If we get a second wave because of this, I'm going to start a petition to rename the virus to "moronovirus".
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Pastor Dies of COVID-19 After Telling Crowded Church God Would Defeat COVID-19

The last time Bishop Gerald O. Glenn delivered a sermon at Richmond, Virginia’s New Deliverance Evangelistic Church, which he founded, he proudly proclaimed how full the church was despite the threat of COVID-19.

On Sunday, the church announced that Glenn had died of COVID-19.

Their daughter, Mar-Gerie Crawley, told WTVR that her father initially dismissed his symptoms because he has a condition that often leads to fevers and infections.

She is now urging everyone to stay home.

“It becomes very real to you,” she told WTVR after her parents’ diagnoses.

“I just beg people to understand the severity and the seriousness of this, because people are saying it’s not just about us, it’s about everyone around us.”​
It’s too bad it took the death of Glenn — and the current sickness of his wife — for the family and the congregation to take this virus seriously. Had they listened to medical experts instead of the voices in their head, perhaps Glenn would still be around today. Instead, he believed his religious standing gave him immunity against the virus.

“I am essential,” he said of remaining open, adding, “I’m a preacher — I talk to God!”​
The church has removed his final sermon from YouTube.​

Very sad. :(
Ok, I find this kind of strange, I saw this post on Tuesday but got side tracked and now I am back to work and supporting my dad, I didn’t get back to the post. .........I notice not many have commented on the post( that’s what I find strange ) No jumping down your throat, no accusations...........
I saw this story on the news the same day your posted and what came to mind was the ‘ assurance and certainly ‘ that some people have with regards to this virus - that it cannot possibly affect them. Totally sure this pastor felt exactly the same way......... yet he succumbed.
Don’t get me wrong , he felt what he was doing was the right thing to do, I wonder how many of that congregation were infected , and how many went to that church because ‘ the shepherd of that flock ‘ convinced them that ‘ it was equally the right thing to do ‘ . How many went with the same sense of assurance many may have felt guilty if they didn’t go and show ‘ they had faith ‘ ......
I am not saying he deserved this , I don’t think anyone does, but he presumed ‘ he would be okay ‘
I truly hope others on here that make the same boast will not have to learn the same lessons as his family x
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
Ok, I find this kind of strange, I saw this post on Tuesday but got side tracked and now I am back to work and supporting my dad, I didn’t get back to the post. .........I notice not many have commented on the post( that’s what I find strange ) No jumping down your throat, no accusations...........
I saw this story on the news the same day your posted and what came to mind was the ‘ assurance and certainly ‘ that some people have with regards to this virus - that it cannot possibly affect them. Totally sure this pastor felt exactly the same way......... yet he succumbed.
Don’t get me wrong , he felt what he was doing was the right thing to do, I wonder how many of that congregation were infected , and how many went to that church because ‘ the shepherd of that flock ‘ convinced them that ‘ it was equally the right thing to do ‘ . How many went with the same sense of assurance many may have felt guilty if they didn’t go and show ‘ they had faith ‘ ......
I am not saying he deserved this , I don’t think anyone does, but he presumed ‘ he would be okay ‘
I truly hope others on here that make the same boast will not have to learn the same lessons as his family x
You're right, no one deserves this.

Unfortunately there are several stories around the world of religious congregations being COVID hot spots for this very reason. It'd be one thing if they were only putting themselves, or even just those around them, at risk. But their recklessness also puts the health care workers and other hospital staff at greater risk too.

Seems extremely selfish to me.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
Seems appropriate given some of the recent posts here....

Every White Guy on Facebook Is an Epidemiologist Now

There’s a pandemic sweeping the globe that has already infected more than 2 million people and killed nearly 140,000. Three out of four people on Earth are under some form of lockdown in order to curb the spread of COVID-19, the illness caused by a novel coronavirus that first emerged last December in China. While epidemiologists, data scientists, and other public health experts struggle to understand the new virus and inform the public, another epidemic is spreading quickly: White guys on social media who suddenly have become infectious disease experts.

How many people will get sick? When will we be able to go out again? A vaccine is going to take how long? These are just a sampling of the questions we hope the specialists will answer. But that guy you went to high school with who has no relevant knowledge much less graduate degrees thinks you should listen to him instead.

Sure, Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, has been doing this for 36 years, but that guy you vaguely know from summer camp just doesn’t think Fauci understands the disease like he does. “When this is all over, the country will know that Dr. Anthony Fauci was the anti-hero,” a Twitter user who self-identified as a retired math teacher but neglected to mention he doesn’t understand the meaning of “anti-hero” tweeted. “So wrong on number of deaths. Not one bit concerned about Americans and their loss of jobs.”​
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
Gee, if only someone could have predicted this.....:rolleyes:

Lawyer for Central pastor and church bucking stay-at-home order hospitalized with coronavirus

A Baton Rouge lawyer who is part of the legal team representing a Central church and its pastor defying state social distancing orders during the coronavirus pandemic has been hospitalized because of the coronavirus.

The lawyer, Jeff Wittenbrink, attended two events at Life Tabernacle Church — an April 2 news conference and an April 5 church service, and has been at Baton Rouge General since Tuesday after progressively worsening conditions, including a high fever and persistent cough, he said.

Reached in his hospital room Thursday while taking oxygen through his nose, Wittenbrink said he did not feel ill during the church events and has "no idea" how he may have contracted the virus.​
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I saw a news story , it came up in my news feed randomly yesterday- it was about a group of people wanting to defy the lockdown in the USA, so they all joined together with guns and protested - haven’t seen much on the story........just wondered what happened, and do they somehow feel they are immune ?
Or was it linked to what they can or can’t do in lockdown -have you seen the story , I can’t remember where abouts it was in the USA ....
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
I saw a news story , it came up in my news feed randomly yesterday- it was about a group of people wanting to defy the lockdown in the USA, so they all joined together with guns and protested - haven’t seen much on the story........just wondered what happened, and do they somehow feel they are immune ?
Or was it linked to what they can or can’t do in lockdown -have you seen the story , I can’t remember where abouts it was in the USA ....
Yeah, it was in Michigan. A bunch of right-wing crackpots and racists ("proud boys") staged "operation gridlock" and shut down downtown Lansing.

Sadly, they also blocked the hospital, preventing ambulances from getting through...


At one point a doctor came out and tried to plead for them to stop blocking the hospital...


The Michigan Nurses Association even issued a statement, urging them to stay home.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like those people care.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
I saw a news story , it came up in my news feed randomly yesterday- it was about a group of people wanting to defy the lockdown in the USA, so they all joined together with guns and protested - haven’t seen much on the story........just wondered what happened, and do they somehow feel they are immune ?
Or was it linked to what they can or can’t do in lockdown -have you seen the story , I can’t remember where abouts it was in the USA ....

That is in Michigan.The Governor there instituted draconian measures where you could not get seeds to put in your garden and such, you can't walk across the street, and other things where she is taking advantage and overstepping into un Constitutional territory. The Governor has given the citizens little choice and other places or starting to protest. Here we will take so much and past that we will not and image a bow string being pulled tight, the bow string here in America is ready to break. That is why the President must open America back up or else the nation will open itself up


Thanks for filling me in...... I guess I understand if it’s gone a bit overboard, but perhaps they should have picked a different way to protest. The picture I saw was of a crowd of men standing on one side of the road,it didn’t show any traffic being held up.
I guess it must get complicated with the USA being so big, never have got my head around how big it is, and also how one state can have different rules to the next one .............
We have been put on lockdown for another three weeks, pretty certain they intended us to be on lockdown for three months, but decided not to tell us !! Rita
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I saw a news story , it came up in my news feed randomly yesterday- it was about a group of people wanting to defy the lockdown in the USA, so they all joined together with guns and protested - haven’t seen much on the story........just wondered what happened, and do they somehow feel they are immune ?
Or was it linked to what they can or can’t do in lockdown -have you seen the story , I can’t remember where abouts it was in the USA ....

I believe it was at Lansing Michigan....there is another side to the story though. And living in the US might make you appreciate why this demonstration occurred and there is a strong case why it was justified. The UK is under a socialist governance and folks are used to taking orders from authorities whether lawful of not and usually without much fuss, if any. It is quite different in America.

The governor of Michigan prohibited folks from travelling to their other vacation, recreation or cabins/second homes for fishing, swimming, etc. She forbid them from seeing their neighbors across the street or even other family members in the area. She also forbid folks from using their power boats even if they went solo. You could though use a canoe for two. She also prohibited the purchase of such items as paint, carpeting and even seeds, as she deemed them non-essential. She also prohibited the selling of American Flags for the same reason. She did allow however the purchase of weed and liquor as essential items.

Rita, if you are not familiar with the Constitution and the Bill of Rights in the USA and the passion of those that still believe in it today, then you might think this demonstration was by a bunch of misfit hooligans. They are not, quite the opposite. Technically, and under the law in the US there has to be a legal order and even precedence to derail any part of the Constitution via the Supreme Court say...example ban the right to a peaceful assembly and association. To ban any peaceful protests etc...Most Governors in the US are just winging it today and using this 'virus' as an escape clause or cover to play petty dictator for a season. Some of quite decent and lawful and in the true spirit of the law. This governor I believe overstepped her authority, clearly. These types of politicians will usually pay at the ballot box next time around.

Now you also have to understand that in America today there is a Democrat political party and most of the media that attempt to paint a very bleak picture of folks that love their Constitution, their guns and their voices and freedoms in general. These people that defy and attack them including this Governor of Michigan, who is also a member of the Democrat party, are socialists and even more extreme that many folks in the UK. They will show pictures, video and quotes out-of-context deliberately to further their cause of misrepresentation of the truth and deception. The want to 'kill' or nullify the Constitution as one of their major obstacles for power.



Why do people from the USA keep saying the UK is under a socialist government. I think you need to explain your interpretation of what you think it’s like here ....then perhaps I might just be able to understand. I was talking to my son about this the other day because it came up, his American friends thought the same because we have a national health service - and you think we take orders without any fuss, seriously.....sure we have in recent weeks, but the circumstances are different. .......I must be living in a different UK to the one that some of you think I live in !!!

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