Here is why, as an Adventist, I believe America is in Trouble.

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Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
find in the Gospel where the LORD fulfilled the Sabbath rest spoke it to us.

Jesus never once... instructed anybody to keep Saturday sabbath. Show me His call to action in scripture where Jesus said "and thou shalt observe Saturday sabbath as the old covenant saints did, or thou wilt be condemned to the eternal firsd of hell like the dirty non sabbath keeping dawg that you are!"

In the New Covenant the REST we are called to is far more than just going to church on Saturday.

SDA peoples cannot see that due to their indoctrination requiring them to adhere to SDA teachings rather than the New Covenant. That's too bad for the SDA folks..

Besides, it's Saturday and you are braking the sabbath... you apparently don't believe in keeping the sabbath yourself as you break the sabbath to go online and bark at others for not keeping the sabbath! clueless-doh.gif
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Big Boy Johnson

Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2023
North America
United States
Today is the perfect day to Know

You sabbath breaker! It's Saturday, so you should not be posting on the internet or causing others to work either.

There goes your Saturday sabbath testimony right out the window as you demonstrate you do not keep Saturday sabbath rolleyes2.gif


Well-Known Member
May 15, 2022
New Hampshire
United States
Besides, it's Saturday and you are braking the sabbath... you apparently don't believe in keeping the sabbath yourself as you break the sabbath to go online and bark at others for not keeping the sabbath! View attachment 41025
Much as you do when posting on Sundays, I suppose (e.g., #282, #283 in this very thread). Or maybe, just maybe, posts on this site do not break the Sabbath at all regardless of the day of the week it falls on.

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
Jesus never once... instructed anybody to keep Saturday sabbath. Show me His call to action in scripture where Jesus said "and thou shalt observe Saturday sabbath as the old covenant saints did, or thou wilt be condemned to the eternal firsd of hell like the dirty non sabbath keeping dawg that you are!"

In the New Covenant the REST we are called to is far more than just going to church on Saturday.

SDA peoples cannot see that due to their indoctrination requiring them to adhere to SDA teachings rather than the New Covenant. That's too bad for the SDA folks..

Besides, it's Saturday and you are braking the sabbath... you apparently don't believe in keeping the sabbath yourself as you break the sabbath to go online and bark at others for not keeping the sabbath! View attachment 41025

@Big Boy Johnson says: "Show me His call to action in scripture where Jesus said "and thou shalt observe Saturday sabbath as the old covenant saints did, or thou wilt be condemned to the eternal firsd of hell like the dirty non sabbath keeping dawg that you are!"

It is in the Gospel and the LORD said so = very clear!
MESSIAH said: “Do not think that I came to destroy the Law or the Prophets. I did not come to destroy but to fulfill."

So far @Phoneman777 and yourself has responded.
Hopefully @ewq1938 responds along with our other Brethren who were invited.
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David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
You sabbath breaker! It's Saturday, so you should not be posting on the internet or causing others to work either.

There goes your Saturday sabbath testimony right out the window as you demonstrate you do not keep Saturday sabbath View attachment 41026
Actually, by posting this Truth Challenge i am walking in the Sabbath Rest = Isaiah 58:13

“If you keep your feet from breaking the Sabbath and from doing as you please on my holy day, if you call the Sabbath a delight and the LORD’s holy day honorable, and if you honor it by not going your own way and not doing as you please or speaking idle words,
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
Is not "prophet" as symbolic a term as "beast" and "dragon"?

No, the false prophet is a single man, who performs miracles to deceive people, exactly what Paul's man of sin will do. It's the same man.

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
No, the false prophet is a single man, who performs miracles to deceive people, exactly what Paul's man of sin will do. It's the same man.
Is there not a trifecta that counterfiets as Father Son Holy Spirit, where the RCC/Pope performs the role of False Prophet,
Antichrist as Messiah and the Beast System as the Godhead/Father

Just like John the Baptist and the Lord Jesus and the unseen Father speaking from Heaven.

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
No, the false prophet is a single man, who performs miracles to deceive people, exactly what Paul's man of sin will do. It's the same man.
Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of the kings from the east might be prepared.
13And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
14For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
12 Then the sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, so that the way of the kings from the east might be prepared.
13And I saw three unclean spirits like frogs coming out of the mouth of the dragon, out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet.
14For they are spirits of demons, performing signs, which go out to the kings of the earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the battle of that great day of God Almighty.

For those who have understanding, the River Euphrates is a metaphor for Ball worship/idolatrous worship and the start of the Islamic religion caused the idolatrous worship in the region of the River Euphrates to finally disappear.

The Three unclean frog like spirits like frogs were seen during the 9/11 event in 2001.

40 or so years after the 9/11 event the kings of the earth will be drawn so that they will gather to the battle on the great day of the Lord at Armageddon.

The gathering of the Kings of the earth in around 20 years' time will signify the end of the Little Horns ability to trample God's sanctuary and His earthly hosts which will conclude after 2,300 continuous years which began around the year 250 BC, around 70 years after the death of Alexandra the Great. The Little Horn is one of the wicked fallen Heavenly hosts who will be judged for their part in the trampling of God's sanctuary and His earthly hosts over this 2,300-year period. Isaiah 24:21-22 tells us the God will judge the heavenly hosts in heaven and the kings of the earth on the earth and together they will be gathered together and imprisoned in a pit, i.e., the Bottomless pit, for many days to await the time of their punishment.

Yes, America will be among the countries that will be present at Armageddon to be judged. America and the other "Super Powers" will lose their domination over other countries and there will be a big shift in the power balance that will operate during the seventh age during the first 1,000 years of this age.

Even now many countries, including the USA are experiencing God's wrath with them and these countries are presently being fill with people like caterpillars who will raise a shout up over them because they have acted God Like in the things that they have tried to do.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
No, the false prophet is a single man, who performs miracles to deceive people, exactly what Paul's man of sin will do. It's the same man.
So, we're to understand that the "beast" is symbolic for a kingdom, the "dragon" is symbolic for Satan's kingdom............but "false prophet" refers to a literal person?

Have you heard of the "charismatic movement" in the Evangelical world that's the driving force behind the Ecumenical movement to get all the churches back with the Mother in Rome? They're definitely guilty of "prophesying falsely".


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
No room and he only spent private time at night with friends and other Apostles etc. Others needed to meet with Paul in more public settings.

Let's get back to the fact that an Apostle taught other Apostles on a Sunday. This is why Christians meet on Sundays, knowing the Saturday Sabbath was fulfilled and they could meet on another day and Sunday was also when Christ rose, another Divine thing to honor by fellowshipping and learning on a Sunday.
All you've demonstrated above is that you have a vivid imagination. I see no evidence of any of the above in scripture, and it hasn't gone by unnoticed that you didn't use scripture as the basis for your ideas.
Allow me please to fill you in on a little history. You may confirm what I'm telling you quite really from the Vatican archives and other historical sources.
At the height of the reformation, the Catholic church convened an urgent church council in order to find ways to justify their own teachings in light of the flood of people converting to the faith of the Bible. Somehow Rome had to justify tradition, and find a way to rebuke the reformers and prove the scripture alone is a false doctrine, thus stemming the leaks in the Catholic doctrinal dam.
This council was held in Trent. Maye you've heard of it.
The upshot is that after much ruminating and discussion and debate, nothing could be found over many years until one bishop realised that the entire Protestant world were hypocrites because while teaching scripture alone, they didn't practise it because they kept a tradition of the Catholic church which is founded on no scripture, but merely Catholic tradition. Sunday sacredness. The Bishop was applauded, and everyone went home happy because they finally had an argument against scripture alone. Bishop Reggio of Milan I think. Don't quote me on that, memories a bit hazy as far as his name is concerned, but the he general details are correct. The council of Trent declared Sunday sacredness as an official Catholic tradition which was established with no biblical support whatsoever.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
That can go the other way too: Trying to identify the Mark of the Beast while mis-identifying who is the Beast is like (enter impossible situation here).
Which is why we have to not only be certain who the Beast is, but we have to examine to see if the Beast ever attempted to conceal its identity via smokescreens and diversionary tactics.

The Protestant Reformation correctly identified the papacy as the Beast via irrefutable Biblical proofs, and the Beast responded by introducing preconceived ideas for the purposes of concealing itself and pointing those in search of the Beast to the past (Jesuit Preterism), the future (Jesuit Futurism) - anywhere except to themselves.
Some people are blinded by this whole RCC being the beast thing which is just one of many ways deception comes upon those who don't think that can happen to them.
Anyone who identifies the papacy as the Beast is not blinded - they're right on track to discover the Beast's Mark which is Sunday "sacredness". Just ask the Beast and it will tell you what it's Mark is.
Think outside of the Catholic box! It's a type for sure, but we are supposed to think bigger than the type and see that the antichrist and beast are far more than any type has ever been.
Yes! Think outside the box aka Vatican city!

By championing Jesuit "Left Behind" Futurism and defending the papacy against indictment as the Beast, you've well established yourself as a warrior for the Counter-Reformation.
My advice to all and any reading. LEAVE YOUR DENOMINATION! None of them are fully correct and ALL of them have false doctrines that can lead you to Apostasy should the Tribulation take place during your lifetime! Learn to reject false doctrines from all the denominations while identifying the true and useful teachings that all also possess. Do this with denominations, various teachers, bible type videos and even individual posters in forums. There is truth everywhere but there is always lies mixed in and that's where discernment is the most important tool you will ever have.

Anyone locked in a particular denomination, any of them, who defends it's doctrines strongly will without a doubt have false doctrines in their beliefs and will be fully unable to recognize them and avoid them. They will go down with that ship because the loyalty is that strong.
Says the man who is a full on Roman catholic, perhaps not by confession, but absolutely by doctrine!


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
All you've demonstrated above is that you have a vivid imagination. I see no evidence of any of the above in scripture, and it hasn't gone by unnoticed that you didn't use scripture as the basis for your ideas.
Allow me please to fill you in on a little history. You may confirm what I'm telling you quite really from the Vatican archives and other historical sources.
At the height of the reformation, the Catholic church convened an urgent church council in order to find ways to justify their own teachings in light of the flood of people converting to the faith of the Bible. Somehow Rome had to justify tradition, and find a way to rebuke the reformers and prove the scripture alone is a false doctrine, thus stemming the leaks in the Catholic doctrinal dam.
This council was held in Trent. Maye you've heard of it.
The upshot is that after much ruminating and discussion and debate, nothing could be found over many years until one bishop realised that the entire Protestant world were hypocrites because while teaching scripture alone, they didn't practise it because they kept a tradition of the Catholic church which is founded on no scripture, but merely Catholic tradition. Sunday sacredness. The Bishop was applauded, and everyone went home happy because they finally had an argument against scripture alone. Bishop Reggio of Milan I think. Don't quote me on that, memories a bit hazy as far as his name is concerned, but the he general details are correct. The council of Trent declared Sunday sacredness as an official Catholic tradition which was established with no biblical support whatsoever.
Amazing how so many people form opinions about prophecy when their ignorance of church history disqualifies them from contemplating the after church potluck menu!

I mean, the accusation of the Archbishop of Reggio should arrest the attention of every single non-catholic on the planet and cause them to re-evaluate their position.

The entire Protestant Reformation indicted as and reduced to nothing more than a "rebellion" masquerading as "Sola Scriptura"? Because they keep Rome's day instead of the Biblical Sabbath rest?

Man alive, how easily "protestants" swallow hook, line, and sinker those three weak, easily refuted "proof" texts used to establish "Sunday sacredness" in contrast to the shockwave that reverberated throughout Protestantism when the Beast power slammed the E-brake on the entire Protestant Reformation by pointing out the truth: they were not following Sola Scriptura entirely on the issue of Rome's professed "Mark of authority...this transference of Sabbath observance."

Which is why God raised up the SDA church, brother!!!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Jesus never once... instructed anybody to keep Saturday sabbath. Show me His call to action in scripture where Jesus said "and thou shalt observe Saturday sabbath as the old covenant saints did, or thou wilt be condemned to the eternal firsd of hell like the dirty non sabbath keeping dawg that you are!"

In the New Covenant the REST we are called to is far more than just going to church on Saturday.

SDA peoples cannot see that due to their indoctrination requiring them to adhere to SDA teachings rather than the New Covenant. That's too bad for the SDA folks..

Besides, it's Saturday and you are braking the sabbath... you apparently don't believe in keeping the sabbath yourself as you break the sabbath to go online and bark at others for not keeping the sabbath! View attachment 41025



Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
And we can gather together on any day of the week as well seeing the New Covenant does not instruct believers on what day to gather.
We're commanded to work the first six days of the week. So, not only are you demanding God grant you "rest" while trampling on the Sabbath, you also want Him to grant you PTO hours for the rest of the week?

I never understand why people think they can bargain with God over the terms of their salvation when the only thing they can bring to the bargaining table is a lost soul.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Point #2 is TRUE = Matthew 7: 21-23

Point #1 is False: God's Theocracy/Law was never rejected = as per the word of the LORD = Matthew 5:17-20
The theocracy was rejected when the people asked Samuel to give them a king so they could be like the other nations. It's a commonly held, Biblically accurate position.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2015
United States
The Protestant Reformation correctly identified the papacy as the Beast via irrefutable Biblical proofs

No, they were wrong. They like many have confused a shadow or type of the beast for the actual beast.

Anyone who identifies the papacy as the Beast is not blinded - they're right on track to discover the Beast's Mark which is Sunday "sacredness". Just ask the Beast and it will tell you what it's Mark is.

Cool but the bible doesn't support that so go ahead and believe what your idea of the beast teaches you and keep thinking that is a great idea. What could go wrong?

Yes! Think outside the box aka Vatican city!

By championing Jesuit "Left Behind" Futurism and defending the papacy against indictment as the Beast, you've well established yourself as a warrior for the Counter-Reformation.

Futurism is the basis of prophecy so speaking against it is wrong, and the opposite doctrine by any name is still another doctrine the RCC created, which some have swallowed whole. BTW, I am post trib.

Says the man who is a full on Roman catholic, perhaps not by confession, but absolutely by doctrine!

lol, no. You are the one who accepts what the RCC teaches about the mark and Preterism/Historicism. You don't know what you are talking about. Go back and learn more from your beast and think it gives you special insight the bible never even speaks of.