Israeli attack on civilians should be condemned by all believers

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
So we can take it that you consent to the starvation, mowing down people at aid line ups, etc etc. OK.
War is so bad that Hamas should unconditionally surrender today to save their people from the horrors their Oct 7 attack unleashed.

Let me say it differently. How bad do the Gazans have to suffer before Hamas unconditionally surrenders? They ought to suffer until that glorious day when the civilized world once again defeats the Islamic barbarians.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
So you are against nations protecting their borders?
I guess you hate Trump and Abbott for building walls to keep people out who don't belong in America.
No. He wanted a wall to keep illegals out and have control over immigration. Israel built walls to keep people IN. Many of those people were formerly from Israel and lost their lands and forced out etc. No comparison.
And Israel built a wall to keep the poison of raqdical Islam from killing innocent Jews, but then that is not a factor to you.
Meaningless. They call them all dangerous basically. And why do you think they get more and more radical? Because they are treated so well and have been restored to former lands, and have so much freedom etc? No.
Well that is your opinion, but is not fact. that is the land the PLO call theirs, so Israel just built a border barrier.
If we built a wall around a part of New Jersey (if there was a highly Jewish population there, say, for example) and the folks were not allowed out to visit relatives in New York or Miami and heavily restricted on work and travel etc do you think that would be good?
Given the majority of the Palestinians in Gaza believe in killing all Jews, I think a wall is reasonable.
That increases hostility rather than addressing the core problem.
West Bank, Jordan and Egypt a re prospering! Whyu is that? OH! because though they may hate Jews, they strive to live in peace with them. They don't need walls and barbed wire like Gaza does. Maybe Gaza can learn a lesson from their fellow Jew haters!
Peace is good. Not like Israel could build a wall there regardless.
Well to you , anything Israel would do would "seem" to be their plan to wipe out Palestinians.
Actions speak louder than words
BTW, how are the Palestinians in the West Bank doing? Are they being wiped out? NO? Why? I know! Because they are not attacking innocent Jews and building tunnels to kidnap innocent Jewish civilians. Maybe the Jew hating Palestinians of Gaza could learn a lesson from the Jew hating Palestinians in the West Bank.

Well you want the Jews to leave their homeland. Why not have the Arabs (their is no Palestinian people group) leave? Your anti-semitism is blatantly obvious.
No. I would just like millions of people not to be attacked and tens of thousands killed. If they can't get along maybe it is better they separate. In the case of Israel, they are in the midst of Arabs, so separating by walls etc is not going to work. They need to get along.
Yeah they were called jews and they were forcefully removed from their land and never gave up claim to their covenanted homeland.
False. The covenant only applies after they believe. Not unconditionally.
But remember, in 1948, the Arab nations surrounding Israel also told the Arabs living in the land to leave so that they could drive all Jews dead or into the Mediterranean. Israel is no saint in all this. They have done lots of wrong. But far less than the Arabs who will not even list Israel on a map!
When they get saved, then and only then will God protect them totally and in reality. Meanwhile they are basically self invited guests there.
Also the Muslims have kids show promoting killing Jews and beating them whenever you find one! These are the people you are defending!

Then why did not their fellow Muslims put them in horrific refugee camps? They asked them to leave so they could wipe out the Jews and yet did not grant them citizenship, land, right to own homes etc.etc.etc. and gave them starvation diets? where is your compalints there?

And you probably have forgotten how many Jews Israel kicked out of lands negotiated with the PLO. So Israel has removed both Muslims and Jews from lands. And yes ME justice is harsh. If you are a MUslim living in Israel and a member of your family has committed acts of terror? You lose your land! Cry me a river!

Remember this, Palestinians living in peace in Israel have it far better than Palestinians living in Gaza, the West Bank or in their fellow Muslim neighbors refugee camps. They have jobs, own cars, own homes getg to vote, have their own political party! See when you do not actively try to kill Israelis, Israel lets you live in peace! Maybe the Gazans should try that for a change.

This doesn't surprise me. I have yet to see you say anything negative about the Palestinians or anything positive about Israel.

Difference is, when an Israeli soldier is caught and convicted- they go to jail! Hamas murderers get a party thrown in their behalf!

Well living in silent hatred like they do and like you appear to do at Israel will keep you from knowing th efruits of physical peace. That is a spiritual problem on the Muslim side.

Sorry but your own words belie this statement. You have yet to say anything psotive about current Israel. Wanting them saved and spewing your vile antisemitism are tow seperate issues.

What is positive about Israel is that God has their number. He has a plan to bring them to salvation. That will be a time of severe trial and wrath.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Given the majority of the Palestinians in Gaza believe in killing all Jews, I think a wall is reasonable.

That increases hostility rather than addressing the core problem.
The core problem is the Islamic Jihadi's refuse to recognize the Right of Conquest for non-Muslims. This invites more killing it is accepted.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
No. I would just like millions of people not to be attacked and tens of thousands killed.
Great! What posts of yours can I read where you advocate for Hamas' immediate unconditional surrender?

The lie is that Hamas represents the people of Gaza. They don't care how much their own people suffer so long as they retain power.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
The core problem is the Islamic Jihadi's refuse to recognize the Right of Conquest for non-Muslims. This invites more killing it is accepted.
Speaking of rights, both sides, including the women and children have those. He that lives by the sword shall die by the sword. Israel does not get that land by the sword. They will get it after they believe in Jesus and He gives it to them. Not by their own might or power.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
Great! What posts of yours can I read where you advocate for Hamas' immediate unconditional surrender?

The lie is that Hamas represents the people of Gaza. They don't care how much their own people suffer so long as they retain power.
Both sides are guilty of terrorism. Asking one side to surrender seems unrealistic.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
So just Israel then.
No. He wanted a wall to keep illegals out and have control over immigration. Israel built walls to keep people IN. Many of those people were formerly from Israel and lost their lands and forced out etc. No comparison.
Wrong again. They wanted to keep terrorists out and the rabble rousers. YOu say that from an anti semite bias and not fact.
Meaningless. They call them all dangerous basically. And why do you think they get more and more radical? Because they are treated so well and have been restored to former lands, and have so much freedom etc? No.
Well you think that Israel has any right to settle in their land so we know your anti semite predisposition. No heavy walls around the West Bank and they have little to no trouble with those Palestinians. Wonder why? Oh yeah, they don't actibely try to kill Jews and continnually launch rockets into eretz Israel.

BTW all the people removed are for th emost part all dead. Israel was happy with the 1948 land they were given in their homeland and just wanted peace (for the most part) It was the Arabs with their 5 amassed armies that sought to drive Israel from their homeland
That increases hostility rather than addressing the core problem.
Well seeing that before Israel built the wall, the Palestinian butchers were doing the same with a greater tempo, yours is an asinine statement.
Actions speak louder than words
Then why isn't Israel going after the West Bank if their goal is to wipe out Palestinians? Yours is a foolish comment not based in anything other than anti semitism. REality proves you utterly wrong and an apologist for Hamas.
No. I would just like millions of people not to be attacked and tens of thousands killed. If they can't get along maybe it is better they separate. In the case of Israel, they are in the midst of Arabs, so separating by walls etc is not going to work. They need to get along.
And all Israel has sought from all those Arabs is to be recognized as a Jewish state and to live in secure borders! The nations who signed on to that have great peace and prosper from their relationship with Israel. Maybe if the Palestinians would get over their rank hatred and try peace, things would be very very different for them.
False. The covenant only applies after they believe. Not unconditionally.
Well until you show Scripture that clearly shows that, it remains just your opinion.
When they get saved, then and only then will God protect them totally and in reality. Meanwhile they are basically self invited guests there.
SCriptures says your last staement is a lie.
What is positive about Israel is that God has their number. He has a plan to bring them to salvation. That will be a time of severe trial and wrath.
Well we finally agree on one point! But the land covenant is an everlasting covenant. the land is always there. Even in their exile to Egypt, Assyria and Babylon the land was still theirs and this disapora not withstanding, the land is still theirs.

There are numerous Scriptures that show God will bring Israel back to THEIR land in the last days, in unbelief, to try, judge and purge them. The land since Abraham has been Israels according to God!


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
So just Israel then.
I am against people calling mass murder and starvation of people defending a border. How dishonest.
Wrong again. They wanted to keep terrorists out and the rabble rousers. YOu say that from an anti semite bias and not fact.
You are a false accuser. The entire population of the prison camp of Gaza are not 'rabble rousers' just because they are not tickled pink with captivity, and lack of freedom etc
Well you think that Israel has any right to settle in their land so we know your anti semite predisposition. No heavy walls around the West Bank and they have little to no trouble with those Palestinians. Wonder why? Oh yeah, they don't actibely try to kill Jews and continnually launch rockets into eretz Israel.
They have no land so we know you are speaking falsehoods. No land from God, that is. Not yet. Only after they get saved in the end will God give them that land. Being promised to have the land one day forever does not mean they get it now and can shove others away and steal and kill. Yes After they invaded Israel, The Jewish people found themselves under attack. Of course. Address the problem. There is no putting that cat in the bag again. They need to find a way (if they remain there in numbers) to get along in a true and real way. Looking at the horror they inflicted recently in Gaza and elsewhere, do you see that there is still any way to do that?
BTW all the people removed are for th emost part all dead.
Irrelevant. The land is their children's now one would think.
Israel was happy with the 1948 land they were given in their homeland and just wanted peace (for the most part) It was the Arabs with their 5 amassed armies that sought to drive Israel from their homeland
That is your version of events. It doesn't seem to match up with the rest of the world's concept of what went on. Let me guess, everyone is crazy but you?
Well seeing that before Israel built the wall, the Palestinian butchers were doing the same with a greater tempo, yours is an asinine statement.

Then why isn't Israel going after the West Bank if their goal is to wipe out Palestinians? Yours is a foolish comment not based in anything other than anti semitism. REality proves you utterly wrong and an apologist for Hamas.

And all Israel has sought from all those Arabs is to be recognized as a Jewish state and to live in secure borders! The nations who signed on to that have great peace and prosper from their relationship with Israel. Maybe if the Palestinians would get over their rank hatred and try peace, things would be very very different for them.
They also had settlers take more lands. They also killed unspeakable numbers of women and children and many other war crimes. So don't paint the one side as saints. Israel would do well to include what all their neighbors want and need as well as 'all they wanted'
Well until you show Scripture that clearly shows that, it remains just your opinion.

SCriptures says your last staement is a lie.
The throne of David will continue forever. The thing is it will not be here again till after Jesus returns. Nor was it here in history for a long long time. That does not mean God was not right in saying it will be forever. The same with Israel. They will inherit that land and He will protect them etc etc. AFTER they receive Him. Any statement that He is now doing all that is foolish lies.
Well we finally agree on one point! But the land covenant is an everlasting covenant. the land is always there. Even in their exile to Egypt, Assyria and Babylon the land was still theirs and this disapora not withstanding, the land is still theirs.
But they will not be allowed to have it till Jesus returns after they repent. It will be theirs it is promised to them. Not before they do their part.
There are numerous Scriptures that show God will bring Israel back to THEIR land in the last days, in unbelief, to try, judge and purge them. The land since Abraham has been Israels according to God!
Show us one or two


Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2023
Prescott, AZ
United States
It doesn't matter. There were many wars and terror acts in history. That is no excuse. For example, they would not get to say something like 'Hitler used camps so our camps are fine as well. Hitler picked on ethnic minority enemies so we can too...etc etc' Neither can they say 'The USA killed civilians so we also can do so'

Name the incident where Iran mass murdered over 30,000 civilians? Name a few of their prison camps where millions are kept behind walls with few rights? Maybe we can look at that. This thread however is not a general beef against mankind and history, but a look at a news item today that is going on in Gaza and Israel.
The Palestinians, Hamas, initiated this and is the cause of all that is happening in Gaza and Israel. dad, you are nuts, an antisemite obviously. Probably a woke left wing nut job. I am done with you.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 20, 2023
Prescott, AZ
United States
It would probably be good for you to look at the history of miracles.

Millions and millions of miracles that are just as confirmable as anything that happened in the scriptures. God did not retire after the biblical era. God is a real part of Christian lives, whether it be help, healings, guidance, or tongues. It is like the Jews thinking that miracles stopped after the Old Testament.
You obviously do not understand the difference between a miracle and a providential act of God.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
The Palestinians, Hamas, initiated this and is the cause of all that is happening in Gaza and Israel. dad, you are nuts, an antisemite obviously. Probably a woke left wing nut job. I am done with you.
It was initiated long before that. The bubbling over that happened in October was one event. How do you respond to that? It seems that Israel looked to their arms and force. Knowing full well that it was not possible to go after the actual criminals, they decided to attack the population in general. The whole world was disgusted. Israel is alone basically in the world now, with even their supporter nations scrambling to appease their populations who are abhorred. Do you think that fixed things for Israel? No. It set them up to be invaded by all nations as I see it, just as bible prophesy predicted. Maybe it will not be the war crimes in Gaza alone that will get nations to take action against Israel, but I think it is a large component. My personal guess as to what might arouse nations to the point of military intervention is that use of WOMD by Israel might happen. Be that as it may, we do know the time of Jacob's trouble is coming. They will never save themselves by their own strength and they must learn that. The bible indicates they will be learning it the hard way.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
The Palestinians, Hamas, initiated this and is the cause of all that is happening in Gaza and Israel. dad, you are nuts, an antisemite obviously. Probably a woke left wing nut job. I am done with you.
So you failed to cite the claimed incidents where Iran did things similar to Gaza. OK. Toodle loo

Duck Muscles

Active Member
Mar 19, 2024
Oh my....I am sorry for you for more than one reason but, to be a Christian and think that miracles ceased when the apostles died....that is sad and wrong.
Miracles ceased over 2000 years ago? My sister would be shocked at the news of that.

Duck Muscles

Active Member
Mar 19, 2024
The Palestinians, Hamas, initiated this and is the cause of all that is happening in Gaza and Israel. dad, you are nuts, an antisemite obviously. Probably a woke left wing nut job. I am done with you.
I wasn't aware Muslims were allowed here.

Did I miss this in the rule outline?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
You obviously do not understand the difference between a miracle and a providential act of God.

No I am talking straight up miracles and freewill.

Do you know what providential act of God means?


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
It was initiated long before that. The bubbling over that happened in October was one event. How do you respond to that? It seems that Israel looked to their arms and force. Knowing full well that it was not possible to go after the actual criminals, they decided to attack the population in general. The whole world was disgusted. Israel is alone basically in the world now, with even their supporter nations scrambling to appease their populations who are abhorred. Do you think that fixed things for Israel? No. It set them up to be invaded by all nations as I see it, just as bible prophesy predicted. Maybe it will not be the war crimes in Gaza alone that will get nations to take action against Israel, but I think it is a large component. My personal guess as to what might arouse nations to the point of military intervention is that use of WOMD by Israel might happen. Be that as it may, we do know the time of Jacob's trouble is coming. They will never save themselves by their own strength and they must learn that. The bible indicates they will be learning it the hard way.

Well considering everything you have posted you are one seriously messed up dud. Can you get anything right?
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