Religious Liberty!

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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
Other Faith
United States
From the catechism of saint Pius 10

The Second Article of the Creed
1 Q. What are we taught in the Second Article: And in Jesus Christ His only Son our Lord?
A. The Second Article of the Creed teaches us that the Son of God is the Second Person of the Blessed Trinity; that, like the Father, He is God eternal, omnipotent, Creator and Lord; that He became man to save us; and that the Son of God, made man, is called Jesus Christ.
2 Q. Why is the Second Person called the Son?
A. The Second Person is called the Son, because He is begotten by the Father from all eternity by way of intelligence; and for this reason He is also called the Eternal Word of the Father.
3 Q. Since we also are sons of God, why is Jesus Christ called the only Son of God the Father?
A. Jesus Christ is called the only Son of God the Father, because He alone is His Son by nature, whereas we are His sons by creation and adoption.
4 Q. Why is Jesus Christ called our Lord?
A. Jesus Christ is called our Lord, because, not only did He as God, together with the Father and the Holy Ghost, create us; but He has also as God and Man redeemed us.
5 Q. Why is the Son of God, made man, called Jesus?
A. The Son of God, made man, is called Jesus, that is to say, Savior, because He has saved us from the eternal death merited by our sins.

6 Q. Who gave the name of Jesus to the Son of God, made man?
A. The Eternal Father Himself, through the Archangel Gabriel, gave the name of Jesus to the Son of God made man, at the moment when the Archangel announced to the Blessed Virgin the mystery of the Incarnation.
7 Q. Why is the Son of God made man also called Christ?
A. The Son of God made man is also called Christ , that is to say, anointed or consecrated, because kings, priests and prophets were anointed of old; and Jesus is the King of kings, High Priest, and supreme Prophet.
8 Q. Was Jesus Christ really anointed and consecrated with a material anointing? A. The anointing of Jesus Christ was not material, like that of the kings, priests and prophets of old, but wholly spiritual and divine, because the fullness of the Divinity dwells in Him substantially.
9 Q. Had men any idea of Jesus Christ previous to His coming?
A. Yes, previous to His coming men had some idea of Jesus Christ in the promise of the Messiah, which God made to our first parents, Adam and Eve, and which He renewed to the holy Patriarchs; and also in the prophecies and the many figures which foreshadowed Him.
10 Q. How do we know that Jesus Christ is truly the Messiah and Promised Redeemer?
A. We know that Jesus Christ is truly the Messiah and Promised Redeemer from the fact that in Him are verified: (1) All that the prophecies foretold, (2) And all that the figures of the Old Testament foreshadowed.
11 Q. What did the prophecies foretell of the Redeemer?
A. Regarding the Redeemer, the prophecies foretold the tribe and the family from which He was to come; the place and time of His birth; His miracles and the most minute circumstances of His Passion and Death; His Resurrection and Ascension into heaven; and His spiritual, perpetual and universal Kingdom, that is, the Holy Catholic Church.
12 Q. Which are the principal figures of the Redeemer in the Old Testament?
A. The principal figures of the Redeemer in the Old Testament are: the innocent Abel; the High Priest Melchisedech; the sacrifice of Isaac; Joseph sold by his brethren; the prophet Jonas; the Paschal Lamb; and the Brazen Serpent set up by Moses in the desert.
13 Q. How do you know that Jesus Christ is true God?
A. We know that Jesus Christ is true God: (1) From the testimony of the Father saying: This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased, hear ye Him; (2) From the attestation of Jesus Christ Himself, confirmed by the most stupendous miracles; (3) From the teaching of the Apostles; (4) From the unvarying tradition (teaching) of the Catholic Church.

Jesus himself is recognized and acknowledged by Catholic and non-Catholic scholars as a Jewish monotheist.

What you’ve quoted here is directed against Jewish monotheists (and others). I see and regard it as teaching against Jesus and all who hold to the Jewish monotheism he does.

I particularly liked question number 13. As you know, I want to know not only what people believe but why they believe it. The catechism states explicitly how you “know that Jesus Christ is true God”. It offers me reassurance that I haven’t overlooked something.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Buyer beware . Todays version of religous liberty is being sold under a guise
that number one wont protect any true lamb . Number two it will teach folks to unify as one even with other religoins .
ITS all a sham and we better beware . instead believe JESUS . IN THIS WORLD YE SHALL have tribulations
And not to fear what man can do to us . Simply preach Christ and all sound doctrine .
And remember , BLESSED are you when you are PERSECUTED for rightousness sake . DONT forget the blessing , just take it paitientely
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
Jesus himself is recognized and acknowledged by Catholic and non-Catholic scholars as a Jewish monotheist.

What you’ve quoted here is directed against Jewish monotheists (and others). I see and regard it as teaching against Jesus and all who hold to the Jewish monotheism he does.

I particularly liked question number 13. As you know, I want to know not only what people believe but why they believe it. The catechism states explicitly how you “know that Jesus Christ is true God”. It offers me reassurance that I haven’t overlooked something.

theefaith has shown over and over that he is antisemitic.

In addition, he even claimed at one point that Paul wasn't a Jew because he wasn't from the tribe of Judah!
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
Other Faith
United States
theefaith has shown over and over that he is antisemitic.

In addition, he even claimed at one point that Paul wasn't a Jew because he wasn't from the tribe of Judah!

He’s also told me that he believes Jesus was a Roman Catholic, not a Jew. At that point we’ve abandoned the historical Jesus.

I can’t go along with him but it helps me understand, at least in part, why he believes what he does about the Catholic Church.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Yes. But there are serious consequences to false worship and also false Christianity. You should come out of the Catholic Church right now.
and now another reminder . Let no man , woman or child ever follow a version of said bible that wescott or hort had anything to do with .
Cause those men were charlatons . And that is a FACT . And since you often do research i bet you would agree with that .


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
You say the Catholic church is in apostacy since 1958, What is/ are the main issues that show this to you? Is it a certain doctrine, or set of doctrines that show this apostacy? I am just curious to see what you are thinking.

Also if the RCC is in apostacy, why do you proselytize for them still? I Personally consider myself non-denominational, in that denominations are built on the teachings of men or certain doctrines they over emphasize. I Believe the church of the saints is what we are all growing into when we reach the fullness of Christ, part of that is laying aside the teachings of men and being taught by the Holy Ghost as individuals in relation to Christ. So For me personally I point to Jesus and the cross and not to a denomination.

we have no teaching of men or denominations only the one true church teaching what Christ revealed

the church is not in apostasy but there is an apostasy liberal Catholicism or modernism, apologizing for existing
The apostasy of the Vatican 2 sect rejecting the faith revealed by Christ

Truth must be revealed by God, and in its fullness in the sacred deposit of faith by Christ to his church! Eph 4:5 Jude 1:3 and must be taught by the church, or proposed for our belief by the apostles!
Matt 28:19-20 Lk 1:4 Jn 20:21 acts 8:31 Rom 1:5 col 2:7 1 Tim 3:15
matt 18:17

Christ and His church are one! acts 9:4 Acts 5:32 Jn 15:1-5

David H.

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
Christ and His church are one! acts 9:4 Acts 5:32 Jn 15:1-5

I agree, and the body of Christ has many members.... What bothers me is your defending an apostate institution of man as the one church, when it is not, by your own assessment of the state of the RCC. You see, the saints are distinct from any manmade institution, and the church of the saints will never have apostacy (1 Corinthians 14:33) Because the Holy Ghost is the teacher and not man. (Matthew 23:7-8)


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
tell me how the SDA (satans denomination advances) is the one true church founded by Jesus Christ?
KJV Revelation 14:12
12 Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.

I suppose you think the Albigensian’s were
“true Christians “???
They were Waldensians, but happened to live in and around the city of Albi. The Waldensians were Christians yes, notwithstanding the lies and slanders heaped upon them by their enemies. They were the true apostolic church, they had the scriptures, and despite crusades and inquisitions held to destroy them by a succussion of papal slaves in the guise of kings, managed to survive the onslaught... The KJV of the bible was based on manuscripts of the danger line as the Waldensians Bible and those of the eastern churches.
Full apostolic succession from Christ to the valid bishops today
The Roman bishops departed the true faith in the 6th century by marrying the world and accepting the world's baubles of civil office.
the Ten Commandments are part of the eternal moral law that all men must obey
Indeed they are. So please explain why the Catholic catechism has abandoned, even ripped out the second Commandment, and in early centuries changed the 4th?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
Jesus and all the apostles were Jews. If you condemn the Jews you are condemning Jesus Christ, all the apostles, and all the authors of the Bible (except Luke).

If any man love not the Lord Jesus Christ (a Jew!), let him be Anathema. That means you!!!

I was referring to the Jews who reject Christ


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
Is that what your Catholic priests tell you? Here is what Paul wrote: "So, my brothers and sisters, you also died to the law through the body of Christ, so that you could be joined to another, to the one who was raised from the dead, to bear fruit to God." Romans 7:4

Why not pray to Mary and ask her to forgive you for you blasphemy>

paul is one of our priests

Rom 13:9 For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

Ephesians 6:2
Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise;


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
No Catholic bishop is valid!

Was Mathias a valid catholic bishop acts 1:15-26

Lk 10:16
He who hears you hears me...

John 13:20
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that receiveth whomsoever I send receiveth me; and he that receiveth me receiveth him that sent me.

What authority does Christ have?
What power does Christ have?
What mission / ministry does Christ have?

Peter, the apostles and their successors have the same authority, power, and mission as Christ! Jn 20:21 as my father sent me, even so send I you!

We must be taught by Peter, the apostles, and their successors! Lk 10:16 Matt 28:19 Jn 21:17 Jn 16:13 acts 2:42

Matt 28:19 Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost:

Lk 1:4 That thou mightest know the certainty of those things, wherein thou hast been instructed.

Acts 8:30 And Philip ran thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?

31 And he said, How can I, except some man should guide me? And he desired Philip that he would come up and sit with him.

Col 2:7 Rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, as ye have been taught, abounding therein with thanksgiving.

Matthew 18:17
And if he shall neglect to hear them, tell it unto the church: but if he neglect to hear the church, let him be unto thee as an heathen man and a publican.

It is a thing unthinkable! To refuse to hear the church is to refuse to hear Christ!
Christ and His church are one. Acts 9:4

Spiritual Fathers have care for our souls!

Acts 20:28 Take heed therefore unto yourselves, and to all the flock, over the which the Holy Ghost hath made you overseers, to feed the church of God, which he hath purchased with his own blood.

Jn 21:17 feed my sheep:

Heb 13:7 Remember them which have the rule over you, who have spoken unto you the word of God: whose faith follow, considering the end of their conversation.

Heb 13:17 Obey them that have the rule over you, and submit yourselves: for they care for your souls, as they that must give account, that they may do it with joy, and not with grief: for that is unprofitable for you.

1 Tim 1:2 Unto Timothy, my own son in the faith: Grace, mercy, and peace, from God our Father and Jesus Christ our Lord.

Gal 4:19 My little children, of whom I travail in birth again until Christ be formed in you

1 John 2
My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not.

That makes Paul and John spiritual fathers, pastors of our souls!

Obedience of the faithful Christians or spiritual anarchy of the heretical fundamentalists!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
Where does it say "one holy catholic universal apostolic" church in the Bible? Answer: nowhere! It's fictional!

Sola scriptura!

One, Holy, Catholic, and Apostolic Church

One: Jn 10:16

Holy: Eph 2:19:22

Catholic: Lk 1:10-11 Jn 1:29 Jn 3:16

Apostolic: Matt 16:18-19 Matt 18:18 Matt 28:19 Jn 20:21 eph 2:20

SDA don’t cut it!

David H.

Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
We must be taught by Peter, the apostles, and their successors! Lk 10:16 Matt 28:19 Jn 21:17 Jn 16:13 acts 2:42

We are all sent by God and a royal priesthood 1 Peter 2:9, We are all brothers in Christ, not rabbis and catechumens or priests and laity. (Matthew 23:8) That is the problem with the RCC, it is run by Nicolaitans who place themselves on a podium above the people.


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
The gospel preached by Jesus and the twelve apostles has nothing to do with the Council of Trent.

Paul is speaking about a much wider audience. You made specific what he made general - “any man” encompasses all persons (Jew and Gentile alike).

they are included


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
The gospel preached by Jesus and the twelve apostles has nothing to do with the Council of Trent.

Paul is speaking about a much wider audience. You made specific what he made general - “any man” encompasses all persons (Jew and Gentile alike).

question? Do the Jews believe in the Father?


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
Does that include the pope? If so, are you currently without an apostle?

only God may judge a pope so I can’t say but based on his teaching I have my doubt’s

there still are good faithful valid bishops, throughout the world