Satan and the "Little Season" (Rev. 20:3, 7)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2019
United States
What is meant by Satan’s being” loosed a little season” (Rev. 20:3, 7) after the 1000 years are fulfilled?

As Satan’s imprisonment means his being in error and away from any contact with the race on earth, his loosing would imply his being brought back into touch with the race and finding out the exact truth on Millennial teachings and conditions. As his binding was a gradual one, extending over many years, so will his loosing—a permitting of more or less of knowledge to influence by deception—be a gradual one extending over many years, though his coming back to the earth will not be a prolonged journey. He will make a careful study of the situation, so as to get a thorough grasp of it, as the basis of a plan to seize control of the human race again. Doubtless Satan will not believe that he will be annihilated at the end of the Little Season, but like Pharaoh, his type, will persuade himself that God is too kind to take extreme measures against him; and he will therefore hope for another empire and reign over the earth for thousands of years, like his first one. God will allow him to attempt to gain control of the race again, only as a means of testing the hearts’ attitude of the perfected race for the manifestation of those who will be loyal to right principles under heart-searching tests and those who under such tests will not be loyal to right principles; for God is determined to let no person, after having had a favorable opportunity for life, exist after the Little Season, if he will not maintain loyalty to righteousness. So Satan’s unbelief and ambition will inveigle him into the role of a tempter; and this will bring upon all a final crucial temptation, whose outcome will be life everlasting to the faithful and endless death to the unfaithful. Thus, as with Adam and Eve in the beginning, a trial to determine worthiness or unworthiness for everlasting life must be undergone by all, and the stage for that trial will be set in the Little Season.

Satan will devise some subtle deception which will be the means of manifesting the worthy and the unworthy in this final trial. Those of mankind who will have developed properly in character (Matt. 25:31-40) will stand in that trial, but those who will not have done so (vs. 41-46) will fall into Satan’s snare, thinking all the while that God approves their wrong course. Satan urging them on, they will finally commit some undeniable sin, which will prove them unworthy of eternal life. Thereupon will follow their and Satan’s and the impenitent angels’ annihilation, symbolized by their being cast into the lake of fire (Rev. 20:9, 10, 15; 21:8). Literal passages, like the following, prove this of the wicked: Job 6:15, 18; 7:9; Psa. 37:10, 35, 36; 49:12; 104:35; Isa. 65:20; while the following passages show this of Satan: Isa. 27:1: Ezek. 28:16-19; Heb. 2:14. Sometimes Rev. 20:10, which in the A.V. speaks of the devil being tormented eternally, is quoted to prove that he will continue to exist forever. To this several things may be answered: The beast and the false prophet, which are spoken of in this passage, and which have the same thing done to them as is done to Satan, are not persons, but Satanic institutions, systems, organizations, which therefore will not exist forever (1 John 3:8). What, then, is the solution of this matter? We reply that the word basanizo, translated tormented in the A.V. of Rev. 20:10, is an unhappy translation here. This word has three meanings: (1) to examine; (2) to examine with torture, and (3) to torture, The A.V. has taken the third, whereas the first meaning of this word fits here. The thought is this: that eternally perfect men will examine Satan’s, the beast’s and the false prophet’s history, theories, effects, etc., and as a result of that examination will always conclude that these deserved their eternal annihilation. The thought is more literally expressed in Isa. 14:15-20.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
What is meant by Satan’s being” loosed a little season” (Rev. 20:3, 7) after the 1000 years are fulfilled?
The best way to understand this is that it will be a very brief period of time. No need to make it more precise.
...and as a result of that examination will always conclude that these deserved their eternal annihilation.
The Bible definitely DOES NOT teach "eternal annihilation", and Revelation 20:10 makes that perfectly clear. So why are you trying to pervert Bible truth?

And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Does that sound like "eternal annihilation" or is that "eternal damnation"?


Well-Known Member
Feb 12, 2019
United States
The Bible definitely DOES NOT teach "eternal annihilation", and Revelation 20:10 makes that perfectly clear. So why are you trying to pervert Bible truth?

And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever. Does that sound like "eternal annihilation" or is that "eternal damnation"?

Lake of fire and brimstone: The lake of fire and brimstone is defined in verse 13 as the “second death”. Just as “there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave” Eccl 9:10 and also Eccl 9:6 their love, and their hatred, and their envy, is now perished. If this be true and of course it is, the idea of “torment” needs to be understood differently than what seems at first glance.

They shall be tormented day and night forever and ever: The Greek word for torment is from the Greek word basanizō Strongs #928 the root word is Strongs #931 basanos which literally means a touchstone. A touchstone is a device used to test for precious metals. Drawing a line with gold on a touchstone will leave a visible trace. Because different alloys of gold have different colors the unknown sample can be compared to samples of known purity. This method has been used since ancient times. The trace will react differently to specific concentrations of nitric acid or aqua regia, thereby identifying the quality of the gold. Thus 24 Carat (pure) gold is not affected but 14 Carat gold will show chemical activity.The thought then is what the Devil, Beast and False Prophet did will be used for ever in the future as to what not to do in the Kingdom of God and what would happen if you tried. In other words the people will forever torment those evil systems and what they did in their minds comparing what they have now to what they had under those who chose not to obey God. If ever anyone suggests doing something again like what those who were destroyed did, they need only to remember the consequences and the pain and suffering it caused; caused not to the dead, but the living. God has no intention of tormenting somebody alive for all eternity. That would make God out to be demonic which is the Devil’s way of interpreting this scripture.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Oh, such speculation and conjecture!
  • A thousand years simply means: all the times appointed until the end.
  • All time, is all history.
  • This is Satan's bondage, and him being loosed--this is it.
  • Then comes the end.


Active Member
Mar 17, 2022
United States
This is Satan's bondage, and him being loosed--this is it.
Happening now you're thinking? Being loosed?
This is what's happening now. Imo
I see a beastly image of lawlessness sitting in the sanctuary where man meets with God.
The conscience is a kind of throne.
The image of good that has formed the conscience of Christian nations is the image of Christ. Christian morality lifts up the morality natural to human life.

The sanctuary within man where God and man meet is the conscience.
Where human deeds are judged and the power to punish or reward rains down from the sky.

Christ is under siege in the sanctuary and a different image is appearing.
The image of the beast and lawlessness are given authority to enter the sanctuary.
From there it is able to punish Christians for being Christian. For rejecting it's law.
Punish for rejecting it's image.

This is the war being waged now. Imo
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
Happening now you're thinking? Being loosed?
This is what's happening now. Imo
I see a beastly image of lawlessness sitting in the sanctuary where man meets with God.
The conscience is a kind of throne.
The image of good that has formed the conscience of Christian nations is the image of Christ. Christian morality lifts up the morality natural to human life.

The sanctuary within man where God and man meet is the conscience.
Where human deeds are judged and the power to punish or reward rains down from the sky.

Christ is under siege in the sanctuary and a different image is appearing.
The image of the beast and lawlessness are given authority to enter the sanctuary.
From there it is able to punish Christians for being Christian. For rejecting it's law.
Punish for rejecting it's image.

This is the war being waged now. Imo
Yes, "But the heavens and the earth which are now preserved by the same word, are reserved for fire until the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men." 2 Peter 3:7 And this world is that sanctuary apart from God until the day of Judgement--"by the same word."
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