Spotting the Heretic

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Apparently, you think that John was teaching heresy when he wrote the verse.

No, ive seen you teach heresy.
You can't explain why John would say we have no sin, yet say.>"if we say we have no sin".
You can't comprehend why Paul said "if you walk in the Spirit, you will not sin".
You also can't stop repenting and confessing.
You see yourself as a sinner, and this is why you can't hear me.

Im not a sinner.
Im a SON of God. And to be one of those is to be the RIGHTEOUSNESS of God, in Christ.
God does not live in "sinners", He lives in "made RIGHTEOUS".
There is NO SIN = "in Christ". Im In Christ.
Jesus has all my sin..... Colossians 2:13, and i have ALL Jesus's Righteousness..... "the GIFT of Righteousness".


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The scripture has concluded all under sin (including those who are not under the law but under grace).

You are not under the law if you are "not under the Law but under Grace".
Sin is found by the Law.
"Where there is no law, there is no Transgression"
The born again are not under the Law, we are under GRACE.

Keep beating that self righteous wall with your head.
Its not going to move, but, that wont stop you, "mr teacher".

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... you shall not sin ...

The only ones who know whether I sin or not, is GOD and satan. And you're not GOD, so you must be acting on behalf of the other. But more obvious, -- satan is the accuser, and you follow his example without any evidence.

You serve your master well.
Bobby Jo


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Dec 31, 2010
United States
A terrible spirit accompanies the heretic. He thinks he has arrived because he has studied scripture. But considers not that the strife that resides in his heart a bad thing....

13 Who is a wise man and endued with knowledge among you? let him shew out of a good conversation his works with meekness of wisdom.
14 But if ye have bitter envying and strife in your hearts, glory not, and lie not against the truth.
15 This wisdom descendeth not from above, but is earthly, sensual, devilish. - James 3
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
You are not under the law if you are "not under the Law but under Grace".
Sin is found by the Law.
"Where there is no law, there is no Transgression"
The born again are not under the Law, we are under GRACE.

Keep beating that self righteous wall with your head.
Its not going to move, but, that wont stop you, "mr teacher".
The law is eternally existent.

And Romans 4:15 is clarified by Romans 5:13. It says that "sin is not imputed where there is no law."

This is the more accurate reflection.

We all have indwelling sin; for that is the teaching of holy scripture.

Transgression is to violate a standard. Where there is no standard there is no violation.

But the law existed before it was given to Moses because sin existed before the law was given to Moses; and through sin death.

Therefore when I am not under the law I cannot transgress; which means there is no standard for me to violate. But I can still sin; because the law is eternally existent in the heavenlies and it defines sin even for the person to whom God does not impute sin.

All that God imputing not sin to us means is that we are forgiven of our trespasses; not that we don't commit them any longer.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Because you are responding as the heretic on my Thread.
My Threads spotlight Heretics.
You live on them.
So, this means that the simple teaching that You are saved by Jesus and Kept saved by Jesus, is not your faith.

If it is, here is your chance to show us.

Simply explain why the Blood of Jesus that saves the Born again, Keeps the born again Saved.


You are an interesting contributor. You have called me a heretic. Please tell me where is my heresy?
As interesting theological dilemma. You said earlier that believers were saved caught in a cycle of sinning and repenting.
I am not here to answer your questions. It is clear whatever your views they are very set in their ideas.
I am just wondering why the aggressive attitude without any actual ammunition.

Ironically I am not here to prove you right or wrong, a heretic or a believer. I am just here to share and encourage.
Whatever our differences, which are unclear, you appear happy to label people. Jesus was very clear about sin.
Identify what the sin is and bring it to the sinner so they have an opportunity to repent.

Now my friend, calling me a heretic without any evidence or facts is just demonstrating a sinful attitude of condemnation and judgementalism. Is this something you will repent of, and come to Christ and open your heart to His grace and love, His righteous walk. God bless you

I met another brother who was emotionally damaged, who felt the only path for pastors was one of defeat and criticism. Suggesting to him he was actually in unbelief and needed to see the Lord working in others and in Him, did not get very far, but that was his reality. To know Jesus is to know growth and victory. God bless you


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
I have to say, forums do get a bit boring when there are such dedicated conflicts over unclear issues.
How much effort does one need to put in to those who believe them and everyone else is the battle?
One believer I know was so determined in his life view, he just tried to annoy others, some are just abusive and rude.
I occasionally look at their existing interactions, and it has not changed. It strikes me emotionally they must derive a lot of value in the interactions, even though they seem to be caught in a total time warp.

It is clear to me this is often about personalities clothed in a christian dress. Think how many hours some are spending on these threads, it is their life, literally. God bless you all


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The law is eternally existent.

Not in the case of a born again Believer.
Grace has replaced the law.
The Blood of Jesus is the reason the Law is abolished regarding its dominion over a Child of God.
Grace has become the law. "under GRACE", not "under the Law".
You sin because you are involved by your wrong believing, with the Law.
That is why you want to keep talking about it....."law, law, law". "abide abide abide".. "self self self".
The only thing that is Grace in your case is your Alt's name and that is pretty sad.
The law owns you. you are under it, as Paul described you in, Galatians 3:1.
Thats YOU.
Where there is Law, there is FLESH, there are works of the flesh and a chronic sinning and confessing failing believer.
So, keep on talking about and walking in that Law, and you'll waste 20 more years in sinning and confessing land. "mr teacher".


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
Brother, I wanted to show you why I said you are not calling sin, sin. Here is one of many posts that I disagree with. A person truly born again, doesn't have to strive to right thinking, because if is not of ourselves to believe right, it is the actual being filled with the actual Holy Spirit. Your belief is just to believe right. That is still yourself, your flesh, doing the believing. That is not being born again. To be born again we must see that we are weak sinners and cry out to Jesus as Paul did at the end of Romans 7. It is ONLY after this repentance that our nature will be supernaturally changed by Jesus, Himself, as He fills us with His Spirit. It is instantaneous, not drawn out as we believe right in our own power.

We don't have sin, Jesus has it and died for it all.

"but behold", what if i get drunk, high, fornicate, and watch all episodes of Game of Thrones and The Sopranos".
Ok, so?

"well behold, am i going to hell now, unless i repent of those sins"?

A.) No.

"but behold, why not"? = Because Jesus already died for those sins... He died for ALL SIN.. Colossians 2:13.

"but behold, how can i still be at peace with God when i watched Game of Thrones and said the "F" word, and cheated on my TAXES".

A.) Because ALL SIN is forgiven...This is the GRACE OF GOD. This is the GIFT OF RIGHTEOUSNESS......THe GIFT of SALVATION. Our peace with God is ETERNAL, because the Blood Atonement is Eternal.
We are always in God's view, at peace with Him.
WE have to come into this understanding to have the true understanding of GOD's GRACE.

"But behold, i feel HORRIBLE".. Good, you should....... and the reason you keep doing those deeds is because they are in your head to do them.
That is sin consciousness, that is always there, because you have not started to EXIST in the PEACE OF GOD that will free you from thinking that you are a sinner who can lose your salvation.

Its your wrong believing that keeps your flesh wanting to sin, and when you try to stop, this makes it worse.
You have to REST in God's Grace to stop sinning and live Holy.
To REST in God's GRACE is to understand that no matter what you do, you are always KEPT BY GOD....always.
Once you BELIEVE THIS, your bondage to sin will become weak and your sin consciousness will become weak, and that is the Place where you realize that God's Grace is your VICTORY over SIN.
Then, just stay there in your BELIEVING and the power will continue.

You have to get there in your HEAD.

"but behold, are you teaching that i am welcome to fornicate, and take drugs, and commit adultery, and watch Game of Thrones, and nothing bad will happen, because im already forgiven before i do it?
If you live like that, as a born again believer, you are abusing GRACE and you will be HARMED on EARTH, but you will not be JUDGED in Heaven for any sin.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
I didnt ask you to confess your sin to me, :).... i simply reminded you that you are sinning and confessing while refusing to try to learn how to stop.
Why don't you want to stop?

See, again, you can't LEARN how to stop. You just have to cry out to Jesus, and He will empower you to stop.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I am not here to answer your questions.

If you are not "here to answer my questions" then kindly find another Thread to harass.
Why be on my Thread if you are not willing to answer my Questions?
I need you to ither learn, or offer something of value, if you are going to live on my Threads.
So far, you dont.
You're just an agitator found on my Threads, who does not contribute towards the goal of helping sinners stop sinning.
Why not post your own Thread, and see how that works out?

Also You want me to prove you are a heretic?


Explain this.....Explain how the Blood of Jesus that Saved the Born gain, keeps the born again Saved, forever.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Brother, I wanted to show you why I said you are not calling sin, sin.

What you said i was doing, is telling others they can sin all they want, and still go to heaven.
You how have responded by no longer chasing that Lie, and posting instead something else.
So, i have no issue with you if you have an issue with understanding me correctly, but there is a big problem, when you misrepresent what i say then later, dodge what you did, what you said, by trying to talk about something else, instead.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
See, again, you can't LEARN how to stop. You just have to cry out to Jesus, and He will empower you to stop.

You learn how to stop sinning, just like you learn how to step out in Faith.
A Christian begins their born again experience, as sinless as Christ and as Righteous as God.
We dont become more Righteous over time, as you can't be more Righteous then to be FORGIVEN and given the Gift of God's Righteousness.

Crying out to God wont deliver you from sinning, or even understanding that you are not a sinner.
You have to get this LIGHT from PAUL and how He teaches you to gain VICTORY over your flesh.

Deliverance from Sin, comes from Resting in God's Grace.... not from crying and begging and freaking out.
Deliverance is found IN CHRIST, just like sinlessness is found in Christ.

To be delivered from the sinning and confessing lifestyle, is to be in a mind that sets you free from it.
Everything that has to do with learning more from God, comes from getting Spiritual understanding.
This is achieve in the Spiritual Mind. As in that Mind you find who you are and what you believe.
If you believe wrong, your Christian discipleship will fail and fail all your life.
What you have to do, is believe right regarding who you are IN Christ, and once you do that, you are walking in the power to live holy.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
What you said i was doing, is telling others they can sin all they want, and still go to heaven.
You how have responded by no longer chasing that Lie, and posting instead something else.
So, i have no issue with you if you have an issue with understanding me correctly, but there is a big problem, when you misrepresent what i say then later, dodge what you did, what you said, by trying to talk about something else, instead.

Read the end of the quote of yours I posted. You believe in OSAS, and the person in your parable was asking you questions and you kept telling them their sins would only give them consequences on earth, but they would still go to heaven. That is a myth. Because once you're are filled with the Holy Spirit you immediately have no desire to sin, so you just don't. It is the Spirit of Grace that is the Power of God.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Brother, I wanted to show you why I said you are not calling sin, sin.

Look carefully at what you said i said, then look at what i actually said, and you will see that they are not the same.
I said.

"""" Behold said:
We don't have sin, Jesus has it and died for it all.""""

I said that Jesus has our sin.....

You then said that i said, "im not calling sin , sin".

WHAT? ???????????

There is no connection between me saying that JESUS has the Sin of the Born again, and you saying i said ""im not calling sin, sin.""

What planet are you from.
I called it SIN, when i said Jesus has it.

What are you doing here?
Are you just here to cause chaos and misrepresent honest people?
Apparently so.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2020
True believers
What is the difference between a “believer” and a “true believer”?
True believers, if they are caught up in this hellish circular reasoning theology, become more and more upset and there is NO simple remedy
But there IS a simple remedy - join the one, true Church - the Catholic Church - and get taught the true and infallible doctrines of true Christianity - including the truth that your sins can be forgiven through the Sacrament of Reconciliation, which Jesus himself initiated (John 20:21-23).
losing your salvation
A believer doesn’t gain eternal salvation until after he dies and is judged worthy of eternal life by Christ. Once Christ grants that salvation, it cannot be lost. Before death, a believer only has the promise and hope of eternal life.

Incidentally, according to your hill-billy doctrine, at what point is a believer is eternally saved? Is it the moment he first believes?
And the next thing a sincere believer thinks after reading this spiritual poison is, "what if i did this".... and then the bottom falls out of their lives as the devil begins to work their minds into worry and fear to try to literally destroy them …

Satan is alive, just as certain as Jesus is Risen. And he is not playing with you. He wants your LIFE if he can't get your soul, and if he can't get ether because you are born again, then he'll send a heretic's lies into your mind, using a pulpit, a commentary, an online FORUM, a family member, a christian commentary..... that will try to make you believe that the Blood of Jesus is only as good as you trying by "abiding" and "enduring" and "commandment keeping" to try to keep yourself saved.

Now you think about that..... The heretic will continue to try to make you believe that the Blood Atonement is actually YOU keeping yourself saved, OR NOT. That the blood of Jesus is only as good as you are....

There are 2 Gospels that are preached, since the Cross was raised.. One is From the New Testament, and one is from the Devil. The bible preaches that God MADE you righteous and keeps you righteous, HIMSELF, if you will believe in Christ. Philippians 1:6
This is known as being born again. This is God becoming Jesus the Man and taking His very righteousness and giving it to you in place of your sin, and unrighteousness. This is Redemption. The Blood Atonement. "The Gift of Righteousness". "The Gift of Salvation".

The Devil's gospel teaches that your works make you and keep righteous, "enduring" "Abiding", "Obedience" and commandment keeping keeps you saved, and your obedience, you see... is your Cross that you hang on, to save yourself.

God's Gospel, is : "i will save you and keep you saved. ". using the Blood of Jesus.

The devil's gospel, is anything and everything else. And Saint, everything else including the person who is teaching works for salvation...... is Galatians 1:8
What should a believer do when he is tempted to sin? Should he disobey God’s commandment and sin - because he thinks all his sinful deeds are covered by Christ’s righteousness via the Blood Atonement? Or should he obey God’s commandments and not sin - because Rev 12 says the “saints” are “those who KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS OF GOD and the faith of Jesus” (Rev 14:12).

Why does Paul warn believers in Gal 5 and 1Cor 6 that their sins (ie, disobeying God’s commandments) can result in them not inheriting the kingdom of God?

Please explain why 1John 2:3-5 says those who “know” and are “in” Christ are those who “keep his commandments”, and why the one who “disobeys His commandments is a LIAR, and the TRUTH IS NOT IN HIM”.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
You have to get this LIGHT from PAUL and how He teaches you to gain VICTORY over your flesh.

That is not true. Let me ask you something. Have you ever been filled with the Holy Spirit? And I don't mean theoretically through belief, but a religious experience where what you desired a moment ago, you never desired again. Your nature of carnal flesh was completely reborn and you became a partaker of the divine nature of Christ? It is not something you have to learn over time.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
Look carefully at what you said i said, then look at what i actually said, and you will see that they are not the same.
I said.

"""" Behold said:
We don't have sin, Jesus has it and died for it all.""""

I said that Jesus has our sin.....

You then said that i said, "im not calling sin , sin".

WHAT? ???????????

There is no connection between me saying that JESUS has the Sin of the Born again, and you saying i said ""im not calling sin, sin.""

What planet are you from.
I called it SIN, when i said Jesus has it.

What are you doing here?
Are you just here to cause chaos and misrepresent honest people?
Apparently so.

Jesus has not only our past sins, but our desire to sin in the present and future. He has our old nature. Our new reborn nature has no desire to sin, so can't. 1 John 3:9.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You believe in OSAS, and the person in your parable was asking you questions and you kept telling them their sins would only give them consequences on earth, but they would still go to heaven. That is a myth..

You think that born again Christians will face in Heaven, consequences for Sin that Jesus has died to deliver them from on the Cross.

You theology is Grace denying, and keeps misunderstanding the Blood Atonement.
c'mon !

Listen, the born again meet God as DADDY, not as Judge.

You have some deep issues with your belief.
Its awful, as related to God's Blood Atonement.
Your faith is..>"salvation is only as good as the person".
Thats truly Cross rejecting faith.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
That is not true. Let me ask you something. Have you ever been filled with the Holy Spirit? And I don't mean theoretically through belief, but a religious experience where what you desired a moment ago, you never desired again. Your nature of carnal flesh was completely reborn and you became a partaker of the divine nature of Christ? It is not something you have to learn over time.

There are many people on my Threads who have an issue with sinning and repenting.
All of them, if they are born again, have been filled with the Spirit of God, as God does not give you 2/3rds, or .33 % of Himself when you become His Temple.
He does not save you one day, then 12 yrs later, give you more so that you can finally stop sinning.
You stop committing works of the flesh when you are freed by believing right.
Not until.

so, typical of a Charismatic, you are taught to believe in Charismatic mania, related to tongues and so forth, as the "evidence of the infilling".
If not, you would not define yourself as "charismaticlady".
So, to answer your Question......I have had the Holy Spirit in me ever since i was born again, and been anointed by the Holy Spirit for many years.
Im anointed for a few ministries, and not just to teach.
Called into the ministry by this same HS.

Its a sad situation when a pretender , wants to shift into "christianese" and talk about the Holy Spirit, when you can't even understand what OSAS actually means.

Jesus is OSAS.
OSAS is simply the idea of Eternal Life, stated as OSAS.
Its nothing more or less.
It simply means that Jesus saved you once, and Jesus keeps you saved.
You dont agree with this because you are a self saver, worried about sin, and wanting to teach what God has nothing to do with, which is some odd theology that is one part Grace, one part sinning confession, and the idea that the born again is a "sinner".