Spotting the Heretic

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Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
You think that born again Christians will face in Heaven, consequences for Sin that Jesus has died to deliver them from on the Cross.

Please correct your typo; I don't understand what you were trying to say. Face what?

You theology is Grace denying, and has no understanding of the Blood Atonement.

You have your definition of grace, and I have what Paul taught. They are opposite of one another. What is your definition of grace; I want to see if I'm right about what you may believe. Do you believe grace is the blood of Jesus covering our sin because He has it, and God can't see it because as we sin, Jesus already took it, so the Father can't see it, like it is covered up with Christ's blood?

Your faith is..>"salvation is only as good as the person".
Thats truly Cross rejecting faith.

Actually, that is what I see in the Bible. Without holiness we shall not see God. We ourselves must be holy, but we couldn't by keeping the law, so Christ empowered us with a new nature that doesn't sin.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
There are many people on my Threads who have an issue with sinning and repenting.
All of them, if they are born again, have been filled with the Spirit of God, as God does not give you 2/3rds, or .33 % of Himself when you become His Temple.
He does not save you one day, then 12 yrs later, give you more so that you can finally stop sinning.

Anyone who still has to repent after being born again, was never born again to begin with. So I agree there is a big problem in what is being taught in the Church. 1 John 1:9 is done once at the beginning, and Jesus does the rest.

so, typical of a Charismatic, you are taught to believe in Charismatic mania, related to tongues and so forth, as the "evidence of the infilling".
If not, you would not define yourself as "charismaticlady".
So, to answer your Question......I have had the Holy Spirit since i was born again, and been anointed by the Holy Spirit for many years.
Im anointed for a few ministries, and not just to teach.
Called into the ministry by this same HS.

Me too, but I also can hear is voice, associated with a few of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Because of this gift,100% of my prayers are answered. Don't knock speaking in tongues or any other gift of God, because you are not scoffing at Charismatics, but at God for giving us such a peculiar gift. God spoke to me in 2000 and said He was giving me the office of teacher. My pastor then anointed me with oil for that office. I've also received prophecies by His voice, but He has not said I am a prophet, just a teacher.

Its a sad situation when a pretender , wants to shift into "christianese" and talk about the Holy Spirit, when you can't even understand what OSAS actually means.

Did you not learn anything in our last thread about being nasty? Someone reported you, but it wasn't me. And all he seemed to accomplish was to get my thread closed, because you haven't changed. If you have the Spirit, why haven't you cultivated the fruit of the Spirit? I have, and why I calmly try to correct your understanding.

Jesus is OSAS.
This means that Jesus saved you once, and Jesus keeps you saved.
You dont agree with this because you are a self saver, worried about sin, and wanting to teach what God has nothing to do with, which is some odd part Grace, part sinning confession, idea of being a sinner.

I know He has me. But there are many who believe in OSAS as a license to sin. That makes the theology a very dangerous doctrine. The reality is that Jesus keeps us from actually sinning, not just the penalty for sin.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You have your definition of grace, and I have what Paul taught.

Actually, that is what I see in the Bible. Without holiness we shall not see God.

Without GOD's Holiness, we shall not see God, is what you mean to say, but dont understand.

= God's holiness is Justification by faith, the "gift of Righteousness".
All the born again have this, because its what we are BECOME.

My Definition of Grace?
What do I know, that happens to sin when we are REDEEMED FROM IT by the BLOOD?
That is your question?....Ok.

Its not that God can't see sin in the born again...
Its that Its not THERE.....As Its ALL been taken by Christ 2000 yrs ago on THE CROSS, when He died to become our sin, and bear it, and to forgive it.
Its not just covered, its REMOVED, its REMITTED, its GONE.
Our "sin" has been REPLACED by GOD's RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Is that clear enough?

There is No SIN in Christ, as its been dealt with BY Jesus's Blood and The CROSS.
The born again are "in Christ".
When we are born again, we become a part of God's HOLY SPIRIT. = New Creation IN Christ.
We are BORN AGAIN, into GOD's SPIRIT......We are ONE With God and Christ.
No sin found there, deceiver.
Not ever.

"well, the heretic says...what if you fall out of Christ, what if you walk away"..
"what if pink cows can fly, and Dogs can shuffle cards'.""
Its about the same thing.....theologically speaking.

You can't stop being BORN, so, you can't stop being BORN AGAIN.
This is a place of Spiritual EXISTENCE that GOD CAUSED and GOD KEEPS for you, for ETERNITY.
ETERNAL LIFE is OURS, as Jesus Himself is Eternal LIFE< and He is IN all the Born again.
SO, if you have Jesus, you have Eternal life, and He is not going to leave your BODY because you are a part of HIS SPIRIT, and HE IS YOURS.
"born again".

"God who Began salvation in the born again, will HIMSELF< be faithful to complete it"..


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
Without GOD's Holiness, we shall not see God, is what you mean to say, but dont understand.

= God's holiness is Justification by faith, the "gift of Righteousness".
All the born again have this, because its what we are BECOME.

My Definition of Grace?
What do I know, that happens to sin when we are REDEEMED FROM IT by the BLOOD?
That is your question?....Ok.

Its not that God can't see sin in the born again...
Its that Its not THERE.....As Its ALL been taken by Christ 2000 yrs ago on THE CROSS, when He died to become our sin, and bear it, and to forgive it.
Its not just covered, its REMOVED, its REMITTED, its GONE.
Our "sin" has been REPLACED by GOD's RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Is that clear enough?

There is No SIN in Christ, as its been dealt with BY Jesus's Blood and The CROSS.
The born again are "in Christ".
When we are born again, we become a part of God's HOLY SPIRIT. = New Creation IN Christ.
We are BORN AGAIN, into GOD's SPIRIT......We are ONE With God and Christ.
No sin found there, deceiver.
Not ever.

"well, the heretic says...what if you fall out of Christ, what if you walk away"..
"what if pink cows can fly, and Dogs can shuffle cards'.""
Its about the same thing.....theologically speaking.

You can't stop being BORN, so, you can't stop being BORN AGAIN.
This is a place of Spiritual EXISTENCE that GOD CAUSED and GOD KEEPS for you, for ETERNITY.
ETERNAL LIFE is OURS, as Jesus Himself is Eternal LIFE< and He is IN all the Born again.
SO, if you have Jesus, you have Eternal life, and He is not going to leave your BODY because you are a part of HIS SPIRIT, and HE IS YOURS.
"born again".

"God who Began salvation in the born again, will HIMSELF< be faithful to complete it"..

I could have said the same thing, and mean something entirely different to what you believe. What you said in that first quote I posted on this thread is that someone is capable of fornicating while being born again. Did you really mean that? That if they learn to believe right, then they can stop fornicating? That gives us all the power, and our mind, by itself, needs to believe differently.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Anyone who still has to repent after being born again, was never born again to begin with. So I agree there is a big problem in what is being taught in the Church. 1 John 1:9 is done once at the beginning, and Jesus does the rest.
Me too, but I also can hear is voice, associated with a few of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. Because of this gift,100% of my prayers are answered. Don't knock speaking in tongues or any other gift of God, because you are not scoffing at Charismatics, but at God for giving us such a peculiar gift. God spoke to me in 2000 and said He was giving me the office of teacher. My pastor then anointed me with oil for that office. I've also received prophecies by His voice, but He has not said I am a prophet, just a teacher.
Did you not learn anything in our last thread about being nasty? Someone reported you, but it wasn't me. And all he seemed to accomplish was to get my thread closed, because you haven't changed. If you have the Spirit, why haven't you cultivated the fruit of the Spirit? I have, and why I calmly try to correct your understanding.I know He has me. But there are many who believe in OSAS as a license to sin. That makes the theology a very dangerous doctrine. The reality is that Jesus keeps us from actually sinning, not just the penalty for sin.

""""""""Don't knock speaking in tongues or any other gift of God, because you are not scoffing at Charismatics, but at God for giving us such a peculiar gift. God spoke to me in 2000 and said He was giving me the office of teacher. My pastor then anointed me with oil for that office. """""""""

Charismatics, have you ever met one that does not believe that you can lose your salvation?
So, its not "scoffing" at the Gifts, its rejecting fakirs who want to pretend they have what they dont, to gain an audience.

"""""""""Did you not learn anything in our last thread about being nasty?""""""""

Im not "nasty"...
Its not "nasty" to honestly label you as a liar, when you lied, and now have come back and avoided your lie.
Your lie was that you said i teach that "we can sin as much as we want".
Thats a deceit you have posted, I never said this on any Thread, or from any Pulpit, or in any Blog, or on any page, or in any video.
You posted this deception, and now trying to dismiss your deceit by lecturing me, is not being honest.
Just be honest.
Dont accuse me, unless you have a quote, and if possible post a quote that is related to your accusation.

Also, if someone is pm'ing you to tell you they "reported me", then thats ok.
Deceiver on Fourms hang out together and use the "report" button as their only way to defend their heresy.
If their lies are not working on the forum, then they run to the "report" tab, to try to get their "enemy" moderated.
All deceivers live to "report", and they love to tell each other about it.
Nothing new .

"""""" But there are many who believe in OSAS as a license to sin. That makes the theology a very dangerous doctrine."""""

OSAS, is not a doctrine.
Who taught you this lie?
The danger is not to believe that the same Jesus who saved you, keeps you save, (OSAS) but the danger is to disagree with this truth.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I could have said the same thing, and mean something entirely different to what you believe. What you said in that first quote I posted on this thread is that someone is capable of fornicating while being born again. Did you really mean that? That if they learn to believe right, then they can stop fornicating? That gives us all the power, and our mind, by itself, needs to believe differently.

The most carnal church in the New Testament is the Corinthian Church.
This is the group that is worried about " spiritual gifts", because all babies worry about gifts.
IN this church community, a young born again believer, was "fornicating" with his step mother.
Paul had the church shut Him out for a while.
After some time, Paul told this group to let the boy back in., and they did.

So, what does this prove?
It proves you can "sin willfully" and you are still saved.
I have no idea how many times this young man fornicated with his dad's new wife, but i suspect it was more then once.
Did he understand it was wrong, it was fornication?....Uh huh.
It proves that a believer can commit fornication.
Lots of them do.
That is one more sin forgiven 2000 yrs ago.

A heretic thinks that this sin isnt forgiven unless you tell God you are sorry you did it, 324 more times over the next 25 yrs.
Heretics have no understanding of God's Grace, and ZERO understanding of HOW The Blood Atonement functions as redemption.
Heretics talk a lot about the law, while pretending they have a clue about God's Grace.

You talk about fornication a lot. A whole lot.
Ive never met a Christian online, male or female, who talks about fornication as much as you do, not in all the years ive been on Forums, and that is a lot of years.
Fornication is one more work of the flesh that will be controlled by right believing, and not by trying to stop.
Trying to stop, empowers the law to make the fornicator want to pursue this deed MORE.
You are delivered from this carnal behavior by Grace, not by will power.
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Dec 31, 2010
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You learn how to stop sinning, just like you learn how to step out in Faith.
A Christian begins their born again experience, as sinless as Christ and as Righteous as God.
We dont become more Righteous over time, as you can't be more Righteous then to be FORGIVEN and given the Gift of God's Righteousness.

Crying out to God wont deliver you from sinning, or even understanding that you are not a sinner.
You have to get this LIGHT from PAUL and how He teaches you to gain VICTORY over your flesh.

Deliverance from Sin, comes from Resting in God's Grace.... not from crying and begging and freaking out.
Deliverance is found IN CHRIST, just like sinlessness is found in Christ.

To be delivered from the sinning and confessing lifestyle, is to be in a mind that sets you free from it.
Everything that has to do with learning more from God, comes from getting Spiritual understanding.
This is achieve in the Spiritual Mind. As in that Mind you find who you are and what you believe.
If you believe wrong, your Christian discipleship will fail and fail all your life.
What you have to do, is believe right regarding who you are IN Christ, and once you do that, you are walking in the power to live holy.

You have to get this LIGHT from PAUL???

And what did Paul teach?

1 And it came to pass, that, while Apollos was at Corinth, Paul having passed through the upper coasts came to Ephesus: and finding certain disciples,
2 He said unto them, Have ye received the Holy Ghost since ye believed? And they said unto him, We have not so much as heard whether there be any Holy Ghost.
3 And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John's baptism.
4 Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus.
5 When they heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
6 And when Paul had laid his hands upon them, the Holy Ghost came on them; and they spake with tongues, and prophesied.
7 And all the men were about twelve. - Acts 19

But we preach Christ crucified, unto the Jews a stumblingblock, and unto the Greeks foolishness; - 1 Corinthians 1:23
And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God. For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus Christ, and him crucified.- 1 Corinthians 2:1-3

For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us. - 2 Corinthians 4:6-7

Believing on Christ through faith and receiving the Holy Spirit was the source of light Paul would have liked the believers to have experienced, which light came from God and not of him.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You have to get this LIGHT from PAUL???

And what did Paul teach?

Paul taught also :

He taught that Christ did NOT send him to Water Baptize.
He taught that if you are dealing with a Heretic in your Church who wont listen, you kick them out.
Paul taught that if you teach that you try to keep yourself saved, you are "fallen from Grace".
Paul taught that you are to be a "follower of ME, as i follow Christ".

Peter taught something interesting about Paul.
Peter taught that Paul's letters, that He had, were Scripture, equal to the BIBLE, (Torah) and that was before Paul's letters became the New Testament.
What is interesting about that?
Well, Paul was not one of the original 12. So, Peter who was one of the 12, understood the words of Paul as BIBLE, before Paul's epistles became a New Testament.
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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
There are believers who want to indoctrinate you into their harmful theology. This is their mission in life. They feel they are "led of the Spirit" to actually cause harm regarding the Faith of real born again believers.
So, how to recognize them?
How to know who is the liar, and who is the Truth.

Now i have a strong and unrelenting point of view about a certain heresy, because i have seen the damage it causes churches, Christians, and the heretics themselves. This theology is an extreme spiritual poison. Its an infection of the mind and spiritual condition. It literally can make you crazy. Especially if you are a sincere and true believer who above all things wants to please God.

The True Believers, if they are caught up in this hellish circular reasoning theology, become more and more upset and there is NO simple remedy. See, what happens if you get infected by the people who are spreading this spiritual deceit, is that the bible and the devil begin to work together to condemn you to the point where you will begin to obsess on THE idea that you are lost, and hell bound. The bible becomes a punishing enemy as all it seems to do is show you that you are going to hell. Ive seen it. Ive dealt with believers who are caught up in the devil's lie, and TAUGHT IT by other believers. Ive witnessed the mind damage and the broken spirit. These believers, who have been deeply mentally disturbed by the people who mean to do it,....other believers... And because of these poisonous "christians", they can't open a bible and get any Help. Prayer life becomes a guilt trip. They cry and shake and feel sick all the time. Their lives become so disrupted by this screaming mental idea that they have committed the unparsdonable sin, or they have willfully sinned their salvation away. And all they had to do to be destroyed was show up on a "friendly" Christian Forum and read some fool's Thread regarding "losing your salvation" This particular Thread Topic is posted constantly on every Christian Forum that will allow it. And the next thing a sincere believer thinks after reading this spiritual poision is, "what if i did this".... and then the bottom falls out of their lives as the devil begins to work their minds into worry and fear to try to literally destroy them.

FYI. : The Epistle to the Hebrews, is a spiritual bear trap. Its a book that will tie a novice baby Christian in a knot for life. This epistle is so strong, so powerful, that when a novice gets into it, having no sound theology to lean on , no soul anchor of Grace from their Christian beginnnig, no deep understanding of Redemption,.. they will end up for the rest of their life preaching one message. "you can lose your salvation". That is what happens to everyone who get lost in the Epistle to the Hebrews, because they never became grounded in GRACE and "Justification by Faith" theology Truth BEFORE they jumped into this DEEP DEEP Epistle written to the "Hebrews".

Listen Saint, the bible is not a fun filled novel. Its a Spiritual Awakening Experience, written as words in Jesus's Blood.. Understand? And the unclean spirit , Satan, uses the bible to harm you, if he can.

yeah, Christianity tends to attract nut jobs.

BTW, your concept of Satan is way overblown. if you are trying to promote justification by faith, why are you making a cautionary figure, like Satan into a boogie man, who is obsessed with us on an individual level? If we truly are OSAS than we have nothing to fear. remember, Satan does not have a personal relationship with us - he cannot read our thoughts or even know us. He is a warning to us because his condition is our fate, apart from Christ.

we are created to love outwardly after we recognize Christ's love for us. we must do this through all the valleys, as well as the mountains, which are apart of life. this love is the reason for our faith and our good works, which cannot be separated. no longer do we love in vain - this is our sanctification and our transformation into citizens of heaven. amen


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Dec 31, 2010
United States
Reminding everyone of the rules.... “You agree to not use the Service to submit or link to any Content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains adult or objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws.”

Calling a member here a heretic just because he sees the Word of God differently than you is not welcome here. If you suspect someone of heresy you must present your case without using the word heretic.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
yeah, Christianity tends to attract nut jobs.

BTW, your concept of Satan is way overblown. if you are trying to promote justification by faith, why are you making a cautionary figure, like Satan into a boogie man, who is obsessed with us on an individual level?

Jesus has all power in Heaven and on earth, but, to walk in it, is the only way it operates in a believer's life, functionally and literally.

Satan took the Lord for a trip one time.
Showed Him all the nations that he owns, and said, "bow to me, and its all yours...".
Satan still owns them. He is still in effect. He still blinds the minds and brings destruction.
He still comes to a pulpit as a minister of righteousness, and he still brings heretics to Forums who mix lies with truth and speak "christianese", perfectly.
He's not a joke.
The joke is on you, if you take him for granted, and behave as if being born again gives you an automatic advantage over his methods.

How do you know he is running your life?
Just look at how you spend most of your time.
Satan understands that your TIME is your LIFE, and if he has your time, he has your LIFE.
Do you spend most of your time doing "non-christian" stuff, excluding serving your family and working?
Look at your time, and how you spend it. Satan has already looked at it.
Believe it.
Satan's best device is to use all this world has to offer, and get you to focus on it.
See, if He owns your focus, He owns you.

Let me tell you about his Methods...
Check this out...
!000 Forum members all fighting, because He has most of them believing wrong.
Thousands of Denominations, all man made, all opposing each other.
There are NO Denominations in Heaven. Did you know that? Satan does.
300 + bible versions, most disagree , most are a corrupted mess, .. This is one of Satan's best efforts.
A pastor is using a KJV< and it says.>"God was manifested in the Flesh", and 567 people in the congregation are using an NIV that says..>"HE was manifested in the Flesh". " God" is missing from the Verse. Satan is smiling.
Other bibles have verses missing altogether.

So, Satan has had thousands of years, to mess with the bible, and learn how to use it to ruin a Christian's understanding of God's word.

Never doubt that Satan is not motivated to destroy you.
And i'll tell you something, and you remember i told you this.. as it might save your life, or at least save it from being destroyed by the DEVIL.
When Satan is out for you, He will bring someone into your life who has not been in it before, or, not in it in an important way, before.
Look out always for that new person, who shows up in your life., especially unexpectedly.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Not in the case of a born again Believer.
Grace has replaced the law.

The law is written in the hearts and minds of those who are under the New Covenant (Hebrews 8:8-10, Romans 8:7).

Paul said that he himself was "under the law to Christ"...1 Corinthians 9:21.

Explain this.....Explain how the Blood of Jesus that Saved the Born gain, keeps the born again Saved, forever.

The blood of Jesus sanctifies (Hebrews 13:12, Hebrews 10:29) so that we can abide in Jesus (1 John 3:6) for ever (1 John 2:17).

A Christian begins their born again experience, as sinless as Christ

just like sinlessness is found in Christ.

If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us.

A believer doesn’t gain eternal salvation until after he dies

See John 5:24...we pass from death unto everlasting life at the moment of first faith.

He does not save you one day, then 12 yrs later, give you more so that you can finally stop sinning.

Actually, entire sanctification is very often a second benefit (2 Corinthians 1:15).

No sin found there, deceiver.

To say that you have no sin, you are the deceiver; for you are even deceiving yourself (1 John 1:8).


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
So, its not "scoffing" at the Gifts, its rejecting fakirs who want to pretend they have what they dont, to gain an audience.

I don't pretend. And if it isn't real, I don't partake. For instance, I don't fall down pretending I've been slain in the Spirit. But I do know of people that were knocked flat by the power of God. That used to happen to kitchen workers when Kathryn Kuhlman used to walk through the kitchen to the elevator. It also happened to the Roman soldiers when they arrested Jesus after he prayed in the Garden.

"""""" But there are many who believe in OSAS as a license to sin. That makes the theology a very dangerous doctrine."""""

OSAS, is not a doctrine.
Who taught you this lie?
The danger is not to believe that the same Jesus who saved you, keeps you save, (OSAS) but the danger is to disagree with this truth.

I see you chopped off what I said prior, that I know I am saved. The OSAS taught in the church today is not that of the Bible. I agree with the Bible, just not with what you are teaching it means, nor those who made that acronym.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Jesus has all power in Heaven and on earth, but, to walk in it, is the only way it operates in a believer's life, functionally and literally.

Look out always for that new person, who shows up in your life., especially unexpectedly.
Still not sure where you are coming from, must of experienced something somewhere.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
The most carnal church in the New Testament is the Corinthian Church.
This is the group that is worried about " spiritual gifts", because all babies worry about gifts.
IN this church community, a young born again believer, was "fornicating" with his step mother.
Paul had the church shut Him out for a while.
After some time, Paul told this group to let the boy back in., and they did.

That is a real misrepresentation of the gifts of the Spirit from someone who probably just doesn't have any.

1 Corinthians 1:
4 I thank my God always concerning you for the grace of God which was given to you by Christ Jesus, 5 that you were enriched in everything by Him in all utterance and all knowledge, 6 even as the testimony of Christ was confirmed in you, 7 so that you come short in no gift, eagerly waiting for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ, 8 who will also confirm you to the end, that you may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ. 9 God is faithful, by whom you were called into the fellowship of His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord.

Could Paul say that you come short in no gift?


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
I could have said the same thing, and mean something entirely different to what you believe. What you said in that first quote I posted on this thread is that someone is capable of fornicating while being born again. Did you really mean that? That if they learn to believe right, then they can stop fornicating? That gives us all the power, and our mind, by itself, needs to believe differently.
You see , you do what the SDA do exactly the same thing, because some dont agree with you they must be doing this or that, its hard enough getting a person out of religion it is even harder to get the religion out of people. So many like to boast, look at me God im not like all those other christians.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
You see , you do what the SDA do exactly the same thing, because some dont agree with you they must be doing this or that, its hard enough getting a person out of religion it is even harder to get the religion out of people. So many like to boast, look at me God im not like all those other christians.

When someone teaches that a born again believer may commit sins of fornication and the like, but all that will happen is that they will just receive consequences in this life, but will still go to heaven, there is something wrong with their idea of what it means to be born again. Someone who is truly born again will not be fornicating in the first place. It will not be in their new nature to do so.


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
When someone teaches that a born again believer may commit sins of fornication and the like, but all that will happen is that they will just receive consequences in this life, but will still go to heaven, there is something wrong with their idea of what it means to be born again. Someone who is truly born again will not be fornicating in the first place. It will not be in their new nature to do so.
No one is teaching anything you are assuming and putting Yokes around people necks. Poor soul comes to Christ than all the religious demand perfection from them, and the cannot understand why they are not good enough, its not Christs doing its mens need to boast. We where made "good enough" when we came to Christ, and woe to any man stand against God in that. You made grace a law.

Consequence is you are drivning people from Him.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
No one is teaching anything you are assuming and putting Yokes around people necks. Poor soul comes to Christ than all the religious demand perfection from them, and the cannot understand why they are not good enough, its not Christs doing its mens need to boast. We where made "good enough" when we came to Christ, and woe to any man stand against God in that. You made grace a law.

Consequence is you are drivning people from Him.

We don't have to be "good enough" to come to Christ, but you seem to think Jesus just saves you from the Law, but not from sin, itself. A true believer receives power from Jesus to not sin. It is those who come from liberal churches who see they have not changed, and find themselves still struggling with sin, who have never been taught HOW to receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit, but read in their own studies that they must to be born again.

I teach what they must do to be saved, and not just tell them they ARE saved when they are not. You seem to think that drives them away from Jesus, and it would be better to leave them in their fantasy.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
When someone teaches that a born again believer may commit sins of fornication and the like, but all that will happen is that they will just receive consequences in this life, but will still go to heaven, there is something wrong with their idea of what it means to be born again. Someone who is truly born again will not be fornicating in the first place. It will not be in their new nature to do so.
I received the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues in 1986 and have fornicated with two women since then. The latter of these two became my wife.

While it is true that fornicators as a general rule will not inherit the kingdom of God, it is possible for those who truly know the Lord to backslide even to the point where they will fornicate and do other things that deserve the wrath of God.

Such believers become prodigal sons or daughters; God is certainly able to restore them.