Spotting the Heretic

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Sin never disappeared like magic but the consequence of sin was removed, men love to boast and create big words.

As far as I understand the theology, the judgement for sin is removed from the day of judgement. Some extend this to mean judgement is based solely on whether one believed in Jesus or not, belief being accepting the cross pays the debt for sin. The language is often about idealism and extremes. So if one sin causes you to be judged and cast out of the Kingdom, it is proposed you go in and out of salvation if one holds a righteous walk has value in the Kingdom. The problem in these discussions is getting too close to the boundaries and not seeing the broader picture. The broad picture, is does the believer love God, and is dedicated through all the struggles and complexities of life, to see the love that conquers all, and has faith in the forgiveness and mercy of God.

Salvation is founded on this faith, the relationship and love of God. Looking through scripture it is clear the blessed of God are a strange bunch of eccentrics and non-conformists. What is perfection in God is like the perfect altar, made from rough stones not touched by a chisel. The law only tells us boundaries of failure not how to succeed or even what it is really all about.

To put it simply you destroy ones relationship with God by dwelling in sin and desiring things of this world. If we abide in Christ, we will change and become like Him. Often me just writing this causes the hyper grace group to say we will prove you are a lost sinner and a hypocrite. It is this worldly view that declares where their hearts really are, invested in this world and not the Kingdom. Those of the Kingdom rejoice with those who desire to love and walk in Gods ways. It is also ironic those who claim to be shinning lights of Gods righteousness turn out to be sinners claiming Christs holiness with no intention to live it out. So this thread is a classic example of appearing to want to walk in the ways of Jesus, but is just staying in sinful behaviour but believing it does not matter. God bless you

I think this is a classic deception approach, we are great examples of Christ but no different than the world, but boy do we appreciate Jesus as we hack people to death, I mean what else do you need to enter heaven? :(

Sadly everyone who thinks like this has not even begun to see what love and Christ actually are.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
If you want to know who is the heretic, walk and talk like Jesus and see who cannot cope.
They are the false teachers full of thorns and thistles.

And these loving caring folk will dedicate themselves to show how evil and lost you actually are.
I had one fellow commit themselves to destroy me, which is amusing on a forum. He took himself way too seriously.

But then to him no person could ever be like Jesus, life was just knowing the gap and staying bound in sin.
They tried to list their minor daily sins, as if to prove their humbleness. Unfortunately it demonstrated they did not
know love or that they broke most of the 10 commandments without blinking. The lack of sorrow or deep regret
testified to their lost state, though in religious terms they were very pompous, a bully and intimidator, which is not
something being given as our example in Jesus. But then the lost literally are blind to the fact until we are sorted
out and pure in heart, we cannot begin to see God and His ways.

They stopped interacting with me because they could not prove their spiritual reality or even accept Gods intentions.
Time and again they literally fell over scripture, and would change from one day to the next. This is not a testimony
of being filled with the Holy Spirit, but with a religious belief and nothing more. Being born from on High is a gift
of grace, and there are some very loud voices who are convinced they know Jesus, but without the fruit.
God bless you


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
If you want to know who is the heretic, walk and talk like Jesus and see who cannot cope.
If Jesus had only learned to stay quiet, instead of obeying His Father,
He would not have been crucified.
If we would only learn to be silent... instead of obeying His and our Father in heaven,
we would not be persecuted by those opposed to Him.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
If Jesus had only learned to stay quiet, instead of obeying His Father,
He would not have been crucified.
If we would only learn to be silent... instead of obeying His and our Father in heaven,
we would not be persecuted by those opposed to Him.

Forums have shown me something about faith and Jesus that I was not aware of.
Scripture is so vast until one builds a model in ones own head, it is all a bit of a mystery. And how we build this model is governed by the Holy Spirit working in our hearts, clarifying and expanding on the reality within. It is actually impossible for the lost to empathise or understand because so much is the echo of the reality of Jesus working in us. In my own stupidity and lack of understanding, I felt all that was needed was the right view and it would just flow. But clearly this is not how being born from on high works or what growing in Him is like.

What I noticed is to explain my words or dismiss them others would construct excuses or explanations that were simply wrong, and often contradicted scripture or simple life realities. But without this, I stood for something they fundamentally rejected. But in Christ there is real hope because as Paul showed, he walked like Jesus, and as he followed so can we. But most humble believers do not see how much treasure and strength through the Holy Spirit is already in their lives, and how far they have already come.

As people we are so volatile. My daughters at the meal table would go from being passive and happy to extreme anger is a split second. It is how annoyance works until we start to tackle the how and why. So equally in discussions of faith, folk often go from I love everyone to you guys over there should die. A typical disgust response is being sick, which one member on a forum loved to express to everyone who he disagreed with. It demonstrated on the scale of handling their emotional responses to others they are still a child, not governed by grace or the Holy Spirit. This leads to a deeper point, in Christ we are conquerers of the sea of emotions with the supreme knowledge of knowing we are loved by God. If you want something that through faith conquers all, this is it. But for many faith is just clothing they like to put on because it is familiar, and Jesus might be true, but it is still an open question. Little wonder for them things stay static.

God bless you
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Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
When children are raised right, in the way they should go, they will not unrighteously go from peaceful and quiet to extreme anger at all.


Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
(those whose minds are set upon Christ, are kept (well guarded by God) in perfect peace - not volatile , not unrighteous emotions)


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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Without GOD's Holiness, we shall not see God, is what you mean to say, but dont understand.

= God's holiness is Justification by faith, the "gift of Righteousness".
All the born again have this, because its what we are BECOME.

My Definition of Grace?
What do I know, that happens to sin when we are REDEEMED FROM IT by the BLOOD?
That is your question?....Ok.

Its not that God can't see sin in the born again...
Its that Its not THERE.....As Its ALL been taken by Christ 2000 yrs ago on THE CROSS, when He died to become our sin, and bear it, and to forgive it.
Its not just covered, its REMOVED, its REMITTED, its GONE.
Our "sin" has been REPLACED by GOD's RIGHTEOUSNESS.
Is that clear enough?

There is No SIN in Christ, as its been dealt with BY Jesus's Blood and The CROSS.
The born again are "in Christ".
When we are born again, we become a part of God's HOLY SPIRIT. = New Creation IN Christ.
We are BORN AGAIN, into GOD's SPIRIT......We are ONE With God and Christ.
No sin found there, deceiver.
Not ever.

"well, the heretic says...what if you fall out of Christ, what if you walk away"..
"what if pink cows can fly, and Dogs can shuffle cards'.""
Its about the same thing.....theologically speaking.

You can't stop being BORN, so, you can't stop being BORN AGAIN.
This is a place of Spiritual EXISTENCE that GOD CAUSED and GOD KEEPS for you, for ETERNITY.
ETERNAL LIFE is OURS, as Jesus Himself is Eternal LIFE< and He is IN all the Born again.
SO, if you have Jesus, you have Eternal life, and He is not going to leave your BODY because you are a part of HIS SPIRIT, and HE IS YOURS.
"born again".

"God who Began salvation in the born again, will HIMSELF< be faithful to complete it"..

Hi Behold,
I do agree with some of your posts but, will not get on these threads and speak about something I really don't understand . I know what you believe and it makes me wonder what you think of the following scripture verse:

26 For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. Hebrews 10:26-31

Thank you!


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I don't pretend. And if it isn't real, I don't partake. For instance, I don't fall down pretending I've been slain in the Spirit. But I do know of people that were knocked flat by the power of God. That used to happen to kitchen workers when Kathryn Kuhlman used to walk through the kitchen to the elevator. It also happened to the Roman soldiers when they arrested Jesus after he prayed in the Garden.
I see you chopped off what I said prior, that I know I am saved. The OSAS taught in the church today is not that of the Bible. I agree with the Bible, just not with what you are teaching it means, nor those who made that acronym.

You were not there when Kathryn Kuhlman was walking in that "kitchen".
My Advice, avoid all this stuff that does not matter.
Its a time waste.

Also, i teach that OSAS means what it actually means.
it means that The same Jesus who saved you, keeps you saved.
You say you dont agree with this, so, im not surprised.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
That is a real misrepresentation of the gifts of the Spirit from someone who probably just doesn't have any.

How is teaching the story of the fornicating Corinthian Christian a "misrepresentation of the Gifts of the Spirit"?

Please try to stay within the realm of reality when you talk to me, if possible, as what you just said is well beyond "doesn't make sense".

Also, you are a tongue talker., This is the "Least" of the Spiritual Gifts.
Paul told you to seek the BEST gift, ... so, work on that.
That the one i wanted.
I always try to do exactly what Paul says, as Paul is the role model for all of Christian Discipleship., with Jesus being His Head and Lord.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Just my humble opinion here....Jesus led by example...He taught His disciples His Truth with gentleness and patience....yes He did scold them for their weak faith...saying have I been with you so long and you still lack faith?...or saying O Ye of little faith....
But then He taught some more...until they could understand it...and when the Holy Spirit came upon them is when they began to preach the Word with signs and wonders following.
But the way some people are preaching and teaching His Word...the only thing following is anger and strife.

I appreciate your heart.
Anger and Strife will always react against Truth.
Jesus had a beautiful loving Nature, He was the Absolute Truth. John 14:6. He literally loved His enemies.
What happened to him? Strife filled angry self righteous people murdered Him on a Cross.
So, when truth shows up on a forum, all those who are perhaps born again but are not walking in Truth, will bite and scratch and resist and report , truth.

Christianity is in a spiritual war against darkness.
So, always expect bitter battles, as this is just the representation of Truth at war with Deceit, on a forum, and in the World.
This will never change.
You can Mod and TOS and warn, but you can't stop the Holy Spirit from being offended by liars who misrepresent truth on a Forum.
Sparks will fly, as long as God is alive, in a person, when those who are against the truth, defy it, and deny it.
This has to happen, if the Holy Spirit is alive and is being offended.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
yep. we disagree.

if you are saved, the devil is a cautionary tale of what could have happen.

you cannot have it both ways.

Tbe evil in this world is proof that the Devil is alive and well.

Jesus said that all unbelievers are "of your Father the Devil".
Now you know why there are so many evil people in this world doing so many evil things..
They are doing their FATHER's will.
Believe it.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Your goal is to help people stopping sinning. Then people need to want to change, repent, humble themselves before the cross.

See what you wrote.???? its exactly wrong.
Im going to paraphrase you...

You said..>"if people want to stop sinning, they need to repent".

So, this is exactly the problem.... See, if you are repenting, you are SINNING. And "humbling yourself before the Cross", is just a phrase that sounds spiritual, actually, but wont deliver you from your sinning and repenting issue.

So, to stop sinning you have to stop resisting it the wrong way, as by resisting it by will, you enable the Law to cause you to want to sin more.
That is why you can't stop sinning. (committing works of the Flesh).
Resisting sin, by will , by "flesh", empowers the Law's dominion to enflame your passion to sin. It actually activates your lust to do that sin, or all of them.
So, as 20+ Threads have been teaching..... you should actually read one...... To stop sinning you have to stop believing wrong.
Its the wrong believing that has a person sinning and confessing and trapped in that vicious cycle of trying to stop sinning which causes you to want to sin more, = "The power of SIN, is the LAW".


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
What is a haretic? I don't really know as they are so small you can hardly see them.

IN the specific sense, a Heretic, as described by Paul is someone who was saved, and at some point stopped believing that Jesus keeps them saved.
They decided that they had to live a certain way, or behave a certain way, and do this, and dont do keep themselves saved.
These people obsess on "walking away from Christ", or "Abiding is how you stay saved" or "enduring to the end will get you into heaven".
All this is SELF EFFORT Gospel.
Paul said these people are "Fallen from GRACE"...
When they teach their gospel of self effort, their gospel of works to stay saved, they are cursed.... Galatians 1:8


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Then after His ministry was complete He asked the Father to give Him back the glory of God He had with the Father before the world was.

I notice that you take other people's teaching and post it.
Did you know that i never cut and paste or borrow anyone's text, and post it on any forum?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2020
United States
OSAS, is not a doctrine.
Who taught you this lie?
The danger is not to believe that the same Jesus who saved you, keeps you save, (OSAS) but the danger is to disagree with this truth.

"You reader, or any other truly born again Christian, cannot read Eternal Security verses and get Eternal Security "out of " them. The only way that Eternal Security can be attached to these verses is to "read it into" them. This proves that Eternal Security is an extra-Biblical, external philosophy, seeking Biblical sanction. People are "educated into" Eternal Security, just as truly as atheists are "educated into" atheism. - Henry Schilling
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
See what you wrote.???? its exactly wrong.
Im going to paraphrase you...

You said..>"if people want to stop sinning, they need to repent".

So, this is exactly the problem.... See, if you are repenting, you are SINNING. And "humbling yourself before the Cross", is just a phrase that sounds spiritual, actually, but wont deliver you from your sinning and repenting issue.

So, to stop sinning you have to stop resisting it the wrong way, as by resisting it by will, you enable the Law to cause you to want to sin more.
That is why you can't stop sinning. (committing works of the Flesh).
Resisting sin, by will , by "flesh", empowers the Law's dominion to enflame your passion to sin. It actually activates your lust to do that sin, or all of them.
So, as 20+ Threads have been teaching..... you should actually read one...... To stop sinning you have to stop believing wrong.
Its the wrong believing that has a person sinning and confessing and trapped in that vicious cycle of trying to stop sinning which causes you to want to sin more, = "The power of SIN, is the LAW".

You are confusing things and conflating things that back up your error in thinking. The power of sin is the law of sin and death in the members of every human. NOT the law of God. The law of God is holy. So you have it exactly backwards as all your posts demonstrate.

The law of God is NOT the power of sin.The law of sin is in your members. The only way out is to be crucified in your soul life so you can be free to walk by a new power called grace. From there you walk by a new and higher law...above the power of sin...because you are now dead...crucified WITH Christ. Then you walk as He walked...with no sin. But people never remain there unless they have achieved the full stature of Christ. Real disciples go in and out of the kingdom life until they are purified fully in their souls so as to be able to remain in holiness...having had Christ fully formed in them.

Not resisting sin is Gnosticism. That is NOT the way of God. Of course we are to resist sin...and the devil that brings it. So you are disconnected from reality.

You are confusing what men can do and what God can do through a person. It isn't wrong to be righteous. It isn't wrong to discipline the flesh. Paul says he buffets his body. There is a "self-control" addition to our faith that is necessary for a stable and mature growth.

But your way is unstable and based on presumptions and assumptions.

The devil has fooled you completely. The devil is satisfied that you sin less in the flesh so you can sin in the soul and spirit. He loves that. That's what is means to become twice the son of hell you were before.

The Pharisees and scribes had the scriptures (bible)...but not the sinners. Jesus said the religious posturers were WORSE than regular sinners. The ones that read the bible thought that their knowledge of God saved them. And you have fallen into the very same snare. You think you have figured out an easy way into the kingdom. But you are deceived.

Believing right without the fear and humility of reality is Gnosticism. Behaving right is righteousness.

So your way is a way of unrighteousness and lawlessness...literally.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Hi Behold,
I do agree with some of your posts but, will not get on these threads and speak about something I really don't understand . I know what you believe and it makes me wonder what you think of the following scripture verse:

26 For if we sin willfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,

27 But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries. Hebrews 10:26-31

Thank you!

Ok good.

Lets look at your verses, thx for the question..

This part first....""there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin"...

So, the sacrifice for Sin, is Jesus's blood, Body, Death, and the Cross.
If this is "no more" means its been rejected. As to not have it is to reject it. would Jesus's Salvation be not available, or "there remains no more sacrifice".....= is to hear the Gospel and not respond. Its to remain a Christ Rejector and die.
Its that old man in that Baptist Church, who is a member for 55 yrs, and for 45 yrs he has heard the alter call every Sunday and resisted it and resisted it, until the Holy Spirit can't reach that seared conscience in him any longer.
He is going to hell, He is a spiritually dead man walking, who has gone past the point of no return, because he heard the Truth too many times and this resistance hardened his heart until it was so hardened that it was impossible for the Grace of God to reach it through the Holy Spirit.

Who else is it? Its a group of Hebrews ( unsaved Jews) who are listening to Paul Preach the CROSS in Hebrews 10 and Acts 28, and they are told... "If you reject your Messiah, if you '"willfully SIN" this way, you are doing "despite to the Spirit of Grace". ( rejecting the Holy Spirit's conviction and call), and you are stomping on the Blood of Jesus.. "Trodding underfoot the blood".... and Paul warns them fiercely ....If you do this !!!, if you reject your Messia, as your Father's did who had Him nailed to the Cross, you right here and right now are "crucifying HIM AFRESH"... you are hanging Jesus 0n the Cross AGAIN, by your = Christ Rejection". !!!!! So if you do that, which you are doing, there is no longer any sacrifice for your sin, because you have REJECTED THE ONE WHO IS YOUR SACRIFICE FOR YOUR SIN"... = so by doing this, there remains no more sacrifice available to you. And THAT is the unpardonable sin. Its to willfully reject pardon of your sin by rejecting Christ, and there is no way for this sin to be forgiven, because you have rejected the only ONE who could be the sacrifice for you sin.

The 2nd verse you posted, has to do with the Vengeance of Jesus, when he comes back.
His "Adversaries" all all the Christ Rejectors.. And the specific verse that defines this day of Vengeance when Jesus comes again to destroy is found as 2nd Thessalonians 1:8. "in flaming fire (Jesus)(God) taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ"..
Notice the scripture explaining the Scripture, as this is how you "compare scripture with scripture, to understand the context and the Spiritual meaning of the verse..

In Hebrews 10 you read....>"looking for (means its in the future), = judgment and fiery indignation, (God's righteous anger), that shall DEVOUR the ADVERSARIES, = All who hate God, all who Reject Christ and most important.... = 2nd Thessalonians 1:8, " these people obey NOT the Gospel of our Lord Jesus", This means they do not believe to obey the Gospel, is to have Faith in Christ and be born again.. So, all Christ rejectors will face hell and the lake of fire after they die, and those who are alive when Jesus comes back, will face "flaming fire and God's-Christs Vengeance".


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
When children are raised right, in the way they should go, they will not unrighteously go from peaceful and quiet to extreme anger at all.

Oh that's funny Joseph, because it can sometimes be the very opposite! Have you known many Preachers kids?? I cannot say where the ones I have known are today with their faith but I can tell you, there can be much rebellion...
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