The Study and Interpret the Bible

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
The Bible is a collection of Hebrew books, written by and for Israelites, not the Goyim (gentiles),
While that may be true for the Old Testament, the New Testament was written for all mankind, including the Gentiles of the Roman empire. That is precisely why God chose the Greek language for this Testament, even though the writers were Hebrews.
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Feb 6, 2018
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Your lengthy writing is a vehicle for discouraging simple obedience to God’s word. Your system is the perfect tool for Satan to further his power over men.

Anyone who gets caught up in your wisdom will get confused. And there’s no better prey for Satan to have than a confused Christian unsure of what the Bible is saying.

You completely missed @AW Bowman point.


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Feb 6, 2018
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The Study and Interpret the Bible

The thread title in perspective indicates beyond hearing and reading.
Study is key, however study like so many things OF society promotion and acceptance has lost its way.

Today has progressed to Ask a question, Give me the answer, I give you back your answer. Done deal. Must be true. Back-pat and kudos.
Who, What, When, Why, Where, Source, Verify....
Virtually irrelevant.

For accurate measure, OF society, cheating/lying has broadly become acceptable in teaching, testing, relationships. Somewhat promoted and negative consequence nil, a joke and often rewarded.

Interpret the Bible?
Another corruption acceptable OF society.
Interpretation of Gods Word, expressly comes from God to an individual
Yet, Interpretations of Gods Word, floods the internet, “commentaries”.
This guy says this, That guy says that. This guy makes “logical sense”.
A “carnal logical thinking Mind”, is content. This must be true. Done deal. Person feels confidant to debate, with their commentary source, and carnal minded logical contentment.

Just saying, when speaking of importance of Study and Interpretation of Scripture to broad audience;
a majority have a completely different concept of what Study and Interpretation means.


Well-Known Member
Apr 2, 2022
Durban South Africa
South Africa
Here is a quick outline of the requirements for effectively studying and interpreting the Bible:

First, the Scriptures, as inspired by the Ru’ach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), were NOT written to the spiritual elite, the Doctors of the Law, seminary graduates or to some selected religious group(s). No, what is recorded in the scriptures were given according to the will of God for His people – all of His people, both the chosen, the adopted, and grafted in. The scriptures are also made available (even in the ancient days) to the Goyim (nations, the “strangers” among the people, the “God Fearers), for those willing to accept them. That is, God’s word was given into the world for the world and everyone in it. It is God’s personal commentary concerning Himself, His nature and His purpose in creation. The Hebrew people were finally chosen by the sovereign God to be the vehicle by which He would again become known to the world, the chosen people.

The result being that if one desires to learn of the “God of the Jews”, the knowledge is freely available, even in poorly written translations. Any serious translation of the holy language into any known human language contains sufficient information to provide the path to reconciliation between the seeker of God’s face and God Himself. Anyone with a working understanding of their own native language can achieve sufficient knowledge to secure their salvation by a simple reading of the scriptures – and in their own language

Now, this is where things start to get a little sticky.

Second: In order to mature in one’s walk with the creator of the universe, one must also study the scriptures to show themselves approved before God. This means that one must come to an understanding of what God expects, even demands, of His children. Then comes the really hard part: The voluntary surrendering all of one’s self to the Master of Creation, just like a small child who surrenders to the authority of their parents.

Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, since you know that we will be judged more severely. Ya’akov (James) 3:1 [CJB]

But the aim of our instruction is love that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith. Some have strayed from these and turned away to empty discussion. They want to be teachers of the law (Torah), but they do not understand what they are saying or the things they insist on so confidently. But we know that the law is good if someone uses it legitimately 1Timothy 5-8 [NET]

These two passages, taken in their original context, should be enough to give pause to anyone who would seek to elevate themselves above their brethren and receive the admiration of men.

While everyone should become teachers at some level (Heb 5:12-14), we are admonished not to remain as infants but to grow, mature, and to bear fruit in the kingdom. But to become “teachers of the Tanakh (Bible)”, we move into another realm of responsibility and accountability.

When a teacher proclaims that their knowledge, understanding and interpretation (application) of scripture is right before God, then those of lesser knowledge and understanding will accept the words of their “teacher”. If the teacher is in error, and his/her students act upon his teaching, then the student is in as much error as his teacher. Should a student fall into sin, or worse, as the result of the teaching he has received, then the blood/soul of that student is on the teacher’s hands. What if there is a generation of students? The teacher shall surely answer for his folly.

So, what is to done? Who is to teach, what is he to teach, and to whom?

Third: For those who have not come into a mature knowledge of God’s word, they may still teach others. One can, and should, share their testimony, what the Spirit of God has accomplished in their life. They can share the scripture that has impacted their life and how that was accomplished. As one matures in their knowledge and understanding they are to continue to share that which they have become confident. When placed in a position of “teacher” (children’s ministry, adult classes, etc.), one of the common answers to questions that one might expect you to give is, “I don’t know.” Or, “I am not sure, but I think …” Or some other acknowledgement that no, you do not have all of the answers, but you are willing to go study, find the answers, and will share what you learn. Also, to encourage the students to go and study for themselves and to share what it is they have learned!

Most of us are completely enmeshed in our Western, Greek centered worldview which results in a very serious limitation on our ability to understand the fullness of what our Lord is revealing to His children. It can be likened to a parent instructing their child not to go into the street. The child learns, usually with some pain, not to disobey the parent. As the child matures, they begin to learn that playing in the street can result in being injured by the traffic. Eventually the concept of nonexistence, death, as a real and present danger of being in the street is understood. The result is usually as one matures the dangerous nature of traffic is understood and what one must be aware of and what steps are necessary for “safe” travel on the streets. While this is the limit of our Greek thinking application, it still works enough for the majority of the population; it satisfies most of their perceived wants and needs.

However, there is a great deal further one can go in understanding and applying the concepts and precepts of ground transportation systems to one’s life.

To gain a greater appreciation of transportation system, their purpose, hazards and benefits, one must manifestly alter their view of traffic and transportation systems. To move from being a user of streets and the manner and modes of transportation one may choose from, to one who designs, engineer and construct streets, over and under passes, railroad crossings, etc. Streets and traffic become interlocking and interdependent systems. One must by necessity encounter physics, chemistry, mathematics, human psychology and physical limitations, design constraints, etc. etc. One’s view becomes more complex as it takes in the greater view of how one part of our society interacts with all of the other parts of our civilization. The street in front of my house is no longer a single focus, stand-a-lone object, but part of a whole that I do not fully understand. We have metaphorically moved from our Greek mindset to the Hebrew mindset.

Third: There are a few things to keep in the back of one’s mind as they peruse the scriptures.

- The Bible is a collection of Hebrew books, written by and for Israelites, not the Goyim (gentiles), with a few notable exceptions, for example the books of Luke and Acts, which were written to Theophilus, who, like Cornelius, may have been a “God Fearer” (Greek thinking God Fearer).

- There is no such thing as a perfect translation of the Holy Scriptures into English, or into any other language.

- A commentary is just one person’s interpretation of scripture. When you preach or teach the word of God you are adding your own personal commentary to the ever-growing collection.

- Your understanding of scripture will never be complete (Tamam, perfect), so be open to correction and instruction.

- If you ever get to the point where you actually understand what it is you think you know, you will be a spiritual giant.

- Do not fall into the trap of reading the scriptures as though they were written to you. They’re not! Even so, they were written with you in mind (for you).

- Do not search the scriptures to support your doctrines, rather, search the scriptures for doctrines to support.

I will be posting my approach to studying and interpreting scripture. Not for acceptance, rather as points of debarkation into discussions concerning the various subjects that may arise.

May all of our studies be fruitful.

I'll closely watch this thread since there is a lot of things not explained.
You familiar with the Talmuds, Mishna and Midrash and Rashi, the Rambanic writings?

Robert Gwin

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2021
Central Il
United States
Here is a quick outline of the requirements for effectively studying and interpreting the Bible:

First, the Scriptures, as inspired by the Ru’ach HaKodesh (Holy Spirit), were NOT written to the spiritual elite, the Doctors of the Law, seminary graduates or to some selected religious group(s). No, what is recorded in the scriptures were given according to the will of God for His people – all of His people, both the chosen, the adopted, and grafted in. The scriptures are also made available (even in the ancient days) to the Goyim (nations, the “strangers” among the people, the “God Fearers), for those willing to accept them. That is, God’s word was given into the world for the world and everyone in it. It is God’s personal commentary concerning Himself, His nature and His purpose in creation. The Hebrew people were finally chosen by the sovereign God to be the vehicle by which He would again become known to the world, the chosen people.

The result being that if one desires to learn of the “God of the Jews”, the knowledge is freely available, even in poorly written translations. Any serious translation of the holy language into any known human language contains sufficient information to provide the path to reconciliation between the seeker of God’s face and God Himself. Anyone with a working understanding of their own native language can achieve sufficient knowledge to secure their salvation by a simple reading of the scriptures – and in their own language

Now, this is where things start to get a little sticky.

Second: In order to mature in one’s walk with the creator of the universe, one must also study the scriptures to show themselves approved before God. This means that one must come to an understanding of what God expects, even demands, of His children. Then comes the really hard part: The voluntary surrendering all of one’s self to the Master of Creation, just like a small child who surrenders to the authority of their parents.

Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, since you know that we will be judged more severely. Ya’akov (James) 3:1 [CJB]

But the aim of our instruction is love that comes from a pure heart, a good conscience, and a sincere faith. Some have strayed from these and turned away to empty discussion. They want to be teachers of the law (Torah), but they do not understand what they are saying or the things they insist on so confidently. But we know that the law is good if someone uses it legitimately 1Timothy 5-8 [NET]

These two passages, taken in their original context, should be enough to give pause to anyone who would seek to elevate themselves above their brethren and receive the admiration of men.

While everyone should become teachers at some level (Heb 5:12-14), we are admonished not to remain as infants but to grow, mature, and to bear fruit in the kingdom. But to become “teachers of the Tanakh (Bible)”, we move into another realm of responsibility and accountability.

When a teacher proclaims that their knowledge, understanding and interpretation (application) of scripture is right before God, then those of lesser knowledge and understanding will accept the words of their “teacher”. If the teacher is in error, and his/her students act upon his teaching, then the student is in as much error as his teacher. Should a student fall into sin, or worse, as the result of the teaching he has received, then the blood/soul of that student is on the teacher’s hands. What if there is a generation of students? The teacher shall surely answer for his folly.

So, what is to done? Who is to teach, what is he to teach, and to whom?

Third: For those who have not come into a mature knowledge of God’s word, they may still teach others. One can, and should, share their testimony, what the Spirit of God has accomplished in their life. They can share the scripture that has impacted their life and how that was accomplished. As one matures in their knowledge and understanding they are to continue to share that which they have become confident. When placed in a position of “teacher” (children’s ministry, adult classes, etc.), one of the common answers to questions that one might expect you to give is, “I don’t know.” Or, “I am not sure, but I think …” Or some other acknowledgement that no, you do not have all of the answers, but you are willing to go study, find the answers, and will share what you learn. Also, to encourage the students to go and study for themselves and to share what it is they have learned!

Most of us are completely enmeshed in our Western, Greek centered worldview which results in a very serious limitation on our ability to understand the fullness of what our Lord is revealing to His children. It can be likened to a parent instructing their child not to go into the street. The child learns, usually with some pain, not to disobey the parent. As the child matures, they begin to learn that playing in the street can result in being injured by the traffic. Eventually the concept of nonexistence, death, as a real and present danger of being in the street is understood. The result is usually as one matures the dangerous nature of traffic is understood and what one must be aware of and what steps are necessary for “safe” travel on the streets. While this is the limit of our Greek thinking application, it still works enough for the majority of the population; it satisfies most of their perceived wants and needs.

However, there is a great deal further one can go in understanding and applying the concepts and precepts of ground transportation systems to one’s life.

To gain a greater appreciation of transportation system, their purpose, hazards and benefits, one must manifestly alter their view of traffic and transportation systems. To move from being a user of streets and the manner and modes of transportation one may choose from, to one who designs, engineer and construct streets, over and under passes, railroad crossings, etc. Streets and traffic become interlocking and interdependent systems. One must by necessity encounter physics, chemistry, mathematics, human psychology and physical limitations, design constraints, etc. etc. One’s view becomes more complex as it takes in the greater view of how one part of our society interacts with all of the other parts of our civilization. The street in front of my house is no longer a single focus, stand-a-lone object, but part of a whole that I do not fully understand. We have metaphorically moved from our Greek mindset to the Hebrew mindset.

Third: There are a few things to keep in the back of one’s mind as they peruse the scriptures.

- The Bible is a collection of Hebrew books, written by and for Israelites, not the Goyim (gentiles), with a few notable exceptions, for example the books of Luke and Acts, which were written to Theophilus, who, like Cornelius, may have been a “God Fearer” (Greek thinking God Fearer).

- There is no such thing as a perfect translation of the Holy Scriptures into English, or into any other language.

- A commentary is just one person’s interpretation of scripture. When you preach or teach the word of God you are adding your own personal commentary to the ever-growing collection.

- Your understanding of scripture will never be complete (Tamam, perfect), so be open to correction and instruction.

- If you ever get to the point where you actually understand what it is you think you know, you will be a spiritual giant.

- Do not fall into the trap of reading the scriptures as though they were written to you. They’re not! Even so, they were written with you in mind (for you).

- Do not search the scriptures to support your doctrines, rather, search the scriptures for doctrines to support.

I will be posting my approach to studying and interpreting scripture. Not for acceptance, rather as points of debarkation into discussions concerning the various subjects that may arise.

May all of our studies be fruitful.

Howdy AW, welcome to the forum sir, do you believe there is one faith God accepts, and that we have to recognize His people and go with them Zech 8:23?

AW Bowman

Jun 7, 2022
East Texas
United States
The Study and Interpret the Bible

Just saying, when speaking of importance of Study and Interpretation of Scripture to broad audience;
a majority have a completely different concept of what Study and Interpretation means.

First, as noted in post #4, Somehow the title got really messed up! It should have read,. "How to Effectively Study and Interpret the Bible"

Very true words. My purpose with this thread is simple, to present information to those who are seeking a more rigid approach to their Bible studies, that allows a means to share their work and where their work can be scripturally tested and validated. This also provides a method for cross sharing and discussion. However, I also realize that the number of readers may well decrease over time simply because such dedication requires self discipline, self evaluation, self analyses, and an honest willingness for the Word and the Spirit to do their jobs. Confronting one's own sins and having to question everything they thought they knew will be a very traumatic experience.

An early 19th century pastor said, "If your view of God has not changed in the past five years, you're bran dead." (Lost the name somewhere in one of my moves, but I remember his words.) my goal is encapsulated in the following passages, "Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine of Christ, let us go on unto perfection; not laying again the foundation of repentance from dead works, and of faith toward God, Of the doctrine of baptisms, and of laying on of hands, and of resurrection of the dead, and of eternal judgment. And this will we do, if God permit." Heb 6:1-3, and "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness." 2Tim2:15,16.

My advice to many is simple: Walk in the light you have - and strive to enter into additional light. Take my submissions and evaluate them; if something is sound (scripturally based), try it and check your results. If anything I share does net your test, ignore it.
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AW Bowman

Jun 7, 2022
East Texas
United States
Howdy AW, welcome to the forum sir, do you believe there is one faith God accepts, and that we have to recognize His people and go with them Zech 8:23?
Yes, there is one faith, and we are instructed to examine ourselves to see if we are in that faith or not. 2Cor 13:5,6. BTW That was a most interesting verse you referenced!

Shalom Aliechem


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Only that they be considered and evaluated, and those points that make sense be tried and tested, while everything else be rejected. Reading only the Bible is not a waist of time. The Holy Spirit will give you illumination and guidance. Stick with it!
You've got a lot of good thoughts imo! There are two things I never want to see overlooked in our Bible pursuits.

One is that God does indeed speak to us personally within His Word, and quite out of context at times! He knew how I'd read it before He ever wrote it. He knew the miracles He'd bring to pass in my life through His Word as He wrote those very letters.

The other is that our minds are to be formed according to the sayings of Scripture. Analysis and debate can bring us greater understanding, but can also lead us away from the simplicity of the Word reforming our minds. I think God has certain ways He wants us to think about things, and the more our minds are conformed to His the more fruitful we will be.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
While that may be true for the Old Testament, the New Testament was written for all mankind, including the Gentiles of the Roman empire. That is precisely why God chose the Greek language for this Testament, even though the writers were Hebrews.
And of course Paul wrote specifically to the Gentile Christians.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
“God of the Jews”

I thought there were 12 tribes of Israel???

the Jews don’t know their God or they would not have rejected their own salvation and killed their own savior!

AW Bowman

Jun 7, 2022
East Texas
United States
And of course Paul wrote specifically to the Gentile Christians.

Much love!

I said that (in essence) in the original referenced post. One can add several other books to my published examples of books that were written in Greek., 1st & 2ed Tim, for example. I really should have been more clear in my original statement! Yet, that is a common problem with taking a partial sentence (or any part of a passage) out of context, something that many do, and it almost always ends up misapplied. It really is a shame that we do not have any of the original autographed missives. The autograph of original language(s) of differing manuscripts/letters controversy has actually been around for centuries, and I doubt that we will resolve it here.

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
“God of the Jews”

I thought there were 12 tribes of Israel???

the Jews don’t know their God or they would not have rejected their own salvation and killed their own savior!

Why do you persist in repeating this blasphemy over and over and over ad nauseum? Who killed Jesus?

The Romans killed Jesus!!!!!

The Jews knew their God and followed Him. The Jews wrote the entire Bible, with the sole exception of Luke-Acts.

The Jews did not reject their own salvation. Some Jews did, but other Jews, including all the apostles, accepted Jesus as their savior.

I am concerned that because of your hatred of God's people that you will be one of those branches pruned from the tree (of which the Jews are the root) and thrown into the fire.

Romans 11:17-24, "Now if some of the branches were broken off, and you, a wild olive shoot, were grafted in among them and participated in the richness of the olive root, do not boast over the branches. But if you boast, remember that you do not support the root, but the root supports you. Then you will say, “The branches were broken off so that I could be grafted in.” Granted! They were broken off because of their unbelief, but you stand by faith. Do not be arrogant, but fear! For if God did not spare the natural branches, perhaps he will not spare you. Notice therefore the kindness and harshness of God—harshness toward those who have fallen, but God’s kindness toward you, provided you continue in his kindness; otherwise you also will be cut off. And even they—if they do not continue in their unbelief—will be grafted in, for God is able to graft them in again. 24 For if you were cut off from what is by nature a wild olive tree, and grafted, contrary to nature, into a cultivated olive tree, how much more will these natural branches be grafted back into their own olive tree?"

Your very soul is in peril because of your blasphemy and lies about the Jewish people.
Do not be arrogant, but fear! For if God did not spare the natural branches, perhaps he will not spare you. Get it????


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
- There is no such thing as a perfect translation of the Holy Scriptures

If the Devil was teaching a class on the "bible", his first sentence would be..>"there is no perfect translation".

Because he told Eve the same thing...>"Hath God said", and now he has expanded that to.."there is no perfect translation"....etc, etc, etc.

So, AW Bowman... to CAST DOUBT= on the Holy Word of God, is the Devil's work, and you should not be doing it, on a "christian" forum, or in your church, as you now have "blood on your hands", as you pointed out.
Believe it.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
And of course Paul wrote specifically to the Gentile Christians.
I would say that he wrote to both Jewish and Gentile Christians, but the epistle to the Hebrews was primarily for Hebrew Christians who were vacillating between Moses and Christ. Many of the churches began through Paul's preaching in the Jewish synagogues of the Roman empire. However, ultimately, the bulk of the Jews rejected Christ and the Church is now primarily a Gentile Church.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
, the bulk of the Jews rejected Christ and the Church is now primarily a Gentile Church.

Some of the "Hebrew BULK" Christ Rejectors, will be found here.

Hebrews 10:26

For more of the same "bulk" of Christ Rejecting Hebrews, find Paul preaching to them again... in the last 10 verses of Acts 28.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
If the Devil was teaching a class on the "bible", his first sentence would be..>"there is no perfect translation"
Exactly. The devil hates the uncorrupted Bible, which is the Sword of the Spirit against all evil angels, including Satan. It was the minions of Satan in the garb of Higher and Lower critics who began attacking the Bible in the late 18th and 19th centuries, and have continued to do so.
But Christ used Scripture against the devil when he came to tempt Jesus, and Christians can also use Scripture to demolish the lies of Satan (which appear frequently on this and other forums).

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
If the Devil was teaching a class on the "bible", his first sentence would be..>"there is no perfect translation".

Because he told Eve the same thing...>"Hath God said", and now he has expanded that to.."there is no perfect translation"....etc, etc, etc.

So, AW Bowman... to CAST DOUBT= on the Holy Word of God, is the Devil's work, and you should not be doing it, on a "christian" forum, or in your church, as you now have "blood on your hands", as you pointed out.
Believe it.

This is false! Which translation is perfect?

Saying "Because he told Eve the same thing...>"Hath God said", and now he has expanded that to.."there is no perfect translation" is madness.

There is no way to perfectly translate the ancient Hebrew, Aramaic, and Koine Greek languages into English!!! There are too many differences in vocabulary, verb tenses, idioms, etc. to create a "perfect" translation (whatever that means). Also, the source documents disagree with each other significantly, so there is no "perfect" source.

You're "over the top" by saying that AW Bowman has blood on his hands because he knows the facts about the art/science of translation and you clearly don't. You should apologize to him and ask God to forgive you.

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
Exactly. The devil hates the uncorrupted Bible, which is the Sword of the Spirit against all evil angels, including Satan. It was the minions of Satan in the garb of Higher and Lower critics who began attacking the Bible in the late 18th and 19th centuries, and have continued to do so.
But Christ used Scripture against the devil when he came to tempt Jesus, and Christians can also use Scripture to demolish the lies of Satan (which appear frequently on this and other forums).

Which Bible translation, in your opinion, is uncorrupted?

BTW, if you remember, Satan also used the Bible against Jesus. Matthew 4:5-6, " Then the devil took him to the holy city, had him stand on the highest point of the temple, and said to him, “If you are the Son of God, throw yourself down. For it is written, ‘He will command his angels concerning you’ and ‘with their hands they will lift you up, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone.’” So clearly, it's the interpretation of the Bible that is the problem, not the text itself.