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I'd prefer a thoughtful explanation rather than a "you're just wrong" response.Hearsay, so far on your part. Present the scriptures that backs up your theory of the end times.
You're confusing "manner of destruction" with Isaiah's description of the "aftermath of destruction" - and this kind of confusion is why you've rejected Historicism.Where are the columns of Salt and the beds of sulphur that make the landscape of Babylon similar to what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah? If as you say the ruins of Babylon suffered the same fate as Sodom of Gomorrah one would expect to find the same sort of evidence.
Babylon will be rebuilt as soon as Sodom and Gomorrah are - which is never.
Then, why not just believe God when He tells you Babylon will be built as soon as Sodom and Gomorrah is?I have read no evidence that suggest that the landscapes are the same. As for the size of Babylon, that is not clearly recorded. What is recorded in some historical accounts is that the Grecian Empire dismantled all of the utility structures of Babylon and carted them off and rebuilt them throughout the eastern Grecian Empires domain. The people were also taken away and resettled throughout the eastern Grecian Empire. If this is true, then there would be few ruins that could be pointed to that would indicate the extent of Babylon/the Land of the Chaldeans.
You're showing you don't believe Isaiah who says Babylon is going to lie in ruins as Sodom and Gomorrah.You are showing that you are even cherry picking the Historical records as well as the scriptures.
Hobie and I agree with Isaiah that the aftermath of the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah will be that of Babylon - perpetual desolation - which shows it's actually you with flawed understanding.So like Hobbie you are an SDA adherent and any other proof that shows that you have a flawed understanding are to be ignored.
"And the temple of God was opened in heaven..."As for you claim that the sanctuary holds the truth, the Sanctuary of the Temple also no longer exists.
My mistake. So many people with wild ideas in here, it's hard to keep track of who's saying what.Since I never claimed that the four winds of heavens equal four kingdoms you are painting a false picture of what I have posted.
Cool story, bro, but no where are we told "winds" represent "angels". Do we read about the "four winds standing holding back the four winds of the Earth".What I have consistently stated is that the four winds of heaven are four wicked fallen spiritual entities, namely angels that have rebelled against God who are able to influence people groups, kingdoms, nations and Empires to inhabit their respective domains showing the dominat e characteristic of the four angel beasts.
I have 3 irrefutable facts which point to Babylon as the "first beast"4Your list of nations of the Babylonians, Medes Persians, Greek, Roman, English, German, Russian the USA etc. have all inhabited the dominion of the Third beast which has had up to four different regional powers doing its bidding.
1) A lion with eagles wings was the ancient symbol for Babylon
2) Nebuchadnezzar was made insane 7 years because of his proud heart.
3) Jeremiah and Isaiah refer to Babylon as a "lion"
4) The first "beast" is one singular "kingdom"
The flawed foundation of your entire premise is claiming the first beast is a plurality of kingdoms.
Bowls are still future, according to the prophetic timeline which says the bowls are poured out after the 2,300 Days prophecy sorry, but no "7th bowl" can be found in history.Actually, directly from God's word in the 7th Bowl Judgement and History.
What's sad is that you refuse Isaiah's word that the aftermath of Sodom and Gomorrah will be for Babylon.Sadly, you are caught up in your misunderstanding of Isaiah 13 re Sodom and Gomorrah and what God was conveying with their respective eventual demise.
Since you reject Historicism, all that remains is to tell whether you're a Jesuit Preterist or Jesuit Futurist.I have not broached the Antichrist in this thread from memory. Another false red herring argument on your part.
Now this is the height of redonkulousness. Of course, the chapters are linked. God, like any good teacher, uses the principle of "repetition and enlargement" - He presents the foundational lesson (Dan 2) then repeats it, adding details (Dan 7, 8, 9, Revelation, etc.). The method is supposed to keep us on track, but it seems some are determined to run off the rails.Sadly, the reformation father tried to link the Statue prophecy in Daniel 2 with the Daniel 7 beast prophecies when the subject matter of these two prophecies addresses different subject matters.
Do you not understand that Babylon did not cover the entirety of the Roman Empire? You need to understand that "prophecy moves East to West, starting in Babylon, then moving West to MP, Greece, Rome, all of Europe, and finally the United States "second beast" of Revelation 13 which will force you and everyone else who rejects the truth to bow down to the papacy.Daniel 2's Statue prophecy only deal with Nations, kingdoms and Empires that have had and are presently having dominion over the Land of Babylon
How many times must we tell you that a "beast" is not an "angel"?whereas the Daniel 7 Beast prophecies deals with the demonic nature of the wicked fallen heavenly hosts, i.e., angels,
"These great beasts, which are four, are four kings (kingdoms)".
"The fourth beast shall be the fourth kingdom".
I don't know if you're deceived or deliberate in your satanic errors, but that's between you and God. My job is simply to sound the warning: "Come out of her (Babylon), My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins and receive not of her plagues".It is for this reason that I consider that you, as well as many others, have willingly become a good and faithful servant Satan doing his bidding.
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