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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You can not deny Christ in an outright rejection of Him in willful unbelief and belong to Christ at the same time. .

Sure you can.

You can be born again, and despise God later, totally hate Him.
And you'll die and go to heaven.
Why, because God accepted NOT YOUR BEHAVIOR< to Accept you.
He accepted you based on the BLOOD OF JESUS.

Why you can't understand this yet, is a bit of a mystery, isn't it.

Let me give you an example.

Lets say you are a young woman, born again, who was not supposed to be able to have children.
But you kept trying, and you had one.
A miracle.....its a miracle. You had trusted God, and now you have a child.
You'll never have another, and that you had one was "impossible", but, you had one with your husband.
So, living next door to you, who just moved in, is a Minister of a non-denominational church. And he becomes really friendly with your 3 yr old little boy, who is always the JOY of your LIFE.

One day, this ministers kidnaps the boy, sexually assaults him, and murders him.
So, the police find out, the man is tried, and hes now in prison for life.
President Biden is going to end the Death Penalty in the USA, and people like this will be able to stay in prison and not face the fair consequence for their deed.

So, you are destroyed., distraught......undone.
Your miracle baby is gone, and the way he died......just knowing it makes you crazy.
So, who do you blame?
You blame God.
You blame God, you hate him, and you hate his "stupid son", and you wish that the Devil could kill God., and you mean it.
That is how you feel., and you are born again.

You live 40 more years. And you die, bitter, hating God's guts..... you despise God.
Hate, hate, hate, hate, every day, you hated God, till the day you died, and you died cursing Him with your last breath.

Where are you now?
You are in Heaven. Happy. Joyfilled. Worshipping Jesus and enjoying God, and reunited with your little boy.

Now you think on that Ferris, and maybe God will give you some Light.
If He does, try believing it.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Well said!

There is spiritual blindness at work here on the Forum, regarding some who read me and respond.

You can see it in how they can't "understand" the most simple thing..

For example......."behold is saying we dont have to believe anymore"....etc.

But ive never said that or implied that..
I only say to these 2-3 people, that "if you are trusting in =believing .......as YOUR way to keep yourself saved, then you are trusting in something you are trying to do.....and that is a "work".
So, this is spiritual darkness that blinds the mind.
It is a spiritual force at work, that does not allow the hearer to be able to hear me correctly , even tho what is taught is simple to understand.

Another one is this one..
This one is really hard for them to see.

An apostle says....>"if WE say we have no sin"".....
Yet that apostle does not have any sin, as he is not going to be teaching the Word of God with sin in him, that is unconfessed, etc.

Yet, the mind blinded, can't understand this, at all.

So, if you explain it like this..........

Lets say i got a group of the members here to bring their unsaved friends and family to a meeting.
And im teaching.
So, one of the "friends" is a Scientologist, and one of the family members is a follower of Mary Baker Eddy.
And so, im talking about the "sin nature" and how "sin consciousness" is what remains in the soul realm, even tho our sins have been "Purged" by the Blood of Jesus and are no longer remembered by God.

So, UP pops the scientologist, and the MB-Eddy follower...... and in unison they speak the theology of the 4th century Jewish Mystic Gnostics.
"there is no original sin, there is no sin, there is no sin nature"..

So, i say.... or Paul or John or Jude or Mark....says to THEM......."listen, if we we say we have no sin, we deceive ourselves"....

And so WE ALL say this..... to begin to lay the foundation for delivering the Gospel, as the Gospel is How God deals with SIN, using the Blood of Jesus..

Now, i dont have any sin, and all those Apostles are not sinning..... Im not sinning........ Yet, just like the Apostles, and any good Teacher or Preacher who is dealing with THE LOST UNBELIEVER.........when you deal with them, you speak "corporally"....."inclusively"......as "WE".
This is "Pastor speak".....Its alter call "speak"......"every head bowed and every eye closed......now listen to me, Jesus is here, and He's touching hearts, and He knows all about our sin, and He wants to redeem us and deliver us from our sin because Christ wants to bring us all home to God....">...........ect, ect, ect....
But you dont mean yourself., you only mean THEM.... THE HEARER......even tho you say...>"If WE"...
See that?

Well, the mind blinded cannot see that, if i explained it 500 times in a row, to them.

And until a person can SEE that., then Hebrews and some of what 1 John says, is going to keep them trapped in "self saving" and the idea that they can lose their salvation.
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
You still assume God's not able to keep His Own.

I make no such assumption, especially considering how clearly the Bible says otherwise.

Much love!
Jesus is more than able to keep his own. Apparently, some just don't want to be kept, and he honors that.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
"Yes, i have believed in Jesus, and now as long as i dont stop believing for the rest of my life, i am able to keep myself saved".
No, it's "Yes, i have believed in Jesus and am, therefore, saved, and now as long as i dont stop believing for the rest of my life, he will keep me saved."

Don't change the argument away from that, or you will be lying about what I'm saying. Write it down so you don't forget what the argument actually is. Thank you.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Apparently, some just don't want to be kept, and he honors that.
This is what I don't think is real.

No child left behind!

Jesus honors what? The cry of flesh, "leave me alone!"? Hardly!!

The Spirit of adoption cries out with our spirit that we are children of God. That's what the Holy Spirit and our new creation spirit are doing.

The flesh bristles, and slanders, and lies, and rebels, and that is why we need our minds renewed. These things are echoes of the fleshy mind.

Part of taking our thoughts captive is to understand which ones come from which source, the flesh mind, or the mind of Christ. Learning the Bible teaches us to identify them, as well as simply being obedient to what we know, that will cause us to grow in understanding.

Much love!

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
I have no idea what you mean here. It is, but it's not?

Legitimate, Spirit led obedience to God is not always out of love of others. Only in a perfect person is it that way. Sometimes we just know it's the right thing to do.


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
You write them down too. Jesus keeps me saved, not me. He does that through the exact same faith that I was saved through.
Jesus keeps you saved if you keep believing. Is that right? If you stop believing Jesus will stop saving you. Do I understand correctly?

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
We all build with what we think we should use. Are any of us purposefully wasting our time and effort by intentionally choosing wood, and hay, and stubble?

And yet some of what we build with will be burnt in the flames, leaving us nothing but ashes.

What is it that we can build with that will remain eternally? What, or rather, Who is eternal?

We can talk about this, doing what I know God demands because I must though I don't want to. The part that doesn't want to is the flesh. The part that chooses to do it anyway is the spirit, the new man. We need to sort those thoughts out as our minds are being renewed.

A risk in living life that way is that we can tend to impose things on ourselves, as we get used to this sort of living, that God isn't actually imposing on us.

Living according to knowing what is good and what is evil, and choosing based on our knowledge of good and evil.

Living according to God's love poured out into our hearts in eternal life.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Legitimate, Spirit led obedience to God is not always out of love of others.
This remains a very curious thing to hear someone say. Spirit led obedience to God is not always out of love of others. I would include God in those others, of course.

The Spirit doesn't lead us to love?


Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
This remains a very curious thing to hear someone say. Spirit led obedience to God is not always out of love of others. I would include God in those others, of course.

The Spirit doesn't lead us to love?

The Spirit does indeed lead the believer to a life motivated by love. Until that is perfected in you, you obey because you know it's right thing to do more than you obey because you care about other people. It's a growth process.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
Jesus keeps you saved if you keep believing. Is that right? If you stop believing Jesus will stop saving you. Do I understand correctly?

Much love!
If you deny Christ in a willful decision to no longer believe (trust) in Christ you lose your access to the completed but ongoing ministry of Christ in heaven that keeps you.

It doesn't matter if you never really believed, or you stopped believing, or believers can never stop believing, yada, yada, yada, the important point that matters is unbelievers have zero access to Christ's finished but ongoing ministry and sacrifice in heaven. How you got there in unbelief doesn't matter. What matters is you're in unbelief and if you stay there you're going to hell. End of story.
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