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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2018
North America
I asked a mod if I could answer that as it deserved to be answered, and I was told "Yes", but that I just must not personally insult you in the same manner you used. So, I will not. I will only say that, generally, people who invent rather unusual statements like that have a number of emotional and mental problems of their own that they need to work on.

Well, your answer is an insult and still not the answer to the question.

It's shows, when there's no answer just insult the person who asked.

It's ok, never mind.

Your forgiven.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
me experience with Preacher's Daughters causes me to doubt that, my guess is that we are just still more in denial about it, and less likely to tattle and reveal tbh, and certainly less likely to confess.

In fact we have voted in laws now that make it virtually impossible to confess and get help if one wanted to i guess, which is after all what voters do best, shoot themselves in the feet
I agree that they need help - Christ died for every loving one of us, no matter how vile we are and He would heal them if they would heed His invitation to "come unto Me".

However, the children must be protected and the people warned that the Antichrist is not some evil person coming during "the last seven years of tribulation" after the church vanishes off the Earth - the Antichrist is in Rome, just as the Protestant Reformers proved from the Bible was the case, and God's faithful will have to overcome Antichrist before Jesus comes, just as John says. The global, systematic network of child sex abuse that is enabled, concealed, and protected by this system is a major indication of the evil that resides within - to lend a sympathetic hand to the papacy is no different than lending the same to the devil.

Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
I agree that they need help - Christ died for every loving one of us, no matter how vile we are and He would heal them if they would heed His invitation to "come unto Me".

However, the children must be protected and the people warned that the Antichrist is not some evil person coming during "the last seven years of tribulation" after the church vanishes off the Earth - the Antichrist is in Rome, just as the Protestant Reformers proved from the Bible was the case, and God's faithful will have to overcome Antichrist before Jesus comes, just as John says. The global, systematic network of child sex abuse that is enabled, concealed, and protected by this system is a major indication of the evil that resides within - to lend a sympathetic hand to the papacy is no different than lending the same to the devil.
Yet, no matter how loudly and how long it is screamed in the ears of people who refuse to hear... the children still go on UNprotected. The supposed answer? "Wait until AFTER yet another child is molested.... THEN I will notice." "And then do it all again... just sit and wait for still another child's cries." (And, all the while, pat ourselves on the back about how well we "protected" those we allowed to be molested.)
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Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
I agree that they need help - Christ died for every loving one of us, no matter how vile we are and He would heal them if they would heed His invitation to "come unto Me".

However, the children must be protected and the people warned that the Antichrist is not some evil person coming during "the last seven years of tribulation" after the church vanishes off the Earth - the Antichrist is in Rome, just as the Protestant Reformers proved from the Bible was the case, and God's faithful will have to overcome Antichrist before Jesus comes, just as John says. The global, systematic network of child sex abuse that is enabled, concealed, and protected by this system is a major indication of the evil that resides within - to lend a sympathetic hand to the papacy is no different than lending the same to the devil.
God so loved the world that He gave His Son though

so i would be careful to not make myself into a hypocrite by boxing at shadows, and respecting some more than others. I grew up in TX where we are taught to hate the RCC too, and all i can tell you with confidence is that your hate for them will kill (has killed) you, not them, just like Triumph's hate.

doesn't mean others don't understand, or even don't forgive you...but now you will surely believe the same thing, that forgiveness must be earned or something, or that forgiveness means absolution. You are dead until you forgive something that does not really even exist; like Triumph's rapist, see, who can find him? You are the prisoner now.

Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
You are one of the few glimmers of light here, where this matter is concerned.
And while I fully understand the anger and desire for vengeance (I actually had to be physically pulled off a Child Molester by several other aides at the hospital), I fail to understand the almost universal desire to leave our children unprotected. In fact, many people seem to labor to create even more dangerous situations for them.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands

look wadr i wonder if you guys could take a step back and recognize how terminally hypocritical this whole "the children need to be protected" sounds coming from you, no offense meant. Do i need to start asking the obvious questions and get everyone pissed at me here? Bc i can show you the Prot pedos too, isn't like they're hard to find or anything, and i can show you absentee parents, and head-in-the-sand sex education (actually head-in-the-sand would be awesome, you manifest much worse than this to your kids), and no problems with pedophiles who make your Holy Money ok. in the "real world."

and we'll all be able to tell when you have grown a pair bc you will all be exercising your constitutional rights, huh, you'll actually be out protecting your kids instead of moaning about how some new law might do it. For the most part you are the ones raping your kids, ok, sorry about this

Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
One really ignorant "feel-good" dangerous and deceptive joke our politicians have sold us is "The Sex Offender Registry." The Registry protects no one. It only creates "safe zones" for the Child Molesters to freely operate in. (And that "zone" is anywhere outside the limits of the relatively small area you search.)
If you can't understand that after about seven seconds of logical thinking, you can ask me..... but I doubt seriously that you would understand, even then, if it didn't already hit you like a ton of bricks.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Yet, no matter how loudly and how long it is screamed in the ears of people who refuse to hear... the children still go on UNprotected. The supposed answer? "Wait until AFTER yet another child is molested.... THEN I will notice." "And then do it all again... just sit and wait for still another child's cries." (And, all the while, pat ourselves on the back about how well we "protected" those we allowed to be molested.)
There's a lot of pressure in Christianity today to sit down and shut up while the leaders iron out the details for the grand liberal ecumenical extravaganza. Just throw around the "H" word an little and most are brought to heel. What we're witnessing is the pendulum swing from the absolute liberalism of Obama - 8 years of liberal appointees to the bench, liberal policies, liberal decimation of deeply rooted Conservative principles - to what appears to be the rise of absolute authoritarian Conservatism with the Trump - where Christian leaders are all too eager to "get us back to God" whether we want to or not. Mankind seems incapable of getting the pendulum to stop in the middle.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
God so loved the world that He gave His Son though so i would be careful to not make myself into a hypocrite by boxing at shadows, and respecting some more than others.
Exposing the papacy as the Antichrist is not showing favoritism to other faiths - especially since the prophecy says the Whore of Babylon is the MOTHER OF HARLOTS - those harlot daughters are guilty of "homage they pay, in spite of themselves, to the authority of the (Catholic) Church."
I grew up in TX where we are taught to hate the RCC too
I, nor my church, have ever been taught to hate anyone. To claim the papacy is the Antichrist of Bible prophecy is not an act of hate - it's an act of journalism. The papacy itself, by its own doctrines, practices, and ecclesiastical mission, claims to "take the place of Christ". That's what the Greek term "Anti - Christos" means - to take the place of Christ. How, then, can this be characterized as "hate"? It cannot. No matter how much that "H" word gets thrown around, there will always be those who, by thinking with their heads rather than their emotions, will come to understand and appreciate that in these last days there will be only two choices: The Mark of the Beast in Rome and the Seal of God in Heaven.
and all i can tell you with confidence is that your hate for them will kill (has killed) you, not them,
Biblically speaking, I am more in a position to rightly accuse you of hate for failing to warn catholics and those who might be deceived by their propaganda, than are you to accuse me of "hate". Leviticus 19:17 says when we fail to warn the brethren, we show them hate, and to warn them of the danger is to "love thy neighbor as thyself" (verse 18). So, are you going to stop with this "can't we all just get along" business and start loving your brethren, or will you continue to fail to warn them?
You are the prisoner now.
A prisoner of what? Scripture says only they who speak and do according to the Law of Liberty enjoy liberty, whereas those who refuse to obey His Word are in bondage. Scripture says expose the darkness and warn the brethren. What you essentially suggest is that I stop the "hate" speech and leave ignorance abide peacefully wherever it might reside. So, which of the two of us is truly free?


Active Member
Jul 27, 2018
United States
Some of our papist friends argue most passionately that the problem of faith-leader child sexual abuse is "far worse" among Protestants churches than among the RCC. I and others maintain that although there are isolated cases of abuse among the billion Protestants that make up non-Catholic Christianity, the RCC has been exposed as an institution whose leadership has for decades systematically engaged in deliberate enabling, covering up, and protecting pedophile priests, cardinals, and others in Catholic leadership - with skill and precision such that if Faith-Leader Child Sexual abuse were an Olympic event, the RCC would win every single medal offered by the Olympic committee while the Protestant churches would fail miserably in qualifying.

Isolated cases versus global, leadership-sanctioned, systematic enabling of abuse...even a blind man can see the difference...will we continue to be blind to the suffering of those innocent children?

And there's the rub. A massive world-wide institution .. devoted to celibacy and having a "long reach" into every society and every legal system, into every political context .. and a fantastic ability to operate in secret, having its church headquarters with "diplomatic immunity" such that church records in the Vatican cannot be demanded by any legal court system in the world. Thus their "records" kept secret "at will".

What protestant groups have that same ability to shield themselves from the law, from the courts, from nation's inquiry?

What protestant groups have their child-abuse priests claiming powers to "Confect the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ" EVEN if defrocked by church leadership?

Such unlimited powers - produce vice at a much greater level.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Pedo well what type we could say ?
Poofter well what type we could say ?
I talk about a scale from 1 to 10 in such things but there should be something more defined that could be used by the public I would think.
The New age Political Correct will avoid such at all cost, because they do not want to define such things or the ones at the top who devise and dish up all this type of PC madness would be seen for who they truly are Satanist ! because that's what it takes to define such grubs, one has to be educated, sadly new age people are dupes of a indoctrination system and they never learned to truly be able to think for themselves outside of the brainwashing tec peddled on them.

I came from the city and went out the bush from 9yo then came back to the big city in 1988 and what I came across was how compliant people were in the city, people did not truly have there own views, they only looked to others around them mainly to just fit in, but country people had to work things out for themselves and would not listen to nonsense mainly, and if you just start saying something that they do not agree with, they will be up front with you directly that they will not cotton on to your line and will debate you as to why they think the way they do, but a big city dude will not have a clue really, it's just what they pick up around them that's being accepted and that's it or some emotional gibberish, not to mention that they think that all people are stupid who live outside of the city.
I had a city mate come out with me to a country mates place on a long weekend and when we drove back to the city he said that he had no idea what we were talking about and that he was way out of his depth, it blew him away.
The problem is that they never think past there own nose, not to mention that all young people now look to there phone for everything nowadays to be informed, I get them coming back and say so surprised, You know you were right about a subject, so they go off look the subject up and come back saying, how do you know all that. they can not retain much of anything in there head.

I get people coming up to my brother and I in the same trade and ask us how do you do this or that and get it so spot on, they are just so blown away. I think that it comes down to not being dedicated to your job or you will never be that good at it, if it in involves complexity or an art form.

So because they do not truly have much of an interest on a subject or easily distracted their focus is vague and superficial, such will go off track easy and that's how Satanist work, too lead you astray, like marketing or a headline is a deception, we have what they call 'safe schools' here in Aus and it's just a front for Satanist to deprave our Children in fact, but when you challenge them, you get fobbed off by dilettantes saying, that is not what it's about and attacked by the organisation as if they were some Hitler trying to undermine and stand over you, like you have no rights to question them, not to mention the people at the top are convicted pedos for crying out loud. the thing is I know what they are truly up to, they are Socialist and I know the way they think, they are the lowest denominator and that's how they think, they demand everyone has to be just like them, come from a crappy up bringing and peddle that no one is above them. All morons do is try to drag everyone down with them, I have seen thing time and time again, they are parasites that have no true virtue. I can understand where they are coming from as that's easy, sure within the 'safe schools' crap, if you live with dregs all around you, well some of this crap will be of some worth, but there is another angle that is at work within there game play and that is to de gender etc etc and this is insane and totally satanic and only works to destroy children, it's like a molester loose on your Children, don't just let the government dictate what they peddle on our children, because most of them are truly only scum bags themselves and such bigots will not listen to your concerns and just try to fob you off and that's a sure pointer that you know they are just degenerate trash.

So under the heading of homosexual, what comes about is that some man that's is just a pixie boy that looks up to other men in adoration, is in reality coming under the same description as a dude in Jail that mass rapes other men, but the public are that simple to understand that the two come under the same context. so you get the simpletons getting offended when you say that you do not support such people, every homosexual is Mr Pixie to them and they dismiss Mr Jail happy moron who is supported by the government as well as to his rights as a poo jabber, you have no rights to discriminate between the two, or the Social Marxist Political Correct Nazis will come down on you.
But the whole deal is to try to turn the whole world upside down and to destroy Christ Jesus in our lives for the madness of man who thinks that he is the world, that's slavery under Communism.
some on this forum believe that Socialism or Communism is a Christian thing and they want to work towards such but funny thing is that Socialism works against Jesus Christ undermining him and Communism out right rejects him and that's a fact.

So we end up with new age so called Christians who are Anti-Christ worshiping Remphan and that satanic star that St Stephen Acts 7 :43 warned about. why do they reject St Stephen on this, all such must be under a influence of Demons.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
And there's the rub. A massive world-wide institution .. devoted to celibacy and having a "long reach" into every society and every legal system, into every political context .. and a fantastic ability to operate in secret, having its church headquarters with "diplomatic immunity" such that church records in the Vatican cannot be demanded by any legal court system in the world. Thus their "records" kept secret "at will".

What protestant groups have that same ability to shield themselves from the law, from the courts, from nation's inquiry?

What protestant groups have their child-abuse priests claiming powers to "Confect the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ" EVEN if defrocked by church leadership?

Such unlimited powers - produce vice at a much greater level.
Amen to that. The idea that papists would seek to deflect their guilt of operating a child sex abuse crime syndicate - which they try to pass off as a religious organization - to Protestantism is bad enough...but for non-Catholics to buy into the idea that the problem is "worse" among Protestant faith leaders serves to prove how ignorant, unintelligent, and gullible are Protestant liberals. They insist on crossing the border into liberal Christian mental retardation despite the wall of fundamentalist Christian Conservatism which blocks their path.
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And there's the rub. A massive world-wide institution .. devoted to celibacy and having a "long reach" into every society and every legal system, into every political context .. and a fantastic ability to operate in secret, having its church headquarters with "diplomatic immunity" such that church records in the Vatican cannot be demanded by any legal court system in the world. Thus their "records" kept secret "at will".

What protestant groups have that same ability to shield themselves from the law, from the courts, from nation's inquiry?

What protestant groups have their child-abuse priests claiming powers to "Confect the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ" EVEN if defrocked by church leadership?

Such unlimited powers - produce vice at a much greater level.
This ability to shield her criminals extends even to financial fraudsters who take residence in the Vatican so that even international law enforcement agencies have no rights.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Scripture says expose the darkness and warn the brethren.
that's why i have flipped on you now and am openly stating that i was in error to agree with you, and that imo what you are doing is evil and pointless. Many Catholics will be accepted by God, and it is my opinion that you are in big trouble and might learn something from them wadr. You have a phobia that has nothing to do with the RCC Pm, they are just a convenient target. The papacy might have channelled the antichrist at times, but then so might you or me right. I would seek to forgive Catholics while you still can wadr...and i would pursue that as if today were your last day, too.

Catholicism--like Texas--is a great place to be from imo
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
There's a lot of pressure in Christianity today to sit down and shut up while the leaders iron out the details for the grand liberal ecumenical extravaganza. Just throw around the "H" word an little and most are brought to heel. What we're witnessing is the pendulum swing from the absolute liberalism of Obama - 8 years of liberal appointees to the bench, liberal policies, liberal decimation of deeply rooted Conservative principles - to what appears to be the rise of absolute authoritarian Conservatism with the Trump - where Christian leaders are all too eager to "get us back to God" whether we want to or not. Mankind seems incapable of getting the pendulum to stop in the middle.
But is the middle between those two where we really want to be or where God wants us to be? When I consider the middle the following verses always comes to mind... but then I ultimately see no solution in men's politics in any case:

"I know thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot: I would thou wert cold or hot.
So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." Rev 3:15-16


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
that's why i have flipped on you now and am openly stating that i was in error to agree with you, and that imo what you are doing is evil and pointless.
It seems you consider it "evil" and "pointless" to obey the following Holy Spirit inspired directives, which is unfortunate:

"And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather expose them." Ephesians 5:11
"As for those who persist in sin, rebuke them in the presence of all, so that the rest may stand in fear." 1 Tim. 5:20
"Declare these things; exhort and rebuke with all authority. Let no one disregard you." Titus 2:15
"Preach the word...reprove, rebuke, and exhort, with complete patience and teaching. 2 Tim. 4:2
Many Catholics will be accepted by God
You have a phobia that has nothing to do with the RCC
What you call "phobia" the Bible calls our duty to "earnestly contend for the faith once delivered to the saints". It seems the only time liberals approve of the concept of contention is when it is directed against Christian fundamentalism.
they are just a convenient target.
Not my fault the papacy matches to the letter every single identifying mark of the description of Antichrist in the Bible - marks of which no doubt you seem to be largely ignorant. Why not ASK ME why I and millions of others in history have made that claim?
The papacy might have channelled the antichrist at times, but then so might you or me
They papacy is guilty of both - channeling the spirit of Antichrist through itself, the institution of Antichrist. There is an incalculable difference between a Christian being overcome briefly by that spirit - like judging another's motives for sin/eternal destiny, which is God's prerogative alone - and standing as an institution since 538 A.D. and claiming the names, titles, attributes, and prerogatives of God as the "Vicar of God" to which the catholic looks to for intercession, forgiveness, mercy, grace, etc.
I would seek to forgive Catholics while you still can wadr
You seek to make warning others and forgiving others two mutually exclusive concepts. They are not. It is your Christian responsibility to warn and forgive just as much as it is mine. Join us, brother, and use your non-catholic insight to help reach the world with the forgiveness of Jesus Christ and warn them of His counterfeit Antichrist.
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