How Far Will They Go Before Action is Taken?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
Sometimes (much more often, lately), it seems like Christians intentionally question everything good (vaccines, education, science, medicine, infrastructure, law); yeah, I get it - you guys love to believe that you are soldiers in God’s army, battling against the Devil by tearing down society, but have you really considered the consequences?

Are you really prepared to live in caves, eating freeze-dried food and cave-schooling your children - well, the ones who survive childhood diseases without vaccines? Are you ready to spend your time killing your neighbors who are stealing your last few possessions and your food?
We may be seeing the end of how the evangelical movement got hijacked and politicized to the point of almost becoming an arm of the Republican Party. They have demonized almost everything -- or almost everything -- so it seems to me sometimes. The goal seems to be frighten the evangelical Christians in their congregations about everything except Republicans, big business and evangelical leaders. It is wearing thin, I think. Younger evangelicals aren't buying into it.

You guys have no problem with people who hoard money, but any billionaire who actually gives away their money must have an ulterior motive and, of course, be one of Satan’s agents.
I read -- and I think it highly probable that the rumors about Bill Gates have been encouraged by Russian influencers on social media. While I can't say I approve of all his business tactics, I still have to admit the good he's done with charity work. I don't know him personally but know two people who have met him; and he does not behave arrogantly around other people. He treats everyone he meets as real people.

I was horrified to read the rumor that he and his wife are out to spread abortion around the globe. She's a devout Catholic. But the rumors get spread; and fearful people, not understanding the world (if indeed anyone does) are ready to see them as threats. It fear at work. You can see how animals behave in fear. Your dog may love you; but if it's in fear or pain, it may interpret your efforts to help as a menace. It may bite you when you try to help.

If you could only see yourselves from a distance, you would shudder at how nutty and morally backwards your conspiracies are!

Speaking of nutty, please do not inject household cleaners into your body to combat covid19 - I know, your dear leader likes to pretend he knows more than all those uppity-pencil neck-geeklings with all them da-grees and edu-ma-kation, but, like chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine, they make things worse and will probably kill you.

Oh, and since warnings against behavior are solid guarantees for you all to do the opposite, please tell someone about your plan and have access to medical care after, it could save your life.
Yes well, he also said once that windmills cause cancer. Yet we have evangelical ministers worshiping the ground he walks on, saying he's God's anointed one, etc. They remind me of Esau who sold his birthright for a bowl of stew.

Tho religious leaders who went to bed with politicians are losing credibility. I think many of them depend on the financial contributions of the elderly who they've frightened half to death. The younger generation is not as fooled by the religious leaders who, when viewed rationally, don't make much sense.

What do you think is going to happen to the churches where the ministers insisted people keep attending -- with some claiming God would protect them? I can tell you: They're going to lose numbers and money. The number of people who register as Republicans is also declining.

I've known farmers -- and the minister of the church I grew up in had been a coal miner for a while. I think I know this type of person. I like them as a rule; but I think they got fooled big time. Trump said he'd bring agricultural jobs, coal jobs and oil jobs back to America; and many religious leaders cheered him on as the instrument of God. He hasn't delivered on the promises made to these hard working people. Some may vote for him again, but you can be sure some won't make the same mistake twice; and if their religious leaders insist on mixing religion and politics, some will leave their churches.

Trump's personality was great when he stuck to entertainment. Who cares what an entertainer says, but you can't run a country the way you run a television show.
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Oh...I see you posted a second video. Because of the manipulative way Faucis' words were used in the 1st video, I never went any further.

It really does harm to what some are trying to uncover when they pick up the strange tactic of using manipulated "evidence" to try and strengthen their beef.
Thank you for your opinion...
IMHO...everyday posts are put forth that supports someone's opinion or ideology. That's human nature, it doesn't make sense to post something contrary to the OP now does it?
So being responsible adults if we choose on our own to enter into the discussion of a topic then we must expect to find biases for and against the that topic.
Now, my challenge to you is counter the information I supplied with your information to negate it.
This thread is open for discussion and debate...I put my thoughts out there and you have attacked them without any of your own evidence supporting your argument.
I can be swayed to see it different if someone can provide information to show this was not intended in the way the video presents it.


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
The reality for me is that we do not know 100% how this virus started. Virus’s can and do jump species and mutate - that is a known fact. On the other hand we do know that there is a lab in Wuhan, so it is feasible that it came from a lab.
Now proving that it was released deliberately by those in power in the USA - is speculation, but not without some feasibility.
The one thing that is just not questioned in this whole the transition from the virus, whether it came from the lab, or whether it was a natural mutation that came from the market in Wuhan......Is the way it turned from that into a pandemic .........releasing a virus is only one step. In order for it to become a deliberate outbreak that spreads around the world would have to have ‘ all the powers in the original country ‘ , and those who you believe orchestrated it in the USA, working together. Now we know that the WHO didn’t act quickly enough to warn people, but also we do know that the Chinese were not transparent, but this is where I hit a ‘ question mark ‘ China and the USA are not exactly friends are money to a lab is one thing, but being able to control the decisions of the leaders in China , given that they were the ones not releasing the facts...... also each country that the virus entered last year made decisions that ultimately determined whether the virus would spread ..............
Do those in power, really have ALL that they really get away with it............Who still sits on HIS throne , fully aware of all the plans of men ....who sees the hidden battle that is ultimately bigger than what man thinks he creates and orchestrates.........
I am sure others with have so much more to say than me xx
While I fall short of stating categorically that the virus was a deliberate release, do not underestimate the continuing intimate relationship and common goals between the highest leaders of all Nations. They all belong to the same secret societies and share the same ambitious goal to formulate a global religion... Using politics... Economics... War... Good times and bad times... And politicians of all sides to advance their cause.
A couple of decades ago a professor at Georgetown University, run by Jesuits and himself a Jesuit, stated in one of his books two significant things...
A.that nothing happens in politics that wasnt intended...
B. And there is a small group of powerful individuals in control of the world to bring about a global world order and he was one of that group.

It was no coincidence that Fauci was speaking from Georgetown... As do so many other influential leaders and from whose Halls of education many eminent politicians and lawmakers elevate elevate from... Among them Bill Clinton. Trump himself educated at another Jesuit University...Fordham.
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While I fall short of stating categorically that the virus was a deliberate release, do not underestimate the continuing intimate relationship and common goals between the highest leaders of all Nations. They all belong to the same secret societies and share the same ambitious goal to formulate a global religion... Using politics... Economics... War... Good times and bad times... And politicians of all sides to advance their cause.
A couple of decades ago a professor at Georgetown University, run by Jesuits and himself a Jesuit, stated in one of his books two significant things...
A.that nothing happens in politics that wasnt intended...
B. And there is a small group of powerful individuals in control of the world to bring about a global world order and he was one of that group.

It was no coincidence that Fauci was speaking from Georgetown... As do so many other influential leaders and from whose Halls of education many eminent politicians and lawmakers elevate elevate from... Among them Bill Clinton. Trump himself educated at another Jesuit University...Fordham.
That’s interesting- So would you put Trump in that group then. I mean in the last few years Inhave come to realise what an awful piece of work the clintons are, but president trump, I thought, was on an opposing side - or at least I thought he was ! ( I have had my issues with president Trump, but I don’t actually see him in the same way I use to )


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
That’s interesting- So would you put Trump in that group then. I mean in the last few years Inhave come to realise what an awful piece of work the clintons are, but president trump, I thought, was on an opposing side - or at least I thought he was ! ( I have had my issues with president Trump, but I don’t actually see him in the same way I use to )
There are things going on far deeper, more prophetic, and far more significant than what you can observe and deduce simply by watching the news.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Thank you for your opinion...
IMHO...everyday posts are put forth that supports someone's opinion or ideology. That's human nature, it doesn't make sense to post something contrary to the OP now does it?
So being responsible adults if we choose on our own to enter into the discussion of a topic then we must expect to find biases for and against the that topic.
Now, my challenge to you is counter the information I supplied with your information to negate it.
This thread is open for discussion and debate...I put my thoughts out there and you have attacked them without any of your own evidence supporting your argument.
I can be swayed to see it different if someone can provide information to show this was not intended in the way the video presents it.

I have not attacked your thoughts...if anything, I have tried to point out manipulation of a mans words in a dishonest way.

As I said, I didnt even see a second video until just this morning because I was so turned off by the manipulation in the first one.

And so I listened to the second one, and the doctor in it gave the disturbing information that we funded a biolevel4 lab in China. That is disturbing. That doctor though, continued with the manipulation of Fauci's words and intent. He does not need to use that manipulation as the funding is disturbing on it's own without the manipulation. In fact, I dont understand why this manipulation of a mans words is necessary and I think it is dishonest. No one needs the dishonesty to be added, as if the funding is not disturbing enough to upset us!

The smoking gun is right there, so there is no reason to try to plant false evidence on top of it. In fact, the planted and manipulated evidence will cause some people to mistrust and throw out the smoking gun.

I cant think of how to make myself any more clear...
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
I skipped through it pretty fast because I didn't want to watch nearly a whole hour....but I got the main jest of it.
While people have been worried about nuclear war breaking out....countries have been focused on biological warfare instead.
What amazed me is they have the doctor a few years ago saying how you can take a bat virus and make it contagious to humans, by using a specific gene, and here we have a virus that would normally not be infectious to humans killing thousands because of that exact gene
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
And what saddens me is the very video in the op shows this one guy, who defied orders and gave money to these people, most likely has a part in these murders

so I echo the op, how is this man not prosecuted?
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
And what saddens me is the very video in the op shows this one guy, why defied orders and gave money to these people, most likely has a part in these murders

so I echo the op, how is this man not prosecuted?
DNA sequencing and genetic modification of God's creation is about the last straw...imho...that will provoke God to pour out His wrath...
Another member here was saying transhumanism is defiling God and in my opinion is making a mockery of His creation....
So transhumanism is to use selective genes to make perfect humans...and even create human know like ROBO COP....a scientist has even attempted to make designer babies...
Designer baby - Wikipedia
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom

This doctor exposes Fauci and Gates intents.

Rashid Buttar who is this guy.
conspiracy theorist from Charlotte, North Carolina. He is known for his controversial use of chelation therapy for numerous conditions, including autism and cancer.[1] He has been reprimanded by the North Carolina Board of Medical Examiners for unethical treatment of patients.
Rashid Buttar - Wikipedia

My daughter works in a hospital in London, she helps people in ICU who have breathing problems, and many are dying. The numbers are overwhelming their beds and resources, with extra wards being used to expand ICU to cope.

Something is killing these people, and they test positive to COVID-19. Before COVID struck nothing unusual in January, come March it all took off. The cause of the illness that is causing these deaths appears to be the virus, as nothing else has radically changed and their is no cure. It is the immune system that over-reacts and kills people, like anaphylatic shock and sypsis.

So getting this into proportion, do nothing, hospitals overwhelmed, people dying everywhere and no limits on the out brake just society divided, or attempt control, isolation, and see if the numbers drop. And they are dropping, by leveling off and starting to dip.

This control is needed no matter its source. We need time, we need solutions, we need direction. At the end the source can be discussed, the conspiracy version or the animal version. Sadly there could be a possible man made cause, because experiments obviously were going on in this area, but it could also be animal origin, like other outbreaks. This source will guide prevention in the future.

But what Rashid is stirring up is not helpful and sounds bogus.


Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
DNA sequencing and genetic modification of God's creation is about the last straw...imho...that will provoke God to pour out His wrath...
Another member here was saying transhumanism is defiling God and in my opinion is making a mockery of His creation....
So transhumanism is to use selective genes to make perfect humans...and even create human know like ROBO COP....a scientist has even attempted to make designer babies...
Designer baby - Wikipedia

GMO crops, better yields, more efficient food is here to stay. Solving genetic illnesses, screening what is likely to happen to people because of trigger markers, is already on going. Unfortunately information is power, and if you can help the sick walk, will you not do it.

The word of faith movement claimed they could walk into hospitals, believe and cured people would walk out.
Has not happened. But if you could go in and stop cystic fibrosis, genetic heart disease, chronic deteriation of the eyes would you say no, not allowed. Given time and safety controls it will arrive, because being able to do good is a good thing.

The issue we have is how to limit and grow these developments so we benefit rather than become the victim of accidents and mistakes.
For me the question becomes, what if they discover how to stop ageing. Biologically this is a biological limitation, so has a solution. Is it evil to discover and use such a thing? If you could loose a leg and regrow it, is that wrong? Some creatures can do this.

We take organs from dead bodies and use them to give life to the living. Is this not goulish in some way, yet I do not hear moral cries of stop it, rather from death, a gift of life is given to another. I personally think all these questions are difficult.

We had a dear brother in our church whose son needs at 21 a new heart and lung. He felt unhappy this was not possible due to the lack of doners, except of course, someone has to die, and within 24hrs there organs give life to another. It was tragic and sad, but the gift of life had been given to this young man, and he was going to be with the Lord. Praise the Lord for that.


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Rashid Buttar who is this guy.
conspiracy theorist from Charlotte, North Carolina. He is known for his controversial use of chelation therapy for numerous conditions, including autism and cancer.[1] He has been reprimanded by the North Carolina Board of Medical Examiners for unethical treatment of patients.
Rashid Buttar - Wikipedia

My daughter works in a hospital in London, she helps people in ICU who have breathing problems, and many are dying. The numbers are overwhelming their beds and resources, with extra wards being used to expand ICU to cope.

Something is killing these people, and they test positive to COVID-19. Before COVID struck nothing unusual in January, come March it all took off. The cause of the illness that is causing these deaths appears to be the virus, as nothing else has radically changed and their is no cure. It is the immune system that over-reacts and kills people, like anaphylatic shock and sypsis.

So getting this into proportion, do nothing, hospitals overwhelmed, people dying everywhere and no limits on the out brake just society divided, or attempt control, isolation, and see if the numbers drop. And they are dropping, by leveling off and starting to dip.

This control is needed no matter its source. We need time, we need solutions, we need direction. At the end the source can be discussed, the conspiracy version or the animal version. Sadly there could be a possible man made cause, because experiments obviously were going on in this area, but it could also be animal origin, like other outbreaks. This source will guide prevention in the future.

But what Rashid is stirring up is not helpful and sounds bogus.
This is something you should research for yourself...I have presented you receive it is your decision. Like I said I don't get involved in politics much on the forum....
Now you are also comparing two separate countries....this Fauci is a doctor in my country who is under investigation for funneling tax payers money to China to study the virus and this happened during the Obama administration.
I hate that Italy got hit so hard because of unpreparedness in dealing with it...I hate that the whole world has been affected by this.
I can only pray and ask God to deliver us quickly from this disease.
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
GMO crops, better yields, more efficient food is here to stay. Solving genetic illnesses, screening what is likely to happen to people because of trigger markers, is already on going. Unfortunately information is power, and if you can help the sick walk, will you not do it.

The word of faith movement claimed they could walk into hospitals, believe and cured people would walk out.
Has not happened. But if you could go in and stop cystic fibrosis, genetic heart disease, chronic deteriation of the eyes would you say no, not allowed. Given time and safety controls it will arrive, because being able to do good is a good thing.

The issue we have is how to limit and grow these developments so we benefit rather than become the victim of accidents and mistakes.
For me the question becomes, what if they discover how to stop ageing. Biologically this is a biological limitation, so has a solution. Is it evil to discover and use such a thing? If you could loose a leg and regrow it, is that wrong? Some creatures can do this.

We take organs from dead bodies and use them to give life to the living. Is this not goulish in some way, yet I do not hear moral cries of stop it, rather from death, a gift of life is given to another. I personally think all these questions are difficult.

We had a dear brother in our church whose son needs at 21 a new heart and lung. He felt unhappy this was not possible due to the lack of doners, except of course, someone has to die, and within 24hrs there organs give life to another. It was tragic and sad, but the gift of life had been given to this young man, and he was going to be with the Lord. Praise the Lord for that.
I am an RN....I am not against medicine and treating the sick...geez


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
GMO crops, better yields, more efficient food is here to stay. Solving genetic illnesses, screening what is likely to happen to people because of trigger markers, is already on going. Unfortunately information is power, and if you can help the sick walk, will you not do it.

The word of faith movement claimed they could walk into hospitals, believe and cured people would walk out.
Has not happened. But if you could go in and stop cystic fibrosis, genetic heart disease, chronic deteriation of the eyes would you say no, not allowed. Given time and safety controls it will arrive, because being able to do good is a good thing.

The issue we have is how to limit and grow these developments so we benefit rather than become the victim of accidents and mistakes.
For me the question becomes, what if they discover how to stop ageing. Biologically this is a biological limitation, so has a solution. Is it evil to discover and use such a thing? If you could loose a leg and regrow it, is that wrong? Some creatures can do this.

We take organs from dead bodies and use them to give life to the living. Is this not goulish in some way, yet I do not hear moral cries of stop it, rather from death, a gift of life is given to another. I personally think all these questions are difficult.

We had a dear brother in our church whose son needs at 21 a new heart and lung. He felt unhappy this was not possible due to the lack of doners, except of course, someone has to die, and within 24hrs there organs give life to another. It was tragic and sad, but the gift of life had been given to this young man, and he was going to be with the Lord. Praise the Lord for that.

Regarding your posts #92 and #93...

Do you really not want to believe a voice of an experienced physician even over your daughter? And please do not take offense with my statement. This is not personal. It is really a matter of the truth if you care to find it out.

Just quoting a Wikipedia source as your truth can already jeopardize your sense of proportion, balance, and fairness in searching and believing in the truth.

Dr. Rashid A. Buttar is part of the Center for Advanced Medicine & Clinical Research as a physician of Mooresville, North Carolina and is well -respected in his locality. He has a better than average rating from his patients via their online feedback inputs, and among his professional colleagues. Need to read more information of his from other sources.

Here is a longer resume of this Dr under fire by the establishment. And you may have read all this already but you have apparently have completely closed your eyes to it all.

He specializes in addressing the needs of patients suffering from Chronic Disease, “Treatment Failures”, “Difficult to Diagnose” conditions, Cancer, Autism, Cardiovascular Disease, Neurodegenerative Disease, Environmental Toxicity, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Chemical Toxicity and Metabolism Disorders. We also have a special interest in Preventive Medicine, Longevity Medicine and Performance Enhancement.

This Medical Director, Dr. Rashid A. Buttar, is a graduate of the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, College of Medicine and Surgery. After graduation in 1987, he attended medical school at the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in Des Moines, Iowa and graduated in 1991. He started his initial post graduate training in General Surgery and concurrently began active duty service in the US Army. He served as Brigade Surgeon ( and he WAS medically qualified BUT your Wikipedia said he was not qualified, just to undermine and trash his credibility) and Director of Emergency Medicine while serving in the U.S. Army. Dr. Buttar is board certified in Clinical Metal Toxicology, Preventive Medicine, is board eligible in Emergency Medicine and has achieved fellowship status in three separate medical societies.

At his Center they offer 59 different IV Therapies oriented towards the principles of detoxification and immune modulation including heavy metal chelation, oxidative therapies, nutritional IVs, and many other treatments that detoxify and enhance the immune system.

Because of their (Center) effective treatments, the North Carolina Medical Board is trying to suppress the truth about his success. Wikipedia, along with the local Medical establishment in his State, Harvard, Yale and ABC and other 'fake' doctors and news folks all ganged up on him and labelled his once crippled patient, as psychogenic.

Wikipedia sourced ABC as their source of truth for this fat lie!!

The headline ABC news wrote.....

'Experts Say Symptoms Are 'Psychogenic'
They really called this Doctor's patient, Desiree Jennings, a flake who made it all up, psychotic, or her condition was not caused from a flu shot she received. So this is your source of truth then? You can camp with these fake swamp people of journalism and medical experts. I will social distance myself many miles from these corrupt people, if I'm able.

Yes your source of the 'truth' Wikipedia, suddenly and hastily, stamped this Doctor as a conspiracy theorist and a doctor practicing with unethical principles; and more.

They did not like him criticizing Dr Fauci and claims his State was trying to get his license to practice null and void for treating, successfully, his cancer patients with unorthodox procedures and methods; and the example cited above was also 'their worry.' Just imagine if these alternative medical procedures and practices would catch on, the medical establishment would be out of business overnight.

This doctor is not a part of the establishment and thus he is being black balled and discredited deliberately at this time because he is fighting the establishment for their bold faced lies and cover-ups concerning this 'virus.'

His Wikipedia page was last edited only a few hours ago if you care to look for yourself. You can believe Wikipedia, the BBC, CNN, Facebook and Google and Microsoft all you want, although, I do not for very good reasons as you might already know.

Back to your daughter and the hospital where she works. Do not take it the wrong way again. Does your daughter know exactly what types of diseases these patients are in the ICUs for, and if they are actually there for this so-called virus? And I have more questions to ask of her...

If she could do a video of what she is experiencing for all to see then that would go along way with her becoming a credible source.

This doctor, that apparently you have determined is not credible without doing any serious evaluation or research, at least came on a form of public media with his see he has nothing to lose but reveal truth to corrupt power.

Using your own words..."But if you could go in and stop cystic fibrosis, genetic heart disease, chronic deteriation of the eyes would you say no, not allowed." ???

Using your words again....."Unfortunately information is power, and if you can help the sick walk, will you not do it." I would reply yes, yes and yes! There are those I just cited and they always say H*** NO, over and over again.....

Are not you being quite hypocritical as you trample upon a Doctor's reputation, his good will, and who would say yes, I want to heal even by using alternative means, as he gets 'gunned down' by evil forces?

Just saying, ....get serious about what you write and more importantly what you believe and then what you have faith in, mate - they have consequences.


Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Aug 4, 2019
United States
This is something you should research for yourself...I have presented you receive it is your decision. Like I said I don't get involved in politics much on the forum....
Now you are also comparing two separate countries....this Fauci is a doctor in my country who is under investigation for funneling tax payers money to China to study the virus and this happened during the Obama administration.
I hate that Italy got hit so hard because of unpreparedness in dealing with it...I hate that the whole world has been affected by this.
I can only pray and ask God to deliver us quickly from this disease.
That investigation into the Wuhan project is not going to go anywhere. That project got started to study SARS and other coronaviruses, and funding continued during the Trump administration for a while (I'm not sure how long).

What is unfortunate about these allegations about China is that they are worsening relations between the US and China. We used to co-operate with China when we could. China is winning the PR war now since they've sent medical supplies to many countries while the US often did nothing.

Add the fact that the American navy in the Pacific could almost be called crippled, and China continues to take aggressive actions about territory they claim. Our traditional allies are looking at us and asking if it would be smarter to ally themselves with China. Trump also ditched American participation in the Pacific trade agreement, again leaving the US with less influence; and Obama's motive for wanting that treaty to curb the rising Chinese influence in the area since an alliance is always stronger than trying to go it on your own.

I also wonder how Trump can succeed at negotiating a new trade treaty with China. I agree with him on that. I see a fairer trade treaty as an essential factor in insuring financial stability in the US.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
DNA sequencing and genetic modification of God's creation is about the last straw...imho...that will provoke God to pour out His wrath...
Another member here was saying transhumanism is defiling God and in my opinion is making a mockery of His creation....
So transhumanism is to use selective genes to make perfect humans...and even create human know like ROBO COP....a scientist has even attempted to make designer babies...
Designer baby - Wikipedia
I have no doubt we are in last Days. The birth pangs are getting closer and closer And More powerful
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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2019
United Kingdom
Regarding your posts #92 and #93...

Do you really not want to believe a voice of an experienced physician even over your daughter? And please do not take offense with my statement. This is not personal. It is really a matter of the truth if you care to find it out.

Just quoting a Wikipedia source as your truth can already jeopardize your sense of proportion, balance, and fairness in searching and believing in the truth.

Dr. Rashid A. Buttar is part of the Center for Advanced Medicine & Clinical Research as a physician of Mooresville, North Carolina and is well -respected in his locality. He has a better than average rating from his patients via their online feedback inputs, and among his professional colleagues. Need to read more information of his from other sources.

Here is a longer resume of this Dr under fire by the establishment. And you may have read all this already but you have apparently have completely closed your eyes to it all.

He specializes in addressing the needs of patients suffering from Chronic Disease, “Treatment Failures”, “Difficult to Diagnose” conditions, Cancer, Autism, Cardiovascular Disease, Neurodegenerative Disease, Environmental Toxicity, Heavy Metal Toxicity, Chemical Toxicity and Metabolism Disorders. We also have a special interest in Preventive Medicine, Longevity Medicine and Performance Enhancement.

This Medical Director, Dr. Rashid A. Buttar, is a graduate of the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, College of Medicine and Surgery. After graduation in 1987, he attended medical school at the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences, College of Osteopathic Medicine and Surgery in Des Moines, Iowa and graduated in 1991. He started his initial post graduate training in General Surgery and concurrently began active duty service in the US Army. He served as Brigade Surgeon ( and he WAS medically qualified BUT your Wikipedia said he was not qualified, just to undermine and trash his credibility) and Director of Emergency Medicine while serving in the U.S. Army. Dr. Buttar is board certified in Clinical Metal Toxicology, Preventive Medicine, is board eligible in Emergency Medicine and has achieved fellowship status in three separate medical societies.

At his Center they offer 59 different IV Therapies oriented towards the principles of detoxification and immune modulation including heavy metal chelation, oxidative therapies, nutritional IVs, and many other treatments that detoxify and enhance the immune system.

Because of their (Center) effective treatments, the North Carolina Medical Board is trying to suppress the truth about his success. Wikipedia, along with the local Medical establishment in his State, Harvard, Yale and ABC and other 'fake' doctors and news folks all ganged up on him and labelled his once crippled patient, as psychogenic.

Wikipedia sourced ABC as their source of truth for this fat lie!!

The headline ABC news wrote.....

'Experts Say Symptoms Are 'Psychogenic'
They really called this Doctor's patient, Desiree Jennings, a flake who made it all up, psychotic, or her condition was not caused from a flu shot she received. So this is your source of truth then? You can camp with these fake swamp people of journalism and medical experts. I will social distance myself many miles from these corrupt people, if I'm able.

Yes your source of the 'truth' Wikipedia, suddenly and hastily, stamped this Doctor as a conspiracy theorist and a doctor practicing with unethical principles; and more.

They did not like him criticizing Dr Fauci and claims his State was trying to get his license to practice null and void for treating, successfully, his cancer patients with unorthodox procedures and methods; and the example cited above was also 'their worry.' Just imagine if these alternative medical procedures and practices would catch on, the medical establishment would be out of business overnight.

This doctor is not a part of the establishment and thus he is being black balled and discredited deliberately at this time because he is fighting the establishment for their bold faced lies and cover-ups concerning this 'virus.'

His Wikipedia page was last edited only a few hours ago if you care to look for yourself. You can believe Wikipedia, the BBC, CNN, Facebook and Google and Microsoft all you want, although, I do not for very good reasons as you might already know.

Back to your daughter and the hospital where she works. Do not take it the wrong way again. Does your daughter know exactly what types of diseases these patients are in the ICUs for, and if they are actually there for this so-called virus? And I have more questions to ask of her...

If she could do a video of what she is experiencing for all to see then that would go along way with her becoming a credible source.

This doctor, that apparently you have determined is not credible without doing any serious evaluation or research, at least came on a form of public media with his see he has nothing to lose but reveal truth to corrupt power.

Using your own words..."But if you could go in and stop cystic fibrosis, genetic heart disease, chronic deteriation of the eyes would you say no, not allowed." ???

Using your words again....."Unfortunately information is power, and if you can help the sick walk, will you not do it." I would reply yes, yes and yes! There are those I just cited and they always say H*** NO, over and over again.....

Are not you being quite hypocritical as you trample upon a Doctor's reputation, his good will, and who would say yes, I want to heal even by using alternative means, as he gets 'gunned down' by evil forces?

Just saying, ....get serious about what you write and more importantly what you believe and then what you have faith in, mate - they have consequences.



The trouble is if a guy has a record of conspiracy theories and has had a track record of using questionable approaches, I am not going to take him seriously. The number of cases is no joke or the use of Nightinggale hospitals to take people who are being ventilated out of hospitals into specialist support environment where they can be isolated and the hospital get on with their work.

The USA is a vast place, New York is the hardest hit place, so they are overwhelmed. Other places have very little exposure. So once you start saying these guys are lying, it is propoganda, you begin to undermine the good work people are doing. And yes 100% I will believe my daughter. She works as a physio to try and relieve breathing for patients using suction. It can help if you have pneumonia, fluid build up, but not always possible. They are having to have counselling and therapy because of the numbers of patients they are getting and the fact so many are dying and they can do little to help.

I am speaking to my daughter, on the front line, just about coping. This is one hospital in London, one group of 20 physios and their work load.
I have no idea why Dr. Rashid A. Buttar wants to say what he is saying, but I disagree, based on everything else I am seeing.

Now I know on these forums people want to believe there is another motive or story line. I think of these things all the time, and when they are without foundation, I dismiss them. In the UK we need 15,000 ventilators. Lots of companies are trying to design and build them. Millions are being spent and large companies are helping. Do you not think if this was all fake, someone would go to this degree of effort just to cover up a small issue? My son is involved in the design work going on for a consortium developing one of these new ventilators.

In our church we have a consultant who is behind the NHS preparedness. He says the press are actually reacting stronger than the professionals currently see the threat, but the threat is from covid-19, but quite where the tipping point is is still being discovered.

So the argument is not the qualification of Dr Buttar but his claims. Covid-19 exists and this is the cause of the pandemic. Covid is coming under some control. We still are learning what the future holds and how big it might get. And thats it.

As far as rubbishing how viruses are transmitted, water droplets is a known virus transmission route, though surface touching is more effective and then touching ones face, ie nose, mouth, eyes. This is how flu gets around. We know Covid-19 spreads quicker than flu, so the question is why and how, not is this true or not, the figures speak for themselves. China to the world in 1 month. 1 month from a handful to a whole country threatened. These are simple facts. But people can believe what they want, science works with facts.
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