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  1. G

    "In weakness My Strength is made perfect" (the Lord is fulfilling this as we speak!)

    Hi there, So I can't go into all the details, but I can promise you that something great is going to happen. The Lord is confirming that "in weakness the Strength of God is made perfect". We are going to come out of this time, with even greater fervour for the Lord; those that are worthy will...
  2. G

    The Devil makes himself an angel of light, he also gives false emotion and erroneous instruction (on guard?)

    Hi there, So yes, just to give you a little strength for your armory: the Devil not only has masqueraded as an angel of light (letters, from memory), but is able to create false emotion and erroneous instruction. That means we need to know our Bible, but also how our Bible is shared amongst us...
  3. MatthewG

    God through Christ has reconciled the world unto Himself.

    Did you know that God has reconciled everything back to himself in and through Christ? With the victory of Christ today, and the payment of sin, and doing away of sin, satan, death, hades, the false prophet, the beast, and also doing away of material religion with coming back and having...
  4. G

    What was the gift you received, when you first believed? (mine was 'steadfastness'?)

    Hi there, So just to help you in your walk with Christ, a simple question: what was the spiritual gift you received, when you first believed? If you need to, pray to the Holy Spirit, that He reveal it - that way, you will have it between you and Him! It is bearing fruit with this gift, that...
  5. G

    All life is sanctific; and our sanctity is made strong in God's sanctity (holy?)

    Hi there, So I have coined the idea that "all life is sanctific" (sacrosanct, holy) meaning all life has value that is intrinsic to being alive. It is our sanctity that establishes our soul and our soul that feeds on our sanctity. Jesus was the most sanctified of any of us, and He imparted His...
  6. MatthewG

    Is God Fair to Reward - Parable of the Vineyards?

    Matthew 20 New Living Translation If a person comes in at the end of their life, is it fair for God to reward the same amount as someone who worked their whole life away for God, as a Laborer? The first who was to come in, was the Jewish people, and they had the law - and still were under...
  7. G

    Without a love of Creation, the anti-Christ can only rule with a harder and harder fist (so to speak) (submissive?)

    Hi there, So just to help you get a perspective on the tribulation, what you need to understand, is that the anti-Christ does not have the love of Creation in him (not the love of the Creation, that Jesus had) and without that all he can do is rule with a harder and harder fist (so to speak)...
  8. G

    Did God start out a fool, and become wise? Or was God a mystery to Himself, and set out to write it down? (laughing?)

    Hi there, So this is just cloud gazing sort of stuff, designed to prompt you to think about the truth, in a more engaging way. The subject is "God". But the subject is viewed in a contradictory way, from the perspective of an absence of time. The first idea is fairly simple: did God have a...
  9. MatthewG

    Why are faithless people claimed to be outside of the gates of the city in heaven?

    Hello there, PLEASE READ THE ENTIRE POST Many people believe that God is going to destroy people in the lake of fire, but is that true? In Revelation 20, you see that the devil, the false prophet, the beast are all placed in the lake of fire forever; and then following those who name was not...
  10. G

    The Great Unravelling - Man ceases to look within himself, for strength (ready?)

    Hi there, So I began with this era, prophesying that there would be a Great Doubt. The Great Doubt is a period of time, when people fear others with them are their enemies, across the world. It is the Great Doubt that leads in to Armageddon. Once the foundation of Man is doubted, God is...
  11. G

    There is a split: the world thinks the world is the end, the Church thinks the end is within (how to settle?)

    Hi there, So we have a bit of a problem: the world thinks the world is the end (or at least part of it), the Church thinks the end is within (either in Heaven or on the way to it). What can we do about these two alternatives? Certainly the world being the end, appears rational, at least at...
  12. G

    God will shorten the days, that includes the days of the tribulation (prepared?)

    Hi there, So Jesus plainly said that even though we suffer (and have to give things up), we will receive back a hundredfold. But this is the key: we receive a hundredfold back, with persecutions. In other words, God does not remove the burden of the heat of the day, because we find it hard...
  13. MatthewG

    Old life to the new life.

    Not everyone has had the exact same experience of life as many dabble in things which others do not dabble in, however it seems as though when you present Yahava, or Yahweh, into the picture. There is a notice that if the bible is true, and everything started somewhere. The creation of the...
  14. MatthewG

    Dead to sin, alive to God

    Short 5 minute teaching “we were buried together, then, with him through the baptism to the death, that even as Christ was raised up out of the dead through the glory of the Father, so also we in newness of life might walk. For, if we have become planted together to the likeness of his death...
  15. G

    The Church is under attack, from greater and greater fools (this is a pattern of things to come?)

    Hi there! Well, I'm afraid I have some bad news: fools are here to stay. In the beginning there were very few fools, because God did greater and greater things, as Witness of His Creative Glory. But in the end, there will be a great number of fools, that look very much like gods but being...
  16. G

    The fool in love with the end, spares no one even a word (going to leave a blow?)

    Hi there, So Jesus said "the end will not come immediately" and for the most part, you would think you were able to ignore the fool who does not understand this. Unfortunately, the fool is able to fall in love with the end, for the wrong reasons. If the fool thinks he sees his foolishness in...
  17. G

    The Rapture will also be a time of mass suicide; the Tribulation a time of mass condemnation (still at rest?)

    Ok, So there is a little more to the picture, that is unfolding before us, as we head in to the time of Jacob's trouble: typically, we focus on the Rapture and put off thinking about the Tribulation - that's only natural. We can be calm and spirited about the Rapture; spirited and calm about...
  18. G

    the anti-Christ makes a good friend, just not a great one (need to journey ahead, without him?)

    Hi there, So there is a lot of mystery surrounding the anti-Christ - who is he, where will he come from, who can war against him - but in reality, it just boils down to one thing: the anti-Christ is a good friend. I'm not saying his behaviour is welcome, all the time. I'm just saying, he is...
  19. G

    The Lord is with me! I can't tell you how relieved I am!

    Wow! So, I finally broke free of the Devil's attacks! It has been a constant battle, but the Lord has finally prevailed! The whole thing pivoted on one thing, that which is faith is faith and that which is death is death. You literally cannot hold on to your life and expect the Devil to ignore...
  20. G

    Instead, you ought to say, “If it is the Lord’s will, we will live and do this or that.” - how James saved me from myself!

    Hi there, This verse literally saved me, from myself. Specifically, I realised that I was making plans constantly, without trusting the Lord at all. Even in meditation, I would try to reach a state that I thought was stable - not what the Lord was giving me, should He be willing. If feel a...