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  1. G

    The Cross has the power to crush (overburdened?)

    Hi there, So you may remember that Jesus said "I will give you power to trample over the enemy" (Gospels, from memory), but you may not have linked that "trampling" with The Cross. The Cross is able to crush, every spiritual power any where in the Earth. The faith required to do this, happens...
  2. G

    Just repeat, the faith! (you don't need to reinvent the wheel?)

    Hi there, So I have worked out that: I believe what you do! There is no need to reinvent the wheel. Jesus died once for all, and rose from the dead. The Grace of God abounds in the acceptance within, of what Christ did on the cross. There is no need for a new faith. There is no need for a new...
  3. G

    The blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, is different for all but the Sinful Arrester (free?)

    Hi there, So there has been some question about the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit, from time to time - as people grapple with whether they are beyond forgiveness or not. Some people say "I have blasphemed the Holy Spirit!" but they don't know how or to what extent. Other people give answers like...
  4. G

    "In weakness My Strength is made perfect" (the Lord is fulfilling this as we speak!)

    Hi there, So I can't go into all the details, but I can promise you that something great is going to happen. The Lord is confirming that "in weakness the Strength of God is made perfect". We are going to come out of this time, with even greater fervour for the Lord; those that are worthy will...
  5. G

    Did God start out a fool, and become wise? Or was God a mystery to Himself, and set out to write it down? (laughing?)

    Hi there, So this is just cloud gazing sort of stuff, designed to prompt you to think about the truth, in a more engaging way. The subject is "God". But the subject is viewed in a contradictory way, from the perspective of an absence of time. The first idea is fairly simple: did God have a...
  6. G

    The World tells you the "World" is the same, since you believed - but they're wrong! (confront?)

    Hi there, So yes, the heart of the snare, people fall into when it comes to the anti-Christ, is that the anti-Christ aggrandizes the demand of the World - not that the World be a greater "World", but that the World be more greatly "the same". In other words, the World wants to refuse the...
  7. G

    Jesus promises those who surrender for the Gospel, will receive a hundredfold *with persecutions* (truly!)

    Hi there, So I am a bekeeper you might say (I keep Jesus' words), and my focus is on the Holy Spirit to come. Something that has dawned on me, in searching the scriptures, is that our suffering on Earth will not be without reward, but that there will also be persecutions. In other words, for...
  8. Keturah

    Is there a difference in " FALSE " teaching & error in teaching ?

    I really have no input but was musing over how divided our Christian world is. One states this is "what it says "while another states but this is "what it means". I believe when we study we must do so with the Spirit, rightly dividing the word in context. I do believe we all have some aspects...
  9. G

    If there's something in your life, that you always *do*, what would it be like, if you did it less? (thought experiment)

    Hi there, So this is a stretching exercise, for your mind. There is something in our lives, that we always "do". I tend to do things as a "rule" if I can; other people might try to "perfect" something or be "innocent" in a certain way or be "pure" more and more. All these things are good, until...
  10. G

    Someone who is a slave to sin, has a limited time to flex their strength (convicted?)

    Hi there, So it occurs to me that there is a link between being a slave to sin and the pressure we feel to act, under the influence of sin. Basically we become slave to sin, hoping to gain the strength of God without God. In doing so, we discover that we do get some strength, and we can see it...
  11. G

    The Devil is quick to leave Heaven, but gradually he loses the strength (selah)

    Hi there, So just a little thing to edify you with: the Devil has limitations. This is meant to encourage you; if you can resist the Devil, even more and more, you can be delivered of the suffering of this world. So what limitations does the Devil have? Primarily, he is impatient. God says in...
  12. GRACE ambassador

    Vain jangling, turning aside, And swerving from?

    Precious friend(s), Please Be exhorted to "Consider what I [Paul] say and The [Gracious] LORD Give thee understanding..." (2 Timothy 2:7): [“...Charity [Love!] out of a pure heart, and a good conscience, and faith unfeigned:…" (v. 5)] 1Ti 1:6 "...From which some having swerved have turned...
  13. MatthewG

    Wisdom - importance of understanding

    “He who gets wisdom loves his own soul; He who keeps understanding will find good.” ‭‭Proverbs‬ ‭19:8‬ ‭NKJV‬‬ Your soul is your individual (heart/mind/will/emotion) Wisdom can be used for good or bad. Wisdom is found in Christ Jesus, “But of Him you are in Christ Jesus, who became for us...
  14. Bits of Wisdom

    Bits of Wisdom

    So unfamiliar for most to bow before You Yet, Your purifying power, is all that can do Do what is needed to make ashes of man's ways Reveal Your truth as we walk through our days! As the Bride, Your church, we rest before You now! Seeking Your Word and Love to show us how How to listen for only...
  15. Keraz

    Have you understood all this

    After explaining to His disciples the parables of the Kingdom of Heaven, Jesus asked them; Have you understood all this? Matthew 13:51 and they answered – Yes. It was a simple sounding question, but actually He was asking the most profound question of the ages.. Jesus was asking if they knew...
  16. L

    What does God want me to do?

    I've written the following tract on finding God's will and I intend putting it on my website in due course. However, I am getting a mixed response from the people who look at it. I would appreciate any comments as I am still able to change it. Many thanks. What does God want me to do? Finding...
  17. FHII

    Are We Better Off Than Other Generations?

    I made a comment in the "geneologies" thread I want to discuss. Let me give you some scripture, then I will tell you my opening statement. 1 Cor 13:9 For we know in part, and we prophesy in part. [10] But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away. [11]...