A Witch Hunt Exposed?

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
It is Congress who appropriates.
There was a recent article in Breitbart News that the Pentagon has more than enough money to build the wall. That was probably true two years ago. The money was appropriated for national defense, and border security and national defense are closely related. So the money was already there. It simply needed to be re-allocated by Trump (who administers the Pentagon as Commander -in-Chief). National defense is not soldiers in some far off hell-hole. It is at every access point to the USA (ports, airports, and borders).

Jihadists are soldiers ("Holy Warriors") in asymmetrically warfare. Flooding the country with drugs and counterfeit currency is also asymmetrical warfare. Flooding the country with hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants (with a large criminal component) is also asymmetrical warfare. The American public is simply not being told what is really going on. The media have become the enemy of the people, aiding and abetting the enemies of America at every opportunity. They never deal with the realities -- always focusing on fantasies.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Ever hear of "Project Mockingbird"? That will tell you who are the Deep State assets in the media who colluded with the DNC/Hillary Clinton campaign to try to get their girl elected

Sounds interesting. Do you have any decent links on it? I'm tied up quite a bit lately, but it might be worth a look.

Blessings in Christ.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
People can get really worked up about politics. Whereas the believer should look above and keep 'looking unto Jesus' (Hebrews 12.2).

We had a discussion about this in bible study. The pastor said that it's a cop out for Christians to not get involved in politics. I have a friend who is a good person but doesn't get involved and believes God is in control. I think that God wants us to get involved, yet still keep our Christian focus as you mention. I guess it's something of a balancing act that we need one another to balance each other out.
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Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
Sounds interesting. Do you have any decent links on it? I'm tied up quite a bit lately, but it might be worth a look.

Blessings in Christ.

Read about it as a CIA project to infiltrate the media on Wikipedia. The CIA claims that they are no longer doing that, but do you believe them? I don't. There are too many people in Hollywood and the "news" media who are totally loudmouthed political hacks for the Dems, for it to be just a matter of "conscience". The globalists own much of the U.S. government bureaucracy and they set the agenda--they are pushing hard now for a one-world government (and, as Christians, we know where that leads). The DNC are totally controlled by them through bribery, extortion and corruption of every sort. They haven't made as many inroads into the Republicans but the RINOs like Paul Ryan are now openly working against the RNC. I wonder what the Deep State has on him? The prostitutes in the media and Hollywood do and say what they are told to say. The biggest boneheaded loudmouths in Hollywood who are working for the Dems are almost always washed-up and likely making money for their stance. Do you really think that they favor socialism/communism when it means that all their riches would be taxed into oblivion or, when the Bolsheviks take over (like Ocasio-Cortez) they would be totally confiscated?

It is difficult to read anything that does NOT come from globalists since the super-wealthy elite globalists own nearly all media outlets through their five media conglomerates (they claim there are six but two of them are owned by the Sumner Redstone family)--cable news, publishing houses, newspapers, radio networks, etc. They control over 90% of everything we see, hear and read. Read anything BUT the mainstream media and you will get much more information than you want. Judicial Watch does great work as does Sarah Carter and John Solomon on Fox News. Julian Assange has enemies in the Deep State for blowing the cover off their girl, Hillary. I hope he can be rescued. By the way, JFK was totally furious with the CIA in his day for withholding vital information from him about The Bay of Pigs and Vietnam. Shortly before he was assassinated, he fired Alan Dulles, as head of the CIA, for daring to tell the President of the United States that he "didn't have a need to know" some information that the CIA was withholding. Harry Truman created the CIA from the old war-time OSS and was known to privately lament having allowed it to form. Eisenhower warned about the "Military-Industrial-Complex" and the CIA is right at the center of that complex. Robert Kennedy always believed the CIA was responsible for his brother's death. Even Dem Senator, Chuck Schumer has said that if you dared to come against the intelligence service (he was speaking mainly of the CIA) they have many ways to get back at you. That was quite startling that he actually said that--he has been very quiet since then. Pray for the nation and pray for those American patriots who are fighting the Swamp that is Washington.

Blessings back at ya'

Lady Crosstalk
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Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
There was a recent article in Breitbart News that the Pentagon has more than enough money to build the wall. That was probably true two years ago. The money was appropriated for national defense, and border security and national defense are closely related. So the money was already there. It simply needed to be re-allocated by Trump (who administers the Pentagon as Commander -in-Chief). National defense is not soldiers in some far off hell-hole. It is at every access point to the USA (ports, airports, and borders).

Jihadists are soldiers ("Holy Warriors") in asymmetrically warfare. Flooding the country with drugs and counterfeit currency is also asymmetrical warfare. Flooding the country with hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants (with a large criminal component) is also asymmetrical warfare. The American public is simply not being told what is really going on. The media have become the enemy of the people, aiding and abetting the enemies of America at every opportunity. They never deal with the realities -- always focusing on fantasies.

The Wall will be built. The Pentagon just announced today that they are freeing up 1.8 billion to build the wall. In the meantime, ICE is continuing to police the border as best they can. Apprehensions of illegals are WAY up. They, of course, are being fought by corrupt politicians (guess which globalists are paying them off) in the border states like California.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
This has been one of the most disturbing things during the Trump administration. After everything he has said about illegal immigration and national security being jeopardized at the southern border, the actual results have been pathetic -- disastrous. If his officials were undermining him, why did he not simply fire them all and hire the right people? Now the ICE officers have concluded that Mr. Trump is not really serious, and they have even presented their views publicly. And he has done absolutely nothing about the illegal sanctuary cities and states which have cropped up during his administration.

I believe that if Mr. Trump had been totally serious about the border wall, he would have (1) made a proper televised address to all Americans from the Oval Office at the start of his administration, and provided the facts and figures relating to this very serious problem (not random tweets), (2) he would have found the money for its construction out of the defense budget (and other wasteful projects), rather than going to Congress, and failing to veto bills which opposed him (3) he would have kept the construction details of the border wall a classified military secret, since it involved national security, (4) he would not have talked about "fences" or "partial walls" as though this whole thing was a joke, (5) he would have ensured that the border wall went 50 ft above grade and 50 ft below grade (after searching for and destroying all the tunnels along the border, (6) he would have placed the National Guard all long the border with serious intent (while it was being constructed), since he declared this a national emergency, and (7) he would have had drones patrolling that border 24/7, with warning leaflets dropped into Mexico and Central America, that illegals breaching the border would draw lethal fire from the drones. If necessary he could even have shut down the southern border temporarily to show his seriousness.

Since billions of dollars are still flowing to Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iraq, and Central America (and other hostile nations), all that money could have been shut off and diverted to the initial cost of the border wall, while the troops were brought home to beef up national security within the borders of the USA. Furthermore, when a trade deal was made with Mexico, the cost of the border wall and the issue of illegal immigration through Mexico should have all been part of the package. To the best of my knowledge, that was not the case. Thus all the expenditures for the wall would have been recovered from Mexico (which Trump publicly proclaimed at the start).

I didn't know that the ICE officers were speaking out. I'm glad they are because their job is dangerous. I read where a number of them have been attacked.

I made excuses for President Trump in the beginning - like I see everyone else doing. But there comes a time when excuse-making doesn't cut it anymore - you know you're being played for a fool. He campaigned on strong immigration reform and you're right - the results have been patthetic. I watched as he would go to a rally and work his supporters into a lather shouting "Build the wall! Build the wall!" Yet he let one after another caravan in. I read that thousands of illegals a day are being let in. People who haven't been affected by it yet are more cavalier, but I was actually prevented from receiving medical care in the ER. That was when I knew that America has grown dangerous. I feel for all people, but what is being done can't work. It's like trying to pile 50 people onto a 10 man boat. Something should be done to help all people but the way it's being done is very dangerous.

I feel like many Americans are asleep. They're in safe neighborhoods and safe communities but they don't realize that this is going on and it is going to reach them sooner or later. Antibiotic-resistant TB is dangerous especially to the very young and the elderly. How can those people drive when they can't read English? It's very unsafe what is being done. One killed the son of friends of my brother-in-law. They were the most broken people I've ever met. I urge everyone to contact legislators before it happens to them. It's a terrible way to die.

Foreign children are all going to be a burden on the local school systems and on our entitlement system. When I went to our government building I was the only American in there - it was nothing but foreigners applying for welfare. I was shocked that many were men. That's when I saw that it's not altogether true that they're coming here to work. The Sun Sentinel ran an article and they interviewed them and they say they come for "El Ayuda" the gifts. That really hurts because you have both American parents out working and elderly working past retirement age. That's why I lost faith in Trump. That's when I began really looking into him and I saw connections to the elite, the Clintons etc. I read that he used to donate to Clinton and to Kamala. That should tell us everything there is to know about President Trump.
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Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
I didn't know that the ICE officers were speaking out. I'm glad they are because their job is dangerous. I read where a number of them have been attacked.

I made excuses for President Trump in the beginning - like I see everyone else doing. But there comes a time when excuse-making doesn't cut it anymore - you know you're being played for a fool. He campaigned on strong immigration reform and you're right - the results have been patthetic. I watched as he would go to a rally and work his supporters into a lather shouting "Build the wall! Build the wall!" Yet he let one after another caravan in. I read that thousands of illegals a day are being let in. People who haven't been affected by it yet are more cavalier, but I was actually prevented from receiving medical care in the ER. That was when I knew that America has grown dangerous. I feel for all people, but what is being done can't work. It's like trying to pile 50 people onto a 10 man boat. Something should be done to help all people but the way it's being done is very dangerous.

I feel like many Americans are asleep. They're in safe neighborhoods and safe communities but they don't realize that this is going on and it is going to reach them sooner or later. Antibiotic-resistant TB is dangerous especially to the very young and the elderly. How can those people drive when they can't read English? It's very unsafe what is being done. One killed the son of friends of my brother-in-law. They were the most broken people I've ever met. I urge everyone to contact legislators before it happens to them. It's a terrible way to die.

Foreign children are all going to be a burden on the local school systems and on our entitlement system. When I went to our government building I was the only American in there - it was nothing but foreigners applying for welfare. I was shocked that many were men. That's when I saw that it's not altogether true that they're coming here to work. The Sun Sentinel ran an article and they interviewed them and they say they come for "El Ayuda" the gifts. That really hurts because you have both American parents out working and elderly working past retirement age. That's why I lost faith in Trump. That's when I began really looking into him and I saw connections to the elite, the Clintons etc. I read that he used to donate to Clinton and to Kamala. That should tell us everything there is to know about President Trump.

No caravans have been let in. That is a lie put out by the globalists who control most of the media. The elites all passionately believe that we are over-populated. They LIKE epidemics. The "Kings of the Earth" love the thought of millions upon millions of deaths due to war, disease and famine.

Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
That's why I lost faith in Trump. That's when I began really looking into him and I saw connections to the elite, the Clintons etc. I read that he used to donate to Clinton and to Kamala. That should tell us everything there is to know about President Trump.

That's when he was a Dem. All the while he was doing that, he was collecting information on them. Why do you think they hate him so much and are seeking every which way to get rid of him?
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
He's just one man, Enoch--he can't run the government by himself. He has struggled mightily against a bureaucracy (including the Senior Executive Service people who head all of the branches of the bureaucracy--Obama increased the SES from about 2,000 to 10,000) which hates him (as they hate every Republican who attempts to reduce the size of government). The SES cannot be fired, one can't even find out who they are! You can just surmise who they are when you see them hopping from one executive bureaucracy to another. Over 95% of the Washington bureaucracy voted for Hillary Clinton. Some have been caught on secret cameras by Project Veritas laughing about doing things to mess up the work.

It is Congress who appropriates. Trump has no choice in the matter--all he can do is veto an entire spending bill. Reagan begged Congress to give him a "line item veto" but they would not because all their pet "pork" projects would have been eliminated. Many do not understand just how corrupt and complicated-to-govern, all of Washington has become.

No he could have done more. I too made excuses for him until I couldn't anymore and I decided to research him to see what he was really about. It led me to a lot of various avenues but I came to the conclusion that he's pulling the wool over Christians eyes. He met with angel families - those who had a loved one killed by an illegal during his campaign, now he won't meet with them. It looks like he used them for props. People may feel differently and may not be so willing to look the other way if they're harmed by Trump's inaction on border security. I've had several things happen but I was prevented from being seen in the ER because it was packed with immigrants getting free medical care. I was in a bad way too. And the son of friends of my brother-in-law was killed by an illegal driving drunk. I read that there is a lot of drunk driving by Mexicans and South Americans because there is no MADD there and MADD drastically reduced drunk driving laws in America because they fought for tougher sentences.

>>> I strongly urge others to contact legislators and insist that something be done. That is a terrible way to die.
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Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
I didn't know that the ICE officers were speaking out. I'm glad they are because their job is dangerous. I read where a number of them have been attacked.

I made excuses for President Trump in the beginning - like I see everyone else doing. But there comes a time when excuse-making doesn't cut it anymore - you know you're being played for a fool. He campaigned on strong immigration reform and you're right - the results have been patthetic. I watched as he would go to a rally and work his supporters into a lather shouting "Build the wall! Build the wall!" Yet he let one after another caravan in. I read that thousands of illegals a day are being let in. People who haven't been affected by it yet are more cavalier, but I was actually prevented from receiving medical care in the ER. That was when I knew that America has grown dangerous. I feel for all people, but what is being done can't work. It's like trying to pile 50 people onto a 10 man boat. Something should be done to help all people but the way it's being done is very dangerous.

I feel like many Americans are asleep. They're in safe neighborhoods and safe communities but they don't realize that this is going on and it is going to reach them sooner or later. Antibiotic-resistant TB is dangerous especially to the very young and the elderly. How can those people drive when they can't read English? It's very unsafe what is being done. One killed the son of friends of my brother-in-law. They were the most broken people I've ever met. I urge everyone to contact legislators before it happens to them. It's a terrible way to die.

Foreign children are all going to be a burden on the local school systems and on our entitlement system. When I went to our government building I was the only American in there - it was nothing but foreigners applying for welfare. I was shocked that many were men. That's when I saw that it's not altogether true that they're coming here to work. The Sun Sentinel ran an article and they interviewed them and they say they come for "El Ayuda" the gifts. That really hurts because you have both American parents out working and elderly working past retirement age. That's why I lost faith in Trump. That's when I began really looking into him and I saw connections to the elite, the Clintons etc. I read that he used to donate to Clinton and to Kamala. That should tell us everything there is to know about President Trump.
You have to be kidding. The entire world knows he used to be a Democrat, and associated with Democrats. The Clintons even came to his wedding when he married Melania.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
No caravans have been let in. That is a lie put out by the globalists who control most of the media. The elites all passionately believe that we are over-populated. They LIKE epidemics. The "Kings of the Earth" love the thought of millions upon millions of deaths due to war, disease and famine.

I don't read MSM - I read only alternative media and I've followed this issue very closely. Even Breitbart, which allegedly helped Trump get elected and was his major supporter spoke about it. Ann Coulter who wrote a book outlining how America was being destroyed by mass migration spoke out repeatedly against Trump for allowing continued mass migration here. I also have family that works in the hospital caring for illegals in negative pressure rooms with TB.

Trump has continued with Obama's, Bushes, Reagans, policies. They're all sides of the same coin. Meet the new boss same as the old boss. We're getting played. The Hegelian Dialectic.

Mike Dwight

Mar 15, 2019
United States
Trump as a Christian is a joke. How many people Survive after reading the Bible anyway? See, I got this big wooden cross on my shoulders, I lost my money in a ditch, I loved my enemy a patrol officer more than my family, and then it rained on the just and unjust.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
That's when he was a Dem. All the while he was doing that, he was collecting information on them. Why do you think they hate him so much and are seeking every which way to get rid of him?

I think you're getting played by the very news media that you said not to trust.

Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
No he could have done more. I too made excuses for him until I couldn't anymore and I decided to research him to see what he was really about. It led me to a lot of various avenues but I came to the conclusion that he's pulling the wool over Christians eyes. He met with angel families - those who had a loved one killed by an illegal during his campaign, now he won't meet with them. It looks like he used them for props. People may feel differently and may not be so willing to look the other way if they're harmed by Trump's inaction on border security. I've had several things happen but I was prevented from being seen in the ER because it was packed with immigrants getting free medical care. I was in a bad way too. And the son of friends of my brother-in-law was killed by an illegal driving drunk. I read that there is a lot of drunk driving by Mexicans and South Americans because there is no MADD there and MADD drastically reduced drunk driving laws in America because they fought for tougher sentences.

>>> I strongly urge others to contact legislators and insist that something be done. That is a terrible way to die.

Americans need to help the President and other American patriots to right the ship of state. Yes--flood the offices of your elected representatives with emails and letters demanding that they support the President in his efforts to secure the border. There has been so much damage to the country for the last thirty years that it is going to take some time to correct the problems. Only God is a miracle worker. Pray for everyone who is fighting for the sovereignty of the United States. If the U.S. falls, there is nothing in the way of world government--and we know who will eventually control that, don't we? Even billionaire (and perpetual trouble-maker) George Soros has admitted that the only thing standing in the way of world government is U.S. national sovereignty.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
My point is that you are nearly eaten alive by your compulsion to hope to ferret out some kind of conspiracy in absolutely everything you see or hear.

AMEN!! You said it!!

Much of what is going on in the world is bring us to the brink of the WWO
but where is PEACE in the midst of the storm ?
Where are the PRAISES at midnight, such as Paul and Silas had ?
The obsession is consuming :oops:

Talk about paranoid addiction. Pretty sad.