A Witch Hunt Exposed?

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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Yes, and they are so devilishly crafty. Those same dumbed down people have also gained an air of would-be superiority in the process, without even knowing how they have become useful idiots for the machine, and propaganda lemmings lured into a type of slavery.

I remember a family dinner early in the "global warming" campaign, when one member of the family confirmed all the misguided speculations of most at the table, saying, "Well...of course, it's true, right?" assuming that it was, based only on all the propaganda.

That's very insightful. I have seen where they're being useful idiots. Alexandria Ocasio is a perfect useful idiot. She conjures up a lot of emotion and hypes up dumbed down millennials who eat up all her words (you know the ones being fed to her by George Soros and her other handlers) about poor mother earth and how we're destroying it with our carbon footprint! And the world will end in TWELVE YEARS if we all don't stop using electricity!

She is one scary human being. And you see all the young who are taken in by fools like her - and I don't use the word "fool" cruelly - I use it as in the biblical definition of a fool. The elite have learned their craft well: use fools and children to do your dirty work. That's what they're doing with using children to confiscate guns. That's why these school shootings may be false flags. (I'm going to be accused of being a conspiracy theorist so I think I'll duck out for tonight!)

Goodnight all!

Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
AMEN!! You said it!!

Much of what is going on in the world is bring us to the brink of the WWO
but where is PEACE in the midst of the storm ?
Where are the PRAISES at midnight, such as Paul and Silas had ?
The obsession is consuming :oops:

Talk about paranoid addiction. Pretty sad.

Well, the Lord Himself did say these things must come and that we should not be disturbed by them. "Even so, come Lord Jesus."
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
It sad that this thread has indeed gone where the OP post hoped it wouldnt

Quote OP
Not wanting to start a Pro-Trump/Anti-Trump divisive thread. Just curious what everyone supposes was going on. I personally thought there was at least some substance to their case, but maybe what they thought they had fell through.


Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
We had a discussion about this in bible study. The pastor said that it's a cop out for Christians to not get involved in politics. I have a friend who is a good person but doesn't get involved and believes God is in control. I think that God wants us to get involved, yet still keep our Christian focus as you mention. I guess it's something of a balancing act that we need one another to balance each other out.
The deeper question is, compared with the power of the Word of God (Isaiah 55.11), what does one really expect politicians to achieve?
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
No caravans have been let in.
1. Not the entire caravans, but a few from the caravans who were first turned away, then "processed", and now are probably residing as illegals. However, there is no question that ICE officers are extremely upset with the enhancement of "catch-and-release" under Mr. Trump. Thousands of illegals have been added to the critical mass during Mr. Trump's tenure.

ICE Union: ‘Thousands of Illegal Aliens Are Being Released into U.S.’ with ‘Catch and Release in Overdrive’
"The National Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Council says agents are being “overwhelmed” by mass, unchecked illegal immigration to the United States.
In a letter to President Trump this week, the ICE union wrote that the Catch and Release program — whereby border crossers and illegal aliens are swiftly released into the interior of the U.S. after being detained — is in “overdrive,” as agents are forced to release illegal aliens en masse to make space for new border crossers who, likewise, will eventually be released..."
ICE Union: 'Thousands of Illegal Aliens are Being Released into U.S.'

2. Secondly, there is no reliable independent source that is carefully monitoring the breaches all along the border, and faithfully reporting the FACTS. No one really knows what is happening, since large sections of the border are without any surveillance or control. What is clear is that there are more illegals under Trump than under Obama! Imagine.

3. The hard fact is that Trump made a trade deal with Mexico last year (after all the talk about shutting down illegal immigration). But there is not a word about ensuring that Mexico stop illegal migrants from Central America and Mexico from entering the USA as one on the conditions. This was a golden opportunity to make Mexico responsible for the whole mess, but the opportunity was not taken.
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Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
1. Not the entire caravans, but a few from the caravans who were first turned away, then "processed", and now are probably residing as illegals. However, there is no question that ICE officers are extremely upset with the enhancement of "catch-and-release" under Mr. Trump. Thousands of illegals have been added to the critical mass during Mr. Trump's tenure.

ICE Union: ‘Thousands of Illegal Aliens Are Being Released into U.S.’ with ‘Catch and Release in Overdrive’
"The National Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) Council says agents are being “overwhelmed” by mass, unchecked illegal immigration to the United States.
In a letter to President Trump this week, the ICE union wrote that the Catch and Release program — whereby border crossers and illegal aliens are swiftly released into the interior of the U.S. after being detained — is in “overdrive,” as agents are forced to release illegal aliens en masse to make space for new border crossers who, likewise, will eventually be released..."
ICE Union: 'Thousands of Illegal Aliens are Being Released into U.S.'

2. Secondly, there is no reliable independent source that is carefully monitoring the breaches all along the border, and faithfully reporting the FACTS. No one really knows what is happening, since large sections of the border are without any surveillance or control. What is clear is that there are more illegals under Trump than under Obama! Imagine.

3. The hard fact is that Trump made a trade deal with Mexico last year (after all the talk about shutting down illegal immigration). But there is not a word about ensuring that Mexico stop illegal migrants from Central America and Mexico from entering the USA as one on the conditions. This was a golden opportunity to make Mexico responsible for the whole mess, but the opportunity was not taken.

1. It is the Dems in Congress who have tied Trump's hands through getting legislation passed to severely limit the number of illegals who can be kept incarcerated by border-enforcers.

2. Admittedly, it is chaotic at the border. That is why Trump sent troops to help with the situation. The Dems even tried to stop that. The fact is that the improved economy under Trump has attracted even more illegals to seek to come to the U.S. For a while, under Obama, the U.S. economy was performing so poorly that there were more Mexican illegals returning to Mexico (where the globalists had chosen to invest money rather than strengthening the U.S. economy) than there were Mexican illegals seeking entry to the U.S. from Mexico. The Mexicans themselves have had a tough time dealing with illegals from countries further south, like Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, etc.

As manufacturing comes back to the U.S., immigrants will be needed to fill those jobs as the numbers of younger Americans has thinned (due to abortion) and the numbers that there are, do not wish to take factory jobs. They have been "dumbed down" by several generations of poor schooling and are debauched by illegal drugs and the entertainment industry to which they are addicted. Just as in ancient Israel, depravity has become a real threat to the security of the homeland. Can you imagine how bad it will get once the Church is removed? As Christianity has diminished in influence, we have seen this tremendous growth of corruption. When all the Christians are removed...

The President has wanted to do something about DACA but the Dems in Congress are trying to stymie that process as well. DACA people are typically hard-working, solid-citizen types. They go to school to make something of themselves and really want to become U.S. citizens. A plan needs to be put in place to give them a path to citizenship without encouraging illegal immigration (a tricky proposition). The U.S. has always thrived with this type of immigrant.

But, on the other hand, Dems WANT illegals to flood the U.S. and file for welfare AND vote illegally (for them of course). They figure it will keep them in power or put them in power. They are following their globalist masters in working against order, sanity and U.S. sovereignty. This is not an easy problem to fix.

That is why a Wall is desperately needed as a measure of control. The drug cartels (who routinely bribe politicians) do NOT want a wall as it will work against their "business plan". Drugs will still come in with a Wall, but it will certainly restrict the flow and it will definitely restrict the flow of drug cartel criminals from entering the U.S. and setting up shop.

Trump and his people are much more concerned over the criminals coming into the country than illegals in general--as they should be. There is a direct threat to national security that is rising from the illegal criminal gangs coming in. Mexican officials are completely ineffectual in dealing with the drug cartels--they have given up. The U.S. must deal with the problem or risk becoming a narco-state itself. It MUST be dealt with first. That is why Trump has always concentrated on the Wall more than any other measure of border control. But he is just the President, and must work within the parameters of his job.

The globalist gangsters hate him and are spending hordes of money to fight him every step of the way. A primary source of revenue for some of the world's richest families have been drugs and money laundering--for many decades. It goes back to the opium dens of the late 1800s. Illegal drugs have flourished since then, except for a brief period during WWII. If you want a disgusting read, check out the rise and fall of the globalist narco-bank, BCCI of several decades ago. These criminals don't just give up and go away you know. Can you imagine how much further the corruption has been extended? Instead of getting excited and staging "marches" about the non-problem of "climate change" it would be good if young people ranted and marched against illegal drugs--since their ranks are those who use illegal drugs. They need to come to understand that their use of illegal drugs directly feeds some VERY bad people.

3. The Mexicans have actually tried to stop the caravans from invading Mexico but they haven't been very successful. Their own border guards have been told that, as long as the illegals plan to go to the U.S. "let the Gringos deal with them--we cannot". Why do we have this flow all of a sudden? Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, was responsible for dastardly activities in Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Guatemala. Honduran democracy activist, Roberta Caceres (who was later assassinated) accused Hillary Clinton of orchestrating a CIA coup against the democratically-elected President of Honduras and replacing him with a rightist dictatorship. All this is to say that these problems have been many decades in the making; expecting the election of Trump to magically make the problems go away was naive. There are very powerful forces lined up against him. He is making headway though.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
There was a recent article in Breitbart News that the Pentagon has more than enough money to build the wall. That was probably true two years ago. The money was appropriated for national defense, and border security and national defense are closely related. So the money was already there. It simply needed to be re-allocated by Trump (who administers the Pentagon as Commander -in-Chief). National defense is not soldiers in some far off hell-hole. It is at every access point to the USA (ports, airports, and borders).

Jihadists are soldiers ("Holy Warriors") in asymmetrically warfare. Flooding the country with drugs and counterfeit currency is also asymmetrical warfare. Flooding the country with hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants (with a large criminal component) is also asymmetrical warfare. The American public is simply not being told what is really going on. The media have become the enemy of the people, aiding and abetting the enemies of America at every opportunity. They never deal with the realities -- always focusing on fantasies.

A fellow Breitbart reader! I knew we had something in common. I was greatly disappointed because they supported Trump and possibly got him elected (although I doubt sometimes that we even elect our legislators anymore). Then Trump's daughter and son-in-law were alleged globalists and had Steve Bannon removed. I was greatly disheartened at that because Steve Bannon is really a force for the good of this country. I thought that he was the one to begin a Revolution. Someone has too. That was when I first turned from Trump, although still supported him. Then time after time after time he got his supporters worked into a dither at rallies: "Build the wall! Build the wall!" And he never took definitive action to secure the border, even when they knew that middle easterners who hate America were attempting to sneak across.

I was then turned away at the ER due to mass migration here. I think the doubting Thomases will realize the dangerous actions Trump is making when they are doubled over, yet told that due to the immigrants you can't be seen for 5 hours. That was permanently etched in my mind because I suffered. And that awful hospital harassed me for about a year afterwards trying to get me to pay a bill for my "visit" when I was only seen by triage. I think when they get a customer with insurance they crucify them to at least get money from somebody. And a number of hospitals have closed down due to immigrant use; they collapsed financially because by law they have to provide (free) medical care. A family member who works in a hospital told me that doctors are leaving the area where migrant use is heavy because they said that they can't keep providing free medical care. Have you ever been in the hospital and a specialist comes in for 5 minutes? They charge your insurance for that, but when it's a migrant they aren't paid.

And further for the doubting Thomases who don't have relatives who work in a hospital: legislators are taken in before you, me, and Joe Schmoe down the street. So if you don't speak up, ask yourself what you're going to do when your local hospital closes down because of immigrant use or you're told it will be a 5 hour wait. And remember: your legislator doesn't wait 5 hours so he or she doesn't care. Just like Pelosi, Paul Ryan, and ilk have walls around their homes. And if there is a nuclear attack your legislators will be whisked away to an underground bunker that you paid for, while you and your family melt.

I am also a chronic pain patient and belong to a pain group, so know what goes on as a whole in the pain community. Many Americans have been denied or kicked off of pain medication due to the "opioid crisis" which is directly caused by drugs flooding in the wide open border, not because of pain patients. Only 1% of patients ever abuse their medication. Yet the illuminati-owned media constantly comes around the pain community seeking stories from patients who will say that their addiction started after a doctor prescribed them pain medication. They are deliberately trying to spread disinformation, because the opioid epidemic is caused by the wide open border. A family member was a death scene investigator for the Medical Examiner's office and told me the deaths are caused by illegal drugs and the opioid naive`.

I read that the opioid epidemic hit right after Clinton signed NAFTA. The cartels loaded drugs among the goods manufactured in Mexico and only 3% of the trucks were ever searched. The drug-laden trucks then rolled into every community in America, poisoning the children of the middle class: both black and white. I think it was all part of the plan to kill off the children of Americans and replace them with docile foreigners. It's one of the stated goals of the illuminati to kill off the blacks and whites and mix the races so that they're dumbed down. (These are not my views, they are the stated goals of the illuminati.) And as we can see, it's working. That's why I don't believe Trump is legitimate. He knows about the crushing opioid epidemic yet has not utilized the means at his disposal to secure the border.

I had other things happen. The son of friends of my brother-in-law was killed by a drunken alien. That's a terrible terrible way to die. I've withstood a lot of physical pain in my life so maybe I'm more acutely aware of another's pain, but I wish Americans would stand against this before your loved one is killed or mangled in a car wreck.

Then we went to the airport and a gang of obnoxious middle eastern men came out of the bathroom; one hadn't bothered to zip himself in the men's room but stood there fixing himself in public right in front of me and others while talking and laughing rapidly in another tongue. I never lived in an era where that was acceptable. My uncles would have grabbed that guy and probably cured him of his exhibitionism. Not one person said a word. My husband was not with me. But that showed me that they do not hold our values and that many American men have been emasculated or conditioned because no man said a word. You know, multiculturalism and all that. It was just his culture. In fact, if someone did say something to the rude man, they probably would have been charged with a crime in today's screwy society.

Then I was in a store and a middle easterner approached me and began to talk. I was polite and chatted with him until he got weird. He put his hands on me and said something he shouldn't. That was another time when I saw how dangerous immigration is.

Then there was an incident with a foreign doctor that made me question their competency. I've heard others say you don't know what kind of training they're getting overseas. Then I read that Dave Hodges brother was young and under the care of a foreign doctor and died. I went to a 2nd foreign doctor and caught him charging our insurance for a procedure he never performed. I looked it up on our state's registry and found a lengthy list of foreign doctors who were disciplined! I read that it's known that these foreigners come here on H-1 Visas and many have used fraudulent medical degrees which are surprisingly easy to obtain in other countries. I read that a fake foreign doctor operated on an American man in Florida and paralyzed him. They caught our local foreign ME as being fraudulent. SO BEWARE! I try to use American doctors.

The above things were very serious, and President Trump knows what is going on yet refuses to act. I'm tired of Christians making excuses for him. Will you still be making excuses when your daughter is killed by one like Molly and Kate? What if your loved one is killed by a drunk alien because they don't have MADD in those countries - how will you feel then?
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I've studied all of this intensively for many years. This is not something new--it is just more intense now.

I've studied it for years as well. The illuminati own all the major media outlets. I only usually read alternative media now - and even then I read cautiously because they use controlled opposition.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Americans need to help the President and other American patriots to right the ship of state. Yes--flood the offices of your elected representatives with emails and letters demanding that they support the President in his efforts to secure the border. There has been so much damage to the country for the last thirty years that it is going to take some time to correct the problems. Only God is a miracle worker. Pray for everyone who is fighting for the sovereignty of the United States. If the U.S. falls, there is nothing in the way of world government--and we know who will eventually control that, don't we? Even billionaire (and perpetual trouble-maker) George Soros has admitted that the only thing standing in the way of world government is U.S. national sovereignty.

I constantly email my representatives. I'm disappointed that some Christians believe that God is in control so they don't have to do anything. This is what frightens me about some Christians. They don't realize that other believers are fighting and by their inaction they're forcing their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ to work twice as hard and carry their weight. Imagine if every Christian - or even the majority - rose up and demanded change. What good we could bring about. That's why I can't understand why leaders such as Franklin Graham and Charles Stanley don't take action.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
My point is that you are nearly eaten alive by your compulsion to hope to ferret out some kind of conspiracy in absolutely everything you see or hear.

Willie - and you constantly disbelieve even when evidence is staring you in the face. You probably would have doubted that Christ was God's son and called it a conspiracy theory against the Pharisees since you swallow propaganda hook, line, and sinker! Willie would have doubted that Jonah was in the belly of the whale for 3 days or that Christ rose from the dead:)

John 20:24-29
Now Thomas, one of the Twelve, said “Unless I see in his hands the mark of the nails, and place my finger into the mark of the nails, and place my hand into his side, I will never believe.”

The whole thrust of it is that the evil one is devious. If you've never dealt with very devious people you may not know how they think, and how they can put out theatre to get you to think a certain way. Some are master manipulators. Scripture describes them thus:

Whose paths are crooked, And who are devious in their ways; Proverbs 2:15

Scripture warns us to use discernment. These are the finer points of our walk that some have none of, some have a modicum of and some have mastery of. The signs are all there for those with eyes to see or "who have their senses trained by reason of use." George Bush Sr. spoke openly about the New World Order:

First Thessalonians 5:21-22 teaches that it is the responsibility of every Christian to be discerning: "But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil."
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
1. It is the Dems in Congress who have tied Trump's hands through getting legislation passed to severely limit the number of illegals who can be kept incarcerated by border-enforcers.

2. Admittedly, it is chaotic at the border. That is why Trump sent troops to help with the situation. The Dems even tried to stop that. The fact is that the improved economy under Trump has attracted even more illegals to seek to come to the U.S. For a while, under Obama, the U.S. economy was performing so poorly that there were more Mexican illegals returning to Mexico (where the globalists had chosen to invest money rather than strengthening the U.S. economy) than there were Mexican illegals seeking entry to the U.S. from Mexico. The Mexicans themselves have had a tough time dealing with illegals from countries further south, like Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, etc.

As manufacturing comes back to the U.S., immigrants will be needed to fill those jobs as the numbers of younger Americans has thinned (due to abortion) and the numbers that there are, do not wish to take factory jobs. They have been "dumbed down" by several generations of poor schooling and are debauched by illegal drugs and the entertainment industry to which they are addicted. Just as in ancient Israel, depravity has become a real threat to the security of the homeland. Can you imagine how bad it will get once the Church is removed? As Christianity has diminished in influence, we have seen this tremendous growth of corruption. When all the Christians are removed...

The President has wanted to do something about DACA but the Dems in Congress are trying to stymie that process as well. DACA people are typically hard-working, solid-citizen types. They go to school to make something of themselves and really want to become U.S. citizens. A plan needs to be put in place to give them a path to citizenship without encouraging illegal immigration (a tricky proposition). The U.S. has always thrived with this type of immigrant.

But, on the other hand, Dems WANT illegals to flood the U.S. and file for welfare AND vote illegally (for them of course). They figure it will keep them in power or put them in power. They are following their globalist masters in working against order, sanity and U.S. sovereignty. This is not an easy problem to fix.

That is why a Wall is desperately needed as a measure of control. The drug cartels (who routinely bribe politicians) do NOT want a wall as it will work against their "business plan". Drugs will still come in with a Wall, but it will certainly restrict the flow and it will definitely restrict the flow of drug cartel criminals from entering the U.S. and setting up shop.

Trump and his people are much more concerned over the criminals coming into the country than illegals in general--as they should be. There is a direct threat to national security that is rising from the illegal criminal gangs coming in. Mexican officials are completely ineffectual in dealing with the drug cartels--they have given up. The U.S. must deal with the problem or risk becoming a narco-state itself. It MUST be dealt with first. That is why Trump has always concentrated on the Wall more than any other measure of border control. But he is just the President, and must work within the parameters of his job.

The globalist gangsters hate him and are spending hordes of money to fight him every step of the way. A primary source of revenue for some of the world's richest families have been drugs and money laundering--for many decades. It goes back to the opium dens of the late 1800s. Illegal drugs have flourished since then, except for a brief period during WWII. If you want a disgusting read, check out the rise and fall of the globalist narco-bank, BCCI of several decades ago. These criminals don't just give up and go away you know. Can you imagine how much further the corruption has been extended? Instead of getting excited and staging "marches" about the non-problem of "climate change" it would be good if young people ranted and marched against illegal drugs--since their ranks are those who use illegal drugs. They need to come to understand that their use of illegal drugs directly feeds some VERY bad people.

3. The Mexicans have actually tried to stop the caravans from invading Mexico but they haven't been very successful. Their own border guards have been told that, as long as the illegals plan to go to the U.S. "let the Gringos deal with them--we cannot". Why do we have this flow all of a sudden? Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, was responsible for dastardly activities in Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Guatemala. Honduran democracy activist, Roberta Caceres (who was later assassinated) accused Hillary Clinton of orchestrating a CIA coup against the democratically-elected President of Honduras and replacing him with a rightist dictatorship. All this is to say that these problems have been many decades in the making; expecting the election of Trump to magically make the problems go away was naive. There are very powerful forces lined up against him. He is making headway though.

Illegals are causing many American hospitals to close: Illegal Immigrants are Bankrupting Our Hospitals

Open borders costing Americans 16.1 billion yearly. At a time when I see family members work long hours, and when I had to work when I was in bad shape, it's appalling that we're being serfs to the elite who want open borders. Trump knows these statistics - he's not dumb. But he's fulfilling the agenda of his Jesuit masters.

Illegal Immigrant Crime Costs American Taxpayers $16.1 Billion Every Year | National Economics Editorial

Trump is a Freemason/ Jesuit:

Donald Trump is a Freemason/Jesuit-Illuminati, page 1

We're being lied to in some of the most heinous ways:

Leuren Moret: Global chaos agenda – Jesuits Trump, Pope, DOPE INC & Mexican border; Nuking of USA population, DHS Urban warfare against Americans, Neutron bomb by USA against Syrian civilians - NewsInsideOut
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Lady Crosstalk

Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2019
Illegals are causing many American hospitals to close: Illegal Immigrants are Bankrupting Our Hospitals

Open borders costing Americans 16.1 billion yearly. At a time when I see family members work long hours, and when I had to work when I was in bad shape, it's appalling that we're being serfs to the elite who want open borders. Trump knows these statistics - he's not dumb. But he's fulfilling the agenda of his Jesuit masters.

Illegal Immigrant Crime Costs American Taxpayers $16.1 Billion Every Year | National Economics Editorial

Trump is a Freemason/ Jesuit:

Donald Trump is a Freemason/Jesuit-Illuminati, page 1

We're being lied to in some of the most heinous ways:

Leuren Moret: Global chaos agenda – Jesuits Trump, Pope, DOPE INC & Mexican border; Nuking of USA population, DHS Urban warfare against Americans, Neutron bomb by USA against Syrian civilians - NewsInsideOut

No offense intended, Sovereign Grace, but ATS ("Above Top Secret") is very suspect as a source. They have been caught over and over peddling vague conspiracy theories that have no basis. You need to remember that internet "alternative" news sources are in the business to make money too. Click-bait stories make money for them so the more outrageous the claim, the better. Checking claims with multiple sources is much better. Often, the foreign press is a good check on "fake news" from U.S. mainstream media. "Democracy Now!" is one of the last bastions of journalistic integrity, even though they lean a bit too far left for my tastes--I wouldn't call them "leftist" though. Breitbart and especially Gateway Pundit and Conservative Treehouse really try hard to give the straight skinny. Zero Hedge is a good source for information on the economy and The Wall Street Journal has some excellent writers working there. As far as independent contributors go, any contributor associated with the Dems is suspect and Paul Krugman is less than zero--he totally stinks. Sara Carter and John Solomon at Fox are very good reporters as is Catherine Herridge. Sean Hannity, Tucker Carlson and Laura Ingraham can be a bit sensationalistic at times but, in general, I think they try to present the truth. I would stay away from anything Ann Coulter has to say--she sometimes tells the truth but it is hard to distinguish them from her lies. Her "opinions" are for sale to the highest bidder. ("Hey, it's a living, right?") Judicial Watch, as an organization, probably has more integrity than anyone and they deserve all the kudos they have been given. If it wasn't for their dogged persistence, we wouldn't know half of the skullduggery of the Dems.

Of "Youtubers", I like Dr. Dave Janda at Operation Freedom. He has had a lot of content ripped off and it is making money for others even though he has had his channel "demonitized" (sp?). Operation Freedom is his only channel--I wouldn't trust other channels that purport to be his. He's pretty reliable whereas a lot of Youtubers peddle a lot of junk journalism.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
1. It is the Dems in Congress who have tied Trump's hands through getting legislation passed to severely limit the number of illegals who can be kept incarcerated by border-enforcers.

2. Admittedly, it is chaotic at the border. That is why Trump sent troops to help with the situation. The Dems even tried to stop that. The fact is that the improved economy under Trump has attracted even more illegals to seek to come to the U.S. For a while, under Obama, the U.S. economy was performing so poorly that there were more Mexican illegals returning to Mexico (where the globalists had chosen to invest money rather than strengthening the U.S. economy) than there were Mexican illegals seeking entry to the U.S. from Mexico. The Mexicans themselves have had a tough time dealing with illegals from countries further south, like Honduras, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, etc.

As manufacturing comes back to the U.S., immigrants will be needed to fill those jobs as the numbers of younger Americans has thinned (due to abortion) and the numbers that there are, do not wish to take factory jobs. They have been "dumbed down" by several generations of poor schooling and are debauched by illegal drugs and the entertainment industry to which they are addicted. Just as in ancient Israel, depravity has become a real threat to the security of the homeland. Can you imagine how bad it will get once the Church is removed? As Christianity has diminished in influence, we have seen this tremendous growth of corruption. When all the Christians are removed...

The President has wanted to do something about DACA but the Dems in Congress are trying to stymie that process as well. DACA people are typically hard-working, solid-citizen types. They go to school to make something of themselves and really want to become U.S. citizens. A plan needs to be put in place to give them a path to citizenship without encouraging illegal immigration (a tricky proposition). The U.S. has always thrived with this type of immigrant.

But, on the other hand, Dems WANT illegals to flood the U.S. and file for welfare AND vote illegally (for them of course). They figure it will keep them in power or put them in power. They are following their globalist masters in working against order, sanity and U.S. sovereignty. This is not an easy problem to fix.

That is why a Wall is desperately needed as a measure of control. The drug cartels (who routinely bribe politicians) do NOT want a wall as it will work against their "business plan". Drugs will still come in with a Wall, but it will certainly restrict the flow and it will definitely restrict the flow of drug cartel criminals from entering the U.S. and setting up shop.

Trump and his people are much more concerned over the criminals coming into the country than illegals in general--as they should be. There is a direct threat to national security that is rising from the illegal criminal gangs coming in. Mexican officials are completely ineffectual in dealing with the drug cartels--they have given up. The U.S. must deal with the problem or risk becoming a narco-state itself. It MUST be dealt with first. That is why Trump has always concentrated on the Wall more than any other measure of border control. But he is just the President, and must work within the parameters of his job.

The globalist gangsters hate him and are spending hordes of money to fight him every step of the way. A primary source of revenue for some of the world's richest families have been drugs and money laundering--for many decades. It goes back to the opium dens of the late 1800s. Illegal drugs have flourished since then, except for a brief period during WWII. If you want a disgusting read, check out the rise and fall of the globalist narco-bank, BCCI of several decades ago. These criminals don't just give up and go away you know. Can you imagine how much further the corruption has been extended? Instead of getting excited and staging "marches" about the non-problem of "climate change" it would be good if young people ranted and marched against illegal drugs--since their ranks are those who use illegal drugs. They need to come to understand that their use of illegal drugs directly feeds some VERY bad people.

3. The Mexicans have actually tried to stop the caravans from invading Mexico but they haven't been very successful. Their own border guards have been told that, as long as the illegals plan to go to the U.S. "let the Gringos deal with them--we cannot". Why do we have this flow all of a sudden? Hillary Clinton, as Secretary of State, was responsible for dastardly activities in Honduras, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Guatemala. Honduran democracy activist, Roberta Caceres (who was later assassinated) accused Hillary Clinton of orchestrating a CIA coup against the democratically-elected President of Honduras and replacing him with a rightist dictatorship. All this is to say that these problems have been many decades in the making; expecting the election of Trump to magically make the problems go away was naive. There are very powerful forces lined up against him. He is making headway though.
Up here in Canada it's been hard to follow what has been going on and now with former Dir. Mueller saying there was no conspiracy, one wonders what it was all about to start with.

Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
Up here in Canada it's been hard to follow what has been going on and now with former Dir. Mueller saying there was no conspiracy, one wonders what it was all about to start with.
One question could be asked of all those Dems who have accused him of treason (a death penalty charge)….. Where is the evidence you openly swear you have seen? They HAVE been asked, and they don't offer one bit of ANYTHING.

They have been flat-out lying through their teeth, just because their darling, Hillary, lost.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
They have been flat-out lying through their teeth, just because their darling, Hillary, lost.
But there should be extremely SEVERE penalties levied against all the Democrats, bureaucrats, and mediacrats who have been CONSPIRING through all those lies to remove a legitimate President from office. To perpetrate a COUP.

That is sedition and treason, and both are punishable by law. Now is Trump up to this challenge, or will he wimp out and hand the Democrats whatever they want (as he has been doing all along)?


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2018
United States
I didn't know that the ICE officers were speaking out. I'm glad they are because their job is dangerous. I read where a number of them have been attacked.

I made excuses for President Trump in the beginning - like I see everyone else doing. But there comes a time when excuse-making doesn't cut it anymore - you know you're being played for a fool. He campaigned on strong immigration reform and you're right - the results have been patthetic. I watched as he would go to a rally and work his supporters into a lather shouting "Build the wall! Build the wall!" Yet he let one after another caravan in. I read that thousands of illegals a day are being let in. People who haven't been affected by it yet are more cavalier, but I was actually prevented from receiving medical care in the ER. That was when I knew that America has grown dangerous. I feel for all people, but what is being done can't work. It's like trying to pile 50 people onto a 10 man boat. Something should be done to help all people but the way it's being done is very dangerous.

I feel like many Americans are asleep. They're in safe neighborhoods and safe communities but they don't realize that this is going on and it is going to reach them sooner or later. Antibiotic-resistant TB is dangerous especially to the very young and the elderly. How can those people drive when they can't read English? It's very unsafe what is being done. One killed the son of friends of my brother-in-law. They were the most broken people I've ever met. I urge everyone to contact legislators before it happens to them. It's a terrible way to die.

Foreign children are all going to be a burden on the local school systems and on our entitlement system. When I went to our government building I was the only American in there - it was nothing but foreigners applying for welfare. I was shocked that many were men. That's when I saw that it's not altogether true that they're coming here to work. The Sun Sentinel ran an article and they interviewed them and they say they come for "El Ayuda" the gifts. That really hurts because you have both American parents out working and elderly working past retirement age. That's why I lost faith in Trump. That's when I began really looking into him and I saw connections to the elite, the Clintons etc. I read that he used to donate to Clinton and to Kamala. That should tell us everything there is to know about President Trump.
you also have to acknowledge the courts have hindered him left to right.. a saint he aint but he sure drives democrats crazy makes liberals have chest pains.. really ticked of hellary and her clan . i love the woman protest dressed up as female external genital even had a hat . people are so stupid
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Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2018
United States
ll the Democrats, bureaucrats, and mediacrats who have been CONSPIRING through all those lies to remove a legitimate President from office. To perpetrate a COUP.
from day one


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Up here in Canada it's been hard to follow what has been going on and now with former Dir. Mueller saying there was no conspiracy, one wonders what it was all about to start with.
Canadians who follow the ultra-liberal Fake News MSM (on both sides of the border) will never get the truth. But there are honest, independent conservative websites and sources of information which will give you the unvarnished truth.

Breitbart News exposed the Witch Hunt and the Hoax almost from its inception. When the truth about the bogus Steele Dossier and the bogus FISA warrant came out publicly, Mr. Trump did absolutely nothing to shut this Mueller *investigation* down.

He had the law on his side, but he sat back and allowed Flynn, Manafort, Papadopolous, Cohen, Gates, Lewandowski, Stone, etc. be harassed, intimidated and indicted by Mueller's thugs. That was really shameful and unnecessary. And indicting Russian nationals and companies was just a joke since Mueller would have known that nothing would come of it, and there was absolutely no substance to any of this!

What should now happen is that each of those men should receive a Presidential Pardon, while dirty copy Mueller and his gang are investigated.


Well-Known Member
Dec 27, 2018
United States
Trump as a Christian is a joke. How many people Survive after reading the Bible anyway? See, I got this big wooden cross on my shoulders, I lost my money in a ditch, I loved my enemy a patrol officer more than my family, and then it rained on the just and unjust.
aww spoken like a true agnostic