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Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2008
And I might add - don't resort to posting anti-Catholic lies like so many so-called "Christians" do on this forum.
It comes off as ridiculously hypocritical.

Have you seen me post even one? In fact, has anyone here seen me say anything anti-catholic?


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Now for the ignorant

Our Lords Ecclesia, it aint no church no matter the false claims.
Jesus the head. pre eminent above all
US the people. those who are in Christ, all men, from all races and creeds. All equal not one greater than another.

Now mens version

The catholic church, based on mens doctrines traditions and ideas.

How much further do men want to run from God. Looks nothing like His church in anyway shape or form, as Jesus said

Mat 20:25 But Jesus called them unto him, and said, Ye know that the princes of the Gentiles exercise dominion over them, and they that are great exercise authority upon them.
Mat 20:26 But it shall not be so among you: but whosoever will be great among you, let him be your minister;

but like all Gods plans, replaced by the doctrines of men that seem to have greater power than teh truth.


Active Member
Nov 12, 2017
United Kingdom
Then, why did you lie?
Why were you dishonest in our conversation - then blame it all on me?

No - you won't talk to me because I expose you when you lie - and this isn't the first time . . .
I dont believe you know Jesus. I believe you know the book and not the man. You are actully quite vile in you manner.
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Active Member
Nov 5, 2017
United States
If you ARE a Christian and you're not a Catholic or belong to the Orthodox Churches - then you are a Protestant by definition.
The Catholic Church is not a "denomination". It is the Original Tree from which ALL others, including Protestantism splintered.

As for the great saints being "Lone Rangers" - they were not. They ALL submitted to the God-given Authority of Christ's Church (Matt. 16:18-19, Matt. 18:15-18, Luke 10:16, John 16:12-15, John 20:21-23).

Finally - unless you are Baptized - and I'm not saying you weren't - you cannot be a Christian. So, if you are Baptized - WHO baptized you?

WOW! The Protestants came after you, Christianity was established centuries before the RCC, the Greek church - before you and before them the middle eastern churches. Church is wherever two or more gather in HIS NAME! It begins with the first believers and all believers throughout time WHO DO THE WILL OF HIS FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN. Church can be ones home, where believers gather break bread, sip wine in accordance to Christ's teaching's ,"Do this in memory of me." The first churches were people's homes. It was acceptable then and is acceptable always. You and yours DO NOT have a unique claim over the faith. You can not box in faith. Just like baptism is not claimed by any one denomination. You can baptize someone in a pool, a tube, a lake. Baptism is an application of faith and can be administered by all believers. Not only a select group of men, this is a self righteous thought. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, do the cleansing , a person receives this cleansing through his faith. And that faith is measured by God.Show me a man's works and I will show you his faith. We are all called to be laborers. But Not all can be teachers. The best way for a follower to know if a man's words are of Christ, is to read for themselves what Christ teaches. No one should blindly follow. All should pray before reading scripture. Woman should pray with their heads covered, men should not cover their heads, like many Jews do. That is to disgrace his head.

If you need your denomination to feel as though you serve, so be it. And to say the RCC is the ORIGINAL TREE from which all others splintered, is a grandiose claim. The original TREE is Christ, Mary, John the Baptist and the apostles and ALL the first to know JEWS from which all branches extend from- the tree is of JEWISH foundation and the gentiles are grafted into that tree. To say your denomination is the ORIGINAL TREE, is to claim the original tree was also of Gentile foundation. Impossible! First for the Jews and from the Jews then to us. NOT the ORIGINAL TREE just a branch. Get over yourself. And any branch can be cut OFF! The tree will NEVER BE CUT DOWN!
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Well-Known Member
May 23, 2012
United Kingdom
WOW! The Protestants came after you, Christianity was established centuries before the RCC, the Greek church - before you and before them the middle eastern churches. Church is wherever two or more gather in HIS NAME! It begins with the first believers and all believers throughout time WHO DO THE WILL OF HIS FATHER WHO ART IN HEAVEN. Church can be ones home, where believers gather break bread sip wine in accordance to Christ's teaching's ,"Do this in memory of me." The first churches were people's homes. It was acceptable then and is acceptable always. You and yours DO NOT have a unique claim over the faith. You can not box in faith. Just like baptism is not claimed by any one denomination. You can baptize someone in a pool, a tube, a lake. Baptism is an application of faith and can be administered by all believers. Not only a select group of men, this is a self righteous thought. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit, do the cleansing , a person receives this cleansing through his faith. And that faith is measured by God.Show me a man's works and I will show you his faith. We are called to be laborers. But Not all can be teachers. The best way for a follower to know if a man's words are of Christ, is to read for themselves what Christ teaches. No one should blindly follow. All should pray before reading scripture. Woman should pray with their heads covered, men should not cover their heads, like many Jews do. That is to disgrace his head.

If you need your denomination to feel as though you serve, so be it. And to say the RCC is the ORIGINAL TREE from which all others splintered, is a grandiose claim. The original TREE is Christ, Mary, John the Baptist and the apostles and ALL the first to know JEWS from which all branches extend from- the tree is of JEWISH foundation and the gentiles are grafted into that tree. To say your denomination is the ORIGINAL TREE, is to claim the original tree was also of Gentile foundation. Impossible! First for the Jews and from the Jews then to us. NOT the ORIGINAL TREE just a branch. Get over yourself. And any branch can be cut OFF! The tree will NEVER BE CUT DOWN!

WOW! What a Rant.

When, in your opinion, was the Catholic Church founded and by whom? Some evidence to back up your claim would be helpful.


Active Member
Nov 5, 2017
United States
WOW! What a Rant.

When, in your opinion, was the Catholic Church founded and by whom? Some evidence to back up your claim would be helpful.
The church was founded by CHRIST. Not complicated. Our Christian faith began its establishment with Mary's yes. As for first public miracle , the wedding feast at Canaan. As for public ministry- when He was 30. As for public documentation concerning the events of Christ's life: when the Apostles began their tour of faith. Places ? Many, Greece, Spain, India, Rome ex...! Not complicated. Faith did not begin when ROME decided to accept it. My documentation- common sense study in the lives of the APOSTLES. God Bless!
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Active Member
Nov 5, 2017
United States
WOW! What a Rant.

When, in your opinion, was the Catholic Church founded and by whom? Some evidence to back up your claim would be helpful.
"Catholic" play on words =Universal, meaning believers collective everywhere who believe in the one true God over the universe and are of one universal mind and faith=ONE MIND. As for the RCC its official establishment 380 AD. Prior to that the ONE UNIVERSAL mind was already at work, which influenced the governing heads of Rome, through its hard work, persecution and martyrdom. The BLOOD of the faithful established a faith in ROME. And Rome is (Babylon) as called by St. Peter- 1Peter5:13 he renamed her and she is as such. Does not mean there is Not a faith there. But the Kingdom is Babylon. And St.John further discuses her role in these end of last days. Rev.17-18 , Rev13. God Bless!


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2011
United States
<chuckle> How many times have I seen such as this attempted to be used.
You may chuckle, but we live in the times of the pouring out of God's spirit upon all people. While the world debates the things of God as if they ever could, this is spiritual warfare like the world has never seen (Matthew 24:21). There is a blindness that has been placed upon the church for not loving the truth, and the Lord works and reigns while men sleep. But, "Behold, the former things have come to pass, And new things I declare; Before they spring forth I tell you of them.
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Active Member
Nov 5, 2017
United States
WOW! What a Rant.

When, in your opinion, was the Catholic Church founded and by whom? Some evidence to back up your claim would be helpful.

Also, if those who have the position to remove threads-were not denomination thumping you would be able to read what I posted concerning the history of the RCC. My thread was removed because of "Denomination shaming". Yet Bread, Kepha and other Catholics here shame every denomination but their own and they say the most insulting things. Bread lies and accuses people of saying things they did not say. Even after Bread was shown mistake and given proof of it, had not the common decency displayed in TRUE CHRISTIANITY and the Spirit of CHRISTIAN humility to apologize. NOT CHRISTIAN, just another pharisee!

EDIT: After this post, Bread has since acknowledge the mistake. I will not remove this post though, as to maintain the true essence of the discussion. God Bless!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Have you seen me post even one? In fact, has anyone here seen me say anything anti-catholic?
WHO is saying that you have??

You were giving advice about posting here to another poster.
I simply added to your list of advice.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Your definition you are in Christ, a Christian or you are in church,

This bit

1Co_6:16 What? know ye not that he which is joined to an harlot is one body? for two, saith he, shall be one flesh.
1Co_6:17 But he that is joined unto the Lord is one spirit.

If you put a man in a JW church he will be come a JW, be impossible to be come anything else,
Put a man in teh catholic church he will become a catholic, no way will he become a morman, because its teh catholic doctrines and traditions he will serve.
Put a man in the SDA church he will become a SDA for that is what he is joined to, its doctrines , tradition he will serve.

Now take a man and let Him go to Christ, and He will become a Christian, and Christ will do what He does best, change that man into His own image, for that is what a Christians is supposed to be.

Take a stick put it into a red tin of paint it wont become blue, is it so hard to understand.

Mar 7:6 He answered and said unto them, Well hath Esaias prophesied of you hypocrites, as it is written, This people honoureth me with their lips, but their heart is far from me.
Mar 7:7 Howbeit in vain do they worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men.
Mar 7:8 For laying aside the commandment of God, ye hold the tradition of men, as the washing of pots and cups: and many other such like things ye do

and so it will be untill all eyes see,
THANK YOU for this post because it illustrates perfectly your absolute ignorance of Christ,

You cannot "go to" Christ without going through His Church. That's the way HE set it up (Matt. 16:18-19, Matt. 18:15-18, Luke 10:16, John 16:12-15, John 20:21-23).

In Acts 9:4-5, Jesus equates his Body – the Church - with his very self:
He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him, "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting ME?" He said, "Who are you, sir?" The reply came, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting.

Notice that Jesus DOESN’T say, “Why are you persecuting the Church?” (which is EXACTLY what Paul was doing).
Jesus chose to equate the Church with himself.

YOU reject all churches - except for your online cult, AGGRESSIVECHRISTIANITY.NET.
That is a cult whose roots only go as far back as 1979 - and it was started by a mere man - not Jesus.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Too bad you are destine to the same fate as the blind Jewish leaders... well, not actually that good - oh well.

Enjoy the desert. I hear it's pretty...sometimes.
2000 years of constant living Tradition and Scripture vs. Scott's newly-invented, man made Jesus . . .
Gee - I'll stick with Christ's Church.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2012
United Kingdom
The church was founded by CHRIST. Not complicated. Our Christian faith began its establishment with Mary's yes. As for first public miracle , the wedding feast at Canaan. As for public ministry- when He was 30. As for public documentation concerning the events of Christ's life: when the Apostles began their tour of faith. Places ? Many, Greece, Spain, India, Rome ex...! Not complicated. Faith did not begin when ROME decided to accept it. My documentation- common sense study in the lives of the APOSTLES. God Bless!

I asked you when, in your opinion, was the Catholic Church founded and by whom?
Since you deny that the Catholic Church is the Church that Jesus Christ founded, this post has not answered the question.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2012
United Kingdom
"Catholic" play on words =Universal, meaning believers collective everywhere who believe in the one true God over the universe and are of one universal mind and faith=ONE MIND.

It's not a play on words, it is the official name of the Church you disparagingly call the RCC.

The full title is the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church

As for the RCC its official establishment 380 AD.

Leaving out the rest of your rant, please can you supply some evidence that the Catholic Church was founded in 380 AD, and by whom, in your opinion, it was founded.


Well-Known Member
May 23, 2012
United Kingdom
Also, if those who have the position to remove threads-were not denomination thumping you would be able to read what I posted concerning the history of the RCC.

If you have previously done the work on this then it should be easy for you to reply to my simple question. :)