God and The Holocaust

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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2021
United States
In the past couple of days I’ve been wrestling with the question “Where was God during The Holocaust”?
My journey on the web has taken me to articles, video testimonials and scientific research papers.
I found it very troubling that some Jews lost their faith during the Holocaust and said that ‘God doesn’t exist’. This troubled me a lot because I believe in God the Creator of the Universe and Jesus Christ as his begotten son. So I was digging for more. I found two reasonable answers:

1. God has given us free will
2. God has told us not to murder

I’d like to get the thoughts of this community on this difficult subject.

For reference I’m also including the thoughts of a rabbi on the matter which I found very moving.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
In the past couple of days I’ve been wrestling with the question “Where was God during The Holocaust”?
Where is God during my personal "holocaust"? Is that somehow the same sort of question?

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
The wilderness
United States
After reading the book of Job it is seen that God is sovereign and he lets things happen for his own reasons. I think if you belong to God, everything that he takes from you he will restore double even if it is not in this life. He will let you go through trials and tribulations to test your faith. His reign on your life will be for your ultimate good even if it doesn’t look that way. I think he let the holocaust happen because of the disbelief and idolatry of the Jews. His love for them is so great that when they rejected Jesus it broke his heart. His jealousy is just. He compares Israel to a whore. Have you ever been cheated on? Do you know how bad it hurts to have the love of your life commit adultery? I think that people do not pay enough attention to the severity of Gods punishment. His love is as great as his severity. He has two sides and you don’t want to be on the wrong one. The Lord is the most metal thing that has ever existed lol.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2021
United States
Where is God during my personal "holocaust"? Is that somehow the same sort of question?

Much love!

Although I can link this to my personal life, I’d rather not and it was not my intention when I created this topic.
The reason I created it was because I saw images of WW2 of Jews being slaughtered like sheep and I asked “why”. Why?

An Apologetic Sheepdog

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2021
Atlanta, Ga
United States
I asked “why”. Why?

Why what? The way you ask that has multiple dimensions in both the question and the answer.

God was in heaven during the holocaust. That's where He was.

What are you really asking?

Why did God allow the holocaust? Why was it the Jews primarily (there were others)? Why did God allow WWII? Why does God allow massacres in general?

At the end of the day, God gave us a perfect world and a perfect plan. WE rebelled and sinned. We are guilty as a species and individuals.

God gave us a way out as well as a "code of conduct'- We violate both as a species.

So, everything that happens to us is by us and for us and through us ( Satan temps but doesn't force- he doesn't have to)

So, why is God somehow "obligated" to save us in general terms from our own acts?

We need to be thankful God decided to help the allies and hope even more he delivers us from this new round of destruction we have brought upon ourselves.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
We need to be thankful God decided to help the allies and hope even more he delivers us from this new round of destruction we have brought upon ourselves.
It's like Jesus said when teaching about life and death, Those who were killed when the tower fell, and those whose blood was mixed with the sacrifices, were these worse sinners than others? That is, is there some particular reason why these suffered these grisly fates? Unless we all repent, we too shall perish along with them.

Death and suffering in this world aren't the final word.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2021
United States
Hey @An Apologetic Sheepdog thank you for your answers. I agree with them. In this topic I wanted to get everyone’s thoughts on “why” did God allow atrocities on this scale to happen so thanks for the explanation. When I was researching this topic I found some disheartened Jews who were angry or denied that God existed and that saddened me a lot.
I barely understand their trauma and hopelessness that they must have felt but I will never stop believing in God no matter what.
I refuse to believe that we are a cosmic accident or random molecules.
Aug 28, 2021
Diss Norfolk
United Kingdom
I Witnessed Hell on Earth Genocide RWANDA
1,000,000 Massacred Slaughter in one Hundred days
Women Children The Elderly
People Dancing with Fiendish Delight
In their Victims Blood - Blood Lust
People hiding in Mass Graves
Full of thousands of People
To Avoid being Massacred

The Slaughter was Relentless Day and Night
As I Lay there Gods Spirit moved over me

In my Spirit I Saw a Women
Standing with her children
night fall was coming in Rwanda
the Look on her face
just summarized every thing taking place

and from out of my Inner Most Being
did not flow rivers of living water

but came such a Roar Out of the Spirit

In Africa they call it the Lions Breath
if I Could have stood in the Gap
between the women and her children

and the men coming to slaughter them

With A Jaw Bone

Judges 15:16

He found the fresh jawbone of a donkey, reached out his hand and took it, and struck down a thousand men.

Machine gun preacher

This was how I Felt

The Lord Jesus Christ

Told his Disciples to buy a Sword
to defend them selves

Matthew 5:39

You have heard that it was said, ‘Eye for eye and tooth for tooth.’ 39
But I tell you not to resist an evil person.
If someone slaps you on your right cheek, turn to him the other also;
40 if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well;…

So A Big Debate do we resist Evil men coming to do evil and harm
with Violent Intent
Self defence protecting our loved ones even having to use deadly Force ?


The Roar that came from my Spirit
The Lions Breath

I Understood How God Felt

And Why He Said Enough is Enough
And Sent A Flood

The Next Global Judgement
A Fiery Tempest
In More Ways than One

Four Storms Converging the Perfect Storm

Financial - Natural - Solar - Conflict WAR

Four Horse men of the Apocalypse

SE7EN Seals of Judgement

Because of the Evil Hearts of Men


I Also Read Where 17 Nuns

Christian Love and Courage

Stood between the Children in their Care

And 50 Youths with Machete's

Who where hacked to Death

their Mutilated Bodies

still half alive

thrown down a narrow shaft

That was used as a toilet


In the Film Hotel Rwanda

When the Hutu are outside

the Hotel ready to massacre

The Tutsis taking refuge at the hotel

the UN Pulling out

leaving the people of Rwanda to their Fate

The Priest Played by John Hurt

can leave with the UN Trucks

His Young Friend Imploring him to leave

But he Choices to Stay

His Young Friend says come on

Where is your God

In this God Forsaken Place?


John Hurt Replies


Greater is He Who is In Us

Than He Is in the World


Matthew 10:28

What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight;
what is whispered in your ear, proclaim from the housetops.
28 Do not be afraid of those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul.
Instead, fear the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell.

A Precision Engineered

Global Genocide

Holocaust is Taking Place

As I Write This

A Deadly INFERNO Virus and Vaccine

From the Same People

Black Rock 666

INFERNO - Official Trailer

Reverse Psychology

When Safe is Made Unsafe - Unsafe is Made Safe

The Truth is a Lie and A Lie is the Truth



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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Although I can link this to my personal life, I’d rather not and it was not my intention when I created this topic.
The reason I created it was because I saw images of WW2 of Jews being slaughtered like sheep and I asked “why”. Why?
I asked all the questions from when I was 6yo as my Dad's sir name is Jewish, so I would listen to all the people who were in the war talk about such things as they would always talk about WW2 on the weekends after the partying, so I got really interested in all this stuff, but my elder bro and sister hated to listen to such things as they would go to bed.
I would always pester my mum about it all, as she lived under occupation in Denmark.
Then is School I was interested in learning but what they taught was just childish dribble over all and nothing about how or truly why in total detail, I had an encyclopedia, but then when I went to get books on the subjects all I got from book stores was the 3rd degree full on, Who are you what's your name were do you live, you have no rights to ask for such books, so I had to give up seeking that way, but I did come across other people who were in WW2 who filled in the gaps to the rubbish that we were indoctrinated at school with. as they were their and most were high ranking people and not just some stupid cook etc.

I have had old idiots come up to me when I have had a name tag and my wife has as well. claiming all sorts of dribble about the Jews, as if I did not know anything about such :rolleyes: I have just let them ramble away, so they were trying to make me fearful, thing is they will never let me speak and if I do they will try to shut me down instantly or get in a great huff and even start threating me, even religious people who think that they are talking to someone who knows nothing at all. then they demand that you are not allowed to say anything against the Jews ? that old line :confused: and when I point out well you claimed, no demand me to be a Jew and now you claim you can't see me now as a Jew ? it's all their way, because they are all only indoctrinated dupes, who must think that I just came down in the last sower. I can talk about any subject I want to and bag anything regardless be the Australians of good friends you name it ? no one puts guidelines on me as I am no ones slave or their wannabe so called nigger.

The Jews were setup for the Burnt offering to the gods of they who were of the Golden Calf or lets say that crept in and stole and undermine Gods people all the way with deceptions, remember what Jesus said who they were of, their Father of lies and was a murderer from the beginning!

Germany has had Jews coming to settle for 2000 years and the Jews who lived in Germany were the greatest threat to the Golden Calf Mob, because they could expose the Kikes for what they truly are ? 90 % of German Jews totally despised the so called Zionist and Hitler was one of the so called Zionist, history proves all of it in fact. if it was not for Hitler their would not of been any Jewish State today in fact !

You would be hard to find one Christian back before the 80's who looked up to the Jews at all, they were all Anti-Christ anathema ! funny nowadays tho that such has turned 180 deg and now Christians totally live in fear of the Jews powers or they idolise them.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
The Burnt offering is nothing to do with God at all, but this burnt offering is of this world ! it has to do with Satan's power.
Remember Jesus said that he was not of this world, so only they who are in the Kingdom of God can see clearly who is who and what is what.

Burnt offerings who does that ? what did Jesus say about that ? The 40 years Holy Moses comes to light about why that was.

Are burnt offering a Christian thing ?


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Mmm. What is faith? Is it a belief in a God who is there only to benefit the few? Is faith a belief in God who has left humanity to it's fate? What faith do you have? Who is the God you believe in? How much do you trust Him? We all boast of our faith and deride those who lose theirs in times of trouble. But where would your faith go as you stand beside a large pit with a shovel as you watch over a thousand burning babies?
Aug 28, 2021
Diss Norfolk
United Kingdom
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Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2014
United States
In the past couple of days I’ve been wrestling with the question “Where was God during The Holocaust”?
My journey on the web has taken me to articles, video testimonials and scientific research papers.
I found it very troubling that some Jews lost their faith during the Holocaust and said that ‘God doesn’t exist’. This troubled me a lot because I believe in God the Creator of the Universe and Jesus Christ as his begotten son. So I was digging for more. I found two reasonable answers:

1. God has given us free will
2. God has told us not to murder

I’d like to get the thoughts of this community on this difficult subject.

For reference I’m also including the thoughts of a rabbi on the matter which I found very moving.

God is always where He is. where were the Jews when the Zionists were talking about going back to what is now Israel some 40 years before the night of the broken glass? its been the history between the Jews and the Lord God of Israel that when they don't do as they know they should, or they don't acknowledge a message that is from Him, it gets ugly for the Jews. notice after 1948 they had no problem with the idea of Israel again.

there are references as in to the "north" in the OT prophets and that would be from Jerusalem. lets face it they are in the promised land now but some time back they had gay parades in the streets. i don't think they are focused on the Lord God of Israel even though He restored the land to them in six days so they could rest on the seventh day of fighting. these people are still under contract established with Moses.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Going through my notes from years ago I came across this.

In 1936 the worlds Zionist conference predicted the holocaust and Chaim Weizimann said perhaps only 2 million will survive the up coming holocaust, but they will be ready for life in Palestine.

I remember that Predictions were made years before of the 6 million in Zionist news papers as well being stated.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
I saw a picture of a young boy in a concentration camp. He looked a lot like my youngest son when he was the same age.
The world rejected the Jews. While trainloads of screaming Jews rolled by on their way to the concentration camps, German churches worshipped God louder so they wouldn't hear them. My country let in fewer than 5,000 Jews during W.W.2.
I acknowledged Yom Hashoah for the first time this year. I wish the church would do the same.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I saw a picture of a young boy in a concentration camp. He looked a lot like my youngest son when he was the same age.
The world rejected the Jews. While trainloads of screaming Jews rolled by on their way to the concentration camps, German churches worshipped God louder so they wouldn't hear them. My country let in fewer than 5,000 Jews during W.W.2.
I acknowledged Yom Hashoah for the first time this year. I wish the church would do the same.
Only a small amount of Germans knew about the Jews were going to the camps as such in fact. it was kept secretly like Governments do not advertise such things do they. so no one could question what was at hand then truly because such went no were, just like they are doing with the Covid Jabs and all nowadays. just as we all are being shut up by the MSM and the Government are pushing and peddling right now. Try calling them out and see what happens now ! Nothing ! you are totally silenced.

If one was to point out what is going on with the Jews going in the trains ! then the Media supressed such and the Government wanted to keep a lid on such things and if you started barking on about it, you got sorted out too shut you up by any means that they felt the best way to cover their arse. then the Government became more and more dictating as time went on, Media in tow full on playing into the game.

It's just so sad to see that most Australians know nothing much truly about Nazi Germany in fact or about the Jews at all really. all I have come across is indoctrinated morons on the subject that is only worthy of the 7th grade education and that's it, plus all the stupid TV movies clouding the full reality and not well informed grounded based on reality at all. So they are duped on only TV indoctrinated dribble.

If I mention to most Australians on the topic of the Jews and you then have a moronic fictional response based on TV shows not to mention it's much the same with Christianity in that, you only get such pathetic response back that's all TV inspired rubbish or half truths or nonsense. they have no education in such matters worthy of bothering talking to.
They make stupid demands claiming that all Jews are the same, but they are not all the same at all. nor are people claiming to be Christians the same. Talk about ignorance, nowadays people are swallowing the great lie that all people are equal ? I have never met one person who was at all the same in anyway.
So why do they just swallow such nonsense, it's because they do not question things peddled. I love my Nation that I grew up in and had much respect for but nowadays I am ashamed of what it is becoming, they are all on the path to becoming Godless Communist nitwits and the freedoms that our people held and struggled for will be all gone.

The main Key to a healthy democracy is total freedom of Speech and once that's gone, then you are well and truly on the way to Communism and become common as cattle to be dominated over by trash and I am sure such will swallow the whole world, because every box is ticked on the road to such an ends, that the Satanist have waged their subversive war on and still are waring 24/7 the Satanist have fed China and now China is acting like Nazi Germany but our Governments are to gutless too call it out directly for what it is.
Our own Governments have been and are so desperately working in trying to create a deranged degenerate Nation for years of sick weak minded people, it's all to feed the lowest denominator and then the lowest denominator dominates over all like a cancer.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
If one falls asleep at the wheel, they end up in the ditch. It may be too late to avoid the ditch, but I'm doing my best to wake people up to what's happening.
Maybe I need to wake up...I don't have a voice. Except with God, and He hears me, believe you me. I won't stop!

Justice for all, both big and small
Short and tall, for rich and for poor
I won't go away until I've had my say
It's the price that I'll pay for what I stand for

Freedom to speak what's on our minds
And to express what's in our hearts
To honor each other in all that we do
Justice for me...and justice for you!

At least I'll go to my grave knowing that I wasn't afraid to speak it out!


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
After reading the book of Job it is seen that God is sovereign and he lets things happen for his own reasons. I think if you belong to God, everything that he takes from you he will restore double even if it is not in this life. He will let you go through trials and tribulations to test your faith. His reign on your life will be for your ultimate good even if it doesn’t look that way. I think he let the holocaust happen because of the disbelief and idolatry of the Jews. His love for them is so great that when they rejected Jesus it broke his heart. His jealousy is just. He compares Israel to a whore. Have you ever been cheated on? Do you know how bad it hurts to have the love of your life commit adultery? I think that people do not pay enough attention to the severity of Gods punishment. His love is as great as his severity. He has two sides and you don’t want to be on the wrong one. The Lord is the most metal thing that has ever existed lol.

I agree.

Are you a praying mantis?

Shalom Aleichem