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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola


Christ is the 2nd Adam who has restored us to God, "under Grace"' "Not under the Law" and freed from the bondage of sin.

"where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is LIBERTY">... That is Freedom from self, sin, the dominion of the Law, and the world.
And reader, CHRIST is IN every single born again Christian.

That is the "Spirit of the Lord"..

The born again person has become joined to Christ and God, Spiritually.

Listen Reader...

You ARE a Spirit
You have a Soul
You live IN a Body.

Your SPIRIT is the real you.... and your soul is your mind, will, emotions.


1.) Christ has "redeemed us from the Curse of the Law", and that is 2 Parts.

He has removed..."The Law is the power of sin", and the dominion of the Law has no authority over the born again, because the Born Again are "not under the Law, but under Grace".

"Sinning", is defined by the LAW, so where there is is no Law there is no SIN to be defined by the Law, anymore.

Read : 2nd Corinthinans 5:19 and Romans 4:8 and John 3:17

You'll discover that God does not charge sin to the born again....so, if you are confessing, what God does not charge to you, then you are wasting your time.
And the reason you are doing that, is because you have not understood what i just taught you.

2.) Now why does God not charge sin to the born again ??

1.) "Because GOD hath made JESUS... to be SIN for US"

2.) "Jesus is the ONE TIME.....ETERNAL Sacrifice for SIN".


Listen carefully.

The born again exist "IN Christ"... "One with God"...."seated in Heavenly Places".. IN the Kingdom of God......."not under the Law, but Under Grace'.

And where is that?
= NO SIN is found there...

3.) So, does this means that you won't have a thought, or have some carnal impulse that is related to being human and in this world, where The Devil and Temptation exists. ??????
Of course that is not going to be the case, HOWEVER.... because we are Joined To Christ who has OVERCOME all this, then so have we, by being Joined to Jesus and God.

When you begin to see yourself as "In Christ", "one with God"... "made RIGHTEOUS">... then that will become your "walking in the Spirit", and you will not "fulfill the deeds of the Flesh".
Your 'sin consciousness' will fade, and disappear.

A.) You have to get this revelation that im showing you., as this is the "renewed mind", or this will not become your walk in the Spirit.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011


Christ is the 2nd Adam who has restored us to God, "under Grace"' "Not under the Law" and freed from the bondage of sin.

"where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is LIBERTY">... That is Freedom from self, sin, and the world.
And reader, CHRIST is IN every single born again Christian.

That is the "Spirit of the Lord"..

The born again person has become joined to Christ and God, Spiritually.

Listen Reader...

You ARE a Spirit
You have a Soul
You live IN a Body.

Your SPIRIT is the real you.... and your soul is your mind, will, emotions.

So, Christ has "redeemed us from the Curse of the Law", and that is 2 Parts.

He has removed..."The Law is the power of sin", and the dominion of the Law has no authority over the born again, because the Born Again are "not under the Law, but under Grace".

"Sinning", is defined by the LAW, so where there is is no Law there is no SIN to be defined by the Law, anymore.

Read : 2nd Corinthinans 5:19 and Romans 4:8 and John 3:17

You'll discover that God does not charge sin to the born again....so, if you are confessing, what God does not charge to you, then you are wasting your time.
And the reason you are doing that, is because you have not understood what i just taught you.

Now why does God not charge sin to the born again ??

1.) "Because GOD hath made JESUS... to be SIN for US"

2.) "Jesus is the ONE TIME.....ETERNAL Sacrifice for SIN".


Listen carefully.

The born again exist "IN Christ"... "One with God"...."seated in Heavenly Places".. IN the Kingdom of God......."not under the Law, but Under Grace'.

And where is that?
= NO SIN is found there...

So, does this means that you won't have a thought, or have some carnal impulse that is related to being human and in this world, where The Devil and Temptation exists. ??????
Of course that is not going to be the case, HOWEVER.... because we are Joined To Christ who has OVERCOME all this, then so have we, by being Joined to Jesus and God.

When you begin to see yourself as "In Christ", "one with God"... "made RIGHTEOUS">... then that will become your "walking in the Spirit", and you will not "fulfill the deeds of the Flesh".
Your 'sin consciousness' will fade, and disappear.

But you have to get this revelation that im showing you., or this will not become your walk in the Spirit.
Searing the sin consciousness so that you no longer care what you do...is NOT overcoming as Jesus overcame. Did Jesus merely suppress His conscience...to then proceed to sin without any remorse? No, Jesus was sinless. All who enter INTO Jesus also partake of His resurrection POWER to walk above sin. In Him is NO sin.

The conscience is a good thing. It tells us that we are sinners. It's like pain in the body. Nobody likes pain. But pains tells us to stay away from harmful things. Without the sensation of pain we become lepers. When the conscience is seared...as the OP suggest we do...then we become spiritual lepers.

The gospel is according to POWER. The power of an eternal resurrection life...entered into as our outer man is crucified thus allowing the inner man to be freed to join Christ to be WHERE HE IS. In the kingdom realm, there are many abiding places. All of these are IN Christ. In Him is no sin.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Searing the sin consciousness so that you no longer care what you do...is NOT overcoming as Jesus overcame. Did Jesus merely suppress His conscience..

Jesus had no sin, so He had no sin consciousness.

What Jesus overcame was Temptation, and this... "Not my will but Your's Father, that i will do".

So, when we are born again, "in Christ" we are joined to Him who has overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil.
That is how we overcome it... Its by exiting in the Knowledge, vs, trying to do it, in your flesh.

Christianity is not you doing it.
Its God doing it for you, as "the Gift of Salvation"

1 John 5:4 """For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith."""

Discipleship, is God in Man, performing HIS Holiness and HIS will.

This is why Paul told YOU< that .. "It is no longer i who live, but Christ who lives in Me".
That is Paul NOT existing as "striving" and "self effort" and "Do-ism"..

That is Christianity, and not your "trying to be righteous" and "trying by SELF EFFORT to exist in some pipe dream = bizarre spiritual plane that the Book Of Mormon defines as,,..""""" ZION".
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
The conscience is a good thing. It tells us that we are sinners.

You are the sinner, as you defined yourself, and those are your words.
Your Theology, is the exact Theology of a sinner.
That's a fact.

Whereas the Born again, are "made righteous".

The Born again are not sinners, we are..

Heirs of God
Joint Heirs with Jesus
Temple of the Holy Spirit
Bride of Christ
In Christ
One with God.
The born again are "The righteousness OF GOD>.. IN CHRIST"... and there is no SINNER or SIN found there.

So, @Episkopos, i absolutely agree that you are a sinner.. but as for the Born again, they are that LIST< and so much more.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
. In the kingdom realm, there are many abiding places. All of these are IN Christ. In Him is no sin.

Yes, in Christ there is no Sin and all the born again Believers are IN CHRIST, where there is no sin.


This is why the verse says...

"As JESUS IS....so are the born again... in THIS World'"

Not under the Law, but Under Grace

"IN Christ" 'Made righteous", "one with God' = Forever.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Jesus had no sin, so He had no sin consciousness.
False. Jesus was no babe in the woods. He was conscious of sin all around Him. But there was no sin permitted in Him. It's like saying a ship has no water consciousness...unless it is sunk.
What Jesus overcame was Temptation, and this... "Not my will but Your's Father, that i will do".

So, when we are born again, "in Christ" we are joined to Him who has overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil.
That is how we overcome it... Its by exiting in the Knowledge, vs, trying to do it, in your flesh.

False. Those who enter into Christ partake of HIS POWER over sin. We have access to this grace by faith.
Christianity is not you doing it.
Its God doing it for you, as "the Gift of Salvation"

False. Christianity is you doing the works of Christ...through HIS resurrection life. The flesh is overcome by the power of the Spirit. Like an airplane uses the law of flight to overcome the law of gravity.
1 John 5:4 """For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even our faith."""

Discipleship, is God in Man, performing HIS Holiness and HIS will.

This is why Paul told YOU< that .. "It is no longer i who live, but Christ who lives in Me".
That is Paul NOT existing as "striving" and "self effort" and "Do-ism"..

A wrong thinking. You would have Christ sinning through us. Is Christ a minister of sin? If you sin...then you are not a minister of Christ...but of yourself.
That is Christianity, and not your "trying to be righteous" and "trying by SELF EFFORT to exist in some pipe dream = bizarre spiritual plane that the Book Of Mormon defines as,,..""""" ZION".
Your Mormonisn has led you astray. Read the bible.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
False. Jesus was no babe in the woods. He was conscious of sin all around Him.

You previously defined this as Jesus suppressing His Conscience.
So, you just ramble, with incoherence, most of the time, Theologically Speaking.

False. Those who enter into Christ partake of HIS POWER over sin. We have access to this grace by faith.

Those who are born again, have entered into Spiritual Union with God and Christ.
Sin is Gone, Paid for by the Blood and Death of Jesus on the Cross.

This is God's Grace that we are allowed to receive by Faith.

"Grace through Faith". = "the Gift of Salvation"

False. Christianity is you doing the works of Christ.

Christianity is God become a Man, virgin born, to die on a Cross so that by this BLOOD ATONEMENT and New Covenant, we are allowed to, by faith, enter into God and Christ as a born again Spirit.

A wrong thinking. You would have Christ sinning through us

Your Mormonisn has led you astray. Read the bible.

You teach the mormonism, so dont try to hang your Devil's Bible on me, Mr "Zion."

Here is the reality,

I teach Paul's Doctrine.
This is a mystery to you, even if you post all of Paul's verses in your next 100 Posts and Videos.

The very Power of The Gospel, that is the Preaching of the Cross, you have defined, in Public, as "free stuff" and "Whipping boy".
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018

How to : Overcome​

I think overcoming the 'how to' is probably a good and helpful realisation.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
That's not a "how to"...that's a "how not to." :rolleyes:

The born again are already in the KOG. "Translated FROM Darkness..... TO Light".

"God exists IN Light".

"Jesus is the LIGHT of the WORLD"

"The Born again are CHILDREN OF>.. THE... Light".

That's well beyond overcoming the "world".
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Stating the obvious: nothing Behold says has anything to do with actual Mormon beliefs. And yes, actual Mormons do read the Bible, for example this week’s study is in Corinthians.
I'm not saying that he is a good Mormon...just a Mormon wannabe. ;) He is studying your book...why? Ask him? He's grasping at straws to explain away his own ignorance of the gospel and the bible generally.


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
The gospel is according to POWER. The power of an eternal resurrection life...entered into as our outer man is crucified thus allowing the inner man to be freed to join Christ to be WHERE HE IS.
where is this mumbo jumbo in the bible ?

got scripture ?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Stating the obvious: nothing Behold says has anything to do with actual Mormon beliefs.

You are deluded, if that is your thinking.

I posted the LITERAL Mormon concepts.

Try again......maybe try reading what the Cult teaches.. (Book of Mormon)..... and this stuff Im posting, that Episkopos is teaching..., is not the most offensive regarding real Christianity, tho its bizarre.

I may get to that later, if you keep being dishonest.
Believe it.
I enjoy highlighting heresy....and Mormonism, has some of the most Christ insulting theology ever created.

"""" The word "Zion" appears 53 times in the Book of Mormon, a key part of the Latter Day Saint canon, and 268 times in the LDS Church's version of the Doctrine and Covenants, a part of its canon consisting of what members believe to be modern-day revelation and written down by Smith mostly in the 19th century.
Why do Mormons go to Zion?

In latter-day revelation, Zion is defined as “the pure in heart” (Doctrine and Covenants 97:21). In the early days of this dispensation, Church leaders counseled members to build up Zion by emigrating to a central location. Today our leaders counsel us to build up Zion wherever we live.""""
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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
You are deluded, if that is your thinking.

I posted the LITERAL Mormon concepts.

Try again......maybe try reading what the Cult teaches.. (Book of Mormon)..... and this stuff Im posting, that Episkopos is teaching..., is not the most offensive regarding real Christianity, tho its bizarre.

I may get to that later, if you keep being dishonest.
Believe it.
I enjoy highlighting heresy....and Mormonism, has some of the most Christ insulting theology ever created.

"""" The word "Zion" appears 53 times in the Book of Mormon, a key part of the Latter Day Saint canon, and 268 times in the LDS Church's version of the Doctrine and Covenants, a part of its canon consisting of what members believe to be modern-day revelation and written down by Smith mostly in the 19th century.
Why do Mormons go to Zion?

In latter-day revelation, Zion is defined as “the pure in heart” (Doctrine and Covenants 97:21). In the early days of this dispensation, Church leaders counseled members to build up Zion by emigrating to a central location. Today our leaders counsel us to build up Zion wherever we live.""""
Behold, I’ve tried correcting your extreme misconceptions many many times, always to be ignored. I’m not interested in it again. You have fun with your delirium. I’m going to not waste my time here and instead follow Christ.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
You are deluded, if that is your thinking.

I posted the LITERAL Mormon concepts.

Try again......maybe try reading what the Cult teaches.. (Book of Mormon)..... and this stuff Im posting, that Episkopos is teaching..., is not the most offensive regarding real Christianity, tho its bizarre.

I may get to that later, if you keep being dishonest.
Believe it.
I enjoy highlighting heresy....and Mormonism, has some of the most Christ insulting theology ever created.

"""" The word "Zion" appears 53 times in the Book of Mormon, a key part of the Latter Day Saint canon, and 268 times in the LDS Church's version of the Doctrine and Covenants, a part of its canon consisting of what members believe to be modern-day revelation and written down by Smith mostly in the 19th century.
Why do Mormons go to Zion?

In latter-day revelation, Zion is defined as “the pure in heart” (Doctrine and Covenants 97:21). In the early days of this dispensation, Church leaders counseled members to build up Zion by emigrating to a central location. Today our leaders counsel us to build up Zion wherever we live.""""
It appears you have achieved the same level of understanding the Mormon doctrine as that of the gospel...namely...nothing. :goodj:


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Behold, I’ve tried correcting your extreme misconceptions many many times, always to be ignored.

I have no extreme misconceptions, regarding the Mormon Cult.

Also, you can't "correct' a NT Christian with Mormonism Cult Theology but you think you can, as that is how you are taught to think by the Mormon cult.

So 3 questions for you...

1.) How is being water baptized into the Mormon church, different then being baptized as a believer in Jesus.

2.) Can you become a Mormon, and NOT believe that the Book Of Mormon is equal to the Bible and say so to the Mormon Leadership ?

3.) Can you become a Mormon and not believe in the Book Of Mormon, and not be water baptized INTO The Mormon Church, itself?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
It appears you have achieved the same level of understanding the Mormon doctrine as that of the gospel...namely...nothing. :goodj:

Yes, you would be the Book of Mormon, student, who can teach us all, ... some more about their particular teaching regarding "Zion"?
Is that right?
What else did you want to tell us about it today,??

Im not certain why J.DOE decided to suddenly show up and become your shelter, but, its not going to help you as she'll step aside from the Truth again, before long.... and end up, the same as before.
Believe it.
However now that she's decided to "stand up and be counted" for the sake of the "angel Moroni", this just means that the opportunity for the Cross of Christ to reveal "another one" and their Cult, is about to start.

This one is of the type that when you post the actual facts about this Cult, they can only deny.
But that's good, as that way the facts keep getting posted, over and over.
And you've seen what that has done for your and your attempts to discredit the "new Birth", and similar.

You're own quotes are the best revelation regarding how they insult that "whipping boy", as you defined the Lord.

See you there.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Yes, you would be the Book of Mormon, student, who can teach us all, ... some more about their particular teaching regarding "Zion"?
Is that right?
What else did you want to tell us about it today,??

Im not certain why J.DOE decided to suddenly show up and become your shelter, but, its not going to help you as she'll step aside from the Truth again, before long.... and end up, the same as before.
Believe it.
However now that she's decided to "stand up and be counted" for the sake of the "angel Moroni", this just means that the opportunity for the Cross of Christ to reveal "another one" and their Cult, is about to start.

This one is of the type that when you post the actual facts about this Cult, they can only deny.
But that's good, as that way the facts keep getting posted, over and over.
And you've seen what that has done for your and your attempts to discredit the "new Birth", and similar.

You're own quotes are the best revelation regarding how they insult that "whipping boy", as you defined the Lord.

See you there.
Instead of looking for instruction in Mormonism... which I know nothing about...you should ask me for instruction in righteousness, holiness and the gospel. After you learn about that we can proceed into deeper truth.

Seeing your desire to learn more about being a Mormon, I suggest you talk to Jane Doe...our resident Mormon...and a nice lady. :)