Christ is the 2nd Adam who has restored us to God, "under Grace"' "Not under the Law" and freed from the bondage of sin.
"where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is LIBERTY">... That is Freedom from self, sin, the dominion of the Law, and the world.
And reader, CHRIST is IN every single born again Christian.
That is the "Spirit of the Lord"..
The born again person has become joined to Christ and God, Spiritually.
Listen Reader...
You ARE a Spirit
You have a Soul
You live IN a Body.
Your SPIRIT is the real you.... and your soul is your mind, will, emotions.
1.) Christ has "redeemed us from the Curse of the Law", and that is 2 Parts.
He has removed..."The Law is the power of sin", and the dominion of the Law has no authority over the born again, because the Born Again are "not under the Law, but under Grace".
"Sinning", is defined by the LAW, so where there is is no Law there is no SIN to be defined by the Law, anymore.
Read : 2nd Corinthinans 5:19 and Romans 4:8 and John 3:17
You'll discover that God does not charge sin to the born again....so, if you are confessing, what God does not charge to you, then you are wasting your time.
And the reason you are doing that, is because you have not understood what i just taught you.
2.) Now why does God not charge sin to the born again ??
1.) "Because GOD hath made JESUS... to be SIN for US"
2.) "Jesus is the ONE TIME.....ETERNAL Sacrifice for SIN".
Listen carefully.
The born again exist "IN Christ"... "One with God"...."seated in Heavenly Places".. IN the Kingdom of God......."not under the Law, but Under Grace'.
And where is that?
= NO SIN is found there...
3.) So, does this means that you won't have a thought, or have some carnal impulse that is related to being human and in this world, where The Devil and Temptation exists. ??????
Of course that is not going to be the case, HOWEVER.... because we are Joined To Christ who has OVERCOME all this, then so have we, by being Joined to Jesus and God.
When you begin to see yourself as "In Christ", "one with God"... "made RIGHTEOUS">... then that will become your "walking in the Spirit", and you will not "fulfill the deeds of the Flesh".
Your 'sin consciousness' will fade, and disappear.
A.) You have to get this revelation that im showing you., as this is the "renewed mind", or this will not become your walk in the Spirit.
Christ is the 2nd Adam who has restored us to God, "under Grace"' "Not under the Law" and freed from the bondage of sin.
"where the Spirit of the LORD is, there is LIBERTY">... That is Freedom from self, sin, the dominion of the Law, and the world.
And reader, CHRIST is IN every single born again Christian.
That is the "Spirit of the Lord"..
The born again person has become joined to Christ and God, Spiritually.
Listen Reader...
You ARE a Spirit
You have a Soul
You live IN a Body.
Your SPIRIT is the real you.... and your soul is your mind, will, emotions.
1.) Christ has "redeemed us from the Curse of the Law", and that is 2 Parts.
He has removed..."The Law is the power of sin", and the dominion of the Law has no authority over the born again, because the Born Again are "not under the Law, but under Grace".
"Sinning", is defined by the LAW, so where there is is no Law there is no SIN to be defined by the Law, anymore.
Read : 2nd Corinthinans 5:19 and Romans 4:8 and John 3:17
You'll discover that God does not charge sin to the born again....so, if you are confessing, what God does not charge to you, then you are wasting your time.
And the reason you are doing that, is because you have not understood what i just taught you.
2.) Now why does God not charge sin to the born again ??
1.) "Because GOD hath made JESUS... to be SIN for US"
2.) "Jesus is the ONE TIME.....ETERNAL Sacrifice for SIN".
Listen carefully.
The born again exist "IN Christ"... "One with God"...."seated in Heavenly Places".. IN the Kingdom of God......."not under the Law, but Under Grace'.
And where is that?
= NO SIN is found there...
3.) So, does this means that you won't have a thought, or have some carnal impulse that is related to being human and in this world, where The Devil and Temptation exists. ??????
Of course that is not going to be the case, HOWEVER.... because we are Joined To Christ who has OVERCOME all this, then so have we, by being Joined to Jesus and God.
When you begin to see yourself as "In Christ", "one with God"... "made RIGHTEOUS">... then that will become your "walking in the Spirit", and you will not "fulfill the deeds of the Flesh".
Your 'sin consciousness' will fade, and disappear.
A.) You have to get this revelation that im showing you., as this is the "renewed mind", or this will not become your walk in the Spirit.