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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
The ground work is being laid for no one to be able to buy or sell except that person has the soon-to-be revealed 666 Mark of the Beast. The COVID-19 pandemic was a huge step in that direction and given the world elites what they need to establish it. No buying, selling, social security, job, etc... unless you take the Mark. Will you take it and be damned by God or will you die a horrible death of homelessness and starvation? Or, be killed for Jesus' name sake?

Revelation 7
[13] And one of the elders answered, saying unto me, What are these which are arrayed in white robes? and whence came they?
[14] And I said unto him, Sir, thou knowest. And he said to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.
[15] Therefore are they before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple: and he that sitteth on the throne shall dwell among them.
[16] They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat.
[17] For the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes.
Whatever fate the Lord has for us, one thing is sure: when He comes in the clouds, it'll be joy for us forevermore.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Thank you. I never cease to warn people that are on the side of the "Papal Counter Reformation" that they are actually fighting against God and the God-ordained "Protestant Reformation".

I dont even know what that means.

All the best, brother,


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Are you sinless? You have a darkness?? When is Jesus going to remove it then? You cannot exist eternally with a darkness.
What happens after we die? What is the second death?

However in Christ by the Spirit of Christ - people will sin less, as He baptizes them in the holy spirit and FIRE, that burns away the darkness.

All the best Cassandra,


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2015
Scripture plainly refers to the Devil/Satan/Lucifer as a real, spirit being - not a figment of one's imagination. Do you know of any verses that lead people to believe otherwise?
Unfortunately, so many have tried to prove it and failed miserably. Only the wisest of Christians don’t bother trying.
Scholars today acknowledge the OT has no evidence what so ever of such a being which leaves you with half a book. Even you would appreciate how difficult it is to fabricate an imaginary being when 1000's of years God said nothing! So, you will do what every uninformed Christian does and run to the Revelation, which we all know is highly symbolic. Every instance in Scripture the adversary or the false accuser is just need to understand how to interpret the text.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2015
@Phoneman777 the counter reformation has been at work in the earth since the 16th / 17th centuries. Its the Mother whore trying to regather her lost daughters.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
I did not at all say that Satan is not brilliantly evil! He knows our ways, what buttons to push, places many stumbling blocks, our likes, dislikes. All of them from childhood on. I am not ignorant of this Q.T. It is actually kind of elementary :hmhehm I'm quite onto his wiles, as we all should be.

And with his legions of demons, he doesn't miss much, for sure.

Lord, strengthen your church!
Amen, that's what Paul was talking about when he said, "For we are not ignorant of his devices" - so, that makes me wonder about those who can't see the devil in Hollywood, music, politics, etc.
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Amen, that's what Paul was talking about when he said, "For we are not ignorant of his devices" - so, that makes me wonder about those who can't see the devil in Hollywood, music, politics, etc.
" so, that makes me wonder about those who can't see the devil in Hollywood, music, politics, etc."
IKR?? :Bestest:
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Satan was defeated and done away with. With his head crushed in by the foot of Jesus and thrown into the lake of fire forever.

What still exist is darkness inside of human beings, and the spirits of the world which feed the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh, and the pride of ones own life; just like Satan.

Temptations come by and through the heart and its not by Satan; its by lies of other human beings misguiding others which doesnt bring forth truth whcih can set one free. And by the deception of the culture of the world compared to the heavenly ways which Yahava desires for us to look towards.

Relying on Christ and the spirit looking to Yahava; denying the self and picking up ones own cross.

Everyone wanna blame satan… why…

Do you not have faith that he was defeated?

People say he has had the victory but not yet? Such a contradiction.

Love to all,
The "dragon" is "the devil and Satan" whose tail "drew the third part of the stars of heaven", right?

So, as per Revelation 12:17 KJV, how can this "dragon" go forth to make war with the end times "remnant of her seed" (the last day church that perfectly resembles the first century church) if he's "done away with" as you claim?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
The "dragon" is "the devil and Satan" whose tail "drew the third part of the stars of heaven", right?

So, as per Revelation 12:17 KJV, how can this "dragon" go forth to make war with the end times "remnant of her seed" (the last day church that perfectly resembles the first century church) if he's "done away with" as you claim?
Hi Phoneman777,

While you are free to believe how you will, im not all that well good at some things, as per Revelation 12:17, ill willingly give you some information of how it is seen. (The last days started in Acts that is something that is factual due to Peter proclaiming it, and so does the writer of hebrews, that first church bride was taken), and people become part of the body today through faith and are adopted children of God in the new heavenly kingdom, above while walking around here on earth.

- Jesus said the kingdom comes with no observation - it is with-in your midst - or heart.

Revelation 12:17?

If you are interested: Revelations on Revelation | Shawn Aaron McCraney
All the best,
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Australia you even know the history of Creeds and why they were NEEDED?

What is so imprisoning about The Apostles Creed?

Curious Mary
Needed the creeds? What was wrong with scripture?
The sad result of having creeds was that people were persecuted for not accepting them. They became a test of faith, whereas scripture alone ought to be the sole test of faith. In other words, the declarations of church councils and the opinions of men became the justification for excommunicating, jailing, fining, whipping, and killing those who in many cases were more in touch with the holy Spirit than any who were part of the institutionalized orthodoxy demanding everyone's subservience.

As for the apostle's Creed, and being 'imprisoned' by its declarations of faith, it's not to say that those individual declarations are necessarily wrong, but that one must accept each one as the sum total of understanding on each topic, as of overnight the church understood all the truth there was to be known re the nature of God and man, and God's purposes through the gospel. Your church itself confesses that truth is progressive, and therefore traditions that transpire over time that contribute to the whole understanding of truth can became acceptable dogma.
As for the Creed itself, I have 2 issues. The first, did Jesus really descend into hell? One must first agree on the nature and meaning of hell before committing himself to that particular point. The second is the Catholic church's usurpation of the later declaration, "I believe in the holy catholic church". Rome would have everyone believe the word catholic must have a capital C and is a noun. I believe it ought to be a small c and is an adjective.
Later creeds such as that produced at Nicea are even worse, and the Athanasian Creed an abomination.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
While you are free to believe how you will
I'm curious as to how you can so simply and easily brush off phoneman's post on Revelation 12:17 (and there are many other tests along the same lines) which so clearly contradicts your belief based on one misunderstood and misapplied verse, that Satan no longer has any influence, affect, over Christians and the world in general. "Oh, you can believe what you like, thanks for your contribution"... Is a cop out, particularly when you admit to a lack of understanding on the issue. Ought you not at the very least consider it, and then investigate it until completely satisfied that you have the truth?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
I'm curious as to how you can so simply and easily brush off phoneman's post on Revelation 12:17 (and there are many other tests along the same lines) which so clearly contradicts your belief based on one misunderstood and misapplied verse, that Satan no longer has any influence, affect, over Christians and the world in general. "Oh, you can believe what you like, thanks for your contribution"... Is a cop out, particularly when you admit to a lack of understanding on the issue. Ought you not at the very least consider it, and then investigate it until completely satisfied that you have the truth?
ahhhhh, cop outs!....the inability or the unwillingness to deal with anything which challenges favoured views.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
I'm curious as to how you can so simply and easily brush off phoneman's post on Revelation 12:17 (and there are many other tests along the same lines) which so clearly contradicts your belief based on one misunderstood and misapplied verse, that Satan no longer has any influence, affect, over Christians and the world in general. "Oh, you can believe what you like, thanks for your contribution"... Is a cop out, particularly when you admit to a lack of understanding on the issue. Ought you not at the very least consider it, and then investigate it until completely satisfied that you have the truth?

Thats rude to call my comment a cop out.
Why are you judging me sharing information?

Are not all allowed liberty in Christ to freely think? There is a whole lot of evidence in my opinion that would lead me to believing Jesus and his promise of coming back in that age for the blameless group of people who did it all out of love for God and for others who were the firsts ones to go on to the kingdom.

Not believing in that “Jesus failed to get them”, and also “not Believing that the Apostlee who continued to warn them, to continue to be watchful and wait for his return were lying”, or to believe the other common thread of “double prophecy”.

I believe in my heart that Jesus came back, and those who were watching and waiting were taken and changed in a blink of an eye, however its all in faith.

There are different measures of faith.

Therefore, you can say and suggest what you want, you can believe Jesus has yet to still come. I believe everyone will end up meeting the maker after this life and will be judged and will be placed either outside the kingdom or inside due to faith, and judged based on the merit “did you love God, and did you love others” in the Agape sense of the word.

Not “did you believe brakelite, or “did you believe shawn”, “did you believe jay ross” “did you believe phoneman777”, it will be “did you believe Jesus and did you decide to walk in faith and trust in Him, and love God and love others…

Therefore freedom is a must, and my comment is geniuine cause people are allowed to decide what they will be believe because its subjective.

The last days started in Acts - prove me wrong and ill kiss your feet but you wont be able to, you also have a string of witness that the great and dreadful day was coming.


However if you dont wanna accept that as evidence what right do I have to judge you?
The ability though a simply study bible like "Thompson Chain Reference Study Bible", can pull up all the verses and just go from there, this book above is a bit easier. Especially for those who do not understand the position but they dont have to even accept that... just go and look for the evidences in the bible.

Amazing that almost all the books of teh bible that are written in there are debateable by "date" and alot of believes things are traditions.

Jesus taught against the traditions of man - and if that doesn't mean "Be free and think for yourself, putting God first", I dont know what is.

All the best, may God guide,
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