Spotting the Heretic

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
"You reader, or any other truly born again Christian, cannot read Eternal Security verses and get Eternal Security "out of " them. The only way that Eternal Security can be attached to these verses is to "read it into" them. This proves that Eternal Security is an extra-Biblical, external philosophy, seeking Biblical sanction. People are "educated into" Eternal Security, just as truly as atheists are "educated into" atheism. - Henry Schilling

Let me help mr schilling who rejects truth.

Salvation is ETERNAL Life.
And some heretics like Henry Schilling, believe that ETERNAL life, mean's Temporary.
He teaches that Eternal, does not mean Eternal, because he's is not related to the Cross and does not like the Grace of God.
However, anyone with an IQ over 13 can understand that ETERNAL LIFE, means ETERNAL.
Salvation IS Eternal Life.
Jesus, IS Eternal Life.
John said, "that you may know that you have ETERNAL LIFE"....= everlasting, never-ending, and forever.
Jesus Himself IS Eternal life and "The Resurrection"....> He's BOTH.

If you are born again, you have Jesus IN you who Himself IS Eternal Life.
The Born again Have JESUS in us....''Christ in you the hope of Glory".
So, we have ETERNAL LIFE.
To have Eternal Life, is to have Eternal Security.... BECAUSE.... you have Eternal Life.
Eternal Life IS Eternal Security
So, when you read a heretics nonsense, such as stated by henry schilling, just flip the channel and find some truth, instead.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
If you are born again, you have Jesus IN you who Himself IS Eternal Life.
The Born again Have JESUS in us....''Christ in you the hope of Glory".
So, we have ETERNAL LIFE.
To have Eternal Life, is to have Eternal Security.... BECAUSE.... you have Eternal Life.
Eternal Life IS Eternal Security
So, when you read a heretics nonsense, such as stated by henry schilling, just flip the channel and find some truth, instead.

That is half a gospel. Holiness is only found IN Christ. He is our holiness. The "Christ in you" is protected by a shell that breaks open only when you are crucified. The Christ in you then takes over.

So to be born again is a great potential for glory IF one seeks God to enter into Christ.

The hope of glory is not the expectation of the assumption of glory. Nobody gets glory as a gift ON TOP OF the carnal flesh. That is foolishness. That is lawlessness and the great delusion.

Being born again is like receiving a free sample...a in "taste and see that the Lord is good." But the actual glory is in buying the whole product: entering into Christ. And the cost for that is NOT free. It costs you everything. To buy the kingdom field one must sell all...surrender all. And God decides when the payment is full before He sends His fire down.

But itching ears want an easy gospel that promises much but delivers judgment. So much for the fast-food gospel that promises so much but delivers condemnation. There is no condemnation for they who actually enter INTO Christ. Not just Christ in you...not just born again. But filled with the Spirit of life and power by walking in Zion WITH God.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You are confusing things and conflating things that back up your error in thinking. The power of sin is the law of sin and death in the members of every human. NOT the law of God.

The law of God, as defined by the commandments and all that you find in Moses's OT books, are what defines sin as sin, and a sinner as a sinner.
So, this power of the HOLY LAW, that Jesus REMOVED, because That is what God can do with HIS LAW, "Jesus removed the curse of the LAW"... all this is removed from the born again.

The born again are "not under the law, but under GRACE".

This CURSE, the Law's CURSE that Jesus REMOVED from the Born again.... is the Law's power to define you as a sinner and your deeds as SIN, when you are an UNBELIEVER.
This is the "dominion of the LAW", that Christ REMOVED from the Born again.... by the Cross and the Shedding of His blood, and by fulfilling the law as the 2nd Adam.
It was the first Adam who put us under the law, and it was Jesus as the 2nd Adam who took God's Holy law, off of that we are delivered from the law, = delivered from the Law's power that empowers sin in us, and before we were born again defined us as a "sinner".

The law is Holy, but its not able to cause you to be RIGHTEOUS< and its has no ability to remove "sin consciousness".
That is why it FAILED. That is why God replaced it with GRACE.
The Law is only able to show a person they are a SINNER.
So, God created a NEW TESTAMENT and a NEW COVENANT, using Jesus's blood and Body and Cross, that "redeems us from the CURSE OF THE LAW" that defines all unbelievers as sinners.

Once we are born again, we are "No longer under the law, but under Grace".
So, the Law has no authority any longer to define us, the born again, as a sinner or our carnal deeds as sin.
They are redefined as "works of the Flesh". Galatians 5:19-21
Now if you are water baptized and think you are saved, you are not, so, you are still under the law, until you are born again.
You are still a sinner.

Im not under the law.
The born again are not under the law.
Grace is now our Law.
Grace redefines us as Saints and Sons of God, ect.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
The born again are "not under the law, but under GRACE".

This is not true. ONLY they who are led by the Spirit (or fully IN the Spirit) are under grace. One can be born again and yet walk under the law. It depends on your direction. Most people will need to change course often...and that's what metanoia is...repentance. To change your course so that you continue to be under grace.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
So to be born again is a great potential for glory IF one seeks God to enter into Christ.

You teach the heresy of "one seeks to enter Christ" as salvation.

The reality is, every born again person, every Child of God, is already "IN CHRIST".

so, there is not seeking to get there, episkapos.

The born again are already there, we the born again, are already "IN CHRIST".
We are already "ONE" with God and Christ.
We are already....."as Jesus IS..... in this are the BORN AGAIN".

You are trying to find your way into Christ.
Let me help you.
"believe on the Lord Jesus The Christ and you shall be saved".

Do that, be born again, and you will be "in Christ", for ETERNITY.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
This is not true. ONLY they who are led by the Spirit (or fully IN the Spirit) are under grace.

They only way to be found in God's Grace is to be God's Son. To be "in Christ"
To become this, you have to be "born again".
Jesus said.."you must be born again".

All the born again, are made righteous, and this is how you exist "under Grace".
its the Grace of God that leads you to Salvation. Salvation is to be BORN AGAIN.

Jesus said, "you must be born again".


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
You teach the heresy of "one seeks to enter Christ" as salvation.

The reality is, every born again person, every Child of God, is already "IN CHRIST".

so, there is not seeking to get there, episkapos.

The born again are already there, we the born again, are already "IN CHRIST".
We are already "ONE" with God and Christ.
We are already....."as Jesus IS..... in this are the BORN AGAIN".

You are trying to find your way into Christ.
Let me help you.
"believe on the Lord Jesus The Christ and you shall be saved".

Do that, be born again, and you will be "in Christ", for ETERNITY.

See you will not seek God..because for you and your kind...seeking God is WRONG. As in...I don't need to seek God...I'm saved already! What foolishness..a salvation that doesn't seek God's face. Fully un-Christian.

So you testify here for all to see that your master doesn't want you to seek God. So you do not enter into the kingdom and you are trying to stop others here from entering the kingdom life.

So you are fully against seeking God. You aren't looking for fellowship with God at all.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
They only way to be found in God's Grace is to be God's Son. To be "in Christ"
To become this, you have to be "born again".
Jesus said.."you must be born again".

All the born again, are made righteous, and this is how you exist "under Grace".
its the Grace of God that leads you to Salvation. Salvation is to be BORN AGAIN.

Jesus said, "you must be born again".

Born again is only a first step in a long race of faith. Are you so deceived that you would stop the race at the first step and declare yourself a winner. Have you no sense or wisdom at all?
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Ok good.

Lets look at your verses, thx for the question..

This part first....""there remaineth no more sacrifice for sin"...

So, the sacrifice for Sin, is Jesus's blood, Body, Death, and the Cross.
If this is "no more" means its been rejected. As to not have it is to reject it. would Jesus's Salvation be not available, or "there remains no more sacrifice".....= is to hear the Gospel and not respond. Its to remain a Christ Rejector and die.
Its that old man in that Baptist Church, who is a member for 55 yrs, and for 45 yrs he has heard the alter call every Sunday and resisted it and resisted it, until the Holy Spirit can't reach that seared conscience in him any longer.
He is going to hell, He is a spiritually dead man walking, who has gone past the point of no return, because he heard the Truth too many times and this resistance hardened his heart until it was so hardened that it was impossible for the Grace of God to reach it through the Holy Spirit.

Who else is it? Its a group of Hebrews ( unsaved Jews) who are listening to Paul Preach the CROSS in Hebrews 10 and Acts 28, and they are told... "If you reject your Messiah, if you '"willfully SIN" this way, you are doing "despite to the Spirit of Grace". ( rejecting the Holy Spirit's conviction and call), and you are stomping on the Blood of Jesus.. "Trodding underfoot the blood".... and Paul warns them fiercely ....If you do this !!!, if you reject your Messia, as your Father's did who had Him nailed to the Cross, you right here and right now are "crucifying HIM AFRESH"... you are hanging Jesus 0n the Cross AGAIN, by your = Christ Rejection". !!!!! So if you do that, which you are doing, there is no longer any sacrifice for your sin, because you have REJECTED THE ONE WHO IS YOUR SACRIFICE FOR YOUR SIN"... = so by doing this, there remains no more sacrifice available to you. And THAT is the unpardonable sin. Its to willfully reject pardon of your sin by rejecting Christ, and there is no way for this sin to be forgiven, because you have rejected the only ONE who could be the sacrifice for you sin.

The 2nd verse you posted, has to do with the Vengeance of Jesus, when he comes back.
His "Adversaries" all all the Christ Rejectors.. And the specific verse that defines this day of Vengeance when Jesus comes again to destroy is found as 2nd Thessalonians 1:8. "in flaming fire (Jesus)(God) taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ"..
Notice the scripture explaining the Scripture, as this is how you "compare scripture with scripture, to understand the context and the Spiritual meaning of the verse..

In Hebrews 10 you read....>"looking for (means its in the future), = judgment and fiery indignation, (God's righteous anger), that shall DEVOUR the ADVERSARIES, = All who hate God, all who Reject Christ and most important.... = 2nd Thessalonians 1:8, " these people obey NOT the Gospel of our Lord Jesus", This means they do not believe to obey the Gospel, is to have Faith in Christ and be born again.. So, all Christ rejectors will face hell and the lake of fire after they die, and those who are alive when Jesus comes back, will face "flaming fire and God's-Christs Vengeance".

Okay. But then we have the issue of what "hell" really means...and that is off topic


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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I notice that you take other people's teaching and post it.
Did you know that i never cut and paste or borrow anyone's text, and post it on any forum?
Every word of every Thread i write, that you've read, or will read, i wrote it.
I dont past other people's work.
What i teach, comes from my Spirit and my Knowledge, of the Spiritual.

So, i have a question for you, because you have again invented an idea that is not found in a New Testament, and you are teaching it as Truth.
Its this.. you wrote.

"""Then after His ministry was complete He asked the Father to give Him back the glory of God He had with the Father before the world was.""""

So, this never happened.
Jesus never ask God to give Him back His glory with God.
You made this up...but, not actually, as im sure you borrowed this lie from some commentary or maybe your Pastor.

So, QUOTE from a NEW TESTAMENT, where Jesus asked God to give him Back the Glory He had with His Father.
He never asked this.
You are again teaching crazy deceit, here, on a Christian Forum.

Post the verse where Jesus said what you say he asked.
Should be easy to do, as the words would be in RED.

I pretty sure @CharismaticLady was simply stating:
"Now, Father, glorify Me together with Yourself, with the glory which I had with You before the world was." John 17:5
I could be wrong but this would be my guess...


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Oh that's funny Joseph, because it can sometimes be the very opposite! Have you known many Preachers kids?? I cannot say where the ones I have known are today with their faith but I can tell you, there can be much rebellion...
Okay. But then we have the issue of what "hell" really means...and that is off topic

Hell is found at the end of a Christ rejecting Life.

If you were in my class and we were studying Satan and Hell..
Here is what you'd learn on day one of this Class.

Jesus said....>"YOU are of your FATHER....= the DEVIL".

Who is that person?
Its every unbeliever.
Every unbeliever's Father, is the DEVIL....Satan.

The fallen adamaic "nature" is the nature of the Devil. Its his NORMAL NATURE.
SIN, is "transgression" regarding God, but regarding the Devil, its NORMAL. Its what He IS....

Think of it like this.....when we are born again....we get a "NEW NATURE".... we are to have the MIND OF CHRIST...we become "a new CREATION, in CHRIST"....
We have an incorruptible seed in us....we are incorruptible as a SPIRIT that has been BORN AGAIN, into GOD's Spirit, = ONE with God and Christ= IN CHRIST.
So, we are ALL THAT.......Made Righteous, by "the Gift of Righteousness"....
We are Children of the LIGHT< and Jesus is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD.
We the born again are in a New Kingdom, having been TRANSLATED from Darkness TO Light = INTO Light, who is God.. This Light is God's Holiness. Its His REALM... Its HIM.
AND so, you have a new FATHER....."GOD"...."ABBA"... if you are born again.

Before you were all that, you had a different SPIRITUAL Father.
Your Father, was....>Jesus said, """" YOU are of YOUR FATHER = The DEVIL, and HIS LUSTS, you will do.""""
And the devil's LUSTS are what you were doing, as "SIN"... you were SINNING.
Sinning is the Devil's Lusts being performed by HIS Children, = the unbelievers.

Final answer??

When the Born Again die, they go to THEIR FATHER, = Heaven.

When the unbelieving die, they go to THEIR FATHER, = Hell...= Satan.
Hell was created for the Devil and the fallen angels, and for His children..= all the Christ Rejectors. (Unbelievers)


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Hell is found at the end of a Christ rejecting Life.

If you were in my class and we were studying Satan and Hell..
Here is what you'd learn on day one of this Class.

Jesus said....>"YOU are of your FATHER....= the DEVIL".

Who is that person?
Its every unbeliever.
Every unbeliever's Father, is the DEVIL....Satan.

The fallen adamaic "nature" is the nature of the Devil. Its his NORMAL NATURE.
SIN, is "transgression" regarding God, but regarding the Devil, its NORMAL. Its what He IS....

Think of it like this.....when we are born again....we get a "NEW NATURE".... we are to have the MIND OF CHRIST...we become "a new CREATION, in CHRIST"....
We have an incorruptible seed in us....we are incorruptible as a SPIRIT that has been BORN AGAIN, into GOD's Spirit, = ONE with God and Christ= IN CHRIST.
So, we are ALL THAT.......Made Righteous, by "the Gift of Righteousness"....
We are Children of the LIGHT< and Jesus is the LIGHT OF THE WORLD.
We the born again are in a New Kingdom, having been TRANSLATED from Darkness TO Light = INTO Light, who is God.. This Light is God's Holiness. Its His REALM... Its HIM.
AND so, you have a new FATHER....."GOD"...."ABBA"... if you are born again.

Before you were all that, you had a different SPIRITUAL Father.
Your Father, was....>Jesus said, """" YOU are of YOUR FATHER = The DEVIL, and HIS LUSTS, you will do.""""
And the devil's LUSTS are what you were doing, as "SIN"... you were SINNING.
Sinning is the Devil's Lusts being performed by HIS Children, = the unbelievers.

Final answer??

When the Born Again die, they go to THEIR FATHER, = Heaven.

When the unbelieving die, they go to THEIR FATHER, = Hell...= Satan.
Hell was created for the Devil and the fallen angels, and for His children..= all the Christ Rejectors. (Unbelievers)

Hell should have it's own thread as, this is de-railing this thread. I'm sure there are several out there already...threads on hell, I mean. :)
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Hell should have it's own thread as, this is de-railing this thread. I'm sure there are several out there already...threads on hell, I mean. :)

I dont mind.
Its my Thread :)

Also, many heretics do not believe in a literal "hell".
So, this topic also makes a perfect fit regarding the Thread's topic.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
See you will not seek God..because for you and your kind....

Listen up...

I "seek God" every day in Prayer, on my knees, before i even eat Breakfast.
This is usually before 5am.
I teach about God, many hours a day, to other "seekers", often 7 days a week.
Sometimes "live", sometimes online... sometimes both in the same day.
I start my day with "seeking God" in praise, and prayer. I end my day with bible study.
And in between all this, i am found on my knees again, praying and praising God.
Thats my normal day of "seeking".
Match it if you can, and if you can't, then be quiet until you do.

See, you have this amazingly self righteous idea that making effort toward God, is something only you do.
Guess again.
Here is the reality, God does not save you or keep you, because of your pressing in, or abding, or SEEKING.
He only accepts you because of what Christ did for you on the Cross, and He only keeps you for the same reason.
If this has not happened to you yet, then you need to resolve this, asap.
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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Let's spot the heretic...but for real! :)

Behold makes outlandish and foolish statements all over this board and there seems to be no end to it.

But let's take one statement of his that he surmises is NOT just a false teaching.

He said...
The born again are "not under the law, but under GRACE".

This is NOT biblical but simply a false a uninstructed person who has the wrong idea about the gospel.

Biblically speaking it is they who are led by the Spirit that are under grace.

Gal. 5:18 But if ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law.

Does it say that being born again means you are under grace? No. That is a human reasoning that is faulty. A person can begin in the Spirit but then fall from grace to go back under the law.

Galatians 3
3 O foolish Galatians, who hath bewitched you, that ye should not obey the truth, before whose eyes Jesus Christ hath been evidently set forth, crucified among you?

2 This only would I learn of you, Received ye the Spirit by the works of the law, or by the hearing of faith?

3 Are ye so foolish? having begun in the Spirit, are ye now made perfect by the flesh?

Gal. 5:4 Christ is become of no effect unto you, whosoever of you are justified by the law; ye are fallen from grace.

Fallen from grace to be under the law. Were not the Galatians born again? Did they not begin in the Spirit? Does that mean that a person is UN-born again for forsaking the spiritual direction? or does being under grace have to do to how we are following after the Spirit or the flesh AFTER we have been born of the Spirit or begun in the Spirit.

So then the statement that "being born again means that one is under grace" is a false teaching.

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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2011
Listen up...

I "seek God" every day in Prayer, on my knees, before i even eat Breakfast.
This is usually before 5am.
I teach about God, many hours a day, to other "seekers", often 7 days a week.
Sometimes "live", sometimes online... sometimes both in the same day.
I start my day with "seeking God" in praise, and prayer. I end my day with bible study.
And in between all this, i am found on my knees again, praying and praising God.
Thats my normal day of "seeking".
Match it if you can, and if you can't, then be quiet until you do.

See, you have this amazingly self righteous idea that making effort toward God, is something only you do.
Guess again.
Here is the reality, God does not save you or keep you, because of your pressing in, or abding, or SEEKING.
He only accepts you because of what Christ did for you on the Cross, and He only keeps you for the same reason.
If this has not happened to you yet, then you need to resolve this, asap.

You are just justifying yourself. Your whole effort here is to justify yourself while you teach falsehoods. And if you even slightly honest you would admit that you are not a teacher. You still are getting major things wrong. But you will show your true colours now.
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