The Black Horse Is Coming Soon

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
So, no "normal" coming back for those who want it so bad, huh?
We don't know yet.

I see this like the Charleston Dance Contest scene in "It's A Wonderful Life", my all time favorite movie. They are dancing back and forth as the floor is opening underneath them to reveal a swimming pool. They dance up to the edge, you think they will go over, then they dance back away, then closer, then away, til at last they plunge in.

Each wave of contractions is worse than the one before, but I have this idea that they are going to be much much worse before that time comes, and we are still in the easier part.

So maybe they will dance back away for a bit, and maybe it's time for the end, but for myself, I don't actually know, and therefore don't rule out that we may yet be allowed to live peaceable lives. And to that end we must pray for our rulers.

Much love!
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
We're still in "wars and rumors of wars", I think.

In the white horse those wars will subside as global tyranny arrives.
In the red horse societal brutality and violence become endemic.
In the black horse the elites feast as the rest starve.
In the green horse disease and famine and war and animals decimate the population of 1/4 of the earth.

I think we are still in birth pangs, and when these seals are openned, the results will be irrefutable. The beast will come to power. What's happening in New York City and Chicago will be happening everywhere. And yes, the supermarkets will be mostly empty, with armed guards I would suppose. And death will be rampant, nothing like we see today.

The coming pestilence, nothing like Coronavirus.

Some of my thoughts anyway!

Much love!

I appreciate it.

I suppose the reason I am willing to believe they may have already begun is because of how vast and worldwide the effects of the aforementioned developments have been. Covid-19 effected the entire planet, particularly financially. As stated, the Russian-Ukrainian war is likewise drawing the strongest nations in the West into an economic and military war with the strongest nations in the East, and it is further effecting the entire world, especially economically. The famine and scarcity that I believe is now coming will likewise effect the entire world.

Just my opinion on this one - it not based on a prophetic dream or vision - but I sense like things have changed on the world scene now, and the events are all becoming world-sweeping in their effects rather than just regionally or locally.

God bless,
- H
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Hi sister, and nice to hear from you.

No, I haven't really changed anything in my position. What I'm saying in the OP is that I think the four horsemen are beginning now, but that this does not mean the Lord's return is imminent. For my own part, I think the horsemen correspond with what Christ prophesied in Matthew 24:4-8, where He described the same events as being "the beginning of sorrows," and warned that when they arrived not to be troubled, for "the end is not yet," meaning it would still be many years before His return came from the time when these things first started to commence.

4 And Jesus answered and said to them: “Take heed that no one deceives you. 5 For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will deceive many. 6 And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. 7 For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. And there will be famines, pestilences, and earthquakes in various places. 8 All these are the beginning of sorrows.

Now compare this with Revelation 6:

1 Now I saw when the Lamb opened one of the seals; and I heard one of the four living creatures saying with a voice like thunder, “Come and see.” 2 And I looked, and behold, a white horse. He who sat on it had a bow; and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer. 3 When He opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, “Come and see.” 4 Another horse, fiery red, went out. And it was granted to the one who sat on it to take peace from the earth, and that people should kill one another; and there was given to him a great sword. 5 When He opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature say, “Come and see.” So I looked, and behold, a black horse, and he who sat on it had a pair of scales in his hand. 6 And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, “A quart of wheat for a denarius, and three quarts of barley for a denarius; and do not harm the oil and the wine.” 7 When He opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, “Come and see.” 8 So I looked, and behold, a pale horse. And the name of him who sat on it was Death, and Hades followed with him. And power was given to them over a fourth of the earth, to kill with sword, with hunger, with death, and by the beasts of the earth.

What I'm saying is this: I think the four horsemen long precede the reign of the Antichrist, but will in effect begin setting the world up for it, though that we still have a long ways to go yet. I think the four horsemen represent servants of the god of this world, whose jobs will be to reduce humanity to the place where they will be willing to receive the Antichrist as the "answer" to their problems. But I don't think the four horsemen correspond with or signal the arrival of the Antichrist himself yet. I think we have decades to go before he emerges.

Understand what I mean?
Yes I do...but the 4 Horseman also referred to as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse comes at the end of the 7 year tribulations...yes?
A bit confusing to me when the Apocalypse actually occurs.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Yes I do...but the 4 Horseman also referred to as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse comes at the end of the 7 year tribulations...yes?
A bit confusing to me when the Apocalypse actually occurs.

Well so you understand, the word "apocalypse" is simply the Greek word for "Revelation," so when people are referring to the apocalypse, what they are actually referring to are simply all the events described in the last book of the Bible. Hence the term "four horsemen of the apocalypse" is simply a way of saying "the four horsemen described in the Book of Revelations." The apocalypse itself is therefore not referring to the climactic, closing events of the book but to all of the events described in the book as a whole.

As for the four horsemen appearing at the end of the seven year tribulation period, this sounds like something coming from someone who is equating the four horsemen with the seven vails of God's wrath, that will actually be poured out on the empire of the Antichrist after the rapture. But this is not something I have ever subscribed to. As I pointed out, the four horsemen correspond very well in content with what Jesus said in Matthew 24 would only be the very beginning of the whole end-time narrative, and not to be troubled because such things would not signal that the end had come yet.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Another article on how the troubles now looming "will likely be long-lasting and felt across continents," and how current events could set off "a full blown global food crisis."

How Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will worsen global hunger
Thin Lei Win
Freelance journalist covering food systems and climate change


A combine harvests wheat in a field in the Kyiv region, in 2020. (Valentyn Ogirenko/REUTERS)

From higher prices in nations already struggling with hunger crises – such as Yemen and Lebanon – to reduced harvests in disaster-prone Bangladesh, the food impacts of Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will likely be long-lasting and felt across continents, economists and aid officials warn.

Particularly concerning, they say, is that they’re coming on top of fast-rising global food prices – now at their highest levels in a decade – and with supply chains already stressed as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and years of growing climate impacts.

Ukraine, often called the breadbasket of Europe, is home to a third of the world’s most fertile soil. It is also a world leader in the production of sunflower oil, barley, and maize, and – together with Russia – provides a third of global wheat supplies.

The invasion has come “just as the growth and planting season starts” in Ukraine and Russia, said Thomas Ølholm, a regional food security adviser for the Norwegian Refugee Council (NRC). “Many fields [in Ukraine] will not be maintained or planted. Many agricultural smallholders will be affected and lose their livelihoods for a period of time, or permanently.”

Beyond the unfolding humanitarian crisis for Ukrainians, the wider fallout – from regional port closures, large-scale displacement within and out of Ukraine, and crippling economic sanctions on Russia – could be far-reaching and devastating, especially for poor consumers in countries dependent on food imports, according to experts...

Preventing the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine from setting off a full-blown global food crisis will require channelling more funds into food assistance in the countries likely to be hardest hit, as well as ensuring that the sanctions imposed on Russia do not affect the countries relying on the Russian economy to feed their citizens, experts said.

Impacts on many levels
Jan Douwe van der Ploeg, emeritus professor of rural sociology at Wageningen University in the Netherlands, said the impacts of the invasion will be felt across a spectrum of settings, with effects ranging from the problematic to the disastrous.

Firstly, poor people who generally spend a considerable percentage of their income on food will now find themselves even more stretched. Secondly, although it’s difficult to draw a straight line, Van der Ploeg suggested that rising food prices – layered on top of other economic, social, and political frustrations – could help fuel social unrest, as happened across the Arab world in 2011.

“Thirdly, there are war-stricken areas and countries, like Yemen, eastern Africa, the north of Mozambique, Mali, and Myanmar,” he said. “Here, the combination of violence, hunger, and little or no possibilities to intervene with humanitarian help will be disastrous.”

There could also be longer-term impacts on agricultural productivity due to a lack of fertilisers, warned IFPRI’s Laborde.

Russia is one of the world’s largest suppliers of fertilisers and related raw materials, including natural gas, potash, and ammonia. Belarus, a key Russian ally, accounts for an additional 16 percent of global market share of potash exports, he added. Fertiliser was already in short supply, and costs were soaring, even before the latest crisis.

If fertiliser shortages continue in 2022, it spells trouble for 2023, especially in countries such as Bangladesh, which buys large amounts from the Black Sea for its smallholder farmers, according to Laborde. Higher costs will lead to less fertiliser use, resulting in lower yields for staple crops such as rice, impoverishing farmers and turning them from net sellers of rice to net buyers, he said, adding: “All these shocks can bring people closer to the cliff.”

‘Food poverty’ in the Middle East
Parts of the Middle East and North Africa are expected to be hit particularly hard by the knock-on effects of the Russian invasion. Drought-affected countries in the region were expected to import record amounts of wheat this year, according to crop forecaster Gro Intelligence. But these plans are likely to unravel as a result of the Ukraine situation.

“For some countries in the Middle East region, this conflict could drive millions of people into food poverty.”

Hunger levels in the Middle East and North Africa have already more than doubled since two decades ago, according to the UN’s latest regional overview. In 2020, there were 69 million hungry people in the region, up more than 90 percent since 2000. The latest figure is “close to the peak of 2011 when the region suffered from a major shock due to uprisings”, the report added.

“For some countries in the Middle East region, this conflict could drive millions of people into food poverty,” warned Abeer Etefa, senior spokesperson for Middle East & North Africa for the World Food Programme (WFP).

In particular, countries such as Iraq, which has one of the world’s largest government-run food programmes, and Yemen – which imports 90 percent of its food needs (and half of its wheat from Ukraine and Russia) – face higher costs and worsening food insecurity, she said.

Lebanon, meanwhile, relies on Ukraine for up to 60 percent of its wheat and has only about a month’s worth of reserves, the country’s economy minister has said.

“We don’t have enough food now [in the Middle East]. This is going to compound the situation,” David Beasley, WFP’s executive director, said in a video posted Monday. “It is going to be, and it is, catastrophic.”

Meanwhile, climate change is affecting food production around the world, too.

In Latin America, where hunger has been rising faster than anywhere, the La Niña weather phenomenon has significantly reduced soybean returns, while droughts have slashed wheat harvests in Iraq, Syria, and other parts of the Middle East, according to IFPRI’s Laborde.

Food production in Europe is also heavily dependent on imported fertiliser, natural gas, and animal feed from Ukraine and Russia, according to EU officials and parliamentarians. For example, 22 percent of corn imported to Spain comes from Ukraine.

“European countries, too, will not be spared – especially by rapidly escalating energy prices that will drive up the cost of basic food commodities,” said Gabriel Ferrero, chair of the Committee on World Food Security (CFS), a top-level UN forum. “This is not just a problem between Russia and Ukraine; it is a problem for all of us.”

Full article:
How Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will worsen global hunger

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States

Report: Consequences of War in Ukraine Threaten 100,000 Farms in Italy with Closure
by Ahmed Moamar

6:35 PM March 26, 2022

The Italian National Federation of Farmers Coldiretti has warned that about 100,000 agricultural production enterprises in the country are threatened with closure due to the repercussions of the crisis in Ukraine.

The union said in a recent report that about 11% of agricultural companies have stopped working, while 30% of farms are experiencing losses against the background of high prices and disruptions in global supply chains caused by the Ukraine crisis.
Farmers say, grain producers, from wheat to maize, are the hardest hit by the current situation.

Earlier, US media reported that due to sanctions against Russia and the situation in Ukraine, the prices of food and agricultural products in the United States also remain likely to rise.
Report: Consequences of War in Ukraine Threaten 100,000 Farms in Italy with Closure


Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
Yes I do...but the 4 Horseman also referred to as the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse comes at the end of the 7 year tribulations...yes?
A bit confusing to me when the Apocalypse actually occurs.
I'll attempt to answer this, then the rest of my post will be a general observation of where we are at and what all these things going on in the world mean as we speak. So, anyone feel free to engage.

H2S, the Four Horsemen represent actions God will bring, they last for the whole 42 months, each event is describing things the Anti-Christ will do once he goes forth in Rev. 8 (Middle of the week), they all cover the exact same timeframe like this.

1.) The Anti-Christ will go forth conquering for 42 months. (when the DOTL hits/Asteroid/Rev. 8)
2.) The A.C. will take away peace (Bring Wars) over a his 42 month reign of terror.
3.) The Anti-Christs wars and decrees will bring widespread famine over his 42 month rule.
4.) The Anti-Christs rule will bring, sickness, death and Hades (the Grave) for 42 months.

5.) Even though Seal #5 is not a Horse, it basically points to his murder of those whom serve God over a 42 month period of time.

So, your assumption is spot on, it's the end of the 70th week, but it will start in the middle and cover the whole 42 months of God's Wrath. So, why is it parallel with the Anti-Christs reign? Because Satan is a brilliant tactician, he's had us bound for 6000 years under sin. So, I will explain in general why the 42 months of the A.C. and God's Wrath runs parallel.

With the 6th Seal Jesus is only one seal (7th) away from opening this bound up scroll of judgments, thus in the 6th seal, unlike the first 5, Jesus foretells of God's soon to come Wrath. He Prophesies the exact things that will happen in Rev. 8. The Sun and Moon will go dark because of an asteroid strike, there are no Seal Judgments, Jesus is simply opening a bound scroll.

seven-seals (2).jpg

So, Satan understands better than most men what is coming, he understands that Rev. 8 will be an Asteroid strike. He keeps a man on the ready at all times just in case, except now he has figured it out, Apophis (IMHO this is true, the times say it has to be now) is that end time Asteroid. So, why does he not send the A.C. out until God's Wrath falls? More than likely its mandated by God, because he only allows the AC a 42 month rule, or God could just FOREKNOW Satan's plans (SMILE...we know that's true). Either way, Satan tells his AC to wait on God's Wrath to fall because it will give him a tactical advantage over men, not God. He knows once this Rev. 8 asteroid hits the world will be preoccupied whilst he will go forth conquering as 1/3 of the world burns, I think its the New World, that is 1/3 of the Land Mass on earth. Thus if my understanding is correct, there will not be viable USA after this asteroid strike, of course we will be in Heaven by this tine anyway, so the USA will be without its salt so to speak. This is why the 5 Seals AND the 6th Seal parallel over a 42 month period pf time.

I see the Rapture as the fall of 2025, I do not know the day nor the hour, but Jesus told us in Matt. 24:32-35 we should know the season by the fruits ripeness. If Apophis is the DOTL, we can know that and thus understand the Church has to be gone by the fall of 2025. Might be before, but by at least 2025.

I see the Anti-Christ as being Greek Born (Dan. 8:9 mandates this) I see him as having Assyrian blood (a Turk, Iraqi or Syrian....Turkey has a common border with Greece) as Isaiah 10 tells us, and he has to arise to power out of the E.U. as Dan. 7:7-8 says. All three things have to be true via this man. He will then Conquer Israel and the MANY (all the nations in the Mediterranean Sea Region).

So, why does Israel give up her Nukes? Well, why did Ukraine give up her nukes? They were promised protection via Russia, the USA and the UK (LOL). So, why would Israel give up her nukes? Well, if she was promised to become a Member of the E.U. Then this E.U. leader could force her to give up her nukes as a condition, Israel have been trying to join the E.U. for years. That is the AGREEMEMT they make in Dan. 9:27, then the E.U. President attacks them in the middle of the week. This is going to go down very soon, within 5-8 years. Jesus will be ruling within 15 years. Well, 10 years, by 2032 or 33.

I see it all, and most don't, but I can't blame anyone for not seeing, God gives different gifts to various peoples as He so chooses.
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The Light

Well-Known Member
Mar 11, 2022
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United States
Matt 24:4-6 are about 70 AD and the Temples Destruction, if I am not mistaken I destroyed your thesis long ago that the Wailing Wall is a part of the Temple. Go look it up, the Temple is THE TEMPLE, God gave them SPECIFIC MEASUREMENTS and that Temple is no longer there, period.
You are mistaken if you think you can destroy truth.
Here again, everyone but you and few others seem to understand this, but your IDEAS are all important it seems. I submit my ideas to God, and the Holy Spirit tells me when I am right and when I am wrong, I love being told I am wrong because I am being TAUGHT what's right.
Ok, I'll make your day and tell you you are wrong. And it's win, win for you, cause I teaching you what is right.

So, your whole "WAILING WALL is a part of the Temple" thesis is proven to be in error, you only keep on believing it because "men's ideas" are so important brother !! Our ideas are not important, we are here to serve the Master, that is all that is important. I showed this to you years ago and here you are repeating the same ole thing again and again !! This is why I quit replying to you at "Worthy", Jesus told the Disciples when people stop listening to wipe the Dust off of your feet, well, you are a Christian, those people may not have been in those cities, but I do not just continue a conversation when people look right past facts, its not me.

And by the way, the MEASUREMENT HERE, is God telling us the Two-witnesses are only sent to get Israel to REPENT, not the Gentiles, take ONLY the Measurement of those people who worship there in, (Jews) not those who worship in the Outside Court (Gentiles). The Temple is in the middle. Every Stone in the building has been cast down !!

These verses prove without a shadow of doubt what you are saying is wrong. I don't need anything else besides the Word to prove what you're saying is wrong.

Luke 21
6 As for these things which ye behold, the days will come, in the which there shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.
7 And they asked him, saying, Master, but when shall these things be? and what sign will there be when these things shall come to pass?

When will there not be one stone upon another that will be cast down, and what sign will there be when there will not be one stone upon another.

You used a horrible version via that TRANSLATION, do you change what version you use do fortify your wrong points? LOL here you go...Maybe you are not in Matthew !! Or maybe you got the verse numbers wrong.

As you suggested, I was not in Matthew. I was in Luke 21 which proves what you are saying is incorrect. If you think that all the stones have been cast down and there is not one stone upon another..............WHAT WAS THE SIGN OF WHEN THESE THINGS HAPPENED. YOU CAN'T ANSWER THAT QUESTION, BECAUSE IT HAS NOT HAPPENED. You are in error.

But this is what it actually means.

Matt. 24:2 And Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us when shall these things be? (Temples Destruction is THESE THINGS) and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?

So, THESE THINGS were the Temple, and what will be the SIGN of your COMING is given in Matt. 24:29-31, come on man. That is why there is an AND after "tell us when shall these things be?" AND what will be the sign of your coming (Second Coming to build the Kingdom Age) and then there is another AND the End of this world [as we know it, as ruled by men/Satan].

The destruction of the Temple being told about is the Third Temple. If it was the second Temple, WHAT WAS THE SIGN OF WHEN THERE WAS NOT ONE STONE UPON ANOTHER. Again, you cannot answer that, because it has not happened.
So, Jesus gives them about 12 SIGNS, maybe you missed them all, the LAST SIGN is the Sun and Moon turning dark (Rev 8 Asteroid causes this). That is why in verses 32-35 Jesus tells them about the Fig Tree and how when its ripe you know summer is near, likewise when ALL OF THESE SIGNS come to pass THAT GENERATION will not pass until Jesus returns, well what generation sees the Sun and Moon go dark? Those Jews living in the 70th week troubles, LOL, when the Day of the Lord comes, the Asteroid Strike in Rev. 8 !! THOSE Jews will see Jesus return. Amen.

This whole chapter has you confused brother.

You think the seals are not actionable. And yet we KNOW that the 1st four seals John told us about are the same as the beginning of sorrows that Jesus told us about. How is it that you do not understand these things?

No.....the Seals are just Jesus opening up a BOUND book of Judgments. The Four Horsemen DO ABSOLUTLY NOTHING, they are Metaphoric in nature, as per to what is about to befall mankind. The Sorrows are the Church Age birth pangs that deliver the baby, why is that concept so hard for you to grasp brother?

The Tribulation in this world is always with us, the greatest ever troubles last 42 months, IMMEDIATLEY AFTER those 42 months end is a sorta tell here, they only END because Jesus returns to end them. And the Church will be with him, as Matt. 24:29-31 shows us. (2nd Coming)

The 6th Seal as the 5th Seal is, is Jesus opening a book of Judgments and Prophesying in Heaven about what is about to befall mankind. I see it clearly.

The Sorrows happen to BIRTH THE BABY, which is Juxtaposed against THE END it just doesn't register does it? I don't blame people for not understanding Eschatology per se, nor does God, its very deep stuff, but I do blame people for putting forth falsehoods as truths, even if they think they are true, never put anything forth as truth if you do not understand it is my motto.

God Bless

I wish you the best brother. I'm not sure why you can't grasp the cosmic signs of Matthew 24 of the sun, moon and stars MARK the coming of Jesus at the 6th seal. Until you understand this simple principle, you have no chance of understanding Revelation.

Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
The destruction of the Temple being told about is the Third Temple. If it was the second Temple, WHAT WAS THE SIGN OF WHEN THERE WAS NOT ONE STONE UPON ANOTHER. Again, you cannot answer that, because it has not happened.
OK, My last reply to you, just like the other site, you either do not read and reply, or you just refuse to admit the facts. I explained all things in detail, I shan't waste my time when its obvious I proved you in error. I have better things to do.

I will place you on ignore, I do that because I seem to get your types who want to "report" when they get their feelings hurt. I never did that before, but I have one just like you who reported me for an obvious reference to petty, in the US we say a man is being small or petty, so he ran and reported Petty, so I ignored him. I will just get ahead of the situation here.
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
I'll attempt to answer this, then the rest of my post will be a general observation of where we are at and what all these things going on in the world mean as we speak. So, anyone feel free to engage.

H2S, the Four Horsemen represent actions God will bring, they last for the whole 42 months, each even is describing things the Anti-Christ will do once he goes forth in Rev. 8 (Middle of the week), they all cover the exact same timeframe like this.

1.) The Anti-Christ will go forth conquering for 42 months. (when the DOTL hits/Asteroid/Rev. 8)
2.) The A.C. will take away peace (Bring Wars) over a his 42 month reign of terror.
3.) The Anti-Christs wars and dictates will bring widespread famine over his 42 month rule.
4.) The Anti-Christs rule will bring, sickness, death and Hades (the Grave) for 42 months.

5.) Even though Seal #5 is not a Horse, it basically points to his murder of those whom serve God over a 42 month period of time.

So, your assumption is spot on, it the end of the 70th week, but it will start in the middle and cover the whole 42 months of God's Wrath. So, why is it parallel? Because Satan is a brilliant tactician, he's had us bound for 6000 years under sin. So, I will explain in general why the 42 months of the A.C. and God's Wrath runs parallel.

With the 6th Seal Jesus is only one seal (7th) away from opening this bound up scroll of judgments, thus in the 6th seal, unlike the first 5, Jesus foretells of God's soon to come Wrath. He Prophesies the exact tings tat will happen in Rev. 8. The Sun and Moon will go dark because of an asteroid strike, there are no Seal Judgments, he simply opening a bound scroll.

View attachment 21519

So, Satan understands better than most men what is coming, he understands that Rev. 8 will be an Asteroid strike. He keeps a man on the ready at all times just in case, except now he has figured it out, Apophis (IMHO this is true, the times say it has to be now) is that end time Asteroid. So, why does he not send the A.C. out until God's Wrath falls? More than likely its mandated by God, because he only allows the AC a 42 month rule, or God could just FOREKNOW Satan's plans (SMILE...we know that's true). Either way, Satan tells his AC to wait on God's Wrath to fall because it will give him a tactical advantage over men, not God. He knows once this Rev. 8 asteroid hits the world will be preoccupied whilst he will go forth conquering as 1/3 of the world burns, I think its the New World, that is 1/3 of the Land Mass on earth. Thus if my understanding is correct, no more viable USA, of course we will be i Heaven by this tine anyway, so the USA will be without its salt anyway. This is why the 5 Seals AND the 6th Seal parallel over a 42 month period pf time.

I see the Rapture as the fall of 2025, I do nit now the day nor the hour. but Jesus told us in Matt. 24:32-35 we should know the season by the fruits ripeness. If Apophis is the DOTL, we can know that and thus understand the Church has to be gone by the fall of 2025. Might be before, but by at least 2025.

I see the Anti-Christ as being Greek Born (Dan. 8:9 mandates this) I see him as having Assyrian blood (a Turk, Iraqi or Syrian....Turkey has a common border with Greece) as Isaiah 10 tells us, and he has to arise to power out of the E.U. as Dan. 7:7-8 says. All three things have to be true via this man. He will then Conquer Israel and the MANY (all the nations in the Mediterranean Sea Region).

So, why does Israel give up her Nukes? Well, why did Ukraine give up her nukes? They were promised protection vis Russia, the USA and the UK (LOL). So, why would Israel give up her nukes? Well, if she was promised to become a Member of the E.U. Then this E.U. leader could force her to give up her nukes as a condition, Israel have been trying to join the E.U. for years. That is the AGREEMEMT the make in Dan. 9:27, then the E.U. President attacks them in the middle of the week. This is going to go down very soon, within 5-8 years. Jesus will be ruling within 15 years. Well, 10 years, by 2032 or 33.

I see it all, and most don't, but I can't blame anyone for not seeing, God gives different gifts to various peoples.
That is very detailed information...most of it I agree with. I believe the Anti-Christ will be a religious man from a Christian denomination because he claims to be the Messiah...he may even be an Orthodox Jew or a Zionist....but I am not sure about him coming from the middle east. The Orthodox Jews look for him to come from Jerusalem as prophesied.....IMHO.
God Bless

Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
That is very detailed information...most of it I agree with. I believe the Anti-Christ will be a religious man from a Christian denomination because he claims to be the Messiah...he may even be an Orthodox Jew or a Zionist....but I am not sure about him coming from the middle east. The Orthodox Jews look for him to come from Jerusalem as prophesied.....IMHO.
God Bless

You are criss crossing them (smile) one will be a Jew and a Religious figure, but not the the AC. Most everyone takes John 5:43 as an end time Prophecy, but Jesus was speaking unto the Pharisees about them rejecting him, but then in turn accepting another that came in his own name. People can't understand why Israel would make a "Covenant" with this AC but don't understand that Covenant in Hebrew just means Agreement. Anyway, leading up to 70 AD the Pharisees/Jewish leaders understood that Rome was the Fourth Beast (it was obvious) and thus they were looking for their Messianic "political figure" to save them from Rome, thus they put forth different men as the messiah, but of course to no avail.

The Jews in the end time never accept the Anti-Christ as their "Messiah" they simply enter into an agreement with him to become a part of the E.U. Look up European Neighborhood Policy, on Wikipedia, Israel and the E.U. currently have 7 years agreements (2006-20013 and 2014-2020), and the E.U. has the exact same agreements with Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, Syria, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco and Libya (they are THE MANY in Dan. 9:27, 8:23-25 and in Dan. 11:40-43

You know God gives us shadows of things to come in history? Well, God gave us the clues to the end time AC and False Prophet in history, and in the bible. I did an Exegesis of Dan. 11 & 12 and God blessed me. I studied every verse in depth and named every king and how he came to power and al the players. When doing this verse I had to really research and I was blessed.

Dan. 11:22 And with the arms of a flood shall they be overflown from before him, and shall be broken; yea, also the prince of the covenant.

By the time I got finished researching this one verse, I understood this was Onias III a pious Jewish High Priest who got replaced and killed all because he would not o along with Hellenization. His brother Jason (real name Yeshua) bribed Antiochus (Dan. 11:21-34-35) to be named the High Priest thereby having his brother Onias III killed. He believed in the Greek culture hence the name change, he then welcomed Antiochus into the Temple of God to sacrifice a pig unto Zeus!! Then he tried to Hellenize the Jews which led to the infamous Maccabean Revolt. Jason can be seen in history books, via online studies or in the book of Maccabees

Bible Gateway passage: 2 Maccabees 4:7-10:9 - New American Bible (Revised Edition)

2 Maccabees 4:7-10:9 The above is all about these events.

Jason covers 6 whole chapters in 2 Maccabees. Hanukkah comes from that event where the temple was defiled, they had to cleanse the temple. I suddenly understood, WOW, God showed us the future TYPE Anti-Christ & False Prophet and of course they would have to be alive at the exact same time !! The future Anti-Christ must be Greek Born Dan. 8:9 can not be taken any other way, in God's four way directional instructions unto us, this man has to conquer towards the east and south, thus he must come from the Northwest portion of the four kings. Its really genius simple (of course, it is God, smile). We get a four way directional box, with four Generals and these factions fight back and forth over many years, then Greece goes away, and later on Roe goes away as Beasts, but i the end time this Anti-Christ has to Conquer in this same four way Directional box when he goes forth, towards the East and towards the South. Egypt (Ptolemy) can't do this he's in the south, Seleucus (Turkey today) cant do this, he's in the East, only Cassander (Greece) can conquer towards the South, East, and towards Israel, we see that and complicate it, but its really a simple truth. Dan. 11:40-43 gives us a play by play pf this end time war, he rolls through MANY COUNTRIES to get to Israel, then he conquers Egypt and all of North Africa, but the one region he can't conquer is Edom, Ammon and Moab, which just so happens to be where Israel flees unto, the Petra/Bozrah sheep fold area, the Mountains in Central and Southern Jordan.

download (5).jpg
He has to conquer from the NORTHWEST.

Anyway, Jason is a type Jewish High Priest False Prophet (who looks like a lamb but speaks as a dragon) and he will serve under this Anti-Christ E.U. President/Leader, who will be just like Antiochus, thus we are given Antiochus in verses 21-34-35, and then we are given the Anti-Christ in verses 36-45. So, the one that comes out of the earth is a Jewish man, the one that arises out of the sea is a Gentile.

Getting sleepy, God Bless.
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Hi Randy,

Indeed. As I just posted to HiH,

Son of man, when a land sins against me by breaking faith, I stretch out my hand against it and break its staff of bread, I let famine loose upon it and cut off from it both man and beast;

and even if these three men were in it, Noah, Daniel, and Job, they could save only themselves by their virtue, says the Lord GOD.

Peace be with you!

Yes, I believe I saw that. If you think about it, much of the Bible has to do with God's judgment against pagans who attacked Israel and against Israel for becoming like the pagans. In the time when the Church was founded, it had not had time to embrace entire nations and then be judged as Israel was.

So it is speculation on my part that the book of Revelation was looking into the future, and seeing the Church grow into an international phenomenon. Then, as the "apostasy," spoken of by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2, becomes a reality, then the 4 horsemen begin to take on special meaning. They become a judgment from God against a fallen Christian Civilization, just as God had sent judgment upon Israel during the times of their fall.

It's just a thought...
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Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Hi Randy,

Can you point me to that passage? I don't remember it, I want to find it.

Much love!

Sorry, I'm late getting back to you.

Isa 54.16 See, it is I who created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its work. And it is I who have created the destroyer to wreak havoc...


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Sorry, I'm late getting back to you.

Isa 54.16 See, it is I who created the blacksmith who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its work. And it is I who have created the destroyer to wreak havoc...
Thank you!

My E-Sword pointed me to a parallel passage,

Isaiah 37:26 KJV
26) Hast thou not heard long ago, how I have done it; and of ancient times, that I have formed it? now have I brought it to pass, that thou shouldest be to lay waste defenced cities into ruinous heaps.

I'm thinking there are one or two more parallels. Can you think of others?

Much love!

Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Thank you!

My E-Sword pointed me to a parallel passage,

Isaiah 37:26 KJV
26) Hast thou not heard long ago, how I have done it; and of ancient times, that I have formed it? now have I brought it to pass, that thou shouldest be to lay waste defenced cities into ruinous heaps.

I'm thinking there are one or two more parallels. Can you think of others?

Much love!

Isaiah 45:7

I form the light, and create the darkness, I make well-being and create woe; I, the LORD, do all these things.

Peace be with you!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Isaiah 45:7

I form the light, and create the darkness, I make well-being and create woe; I, the LORD, do all these things.

Peace be with you!

Jeremiah 51:20-21 KJV
20) Thou art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I destroy kingdoms;
21) And with thee will I break in pieces the horse and his rider; and with thee will I break in pieces the chariot and his rider;

And while it's not exactly the same thing, it's similar,

Job 38:22-23 KJV
22) Hast thou entered into the treasures of the snow? or hast thou seen the treasures of the hail,
23) Which I have reserved against the time of trouble, against the day of battle and war?

That's one I wanted to remember.


Much love!

Ronald D Milam

Active Member
Jan 12, 2022
United States
Then, as the "apostasy," spoken of by Paul in 2 Thessalonians 2,
Its amazing how Satan takes one word and over many years morphs it from Departure of the Church (verse 1 a gathering unto Christ, hence there is n need to fear being in God's Wrath) unto a Departure from the Faith, when nowhere in the whole chapter is faith mentioned one time. Also, how would that take away their fears? Only understanding the Church will be taken/raptured via a Departure makes sense, since the Rapture is imminent, those people Pau said didn't need to fear could have been in Gid's Wrath the next week according to you guys who think the Church will be ere during the 70th week. Nothing post or mid tribbers say ever matches up with the facts, that is how we can know its not from Gid, but we know it simply Satan whispering his untruths.

Simply amazing...but its spoken as of its really true.

Randy Kluth

Well-Known Member
Apr 27, 2020
Pacific NW
United States
Thank you!

My E-Sword pointed me to a parallel passage,

Isaiah 37:26 KJV
26) Hast thou not heard long ago, how I have done it; and of ancient times, that I have formed it? now have I brought it to pass, that thou shouldest be to lay waste defenced cities into ruinous heaps.

I'm thinking there are one or two more parallels. Can you think of others?

Much love!

I know that in the NT we are told that God's word is not spoken in vain--it accomplishes what it sets out to do. In the OT we hear that God raised up certain nations to use for purposes of judging other nations, including Israel.

Jer 50.23 How broken and shattered is the hammer of the whole earth! How desolate is Babylon among the nations!

Babylon was raised up as a "hammer" to punish the nations, only to be judged later, after her work is finished. There are other cases where God said He raised up certain nations or kings for a specific purpose, often to judge those who were sinning and refusing to repent, when things got despicably bad.

In Zechariah 1, we read of 4 horsemen and 4 horns, which represent, I think, God's judgment upon the nations, including Israel. And then there were 4 craftsmen, who made way for Israel's restoration.

Zech 1.He answered, “These are the horns that scattered Judah so that no one could raise their head, but the craftsmen have come to terrify them and throw down these horns of the nations who lifted up their horns against the land of Judah to scatter its people.”

Isaiah's prophecies themselves were identified as a "sword," along with the instruments God called upon to bring judgment to bear. The fact that God is operating in history to bring judgment upon nations through other nations is quite plain in the Scriptures.

Jer 15.3 “I will send four kinds of destroyers against them,” declares the Lord, “the sword to kill and the dogs to drag away and the birds and the wild animals to devour and destroy.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 11, 2018
Southeastern U.S.
United States
And when he had opened the third seal, I heard the third beast say, Come and see. And I beheld, and lo a black horse; and he that sat on him had a pair of balances in his hand. And I heard a voice in the midst of the four beasts say, A measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny; and see thou hurt not the oil and the wine.

Before I begin, this is not a call to hysteria that the Lord's return is now imminent. We still have a long ways to go before that time comes. But as I contended when the Covid-19 epidemic first began, we were very possibly witnessing the beginning of the Pale Horse of Revelations 6 riding out. The devastation caused by Covid-19 was not just felt in deaths, but in the effect it had on the world's economies, and this has already set up the coming of the Black Horse in part, which many interpreters have associated with famine and starvation. As I also stated when the pandemic started, it would mean that the Red Horse was also coming, which scripture states would begin taking peace from the earth.

The 3rd Seal, the black horse, has already long... been here on earth.

The balances represent world commerce, one of the things that Satan actually used at his original rebellion in coveting God's Throne in the time of old.

The measure of wheat for a penny, and three measures of barley for a penny, represent an all day wage just to buy a loaf of bread. It represents INFLATION of the money, devaluation of the dollar.

The symbol of not hurting the Oil or the Wine represents God's Truth for His 'sealed' servants in prep for the "great tribulation" at the end. The Oil represents The Holy Spirit, and the Wine represents Christ Jesus and His Word of Truth.

This Seal was opened before any of us today were born. Whenever the globalist plans for a "one world government" first began, and they started working towards that goal, affecting nation's wealth and economies and reduction of people's buying power through inflation of the money supply, that is when this Seal was opened. A gold U.S. double eagle (2 oz. gold) in the late 1800s was worth $20.