The Rapture Lie

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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
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I travel quite a bit and many little towns have prisons from high to minimum security. It is IMO quite surprising how many in lock up have virtually no clue. It also seems to me that our discussions are so foreign to what they have ever experienced. Rewarding!

The facilities for the elderly are also rewarding to visit. So many there that really want to be the speaker and have someone who is actually interested in their stories, their experiences, their life.

As mentioned, I also have a passion for the deaf. They are hungry and yes I know some Churches offer signing during a service, yet they miss so much and struggle to get to the understanding part.

Anyway pretty much I have found it requires no particular "place" or time of day to meet complete strangers eager to engage in some praising of the Lord. That is the kind of joy that makes my day.
God Bless,

You inspire me. We have an ASL interpreter in our Church at times. I love watching her during praise and really is a beautiful language to "watch" . I never really thought of the deaf having those struggles. I also have great rapport with the elderly, they can be so very lonely and yes, they do love to talk...and I love hearing their stories.
"Anyway pretty much I have found it requires no particular "place" or time of day to meet complete strangers eager to engage in some praising of the Lord. That is the kind of joy that makes my day." Amazing how He prepares us to do His will...we just have to, well walk into them!
By grace have ye been saved through faith; not of works, lest any man should glory. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God afore prepared that we should walk in them.' -- Eph.2:8-10
Thank you for sharing Taken,
In Him


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Feb 6, 2018
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You inspire me.

Awe, that's cool.

We have an ASL interpreter in our Church at times. I love watching her during praise and really is a beautiful language to "watch" .

Agree, me too. Especially like sign singing.

I never really thought of the deaf having those struggles.

It is awesome to see a profoundly deaf child be fitted for their first hearing aid. For such a child it does not allow them to hear spoken words, but more simply A sound. And then watch them discover things other than people make sounds, like for instance, they don't know when you drop something it makes a sound, or a squeaky wheel, or door slamming.

I also have great rapport with the elderly, they can be so very lonely and yes, they do love to talk...and I love hearing their stories.

There are so many little things they appreciate so much, help them pot a tomato plant, grocery shop, bake cookies, and yum they love cookies!

"Anyway pretty much I have found it requires no particular "place" or time of day to meet complete strangers eager to engage in some praising of the Lord. That is the kind of joy that makes my day."

Amazing how He prepares us to do His will...we just have to, well walk into them!

I agree. I love the little kids and watching their reactions to new discoveries and the elderly full of wisdom and seemingly so many without whom to share and the down trodden thinking that is all there is.

By grace have ye been saved through faith; not of works, lest any man should glory. For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God afore prepared that we should walk in them.' -- Eph.2:8-10


Thank you for sharing Taken,
In Him

U R Welcome, Glory to His great Name.
God Bless,
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
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Awe, that's cool.

Agree, me too. Especially like sign singing.

It is awesome to see a profoundly deaf child be fitted for their first hearing aid. For such a child it does not allow them to hear spoken words, but more simply A sound. And then watch them discover things other than people make sounds, like for instance, they don't know when you drop something it makes a sound, or a squeaky wheel, or door slamming.

There are so many little things they appreciate so much, help them pot a tomato plant, grocery shop, bake cookies, and yum they love cookies!

"Anyway pretty much I have found it requires no particular "place" or time of day to meet complete strangers eager to engage in some praising of the Lord. That is the kind of joy that makes my day."

I agree. I love the little kids and watching their reactions to new discoveries and the elderly full of wisdom and seemingly so many without whom to share and the down trodden thinking that is all there is.


U R Welcome, Glory to His great Name.
God Bless,


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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Wonderful ideas, all! And, you would love my church...we have tons of kids from several infants on up, As well as several generations of family. Our VBS will be taking place next week, they have sooo much fun! Very nice talking to you! I gotta run for a bit. Catch you on here later.
His blessings on you and yours!
In Christ
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Well-Known Member
May 31, 2017
AZ, Quartzsite
United States
The Rapture Lie

Brief History of The Rapture
The history of the doctrine of the rapture as we know it began with the teachings of a man in the late 19th century in America. This man was named John Darby. The term was popularized further by another man, William Eugene Blackstone, "Jesus is Coming" and a final inclusion in the Scofield Reference Bible. The word rapture itself(with today's definition) never appears, and as I will prove later, the concept of the Rapture certainly doesn’t either. However, it is important to note that the word "rapture" is taken from the Latin "raptus" when the origianl Greek was translated to Latin. It is quite clear that this word has been corrupted to mean what it does today. That somehow, somewhere, all Christians will magically fly away. There are certainly similar comments that were made before this time, but these comments were mostly obscure and questionable references and clearly not the opinion of the majority of learned scholars in the early church. However, these were just men as well. Trust in God above all things. This makes the Rapture doctrine a recent creation of man of which proponents can only cite Scripture cherry-picked to construct the necessary timeline.
2 Thessalonians 2:3 Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;
When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation, spoken of by Daniel the prophet, stand in the holy place, (whoso readeth, let him
God Bless!

This will be my only response to you Christna, and anyone who doesn't like my response. I Do Not Believe in the pre-Trib Rapture, this theory has been hacked to death on this Forum alone!!! All I will say to it is, When you find yourself Faced with the Great Tribulation, you know the last 3 and a half years, after the Alter in Jerusalem is shut down, Then what will you believe, were you prepared for this time in History!

As I said I will not respond to any reply's, this is where I Stand!
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Disagreeing with or Agreeing with the PreTribe, MidTrib, End of Trib Rapture is simply an individuals own Knowledge they base IN Scriptural Knowledge and SOME with Gods Understanding and Some not.

There will always be disagreement...since ALL men do not study and learn at the exact same pace.

Some people may be tried of such a discussion and think the topic has been hack to death....and scroll on by such an OP....yet others may be highly interested in the subject. Personal preference.

God Bless,
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Feb 6, 2018
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The Rapture Lie
God Bless!

The Rapture IS for those who ARE SAVED.

If that does not INCLUDE one, it has no effect on those who ARE SAVED and Included.

He WAS SAVED by the Power of the Lord.
He WAS SAVED from experiencing the Lords Destruction UPON the Earth.

Gen 7
[17] And the flood was forty days upon the earth; and the waters increased, and bare up the ark, and it was lift up above the earth.

Matt 24:
[37] But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

1 Thes 4:
[17] Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord.

I would say it is reasonable to trust the air is above the earth.

God Bless,


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
This will be my only response to you Christna, and anyone who doesn't like my response. I Do Not Believe in the pre-Trib Rapture, this theory has been hacked to death on this Forum alone!!! All I will say to it is, When you find yourself Faced with the Great Tribulation, you know the last 3 and a half years, after the Alter in Jerusalem is shut down, Then what will you believe, were you prepared for this time in History!

As I said I will not respond to any reply's, this is where I Stand!

Me too...the whole thing is one big hoax, and been bought into hook, line and sinker. They think they can see scriptures for a rapture..
Yet it goes against the very nature of God and the patterns of God from Gen. to Revelation.
The rapture lie is all about self and the saving of self.

Bless you Glenn. I hope your heart is beginning to heal now and that you can see a glimmer of Cheryl's victory. She wins, we are left here in this mess...but God had a deep purpose in leaving you in this world to drip Jesus on whoever you touch in do we all. ♥︎
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
Me too...the whole thing is one big hoax, and been bought into hook, line and sinker. They think they can see scriptures for a rapture..
Yet it goes against the very nature of God and the patterns of God from Gen. to Revelation.
The rapture lie is all about self and the saving of self.

Bless you Glenn. I hope your heart is beginning to heal now and that you can see a glimmer of Cheryl's victory. She wins, we are left here in this mess...but God had a deep purpose in leaving you in this world to drip Jesus on whoever you touch in do we all. ♥︎
So the bible's one be a hoax?


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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Me too...the whole thing is one big hoax, and been bought into hook, line and sinker. They think they can see scriptures for a rapture..
Yet it goes against the very nature of God and the patterns of God from Gen. to Revelation.
The rapture lie is all about self and the saving of self.

Sorry friend, you have missed one of the most prominent and important teachings OF the Whole of Scripture, introduced from the very beginning of Mankind.

Gen 3 tells you that the FIRST man was IN the Garden, and God was Also IN the Garden.

Gen tells you the man REJECTED following Gods Word.

Gen tells you the Consequence for the mans REJECTION....It is a DIVISION, of the man being SEPARATED FROM God.

And Further tells you WHY....which is to KEEP the way of the TREE OF LIFE for others, WHO WILL DESIRE to "NOT BE DIVIDED and SEPARATED FROM God."

Gen 3

  1. [8] And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.
  2. [10] And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.
  3. [23] Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from thegarden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
  4. [24] So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.
For men of the Earth who had been Multiplying upon the Earth, and the Way of the World was being Influenced to trust in MEN rather than God....God Himself appeared IN THE Flesh....called Jesus....and for those WHO missed the lesson of DIVISION,
Jesus said it man has NO excuse to NOT understand the BIG PICTURE in Gods Plan.

Luke 12
  1. [51] Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

Salvation is the Lords Offering, of HOW HE DIVIDES men without Him from men WITH Him.

You may not believe it or like it....But it is Gods Plan, and has been IN Effect since BEFORE mankind was created, Because the SAME applied to His created Angels, who chose to Not Follow in His Way.

Gods WRATH is not appointed TO those WITH HIM.

It is a man who is WITH God, that suffers the INDGINATION of other men, just as Jesus did.

It is the Lord God who has prepared HIS OWN CUP of INDIGNATION to POUR OUT on the WORLD, who is Left upon the Earth, WITHOUT Him.

It is called Gods REVENGE and VENGENCE.

And while you may believe, God suffers those WITH Him, to NOT BE WITH HIM, while He pours out His INDIGNATION upon the world, that is your choice.

Because the FACT IS, the Lord will descend From Heaven to Above the Earth in the Clouds to POUR OUT HIS CUP OF INDIGNATION UPON THE WORLD, and those WHO ARE WITH HIM, SHALL BE WITH HIM, in the Clouds.

And no that does NOT GO Against God...
He does not Stand Against Himself, nor does those WITH HIM, Stand Against Him, and WHY the Saved are Forever WITH Him.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Me too...the whole thing is one big hoax, and been bought into hook, line and sinker. They think they can see scriptures for a rapture..
Yet it goes against the very nature of God and the patterns of God from Gen. to Revelation.
The rapture lie is all about self and the saving of self.

Bless you Glenn. I hope your heart is beginning to heal now and that you can see a glimmer of Cheryl's victory. She wins, we are left here in this mess...but God had a deep purpose in leaving you in this world to drip Jesus on whoever you touch in do we all. ♥︎
Well said Helen and, @Truth - we will continue to pray for your strength and faith to grow strong, and for your joy of the Lord to be restored soon. He will bring you through the grieving for sure! And, soon you will once again have HIS peace in knowing Cheryl's joy ♥ God Bless you brother.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
Me too...the whole thing is one big hoax, and been bought into hook, line and sinker. They think they can see scriptures for a rapture..
Yet it goes against the very nature of God and the patterns of God from Gen. to Revelation.
The rapture lie is all about self and the saving of self.

Bless you Glenn. I hope your heart is beginning to heal now and that you can see a glimmer of Cheryl's victory. She wins, we are left here in this mess...but God had a deep purpose in leaving you in this world to drip Jesus on whoever you touch in do we all. ♥︎

Noah and his family and Lot and his family are very much in keeping. In fact used as examples for the rapture.

Church and the tribulation MK simply cannot be found in the bible. Israel, temple and a return to law were talked about over and over.

Disregard if you will, but it does not change anything.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Noah and his family and Lot and his family are very much in keeping. In fact used as examples for the rapture.

Church and the tribulation MK simply cannot be found in the bible. Israel, temple and a return to law were talked about over and over.

Disregard if you will, but it does not change anything.

Only time will prove who has the right of it.
I would hardly call Lot and his wife and family "raptured" :rolleyes:
Good heavens ...none of that was a 'good outcome'.

God promises time and again 'to be with us in trouble' and 'through the waters' and in the fire....
God is not an escapist God...He is a God of victory.
He calls those who 'do not love their own lives (themselves) unto death'.

But, no point in arguing the point....the proof is in the the old saying goes.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Sorry friend, you have missed one of the most prominent and important teachings OF the Whole of Scripture, introduced from the very beginning of Mankind.

Gen 3 tells you that the FIRST man was IN the Garden, and God was Also IN the Garden.

Gen tells you the man REJECTED following Gods Word.

Gen tells you the Consequence for the mans REJECTION....It is a DIVISION, of the man being SEPARATED FROM God.

And Further tells you WHY....which is to KEEP the way of the TREE OF LIFE for others, WHO WILL DESIRE to "NOT BE DIVIDED and SEPARATED FROM God."

Gen 3

  1. [8] And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day: and Adam and his wife hid themselves from the presence of the LORD God amongst the trees of the garden.
  2. [10] And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself.
  3. [23] Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from thegarden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
  4. [24] So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.
For men of the Earth who had been Multiplying upon the Earth, and the Way of the World was being Influenced to trust in MEN rather than God....God Himself appeared IN THE Flesh....called Jesus....and for those WHO missed the lesson of DIVISION,
Jesus said it man has NO excuse to NOT understand the BIG PICTURE in Gods Plan.

Luke 12
  1. [51] Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

Salvation is the Lords Offering, of HOW HE DIVIDES men without Him from men WITH Him.

You may not believe it or like it....But it is Gods Plan, and has been IN Effect since BEFORE mankind was created, Because the SAME applied to His created Angels, who chose to Not Follow in His Way.

Gods WRATH is not appointed TO those WITH HIM.

It is a man who is WITH God, that suffers the INDGINATION of other men, just as Jesus did.

It is the Lord God who has prepared HIS OWN CUP of INDIGNATION to POUR OUT on the WORLD, who is Left upon the Earth, WITHOUT Him.

It is called Gods REVENGE and VENGENCE.

And while you may believe, God suffers those WITH Him, to NOT BE WITH HIM, while He pours out His INDIGNATION upon the world, that is your choice.

Because the FACT IS, the Lord will descend From Heaven to Above the Earth in the Clouds to POUR OUT HIS CUP OF INDIGNATION UPON THE WORLD, and those WHO ARE WITH HIM, SHALL BE WITH HIM, in the Clouds.

And no that does NOT GO Against God...
He does not Stand Against Himself, nor does those WITH HIM, Stand Against Him, and WHY the Saved are Forever WITH Him.

Glory to God,

See post #274

Try prayerfully reading the opening posts.
I'm afraid you will find yourself sadly disappointed if you are waiting for some rapture out of trouble.

You have been hoaxed my friend in a huge way...
I have nothing to lose, you do if you are expecting some sudden deliverance .
Never mind though, I and others will be here to help you pick up the pieces again. :D

( but actually, by then I am sure they will have removed all communication between each other world wide.. better get prepared now. )
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Noah and his family and Lot and his family are very much in keeping. In fact used as examples for the rapture.

Church and the tribulation MK simply cannot be found in the bible. Israel, temple and a return to law were talked about over and over.

Disregard if you will, but it does not change anything.
Noah never got raptured any where, he and His family where "protected" in the Ark during ., what to them was a great tribulation, and Guess what, Jesus has become our ark, we are safe in Him.

Everyone has faith, till the trouble comes, than they want to run away...
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
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See post #274

Try prayerfully reading the opening posts.
I'm afraid you will find yourself sadly dissipated if you are waiting for some rapture out of trouble.

You have been hoaxed my friend in a huge way...
I have nothing to lose, you do if you are expecting some sudden deliverance .
Never mind though, I and others will be here to help you pick up the pieces again. :D

( but actually, by then I am sure they will have removed all communication between each other world wide.. better get prepared now. )
It is all about trusting Him through trials and
TRIBULATION. Is He unable to protect us, feed us and shelter us against His own wrath? I would think so! We trust Him no matter what is happening around us, or we do not. If we are not ALWAYS being built up in the faith, we will be weak and our faith could be shattered. As far as I am concerned, if perhaps the rapture IS true, it would just be the cherry on the top ;)


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
It is all about trusting Him through trials and
TRIBULATION. Is He unable to protect us, feed us and shelter us against His own wrath? I would think so! We trust Him no matter what is happening around us, or we do not. If we are not ALWAYS being built up in the faith, we will be weak and our faith could be shattered. As far as I am concerned, if perhaps the rapture IS true, it would just be the cherry on the top ;)
Something to do with,

Mat 7:24 Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock:
Mat 7:25 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock.
Mat 7:26 And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:
Mat 7:27 And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
...if perhaps the rapture IS true...
There is no "if perhaps" about Bible truth. Once Christians understand the reasons for the Resurrection/Rapture, they can fully believe why it is a divine necessity and an important Bible doctrine.
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