Two Spirits At War In America?

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Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
What you call hate, may be righteous indignation on the side of God. And the spirit of Leviathan on the other. Discernment.

The Bible says, Be angry, and sin not.

Im not talking about hating an ideology or policy or even behaviour...

Im talking about hating the people that dont agree with ones own politcal ideology... The actual people, to the point of violence and bloodshed will be the result... This unwarranted hatred for our enemies is exactly what we must overcome to love as Jesus loves...

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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Hate, on both sides, is from the enemy.
This is a nice bland statement which fails to address the issue at hand. Did you see this kind of hatred against Obama from the conservatives? Obama was not even mildly rebuked for his serious transgressions against the law of the land and the Constitution. And he was the darling of the media, who never ever went after him for anything. He was a Manchurian Candidate for the Muslims but there was not a peep from the Left, Right, or Center. Except that he was neither brainwashed nor an unwitting accomplice.

Today we see an irrational hatred against Trump, his officials, and his supporters. Why? Because he won fair and square and overturned all the negative expectations of his enemies. He should have been commended from all sides for winning that election. Instead all we have seen is venom from the Left. But you have refused to acknowledge this reality. So "hate on both sides" is pure baloney from the Left.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Im not talking about hating an ideology or policy or even behaviour...

Im talking about hating the people that dont agree with ones own politcal ideology... The actual people, to the point of violence and bloodshed will be the result... This unwarranted hatred for our enemies is exactly what we must overcome to love as Jesus loves...


I wonder how many of the disciples loved Judas after he betrayed Jesus? Or did they hate him? It doesn't say, though they called him the son of perdition. I wonder if any Jews loved Hitler?

You said, "this unwarranted hatred for our enemies" but what about "warranted"? That would be more like Jesus, to love those who warranted hatred.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Today we see an irrational hatred against Trump, his officials, and his supporters. Why? Because he won fair and square and overturned all the negative expectations of his enemies. He should have been commended from all sides for winning that election. Instead all we have seen is venom from the Left.

I believe that they are still in shock.
Their plans were going ahead smoothly and opposition.
Most of the Mr ordinary's in the street were oblivious to any 'plan' at all.
But when Trump happened they went into panic mode.
Their plan has been delayed, set back.
Their true colours were always there, but hidden, yet now they are out in the open....they have exposed themselves
The lines have now been drawn.

The sad thing is though....the Mr Ordinary in the streets, are still walking around with blinkers on...blind as bats...unaware of the dangers, unaware of the agendas planed for them and their families .
Like it or not, it has come down to "us and them". :(
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Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
I believe that they are still in shock.
Their plans were going ahead smoothly and opposition.
Most of the Mr ordinary's in the street were oblivious to any 'plan' at all.
But when Trump happened they went into panic mode.
Their plan has been delayed, set back.
Their true colours were always there, but hidden, yet now they are out in the open....they have exposed themselves
The lines have now been drawn.

The sad thing is though....the Mr Ordinary in the streets, are still walking around with blinkers on...blind as bats...unaware of the dangers, unaware of the agendas planed for them and their families .
Like it or not, it has come down to "us and them". :(

Yes, I'm so used to people that see, it is hard to see my old friends so blind. One of them is even the Chief of Staff for her state representative (D).


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Yes, I'm so used to people that see, it is hard to see my old friends so blind. One of them is even the Chief of Staff for her state representative (D).

Agree. Most of my unsaved old friends can't 'see' ...but the one which bothers me most is my elder brother and his wife.

Their stand is "we must be like Jesus and love everyone"..
They cannot see the 'spirits' which operate being it all. :rolleyes:
Blind by choice. When they refuse to hear, it is by choice :oops:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
Is hypocrisy spiritual? how does it manifest with these? Are there just two spirits or more? Should we support any of them?

All people with their self interests are predisposed towards hypocrisy, but for some reason it seems the liberal side is more hypocritical. For example with one hand they want to save lives, and with the other take them.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
Is hypocrisy spiritual? how does it manifest with these? Are there just two spirits or more? Should we support any of them?

All people with their self interests are predisposed towards hypocrisy, but for some reason it seems the liberal side is more hypocritical. For example with one hand they want to save lives, and with the other take them.

To me this reveals either two spirits with competing goals, or one spirit lying about its goals. Perhaps it is only nurturing in appearance but is actually lawlessness or rebelion.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I will preface this thread by saying I don't normally get involved with political discussions because they're so divisive, and I don't want to generate more strife than is already there. But I was reading something posted by Rollo on a political thread this morning that I thought was exceptionally perceptive and hits the nail on the head. This was initially just a response to that post, but I realized a new thread should probably be created out of it.

Some may argue about the terrorist part, but are there two spirits at war in the US right now? And I mean not just a Christian spirit vs an evil spirit, but more specifically a male-oriented spirit that stands for authority, law and order vs. a female-oriented spirit that falls more on the side of nurturing, and resents overbearing authoritarianism.

I believe this is how Satan has largely divided our country into two camps now; two spirits opposing one another in the hearts and minds of Americans... not that I would think it impossible for one to be misled, even as a Christians, since women who might be especially sensitive to things like sexual abuse would be strongly tempted to find our current President repulsive, and in a sense it should be acknowledged that he somewhat is, or at least was in his past. But I believe the spirit that is now generating genuine hate for the current US President is not from God but the enemy.

Aside from the numerous prophecies that went forth before the election that God was going to use Trump to restore the fortunes of the nation and back Israel, someone sent me a dream related to all this a few weeks ago. She had been having Trump appear in her dreams for consecutive nights, and in this last dream she again allowed him to enter her home, but eventually told him he would have to leave. As he left and was walking away, outside there was a church on one side of the street and a Masonic Temple on the other (symbolic of these two different spirits, one that supports Him and one that vehemently hates and "opposes" him). Trump was going down the street when the woman's husband found out, grew angry that he had left, and was chasing after him.

The home itself represents America, and I believe that eventually, possibly soon, Trump will no longer be welcome in this "house" anymore. Largely due to the spirit that despises him, he will be indicted. The husband, however, represents law enforcement and by extension the male spirit that rose to ascendency with Trump's election to office. I believe when Trump is told to leave, the country is going to be left to the wolves again, and this may cause authoritarian branches of the government, such as law enforcement, border patrol, and the military, to be displeased with him, not in the sense that they think he left deliberately, but that he failed to "stay in the house," and maintain his office.

Any thoughts? And PLEASE be respectful of one another on this thread. I believe the female and male "spirits" (if you will) should not be divided, for there is a place for being both nurturing and authoritative in leadership. I just think the Devil has pitted these two spirits against one another to divide the country, when on a deeper level it is actually a war between the Spirit of God and the spirit of the enemy.

Blessings in Christ, and peace be upon those who read this post.

Hidden In Him:

I’m not commenting on this dream per se. It is on the subject and one aspect of spirituality in the so-called ‘Christian’ world today.

I have seen a new phenomenon develop in the last 25 years, since political correctness was officially accepted and sanctioned in the early 1990s. Increasingly since that time, many people have traded their little values and beliefs they possess, with modern godlike type of worldly democratic ideals.

For example, one woman said to my wife recently, I am (proud to be) ‘left of left’ and I only make friends with these kinds of people. After hearing this I wondered whether this person was an anarchist or a neo-Marxist speaking in my home. I never heard anyone speak in these terms before. I guess they term this as an example of identity politics.

I met another person and she said she ‘hated’ Trump. I said that’s a strong word. I asked her why she hated him. She had no answer besides saying her family feels the same way. This is a typical of those leaning to the political left.

To be fair and realistic I have also listened for many years those on the political right that are patriotic and bewildered why their country is become a chaotic mess – institutions are being ruined and non-functioning. Some I believe are well-meaning people although many are also un-believers. They are waiting for a big fight, to fight the commies I guess.

Whatever the political persuasion one follows, I belief there is a powerful spirit snapping at many heels today. It wants your mind and heart to be focused, trained, conformed and transformed into the new world of citizen or global politics, at the expense of ever knowing or continuing to follow the spirit of God. Take heed!

Bless you,



Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Hidden In Him:

I’m not commenting on this dream per se. It is on the subject and one aspect of spirituality in the so-called ‘Christian’ world today.

I have seen a new phenomenon develop in the last 25 years, since political correctness was officially accepted and sanctioned in the early 1990s. Increasingly since that time, many people have traded their little values and beliefs they possess, with modern godlike type of worldly democratic ideals.

For example, one woman said to my wife recently, I am (proud to be) ‘left of left’ and I only make friends with these kinds of people. After hearing this I wondered whether this person was an anarchist or a neo-Marxist speaking in my home. I never heard anyone speak in these terms before. I guess they term this as an example of identity politics.

I met another person and she said she ‘hated’ Trump. I said that’s a strong word. I asked her why she hated him. She had no answer besides saying her family feels the same way. This is a typical of those leaning to the political left.

To be fair and realistic I have also listened for many years those on the political right that are patriotic and bewildered why their country is become a chaotic mess – institutions are being ruined and non-functioning. Some I believe are well-meaning people although many are also un-believers. They are waiting for a big fight, to fight the commies I guess.

Whatever the political persuasion one follows, I belief there is a powerful spirit snapping at many heels today. It wants your mind and heart to be focused, trained, conformed and transformed into the new world of citizen or global politics, at the expense of ever knowing or continuing to follow the spirit of God. Take heed!

Bless you,


Wow...APAK...that was indeed a WOW of a post!
And that sure does "hit the nail".
Great post, lots of food for thought.

So, do we as a people " just pray"?
Or do we rest in God because we know these things must be? :confused:
We know that things are getting darker on the one side, but we also know that "by faith"( because it is not visible yet)...on the far horizon we will soon have a the glimmer of Light from the dawning of God's new day.

There is a whole lot of 'noise' , chatter and talking going on right now...yet outside of prayer we feel powerless to 'do' anything or change anything.
If this is following prophesy ( Rev) do we rejoice, or what?

I must admit I do tend to flip, I feel that I should be doing something, but in reality I have no clue what!!

When you are a Bear of Very Little Brain, and you Think of Things, you find sometimes that a Thing which seemed very Thingish inside you is quite different when it gets out into the open and has other people looking at it.”
. . - A.A. Milne, Winnie-the-Pooh.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I don't believe it is just women. Men are polarizing as well.

Agreed. That's just it. It can go both ways.
Whatever the political persuasion one follows, I belief there is a powerful spirit snapping at many heels today. It wants your mind and heart to be focused, trained, conformed and transformed into the new world of citizen or global politics, at the expense of ever knowing or continuing to follow the spirit of God. Take heed!

Yes, and I suppose for me the most troubling part is that it threatens violence, and will eventually give itself over to violence when it grows strong enough.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I must admit I do tend to flip, I feel that I should be doing something, but in reality I have no clue what!!

I think the climate is already set where it will require showing kindness in spite of the lies, so as overcome evil with good. As Peter said, "when they see our good works they would be ashamed who falsely accuse us." (1 Peter 3:9-16).
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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I believe it would be misleading to attribute the present conflict within the USA to gender-related issues. There are many sane women who support authority, law and order, and the Constitution. The conflict is -- as has ever been -- between God and Satan (the Adversary).

For a very long time, politicians, bureaucrats and judges were simply playing games (while betraying those who paid their salaries) and watching the destruction of America from within. Washington D.C. had become a cesspool of corruption and lawlessness, where some (such as Obama, the Clintons and dozens of top officials in the various departments) were above the law.

Finally, a businessman -- Trump -- who happens to be a patriot came on the scene and said "Enough is Enough". We will make America great again and drain the Swamp. No one could buy him off, and he was not going to play by Washington's rules. No one believed that he could be elected, but God intervened in spite of every kind of attack on Trump.

Well the Swamp-dwellers went into panic mode, created a *Resistance Movement*, using the Deep State as their tool to try and destroy Trump and remove him from office, and now we have full-blown anarchy being promoted by the detractors and enemies of Trump. But in fact, they are the enemies of the people, since Trump was democratically and legally elected as President.

So the visceral hatred for Trump and his supporters is definitely from Satan, who is using Left-Liberal minions to undermine the Constitution, law and order, and good governance. He wants to see chaos, anarchy, rebellion, and constant conflict within the USA, which is the last bastion of freedom and democracy.

Man, you are really missing your calling - FOXNEWS has plenty of openings these days for the very sort of fantasy writers


Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2018
United States
Man, you are really missing your calling - FOXNEWS has plenty of openings these days for the very sort of fantasy writers

Then you don't know Fox News! ROFL;)

They lie in the news to slant it toward their own liberal Democratic agenda. They wouldn't allow this type of spiritual insight of @Enoch111 .


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Drain that Swamp!

Reacting to news that Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt resigned Thursday, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) released a one-word statement, attributed to Executive Director Noah Bookbinder: “Good.”


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
I agree with @1stCenturyLady and do not really have anything to add.
There have always been differences in the two camps, but I've never seen this hatred.

I just want to add that this is how I perceive things (even here in Italy)...
The right, which is supposed to be closed minded, is accepting of the left, although unhappily, and let's them operate when they're in power.

The left, which is supposed to be open minded, absolutely hates the right and does everything it can to put obstacles in its way; going so far as to bring charges to courts for violations which waste a lot of time since the persons involved are never found guilty and it's obvious this is done on purpose to not allow the right to do its job.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I agree with @1stCenturyLady and do not really have anything to add.
There have always been differences in the two camps, but I've never seen this hatred.

I just want to add that this is how I perceive things (even here in Italy)...
The right, which is supposed to be closed minded, is accepting of the left, although unhappily, and let's them operate when they're in power.

The left, which is supposed to be open minded, absolutely hates the right and does everything it can to put obstacles in its way; going so far as to bring charges to courts for violations which waste a lot of time since the persons involved are never found guilty and it's obvious this is done on purpose to not allow the right to do its job.

Without wanting to come off as slanted, this is almost exactly the way I see things here in the States. At least where the media is concerned, it is near impossible to find anyone on the Left who comes off as moderate, and I have to attribute this to a spirit at work.

A spirit doesn't want to reason with you. It has an agenda, and will vilify anyone or anything that stands in its way.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
I just want to add that this is how I perceive things (even here in Italy)...
The right, which is supposed to be closed minded, is accepting of the left, although unhappily, and let's them operate when they're in power.

The left, which is supposed to be open minded, absolutely hates the right and does everything it can to put obstacles in its way; going so far as to bring charges to courts for violations which waste a lot of time since the persons involved are never found guilty and it's obvious this is done on purpose to not allow the right to do its job.

And that for me is " Hitting the nail right on the head....EXCELLENT!!
. . . happy-yes-smiley-emoticon.gif