Two Spirits At War In America?

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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
I pray with the monks of a local monastery - they pray 7 times a day, i only pray four times a day - the prayer is called the Liturgy of the Hours or the Divine Office. I also volunteer at the monastery and run a men’s group at my parish. Being an oblate (Benedictine term for third order) simply means committing yourself to serving others and prayer.
I go to a monastery about 40 minutes north of my home, up in the mountains. They picked the prettiest places to live. They plant their own veggies and eat very little meat. People bring them food and money and they get along. One of them used to be a rock guitarist and he doesn't like talking about it. They pray 8 times a day and are very alert and intelligent but very quiet. They also do the Liturgy of the Hours in the little church there in case anyone wants to join; they also have Mass on a regular basis and for holidays. I don't know what order they are, I've never even asked!

Here they are and also the monastery:

I study, with about 15 others, with the one with the beard.
JK. The one on the left. The guitarist is on the right and there are 2 others.

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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I go to a monastery about 40 minutes north of my home, up in the mountains. They picked the prettiest places to live. They plant their own veggies and eat very little meat. People bring them food and money and they get along. One of them used to be a rock guitarist and he doesn't like talking about it. They pray 8 times a day and are very alert and intelligent but very quiet. They also do the Liturgy of the Hours in the little church there in case anyone wants to join; they also have Mass on a regular basis and for holidays. I don't know what order they are, I've never even asked!

Here they are and also the monastery:

I study, with about 15 others, with the one with the beard.
JK. The one on the left. The guitarist is on the right and there are 2 others.


Yeah, i love monasteries
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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
I join in for the evening prayer occasionally. It always cheers me knowing my brothers and sisters are giving praise and thanksgiving to God with one voice all around the world..


Yeah, I feel the same way. It is the Body of Christ in perpetual prayer.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
It seems to be happening all over.
We need to be made poor and get to the level of China.
America has changed and is no longer America.
Europe has changed.
The young like the idea of socialism. They think they're going to get everything for free; schooling, including college, medical care, etc.
Nothing is free in this life; someone pays for everything we get.
Bernie Sanders had all the youth in his camp in the last campaign --- he made everything sound so good.

All this starts early in the child's life. We've gradually gone from this:

To this:

Isaiah 5:20
I would like Socialism as well if I did not understand the facts about it all, it's a system that bankrupts in everyway possible even body and Soul.
Socialism always ends up as a dictatorship, Political Correctness is the tool to assure that all are under the thumb.
Everyone I know who idolises Socialism is a narrow minded and short sighted person and rejects anything in depth, never had to work for themselves in business and nor would they do such because they are to lazy or could not keep a handle on all such, not to mention that reality would kick in and that would be too hard to swallow.

One of my Jewish Socialist mates worked in the Bank and going off his rocker that he was never promoted, I informed him how to go about it and he said ok I will try that and in 3 weeks he was promoted, he said to me hey it worked, he became the loans manager but in the banks many people are very stuck up, they think the world revolves around them and they are a cut above everyone, small business owners looked down on and farmers all regarded as worthless idiots, I said hang on do you think you could cut it in such peoples world, there is a lot more to such than you could imagine or even ever fathom.
I remember when the manager of the Bank understood others business and had the call themselves to approve a loan, but from about 1990 that was all done in Sydney a faceless bureaucratic system and the loans manager only a paper work stooge.
They claim this is the way the world works, just as it does in their office, they can not fathom beyond that and as for a builder mate of mine he can't fathom anything beyond his little world that he knows because he just does not want to know and some of his ideas are in fact Socialist goals, eliminate State powers and have council more powers but he is only all for such because he can get to manipulate such to his own ways.
That's 2 people I have known there whole life, one a total lefty Socialist and the other a far right wing clown that money is their god they worship totally, both are atheist and I said there is your god, all atheist have gods that they worship and it's a 24/7 thing with them and the Jew is a Socialist because it's the letter of the Law to him that is all he can fathom, like all Jews both are not truly loving humans, it's all about what they can get, first and foremost in their lives, they don't want to know about Jesus at all, they think such is just foolishness.
It's all about look at me and what I have. possessed by demonic spirits ! sadly they don not have Grace and could not fathom what it truly is anyway, because they are like a beast that mistake what's just ass for class.


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
I pray with the monks of a local monastery - they pray 7 times a day, i only pray four times a day - the prayer is called the Liturgy of the Hours or the Divine Office. I also volunteer at the monastery and run a men’s group at my parish. Being an oblate (Benedictine term for third order) simply means committing yourself to serving others and prayer.

Thank you for the explanation Aspen.
Wow, sounds like it keeps you very busy.

Bless you abundantly . ✟
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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Thank you for the explanation Aspen.
Wow, sounds like it keeps you very busy.

Bless you abundantly . ✟

Well, it does when I have time to pray the prayer completely 4 times a day (I do not actually go to the monastery to pray with my brother monks), but that is not always the case. I recognize that I practice this form of prayer and service because I enjoy it and for God, not to impress people so I am unconcerned if I am doing it perfectly or I need a break. If it gets tedious or overwhelming i simply back off. God looks at the heart, and the perfection of love - I am just doing this practice while I wait to be perfected by Him
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Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
I will TRY to be nice. First of all you don't know me. But you call me a liar. I was a Police officer for 26 yrs. a police officer can get fired for lying. so I have a lot of experience telling the truth. How about you? I grew up as a Catholic, was an alter boy. All most went to the Seminary to be come a Priest. Went to Church for 40 yrs. I left when the Homosexuals moved in. I went to a Lutheran church until the Homosexuals moved in there also.
You went to Church for 40 years and never heard of the liturgical calendar?

You say that the Priests are required to teach the entire bible every year, that may be true I don't know. I will take your word on that. The vast amount of Sermons I heard in church were on the 4 Gospels. Never heard a Sermon on the Book of Rev. other then the Priest to say it was to hard to under stand.
What I posted about the Priest I knew is not slanderous because I didn't tell his name, could be any one.
The conversation took place around 40 yrs ago ( I have a very good memory ) and are the word he spoke. He has the right to believe what ever he wants. I am not his judge. I was just shocked to hear that coming from a Priest.
I would be too. You have a good memory of being shocked, but no memory of all the facts. I would clarify with the priest exactly what he meant. I've heard these stories before and they don't hold up to scrutiny. Most of the time it's a misunderstanding. The procedure for lay people in dealing with an erroneous priest is to clarify, write it down, obtain as many signatures as possible, and submit it to the bishop. Contrary to the psychotic babbling of anti-Catholics, ordinary Catholics have rights.

Of course I will not tell you his name. He may have changed his beliefs. I have not talked to him in those 40 Yrs. so I don't know.
I will say that he is in charge of one of the largest Churches in the metro area the last time I heard about him.
So it's not just one priest you attempted to smear but the entire priesthood based on a 40 year old comment that you are compelled to display in a forum with a high population of anti-Catholics. I can't think of any other motive.

" Telling lies about the church in the name of Jesus? "
I didn't use the name of Jesus.....
" I don't think He is impressed "
As I remember Jesus spent a lot of his time fighting with the Church. Remember the money changers.????
If you think the money changers were the Church, it's because you are soaked up to the eyeballs in anti-Catholic propaganda. That's why ex-Catholics become anti-Catholics.


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2012
I pray with the monks of a local monastery - they pray 7 times a day, i only pray four times a day - the prayer is called the Liturgy of the Hours or the Divine Office. I also volunteer at the monastery and run a men’s group at my parish. Being an oblate (Benedictine term for third order) simply means committing yourself to serving others and prayer.
In addition, a third order flows from a particular order's charism, such as The Franciscan, Benedictine, Dominican etc. They are meant for people who want a deeper walk but have jobs and families and entering a monastery isn't practical. The Third Order of St. Francis sends its rejects to the Third Order of St. Benedict. :p
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
What does " the third order" thing mean?

How many 'orders' ?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Oct 5, 2011
minnesota USA
United States
You went to Church for 40 years and never heard of the liturgical calendar?
The Liturgy all the time. Liturgical calendar? no.

I would be too. You have a good memory of being shocked, but no memory of all the facts. I would clarify with the priest exactly what he meant. I've heard these stories before and they don't hold up to scrutiny. Most of the time it's a misunderstanding. The procedure for lay people in dealing with an erroneous priest is to clarify, write it down, obtain as many signatures as possible, and submit it to the bishop. Contrary to the psychotic babbling of anti-Catholics, ordinary Catholics have rights.

I have a good memory, not a perfect memory. I was a police officer and was sent to take a theft report at the ______ church I met the Priest out side the church. it was summer time. He was standing on the south east corner of the church. He was facing south and I was north. He told me that some one stole the cash from the offering plate and left the checks. I asked him if he had any idea of the amount of cash was taken. he told me ( but I don't remember the amount ) he said that they get almost the same amount at ever service.
Because I almost went to the Priest hood. that's is when we had the conversation I talked about. I don't recall you being present. But you seam to know more about it then I do.

The pomp and circumstance not the story and prophecies.

The procedure for lay people in dealing with an erroneous priest is to clarify, write it down, obtain as many signatures as possible, and submit it to the bishop. Contrary to the psychotic babbling of anti-Catholics, ordinary Catholics have rights.
Like I said I'm NOT his judge. He may have changed.

I have had several unpleasant encounters with homosexuals and I have great dislike for them. They are in all churches, businesses, schools, government. I was NOT bashing the Catholics. They have probably done more to spread the gospel then any other group. there are many Catholic run hospitals, food shelf's and many other out reach programs. I'm sure that there are millions of Catholics in Heaven and many more that will be there.

So it's not just one priest you attempted to smear but the entire priesthood based on a 40 year old comment that you are compelled to display in a forum with a high population of anti-Catholics. I can't think of any other motive.
Maybe you should re-think what YOU THINK are my motives. I had no motive other then the facts as I know them, If you don't like facts, then that is your problem.

Your insulting accusations are unjustified and unnecessary.
I still consider my self a Catholic faults and all. But you saying I'm anti Catholic because I'm willing to talk about some of the problems in the Catholic and all churches. If we can't reevaluate what we believe in from time to time. We could be lead astray.
This is much longer then I like to post.
I will for get your insults. And just ask God to bless you abundantly. Pomp.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Bible study them were good days, but if you ask the wrong questions the priest did not like it at all and just start waffling on with total gibberish and then run away, like when I pointed out that he should study the RCC doctrine on each subject and try to be reasonable in his response.
I was 16yo and open to all denominations, happy to sit down and look into everything openly, but that is not the case in all the churches I have went to, they tell you what is what and you have to believe it all. are well that's not me ! I have to be true to myself to be convinced.
I would look at the story's and say there is more to that story than first meets the eye or what they were portraying I could see there was more depth to it and that it links up with something I had read in the OT and other parts and I wanted to explore that with others who were older and more knowledgeable than me at only 16yo, but I was hammered there is nothing more to it at all by the priest.
Fact is the whole Bible books are linked in some way, the OT is the blueprint for the new and you can test the NT with the OT to see if it lines up or they are off track on a subject and just making up porky pies.
I believe that when the true Jews and I am talking about devout OT masters of the OT and not the yobbos or Talmud Satanic whores. but them who are True to the OT, them masters will have there eyes opened one day and see Jesus Christ truly for who he truly is and prove all the nonsense that is truly just a con job that has plagued Christianity by the money changers etc.

All Churches are about money now and they are not interested in following Jesus Christ at all or saving peoples Souls at all and that sticks out like dogs balls to me. they are ego driven boasting about charity they do even when the Bible says not to, but the Government can do just that charity as well and that's the whole point the "government can not save Souls" and that's the number one point of being a Priest with his flock is to feed his sheep from the well spring of Jesus Christ only, so if the flock do not have the Holy Sprit as there guiding light then they have no true Charity worthy of Jesus Christs life in them.
Biblical Charity is not what is widely mistake for charity that people think that it is, there is no true Grace in charity as any fool can do that, but the Holy Spiritual Charity is Grace and much more so than just good works and that's the problem nowadays is people do not understand the difference between the two, my old Catholic Bible doctrine guide explains the facts of such but most Roman Catholics clearly do not understand the facts of what there Church once taught, it's like Chines whispers that down the track the majority are out of line and the Prots go about pointing out the foolishness of the RC people what they believe and I was like no that's not what the head of the RCC teaches at all in what I studied, but I found it's true that the majority of RC people are just as the Prots say they are. so go figure that most RC are out of line with the true teaching of their own church and that the Prots have no idea what the true RCC position is anyway, but nowadays the head of the RCC is totally wrong and has become a Satanic monster, and all this started with Vatican II when the Satanic Zionist Talmud Jews crept in, so as to bastardise the RCC just as they did with the protestant churches, they put kikes in positions to play the games and it's this mob who are child molesters and poofters who are in bed with Government Satanist who have totally protected them for years and it's taken more than 40 years to bring such to light only now.
The Bible point out who this child molesting poofters are, they are the ones who creped in and destroyed Israel and Judah, see that man made so called Star do you know what the Bible says that it is. it comes from Egypt and is not of God at all but of a Satanic man made god they idolise, even the true devout Jews know that there symbol is the Menorah.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Bible study them were good days, but if you ask the wrong questions the priest did not like it at all and just start waffling on with total gibberish and then run away, like when I pointed out that he should study the RCC doctrine on each subject and try to be reasonable in his response.
I was 16yo and open to all denominations, happy to sit down and look into everything openly, but that is not the case in all the churches I have went to, they tell you what is what and you have to believe it all. are well that's not me ! I have to be true to myself to be convinced.
I would look at the story's and say there is more to that story than first meets the eye or what they were portraying I could see there was more depth to it and that it links up with something I had read in the OT and other parts and I wanted to explore that with others who were older and more knowledgeable than me at only 16yo, but I was hammered there is nothing more to it at all by the priest.
Fact is the whole Bible books are linked in some way, the OT is the blueprint for the new and you can test the NT with the OT to see if it lines up or they are off track on a subject and just making up porky pies.
I believe that when the true Jews and I am talking about devout OT masters of the OT and not the yobbos or Talmud Satanic whores. but them who are True to the OT, them masters will have there eyes opened one day and see Jesus Christ truly for who he truly is and prove all the nonsense that is truly just a con job that has plagued Christianity by the money changers etc.

All Churches are about money now and they are not interested in following Jesus Christ at all or saving peoples Souls at all and that sticks out like dogs balls to me. they are ego driven boasting about charity they do even when the Bible says not to, but the Government can do just that charity as well and that's the whole point the "government can not save Souls" and that's the number one point of being a Priest with his flock is to feed his sheep from the well spring of Jesus Christ only, so if the flock do not have the Holy Sprit as there guiding light then they have no true Charity worthy of Jesus Christs life in them.
Biblical Charity is not what is widely mistake for charity that people think that it is, there is no true Grace in charity as any fool can do that, but the Holy Spiritual Charity is Grace and much more so than just good works and that's the problem nowadays is people do not understand the difference between the two, my old Catholic Bible doctrine guide explains the facts of such but most Roman Catholics clearly do not understand the facts of what there Church once taught, it's like Chines whispers that down the track the majority are out of line and the Prots go about pointing out the foolishness of the RC people what they believe and I was like no that's not what the head of the RCC teaches at all in what I studied, but I found it's true that the majority of RC people are just as the Prots say they are. so go figure that most RC are out of line with the true teaching of their own church and that the Prots have no idea what the true RCC position is anyway, but nowadays the head of the RCC is totally wrong and has become a Satanic monster, and all this started with Vatican II when the Satanic Zionist Talmud Jews crept in, so as to bastardise the RCC just as they did with the protestant churches, they put kikes in positions to play the games and it's this mob who are child molesters and poofters who are in bed with Government Satanist who have totally protected them for years and it's taken more than 40 years to bring such to light only now.
The Bible point out who this child molesting poofters are, they are the ones who creped in and destroyed Israel and Judah, see that man made so called Star do you know what the Bible says that it is. it comes from Egypt and is not of God at all but of a Satanic man made god they idolise, even the true devout Jews know that there symbol is the Menorah.

This post is appalling.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
This post is appalling.
Does the truth hurt aspen ?
Priest who molest children are appalling and so are the mothers and dads who idolise priest, who stuck there head in the sand refusing to bother with reality.

To question a priest on any subject is not a sin aspen. I ask myself why why why did they get away with such things for so long and I ask why do you hide from questing things aspen, it is blind faith ?
I ask myself why is it that the Churches are empty, in 1950's 90% of people went to church and now what is it aspen let alone the RCC attendance and what is the average age of them who go now aspen ? oh yes aspen that is truly appalling and proves that the priest are not preaching Jesus Christ and I can go into any church and ask about Jesus Christ and say hey lets talk all about Jesus and you know what aspen they do not want to talk about such things and sadly they know bugger all in fact and I find that truly appalling, not to mention the ones who idolise Political Correctness as the dominating influence over the Church and they are everywhere now.

I asked questions all the time aspen and I don't trust man at all and the Bible says this is a fact as does history.
I have asked questions all my life aspen, have you ?
I have gone to find out how many child molesters there are that have been caught and I was astounded then I asked why does the government hide all the figures from the public let alone we have no right at all to know if a child molester moves into our streets here in Australia not to mention the rights such grubs are given is appalling for the community.

We have places in Australia where rape and molesting is the norm and the media and government cover it all up as much as they can, well I find that appalling not to mention the majority have not got a clue.

What about Band Aid back in 1984 I think it was where all the money went to the communist Ethiopia to kill the good negroes, yes that charity money went into murdered people. yes I ask questions aspen, even of the Pope, is that a sin aspen ?