Ronald David Bruno
Well-Known Member
In Him is no darkness, doesn't mean He doesn't create evil outside in the world. I didn't contrive the scripture. He said it and scholars translated it. Which version do you hold dear?Creating calamity for an already rebellious people is not the same as creating evil.
This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light; in him there is no darkness at all. 1 John 1:5
God is sovereign and so He chastised, punishes, judges, destroys, kills. He gives life and takes it away.
Haven't you read the Old Testament stories? They are filled with God causing evil upon even His chosen, sending empires to come and defeat them, kill them and enslave them. Would you think the Israelites, who were slaves for 420 years, beaten, harshly treated, deprived of freedoms and many comforts that they once shared, thought that they were just suffering a brief period of unfortunate circimstances that would pass? Do you think evil came upon them when they were whipped to death or starved because they they didnt work hard enough or they were getting old and weak so Pharoah disposed of them? Was Pharoah evil? Don't you think that of the 2 million slaves, some of them wondered how long this evil would be upon them?
Evil always was and is used for a purpose. And I believe that it is necessary for us to know what good is, appreciate it. We wouldn't know what forgiveness meant or mercy, hope or even love unless we were exposed to evil.
Back to the Israelites. What was the purpose in all that suffering? So that they could witness God's miraculous power, glory, love and mercy. He got them out of what was considered an impossible situation. Still, after He freed them, God sent more woes/disasters to the disobedient. Do you think when Korah's family got swallowed up by the earth with fire, Satan did that?
He is judging the world right now with this evil pandemic and He is just getting started. Would you think that when billions are killed during the Great Tribulation, isn't that ordained by God to happen ... or maybe you think that is out His control? Christians are persecuted, getting their heads chopped off and many if us will suffer and for during the GT. Death is disaster. But thankfully it is not the end.