Will to live or Gods Timing?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
I’m not sure there is an absolute answer to this question but what is your opinion on dying?

Is the timing of our giving up the spirit based off our will to live?
Or is it Gods’ timing when we pass?

What I’m asking is similar to financial success. Is it our undefeated attitude and will to succeed that leads to success? Or does success come from God?


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Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
I’m not sure there is an absolute answer to this question but what is your opinion on dying?

Is the timing of our giving up the spirit based off our will to live?
Or is it Gods’ timing when we pass?

What I’m asking is similar to financial success. Is it our undefeated attitude and will to succeed that leads to success? Or does success come from God?
Psalm 139:16
Your eyes saw my unformed body; all the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

I really like that verse. It shows us that we can't add to our lives or let any days be taken away from them. Some people think it means every little detail is planned by God but that's not how I see it.

So I think it must be God's timing.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I’m not sure there is an absolute answer to this question but what is your opinion on dying?

Is the timing of our giving up the spirit based off our will to live?
Or is it Gods’ timing when we pass?

What I’m asking is similar to financial success. Is it our undefeated attitude and will to succeed that leads to success? Or does success come from God?
"Is the timing of our giving up the spirit based off our will to live?
Or is it Gods’ timing when we pass?"

Hi Victory, if the above were the case, I would be long gone by now, for sure! i do agree with Pearl as we cannot add or remove anything from the years appointed to us.

This life on Earth means nothing at all to me anymore and, there is no true joy found here. My joy is His peace, not happiness or glee. I wish it were as it would make things much easier and we'd be more apt to be around others with a smiling face, showing them the light that is in us! Sadness, loss and despair sure do a good job of limiting our witness. We think, who would want to listen to me about Jesus as, they would not want to be "like" me...you know what I am talking about sister. Hence, staying in most of the time and away from others.
God has given me back two to three days weekly to put myself out there again and I am prayed up so as not to allow my own issues to get in the way of reaching out to others.
you know they are now talking of legal euthanasia for depressed people??! Yikes...in the midst of the darkest of times, this is a comforting option, but it's not our life to take as we did not create ourselves and, who wants to leave this world the way Judas did!
One thing for sure is, glad I'm on my way out and not just starting out! :oops:


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Great opening post @VictoryinJesus very interesting :)

years ago I read the verse in psalms - “ So teach us to number our days that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom”

So I asked the Lord about the number of my days , then forgot all about it.
About a month later I was very sick …so I asked the Lord about “standing in His healing “ or giving in.
Very clearly the Lord spoke and gave me the year of my passing!
Every time I’ve been really sick since I do wonder if “this is it” , maybe I heard wrong.
It doesn’t really matter either way , stay or go , it is all in His hands .
So it will be interesting to see whether I did hear right , or not! Haha!

we have great peace in knowing -“ Our times are in His hands ..” PS 31

Yes , I believe God calls when our number is up. :)


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
@Pearl , @Nancy , @Helen thank you for your responses. Of course I asked this question for a reason and didn’t just pull it out of nowhere. I’ve mentioned a lot on here about my mother who is about to turn ninety-two. She broke her pelvic bone and needs round the clock care. My sister and I are trading off every day: one of us doing days and the other nights with her. my mom cries all the time in pain with more than the pelvic bone. I hear so often “I wish God would let me die” or “why won’t He let me die.” Over and over. Her quality of life is bed, eat, bathroom, bed. Yet she has this stubborn determination always to keep getting up. She will fight to heal and we will get back to some normalcy; then she will fall again and we’re right back where we started….waiting for that worse fall that seems to be inevitable. her will is so strong; it keeps her going but at the same time (with a strong Will) she also fights us at every turn. When she broke her hip she refused to go in the ambulance that I called out there. Refused! Insisting I drive her in my car with a broke pelvic to the hospital. Which made it a hundred times harder for me to get her into the hospital once there because no one was at the entrance to help me get her in. She will fight how she doesn’t need to use a walker. Fight to walk the stairs. The doctors say “she is in her right mind. Nothing we can do as it would be against her will.” I’ve thought a lot about: a will to live. People laugh (even the paramedics and doctors) saying how tough and willful my mom is and that it is her strong will that has kept her going this long. She also ran the nurses off that were to come in for physical therapy, their saying “if she doesn’t want us here then we can’t be here.” Then I hear my mom crying “why won’t He let me die?”

I’ve also always thought it is God who decides when someone passes. Even believing this so wholeheartedly that I struggle with anger at Him when she is crying to die. I’ve seen those who give in…and those who seem to have a strong will to live. Stories of “Fighters” and “survivors”. now I’m not so sure while seeing just how strong a will can be. Horrible but I have thought a lot about Will because my mothers will has always been so much stronger than my own. Her Will is wearing me out …is that horrible?
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
@Pearl , @Nancy , @Helen thank you for your responses. Of course I asked this question for a reason and didn’t just pull it out of nowhere. I’ve mentioned a lot on here about my mother who is about to turn ninety-two. She broke her pelvic bone and needs round the clock care. My sister and I are trading off every day: one of us doing days and the other nights with her. my mom cries all the time in pain with more than the pelvic bone. I hear so often “I wish God would let me die” or “why won’t He let me die.” Over and over. Her quality of life is bed, eat, bathroom, bed. Yet she has this stubborn determination always to keep getting up. She will fight to heal and we will get back to some normalcy; then she will fall again and we’re right back where we started….waiting for that worse fall that seems to be inevitable. her will is so strong; it keeps her going but at the same time (with a strong Will) she also fights us at every turn. When she broke her hip she refused to go in the ambulance that I called out there. Refused! Insisting I drive her in my car with a broke pelvic to the hospital. Which made it a hundred times harder for me to get her into the hospital once there because no one was at the entrance to help me get her in. She will fight how she doesn’t need to use a walker. Fight to walk the stairs. The doctors say “she is in her right mind. Nothing we can do as it would be against her will.” I’ve thought a lot about: a will to live. People laugh (even the paramedics and doctors) saying how tough and willful my mom is and that it is her strong will that has kept her going this long. She also ran the nurses off that were to come in for physical therapy, their saying “if she doesn’t want us here then we can’t be here.” Then I hear my mom crying “why won’t He let me die?”

I’ve also always thought it is God who decides when someone passes. Even believing this so wholeheartedly that I struggle with anger at Him when she is crying to die. I’ve seen those who give in…and those who seem to have a strong will to live. Stories of “Fighters” and “survivors”. now I’m not so sure while seeing just how strong a will can be. Horrible but I have thought a lot about Will because my mothers will has always been so much stronger than my own. Her Will is wearing me out …is that horrible?
"Her Will is wearing me out …is that horrible?"

Oh gosh no, not at all! You are going through a pretty big storm right now...or should I say "storm's"?!
You are honoring your mother despite the difficulty it is bringing upon yourself. Thank you Jesus that Victory has some help with her sister...I do hope it is brining the two of you closer.

"I’ve also always thought it is God who decides when someone passes. Even believing this so wholeheartedly that I struggle with anger at Him when she is crying to die. I’ve seen those who give in…and those who seem to have a strong will to live. "

I think God has numbered our days, because He already knows the moment we will die. If not, how then can one account for suicide? He does and is more than able to work and plan AROUND our choices. There is a very dear and long time friend who I ask God to take home..."His will be done" of course. She has no quality of life, she isolates in her room only to venture out to the vending machine. She is pushing 390 lbs and has had dementia since my belief, 62 years old, she will be 73 this month. When she gets into her volatile moods, she get's angry at God for letting her live and trying to talk her down for some time now, is wearing me down so, I can imagine how hard it is for you to be taking care of your mom, who wants to fight tooth and nail at every turn!

"People laugh (even the paramedics and doctors) saying how tough and willful my mom is and that it is her strong will that has kept her going this long."

Ha, they (weirdly) have no idea of the repercussions your mom's "will" to live cause. It might be something they think is a good thing but, there are always going to be things others will not be able to understand that is happening to caregivers :(

Sure wish you relief and peace.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
There is a very dear and long time friend who I ask God to take home..."His will be done" of course. She has no quality of life, she isolates in her room only to venture out to the vending machine. She is pushing 390 lbs and has had dementia since my belief, 62 years old, she will be 73 this month. When she gets into her volatile moods, she get's angry at God for letting her live and trying to talk her down for some time now, is wearing me down
That is sad. You are a good friend for her since you also can relate to her isolation. I’m sorry it is wearing you out. I get it. Sometimes it being so hard to keep your own head above water and then add to it trying to help someone else do the same …it makes you feel unqualified to help anyone when it seems you can barely help yourself. Blessings to you Nancy on being a friend. Makes me think of His saying “come to Me all you heavy burdened. My burden is Light.” I’m not quoting that to sugarcoat it, but only thinking …then why does it feel so heavy?
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
That is sad. You are a good friend for her since you also can relate to her isolation. I’m sorry it is wearing you out. I get it. Sometimes it being so hard to keep your own head above water and then add to it trying to help someone else do the same …it makes you feel unqualified to help anyone when it seems you can barely help yourself. Blessings to you Nancy on being a friend. Makes me think of His saying “come to Me all you heavy burdened. My burden is Light.” I’m not quoting that to sugarcoat it, but only thinking …then why does it feel so heavy.
Hi Victory,
So totally agree with you here...the "why's". This life and all it's trials come at us so fast and hard, Satan wears us down. My question is the same as your own..."why does it still feel so heavy"? No clue sister. There is no sugarcoating with me anymore, lol.
Yes, it's like how can we help others when we ourselves are empty of the very things another is in need of. Of course, being Christians we will put others before us yet, we are many times left drained, exhausted and empty. We take all things on faith, despite not seeing manifestations of these promises. When our state of mind is off, I do believe it is really tough to actually hear Him or to even notice any burdens being lifted. I'm not going to "pretend" as, that is ridiculous yet at the same time, it seems that is just what we do! Don't want to ruin a witness so we go along with others in agreeing that we believe just as much as they do yet...how can one receive and another not?
We're not cookie cutter people, we have different likes and dislikes, different trials and tribulations, therefore, wouldn't God , being a personal God, deal with us all differently, since our situations are different?
Even if He does not come through...we cannot let go of the only true lifeline we have. Perhaps our burdens ARE being lifted and we are thinking they are not? Maybe they would be much worse IF we did not have Jesus? Really wish these things were more clear.
God bless you sister, and let us not fall into "victimhood" (even though that is how it feels) rather than Victory! I've no idea how to get to that place other than continually asking Him for release and relief. Sounds kind of well, selfish in a way to minister to those who are going through tough times that can be worse than ours only to lift our own spirits but, that is the way to go I think. Right now you are stuck in a rut sister and cannot really move forward with your own life that you are now facing anew.
One thing for sure, we can't fall away no matter what! We cannot unknow the truth as we now know it...sometimes it seems that ignorance IS bliss, lol.
I've got you covered in prayer and hoping our other sisters on here will also lift you up!
Hope your day will be less burdensome, and that you find hope in the darkness we face daily and nightly...He is still good Amen...Hang on! :Hanging:
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Praying for you for strength. And lifting up “your tired arms” as Arron and Hur did for Moses .
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Hi Victory,
So totally agree with you here...the "why's". This life and all it's trials come at us so fast and hard, Satan wears us down. My question is the same as your own..."why does it still feel so heavy"? No clue sister. There is no sugarcoating with me anymore, lol.
Yes, it's like how can we help others when we ourselves are empty of the very things another is in need of. Of course, being Christians we will put others before us yet, we are many times left drained, exhausted and empty. We take all things on faith, despite not seeing manifestations of these promises. When our state of mind is off, I do believe it is really tough to actually hear Him or to even notice any burdens being lifted. I'm not going to "pretend" as, that is ridiculous yet at the same time, it seems that is just what we do! Don't want to ruin a witness so we go along with others in agreeing that we believe just as much as they do yet...how can one receive and another not?
We're not cookie cutter people, we have different likes and dislikes, different trials and tribulations, therefore, wouldn't God , being a personal God, deal with us all differently, since our situations are different?
Even if He does not come through...we cannot let go of the only true lifeline we have. Perhaps our burdens ARE being lifted and we are thinking they are not? Maybe they would be much worse IF we did not have Jesus? Really wish these things were more clear.
God bless you sister, and let us not fall into "victimhood" (even though that is how it feels) rather than Victory! I've no idea how to get to that place other than continually asking Him for release and relief. Sounds kind of well, selfish in a way to minister to those who are going through tough times that can be worse than ours only to lift our own spirits but, that is the way to go I think. Right now you are stuck in a rut sister and cannot really move forward with your own life that you are now facing anew.
One thing for sure, we can't fall away no matter what! We cannot unknow the truth as we now know it...sometimes it seems that ignorance IS bliss, lol.
I've got you covered in prayer and hoping our other sisters on here will also lift you up!
Hope your day will be less burdensome, and that you find hope in the darkness we face daily and nightly...He is still good Amen...Hang on! :Hanging:
AMEN…excellent post…

My prayer is that Mom here yields to Father, and let’s go.
To fight so hard to live , while asking why she hasn’t gone seems to be mixed messages.

My old 90 yr old dad was the same…
He couldn’t breathe , in heart failure…kept saying I have lots of writing to finish , I have too much to do, to die. He fought it, he got mad at God .
After three days he relaxed again , his whole spirit changed , he’d let me play worship again.
I knew he had made his peace and stopped dictating to God . He died that night ….the angels came . After a couple of stressful months , he was at peace again.
As I passed his bedroom that last night , this man had his Bible open at Psalm 89 and was reading it out loud in gasping breaths …amazing!
When at 2am , I kissed his not yet cold body , I was so very happy for him…he’d done it..he‘d crossed the gap between here and there …I danced around his bedroom crying ,so sad for my loss , but so very happy for his gain. x
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
AMEN…excellent post…

My prayer is that Mom here yields to Father, and let’s go.
To fight so hard to live , while asking why she hasn’t gone seems to be mixed messages.

My old 90 yr old dad was the same…
He couldn’t breathe , in heart failure…kept saying I have lots of writing to finish , I have too much to do, to die. He fought it, he got mad at God .
After three days he relaxed again , his whole spirit changed , he’d let me play worship again.
I knew he had made his peace and stopped dictating to God . He died that night ….the angels came . After a couple of stressful months , he was at peace again.
As I passed his bedroom that last night , this man had his Bible open at Psalm 89 and was reading it out loud in gasping breaths …amazing!
When at 2am , I kissed his not yet cold body , I was so very happy for him…he’d done it..he‘d crossed the gap between here and there …I danced around his bedroom crying ,so sad for my loss , but so very happy for his gain. x
Yes Helen, I remember you telling me parts of this story a few years back...what a blessing such a bittersweet thing can be!