Vaccine Adverse Effects

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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
And the PROOF is that Nobel Prize winners, Renown Physicians, Acknowledged Subject Matter Experts, and even Coroners and Morticians are being SILENCED, CENSORED, SLANDERED, DEFAMED, FIRED, and BANNED, -- INCLUDING PRESIDENT TRUMP. But the LIARS speak without any consequence in spite of overwhelming EVIDENCE of the TRUTH.

Well there are myriads of nobel prize winners who say your nobel winners are lying!

We have gone now three or four threads with just anecdotal claims by you , enoch and many others. When you post real evidence and not just people saying so and giving no details (which by the way is the definition of evidence) I will gladly listen.

but if you see any doctors or take any medications- that means you think they are all corrupt but you will rely on them anyway. that is hypocrisy.

But I know that all your charges against them is a lie.

I have gone on teh web and found tons of anti vaxxers and those who think the shot is wrong AND MANY OF THEM ARE DOCTORS, pHYSICIANS, SO FAR IN 2 YEARS i HAVE ONLY FOUND ONE VIROLOGIST AND ONE IMMUNOLOGIST, BUT IF YOU HAVE A BIGGER LISTR, i AM OPEN TO SEEING IT.

And what do you think you are doing to doctors, nurses media people and all the others you drag through the mud here if it i snot slander and defamation.

I have not seen or heard of one person being fired for speaking out against teh shot.

Trump is in favor of the shot. Hey if you have PROOF, and not just allegations that there is this massive global covrup and that hospitals and morticians are risking jail by falsifying official documents, I am all ears. But proof is what matters and not just allegations with vague or non specific claims.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
... only a SMALL percentage of the injured are being reported, -- by INTENTIONAL OMISSION.

But some individuals either haven't figured out that our Government, Main Stream Media, and Social Media is COVERING UP THE TRUTH; or these same individuals have their own DISHONEST AGENDA. But either way, we are being lied to.

And the PROOF is that Nobel Prize winners, Renown Physicians, Acknowledged Subject Matter Experts, and even Coroners and Morticians are being SILENCED, CENSORED, SLANDERED, DEFAMED, FIRED, and BANNED, -- INCLUDING PRESIDENT TRUMP. But the LIARS speak without any consequence in spite of overwhelming EVIDENCE of the TRUTH.

Rev. 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burneth with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.

There's a fearful penalty, and those in the "church" will not be exempt.
Bobby Jo


Nazi Germany anyone ?
Just how easy was it for the National Socialist back in the day to take over and dominate over the German people ?
Now I can totally see how the Nazis played their cards on the people back in the days and the people fell for it all.
Just like we seeing now, silenced, censored, slandered, defamed, fired, and banned by liars with an agenda to dominate over you all. and you know what the majority are happy for such to take place ? talk about retarded ! uneducated on the values of a healthy democracy's foundations under God.
They have given them all up for what things they idolise, just like the Jew who were a enslaved people not knowing God and when God turned up they killed him ? because they were under the power of a carnal religion lead by the people that Jesus pointed out that took over the Vineyard, who had their own worldly agenda, devoid of God, that's why they killed all of Gods prophets and all. St Stephen called them out on it and they killed him and they killed Jesus as well. because they reject the Holy Spirit and are a Mans works based foundations, they think that they are going to bring in the Kingdom, but they clearly do not want God in it.

Such people do not truly have faith in God, they have faith in Mans works. They do not have eyes to see or ears to hear for they are stopped up due to the works of Man.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
People don’t even have to speak out against it to be fired…

Yeah people can be fired for theft, assault and myriads of other reason, but we are talking about the vaccine specifically. so if you know of people being fired for speaking out against the vaccine I am all ears.

If people are fired for not taking the vaccine if a city, state or employer required it, that is legal firing in America. Whether we like it or not, that is the law as it currently stands. Health care workers are kind of hypocritical about this with all due respect to them for they are heroes. If they refuse this shot which is mandated, why did they take other mandatory shots like Hep-c, Tetanus, and others as terms of employment? But as over 90% of health care workers are vaccinated and we see no massive hospitalizations of them for taking a shot........

I still remain convinced most of the animosity against the "vaccines" was born of politics and not real danger.

When Trump ordered the big pharma houses to get to work and develop something to halt the virus- the left in America went absolutely apeXXXX.

then when the left took control, th eright went bananas. Also, Biden and Harriss saying they would not trust the Trump vaccine did not help.

Yes and bringing it to market so quickly caused the conspiracy nuts to have a ball with partial truths or making mountains out of grains of sand.

And when the boogey men the antivaxxers said would show up did not in the numbers they said (and they did show in the numbers the drug companies said), then came the real hysteria and paranoia!

As we have seen from at least three here on these threads, as well as the few nuts around the world, it is now that there is an all encompassing global conspiracy involving the entire medical industry, pharmaceutical industry, governments at all levels, the media, and I am sure I missed one or two more industries purposely suppressing the truth over a simple shot! a simple shot!!!!! Now I know God Himself will send the world a strong delusion so people will be a lie to be damned, but now here in the 32 English, and Greek and Hebrew bibles I have does it even intimate that god does this over one medication! I do believe the global cabals are using Covid to grab more power, but not the shot! The kind of cover-up simply cannot happen on the vast way these conspiracy peo0le are saying without God causing the cover-up ! It is just too big and involves too many opportunities for the real truth with the hard data to get out!

Once again , I am against the mandates. Everyone should sit with their doctor. If they are that concerned, they should research on their own, BOTH sides! I am at least vaguely acquainted with approx 10,000 folks who have been vaxxed and boosted. Not one of them have been hospitalized because of the shot! Based on the kind of numbers the conspiracy people shout out, at least 8-10 of them should have been hospitalized and gotten very sick from the shot.

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
I have not seen or heard of one person being fired for speaking out against the shot.

People don’t even have to speak out against it to be fired…

Thousands of medical professionals FIRED for refusing the Vax, and @Ronald Nolette hasn't seen a single Article or a single Video.

@Ronald Nolette doesn't need "PROOF", and it won't be found in people who work for a different master:

2 Cor. 11
13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

... pants on fire, or soon will be.

Bobby Jo & ELAM :rolleyes:


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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Just another reminder...
If you or a loved one goes to the very careful.
Do not take it for granted that they are going to do the right most case you will know the right thing.

Do not let them separate you from your loved need to be able to supervise what is going on.
The hospital's number one concern is linking it to Covid and the patient will wait as they play on the computer.

Now you can go in without a fever and with a severe head cold and headache, or you can go in with stomach issues where you or your loved one has been puking and not be able to eat or drink for days, or they may go in because of diarrhea, all of these things will be diagnosed as Covid and the patient will wait as they do that. I have lived this already with two persons.

A lot of severe bugs running around and they are very contagious, but they are not Covid. Covid is mainly respiratory, if you remember the world urgently manufacturing ventilators and all the facial tubes in the patients. We have no one on ventilators in the Farmington hospital but the hospital is full of people that are sick of other things.

You or your loved one may go in without a fever and they will spend time trying to spin it as Covid, while the patient sits or lays sick. They will likely test you and diagnosis Covid, but you are likely not to be admitted, or be treated, and be sent home without medications. The most important thing was the Covid diagnosis.

What you have to do is get your loved one treated correctly. If they have not been able to eat or drink anything in days....they need an Intravenous drip. Same thing goes for diarrhea. I was told by a doctor that a sick person can go without food and water for days....They had zero concern about dehydration and one of these ladies could barely stand. What I told him, I cannot say on this forum. But they got the point.

Just be careful and common sense does apply.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
A meme said by not taking the vaccine, she is 100% safe from its side effects and 98.5% safe from COVID. Something to think about.

In other threads, people have compared the benefits of taking the vaccine to not taking the vaccine. This is a slanted view, the diagonal of a 2 x 2 matrix. COVID (pros and cons); Vaccine (pros and cons).

One pro of COVID is how it has helped energize the Left to achieve various long standing goals, such as population reduction, Agenda 21 and control over people's lives. Telling people they cannot go to church but can protest is revealing. Another reveal is if COVID was actually as dangerous as they say, the border would be closed to invaders, i.e., illegal aliends.

In this thread, I hope to compile the Vaccine cons, diagonal of the 2 x 2 matrix, the vaccine side effects.


Myocarditis after Covid-19 Vaccination in a Large Health Care Organization | NEJM

The vaccine death report:
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Is the jab even relevant anymore?
As I pointed out in my last post we can remember the mad rush to produce ventilators.
Well around here...and I am not a world one here is on ventilators but the hospital is filled with various symptoms....but serious. Again I am talking southeast if you have information....share it.

A lot of the people in the hospitals here and around the state have been vaccinated.
The more you talk to people they are being told that every possible symptom can be attributed to Covid, respiratory, stomach pain, gastrointestinal illnesses, vomiting, diarrhea, severe head colds, headaches, muscle aches, disorientation, vertigo, seizures, blood clotting that can lead to strokes, muscular dystrophy, twitching in the muscles, paralysis, loss of taste and touch and speech.

Is this really Covid or away of diagnosing everything as Covid?
Or is it that they do not know what is causing all these illnesses?
Nor do they seem to know how to treat them.
They were developing medications to treat Covid, but now that there are less respiratory symptoms, you do not hear too much about that anymore.

There is not a lot of credible information out there and the medical personnel seem to be scared and confused. Their only real confidence is in sending in a report of a Covid diagnosis, but really do not know what to do with the patients.

Again just saying be careful.

If you have a family doctor I would give him or her a call and discuss this. Talk to them before hand so you have a plan. If you have a doctor that you trust work with them early on when you get symptoms. It is important to get quick treatment for dehydration and muscle paralysis and apparent strokes.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States

Well sorry but refusing to take the shot is legal grounds for being fired. It is entirely constitutional until challeged and heard. and people being fired for not taking the shot is not the same as people being fired for speaking out against teh shot.

Once again you lie about my words, crfeate a straw man and beat the straw man instead of teh truth.

@Ronald Nolette doesn't need "PROOF", and it won't be found in people who work for a different master:

2 Cor. 11
13 For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

14 And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

15 Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

... pants on fire, or soon will be.

Well given teh levels you stoop to when people disagree with you , I will wear your bearing false witness as a badge of honor in heaven.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Well sorry but refusing to take the shot is legal grounds for being fired. It is entirely constitutional until challeged and heard. and people being fired for not taking the shot is not the same as people being fired for speaking out against teh shot.

Once again you lie about my words, crfeate a straw man and beat the straw man instead of teh truth.

I guess you have not been keeping up with current events.
There are states passing laws against federal and private sector mandates on the vaccines.
The story about hospitals firing personnel that refuse the jab will end up in law suites
and now the hospitals in the same states have put themselves in such a bind that they are allowing personnel that have tested positive with Covid go back and work at the hospitals....does that make sense to you?


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2021
United States
I think God gave us an immune system already...and who can beat that one! I agree Enoch. They (govt's.) don't love or even like us small folk, but still the regular Joes and Janes trust them. And, in this day and age that is crazy IMO, "TRUST NO MAN"! They know how to dupe the masses out there....and they are winning too. :(
Some immune system are compromised--some of that self done (smoking for years, drinking for years, etc.)

And to @Aunty Jane, COVID shots are free.


Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Am I the only one who notices that when if someone is caught in a lie, that they RUN FROM ONE CONVERSATION and/or CHANGE THE DISCUSSION TO A DIFFERENT ASPECT? And they jump from ONE POINT to A DIFFERENT POINT, to YET ANOTHER, AND ANOTHER, never admitting that they misspoke/misrepresented/distorted/deceived? -- And one person even SEALED any accountability by CLOSING THE ENTIRE TOPIC.

I can't imagine someone being so dishonest not only to OTHERS, but to THEIR OWN intellect. How does that work? Does it require Multiple-Personalities, Schizophrenia, a Seared Conscience, Moral Turpitude? -- They proclaim their Christianity, and some profess holding Religious Certifications and/or Religious Responsibilities ...

Well as you posted your photo lie in teh prepping thread I answered it!

But I am honored by you rlies about my salvation. Just reminds me more and more of teh deep love Jesus has for me, that one like you has to stoop to playing god and telling people I am lost. All over taking a shot!

You honor me!

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Quote: @Ronald Nolette
... prove the reporting wrong.

Already posted as an Article, but here's the Video of the GOVERNOR of NEW YORK acknowledging FALSE "covid" numbers being reported:


Yeah, like THAT's going to happen. -- Deceivers can only deceive.
Bobby Jo


Poor Poor Bobby Jo, If you had bothered to ever read some of my posts you would have seen that this is covered! But in case you will be awake and lucid this time if you bother to read my words, let me explain again:

Vaers reports simple raw data required by law from all the hospitals and medical facilities and doctors etc. If one tests positive for covid- they are a covid case. that raw number will not change, but hospitalizations and deaths will change as the raw data, after initially being submitted is reviewed. Not the best way to do it, but they do finally get teh numbers very close, though you will never believe that!

Then all medical facilities and personnel are required to report covid cases as either people vaxxed or unvaxxed. That is simple.

New York was unique in that Cuomo was intentioanlly manipulating teh data for political purposes. He got caught and the darling of the left was forced out of office by both sides of the aisle. Teh new governor is going to have the hospitals et. al . report the data to VAERS and her at teh same time, which Cuomo wasn't doing. Simply put, you rvideo shows a situation where a governor broke th elaw and was removed from office for doing so!

Doesn't do anything to show covid infections and hospitalizations between teh vaxxed and unvaxxed. Do try to read my posts instead of just making up stuff about me.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Some immune system are compromised--some of that self done (smoking for years, drinking for years, etc.)

And to @Aunty Jane, COVID shots are free.


We should always try to do due diligence when it comes to decisions concerning our bodies. I am blessed in that I have a doctor and pharamcist I trust well. We get to talk and hash things out and both freely welcome talk about their initial recommendations.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Quote: @Ronald Nolette
... prove the reporting wrong.

Already posted as an Article, but here's the Video of the GOVERNOR of NEW YORK acknowledging FALSE "covid" numbers being reported:


Yeah, like THAT's going to happen. -- Deceivers can only deceive.
Bobby Jo


Hospitalizations increasing among the vaccinated, unvaccinated | Local News |

Covid: CDC study shows unvaccinated people 29 times more likely to be hospitalized (

Omicron Cases, Hospitalizations Surging — But The Unvaccinated Aren’t Worried About It, Poll Finds (

Hospitalizations rising among fully vaccinated in U.S., Fauci says (

Covid-19: Fact check—how many patients in hospital are unvaccinated? | The BMJ

NYC hospitalization rate for unvaccinated nearly 1 in 1,000 (

99 percent of COVID-19 hospitalizations from unvaccinated: data (

Unvaccinated People Are 11 Times More Likely To Die Of COVID-19 Than Vaccinated : NPR

Unvaccinated America, In 5 Charts | FiveThirtyEight

Illinois Hospitals 'Completely Overwhelmed' By Unvaccinated COVID-19 Patients, Officials Say (

Unvaccinated 70x More Likely To Be Hospitalized Than Vaccinated In Oklahoma (

Fact Check-Unvaccinated people are much more susceptible to catching COVID-19 than those who have been vaccinated | Reuters

CDC: Unvaccinated 29 times more likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19 - The Jerusalem Post (

I already can see your response in my mind! Of course these are numbers that show lies! They come from the medical industry and the media industry and everyone who is not in league with the devil or an angel of light knows that!


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States

I do not know if you have read my posts or not.....
I have said I am not a worldwide survey.
Most of what I am saying is be careful.
I cannot say that vaccinations help or not because so few vaccinate here.
My son works at the hospital so I know that it is full of people that have tested positive for Covid...but non are on ventilators and it is all lateral symptoms with few deaths. And in an area were few are vaccinated around half in the hospital have been vaccinated.
Mostly what I am saying is that the Covid scenario has changed.....not so much respiratory anymore. I don't think it is all Covid and the hospitals are not adjusting to treat patients correctly. So I am saying be careful.

Check around your own area as far as how hard is it to be treated.
Here going to the ER is mostly about checking in to give them a number and they send you home without treatment or medications...not so much interest in treating you for your problems.
Check your own area.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
Is the jab even relevant anymore?
As I pointed out in my last post we can remember the mad rush to produce ventilators.
Well around here...and I am not a world one here is on ventilators but the hospital is filled with various symptoms....but serious. Again I am talking southeast if you have information....share it.

A lot of the people in the hospitals here and around the state have been vaccinated.
The more you talk to people they are being told that every possible symptom can be attributed to Covid, respiratory, stomach pain, gastrointestinal illnesses, vomiting, diarrhea, severe head colds, headaches, muscle aches, disorientation, vertigo, seizures, blood clotting that can lead to strokes, muscular dystrophy, twitching in the muscles, paralysis, loss of taste and touch and speech.

Is this really Covid or away of diagnosing everything as Covid?
Or is it that they do not know what is causing all these illnesses?
Nor do they seem to know how to treat them.
They were developing medications to treat Covid, but now that there are less respiratory symptoms, you do not hear too much about that anymore.

There is not a lot of credible information out there and the medical personnel seem to be scared and confused. Their only real confidence is in sending in a report of a Covid diagnosis, but really do not know what to do with the patience.

Again just saying be careful.

If you have a family doctor I would give him or her a call and discuss this. Talk to them before hand so you have a plan. If you have a doctor that you trust work with them early on when you get symptoms. It is important to get quick treatment for dehydration and muscle paralysis and apparent strokes.

America’s Frontline Doctors organization outlines their early treatment protocol:

America's Frontline Doctors Early Treatment Protocol

- January 03, 2022
SELF-HELP without a Doctor (source)
  • Zinc 50 mg daily (can take half twice daily if upset stomach)
  • Quercetin 500 mg twice a day three times a day if sick (switch to HCQ/IVM if available)
  • Vitamin D3 40,000-50,000 for five days
  • Melatonin 5 mg - 20 mg nightly for 14 days stomach)
  • Pepcid 40-80 daily 14 days – women or Cimetidine 400 daily -men
  • Full Aspirin (325 mg) daily one month
  • N acetyl cysteine (NAC) Up to 2000-2400 mg 1-2 days, then 1000-1200 mg for a week

Treatment: Latest Prescriptions (source)
  • Monoclonal Antibodies: outpatient, FDA approved, early treatment, within 10 days Only
  • HCQ 200 mg twice a day 7 days or IVM (weight based 0.4/kg) 20-36 mg daily 2-5 days
  • Fenofibrate (Tricor – anti-lipid) 145 mg daily (inflammatory/cytokine phase. Antioxidant)
  • Cyproheptadine (Periactin – antihistamine) 4 mg BID for 14 days (cytokine phase)
  • Decadron 6-10 once or twice a day one week or prednisone 80 mg. daily two days then taper or Colchicine 0.6 mg twice a day
  • Fluvoxamine 50 mg QHS, then 100 mg BID two days then 100 mg. TID for 12 days. Optional continue for one more week
  • Budesonide – if coughing 7 days
    +/- Singulair 10 daily 14 days
    +/- Z pack
    +/- Lovenox

Diet matters!!
Must keep glucose (sugar) low-normal when you have COVID.

This is very important for every COVID patient but especially if you are taking prescription steroid (Decadron or prednisone)
  • No/very low carbs
  • Bone broth and water
  • No sugary drinks, cereals
Note: quercetin is a zinc ionophore to replace Hydroxychloroquine, and no prescription is needed.

Zinc is a potent antiviral, but needs help getting into cells, and a zinc ionophore opens a channel in cell membranes, and transports zinc into cells, and the zinc blocks viruses from entering and replicating.

Hydroxychloroquine, quercetin, and EGCG in green tea extract, are zinc ionophores.

They found out with the first SARS-CoV virus, that chloroquine was an effective treatment for that Coronavirus, and hydroxychloroquine is a synthetic version of chloroquine. The SARS-CoV-2 virus is 80% the same and works equally well - this past medical history is why doctors who cared about their patients went against the official “do nothing” protocol, and prescribed hydroxychloroquine and zinc for their COVID patients.

Quercetin is a very safe and cheap supplement that’s been used for decades BTW.

People take a quercetin/bromelain combo for better respiration with asthma, as one example.

The aspirin in the AFLD’s protocol is because the spike proteins in COVID can cause blood clots and aspirin this the blood and helps prevent clots.

The fact that spike proteins cause blood clotting is why the mRNA vaccine is killing people, after it turns the body into a spike making machine, in addition to the 80 billion spike proteins in each mRNA jab.

Budesonide is inhaled through a nebulizer, and is a very good safe, cheap, lung anti-inflammatory used on newborn preemies for their lungs, and an Oxford university study shows it reduces need for hospitalization for COVID by an astounding 90%!

That’s because lung inflammation is what kills those with COVID infections, thus reducing lung inflammation is what it’s all about.

Ask yourself why, given the fact that doctors are saving many thousands of patients with common sense early treatment, that the death protocol of sending you home until lung inflammation from the infamous cytokine storm is so bad you can’t breathe, is still in effect?
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