Difference between Catholic and Protestant.

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
FIRST of all, Phoney – the PARTIAL quote you posted (in RED) in completely OUT of context.
There's no "out of context" problem here. The portion of the quote I shared speaks for itself.
When read IN Context – you see that it echoes the very words of Christ:
Luke 10:16

“The one who hears YOU hears ME, and the one who rejects YOU rejects ME, and the ONE who rejects ME rejects HIM who sent me.”
This quote from Christ has not even the slightest suggestion that a church leaders "hold upon this Earth the place of God almighty".
Jesus also identifies His very SELF with His Church (Acts 9:4-5). Paul wrote of the Church that it is the FULLNESS of Christ (Eph. 1:22-23) and the pillar and foundation of Truth (1 Tim. 3:15). So, when the Pope wrote this encyclical – he was speaking the TRUTH, according to Scripture.
I'm not sure what convoluted line of reasoning you're employing but it's simply not the case that a man "takes the place of God" or "holds the place of God" or is to be approached as "another Christ". It's not Scriptural, DB.
As for your calling the Pope the, “Pedophile in Chief – why don’t you clean out the filth from your OWN SDA backyard before you go pointing fingers at the Catholic Church . . .
Adventist Women's Ministries | Statement on Child Sexual Abuse

Healing the wounds of childhood sexual abuse - Adventist Record

Seventh-day Adventist Church Retaliates against Abuse Victim and her family.

Sex Abuse Cases: New Allegations | Adventist Today

Moncton woman sues Seventh-day Adventist Church over alleged sex abuse ...

Seventh-Day Adventist Child Molestation Lawsuit |

SDA Sex Abuse Lawyer

Child sexual abuse - Adventist Record
DB, need I remind you're comparing apples and oranges? The amount of victims of child rape/pedophilia in the Roman catholic church far outnumbers that of the mainstream Protestant churches - of course, we can't include in this calculation predators who claim to be "called of God" and then proceed to molest the kids of whatever gullible folks they manage to rope in.

Richard Sipe, expert in the area of offender priests, says a full SIX PERCENT of all priests have "acted out sexually with minors". That's not simply a problem, it's a crisis epidemic of global proportion.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
There's no "out of context" problem here. The portion of the quote I shared speaks for itself.
This quote from Christ has not even the slightest suggestion that a church leaders "hold upon this Earth the place of God almighty".

But, you're a LIAR anyway - so why wouyld I expoect YOU to tell the truth?

Besides, @Illuminator already showed the context of the encyclical in post #251 - exposing your lies . . .

I'm not sure what convoluted line of reasoning you're employing but it's simply not the case that a man "takes the place of God" or "holds the place of God" or is to be approached as "another Christ". It's not Scriptural, DB.
DB, need I remind you're comparing apples and oranges? The amount of victims of child rape/pedophilia in the Roman catholic church far outnumbers that of the mainstream Protestant churches - of course, we can't include in this calculation predators who claim to be "called of God" and then proceed to molest the kids of whatever gullible folks they manage to rope in.

Richard Sipe, expert in the area of offender priests, says a full SIX PERCENT of all priests have "acted out sexually with minors". That's not simply a problem, it's a crisis epidemic of global proportion.
WRONG again, Phoney.

According to the Protestant author, Philip Jenkis, in his book, Pedophiles and PRiests - the problem is FAR WORSE in Protestant circles.
In fact, he shows the actual FBI statistics that PROVE this point.

The main reason the Catholic Church got all of the publicity was because every Catholic Dioceseis insured - and the LAWYERS saw dollar $igns.
Wheereas, MANY smaller Protestant chgurches are NOT insured - and there simply wasn't any MONEY in it.

So, like I said before - clean up your OWN mess before you point fingers . . .

Adventist Women's Ministries | Statement on Child Sexual Abuse

Healing the wounds of childhood sexual abuse - Adventist Record

Seventh-day Adventist Church Retaliates against Abuse Victim and her family.

Sex Abuse Cases: New Allegations | Adventist Today

Moncton woman sues Seventh-day Adventist Church over alleged sex abuse ...

Seventh-Day Adventist Child Molestation Lawsuit |

SDA Sex Abuse Lawyer

Child sexual abuse - Adventist Record


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Your 'idea' that doing so somehow negates the founding of the Church in Rome ny Christ through the apostles is ludicrous on its face.
Except every Christian denomination in the world agrees with me. Changing the procession of the Holy Spirit is not "clarifying;" it is changing and worse, it is changing unilaterally AS IF the Bishop of Rome has any greater authority than any other Bishop who signed the Nicene Creed.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
But since We hold upon this earth the place of God Almighty, Who will have all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of the Truth, and now that Our advanced age and the bitterness of anxious cares urge Us on towards the end common to every mortal, We feel drawn to follow the example of Our Redeemer and Master, Jesus Christ, Who, when about to return to Heaven, implored of God, His Father, in earnest Prayer, that His Disciples and followers should be of one mind and of one heart: I pray . . . that they all may be one, as Thou Father in Me, and I in Thee: that they also may be one in Us. And as this Divine Prayer and Supplication does not include only the souls who then believed in Jesus Christ, but also every one of those who were henceforth to believe in Him, this Prayer holds out to Us no indifferent reason for confidently expressing Our hopes, and for making all possible endeavors in order that the men of every race and clime should be called and moved to embrace the Unity of Divine Faith.​
Praeclara Gratulationis Publicae full context of paragraph 5 that Phoneyman doesn't want you to see.

Phoneyman lies by omission.

2 Corinthians 5:18–20 — King James Version (KJV 1900)
18 And all things are of God, who hath reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ, and hath given to us the ministry of reconciliation; 19 To wit, that God was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their trespasses unto them; and hath committed unto us the word of reconciliation. 20 Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.

Phoneyman's empty drum pounding has been exposed. Sadly, he cannot stop repeating the same lie over and over again, and refuses to understand what an ambassador means or what a representative means.

"Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels.

The Pope Says he is God on earth!!!

The Holocaust Archives reveal the roundup of every religious minority in Nazi Germany, along with 3,000,000 Catholics and 1000 Bible Students. Not a single SDA was sent to the concentration camps because their demonizing the Pope was compatible with Third Reich propaganda.

Phoneyman doesn't plot to kill the pope as Hitler did, but repeatedly tries to assassinate his office with lies by omission.

It is a policy, by Vatican directive, that all bishops report suspected or accused priests of sex abuse to the police, and the priest is automatically suspended until a legal investigation is carried out.

It is a Seventh Day Adventist policy to keep sexual abuse allegations quiet and dealt with only by its leaders, and consulting a lawyer is forbidden.

Phoneman 777 will be ignored for his Nazi-like attacks on the papal office.
Nobody's siding with you on this, friend. Pope Leo wrote plainly that he believes he and his fellow popes "hold upon this Earth the place of God almighty" and the link I provided you proves that as such. Catholicism can't get any more explicit than that.

So, are you going to persist in following after unBiblical doctrine or turn from it?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
To anyone with eyes to see and ears to see i have easily shown the errors of that place .
But just like with the mormons or jw , those who cling to their own traditions can never see the problems within their own chambers .
To them their leaders are as GOD . Thus sayeth the watch tower , or thus sayeth the mormon elders
same with the CC . I once listened to a lady from the JW say a solid truth about how the CC does blindly follows and trusts in its men .
Rather odd she could not see the JW does the very same thing they accuse the CC of doing . THEY trust in that watchtower .
I was talking to a lady and showed her first timothy chapter three verse sixteen . SHE was stumped
and then her next response was , OH , well if GOD wants this to be revealed HE will reveal to the watch tower .
TALK about a delusion . She knew and was shown and yet her only response , her only rebuttal , OH IF GOD wants us to know this
HE will reveal it to our watchtower . Talk about being glued to traditions of men . THEY can see the errors in the CC
but cannot see they blindly trust in their own organization . Mormons are just as bad .
Truth is many within the protestant realm are guilty of this very thing . YOu can show them solid proof
but they will still cling to their traditoins , acryonms and you name it . TIME TO RETURN TO BIBLES and LEARN
or at their end many will BURN . sorry for the rhyme but its true . TOO many versions of JESUS are getting preached
ONLY they contradict the biblical Christ . TOO many trying to claim their church as THE ONE TRUE CHURCH
and yet upon examination their doctrines can easily be seen as contrary TO THE ORIGINAL JESUS and ORIGINAL APOSTLES .
Folks OPEN BIBLES and be a learning for many men have foul doctrines churning who if believed at their end will be burning .
ITs not looking good . BUT if folks would actually learn THAT bible for themselves , WELL two things , A LOT COULD be cleared up
and many folks would be in a much safer and better place by which they could grow wise unto salvation through faith in Christ .
Instead too many are being made wise unto slavation and bondage through wrongful traditions of twisted men and doctrines .
Spouting off about how much you hate the Catholic Church ius HARDLY an exampled of showing its "errors".
Iit's just another idiotic cop-out . . .

Secondly - the Church doe NOT tach that its leaders ar "as God".
Jesus Himself stated that Whoever listens to or rehects His Church listens to and rejects HIM and the ONE who sent HIM *Luke 10:16).
YOUR rejection of this verse illustrates you rejection of HIM.

As for the lady you claim to have talked to - it's a SHAME that you showed her 1 Tim. 3:16 without showing her the verse that comes right BEFORE this:
1 Tim. 3:15
if I am delayed, you will know how people ought to conduct themselves in God’s household, which is the CHURCH of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth.

Your grasp of CONTEXT is as shallow as your grasp of Scripture.

Finally, your usual plea to "LEARN THOSE BIBLES" - without knowing Christ's Church will only lead others to the pathetic confusion you find yourself in.
You CANNOT know Christ if you don't know His Church - because He identifies His very SELF with His Chiurch (Acts 9:4-5).
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Dear Phoneman,

Thanks for the invite, but I must respectfully decline.
If ever I was convinced that the Catholic Church has ivalid sacraments, my only other choices would be the Church in Alexandria, or the Church in Constantinople.
I will not join a community founded by men on then own authority and thereby abandon the banquet of the Lord.

Really? You smear many good and holy men by charging them with the sins of their brethren. Shall we call all the apostles traitors because of Judas?
As one who claims to follow the commandments, perhaps you should reflect on 'bearing false witness'

Ah, I have found it. It is not an encyclical but an apotolic letter which is significantly different.

I would point out that he was not claiming to BE God Almighty, but rather was referring to his office as Vicar of Christ, Who IS God Almighty. That may not seem to be much of a difference to you, but I assure you it is.
Compare with this, written by St. Ignatius circa 100 AD:

For when ye are obedient to the bishop as to Jesus Christ, it is evident to me that ye are living not after men but after Jesus Christ, who died for us, that believing on His death ye might escape death. 2:2 It is therefore necessary, even as your wont is, that ye should do nothing without the bishop; but be ye obedient also to the presbytery, as to the Apostles of Jesus Christ our hope; for if we live in Him, we shall also be found in Him.

St. Ignatius of Antioch to the Trallians (Lightfoot translation)

Pax et Bonum
I'm not charging EVERY priest as a pedophile. Richard Sipe says 6 percent of priests have acted out sexually with minors, so even if you allow for another 44 percent of priests that have only tendencies alone but no intention to act upon them, that still leaves HALF the total number of priests as normal guys.

My problem is the highest levels of leadership that protect and encourage these 6 percent, as "Spotlight" shows us, for reasons I'll keep to myself at this time.

Also, can we really separate the "office" of the person from the person himself? Mortal, sinful men who need a Savior can never be elevated to the level of the Divine One from Whom they obtain that salvation, right or wrong? It's like the death row inmate being granted an 11th hour pardon, and then going before the news media claiming he's equal to the governor which pardoned him.
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Philip James

Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Also, can we really separate the "office" of the person from the person himself?

Yes, you most certainly can.
King Saul may have been a disgrace but he was still the annointed King, as David rightly recognized.

Pax et Bonum

Pax et Bonum


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
But, you're a LIAR anyway - so why wouyld I expoect YOU to tell the truth?

Besides, @Illuminator already showed the context of the encyclical in post #251 - exposing your lies . . .

WRONG again, Phoney.

According to the Protestant author, Philip Jenkis, in his book, Pedophiles and PRiests - the problem is FAR WORSE in Protestant circles.
In fact, he shows the actual FBI statistics that PROVE this point.

The main reason the Catholic Church got all of the publicity was because every Catholic Dioceseis insured - and the LAWYERS saw dollar $igns.
Wheereas, MANY smaller Protestant chgurches are NOT insured - and there simply wasn't any MONEY in it.

So, like I said before - clean up your OWN mess before you point fingers . . .

Adventist Women's Ministries | Statement on Child Sexual Abuse

Healing the wounds of childhood sexual abuse - Adventist Record

Seventh-day Adventist Church Retaliates against Abuse Victim and her family.

Sex Abuse Cases: New Allegations | Adventist Today

Moncton woman sues Seventh-day Adventist Church over alleged sex abuse ...

Seventh-Day Adventist Child Molestation Lawsuit |

SDA Sex Abuse Lawyer

Child sexual abuse - Adventist Record
No, the problem is no where near that of the Catholic church if you only include legit mainstream Protestant denominations.

Predators know they can claim to be "called of God" on Monday, start a non-denominational 501c3 on Tuesday, and be raping and molesting kids by Wednesday, which is why non-denominational churches are plagued with every stripe and type of sex scandal.

You will search in vain to find a larger amount of abuse cases among MAINSTREAM Protestant denominations than we find in the RCC. It's "child ritual bloodless sacrifice" to the Sun god.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Yes, you most certainly can.
King Saul may have been a disgrace but he was still the annointed King, as David rightly recognized.

Pax et Bonum

Pax et Bonum
So, the "office of the papacy" is Divine, but he men who occupy it are not, though they claim all the names that apply to Jesus (Savior, Redeemer, Everlasting Father, Almighty God, etc.) apply to the man occupying the office, not just the office alone?

Sounds like a contradiction.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
No, the problem is no where near that of the Catholic church if you only include legit mainstream Protestant denominations.

Predators know they can claim to be "called of God" on Monday, start a non-denominational 501c3 on Tuesday, and be raping and molesting kids by Wednesday, which is why non-denominational churches are plagued with every stripe and type of sex scandal.

You will search in vain to find a larger amount of abuse cases among MAINSTREAM Protestant denominations than we find in the RCC. It's "child ritual bloodless sacrifice" to the Sun god.
First of all - who are YOU to qualify a "legit" denomnination?

And secondly - the facts and FBI staytistics speak for themselves . . .

1 in 10 Young Protestants Have Left a Church Over Abuse

Evangelicals ‘worse’ than Catholics on sexual abuse

Evangelical Sex Abuse Record ‘Worse’ Than Catholic, Says Billy Graham’s Grandson

Protestants can no longer dismiss abuse as a ‘Catholic problem’

Child Sex Abuse More Prevalent Among Protestants Than Among Catholics

There Is More Sexual Abuse In The Protestant Churches Than Catholic

Catholic priests no guiltier of sex abuse than other clergy

Data Shed Light on Child Sexual Abuse by Protestant Clergy

Blogger Who Exposed Protestant Sex Abuse Cover Up Sued By Her Pastor

Denial About Sexual Abuse In Evangelical Churches

Southern Baptists Apologize For Sex Abuse Coverups

U.S. Protestants’ Views Mixed about Extent of Clergy Sexual Abuse

Churchgoers Split on Existence of More Sexual Abuse by Pastors

Confronting Evangelical Enabling of Sexual Abuse

Child abuse a Calvinist problem, podcast says

Protestant Churches Grapple With Growing Sexual Abuse Crisis

Ted Haggard and His Wife Talk About the Gay Sex Scandal

Adventist Women's Ministries | Statement on Child Sexual Abuse

Healing the wounds of childhood sexual abuse - Adventist Record

Seventh-day Adventist Church Retaliates against Abuse Victim and her family.

Sex Abuse Cases: New Allegations | Adventist Today

Moncton woman sues Seventh-day Adventist Church over alleged sex abuse ...

Child sexual abuse - Adventist Record

Seventh-Day Adventist Child Molestation Lawsuit | SDA Sex Abuse Lawyer

Harold Camping Bashed as False Prophet on Family Radio ...


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
No other organization in human history fits the description of founded by men on their own authority than the 12th century RCC acting on their own authority, heretically altering the Nicene Creed.
  1. There was no such thing as the "RCC" in the 12th century.
  2. "RCC" was invented as a slur by the Anglicans in the 16th century.
  3. The Nicene Creed, also called Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, a Christian statement of faith that is the only ecumenical creed because it is accepted as authoritative by the Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and major Protestant churches.
  4. 381 A.D. is not the 12th century.
  5. The original Nicene Creed was formulated by the authority of the Catholic Church in 325 A.D. at the Council of Nicaea (a council anti-trinitarians reject)
  6. Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, and major Protestant churches who accept the original Nicene Creed today did not exist in 325 A.D.
  7. The Nicene Creed, also called Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, was amended, not changed, by the same authority that formulated the original Nicene Creed. Why?
  8. This enlargement had been carried out at the Council of Constantinople (381 A.D.) with the object of bringing the Creed of Nicaea up to date in regard to heresies about the Incarnation and the Holy Spirit that had arisen since the Council of Nicaea.
  9. Catholics do not identify with those heresies that the Council of Constantinople had to refute, and no honest Christian would intentionally regurgitate the same heresies.
3, 5, 6, 7and 8 are taken from Nicene Creed | History & Text, Encyclopedia Britannica.
It's not your fault, it's the fault of invincible ignorance. For that reason, you're off the hook because the Church is merciful to people inflicted with invincible ignorance.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
The quote from that certain Pope, that he considers himself as holding God's place on earth, could, with a certain determination, be construed to mean merely as a representative, or ambassador. In fact, one could, if he was of a mind to, readily accept @Philip James and @Illuminator 's defense of that address from the Pope, except for one rather important aspect that hasn't been considered. That aspect of the discussion is that the popes, and I would suggest just about every single one of them, have acted, that is taken upon themselves and exercised ownership of prerogatives that belong only to God. In doing so, they actually go beyond being God's representative to the point of replacing Him. Now far be it for me to suggest such a startling state of affairs without evidence, and having gone as far as this, I surely will not be simply offering as evidence, my opinion. Oh dear, no, never let it be said that Brakelite doesn't know what he's talking about. Although despite the evidence, someone will surely say, "Brakelite doesn't know what he's talking about".

"The [Catholic] Church has the right to require that the Catholic religion shall be the ONLY religion of the State, to the exclusion of all others... Cursed be those who assert liberty of conscience and of worship, and such that maintain that the church may not employ force." ~Pope Pius ix (1846-1878).

I don't think I need to go much further than the above. I could, but this one example ought to be sufficient to prove my point. This concept wasn't invented in the late 19th century. It had been the constant underpinning for papal persecution against dissenters since the 6th century, and affirmed by such luminaries and doctors of the church such as Thomas Aquinas. So the claim, "we hold upon the earth the place of God almighty" takes upon itself a whole new meaning when we see the church practicing for centuries it's self proclaimed authority to govern, overrule, manipulate, threaten, and punish the conscientious spiritual beliefs of others who went about doing only what the scriptures required, , those things being
  • preach the gospel,
  • call people to repentance,
  • baptize believers,
  • and teach them to surrender to their Lord, (Not Lord God the Pope),
  • trusting in Him and Him only to save through His blood, and sanctify by the word of truth.
Everyone, even Catholics, will tell you that catholicism isn't the religion of the bible. The religion of the bible is protestantism, and Catholics constantly come on these forums teach us that the Bible is insufficient, and that we ought to also accept Papal traditions... In other words embrace a religion that is antithetical to biblical Christianity, which Catholics themselves attest to.

In response to the statement above, justifying force against non Catholics, some will attempt to defend it by saying those they persecuted were threats to the social order, and therefore were of necessity exterminated. Although it must be admitted that they're never was any real evidence of this apart from false accusations of "heresy" and rebellion... As several Catholics here are want to do, describing protestants as revolutionaries and rebels as opposed to reformers. Which further testifies to how the statement I quoted from the Pope above had taken hold, even among the laity.
"We are your conscience. Do as we tell you or be condemned". That my friends is the difference between catholicism and Protestantism. At least in principle. I do have grounds to believe that sick a difference will not always be so evident when protestants oh America embrace the Papacy once again submitting to 4 precepts...
These 4 principles can be found in the following quote from the former Pope Benedict, in his encyclical Caritas in Veritas, par 67. But notice particularly his desire to ensure that these principles are backed up with force. Those four are the concept of 'common good'...sharing of resources (socialism)....subsidiarity (where personal rights are in submission to the majority)....and international cooperation.

Francis had echoed the same sentiments in his encyclicals. Global governance with the church at the head. That's the new world order of catholicism.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
Phoneman777 said:
No, the problem is no where near that of the Catholic church if you only include legit mainstream Protestant denominations.[/quote]

The United States Conference of Catholic Bishop’ Secretariat of Child and Youth Protection has released its audit on clergy sexual abuse that covers the period July 1, 2018 – June 30, 2019.

During this time, there were 37 allegations made by current minors. Eight were substantiated, 7 were unsubstantiated, 6 were unable to be proven, 12 are still being investigated, 3 were referred to religious orders, and 1 was referred to another diocese.

Of the 49,972 members of the clergy (33,628 priests and 16,344 deacons), .07% (37) had an accusation made against them for abusing a minor. However, since only .016% (8) could be substantiated, that means that 99.98% of priests did not have a substantiated accusation made against them.

In other words, clergy sexual abuse is near 0%.

It is hardly surprising that the media are ignoring this story. The only stories about the Catholic Church that they see fit to print or air are those that put the Church in a negative light. That they wallow in dirt cannot be denied.



Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
The quote from that certain Pope, that he considers himself as holding God's place on earth, could, with a certain determination, be construed to mean merely as a representative, or ambassador. In fact, one could, if he was of a mind to, readily accept @Philip James and @Illuminator 's defense of that address from the Pope, except for one rather important aspect that hasn't been considered. That aspect of the discussion is that the popes, and I would suggest just about every single one of them, have acted, that is taken upon themselves and exercised ownership of prerogatives that belong only to God. In doing so, they actually go beyond being God's representative to the point of replacing Him. Now far be it for me to suggest such a startling state of affairs without evidence, and having gone as far as this, I surely will not be simply offering as evidence, my opinion. Oh dear, no, never let it be said that Brakelite doesn't know what he's talking about. Although despite the evidence, someone will surely say, "Brakelite doesn't know what he's talking about".
Then demonstrate your "opinion" is objective. Your fake quote can't be found on line. It's standard SDA methodology to make a fake quote appear is if it is dogmatic. Or a pope addressing the faithful in the 1920's is addressing the same faithful in 2022. It doesn't work that way.
"The [Catholic] Church has the right to require that the Catholic religion shall be the ONLY religion of the State, to the exclusion of all others... Cursed be those who assert liberty of conscience and of worship, and such that maintain that the church may not employ force." ~Pope Pius ix (1846-1878).
A fake quote. Pope Pius IX is a man of another century. He served as pope from 1846 to 1878, the longest and one of the most difficult pontificates in history.
11. Catholicism rejects the "State Church," which has led to governments dominating Christianity rather than vice-versa.

12. Protestant State Churches greatly influenced the rise of nationalism, which mitigated against universal equality and Christian universalism (i.e., Catholicism).​

13. Unified Catholic Christendom (before the 16th century) had not been plagued by the tragic religious wars which in turn led to the "Enlightenment," in which men rejected the hypocrisy of inter-Christian warfare and decided to become indifferent to religion rather than letting it guide their lives.​

Read more: https://www.catholicfidelity.com/apologetics-topics/misc/a150-reasons-why-i-am-catholic-by-dave-armstrong/

Pius XI issued numerous encyclicals, including Quadragesimo anno on the 40th anniversary of Pope Leo XIII 's groundbreaking social encyclical Rerum novarum, highlighting the capitalistic greed of international finance, the dangers of socialism / communism, and social justice issues, and Quas primas, establishing the feast of Christ the King in response to anti-clericalism.

I don't think I need to go much further than the above. I could, but this one example ought to be sufficient to prove my point. This concept wasn't invented in the late 19th century. It had been the constant underpinning for papal persecution against dissenters since the 6th century, and affirmed by such luminaries and doctors of the church such as Thomas Aquinas. So the claim, "we hold upon the earth the place of God almighty" takes upon itself a whole new meaning when we see the church practicing for centuries it's self proclaimed authority to govern, overrule, manipulate, threaten, and punish the conscientious spiritual beliefs of others who went about doing only what the scriptures required, , those things being
"Repeat a lie often enough and it becomes the truth”, is a law of propaganda often attributed to the Nazi Joseph Goebbels.

The Pope Says he is God on earth!!! (scroll up to post #251) Catholics must be exterminated!

  • [*]preach the gospel,
    [*]call people to repentance,
    [*]baptize believers,
    [*]and teach them to surrender to their Lord, (Not Lord God the Pope),
    [*]trusting in Him and Him only to save through His blood, and sanctify by the word of truth.
Yes, Catholics have been doing that since the 1st century, and the evidence is there for anyone who wishes to see it.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
Everyone, even Catholics, will tell you that catholicism isn't the religion of the bible. The religion of the bible is protestantism, and Catholics constantly come on these forums teach us that the Bible is insufficient, and that we ought to also accept Papal traditions...
If anti-Catholics would stop LYING and MISREPRESENTING, we would have little to say!
In other words embrace a religion that is antithetical to biblical Christianity, which Catholics themselves attest to.
According to your occult prophet E.G. White, Catholicism is the whore and Protestantism is the daughter of the whore. That's not sound exegesis, it's mental illness, seeing whores everywhere.

You have to *prove* Catholicism is a religion that is antithetical to biblical Christianity by resorting to fake quotes. That is why you intentionally obscure your sources. You fear context.

In response to the statement above, justifying force against non Catholics, some will attempt to defend it by saying those they persecuted were threats to the social order, and therefore were of necessity exterminated.
Catholicism cannot impose truth, she can only propose to those who are disposed to receive it. I told you that in another thread and you ran away.
Although it must be admitted that they'rCe never was any real evidence of this apart from false accusations of "heresy" and rebellion... As several Catholics here are want to do, describing protestants as revolutionaries and rebels as opposed to reformers. Which further testifies to how the statement I quoted from the Pope above had taken hold, even among the laity.
Another stupid baseless lie; always asserted, never proven.
"We are your conscience. Do as we tell you or be condemned". That my friends is the difference between catholicism and Protestantism. At least in principle. I do have grounds to believe that sick a difference will not always be so evident when protestants oh America embrace the Papacy once again submitting to 4 precepts...
These 4 principles can be found in the following quote from the former Pope Benedict, in his encyclical **Caritas in Veritas, par 67**. But notice particularly his desire to ensure that these principles are backed up with force. Those four are the concept of 'common good'...sharing of resources (socialism)....subsidiarity (where personal rights are in submission to the majority)....and international cooperation.
Your toxic drivel is stupid and absurd. The Church cannot force the
Dignity of the Human Person. Sorry you can't fit that encyclical on a "T" shirt.
In its fundamental role of judging good or evil — the rightness or wrongness of a person’s choices — conscience is perhaps one of the most misunderstood of all the moral teachings of the Church.

And yet, a properly formed conscience is essential to ordering one’s life toward the service of God, whose will has been clearly revealed in the Scriptures, the authoritative teachings of His Church, and the objective moral truths knowable to human reason from natural law.

Man is a being with a physical body and a spiritual soul. In his body, man finds himself incorporated into the physical universe. Consequently, he is subject to its inherent order and laws. In his spiritual nature, man reflects the image of God himself. Man mirrors the divine personality in his ability to think and to choose. By virtue of his human reason and free will, man can truly be said to have been “made in the likeness of God” (Jas 3:9).

Conscience exists as a faculty of the human soul. Conscience is fed and nourished, ordered and directed by what is presented to it in the rational ability of man to know objective moral truth — that is, to grasp what is truly good and what is truly evil. It does not exist apart from man’s intellect or free will. Contrary to some popular misconceptions, conscience is not the “source” of morality, but rather is its “servant.”

What Is Conscience? | Simply Catholic
(that's called "citing a source" that everyone can see. Try it sometime.

**Caritas in Veritas, par 67**

Click on the link. Sorry, your fake quote is not found anywhere. Your deception is exposed.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
Pius IX, it was assumed that no pope would ever reign longer than the first pontiff.) He was immensely popular in his own times throughout much of the Catholic world, though certainly not in the leadership of the burgeoning 19th century republics or in radical circles. He was the first public pope of the modern era.

Pope Pius IX, or Pio Nono, as he was both affectionately and not so affectionately called in Italian, has been treated less kindly by the world. Though Pope John XXIII himself spoke well of Pius IX and reinvigorated the investigation of his possible canonization,2 the popular portrait of his papacy has him as a diehard reactionary adverse to the modern world. He is pictured as interested only in amassing papal power, and through the First Vatican Council he substituted a definition of papal infallibility for the loss of the papacy’s temporal kingdom in the nineteenth-century creation of the Italian State. He is seen as an anti-Semite who collaborated in the kidnapping and forced conversion of a Jewish child, with the dark hint of a papacy that helped generate the mindset in Catholic Europe that would lead to the Holocaust. (3,000,000 Catholics exterminated) Finally, he was the enemy of the freedoms of the modern world through his infamous Syllabus of Errors that condemned all that was right in modern thinking. This image of Pius IX persists. It is certainly encouraged within certain Catholic circles that have never forgiven the First Vatican Council’s definition of papal infallibility. They create an image of Pius IX forcing such a definition on an unwilling hierarchy.3
Pope Pius IX
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2022
Hampton Roads
United States
First of all - who are YOU to qualify a "legit" denomnination?

And secondly - the facts and FBI staytistics speak for themselves . . .

1 in 10 Young Protestants Have Left a Church Over Abuse

Evangelicals ‘worse’ than Catholics on sexual abuse

Evangelical Sex Abuse Record ‘Worse’ Than Catholic, Says Billy Graham’s Grandson

Protestants can no longer dismiss abuse as a ‘Catholic problem’

Child Sex Abuse More Prevalent Among Protestants Than Among Catholics

There Is More Sexual Abuse In The Protestant Churches Than Catholic

Catholic priests no guiltier of sex abuse than other clergy

Data Shed Light on Child Sexual Abuse by Protestant Clergy

Blogger Who Exposed Protestant Sex Abuse Cover Up Sued By Her Pastor

Denial About Sexual Abuse In Evangelical Churches

Southern Baptists Apologize For Sex Abuse Coverups

U.S. Protestants’ Views Mixed about Extent of Clergy Sexual Abuse

Churchgoers Split on Existence of More Sexual Abuse by Pastors

Confronting Evangelical Enabling of Sexual Abuse

Child abuse a Calvinist problem, podcast says

Protestant Churches Grapple With Growing Sexual Abuse Crisis

Ted Haggard and His Wife Talk About the Gay Sex Scandal

Adventist Women's Ministries | Statement on Child Sexual Abuse

Healing the wounds of childhood sexual abuse - Adventist Record

Seventh-day Adventist Church Retaliates against Abuse Victim and her family.

Sex Abuse Cases: New Allegations | Adventist Today

Moncton woman sues Seventh-day Adventist Church over alleged sex abuse ...

Child sexual abuse - Adventist Record

Seventh-Day Adventist Child Molestation Lawsuit | SDA Sex Abuse Lawyer

Harold Camping Bashed as False Prophet on Family Radio ...
Yea more than likely all that might have some truth to it might who knows how many unknown cases that didn't get reported still out there.

but it is just as true catholics are guilty of it as well regardless of which denominations or groups etc, has committed the most abuses the worst.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
There was no such thing as the "RCC" in the 12th century.
Not really relevant to the point. You've lost the argument when you have to play word games. Just because the fascist organization calls themselves 'Antifa' does not mean they are anti-fascists.

There was no Muhammad Ali in 1963. That doesn't mean he did not win the heavyweight championship the next year.

I already included a link, defining the RCC as also called CC. But I suppose your attempt to control my use of language is indicative of your RCC theology to assert authority to control others.
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