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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
These verses are simply Identity Verses—-Paul is describing the lives of Unbelievers...
That is right. He is describing unbelievers. Whether or not they ever believed is not the point. The point is the person who lives in these things is in unbelief and will not be saved when Jesus comes back. OSAS is a terrible distraction to this essential truth. What matters is that you believe and continue to believe, not that you can or can't lose your salvation. Whether or not you can lose your salvation doesn't mean anything and becomes irrelevant if you focus on the necessity to believe and continue to believe.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Believers commit these sins, But is one thing to stumble into a pig pen.....itvis another thing to make your home there...

I think that there are those who go in and out of the pig pen because they enjoy being there but think that they do not live in the pigpen because they leave it and clean themselves up every once in a while.

If the pigpen is their place of recreation, then they are living there in a sense.

People who do not live in the pigpen generally do not go to the pigpen for any reason.

So it’s clear that Paul has to allow for Sinning in the lives of Believers—- it’s GOING TO HAPPEN!

The doctrine of the inevitability of sin is false doctrine and a damnable heresy.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Why don’t you face the Facts Mary, you do not believe someone can have faith and never do any works, you just will not come out and say it, because by saying you believe this, you yourself PROVE you believe someone who is born again WILL do works, as I explained, which proves my origional argument to you was correct even though you reject it.

if this is not true, (your answer in no) you believe one can have faith and NEVER do even one work, in which case.....

You need to come out from under men and start to allow the spirit to guide you, when you do this, you are not afraid to answer questions, because if your wrong, you can grow, because your humble, and you are free to be wrong and learn.
Hmmmmm......so now we are changing it from "faith without works is dead" to 'faith and never do one work is dead'. Fascinating...You keep adding to Scripture and changing what we are talking about. Just like you added the word true to faith without works is dead....your killing me.

OK....So now I will address your new false accusation against me. I do not believe that "on can have faith and NEVER do even one work". If I have written that please quote the post number for me. You can't do it sooooo that means ANOTHER false accusation by you.

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Please quote the post that I said that in......If you can't quote it then apologize for lying.....again!
Scripture doesn’t say “true living faith”! I don’t feel comfortable adding to Scripture and then commenting on what it doesn’t say. It only says faith without works is dead.

you know I am about sick of your childish games, go live in your lie, I could care less

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Hmmmmm......so now we are changing it from "faith without works is dead" to 'faith and never do one work is dead'. Fascinating...You keep adding to Scripture and changing what we are talking about. Just like you added the word true to faith without works is dead....your killing me.

OK....So now I will address your new false accusation against me. I do not believe that "on can have faith and NEVER do even one work". If I have written that please quote the post number for me. You can't do it sooooo that means ANOTHER false accusation by you.
Ma’am, you are a deciever you never own up when you do anything, you love to blame shift, please do not respond to me anymore, I have no desire to play your childish games


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
If you want to please God , do like those that received their praise from Him did....be a Berean .....did they follow what one guy in a funny looking, pointed hat say? Did they automatically go with somebody because he wore a funny collar or because he stood in a pulpit wearing a nice suit.....they went on THEIR OWN and EXAMINED the Scriptures to say if what was being preached held up....
A Searching Berean would never find any reason to worship Mary, nor Believe that wine magically turns into Blood , nor would they dream up a Damnable Fantasy Land and call it Purgatory, the very idea of which Tramples on the Blood Of Jesus negating how it pays for ALL sins .....
Newbies to the Faith.....do as God Commands .....STUDY your Bible.....Rightly divide it.....PROVE yourself to be a good “ Workman” that need not be ashamed.....don’t be a Romanist that thinks they go back to Peter, but in reality , teach a False, Perverted gospel That would make the real Peter hide his head in shame with all of its Man-Made Traditions...
Wow BB53.....You bring up a lot of topics to discuss. I already know nothing I say will change your mind but let's start with the easiest. You clearly lack faith.

You are right. I don't believe that wine magically turns into blood. It's called a miracle. You apparently lack faith in God and believe he can't change wine into blood. You believe when Jesus held up the wine and said "this IS my blood" he was lying. Even though before he SHOWED us how to drink his blood the TOLD us we must drink his blood to have life in us. So he TOLD us we must drink his blood and then he SHOWED us how to do it. When did you loose your faith in Him?

The Bereans were Jews who followed their Jewish leaders. They went to the Synagogue every sabbath and had church leaders then just like we do now. Jesus even told the Jews: "The scribes and the Pharisees sit on Moses’ seat; 3 therefore, do whatever they teach you and follow it; but do not do as they do, for they do not practice what they teach. The Bereans searched Scripture to see if what Paul was telling them about Jesus was true. They were searching Jewish Scripture (Old Testement) to see if Jesus fulfilled the prophesy. They eventually believed what Paul told them about Jesus and determined that Jesus did fulfill the prophesy and they became Christians. Silas and Timothy remained in Berea to continue to teach them, lead them and start a new church in Berea. They more than likely chose someone amongst them to be the leader of the church in Berea. Soooo your twisting of history to suggest that the Bereans were lone wolves who once they started to believe what Paul told them they just started practicing their own brand of Christianity is false history. They had men (Silas and Timothy) leading them and teaching them. Based on historical Christian records and what is written in the NT Silas and Timothy elected/laid hands on/approved other men to replace them as the leader of the church in Berea.

What is a Romanist???



Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
“ By your Traditions, you make void the Word Of God”......Mark 7:13
It was true in Jesus day.....it’s true now......
Read Mark 7:13 IN CONTEXT kiddo and get back with me. Who was He talking to and what was He talking about????

What was true in Jesus day was they were told to hold fast to their traditions (2 Thessalonians 2:15). Learn Scripture before you comment on it.


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
The Apostolic Fathers are not the source...the Bible is the source, as it was written, not by the Apostolic Fathers, but by the apostles.

It is not whether we agree with the early church fathers that determines whether they are right...for even they and their writings were intended to be held up to the scrutiny and light of holy scripture.

What man taught me? No man (Galatians 1:12).

I read my Bible and sought His truth in His word as I sought to hear the opinion of its author as to what it truly teaches (see John 16:13).
Lol...Thank you.

The Apostolic fathers walked and talked with the Apostles. They lived the bible. You read the bible 2,000 years later with a Protestant influence on your interpretation. But yet you seem to be putting yourself on the same level as the Apostolic Fathers when it comes to biblical interpretation when you reference Galatians 1:12 and John 16:13.

You concern me....


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Ma’am, you are a deciever you never own up when you do anything, you love to blame shift, please do not respond to me anymore, I have no desire to play your childish games
LOL....Yup, That's what I thought. You can't quote the post that I said that in. You got busted making another false accusation but instead of taking responsibility and apologizing you call me a deceiver......F A S C I N A T I N G!!!!


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
you know I am about sick of your childish games, go live in your lie, I could care less
You got busted making ANOTHER false accusation and you accuse me of playing a sick childish game????? Fascinating..... I guess I would rather play kid games then make false accusations: Exodus 20:16


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Lol...Thank you.

The Apostolic fathers walked and talked with the Apostles. They lived the bible. You read the bible 2,000 years later with a Protestant influence on your interpretation. But yet you seem to be putting yourself on the same level as the Apostolic Fathers when it comes to biblical interpretation when you reference Galatians 1:12 and John 16:13.

You concern me....
Give me access to what was written by the Apostolic fathers and I am certainly open to reading it.

I will treat it the same as the Bereans treated the teaching of Paul when he preached to them, however.

And you should do the same.

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
The doctrine of the inevitability of sin is false doctrine and a damnable heresy.

Got your chapter and verse? If not.....close your mouth.

I got mine, “ The Sin That so easily Besets us”

James said, “ We all Stumble”. Notice he did NOT say that we “ USED to Stumble”

Paul write about Saved Believers Being “ Overtaken” By Sin......

You and everybody else out there sin every hour of every day.....if not in “deed”, certainly in thought and in the “ Sins Of Omission” .....

Even a Non-Christian like “ Dear Abbey” had the smarts and the insight and the courage to admit that “ we ALL have secret thoughts that would Shame Hell”

That “ ALL” includes you too, Blind Man......This is why you need Grace to blanket you every second of every day or you are without hope.....

With your addition of “ Lucky Repentance” to Paul’s Gospel Of Grace Plus Nothing , you have “ Fallen” from that Grace......let’s all pray that that does not equate Damnation.....

As for me? I don’t have to worry about it .....I am like Paul in the sense that I “ do not hold back God’s Grace”......As a matter of fact , Even though God Hates my Sin , He is greatly pleased when I approach His Throne Of Grace with BOLDNESS because of my Total Trust in the Shed Blood Of His Son....it’s a shame you are totally ignorant about that Confidence and Boldness ....It’s a natural reflection of a very weak faith.....indeed, if it is faith at all.....

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Using the term “ PigPen” as an analogy for Sin, not all pigpens have to do with Fleshly Sins like Getting drunk or or looking at Porn or saying a Bad Word.....I am sure you are WAY too “ Holy” to commit such blatant sins .....as a matter of fact, you are convinced that you commit NO sins...
There is another “ PigPen” called PRIDE......That's where many self- Righteous people dwell.Ring a Bell?.....Boy, Jesus really despised Self-Righteous people and Paul even said they would go to Hell....I rejoice over the fact that I NEVER find myself in THAT pig pen....Fleshly sins are the easiest to forgive for God.....That Sin Of PRIDE? Not so easy ......ask Satan.....it’s why he is damned forever.....just saying.....
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Read Mark 7:13 IN CONTEXT kiddo and get back with me. Who was He talking to and what was He talking about????

What was true in Jesus day was they were told to hold fast to their traditions (2 Thessalonians 2:15). Learn Scripture before you comment on it.

Two words for you.....” Pfffftttt”.......oops, that may have been just “ one” word.That would make that a lie......No fear....I’ll just “work it off” in the Magical World Of Purgatory......Anybody that believes in that Satanic , Damnable Farce should not lecture others about “ Learning Scripture”.....The very iDEA Of Sinners paying for their own sins after death ,to make themselves “worthy” of entrance to Heaven , SPITS on the “ One Time Offering of Sin” and the TOTAL Redeeming Value Of That Blood....
Satan smacks his lips when he thinks of all the people who got damned by him because of
“ that” delusion ! He must constantly Roll his eyes, thinking to himself, “I can’t “ BELIEVE” anybody actually “BOUGHT” that Hog Wash!
Anybody that buys into to the lie Of Purgatory ( and that is just one example if the Tripe That catholics Believe ) , shows a COMPLETE ignorance of who Jesus is and what He accomplished at the Cross. COMPLETE IGNORANCE. And the catholic Brain Washing is so demonically effective , it’s a pure Miracle that anybody ever escapes it and gets Saved.....thank God, some do .....I will be praying for you and your fellow deluded, Romanist friends...... a person can get Saved DESPITE the catholic “ church”...... I’ve seen it happen...and trust me, it is RARE......
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
The doctrine of the inevitability of sin is false doctrine and a damnable heresy.

Got your chapter and verse? If not.....close your mouth.

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 (kjv), Hebrews 10:14 (kjv), 1 John 3:9;

1 John 3:7, 1 John 3:3, 1 John 2:6;

Jude 1:24, 2 Peter 1:10, 1 John 2:10;

1 John 3:6, 1 John 2:17;

Romans 6:6 (kjv), Colossians 2:11 (kjv), (NLT).

I got mine, “ The Sin That so easily Besets us”

It besets us easily, is what that is saying...not that we cannot ever gain the victory over it (1 Corinthians 15:57) and be set free from its power (John 8:31-36).

James said, “ We all Stumble”. Notice he did NOT say that we “ USED to Stumble”

Specifically you are talking about James 3:2. Here it is in the kjv:

Jas 3:2, For in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body.

Now, compare to Philippians 1:10.

Phl 1:10, That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without offence till the day of Christ;

Now, Philippians 1:10 is Paul's prayer; and the only way your interpretation of James 3:2 is going to hold water is if the Lord doesn't answer prayer.

Do I even need to quote the verses that tell us that He does?

Mat 7:7, Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you:
Mat 7:8, For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened.

So then, through prayer we can come to the place where we do not offend in word. And if that be the case, we are also able to bridle the whole body.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Using the term “ PigPen” as an analogy for Sin, not all pigpens have to do with Fleshly Sins like Getting drunk or or looking at Porn or saying a Bad Word.....I am sure you are WAY too “ Holy” to commit such blatant sins .....as a matter of fact, you are convinced that you commit NO sins...
There is another “ PigPen” called PRIDE......That's where many self- Righteous people dwell.Ring a Bell?.....Boy, Jesus really despised Self-Righteous people and Paul even said they would go to Hell....I rejoice over the fact that I NEVER find myself in THAT pig pen....Freshly sins are the easiest to forgive for God.....That Sin Of PRIDE? Not so easy ......ask Satan.....it’s why he is damned forever.....just saying.....

If I am indeed in the place where I have been sanctified wholly (1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 (kjv), Hebrews 10:14 (kjv), 1 John 3:9), my attitude towards my own personal righteousness will be that I consider myself as having not yet attained (Philippians 3:12-15)...so how is that going to be pride?

The fact that I consider that the goal is obtainable in no way precludes that I think that I have obtained it. And if I do not think that I have obtained it, I am a candidate for one who has obtained it. So they key is to keep the attitude spoken of in Philippians 3:12-15; for that is the attitude of the perfect according to verse 15...the moment I think that I have obtained entire sanctification, that is the moment that the scripture declares that I definitely don't have it...

See also Job 9:21, John 9:41, and Isaiah 42:19 (kjv).


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
The doctrine of the inevitability of sin is false doctrine and a damnable heresy.

Got your chapter and verse? If not.....close your mouth.

I got mine, “ The Sin That so easily Besets us”

James said, “ We all Stumble”. Notice he did NOT say that we “ USED to Stumble”

Paul write about Saved Believers Being “ Overtaken” By Sin......

You and everybody else out there sin every hour of every day.....if not in “deed”, certainly in thought and in the “ Sins Of Omission” .....

Even a Non-Christian like “ Dear Abbey” had the smarts and the insight and the courage to admit that “ we ALL have secret thoughts that would Shame Hell”

That “ ALL” includes you too, Blind Man......This is why you need Grace to blanket you every second of every day or you are without hope.....

With your addition of “ Lucky Repentance” to Paul’s Gospel Of Grace Plus Nothing , you have “ Fallen” from that Grace......let’s all pray that that does not equate Damnation.....

As for me? I don’t have to worry about it .....I am like Paul in the sense that I “ do not hold back God’s Grace”......As a matter of fact , Even though God Hates my Sin , He is greatly pleased when I approach His Throne Of Grace with BOLDNESS because of my Total Trust in the Shed Blood Of His Son....it’s a shame you are totally ignorant about that Confidence and Boldness ....It’s a natural reflection of a very weak faith.....indeed, if it is faith at all.....
So much for our feud being over.

Does what I say offend you?

You believe that a man cannot be sanctified wholly in this life?

The holy scriptures would disagree with you.

1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 (kjv), Hebrews 10:14 (kjv), 1 John 3:9;

1 John 3:7, 1 John 3:3, 1 John 2:6;

Jude 1:24, 2 Peter 1:10, 1 John 2:10;

1 John 3:6, 1 John 2:17;

Romans 6:6 (kjv), Colossians 2:11 (kjv), (NLT)

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
You are right. I don't believe that wine magically turns into blood. It's called a miracle. You apparently lack faith in God and believe he can't change wine into blood. You believe when Jesus held up the wine and said "this IS my blood" he was lying. Even though before he SHOWED us how to drink his blood the TOLD us we must drink his blood to have life in us. So he TOLD us we must drink his blood and then he SHOWED us how to do it. When did you loose your faith in Him?

First of all, pray for me that I can disguise my “ giddiness” .....it’s been a while since I debated a Romanist, and it’s always a Joy.....who doesn’t love “ shooting fish in a barrel!” ......and that’s all it is. I will prove it.
You asked me when I “ lost my Faith” ....lol......oh, the Pain! .....oh, how you nailed me so quickly !! Haha......your “ Faith” as a Catholic is Nothing But a series of “Dead Works” That add to to Pauls simple Gospel Of Grace ....he warns not to add to it and your entire Romanist Crowd has at !east Seven Additions That are easy to find them ( infant baptism, the Eucharist, Conformation, blah, blah, blah..... ) Your utter rejection of “ Justification by Faith” spits on the Blood Of Christ as does your Damnable belief in the Fairy Tale If Purgatory That has sent countless souls to Hell. Yep, you try to lecture me on Faith and you would not know what it was if it came up and bit you on your........Er,....ah.....posterior.....
Consider this, Missy......Jesus “ DID” refer to the wine as “ His Blood”...... you show great Biblical Knowledge with that awareness.....Jesus also said to “ Pick up your Cross and follow” him.....sooooooo. If you are going to be consistent , if you can’t fathom what a simple “picture story” is when Jesus talks about the wine being His “ Blood” , please post a picture of that literal Cross that you have been ordered to carry.....don’t waste your time showing us the type that has the little wheels on it....we gotta be “literal”, don’t we.....otherwise it could be a sign you “ lost your Faith”.......
The Romanist have a saying in regard to how they Spit on the True Word Of God with their Damnable Works , their Unbiblical Traditions and their False Doctrines ......they brainwash people and they themselves are so brainwashed, they don’t even try to deny it. It is fearful. It is ugly. It is True.......” Give us a child until she is Seven , and we’ll have her for life.”
Want Proof of that ? You are witnessing it with every post this poor, deceived girl posts.....


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Even a Non-Christian like “ Dear Abbey” had the smarts and the insight and the courage to admit that “ we ALL have secret thoughts that would Shame Hell”

That is something that would be believed by a non-Christian; who has not been regenerated and renewed by the Holy Ghost (Titus 3:5), so that the following isn't true of them.

Tit 3:3, For we ourselves also were sometimes foolish, disobedient, deceived, serving divers lusts and pleasures, living in malice and envy, hateful, and hating one another.

In that it isn't true that they were once these things; because it is true that they still are these things.

While it would be true of those who are regenerated and renewed in the Holy Ghost that these things are no longer true of them.