Unethical treatment of LGBTQ humans / Understanding LGBTQ - 101

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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
They are gonna pay for being gay
This is the ongoing lie, the denial of action, or moral choice. The devil seeks to destroy discernment, making it so we cannot distinguish between "being poor" from stealing; "being hungry" from cannabalism; "being gay" with acting homosexually; "having good intentions" with doing evil.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
Man do as man do to justify why he do as he do . But the sheep of JESUS CHRIST simply gonna do as GOD bids them to do .
thus its time to understand .
No one can prove through carnal wisdom the question of whether they were born this way or not .
And this is why the devil put the question into place so as to get the approval within the church and societies .
We cando this all day . We know GOD did not create them TO SIN . But they do not know this .
THUS the question must become
ask not if they were born this way
rather ask yourself , DO GOD APPROVE OF SIN . No matter
what they try and say , no mattter if the cliam be i was born this way
The slippery slope is to get people to believe or at least question whether or not they were born this way
as a means to silence ANY correction of it and rather get the ACCEPTANCE of it .
So from now on when anyone tries to bring the topic up of whether or not they were born this way
ALWAYS REMIND them , GOD dont approve of sin , thus we dont approve of sin .
Correction .

Correction indeed. They try to make us sound like we live to get on here just to bash them. When all we are doing is correction...when they get on here and start speaking such vile untruths, that we can not be silent!

(Oh but you dont love me...wah) Now that sure sounds all victim and noble and all sorts of jazz, but it is still Tripe and a lie from the pits of hell. The truth must be spoken in counter to these untruths that they are trying to spread.

It sure would be nice if the gays ever wanted to talk about anything else than being gay. (We're bashing them?! They are bashing us with homoism!)


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
As much as man has learned about things throughout time , DO HE KNOW more than GOD .
and thus we have to ask ourselves

Can any 2 walk together unless they be agreed?

Can a person who does not agree with God, or the NT, walk with God?

""""""but behold, everyone here, and everyone in every church and in every pulpit and in every denomination SAYS THEY ARE RIGHT"""".

And that is true.
But THEY are not, unless they agree with all of Paul's Doctrine, and if they don't even know they are supposed to, then can you imagine what you end up with if that one is trying to start a church or translate a bible or MOD a forum, or write a commentary series, or books, or Forum Threads.

"well behold how do i know who to trust".

You trust the teacher who teaches Paul. You trust the teacher who says. "The Grace of God is the Cross of Christ" ... You trust the teacher who gives JESUS ALL the credit due Him, alone.....= for saving you and keeping you saved. You trust the teacher who understands that the Grace of God is offered to everyone.

"Jesus came into the world to save SINNERS"... not just some of them.... Reader.

So, when you find a "teacher" who teaches none of that, and who can't understand any of that... and they are a POPE or a TV Evangelist or any other type, then get away, turn them off, do not listen, as they will corrupt your faith... They will ruin it.

So, its true that Salvation is The Grace of God, as the Cross of Christ and its eternal.
This means that once you are born again, you are proven to possess God's Eternal life.
So, that is SOLVED.

But what isn't solved is "working out your salvation", as that is all about understanding who you have become as a born again "new Creation in Christ".... Reader.

And when a person believes wrong about all that, and more.... then they are not in sync with God's knowledge or God's perspective.

And regarding Homosexuality.. God does not condone or accept it.. and He sent Jesus to the Cross for every Homosexual and everyone who isn't.

However, we are not to agree with a culture or a deceived "christian" who condones their Sexual Lifestyle, and reader, its their sexual lifestyle that defines them as GAY.. as Homosexual.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
The metaphor I always go back to is being out in the ocean. Sin is the sinking ship that you are holding onto as it is all you have. Jesus comes along and throws a life preservor. We must accept this gift AND let go of the sin that is killing us. This is one action with 2 parts done simultaneously.

We cannot accept the gift, take hold with our all to Jesus and still be holding onto the USS Sinking Ship of Sin. This is faith, belief in action.

Our generation is so lazy, we want universalism, want to enjoy the million dollar check but consider it work on our part to cash the check, which we couch as disrespecting the sufficiency of Christ's atoning sacrifice. Let's keep it real people!

When the ship is sinking, you must let go of it and get as far away from it as you can. Otherwise as it goes completely under the currents of it sinking will draw you down with the ship in the water.

Peter didn't walk on water until after he left the ship!


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
This is science saying that they do not agree with you. Uneasiness, disatisfaction, anxiety...(confusion!).

So let's call it for what it is. Since you dont like discussing demonic possession, let's call it a mental illness.

I mean, does that sound like someone who has their head on straight? I think I am a woman in a mans body? That is some horny homo who said that to them.

Thank you for helping to make my case and point!
You are nicer than I am. I use the word devil spirit.


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
Put me down on record as one who does not believe there's a human on the planet that's born in the wrong body. The Old Testament and the New are very clear on this. The LGBTO folks are insane. Literally. It's called a mental illness.
I explained this IDENTIFICATION DISORDER to my neighbor's teen son using a bicycle as a proxy.

Suppose one mistakes a bicycle for food. Some foolishly argue that if you can ingest it, it is food. Cutting up the bicycle into bit sizes pieces does not mean you will derive the necessary nutrition to live.

Same with mistaking the bicyle for a sex object. You cannot reproduce with a bicycle or with a person of the same sex. You have some kind of mental illness that causes a yearning to incorrectly identify reality.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
This is the ongoing lie, the denial of action, or moral choice. The devil seeks to destroy discernment, making it so we cannot distinguish between "being poor" from stealing; "being hungry" from cannabalism; "being gay" with acting homosexually; "having good intentions" with doing evil.

All I know is no one is God to judge. Yes there are things that miss the mark. Jesus death, burial, and resurrection hits the mark and is on the heart of any believer who believes it’s true in faith. Despite disposition, now the bride, the church in the early days were governed, to be a perfect, blameless, unwrinkled bride. I don’t believe it’s ever been that way for the gentiles, though, they never had the law to begin with. We all know the things that miss the mark and are all in need of the Lord Yeshua.


Well-Known Member
Jan 9, 2024
Columbus Ohio
United States
I don’t believe it’s ever been that way for the gentiles, though, they never had the law to begin with.

But did the gentiles have a conscience? I think they did!

Even before I knew the Lord at all or was walking with Him....I didn't have to constantly repeat to myself over and over when I enter a bank, dont rob the bank, dont rob the bank. I alredy knew that robbing banks is wrong and it would hurt people.

I was able to realize before I walked with the Lord that...I don't have to lie to get a job, and I dont have to steal to get ahead.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
I explained this IDENTIFICATION DISORDER to my neighbor's teen son using a bicycle as a proxy.

Suppose one mistakes a bicycle for food. Some foolishly argue that if you can ingest it, it is food. Cutting up the bicycle into bit sizes pieces does not mean you will derive the necessary nutrition to live.

Same with mistaking the bicyle for a sex object. You cannot reproduce with a bicycle or with a person of the same sex. You have some kind of mental illness that causes a yearning to incorrectly identify reality.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
All I know is no one is God to judge.
Christendom abuses terms by capitalizing common nouns. Scripture says we are all gods - and we are. Ps 82:6

I say, ‘You are gods;

you are all children of the Most High.

Our lord used this verse in defense of his claim to be the son of YHWH. So, I put a lot of weight on it.

Indeed, even though there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth—as in fact there are many gods and many lords—
1 COR 8:5

So, it is a gross error in Christiandom to reserve the term for the Most High that applies to many of us, gods, I.e., those in authority. And in our society, we decide our laws as a duty of citizenship. It is not on Jesus’ god alone to judge.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Christendom abuses terms by capitalizing common nouns. Scripture says we are all gods - and we are. Ps 82:6

I say, ‘You are gods;
you are all children of the Most High.

Our lord used this verse in defense of his claim to be the son of YHWH. So, I put a lot of weight on it.

Indeed, even though there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth—as in fact there are many gods and many lords—
1 COR 8:5

So, it is a gross error in Christiandom to reserve the term for the Most High that applies to many of us, gods, I.e., those in authority. And in our society, we decide our laws as a duty of citizenship. It is not on Jesus’ god alone to judge.

I don’t believe no one on earth is a god but the judge on the stand if I’m in a court of law. I guess my supervisors are god applying to the nature of the world.

1 Corinthians 2:15 The person with the Spirit makes judgments about all things, but such a person is not subject to merely human judgments,

I don’t see where in the Bible it says, take this Bible bash people in the head and make them obey you.

2 Corinthians 1:24
Not that we lord it over your faith, but we work with you for your joy, because it is by faith you stand firm.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
I'm still trying to help Christians understand this COMPLEX issue that they have reduced to a knee-jerk reaction.
Notice the term "LGBTQ humans" in the topic title. I need to remind Christians that these people are human. - Sigh. :(

Because they are typically treated by Christians as subhuman.
No, they are treated by Christians as WRONG, which is true. The issue is not complex. Either someone is right or they are wrong.
In my previous topic, WWJD with LGBTQ, I tried to inform forum members about what I knew about the subject.
--- If you wonder where I am coming from, that's a good place to start. ---

The level of ignorance on this subject is substantial.
We are not ignorant as you suppose. We know that LGBTQ is sinful behavior and should not be encouraged or tolerated.
And more than that, the level of aggression toward those humans with these issues.
These aren't "issues"; they are evil, anti-life, hurtful behaviors which are destructive, antisocial, and degrading behaviors that one ought not practice. Those who give up such behaviors will live happier, healthier lives.
And EVEN more than that, the aggression toward anyone, like myself who would DARE
to stand up to defend these precious ones that Jesus gave his life for.
Anyone who promotes sinful behavior on a Christian discussion board should expect aggression. Does that surprise you?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
To my thinking, much depends on whether homosexuality is a lifestyle choice, or a fact of one's nature. Because if it is the latter, I would say "I am as God made me. I happen to be heterosexual. If God had made me homosexual, am I to be judged harshly on that account?"
It's a lifestyle choice.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
trivia question time .
if genitals does not define gender
then why does removing and altering them affirm gender . talk about delusion indeed .
something has went bad wrong my friend .
So lets make a simple statement .
GOD does not make mistakes .
what he created us in the womb , male or female
is what we are to the tomb . its really that simple , lest we be as many and try and call GOD a liar and redifine
what humanity deems themselves to be . its insanity my friend , all out reprobation .
Right, it's not gender dysphoria; It's delusion.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
You've missed my point. Yes, the Bible declares homosexual acts sinful. Everyone agrees with that. But as far as I can tell, it is silent on whether homosexuals are born that way or freely choose to be that way. (If you have a passage to the contrary, please share it. Otherwise, I remain uncertain on the answer.)
Homosexuality is a behavior, not a state of being.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
I think everyone on this site agrees with this statement. My particular question was not about behavior, but about whether one is born with whatever sparks same-sex attraction. It is certainly possible that one could be born with it, yet choose not to act in accordance with it for fear of flaunting God's commandment -- which is addressed solely to the behavior, not the innate proclivity.
The answer is NO. No one is born that way.


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
New York
United States
Christendom abuses terms by capitalizing common nouns. Scripture says we are all gods - and we are. Ps 82:6

I say, ‘You are gods;
you are all children of the Most High.

Our lord used this verse in defense of his claim to be the son of YHWH. So, I put a lot of weight on it.

Indeed, even though there may be so-called gods in heaven or on earth—as in fact there are many gods and many lords—
1 COR 8:5

So, it is a gross error in Christiandom to reserve the term for the Most High that applies to many of us, gods, I.e., those in authority. And in our society, we decide our laws as a duty of citizenship. It is not on Jesus’ god alone to judge.
Why do I hear so often that I should not judge and that only God is to judge. Has nobody ever read 1 Corinthians 6:2...

Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
Why do I hear so often that I should not judge and that only God is to judge. Has nobody ever read 1 Corinthians 6:2...

Do ye not know that the saints shall judge the world? and if the world shall be judged by you, are ye unworthy to judge the smallest matters?
Good point. :)

When Jesus says, "Do not Judge lest ye be judged" he means "do not condemn." He is NOT saying "do not use discernment", and neither is he saying "do not evaluate a behavior based on what is beneficial or upright."

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
Never thought i would see the day when I can compare Sodom and Gomorrah and the United states, and see them as equal in depravity.

Just wonder if God will destroy the US like he did these 2 ancient cities
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
The answer is NO. No one is born that way.
correct my friend . you see people often make the mistake of thinking satan cannot tempt small children .
HE DO . its the parents job to correct the temptation .
They were not BORN that way , they were tempted and kept entertaining the lustful thoughts .
all children , all peoples are tempted by the flesh , the lusts of the flesh . it might not be the exact same sins
but all do get tempted .
To say one was born gay is to say one was born to murder , born to lie
born to etc . they were not created that way , rather the heart of man is evil from his youth up .
Same goes with this wicked gender crap .
The child or adult gets tempted . convinced by satan that they are in the wrong body , or etc .
But how fast even christian parents have forgotten , THAT the child dont determine
ITS the parents duty to raise the child up in the way he or she should go , not let the child
determine the way he or she should go .
REMINDS me of this , children and women rule over this people .
folks are fast abandoning the bible and that pattern for instruction in righteousness
for equipping , for reproof and for correction
that the man o god may be throughly furnished unto all GOOD works
and rather are sitting under men and carnal wisdom to teach and instruct them
and thus worse and worse it has got and keeps getting . TILL in a moment , in a blink
of an eye the LORD GONNA JUDGE this world and under wrath it will go to be destroyed .
THEY are as sodom now . they no longer hide SIN , THEY HONOR SIN IN THE STREETS
the schools , the byways and the highways
and worse even many within christendom just love to have this so .
But what will ye do in the end thereof o world , what will ye do .......
WE SHOULD have stuck to the bible , to sound doctrine , to the preaching of the TRUE GOSPEL
to the teaching of all things JESUS taught , the apostels taught , for correction and for instruction .
IT is not looking good at all in these last , hours , upon earth . AND IT WILL END in a day and in an hour known to no man .
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