These people have the heart of Cain.
Oh boy. Upgrade. Not only are we heretics that don't agree with your gospel, but we are also Cains, that want to
do you in.
In any case, the spirit of Cain is certainly remains on earth. There are unrighteous Christians that do resent righteous Christians, and like Cain, they don't even want to hear about Abel being righteous by doing righteousness.
In fact, like brother Christian Cain, they go out of their way to explain to self-righteous Abel, how that all righteousness is by faith alone, and has absolutely nothing to do with works of sacrifice. But, woe betide the arrogant brother Abel, if he
dare refuse his kind doctrinal offer. That's when selfless charitable brother Cain just gets rid of him.
There have been Christians on this site, that have demanded to have all disagreers removed from the site. And what do the heretics disagree with? Being saved, justified, and righteous by their own faith alone. These all-loving, all-saved, all-forgiven Christians are truly the ones, in my experience, to have displayed the most bitter and angry responses to any objection to their doctrine, that I have ever seen in the Christian community.
I have never said anyone claiming to be a Christian, is not a Christian. I have never said anyone claiming to be saved, is not saved. I have never called anyone teaching here, an heretic. (Except for having fun with it on this thread).
And yet, I have been told I am not saved, headed to hell, not a Christian, an heretic, and now Mr Cain.
And what exactly do I think about it? Whatever.
1.) "you will reap what you sow"..
So, that is a reality check that is going to find you, if you are born again, and are willfully doing what you know is offensive to God.
Wait. You're not really JUDGING someone are you, as though the soul were at stake, are you?
I mean, what's the point of your 'dire warnings'? If your gospel is true, then we are all already forgiven of all sinning, and by our faith in Christ alone, we are all as good as gold in heaven.
Not only can we not be judged and condemned for sinning as others, but we can't even possibly sin and offend God. After all, where no condemnation of God is, there is no offense against God.
And, so your effort to preach RIGHTEOUS INDIGNATION and wrath of God about saved Christian behavior, has as much impact on our souls and lives, as a bunny-white puff of smoke, where the slightest breeze blows it away.
So, spare me your haughty WARNINGS please. It just makes you look doctrinally dysfunctional.
You know what that is, as God deals with that, by CONVICTION, and so, if you resist this and do it anyway, then that is going to cause "sowing and reaping" to find you.
ARRRRGH!!! I'm soooo confused!!!! You mean, if I resist you and your doctrine, which you insist I must be CONVICTED about, and just go ahead and do righteousness anyway, then "sowing and reaping" is going to find me?
Well, I certainly hope so. After all, that is the promise to them that sow righteousness unto everlasting life.
And besides, your fouling up your own doctrine again. Since the CONVICTION of the Spirit is
against sinning, in order to lead us to repent and confess it
for forgiveness of sinning, then you're no more preaching being already forgiven of all sinning.
In fact, a natural extension of your doctrine, is that if any person
or spirit tries to convict saved Christians of any sinning, then they are to be rebuked as of the devil, for tempting such all-forgiven Christians to actually believe, that they are
not already forgiven in the first place.
Just stick to your already all forgiven gospel, and leave the conviction and judgment of sinning to others. You have no place nor part in such adult things of God and life.
And if you decide to live in that place of carnal lifestyle, you'll have more issues then you can deal with, and once that starts, it will be a long ride before its over.
Hey, it all ends in glory, so why not enjoy the ride for a little more season? Correct?
Eat, drink, and be merry, for tomorrow we die and go to heaven by our own faith alone!!
What? Do you mean that sinful saved Christian? Don't be
that one? Are you saying that they shouldn't be
that way? Are you judging them as, like, SINNERS?
Look, seriously, you have as much chance of warning me to be proselytized to your gospel, as Cain had with Abel.