Do you think only people aged 25 should be allowed to use and own guns?

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Should the legal age to use guns be increased to 25?

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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2021
United States
United States
I agree about the violence in media being a major issue, as I was describing.
It's NOT normal or acceptable that high school and college-aged men frequently attack and murder 8-year-olds in a modern democratic society.
I'm not exactly sure we can say this happens frequently.

When you take the population into account and the true frequency of these shootings, I think it's quite a bit less than that would imply.

If a state with under 6 million people (U.S. state average) was to have one school shooting a year, which is quite a lot (and not at all reality since these shootings don't happen in the same state repeatedly), it would still be one person in SIX MILLION going Natural Born Killer per year.

I'm not a mathematician, but I'm pretty sure that's a very low frequency.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Really, do you believe that 25 or so year old people have enough nous to be able to use a firearm appropriately.

I do not believe that having the nous to own and operate a firearm is actually age dependent.

Know what I mean?

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Yet they both claim to be Christian what should they have done the Ukrainians, never defend their land let the Russians ride on in take over the country change everything. laid down their weapons and become russian or else. Imagine your country your house being taken over.
If all who claim to be Christians actually followed the teachings of the Christ, there would be no wars....(Matthew 5:9)

And if people stopped believing the propaganda endlessly broadcast on MSM, we might have a very different view of all of it if we heard it from the other side. No one tells the truth because 1 John 5:19 has been in operation since Eden. Do we think God doesn't know? Do we think God needs humans to save this world?

And then we have Paul's counsel.....
Romans 12:17-21....
"Return evil for evil to no one. Take into consideration what is fine from the viewpoint of all men. 18 If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men. 19 Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: “‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay,’ says Jehovah.” 20 But “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by doing this you will heap fiery coals on his head.” 21 Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good."

Do you see that being implemented by Christians today? Christendom's skirts are dripping in blood. (Isaiah 1:15)

Its not up to Christians to change the world....God will do that soon enough. If we have faith in the Bible, nothing will be a surprise to us.
Everything pertaining to the "time of the end" was prophesied in the book of Daniel....we are living it, edging ever closer to its foretold conclusion.
No amount of effort on the part of humans will stop what is going to take place.

The enemy within is stronger than the enemy without. Humans who ignore God are to blame for all of earth's woes.
Let go and let God....


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Do you think only people aged 25 should be allowed to use and own guns?
It'd definitely generate a smaller army!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Really, do you believe that 25 or so year old people have enough nous to be able to use a firearm appropriately.

I do not believe that having the nous to own and operate a firearm is actually age dependent.

Know what I mean?
how big does your nous have to be? would size 6 pass the test? In any case the jews would probably get the most passes!


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
They let kids join the Army and give their lives but won't let them have guns? Uncle Sam is insane.


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
"I do think the American left has a weird double standard also. It's not old white conservatives from rural areas who are shooting up schools, it's disturbed young men in mostly suburban or urban places who are "supposed" to be much more "tolerant" and "liberal" than older Americans. And I mean, they've glamorized casual death and killings in Hollywood for decades. Remember The Basketball Diaries, in which the main character literally got a gun and killed his classmates and teacher in a graphic dream sequence scene? There are thousands of movies with extremely gory and bloody scenes, children killing other children, children being killed by adults, and lots of Democrats have no issue showing them to their children whatsoever. And lots of non-Americans watch those things also. It just reeks of hypocrisy."

I open carry. I inspect houses for insurance companies. I also inspect foreclosed houses owned by the bank. I have to go inside once a week and verify any changes in condition. I have three that I am fully aware that someone has gained access and I can't figure out how. We've changed locks etc.. Where I first unlock the door I put my hand on the pistol and shout out "Get out!" Every door inside is intentionally left open. Don't want anyone hiding in a closet ...I hear the guests exit out ofa back door.

In rural America, it's sort of like an understanding. I fully expect to see a gun drawn or carried. I've rung doorbells, get to the back and face an owner with a gun in hand. First thing I look for is "Where is the trigger finger?" If they are good gun owners, it's not on the trigger. After they see badges displayed .... the situation calms down immediately. I encounter everything ....I called one Real Estate Agent and got the code to her lockbox. I entered and informed her I was in ...The last request floored me "Find the ghost." I replied "I don't make the money Ghost Hunters or TAPS makes ..what ghosts?" BUMP "Wait, bump is the ghost?" "We can't find it or them." "I'll find it." This was a multi million doallar home that appeared to have been abandoned before the last phase of cbonstruction. There were no lights installed or bathroom fixtures ....the basement was pitch black. I went back to the car and brought out my trusty Ghost Hunter light.....Shadows run from the room when I hit the on button to this thing ....BUMP, non rythmic ..... out of synch BUMP ..... I entered a room and clicked on ....The room was full of computer equipment, the entire securit system installed on racks. House intercom, music system, home theater ......BUMP! I saw the oscilloscope dance on a display....Best I could figure out, a surge got the receiver and there was an audible bump...reached over and turned it off. No more ghost ...I called the Real Estate Agent back "Casper says Hi!" Told her the owner should consider replacing the entire system in the equipment room. Probably about 10-20 thousand dollars, electric surge got the amp and possibly damged more ....But Casper has been excorcized ...

Largest home I've inspected was 16,000 sq feet. And this is a hobby ...
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2022
Hampton Roads
United States
If all who claim to be Christians actually followed the teachings of the Christ, there would be no wars....(Matthew 5:9)

And if people stopped believing the propaganda endlessly broadcast on MSM, we might have a very different view of all of it if we heard it from the other side. No one tells the truth because 1 John 5:19 has been in operation since Eden. Do we think God doesn't know? Do we think God needs humans to save this world?

And then we have Paul's counsel.....
Romans 12:17-21....
"Return evil for evil to no one. Take into consideration what is fine from the viewpoint of all men. 18 If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men. 19 Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: “‘Vengeance is mine; I will repay,’ says Jehovah.” 20 But “if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink; for by doing this you will heap fiery coals on his head.” 21 Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good."

Do you see that being implemented by Christians today? Christendom's skirts are dripping in blood. (Isaiah 1:15)

Its not up to Christians to change the world....God will do that soon enough. If we have faith in the Bible, nothing will be a surprise to us.
Everything pertaining to the "time of the end" was prophesied in the book of Daniel....we are living it, edging ever closer to its foretold conclusion.
No amount of effort on the part of humans will stop what is going to take place.

The enemy within is stronger than the enemy without. Humans who ignore God are to blame for all of earth's woes.
Let go and let God....

You didn't answer the question when Russia invaded Ukraine what should of the people of Ukraine have done in the beginning or even now?. To be a peace maker with bullets flying from another country who wants to take the land convert people's citizenship to Russia?.

Let me hear the truth on the invasion and what the Ukrainians should do or should of responded to the invasion?

Hot dog and Lemonade stands on the road of the army Marching coming into the country?.

When it is not possible to hold the peace and another country is determined to take your house protect it.

Romans 12:21
Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good."

Luke 11:21
When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace:
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Democrats are hypocrites.
Socialists are destroying the country.
Same story in Canada.
An ungodly bunch, promoting abortions, same sex relationships, and messing up de public school system.
And of course messing up the justice system.
Yes thank you. I noticed you are from Canada saying this. We have been plagued by the democrats here in the USA. It has been a nightmare. It's nice to see someone from another country understanding that and being supportive of our problems.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
...and what if only three year olds were allowed to own and use guns? Would that make a difference?


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Yes thank you. I noticed you are from Canada saying this. We have been plagued by the democrats here in the USA. It has been a nightmare. It's nice to see someone from another country understanding that and being supportive of our problems.
You guys have been really taken in. Don't you realise the Hegelian dialectic is at work? Do you know what that is? It's been explained on this forum before so if you've missed it, you need to find out. Either ask or do your own research online.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
Agreed. The next option would be pipe bombs or something similar...and if that was to happen would we have to ban all materials a bomb could be made of? Oh mercy....
I was just discussing this yesterday with a friend. I said that every public school should have every child take a mental exam given every 3 years...just to measure where their thought process is.
And those who display aggressive and rebellious attitudes (or even those who have serious social issues) tested and even offered counseling if needed.
This would be preventative action and perhaps change any possible outcome had they not took these steps.

I don't know what the real long-term solution is either; I know that Australia banned guns, but I don't know enough about them to know whether it made any positive difference or not. It's interesting, I've paid close attention to national trends and polls on social issues; Americans have become much more left-wing socially in regards to for example, drugs and abortion, but there seems to be back and forth opinion shifting in gun control, and people are VERY deeply divided.

And many working-class mothers who might have family values are turned away from joining the Republicans, simply because they always hear on the news how "Republicans and the NRA care so much more about guns than children", and I think it will hurt conservatives politically if they cannot find a healthy solution moving forward. If Republicans found a better way to prevent these incidents, I think it would pragmatically benefit their nationwide interests also, and greatly improve their image.
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Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
I am thinking exactly the same thing.
This country gives high tech weaponry to 18 yr olds in the military. If they bind gun ownerships to age 25, that sets up a strange double standard. The answer is then set military age at 25! No way that will fly.

Are there lots of mass shootings in Canada, Scott, where you are from? Is the gun debate significant there, do lots of people talk about these things??


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Are there lots of mass shootings in Canada, Scott, where you are from? Is the gun debate significant there, do lots of people talk about these things??
There are rarely any mass shootings in Canada. Indeed firearms are a non-issue which have been made into an issue by Communist dictator and coward Justin Trudeau. He hates the idea that Canadians should be able to defend themselves if necessary, or go hunting if they so choose. He wants all firearms confiscated, but at least the western provinces are not cooperating with him. Trudeau has to go since he is determined to destroy Canada (just like Biden is determined to destroy America).

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
You didn't answer the question when Russia invaded Ukraine what should of the people of Ukraine have done in the beginning or even now?. To be a peace maker with bullets flying from another country who wants to take the land convert people's citizenship to Russia?.

Let me hear the truth on the invasion and what the Ukrainians should do or should of responded to the invasion?

Hot dog and Lemonade stands on the road of the army Marching coming into the country?.

When it is not possible to hold the peace and another country is determined to take your house protect it.

Romans 12:21
Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil, but keep conquering the evil with the good."

Luke 11:21
When a strong man armed keepeth his palace, his goods are in peace:
The answer to your question is that Christians are to be "NO PART OF THE WORLD" as Christ was "NO PART Of THE WORLD". (John 17:14)
The world can do whatever it likes, but we are not to take part in any of it. This will make us unpopular....even hated. (John 15:18-21)The patriots cannot understand why we can "let god and let God". Its called faith.

What happens in this world is what God permits, and he needs no help from us. Do you somehow think God doesn't know what is going on, or what he is doing about it?
Do you understand that all that is transpiring was foretold 500 years before Christ walked this earth?
Daniel saw the crowning of God's King, (Daniel 7:13-14) and he also saw the coming of God's Kingdom in our own time (Daniel 2:44).....the current ruling authorities are the last human rulers in Daniel's prophesy. There are no others before the Kingdom of God crushes all other kingdoms out of existence and replaces them as man's only ruling authority. We are living in the most important time in human history because the end of this world system is looming and there is only one way to be saved....(Matthew 24:13; John 17:3) In a world in utter turmoil, we have to be found in peace. (2 Peter 3:11-14) We can have no blood on our hands. (Isaiah 1:15)

God's timing of events is not in our counting of time...they are vastly different.....all is taking place exactly as Yahweh said it would.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2022
Hampton Roads
United States
The answer to your question is that Christians are to be "NO PART OF THE WORLD" as Christ was "NO PART Of THE WORLD". (John 17:14)
The world can do whatever it likes, but we are not to take part in any of it. This will make us unpopular....even hated. (John 15:18-21)The patriots cannot understand why we can "let god and let God". Its called faith.

What happens in this world is what God permits, and he needs no help from us. Do you somehow think God doesn't know what is going on, or what he is doing about it?
Do you understand that all that is transpiring was foretold 500 years before Christ walked this earth?
Daniel saw the crowning of God's King, (Daniel 7:13-14) and he also saw the coming of God's Kingdom in our own time (Daniel 2:44).....the current ruling authorities are the last human rulers in Daniel's prophesy. There are no others before the Kingdom of God crushes all other kingdoms out of existence and replaces them as man's only ruling authority. We are living in the most important time in human history because the end of this world system is looming and there is only one way to be saved....(Matthew 24:13; John 17:3) In a world in utter turmoil, we have to be found in peace. (2 Peter 3:11-14) We can have no blood on our hands. (Isaiah 1:15)

God's timing of events is not in our counting of time...they are vastly different.....all is taking place exactly as Yahweh said it would.
You avoided the question again, what should ukraine have done when the neighboring country invaded their country?. It's a basic question you should be able to answer.

It appears you are dodging the question, is it because you can't present a logical answer?

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
You avoided the question again, what should ukraine have done when the neighboring country invaded their country?. It's a basic question you should be able to answer.

It appears you are dodging the question, is it because you can't present a logical answer? you not understand SEPARATION of Christians from a world ruled by the devil? (1 John 5:19) What part of the “whole world” is Satan not controlling? He offered Jesus “all the kingdoms of the world” in exchange for one act of worship....if he was not in possession of those kingdoms, (and those who rule them) then the temptation of Jesus would have been meaningless. Jesus did not refute his claim to be in possession of these kingdoms. (Luke 4:5-8) Satan boldly told Jesus that all these kingdoms had been delivered to him.....who alone could do that?

Whatever “the world” under satan’s control has NOTHING to do with us. We will NOT take part in any politically created bloodshed, even if we have to lose our own life, we will not preserve it by breaking God’s laws. (Luke 9:24)

Christians have to be NO PART OF THAT WORLD, which means not engaging in any political activity connected to rulership that would compromise our faith in God’s Kingdom as our only hope for peace and security on planet Earth. We do not have ‘dual citizenship’ that would compromise our loyalty.
No human “kingdom” will have our loyalty over the Kingdom in which we will have our future citizenship.

You can choose to support whatever kingdom you wish.....if you think God is not in control of all that transpires in this world....then you have no idea why God permits these things in the first place.
We let God take care of the devil’s world as he said he would....who better to do that? You and a bunch of misguided patriots with weapons? Please tell us where Jesus told us to do that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2022
Hampton Roads
United States you not understand SEPARATION of Christians from a world ruled by the devil? (1 John 5:19) What part of the “whole world” is Satan not controlling? He offered Jesus “all the kingdoms of the world” in exchange for one act of worship....if he was not in possession of those kingdoms, (and those who rule them) then the temptation of Jesus would have been meaningless. Jesus did not refute his claim to be in possession of these kingdoms. (Luke 4:5-8) Satan boldly told Jesus that all these kingdoms had been delivered to him.....who alone could do that?

Whatever “the world” under satan’s control has NOTHING to do with us. We will NOT take part in any politically created bloodshed, even if we have to lose our own life, we will not preserve it by breaking God’s laws. (Luke 9:24)

Christians have to be NO PART OF THAT WORLD, which means not engaging in any political activity connected to rulership that would compromise our faith in God’s Kingdom as our only hope for peace and security on planet Earth. We do not have ‘dual citizenship’ that would compromise our loyalty.
No human “kingdom” will have our loyalty over the Kingdom in which we will have our future citizenship.

You can choose to support whatever kingdom you wish.....if you think God is not in control of all that transpires in this world....then you have no idea why God permits these things in the first place.
We let God take care of the devil’s world as he said he would....who better to do that? You and a bunch of misguided patriots with weapons? Please tell us where Jesus told us to do that.

Seriously can you just answer the question. What should have the Ukrainians done in the beginning of the invasion. From a Christian standpoint?

Really can you just answer without the dodge ball game

And by the way this misguided patriot has zero weapons guns etc.