Hello! Just joined. I don’t think I’ve been to this one before.

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Active Member
Jun 26, 2022
New Roads , Louisiana
United States
so does that mean you’re unable to answer the questions I posed? Because I’ve countered this already. I do hope that you’re able to find passion to really dive into theology in the future. A overly simplistic reading unfortunately misses out on so much. I hope you’ll be able to see my future posts as I tease out the beauty in them.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2022
United States
Nope, I do not follow bread crumbs down the rabbit hole. I believe and accept scripture as written minus your opinions of course.
I see. That’s very interesting. Well thank you for being honest. It’s one thing to be ignorant but it’s quite another to be willfully arrogant to remain ignorant. To avoid wasting my time I think it’s best for me to stop entertaining you from this point on.
Though I’m curious about thing that your child friendly interpretation may be able to explain.

what day was water created in genesis 1? Not what day it was separated but what day was it created.


Active Member
Jun 26, 2022
New Roads , Louisiana
United States
Not interested in entertaining your question and agree we are done. What I believe is truly ignorant is to read scripture then change what is written as to agree with others who claim “ “has God said” and top it all off by calling God a liar agreeing with others who call God a liar.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2022
United States
Not interested in entertaining your question and agree we are done. What I believe is truly ignorant is to read scripture then change what is written as to agree with others who claim “ “has God said” and top it all off by calling God a liar agreeing with others who call God a liar.

I see. No response ehh. Maybe it requires a bit more than a childlike understanding of ancient Jewish cultures being reflected in a several thousand year old text huh…. Goodbye and thanks for proving my points so perfectly.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2022
United States
The only thing I proved is many value their own opinion more than scripture.
I agree you did indeed express that. Now I’m done with the games of back and forth. When you study up, hit me up. Over and out battle buddy. Feel free to toss in the last word. I’ll most likely read it but I’m beyond responding.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
..I don’t have a specific denomination..

Good for you mate, I'm non-denominational too because we don't need any church or ministers to do our thinking for us..:)
Jesus said-"You have one teacher, me" (Matthew 23:10),
the early Christians got it right-
"Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith" (Hebrews 12:2)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
I must admit I find it a bit of a strange mix, Horror and Christianity but I just find horror impacts me in a negative way so I avoid it...
I am an avid fan of murder mystery films, tv ect , so I guess that could also be classed as a ‘ grey ‘ mix for a Christian..

Whatever floats our personal boats..:)
I regard horror as pure entertainment and not to be taken seriously, but now and again it throws up some good bits, for example in 'The Exorcist' (which has me rofling with its special effects) the demon in the girl pretends it's the priest's dead mother to try to make him feel guilty about "abandoning" her as she lay dying in hospital, but he's wise enough to know it's just a satanic trick and says "You're not my mother!"-

However I avoid any horror films that have vampires, werewolves or zombies in them because they're childish and I can't take them seriously.
Crime and murder stuff I can't take any interest in at all.

PS- I sometimes watch progs like "Ghost Encounters" where they explore supposedly haunted locations, and quite often they claim to hear the voice of a little girl saying something like "Help me", or the sound of a little girl crying.
That too could be a satanic trick by a demon pretending to be a little girl in order to rouse our paternal instincts to get us hooked into wanting to help "her" and thereby somehow allowing it to gain entry into our world.
Paranormal researchers rightly say demons "will pretend to be anyone", and we should be on our guard.

PS Skovand, I look forward to you starting your own threads in other parts of the forum; this is just the "welcome" thread..:)

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Active Member
Jul 13, 2022
United States
Whatever floats our personal boats..:)
I regard horror as pure entertainment and not to be taken seriously, but now and again it throws up some good bits, for example in 'The Exorcist' (which has me rofling with its special effects) the demon in the girl pretends it's the priest's dead mother to try to make him feel guilty about "abandoning" her as she lay dying in hospital, but he's wise enough to know it's just a satanic trick and says "You're not my mother!"-

However I avoid any horror films that have vampires, werewolves or zombies in them because they're childish and I can't take them seriously.
Likewise with crime and murder stuff which I can't take an interest in at all.

i enjoy all types from B class, silent, horror comedy and so on and when it comes to monsters I enjoy werewolves, vampires and zombies. Though I did not particularly enjoy walking dead. I’ve not even come close to finishing it. But I am a big fan of resident evil which is zombie-ish. There is a French horror movie called “ Mutant “ that is one of my favorite zombie films. Evil dead is sort of zombie like and it’s also way up on my list. When it comes to those films though I mostly prefer stuff from the 80s like “ American werewolf in London, the howling and silver bullet “ . Anything with good character development. Though I enjoy the occasional bare knuckle plot of a gore fest like
Kū bēi . Midnight Scholar is a good slow paced character driven Asian horror series.


Active Member
Jul 13, 2022
United States
While I agree that we don’t need churches or ministers to do our thinking for us I do believe it’s a great benefit to us to work through the writings of our scholars and to go beyond our echo chamber and see what the Catholics, Lutherans, coptics, Baptists, Methodists and the churches of Christ.


Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
i enjoy all types from B class, silent, horror comedy and so on and when it comes to monsters I enjoy werewolves, vampires and zombies..

Hey mate I look forward to you starting your own threads in other sections of the forum and/or replying to peoples threads on assorted topics; this is just the "welcome" section..:)
Regarding horror, my middleaged sister and her daughter admitted they've never dared watch The Exorcist because it's too scary, what wimps!
And my late mother told me that when she and her sister went as teenagers to see the silent movie "Nosferatu" in the 1930's, her sis was so traumatised afterwards that her mother had to sit up with her all night in her bedroom holding her hand..:)
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Well-Known Member
Jun 2, 2022
Plymouth UK
United Kingdom
While I agree that we don’t need churches or ministers to do our thinking for us I do believe it’s a great benefit to us to work through the writings of our scholars and to go beyond our echo chamber and see what the Catholics, Lutherans, coptics, Baptists, Methodists and the churches of Christ.

I've already looked at their beliefs a long time ago, there are interesting bits in some of them but generally speaking I reject most bits.
Start a thread in the 'Interfaith Discussion' section if you like where we can analyse various beliefs..:)
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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
You mean you’re able to tell if you agree with someone or not and those you disagree with you just say they are false…. I understand. Interesting but meh. I’m become quite accustomed to “ what do the experts know I’ve done my own research” in the last few years. Hope you don’t mind if I just skim past you and don’t really respond. If you want to debate, perhaps you can pose your questions in a debate forum? Maybe save peoples time by holding off trying to repeatedly engage in unwanted debates on a intro? If that makes sense. GBU2.

PS. How much time does it take to clarify someone’s position on dozens of subjects by multiple scholars they mention? Surely more than a few moments.
I will see you in the debates.....


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
this is a serious question , not tongue in cheek.
We were once in a Movement ( you may remember me talking about it years ago)

They taught us that our life and moments of our days and our interests , must only be a life of prayer and Bible reading/ study , like Jesus.

So my question is to you and anyone else @Hidden In Him , @APAX , @ScottA @Pearl etc etc etc …

just how do we do that? I cannot…

I am a believer in Sonship …( the overcomers who follow the Lamb wheresoever He goes) and I believe that the proof of sonship is how we spend our time . So , on that score, I will end up as an “ also ran” but not an overcoming son. :oops:

for all of our early years in following the Lord …we would never watch Tv , or read any secular books …Bible only , worship and prayer . But, that said …when we got old and no longer in the church ministry ….we have little to do other than eat , sleep , worship, prayer , go on forums ( haha) etc , so yes …I guess we sold out to “ The Grey “ …

Now I see why there is only a remnant that follows the Lamb …the rest of us will be just happy to be with the Lord in Glory ……but in the “also tans” …not the front runners ….
I just hope in that big crowd we can also see His face and not only hear His voice ! xx
Do you think Jesus never sat down and enjoyed the company of friends, never had a laugh, never enjoyed the world around him and what it had to offer within the culture at the time.
What struck me we’re the words ‘ They taught us ‘ ………….
Tv is seen as a bad thing by many, along with other technology ( which is the basis of what you convey, had the internet been available or computers or phones back then, they would probably also have been frowned upon because they do not constitute a life of prayer , study. ) Yet there are many good things that have come from all of these things. Look at how we can communicate with one another instantly and spend time together. You and Dave have always been two people I respect and lookup to over the years, but without modern communication we would never have met.
I am pleased that you consider that there are those who live very black and white lives and are always serving the Lord, always praying , always studying. ( it’s a shame that some of those who proclaim that here don’t deal with their constant judgments over others, so I guess many who think they are not in the grey are internally as they Lord it over others all the time and promote themselves as being ‘ way more spiritual )

I admit I get the wrong balance at times, however I know that when I look back over the year or months I know that the Lord is dealing with me, changing me, teaching me……I know that I am growing , despite of sometimes being in the grey at times, and the only reason I used the word ‘ grey ‘ was because I know there have been times when I have chosen to watch something on tv because I got hooked and it took up more time than intended.
You know I am impacted in a negative way more by the constant bad attitudes on this forum towards one another than anything on tv ……..
I know I am not where I should be, but It’s the Lord that has the right to correct me and change me, not the opinions of others on what I should and shouldn’t do……….


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
@Helen , Thank you so much for your earlier post, it has given me food for thought……and I am always grateful when that happens. Sadly the one line judgments that some make just never have that impact on me, they are too much like the Pharisees who constantly sat in judgment over others, a complete spiritual turn off.
I like being challenged by decent communication on a subject , the Holy Spirit can work with that because it makes me more open to hear what is actually being said xxxxx
And, I might add it is not the murder mysteries that I am being challenged about, more about how I spend my time !
Much love, you are valued sister to me xxxxx
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
this is a serious question , not tongue in cheek.
We were once in a Movement ( you may remember me talking about it years ago)

They taught us that our life and moments of our days and our interests , must only be a life of prayer and Bible reading/ study , like Jesus.

So my question is to you and anyone else @Hidden In Him , @APAX , @ScottA @Pearl etc etc etc …

just how do we do that? I cannot…

I am a believer in Sonship …( the overcomers who follow the Lamb wheresoever He goes) and I believe that the proof of sonship is how we spend our time . So , on that score, I will end up as an “ also ran” but not an overcoming son. :oops:

for all of our early years in following the Lord …we would never watch Tv , or read any secular books …Bible only , worship and prayer . But, that said …when we got old and no longer in the church ministry ….we have little to do other than eat , sleep , worship, prayer , go on forums ( haha) etc , so yes …I guess we sold out to “ The Grey “ …

Now I see why there is only a remnant that follows the Lamb …the rest of us will be just happy to be with the Lord in Glory ……but in the “also tans” …not the front runners ….
I just hope in that big crowd we can also see His face and not only hear His voice ! xx
John 10:10
The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

All good things are God-given and we are free to enjoy them without guilt.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Do you think Jesus never sat down and enjoyed the company of friends, never had a laugh, never enjoyed the world around him and what it had to offer within the culture at the time.
What struck me we’re the words ‘ They taught us ‘ ………….
Tv is seen as a bad thing by many, along with other technology ( which is the basis of what you convey, had the internet been available or computers or phones back then, they would probably also have been frowned upon because they do not constitute a life of prayer , study. ) Yet there are many good things that have come from all of these things. Look at how we can communicate with one another instantly and spend time together. You and Dave have always been two people I respect and lookup to over the years, but without modern communication we would never have met.
I am pleased that you consider that there are those who live very black and white lives and are always serving the Lord, always praying , always studying. ( it’s a shame that some of those who proclaim that here don’t deal with their constant judgments over others, so I guess many who think they are not in the grey are internally as they Lord it over others all the time and promote themselves as being ‘ way more spiritual )

I admit I get the wrong balance at times, however I know that when I look back over the year or months I know that the Lord is dealing with me, changing me, teaching me……I know that I am growing , despite of sometimes being in the grey at times, and the only reason I used the word ‘ grey ‘ was because I know there have been times when I have chosen to watch something on tv because I got hooked and it took up more time than intended.
You know I am impacted in a negative way more by the constant bad attitudes on this forum towards one another than anything on tv ……..
I know I am not where I should be, but It’s the Lord that has the right to correct me and change me, not the opinions of others on what I should and shouldn’t do……….

I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned the word “balance”. That’s the key.
Another word is ‘heart’ .
A life lived surrendered to God and godly things because the heart ( spirit) dictates , is a heart that pleases God I believe.
But a heart and life that is told /dictated to by man , is nothing more than legalism …which we know is dead/death to the soul.
“ in Him I live and move and have my being,..”

I guess my problem has been boredom these latter years - “ is there a cause”…
Inactive Christianity , old age and Covid have been testing tools ….= Where ( how) do we ‘live’ when life seems kinda purposeless .
I often feel a bit like that old TV show , called “ Waiting for God”. My dad used to love that one :D
Even living over here , we still mostly watch Brit stuff , it’s far superior….but then we are biased hahaha …Brit humour is different. x

I guess I opt out here , as it has been pointed out……this is the Welcome board . Not a discussion board …x
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Apr 9, 2019
United Kingdom
I think you hit the nail on the head when you mentioned the word “balance”. That’s the key.
Another word is ‘heart’ .
A life lived surrendered to God and godly things because the heart ( spirit) dictates , I a heart that pleases God I believe.
But a heart and life that is told /dictated to by man , is nothing more than legalism …which we know is dead/death to the soul.
“ in Him I live and move and have my being,..”

I guess my problem has been boredom these latter years - “ is there a cause”…
Inactive Christianity , old age and Covid have been testing tools ….= Where ( how) do we ‘live’ when life seems kinda purposeless .
I often feel a bit like that old TV show , called “ Waiting for God”. My dad used to love that one :D
Even living over here , we still mostly watch Brit stuff , it’s far superior….but then we are biased hahaha …Brit humour is different. x
I'm finding that I can't concentrate on anything for very long. I used to love to read all day but now every few pages or couple of chapters I have to get up and do something else. Also I can't seem to concentrate for long on praying. It worries me a little. Not the reading but the praying.
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