KJV Only...which one!

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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
Enoch's typical mindless pontification written by one who has never even read a book written by a universally recognized competent Text Critic. I happened to study under the world's leading expert on Text Criticism at Princeton, Bruce Metzger, who edited the standard modern critical NT Greek text. Readers will also note that Enoch ducked both my examples of errors in the KJV's Greek text. Enoch, actually read those examples and respond specifically their rationals. Speculation about blank space in one ancient manuscript is too subjective to outweigh the evidence I provide and in any case can't explain why that space is blank! I hope you've go your rat poison and pet rattler so you can obey Jesus' "signs' of the true believer.:rolleyes:

Bruce Metzger does not sound like somebody I want to read because his beliefs are in favor in siding with Ecumenicism, and the Roman Catholic church (of which I do not believe is biblical), and he also denies the historical accuracy and account of the Bible in many places.

Metzger’s 1997 autobiography, The Reminisces of an Octogenarian, omitted any reference to a personal salvation experience.

Metzger was a radical ecumenist. He was at the forefront of producing “the Ecumenical Edition” of the RSV in 1973 and personally presented a copy to Pope Paul VI. “In a private audience granted to a small group, comprising the Greek Orthodox Archbishop Athenagoras, Lady Priscilla and Sir William Collins, Herbert G. May, and the present writer, Pope Paul accepted the RSV ‘Common’ Bible as a significant step in furthering ecumenical relations among the churches” (Metzger, “The RSV-Ecumenical Edition,” Theology Today, October 1977). Metzger also presented a Bible to Pope John Paul II.

Metzger and May claim the O.T. contains “a matrix of myth, legend, and history,” deny the worldwide flood, call Job an “ancient folktale,” claim there are two authors of Isaiah, call Jonah a “popular legend,”

Note on the Flood: “Archaeological evidence suggests that traditions of a prehistoric flood covering the whole earth are heightened versions of local inundations, e.g. in the Tigris-Euphrates basin” (Metzger and May, New Oxford Annotated Bible).

Notes from “How to Read the Bible with Understanding”: “The opening chapters of the Old Testament deal with human origins. They are not to be read as history ...

(Metzger and May, New Oxford Annotated Bible).

Bruce Metzger, Beloved by Modernists, Evangelicals, and Fundamentalists, Way of Life Literature

GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
United States
one who has never even read a book written by a universally recognized competent Text Critic.
So, we cannot understand The Bible Until we do as you say? WHERE Exactly
is your SUGGESTION Commanded In Holy Writ? How about THIS?:

1Co 2:13 Which things also we speak, NOT in the words which
man's wisdom teacheth
, BUT Which The Holy Ghost Teacheth;
comparing spiritual things with spiritual.

GRACE And Peace...


Well-Known Member
Dec 2, 2019
United States

I don't mind corrections when all the words and verses are there. What I take issue with is in the modern versions that used the Alexandrian codices, by leaving out key words, the whole meaning of the verse is altered. And in their margins they write that it is the translations like the KJV that added words, when in reality (seeing as church fathers quoted those 'added' words (???) before the Alexandrian codices were created, it is more likely the Alexandrians subtracted words to fit some doctrine they had issue with (like the Trinity).

KJV (King James Version)

1 John 5:7 For there are three that bear record in heaven, the Father, the Word, and the Holy Ghost: and these three are one.

Romans 8:1 There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.

NASB (New American Standard Bible

1 John 5:7 For there are three that testify:

Romans 8:1 Therefore there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.
Revisions to the 1611 are fine.

As you posted, rearranging and redefining the Bible is terrible.
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Dec 2, 2019
United States
This was pretty much the official (Authorized) Bible of the Church of England for years and years before the 1611 KJV was printed:
Bishops Bible 1568 Textus Receptus Bibles

Helen, you and Nancy will just love all the wild spellings in here!
Genesis Chapter: 1

1:1 In the beginnyng GOD created ye heauen and the earth
1:2 And the earth was without fourme, and was voyde: & darknes was vpon the face of the deepe, and the spirite of God moued vpon the face of the waters
1:3 And God sayde, let there be light: and there was light
1:4 And God sawe the lyght that it was good: and God deuided the lyght from the darknes
1:5 And God called the light day, and the darknes night: and the euenyng & the mornyng were the first day
I can define the words easily.

Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
You need to be educated in the modern discipline of Text Criticism.

I strongly disagree that a Christian needs to be educated in Modern Textual Criticism because it can in some cases lead to unbelief. If you were to research how many Christians lose their faith at Bible college, you will discover it is approximately 70% of Christians who lose their faith. I do not believe it is the party atmosphere or worldly Christians who have influenced these Christian students to walk away from the faith. I believe the real culprit is Textual Criticism in the fact that it makes them doubt that there is a perfect Bible that they can trust and rely upon (Knowing that God did preserve His Word today). I know. Early on in my faith back in the early 90's: If I believed a Textual Critic who made me to doubt there was a perfect Bible on the planet and that there were errors in the Bible, I probably would not be a believer in Jesus Christ today. For if God cannot preserve His words perfectly, how do I truly know I have the right and correct doctrines? Take no offense, but I see Modern Textual Criticism likened to when the serpent in the Garden stated: Yea, hath God said,...? (Genesis 3:1).

The belief of many scholars themselves (with an exception of a few) is that they are into Modernism, Liberalism, etcetera. Just check out this book here of the exhaustive documentation of the false beliefs held by those into Textual Criticism.


Faith vs Modern Bible Versions
Faith vs. the Modern Bible Versions

It's a 775 page book on the matter.

While Textual Criticism existed with a few before Westcott and Hort, it wasn't until these two men whereby Textual Criticism took off. For Westcott and Hort are the fathers who popularized the Modern Bible Translation movement with their Critical Revised Version. This is not good because Westcott and Hort held to heretical beliefs. (Note: See here how Bruce Metzger in his own words agrees that Westcott and Hort's Critical Text is the basic text used for the Nestle and Aland text).

As for the corruption of the Scriptures and false beliefs of Westcott and Hort:
Well, Doctor Chuck Missler says it best on this point from his videos in regards to Westcott and Hort, and their Critical Text.


Now, taking a quick step back in time, we learn about:



Not sure you caught it or not. In 156 AD, Irenaeus (speaking about the Gnostics said):
“Wherefore they and their followers have betaken themselves to mutilating the Scriptures which they themselves have shortened.”

Which they themselves have shortened.

Let that sink in for a moment.

The Critical Text is a lot shorter in size to the TR and KJB and the Critical Text (Modern Bibles) do promote gnostic beliefs like Jesus is a second created God (See John 1:18), and or that they remove the one and only verse on the Trinity. Granted, I am not discounting the possibility that Irenaeus was referring to a different manuscript besides the Vaticanus (Note: I believe the Sinaitus is not old but recent in history), but if such is the case, then it merely shows that history repeats itself involving the gnostics and their attack on Scripture.

Modern Scholars will agree that manuscripts WH worked off of were from Alexandria, the headquarters of Gnosticism.


I have heard New Ager Christians speak of Jesus Christ this way.

(Note: I will continue in my next post).
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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States

Now, would you trust this guy to teach your Sunday school class to your children? Then why would you let him translate the Scriptures and follow a sea of Modern Bibles that is based off his NT Greek
work? But wait. There’s more.




Side Note:

While I do agree with Chuck Missler on this topic, and his videos on the information sciences backing up the Bible as true, I do not agree with Chuck’s view of Soteriology (i.e. that Christians can abide in sins like in Galatians 5:19-21, and still be saved), and neither do I hold to his belief in Eternal Security. I believe the Bible teaches Conditional Security.
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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
Why would Westcott say the following?


Why? Because he was altering the Word of God from the Received Text or the Traditional Text with his New Testament Greek Critical Text (Which was shorter and had false doctrines taught within it). The KJB is from the Received Text (Textus Receptus - NT) or the Traditional Text line of manuscripts. Modern English Bibles come from Westcott and Hort, and the Vatican (Nestle and Aland Critical Text).

I will mention in my next post the false doctrine taught in Modern Bibles.
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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
A List of Doctrines Changed in God's Word:
(Between the KJB and Modern Translations):

#1. Doctrine of The Trinity is Effected; For the Only Verse (1 John 5:7) That Point Blank Tells Us About the Trinity is Removed:
If I was on an island, and I had no clue about Christianity, the odds of my understanding the Trinity is better if I had a King James bible vs. a Modern Translation bible that removes this valuable truth on knowing the Trinity. So this proves that Modern Translations are less helpful for me to understand the Trinity by using the Bible alone.

#2. The Doctrine of Fasting So As To Cast Out Persistent Demons is Removed:
Matthew 17:21 that tells us that casting out persistent or really strong devils is by prayer and fasting. Yet, Matthew 17:21 is oddly removed in Modern Translations. Mark 9:29 mentions that you can pray to remove these kinds of devils, but it does not mention fasting. So the key doctrine of fasting so as to cast out really strong demons is gone. So the enemy wins if a person only adheres to the Modern Translations and they have a hate on for the KJV. For if you ever encountered strong demonic activity like this before, you know that fasting does actually help greatly, and not just prayer alone.

#3. The Full Version of the Doctrine on Having "No Condemnation" According to Romans 8:1 is Removed:
Romans 8:1 says, "There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." Modern Translations leave out the part that says, "who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit." The KJV says, as a part of having no Condemnation: We have to (a) Be in Christ Jesus, AND: (b) Walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. The enemy wants Christians today to justify sin instead of battling against it. So the enemy will do everything he can to give a person a water down version on His holy Word to promote the idea that they do not need to worry about sin destroying their soul.

#4. The Doctrine of Psalms 12:7 that the Lord will Preserve His Words Forever is Altered.
Psalms 12:6 says the words of the Lord are pure words, and in Psalms 12:7, the Psalmist says that the Lord will preserve them forever. It's kind of funny or odd that those who are against a perfect Bible existing in our world language today (i.e. the KJV) just so happen to favor Modern translations that remove and alter this very verse. Some do not even believe there is a perfect Bible out there. So who decides what words in the Bible are the true words of God? Do they decide? Now, some may say the perfect Word exists in the original languages. But Habakkuk 2:2 says write the words plainly so that he that reads it may run. So it's not going to be some gobbledygook language that nobody can understand (like biblical Hebrew, and biblical Greek). In fact, all we have today are copies of the original languages. This is not the case with the KJV. Meaning, His Word is preserved forever. His Word moved with the times. For God is not the God of the dead, but of the living. His Word does not exist perfectly in some dead language, but His Word exists in the English (Which is the world language of today).

#5. In Genesis 3:16, the ESV (Which is one of the most popular Modern Translations) Doctrinally Changes the Nature of the Truth in the KJV by Saying that Eve's (the wife's) Desire is Contrary To Her Husband.


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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
#6. Modern Bibles falsely teach Jesus had faith.

Hebrews 12:2 (NRSV)
“looking to Jesus the pioneer and perfecter of our faith, who for the sake of the joy that was set before him endured the cross, disregarding its shame, and has taken his seat at the right hand of the throne of God.”

The King James Bible correctly renders Hebrews 12:2.

Hebrews 12:2 (KJB)
“Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

Jesus is the author or the creator of our faith because He is God. God or Jesus gave us the words of eternal life so as to believe in Him. He created the faith for us to believe in Him, and to trust in Him for salvation and to trust in His words. Jesus is not the pioneer of our faith. That’s a false teaching from Modern Bibles that were influenced by Westcott, Hort, and Catholicism. Granted, if you believe in Westcott, Hort, and or Catholicism, I mean no offense. I just disagree with their beliefs, and I consider them to be unbiblical.

#7. Philippians 2:7 Changes Doctrine by Removing an Aspect of the Deity of Christ During His Earthly Ministry.
Philippians 2:6-7 says correctly,

6 “Who, being in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God:
7 But made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men:” (Philippians 2:6-7).​

King James correctly says that Christ made himself of no reputation.

Various different Modern Translations say that He “emptied himself,” and the NLT says that, “he gave up his divine privileges;” (Philippians 2:7). This is false and it is a denial of the deity of Christ. God cannot cease to become God. God cannot cut out an aspect of who He is at His core in having divine power and yet still be God. That would be a contradiction. The Modern Translations are teaching a gnostic heresy in denying that Jesus has power as God. Granted, Jesus had grown in wisdom (See: Luke 2:52), but I believe this was not an elimination of His divine powers as God, but it was a suppression of them (See: John 17:5, Habakkuk 2:14). For Jesus needed to be a like figure or type of Adam; For Adam also was limited in knowledge when He was in a right relationship with God before the Fall (See: 1 Corinthians 15:45-47). However, Jesus clearly had power as God as a man before the cross. For...

Jesus had power as God:
(during his earthly ministry):

Note: While I believe Jesus suppressed His divine attribute of Omniscience, and He operated by the Father and the Spirit, I believe the Bible plainly teaches He had power as God during His earthly ministry.

#1. Jesus said He has power to raise the dead to life just as the Father had power to raise the dead (John 5:21).
#2. Hebrews 1:3 talks about how Christ held all things together by the word of His power when He purged us of our sins.
#3. Jesus said, He would raise up this Temple (His body) three days later (John 2:19).
#4. Jesus had the power to forgive sins and give eternal life (Mark 2:7) (Luke 7:44-50) (John 14:6).
#5 Jesus had power to take away the sins of the entire world (John 1:29).
#6. Jesus Christ said wherever two or three are gathered in my name, there I am among them (Matthew 18:20). This was said to the people he was around and not to just us today.
#7. Jesus knew men's thoughts (Matthew 9:4) (Matthew 12:25) (Mark 2:8) (Luke 5:22) (Luke 6:8) (Luke 9:47) (Luke 24:38).
#8. Jesus knew about the lives of others (John 2:24) (John 4:17-18) (John 4:29) (John 6:64).
So Modern Translations are wrong. In fact, many Christians today think Jesus gave up His divine powers; This is because of the wrong teaching (or wrong doctrine) behind Modern Translations.

#8. The False Belief that Jesus is a second created god is taught in Modern Bibles:

Modern Bibles wrongfully teach the demi-god Jesus viewpoint in that they wrongfully imply the Eternal second PERSON of the Trinity (the Living Word) had a beginning point in time in being a created being. In John 1:18, in the King James Bible, it correctly says: “the only begotten Son,” but this is changed in corrupted Modern bibles to say: "The only begotten God" (LSV) (BLB) (AMP) (NAS1977) (NAS1995). In Micah 5:2, in the King James Bible, it correctly says of the Living Word (or the Messiah) is: “from everlasting,” but this is changed in the corrupted Modern bibles to: “from ancient times” or “from ancient days” or “distant past.” (Suggesting that the second person of the Trinity did not exist from eternity’s past but had a beginning).

Anyways, these are just a few of the red flags in Modern Translations.
But there are so many red flags in Modern Translations, it would make one think they were in a Russian airport.
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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
Important Note:

Please keep in mind that I do believe a person can be initially saved with a Modern Translation and even grow in the faith to some level. But I believe that Modern Translations opens the door to confusion & doubt, and it can lead to wrong doctrines and or affect a person's faith or destroy it in certain cases.

In fact, I do use Modern Translations so as to help sometimes in figuring out what the 1600's English says in the KJB, but the Modern Bibles are simply not my final word of authority because they teach false doctrines, and have dark origins.
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GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
United States
I believe the Bible teaches Conditional Security.
I believe The PRESERVED Word Of God, Has, Under
Pure GRACE, For The Body Of CHRIST,

God's OPERATION On All HIS New-born babes In Christ!
God's ETERNAL Assurance!

Found in "The Revelation of The MYSTERY"
(Romans - Philemon)

Of course, These cannot be mixed up/Confused with, And Must Be

Rightly Divided (2 Timothy 2:15) From “Things That DIFFER!” {online}:

Prophecy/Law with the "conditional" doctrines of "faith PLUS works, abiding,
And Enduring to the end, to be saved!" (Matthew - John; Hebrews - Revelation.
GRACE And Peace...

Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
(1) There are 400,000 variant readings in the NT manuscripts alone.

This is a false assumption that all manuscripts are legit and not corrupted on a doctrinal level. In reality, a Christian who is a truth seeker and cares about all doctrines taught in the Bible, will in time come to reject Modern bibles as their final Word of authority and trust the KJB because it is the most doctrinally pure. Yes, the KJB is not easy to read, then again Biblical Hebrew, and Biblical Greek is actually impossible to know seeing they are entirely foreign dead languages. For we do not have an apostle Paul to correct us on our Koine Greek, and we do not have a Moses to correct us on our Biblical Hebrew.

You said:
(2) The Greek text used for the KJV is based on Byzantine Greek manuscripts, the oldest and most error-filled manuscripts that had to be used because older, more accurate manuscripts were not yet available.

This sounds more like faith in what the Textual Critic says then what history actually says on the matter.
We have accounts by early church fathers of the popular omitted 17 verses made in Modern English Bibles or the the current NT Greek Text used today called the “Nestle and Aland Critical Text” (supervised by the Vatican and had a Catholic cardinal onboard as an editor).


Matthew 17:21
Howbeit this kind goeth not out but by prayer and fasting.

Counterfeit Versions

(CSB) Omitted
(NIV) Omitted
(NASV) [But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting."]
(NLT) Omitted
(ESV) Omitted
(RSV) Omitted
(NAB-Roman Catholic) Omitted
(NWT-Jehovah’s Witnesses) Omitted

Hort-Westcott - Critical Text

Corrupted Manuscripts

This verse is corrupted in the following manuscripts:
Aleph 01 - Sinaiticus - Nineteenth Century Counterfeit
B 03 - Vaticanus - Fourth century
33 (Miniscule) - Ninth Century
038 - (Majuscule) Ninth century

Manuscripts which agree with the Textus Receptus for this verse

Byzantine Text (450-1450 A.D.)
C 04 - Ephraemi Rescriptus - Fifth century
D 05 - Bezae Cantabrigiensis - Fifth century
L 019 - Seventh century
W 032 - Fourth/fifth century
1 (Minuscule) - Seventh century
13 (Minuscule) - Eighth century

Source used:
Matthew 17:21
(Note: I agree with their stand on the King James Bible, but I do not agree with everything the author says and or teaches; Especially their unbiblical view on Calvinism).

You said:
(3) Even common sense dictates that the more tired scribes hand-cope the countless words of biblical manuscripts, the more miscopying, accidental or willful, will creep into the text to deceive subsequent copiers.

It really comes down to whether you believe Psalms 12:6-7, Proverbs 30:5-6, Matthew 24:35, and 1 Peter 1:23-25.

The General Baptists of England published the "Orthodox Creed" In 1678. It says, "And by the holy Scriptures we understand the canonical books of the Old and New Testament, AS THEY ARE NOW TRANSLATED INTO OUR ENGLISH MOTHER TONGUE, of which there hath NEVER been any doubt of their verity, and authority, in the protestant churches of Christ to this day." They then list the books of the Old and New Testament and then say, "All which are given by the inspiration of God, to be the Rule of faith and life." What Bible do you suppose these people were using in 1678? It was English and there can be little doubt that what they are talking about the Authorized Version of 1611.

Excerpts from the Presbyterian Encyclopaedia - 1884 - under the section of English Bible - W. Adams D.D.

"Nothing which diligence, circumspection, scholarship, love of truth, and prayer, could avail was wanting to perfect this version of the Word of God. It is what it professes to be, a translation not a paraphrase; each word and expression corresponding to the original. What has, by some, been deemed a defect, is in fact a great excellence in our translation; it preserves, as far as possible, the very idiom of the original, the peculiarities of Oriental diction; thus proving that the men who made it understood what was the best style of translation - that which a transparent glass is not seen itself but shows every thing which is beyond it."

"But so it happened, in the kind providence of God, that the received version was made just in that auspicious moment of peace mind and union among Protestants, which has secured its adoption by all as the common standard. None have charged it with partiality, as favoring this or that sect, for the good reason that these sects and partialities did not then exist."

Taken from the Association of Baptists 25th meeting 1830

We the church of Jesus Christ being regularly baptised upon the profession of our faith in Christ are convinced the concessive of associate churches. WE BELIEVE THAT THE SCRIPTURES OF THE OLD AND THE NEW TESTAMENTS AS TRANSLATED BY THE AUTHORITY OF KING JAMES TO BE THE WORDS OF GOD AND IS THE ONLY TRUE RULE OF FAITH AND PRACTICE.

The general excellence of the English Version being admitted, ITS PERFECTION ASSUMED, AND THEREFORE ALL PRECEDING AND SUBSEQUENT VERSIONS MUST BE UNWORTHY OF NOTICE; nay, even the original text need not be consulted... (Thomas Kingsmill Abbott, The English Bible, and Our Duty with Regard to It, 1857; 1871).

Barren River Association of Baptists, in their Articles of Faith adopted in 1830, considered the Old and New Testaments, as translated by the authority of King James, to be the words of God.

Bethlehem Anti-Mission Baptist Association in their Abstract of Principles in 1838 declared the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments, as translated by King James, to be the Word of God.

In 1868 the General Conference of Freewill Baptists stated, we hold the sacred Scriptures in veneration, as set forth in King James’s version.

In 1896 the Washington District Regular Primitive Baptist Association changed their Abstract of Principles to say We believe that the King James Translation (out of the original tongues) is the Scripture of truth and the only rule of faith and practice.

Mates Creek District Association of Old Regular Baptists by 1905, and perhaps earlier, had an Abstract of Principles that claimed that the Scriptures of the Old Testament and New Testament, as translated under the reign of King James, are a revelation from God, inspired by the Holy Ghost.

1881: The New York Times printed the sermon of Dewit Talmage who said, Let not the hands of worldly criticism, pedantry, or useless disturbance touch that ark! Remember the fate of Uzzah! We are in the midst of an agitation caused by the revision of the New Testament. We had a translation 270 years old...satisfactory to all Christendom except a few doctors of Divinity... (Applause)...put it upon my study table, into my family room, or into my pulpit, as a substitute for the King James translation, I never will. (Great applause.) I put my hand upon the old book and take an oath of allegiance to it, so help me God!...Religion has not so much to fear from infidels as from mistaken friends of the Bible...I have some practical advice for private Christians. Hold on to your Bible… The old Bible is for me; it is good enough for you...The Bible in your houses is the Bible that will be quoted for all time to come ( June 6, 1881).

1882: I unhesitatingly say, that the same Holy Ghost who gave inspiration to the Apostles to write out the New Testament, presided over and inspired those men in the translation and bringing out of the entire Bible in the English language. And I also say, that no version since, brought out in the English language, has the Divine sanction...Now, why would God cause at this age and in these trying times, versions in the same language to be brought out, to conflict... ...He would not...I FURTHERMORE SAY, THAT THE KING JAMES' TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE IS THE ONLY DIVINELY INSPIRED... (William Washington Simkins, The English Version of the New Testament, Compared with King James' Translation, 1882).

1890: The Supreme Court said, the practice of reading THE KING JAMES VERSION OF THE BIBLE, COMMONLY AND ONLY RECEIVED AS INSPIRED AND TRUE by the Protestant religious sects (Decision of the Supreme Court of the State of Wisconsin Relating to the Reading of the Bible in Public Schools, 1890).

In 1882 author William W. Simkins wrote, I unhesitatingly say, that the same Holy Ghost who gave inspiration to the Apostles to write out the New Testament, presided over and inspired those men in the translation and bringing out of the entire [KJV] Bible in the English language. And I also say, that NO VERSION SINCE, BROUGHT OUT IN THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE, HAS THE DIVINE...Now, why would God cause at this age and in these trying times, versions in the same language to be brought out, to conflict... ...He would not....I FURTHERMORE SAY, THAT THE KING JAMES TRANSLATION OF THE BIBLE IS THE ONLY DIVINELY INSPIRED TRANSLATION" (The English Version of the New Testament, Compared with King James' Translation, W.W. Simkins, pp. 41,42)

1945: President Harry S. Truman said, THE KING JAMES VERSION OF THE BIBLE IS THE BEST THERE IS OR EVER HAS BEEN OR WILL BE, and you get a bunch of college professors spending years working on it, and all they do is take the poetry out of it.

Here is Ronald Reagan on the King James Bible vs. a Modern Version:

Source used:
Another King James Bible Believer
(Note: I agree with their stand on the King James Bible, but I do not agree with everything the author says and or teaches; Especially their unbiblical view on Calvinism).
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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
Oh wow Barney how awesome is that! And, yes I have used You Version, but just kept coming back to the other sites for the audio...can read along also but have to toggle...sigh. :D
I will be looking up the same "bible in a month" thing you speak about.

I am looking to get the Sword Searcher software (Seeing it is geared toward the KJB) although it uses other sources. Unfortunately, it only works on Windows software. I am looking to see if my Parallels Windows still works on my MAC so I can download and check it out.

SwordSearcher Bible Software
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Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
When I use the KJV, I use the NKJV

There are many changes that favor the corrupt Critical Text in the NKJV.

The NKJV is a perfect bait and switch Bible.
In other words, it was clearly created as an attempt to deceive.
Don’t believe me? Just watch this video:

A Defined King James Bible (along with the book Archaic words and the Authorized Version by Laurence Vance) would be a better alternative to the NKJV.

The Defined King James Bible - Medium Print (Hardback, Black Letter)




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GRACE ambassador

Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2021
United States
It really comes down to whether you believe Psalms 12:6-7,
Amen! And Also "Where God Has Magnified HIS PERFECT Word":

Psa 138:2 "I will worship toward Thy holy temple, and praise
Thy Name for Thy Lovingkindness and for Thy Truth: for
Thou Hast MAGNIFIED Thy Word Above All THY NAME."

NOT a Corrupt word = OPPOSITE of PERFECT! Amen?

GRACE And Peace...


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States

I am looking to get the Sword Searcher software (Seeing it is geared toward the KJB) although it uses other sources. Unfortunately, it only works on Windows software. I am looking to see if my Parallels Windows still works on my MAC so I can download and check it out.

SwordSearcher Bible Software

I've never used a MAC. I hope you can use the Parallels Windows works for you.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2021
United States
There are many changes that favor the corrupt Critical Text in the NKJV.

The NKJV is a perfect bait and switch Bible.
In other words, it was clearly created as an attempt to deceive.
Don’t believe me? Just watch this video:

A Defined King James Bible (along with the book Archaic words and the Authorized Version by Laurence Vance) would be a better alternative to the NKJV.

The Defined King James Bible - Medium Print (Hardback, Black Letter)





Oh yay! You're over here now. Ugh...

You err from the start because you are creating a false equivalency as if the KJV is the source material.