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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Same thing.

OT Statues and.... Hebrews 12:6 "the peaceable fruit of Righteousness" are not the same thing.

OT "Statues"..... are not related to the New Testament Church.
Im not surprised that you dont understand this fact of the New Covenant, Ferris Bueller.
God does not correct the born again, so that they keep OT Statues., of which you'd have to do a WIKI search to even know what an OT "Statute" actually is....
Im sure you will.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
You go ahead and learn those OT statues.
The born again will do something else, based on the NT.​
You don't even realize the good in the NT that we are exhorted to do is the good taught in the law:

"For he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the law. 9The commandments “Do not commit adultery,” “Do not murder,” “Do not steal,” “Do not covet,”a and any other commandments, are summed up in this one decree: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” Romans 13:8-9

Evil is a useful and good tool that God crafted and uses to bring his people into the blessings of the 'doer' of the word and not just the hearer only.

71It was good for me to be afflicted, that I might learn Your statutes." Psalm 119:71

"16Behold, I have created the craftsman who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its task; and I have created the destroyer to wreak havoc." Psalm 54:16


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You don't even realize the good in the NT that we are exhorted to do is the good taught in the law:

"Christ has redeemed the born again from the CURSE OF THE LAW".... "As the LAW IS THE POWER OF SIN".

So, Ferris Bueller, as you are self defined as none of this.......you just keep chasing that OT LAW AND "Statutes", Mr Legalist......as usual.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Evil is a useful and good tool that God crafted

You just accused God of the Devil's work.
Ferris Bueller, I know that you never think before you post, but, really, you need to reconsider posting such a DECEIVERD HYPER CALVINIST= Insult into God's face, before you try it again, DECEIVER.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
OT Statues and.... Hebrews 12:6 "the peaceable fruit of Righteousness" are not the same thing.

OT "Statues"..... are not related to the New Testament Church.
Im not surprised that you dont understand this fact of the New Covenant.
I'm NOT surprised that you do not know that the righteousness that we uphold by faith is the righteousness of the law summed up in "love your neighbor as yourself" (Leviticus 19:18). We have the Catholic church to thank for planting the seeds of the complete and total rejection of the OT and a damnable venture for the people of God.
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
"Christ has redeemed the born again from the CURSE OF THE LAW".... "As the LAW IS THE POWER OF SIN".

So, Ferris Bueller, as you are self defined as none of this.......you just keep chasing that OT LAW AND "Statutes", Mr Legalist......as usual.
You don't even know what being a legalist means. It doesn't mean walking in the righteousness that God gave you via the Holy Spirit. That's the very thing you are supposed to do but you and your corrupt church movement call that a works gospel. I know you don't see what I'm saying. You're in the grip of a doctrine of demons. The fact that you can't see it tells me that it's a doctrine of demons and not just an innocent misunderstanding of scripture.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I'm NOT surprised that you do not know that the righteousness that we uphold by faith is the righteousness of the law summed up in "love your neighbor as yourself"

We are not righteous, or made righteous, based on "Loving our neighbor"...... but that should be the fruit of our Christianity.
"We are MADE RIGHTEOUS, not by our works, but according to God's mercy He saved us."


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You don't even know what being a legalist means. .

A legalist is a unbeliever, or a deceived believer.... who has "fallen from Grace".
In the case of You, its a deceived believer, who has no faith that Christ will Keep you saved, unless you do something to cause Him to keep you saved, is what you believe, and that is SELF SAVING, having no faith in Christ to keep you saved.
You dont understand that "born again" is beyond, yourself, and is in fact, All of God, and none of you.

You have not understood the difference between discipleship and salvation.

Bible Highlighter

Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2022
United States
Christ is perfect in me.
Im not.

Think of it like this.

"all things work together for good, for them that love God and are called according to his purpose".

See this verse.>?

So, lets say you are called to be in the ministry.
And you are in it for 30 yrs.
And God knew that during your 14th year, you are going to have a car wreck, and are going to be harmed, terribly.

Now, "all things work together for good".....

Including that Car wreck.......in your life.......as God will use this to make you better, more like Christ, and more useful.
How do you know? Its because you didnt die in the wreck.

So, the fact that GOD can create beauty from ashes, does not mean that the ashes are good.
Its not good that you were harmed in a car wreck.. .Maybe you broke your back. Maybe you lost a leg and an eye.
BUT, God will bring this situation, to a place, that has the end result of "working together for your good".

However, that does not mean that the situation is good., just like Christ on the Cross paying for our sin, does not mean that the Fall of the human race, that is the result of EVIL being here, is good.
its not.
Evil is not good. But God can overcome the evil, yet, to not have to, is the best of all.
Its certainly better to have no fall of adam, then it is for all the misery that has come to the world of humanity, because EVIL exists.

Is God more concerned for our spiritual well being or our physical well being?
I believe that even the car wreck (GOD forbid it happens to anyone here), is something that can work for good in a Christian’s life spiritually. This life is not our home. We are pilgrims just passing through in a strange land. Was not Job strengthened in his faith by his trials? But according to you… those bad things should not have happened because they are evil and woe that any evil happens in this life and we should be living in the sin free world of where Adam did not sin.

In fact, you act like things happen in life outside of God’s control. You act like God is not sovereign. BTW (By the way), I am not a Calvinist. I am strongly against all five points of Calvinism and have argued against Calvinists beliefs ad nauseam on many occasions at various different Christian forums.

Anyways, by your line of thinking here involving the car wreck, we could wrongfully conclude that the death of Jesus Christ upon the cross was a bad thing?

Why did GOD allow sinful men to crucify His Son to the cross to die for men’s sins? This is what your not getting. What looked like the end of the master according to the disciples was the greatest act in human history that we as believers rejoice in. It was not an accident that Jesus went to the cross. It was not an accident that Joseph’s brothers did evil against Joseph whereby God turned that evil around for a greater plan for good in the end. God permitted it for a greater plan for good. God can turn the darkness into light.

What Jesus did was glorious. When He died for us on the cross it showed the love of GOD because He is GOD. For GOD is love.

God can change a darkened heart to be brand new and alive again.

Do you not realize that when Christians are persecuted, they are sharing in the sufferings of Christ?

Paul says, “Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.” (2 Corinthians 12:10).

But by what you said so far (it gives me the impression that) you might say:
“Ah, this is horrible evil is happening to me. I wish I was in the world where Adam did not sin. This evil is so bad and this evil is not good for me. Bad, bad, bad, bad. Bad.” Aaahhh. Life is horrible. Evil Everywhere! I am miserable!” “Why did GOD do this to me?”



God’s people (Israel) was in slavery to Pharaoh. When they were set free from bondage of slavery they no doubt rejoiced in their freedom (when they were initially set free). What does the Israelite’s bondage to Pharaoh (slavery) symbolize? Their bondage to sin. So again, this proves that we should appreciate our freedom in Christ when we are set free from the bondage to sin. But you would not know about such freedom and glory in such freedom if GOD did not permit you to be in bondage in the first place. This again does not mean God condones bondage or evil or sin, etcetera. This does not mean we should do good that evil may come, either. No, no. Most certainly not. It merely means that there is a time and season of our lives that GOD permits for our growth in accepting Him and in loving Him. This is the reality of our sin filled universe we are living in now and not the “what if world of Adam whereby he did not sin.”

You act like God made a mistake by allowing evil to exist in our world.
He didn’t. GOD knows what He is doing.

This life is a test. Christ wants us to glory in Him and say…. Christ is all I need.
Whatever trials or tests we go through in life (that GOD knows we can be able to bear), He wants those things in life to draw us to Christ and His good ways. God is able to use the evil for a greater plan for good. God wants us to appreciate the good ways of the Lord vs. the old destructive ways of life we lived that was in darkness. That’s what your not getting. You think we cannot learn from our mistakes (Which either means you just arrived on planet earth or you have never learned from making a mistake before).
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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
I believe that even the car wreck (GOD forbid it happens to anyone here), is something that can work for good in a Christian’s life spiritually. .

I just wrote a post to you that explained exactly that "God works all things, together, for our GOOD"., that explained that fact., using the "car wreck" analogy.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
We are not righteous, or made righteous, based on "Loving our neighbor"...... but that should be the fruit of our Christianity.
"We are MADE RIGHTEOUS, not by our works, but according to God's mercy He saved us."
And it is a good thing when evil persuades us to walk in the righteousness we have received from God. The Bible says so.

Evil is to the believer what manure is to a fruit tree.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
A legalist is a unbeliever, or a deceived believer.... who has "fallen from Grace".
In the case of You, its a deceived believer, who has no faith that Christ will Keep you saved, unless you do something to cause Him to keep you saved, is what you believe, and that is SELF SAVING, having no faith in Christ to keep you saved.
You dont understand that "born again" is beyond, yourself, and is in fact, All of God, and none of you.

You have not understood the difference between discipleship and salvation.
Good grief! Why are you such a broken record!? Stay on point. I showed you where the Bible says evil is good. It's not good to do evil. It's good to be trained by it. Yet you insist it's not good.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
You just accused God of the Devil's work.
Ferris Bueller, I know that you never think before you post, but, really, you need to reconsider posting such a DECEIVERD HYPER CALVINIST= Insult into God's face, before you try it again, DECEIVER.
You just don't know the scriptures:

"16Behold, I have created the craftsman who fans the coals into flame and forges a weapon fit for its task; and I have created the destroyer to wreak havoc." Psalm 54:16

Who are you anyway? You boast of being an evangelist and a teacher. So post a link to your website or Facebook page. I'm really curious because you really are one of the most arrogant and annoying people I've ever talked to in the church.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
Whatever trials or tests we go through in life (that GOD knows we can be able to bear), He wants those things in life to draw us to Christ and His good ways.
Good ways?
Works salvation! Works salvation! LOL!
(He instantly sees 'works salvation' at the mere mention of actually obeying God in the righteousness we have been given.)
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
You think we cannot learn from our mistakes (Which either means you just arrived on planet earth or you have never learned from making a mistake before).
I think the problem is the Hypergrace/Freegrace movement that he belongs to is part of the prosperity gospel and bad things are categorically not accepted as being good in any way and are not part of the Spirit filled, abundant life. In those movements you're living in a lack of faith if you are suffering. As we're showing him, there's just too much scripture to show how false those movements are. I don't volunteer for bad things, but I'm old enough in the Lord to know they have been GOOD for me. Just as the Bible says.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
You just don't know the scriptures:

Who are you anyway? You boast of being an evangelist and a teacher. So post a link to your website or Facebook page. I'm really curious because you really are one of the most arrogant and annoying people I've ever talked to in the church.​

Keep in mind you are on My Thread.

Who am i?
i am the person who is talking to a person that says evil is good, and that God causes Evil.
I find your theology to be demonic, and i can promise you that your Cross Denying Legalism, and your accusations against God you just posted, are not just.... empty words.​