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Do you think there is anything positive about the Democratic Party?

  • Total voters

Scott Downey

Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2021
New Brunswick
It was Clinton who pushed for our manufacturing industry to be offshored such as to China, and us to then only be a service economy. So where will that leave us if we go to war with China in a few years like some US neocons and generals are talking about? We will have no goods, anything you buy and take for granted could be unavailable, even so people here have not thought thru the implications of a future war. Biden recently said they will slap hard sanctions on China if they support Russia. No what do you think that will do to the cost of everything you buy? Very inflationary, you think inflation bad today, it would skyrocket. AND what if the US dollar is no longer a world reserve currency? For trading oil and things. All those dollars will come flooding back home further diluting the value of our money. That is already now being done. US debt levels and spending are supported by all our worldwide trading partners, people preferred dollars but BRICS is making changes in that demand for US dollars. Most people in the US are going to be unprepared for a total collapse of their quality of life. Right now most US people cannot afford an unexpected $1000 expense. I just read US consumer DEBT is around 16 trillion dollars. These people will have nothing (actually quite a few have nothing already now) and neither are they happy, and I dont think they will be very happy in the future.
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
We have abandoned God, and so God has abandoned this nation. There is but a remnant of believers here, but the vast many of us have abandoned God, and we are under judgement because of that. These modern DemonKrats of today are the very judgement of God upon us. We as a nation may repent and seek God more, again, because people are seeing the judgement of God thru these heathen and godless DemonKrats. They themselves do not repent, but others are beginning to see them for who they are, and are beginning to open up to God to save them. So some are repenting and seeking God, but most are not. As a nation it appears we're done, but for the remnant we can hope.

God is listening, watching, giving the Nations of people what they ask for;
a Governing Master daddy Dictator...and do not be amiss, Gods Anger is Waxing hot and hotter.

God is listening, watching, guarding with His Armor, what the BLIND can not...

Remember they can and will....kill your body. However, “IF” you be Converted “IN”Christ, they can NOT claim your body, kill your soul or kill your spirit.

The urgency to Convert is always the same; Urgent. Daily, they have a new crisis, a new oppressive, devastating fix, a new dictation.

“IF” you be an Non-Converted Believer, HOPE, you are not tricked, feeling hopelessly obliged to fall for their anti-God Agenda, before your natural death.
The consequences are fearfully frightening, physically, mentally, spiritually.

Fashion of the Day is the Armor of God, speak the Truth and Trust God will comfort your wounds.

God appeared at the Mountain top of the Earth...
And gave His Word to His People.
From there forward man-KIND has been on the downward slide.
Be Vigilant, Be Prepared.
Democrat, Republican, Catholic, Protestant, Muslim, blah, blah, blah, is irrelevant in Gods Vocabulary.
The Lamb Shall appear at the Mountain top of the Earth...
And once Again give His Word to His People.
Gods Anger Waxing hot, His Wrath revealed.
The Divided shall be Separated...With and Without Him.

Your most important ELECTION ever...urgently NOW to choose.
No slacking. You must Choose WITH Him. Failure, to choose WITH Him;
is automatic WITHOUT Him.
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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
We have abandoned God, and so God has abandoned this nation. There is but a remnant of believers here, but the vast many of us have abandoned God, and we are under judgement because of that. These modern DemonKrats of today are the very judgement of God upon us. We as a nation may repent and seek God more, again, because people are seeing the judgement of God thru these heathen and godless DemonKrats. They themselves do not repent, but others are beginning to see them for who they are, and are beginning to open up to God to save them. So some are repenting and seeking God, but most are not. As a nation it appears we're done, but for the remnant we can hope.

This is total nonsense! God has not "abandoned this nation"! Why do you believe something so false! Has Satan been whispering in your ear?

There is not "but a remnant of believers here". Saying "the vast many of us have abandoned God" is nonsense. (And by "us", do you include yourself?) There are approximately 200,000,000 Christians in the US.

There is no such group is the "DemonKrats". Are you illiterate, misinformed, or just prey to silly propaganda? I, for one, am a Democrat and am neither heathen nor Godless.

You're obviously unaware that in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, we are instructed to love our neighbor as ourself. Why not get off your absurd "soapbox" and follow God's teachings?
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
This is total nonsense! God has not "abandoned this nation"! Why do you believe something so false! Has Satan been whispering in your ear?

There is not "but a remnant of believers here". Saying "the vast many of us have abandoned God" is nonsense. (And by "us", do you include yourself?) There are approximately 200,000,000 Christians in the US.

There is no such group is the "DemonKrats". Are you illiterate, misinformed, or just prey to silly propaganda? I, for one, am a Democrat and am neither heathen nor Godless.

You're obviously unaware that in both the Old Testament and the New Testament, we are instructed to love our neighbor as ourself. Why not get off your absurd "soapbox" and follow God's teachings?
You are a complete nonsensical fool. Of course God has abandoned this nation, because this nation has abandoned God, And Abortion by the way is Murder which apparently you can't figure out either. So your nonsensical answers are obvious to me, and I'm sure to many others you are no Christian at all.

Pastor John MacArthur demonstrates, if you bother to watch his sermon, how Romans shows that God has abandoned America. But you are too thick headed, and not spiritually discerning at all, to even figure out what that means. To be judicially abandoned, and thus being given over to their own depravity, is also a gift to show the lost why they need to repent, and seek God. And in being abandoned, and having our protective hedge removed, for all to whom it appliers, does indeed witness to them, how they need to repent, because their depravity is a witness to how and why they need to repent.

And being given over to their own lusts and depravity brings further judgement upon them as well, to likewise contrast what else Romans teaches that all understand God, and God's witness, but choose to abandon God, rather than repent, and is why all are without excuse for doing so.

Why else, in the spirit, did Paul write Rom 1:18-23? Or why again did Paul write Romans 1:24-32, all of which specifically teaches when and why God judges and abandones peoples, and nations.

Abandonment is both judgement, and a partial hardening by God, to give people over to such judgement, in those partial hardenings, to witness to them, and their reason, and conscious, in their minds, hearts, and souls, so that they may indeed be willing to lrearn and repent.

Even in Revelation, it explains how those who refuse to repent, when it's wraths are poured upon them, is so that it witnesses to them they are wrong, and are not their own gods, and need to repent, and seek God after all, if they are so willing. Or do you not understand this from the book of Revelation either? Do you not understand God's wrath, is further witness to them, on how they need to repent, but choose not too?

Why can't you understand, or explain Rom 1:18-23, ans 1:24-32? Or why God would have Paul write and teach such? And to abandon a nation as Pastor John MacArthur explains, is for the sake of the lost, so that they might see, and repent? God is not abandoning the Saved, because even if the nation is destroyed, the saved are still saved.

****Why do you accuse me of allowing Satan to "whisper in my ear," and thus serve Satan, willingly, or otherwise thru deception, when it is you instead who demonstrate you are the one who is not a Christian for having no understanding of scripture whatsoever? You clearly do not understand Romans 1: or Revelation, etc.., etc.., etc..,

Judgement, wrath, abandonment, etc.., all offer the
opportunity for the depraved lost to repent, which they lone are responsible for not doing so. And in the end God knows everyone's heart, mind, and soul, their reasoning, and conscious, or lack thereof, because in the end we all die. Or do you likewise not believe God can sort out the Chaff from the Wheat as well?

You are clearly lost, and are the one who listens to more than the whispers of Satan, and more, so please stop talking to me. I don't like talking to Fake Christians, such as yourself.




Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
No, you are the one who is pure nonsense, and who teaches nothing but pure nonsense. There are not, nor has there ever been 200 million Christians in the USA. That is nonsense, and is simply crazy. There has always been such a high number, including all the Liberals, who falsely claimed to be so, but who never were. And statistically, as they can not abide such a lie, are now even greatly changing that false claim. It used to be that 90% claimed to be Christian, but now in 2021 only 63% made such a claim, and that percentage continues to swiftly decline, - These high numbers of so called professions were never true, and modern Democrats are so evil I doubt any real Christians still exist amongst their false professions indeed.

Every single Democratic politician in Washington D.C. up until today, have all been pure evil, every single one. The DemonKrats are the birth pains of the great tribulation, demonic party of the Great Harlot, and the one worldism of the coming reign of the Antichrist, under the guise of Marxism, Progressivism, Woke, NWO, etc.,

And there have been many such republican Antichrists as well, such as Teddy Roosevelt who created the first progressivism, and wanted the first one world governing body. Woodrow Wilson created the Federal Reserve in 1913, and thus brought us out of our National Bank Note system, and into our new Federal Reserve Note system. And it was in 1935 that FDR gave us our first great seal based $1 dollar bill with the pyramid, and great eye, secretly symbolising the Antichrist's one worldism NWO.

The Modern DemonKrats all serve the Great Harlot, rather than Christ and Christianity.

I know and love God's OT and NT both, and modern DemonKrats have nothing to do with either in truth. And everyone here who posts against the DemonKrats likewise know so as well.

Jesus Christ, summed up the entire law, in two new commandments instead with the dialogue that went with such, first in MK 12:28-34, and then again in MT 22:35-40, and LK 10:25-37 ....And in the two commandments that now sum up the entire law, first and foremost is to love the Lord your God with all of your mind, heart, soul, and strength .......So in other words you are to love God with all you have, and with all that you are .....And only then can you love your neighbor as yourself, after accepting God, and loving God with all you are, and thus as Jesus and the NT teach to Abide in Christ, and not of legalism of the OT law, but as James said, the law of liberty, and abides in it, or the new understanding of the law in God, and Christ, in all the love you have for God, and not of works lest any man should boast.

You are to love God, in the perfection and righteousness of God, before you can love your neighbor, ...And Abortion is Murder, and you are not loving and abiding in God, and promoting Abortion, etc.., Liberals and Democrats are lying to themselves, Abortion is not loving God, and therefore yourself as you love God, because you do not love God in supporting Abortion, and therefore are incapable of loving your neighbors in truth either.

All the Demoncrats in Washington D.C., all of them, are evil and vile haters, and don't even live up to your fake professions, and fake tests, and only mock the truth with your lies.

And just like OT Israel where only remnant ws ever faithful and true, so likewise with all of the fake and false professing Christians in America, only about 9% or less ever profess to living a Biblical lifestyle - nd so again it is only a mere remnant that demonstrates any pretense of actual truth at all.

Never allow a lying liberal and or DemonKrat to try and school you on anything at all.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
We have abandoned God, and so God has abandoned this nation. There is but a remnant of believers here, but the vast many of us have abandoned God, and we are under judgement because of that. These modern DemonKrats of today are the very judgement of God upon us. We as a nation may repent and seek God more, again, because people are seeing the judgement of God thru these heathen and godless DemonKrats. They themselves do not repent, but others are beginning to see them for who they are, and are beginning to open up to God to save them. So some are repenting and seeking God, but most are not. As a nation it appears we're done, but for the remnant we can hope.

Brother, I used to be SO PROUD of America, I hung a flag in my room and everything growing up.

But nowadays...looking at the ungodliness of everything...at how much leftist ideology has overtaken our mainstream society and culture, sometimes, I admit, I wonder to myself...

WHY? Why should I be proud to be part of a country whose people have largely turned from God's timeless and eternal laws? And things don't seem to be changing for the better any time soon...it's almost like fighting a losing battle.

Even 30 years ago, Democrats and Republicans could calmly sit down and talk like ordinary human beings, discuss their differences civilly...now everything today is filled with toxic hatred and division, inside AND out.

I miss the older America, my friends...when people still revered God's laws and still respected the principles of family and faith. :(

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
WHY? Why should I be proud to be part of a country whose people have largely turned from God's timeless and eternal laws? And things don't seem to be changing for the better any time soon...it's almost like fighting a losing battle.
This country God provided us with, enough room to keep faith alive until his return. This country with all it's faults and mistakes carrying through time all scripture.
But we know this is only temporary and we are just passing through.
The old world is fading away and we mourn it's passing. But turn the other way and you can see that which is coming.
An Everlasting Kingdom ready to usher in peace and joy. The transition isn't easy.
God gave his people a place in the wilderness to be nourished for a time. Time on God's calendar not ours.
When a woman is going to have a baby, usually the doctor can give you a rough estimate of the dates when you are due.
Most babies do not come into this world with an exact day or hour. Some are early and some are late.
I was thinking about "like a thief in the night"
what exactly is being stolen?
And stolen from who?

Is whatever it is being stolen or redeemed?

When a new child is born your whole life is uprooted and replanted. Your old ways have been stolen suddenly from you. In a moment of time everything changes.

The greatest battle we are in is keeping faith alive.
Keeping hope alive.
It is the only light this world has and needs.

So many countries in the world living without faith or hope. That's why they are drawn here.
Like fish in Peter's net.
This may be the only place left on earth before the Lord comes that even has a little light left in it.

Don't let your lamp run out of oil.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
I know and understand that over 90% of the Christians on this forum seem to be conservative-leaning and strongly favor the Republicans in lots of different issues and stances.

And yet, even so, do you guys not think there is ANYTHING positive for example, about the other side, about the Democrats? I disagree with Democrats on certain things such as abortions and drugs, which I believe are against Christian values and principles. And I also find their constant culture war obsessions and identity politics over race and gender and outer apperance, to be very immature and tiresome from a higher perspective.

I personally think that universal healthcare is something admirable, the Bible does seem to have any real stance on things like this. And for example, other democratic Western countries, including Canada, Israel, Australia, and most of Europe, seem to have such a system, and they seem to be functionally fairly well. Not saying that America should adopt this system immediately, but perhaps America should at least try to experiment with this in the future.

What about you guys? Are there any "redeeming" values, so to speak, that you might respect and admire from the Democrats?

Let's revist one of the comments .....Have you ever been in the military?

The health problems I suffer from now are the direct result of "Universal Healthcare" The military and the VA are prime examples of why you don't want the government involved in health care ......Look at Canada ....their system is collapsing. Only so much money before healthcare becomes "first come first and only served."
My sales territory served all of Canada. So I've been all over the country. All of my Reps, each making far more than 150,000 a year, had a US Health Insurance Plan and were willing to go into the US and get healthcare if necesaary ....
My Grand mother had an aneurism. UAB in Birmingham could not find a surgeon to operate. There was not one in the USA ....Everyone pointed to a small hospital in a small city in Canada with the greatest brain sugeon known. My Granfather paid for the Air Ambulance, paid for the surgery ......she lived over 40 more years. They didn't serve the Canadian Public ...No government money .....There is good and bad in everything ....

But everytime I listen to these liberals who profess to be Christians ....What part of Romans do they not understand?
Condone sin and you've committed a greater sin ....paraphrasing a lot obviously .....
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Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
Brother, I used to be SO PROUD of America, I hung a flag in my room and everything growing up.

But nowadays...looking at the ungodliness of everything...at how much leftist ideology has overtaken our mainstream society and culture, sometimes, I admit, I wonder to myself...

WHY? Why should I be proud to be part of a country whose people have largely turned from God's timeless and eternal laws? And things don't seem to be changing for the better any time soon...it's almost like fighting a losing battle.

Even 30 years ago, Democrats and Republicans could calmly sit down and talk like ordinary human beings, discuss their differences civilly...now everything today is filled with toxic hatred and division, inside AND out.

I miss the older America, my friends...when people still revered God's laws and still respected the principles of family and faith. :(

By that, do you mean klan acitivity, the Mafia, Watergate, Joe McCarthy, or ..?
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Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
"Do you think there is anything positive about the Democratic Party?"

Absolutely! They're not in Hell yet. Some may get saved.
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
By that, do you mean klan acitivity, the Mafia, Watergate, Joe McCarthy, or ..?
Another ClownCar DemonKrat response, lol. I wouldn't have expected anything less.

First of all it was the DemonKrats who gave us the KKK, hence I spell their name with a K

Secondly, unfortunately Liberalism has always been a part of the USA, even when it was founded upon conservative Christian liberalism. Most of our founding fathers were Christians, but a prominent few Deists instead, and the ugliness of Liberalism was allowed to flourish, and slowly grow over time, due to the Deists we had. George Washington was one of the conservative Christians, who unfortunately was a Freemason too. They all mainly were, as they saw it as good, and a way to connect with others. And George Washington thus did not believe in the Masonic Conspiracies that many did believe in. But Washington instead did believe in the Illuminati Conspiracy. He was not blind, but was misguided to trust them. And after his death, the Freemasons have done all they could to try and paint Washington as the Pagan they indeed are themselves.

McCarthy was proven correct, when FOIA document declassifications proved he was. But unfortunately for him, in being so correct, he got a little paranoid over it. But he wasn't wrong about deep state communism, because Karl Marx was a Satanist, bent on the destruction of the world, as he wrote in his poetry, prose, and plays, etc.., And all communism is, is a front for Satan, and Satan's attempt for one world rule.

As for Watergate, because of Demonic Liberalism, the USA has always been under the judgement of God, to give us room to repent. Nixon was upset over the leaks of classified information, and Watergate started out, and mutated from efforts to stop the leaks, but Nixon was under judgement, and for God's punishment, Watergate evolved out of such initial concerns. Nixon had a prominent Psychic he consulted, and he wasn't the only president to do so. Nixon Was An Affront, And An Insult To God, And God Made Sure Nixon Got What Was Coming To Him - But How Does That Make DemonKrats Correct?

As For Liberalism, The Grandparent Of Modern DemonKrats - in the early and mid 1800's Spiritism, and allegedly talking to and with the dead ( which is nothing more than false and highly demonic necromancy, ) was very popular in the USA and the allegedly intellectual west, because there is nothing intellectual whatsoever about Spiritism. And as a result of the Demonic West so blatantly abandoning God as suh, with the Satanisms of Darwin and Marx, etc..,

The Demonic Phenomena Of Darwin, and Marx, etc.., etc.., etc.., were the judgements of God upon the Demonic Pseudo-Spiritual Spiritualist and thus Necromantic West. The West long began to abandon God by the 1800's, and were subsequently judged and punished for such, for the opportunity to repent, because of worsening judgements, and instead we keep doubling down on our evils, leading to the judgement in the form of the modern DemonKrats - DemonKrats Are The Zombie Apocalypse.

But I wouldn't expect a DemonKrat to get that. Judgement, has come, and will continue to come, thru both Republicans, and DemonKrats, but only a DemonKrst can only see the wrong when a Republican is used by God as a vehicle of judgement, because the Evil DemonKrats think they walk on water, while all the while their heads spin 360 degrees around, while they spew pea soup.

Q: Do you know what the difference between a DemonKrat and a Zombie? A: DemonKrats have no interest in Brains, lol


Well-Known Member
Aug 7, 2021
Birmingham, Al
United States
By that, do you mean klan acitivity, the Mafia, Watergate, Joe McCarthy, or ..?

Why not?

Biden is in Selma today to walk across the bridge on Bloody Sunday .....wearing his Byrd Hoodie ....A White Pillow Case ...the last Grand Wizard of the Senate .....Good Ole Democrats ....never let go of the cause .....
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Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
Why not?

Biden is in Selma today to walk across the bridge on Bloody Sunday .....wearing his Byrd Hoodie ....A White Pillow Case ...the last Grand Wizard of the Senate .....Good Ole Democrats ....never let go of the cause .....
We have to be careful to not pick on Jill and Josephine Biden, being the first lesbian couple in the White House, or the Woke Clowns and overall DemonKrats might get angry with us, and try and cancel us, lol

And likewise, while I don't like Mitt Romney, I would rather be Mitt Romney's dog, who took an accidental ride on the roof of his car, than Obama's dog, which Obama ate :/





Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I don't believe either "party" is great.
(Trump Alert)
I feel there are some good people on both sides.
The older ones have no bite anymore. They don't have the strength to keep the younger generation in check.
A lot of them are having health issues. This generation is passing away.
Now we have the Majorie Greens and the AOC's .
Both sides scare me. As far as having any confidence in their leadership to protect and defend the people with true justice for all is negligable.
This younger generation I don't believe are as interested in the "power" and the "money" like the older ones are.
They want social change. And tradition. And these two are in conflict with each other.
You can't keep tradition and change the course of tradition at the same time.
I don't think the younger ones know what they want. They just want things to have some form of normalcy. But they are unwilling to work it out together.
These are the some good people on both sides.
Then you have the Totalitarian Communist Marxist who want domination and control over every aspect of your life regardless of the cost to society.
Both sides have these. And they are dangerous. These attack the very principles and moral values of a civilization.
They believe that they are gods and have the authority over all people.
They follow Satan. There are a lot of satanist in our government and governments around the world.
Although most of these are outliers like NGO's or NFP's. Non-Governmental Organisations and Not For Profit Organisations.
A lot of these are just fronts for laundering money and women and children.
They look pretty on the outside but inside are full of dead man's bones.

I don't believe there is hope for either "party" , however I do have hope that those some good on both sides will get the strength they need to slow the tide. There are a few good christian minded people in there fighting for this country against a tide of greedy ogilarchs and very sick minded people. They are few, but God doesn't need many. Jesus used 12 disciples to change the course of the world.
We can't depend on government to save us. Only this nation's repentance and a full return to God will.
Keep prraying for the world and all the little lamps flickering holding onto the light.
Only the Truth will set us free.



Active Member
Nov 16, 2022
United States
It's not the parties that matter, it's the godless world we live in. God makes sure the political parties reflect either the protections, or judgements the populace deserve. And we the people are more evil than good, by far, as a whole, and thus we deserve these evil politicians. And therefore, the younger ones, or newer generation of politicians if you prefer, are far more evil than the older generation, with the exception of the Biden's of the world, because Biden drips nothing but pure evil. Biden has been pure evil his entire life, and all this warm and fuzzy sweet Uncle Joe has always been pure crap, for those dumb enough to believe Biden has been anything but pure evil his entire life. AOC could give Biden a run for his money on evil, but it isn't easy to find many as evil as Biden is.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Land of the free....the problem with that....free to love God....free to hate God. Free to raise a family....free to kill babies. Free to be law abiding.....free to be a criminal. Free to do good.....free to do evil.

What kept things on an even keel was our culture that loved God and country and had respect for themselves and others and knew what honorable was. What we have now is a push to cancel our culture and a desire for lawlessness, drugs, atheism, chaos, and anarchy.

I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. Thomas Jefferson

A revolution started this country.....time for another. It time to take our country back
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Don't expect the government to throw itself off though.
They make too much money and have too much power to willingly change the guards.
They want to take away our guns and keep us defenceless. But they have the military. And a whole bunch of underlings willing to keep them in power.
It has to come from individuals. The only way to change direction is for the people to have a change of heart.
We need a revolution indeed. One based on Truth and Faith.
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Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
"But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

Land of the free....the problem with that....free to love God....free to hate God. Free to raise a family....free to kill babies. Free to be law abiding.....free to be a criminal. Free to do good.....free to do evil.

What kept things on an even keel was our culture that loved God and country and had respect for themselves and others and knew what honorable was. What we have now is a push to cancel our culture and a desire for lawlessness, drugs, atheism, chaos, and anarchy.

I hold it that a little rebellion now and then is a good thing, and as necessary in the political world as storms in the physical. Thomas Jefferson

A revolution started this country.....time for another. It time to take our country back

And this is, I think, the sensitive tipping point.

Millions of Americans are NOT satisfied with their current society and government, with all the messy and complicated problems facing their lives and families. But what are to do, other than perhaps pray? My heart is sick of the death and violence we read on the news every week, it deeply saddens me that humanity has not outgrown these conflicts.

I think the best way would be to somehow reform our government, reduce the power of lobbyists and corporations in elections, perhaps even introduce new parties other than Democrats and Republicans to help find some middle ground between the political extremes, etc.

I also think some kind of "revolution" is perhaps needed. But reading history, some revolutions do much more harm than good, for example, China and Russia's Communist / Marxist revolutions which destroyed their old establishments but made something far, far worse that pushed the world to the brink of nuclear war for decades on end. (Mao and Stalin together killed perhaps 100 million innocent people or more.) Or even the Iranians who successfully overthrew their pro-American shah and established a fanatical theocracy which even most Iranians today, both inside and outside Iran, hate a lot. :(

My point is that I think we should strive for a peaceful, perhaps a spiritual revolution of sorts. Kind of like Jesus Christ did, long ago.